Attachment #208488 | |||||
cronie-1.4.1.ebuild with anacron use flag | text/plain | 2009-10-28 08:51:29 UTC | 1.27 KB | no flags | Details |
Attachment #208489 | |||||
cronie-1.4.1.ebuild with anacron use flag - install examples and cron.d script | text/plain | 2009-10-28 09:21:52 UTC | 1.44 KB | no flags | Details |
Attachment #208557 | |||||
cronie-1.4.1.ebuild with correct setup of anacron (added init script, spool dir setup) | text/plain | 2009-10-28 17:11:10 UTC | 1.62 KB | no flags | Details |
Attachment #208558 | |||||
files/anacron-1.4.1-initd (anacron init script) | text/plain | 2009-10-28 17:11:42 UTC | 353 bytes | no flags | Details |