Attachment #589436 | |||||
tslib-1.20.ebuild | text/plain | 2019-09-08 09:56:26 UTC | 1.03 KB | no flags | Details |
Attachment #589438 | |||||
metadata.xml | text/plain | 2019-09-08 09:57:02 UTC | 1.60 KB | no flags | Details |
Attachment #589440 | |||||
Manifest | text/plain | 2019-09-08 09:57:22 UTC | 902 bytes | no flags | Details |
Attachment #589442 | |||||
build logs for tslib-1.20 | application/gzip | 2019-09-08 10:05:31 UTC | 13.96 KB | no flags | Details |
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