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Gentoo's Bugzilla – Attachment 98561 Details for
Bug 149782
Problems with coreutils-5.94 and glibc-2.4 with catalyst snapcache
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catalyst.txt (text/plain), 9.14 KB, created by
Michael Zanetta
on 2006-10-01 15:14:20 UTC
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Michael Zanetta
2006-10-01 15:14:20 UTC
9.14 KB
>atlas specs # catalyst -f livecd-stage1_template.spec >Gentoo Catalyst, version 2.0 >Copyright 2003-2005 The Gentoo Foundation >Distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 > >Using default Catalyst configuration file, /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf >Setting sharedir to config file value "/usr/lib/catalyst" >Setting snapshot_cache to default value "/var/tmp/catalyst/snapshot_cache" >Setting hash_function to config file value "crc32" >Setting storedir to config file value "/var/tmp/catalyst" >Setting portdir to default value "/usr/portage" >Setting distdir to config file value "/usr/portage/distfiles" >Setting options to config file value "autoresume ccache kerncache pkgcache seedcache snapcache" >Compiler cache support enabled. >Package cache support enabled. >Snapshot cache support enabled. >Seed cache support enabled. >Kernel cache support enabled. >Autoresuming support enabled. >Envscript support enabled. >Using target: livecd-stage1 >Building natively for x86 >Source path set to /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-i686-2006.2/ > If this is not desired, remove this directory or turn of seedcache in the options of catalyst.conf > the source path with then be /var/tmp/catalyst/builds/default/stage3-i686-2006.2.tar.bz2 > >Caching snapshot to /var/tmp/catalyst/snapshot_cache/2006.2/ >The autoresume path is /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/.autoresume-livecd-stage1-i686-2006.2/ >portage_overlay directories are set to: "/usr/local/portage" >Location of the package cache is /var/tmp/catalyst/packages/default/livecd-stage1-i686-2006.2/ >Location of the kerncache is /var/tmp/catalyst/kerncache/default/livecd-stage1-i686-2006.2/ >Checking for processes running in chroot and killing them. >Running action sequence: unpack >Resume point detected, skipping unpack operation... >Running action sequence: unpack_snapshot >Valid snapshot cache, skipping unpack of portage tree ... >Running action sequence: config_profile_link >Resume point detected, skipping config_profile_link operation... >Running action sequence: setup_confdir >Resume point detected, skipping setup_confdir operation... >Running action sequence: portage_overlay >Copying overlay dir /usr/local/portage >Running action sequence: bind >Running action sequence: chroot_setup >Resume point detected, skipping chroot_setup operation... >Running action sequence: setup_environment >Running action sequence: build_packages >copying livecd-stage1-chroot.sh to /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/livecd-stage1-i686-2006.2/tmp/ >copying chroot-functions.sh to /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/livecd-stage1-i686-2006.2/tmp/ >Running livecd-stage1-chroot.sh in chroot /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/default/livecd-stage1-i686-2006.2/ >>>> Regenerating /etc/ld.so.cache... >Calculating dependencies... done! > >>>> Emerging (1 of 1) dev-util/ccache-2.3 to / >>>> Extracting info >>>> Extracting ccache-2.3 >>>> Merging dev-util/ccache-2.3 to / >--- /usr/ >--- /usr/bin/ >>>> /usr/bin/ccache-config >>>> /usr/bin/ccache >--- /usr/lib/ >--- /usr/lib/ccache/ >--- /usr/lib/ccache/bin/ >>>> /usr/lib/ccache/bin/.keep_dev-util_ccache-0 >--- /usr/share/ >--- /usr/share/doc/ >--- /usr/share/doc/ccache-2.3/ >--- /usr/share/doc/ccache-2.3/html/ >>>> /usr/share/doc/ccache-2.3/html/index.html >>>> /usr/share/doc/ccache-2.3/html/ccache-man.html >>>> /usr/share/doc/ccache-2.3/README.gz >--- /usr/share/man/ >--- /usr/share/man/man1/ >>>> /usr/share/man/man1/ccache.1.gz >--- /root/ >--- /root/.ccache/ >>>> /root/.ccache/.keep_dev-util_ccache-0 >>>> Safely unmerging already-installed instance... >--- !mtime obj /usr/share/man/man1/ccache.1.gz >--- !mtime obj /usr/share/doc/ccache-2.3/html/index.html >--- !mtime obj /usr/share/doc/ccache-2.3/html/ccache-man.html >--- !mtime obj /usr/share/doc/ccache-2.3/README.gz >--- !mtime obj /usr/lib/ccache/bin/.keep_dev-util_ccache-0 >--- !mtime obj /usr/bin/ccache-config >--- !mtime obj /usr/bin/ccache >--- !mtime obj /root/.ccache/.keep_dev-util_ccache-0 >--- !empty dir /usr/share/man/man1 >--- !empty dir /usr/share/man >--- !empty dir /usr/share/doc/ccache-2.3/html >--- !empty dir /usr/share/doc/ccache-2.3 >--- !empty dir /usr/share/doc >--- !empty dir /usr/share >--- !empty dir /usr/lib/ccache/bin >--- !empty dir /usr/lib/ccache >--- !empty dir /usr/lib >--- !empty dir /usr/bin >--- !empty dir /usr >--- !empty dir /root/.ccache >--- !empty dir /root >>>> Regenerating /etc/ld.so.cache... >>>> Original instance of package unmerged safely. > * Scanning for compiler front-ends... >Creating ccache shadow link: /usr/lib/ccache/bin/gcc... >Creating ccache shadow link: /usr/lib/ccache/bin/cc... >Creating ccache shadow link: /usr/lib/ccache/bin/c++... >Creating ccache shadow link: /usr/lib/ccache/bin/g++... >Creating ccache shadow link: /usr/lib/ccache/bin/i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc... >Creating ccache shadow link: /usr/lib/ccache/bin/i686-pc-linux-gnu-c++... >Creating ccache shadow link: /usr/lib/ccache/bin/i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++... > * To use ccache with **non-Portage** C compiling, add > * /usr/lib/ccache/bin to the beginning of your path, before /usr/bin. > * Portage 2.0.46-r11+ will automatically take advantage of ccache with > * no additional steps. If this is your first install of ccache, type > * something like this to set a maximum cache size of 2GB: > * # ccache -M 2G >>>> Regenerating /etc/ld.so.cache... >>>> dev-util/ccache-2.3 merged. > >>>> No packages selected for removal by clean. > >>>> Auto-cleaning packages... > >>>> No outdated packages were found on your system. > > > * GNU info directory index is up-to-date. > >Portage Autoresume point found not emerging portage >emerge --quiet --usepkg --buildpkg --newuse app-admin/gamin app-admin/localepurge app-admin/syslog-ng app-arch/gzip app-crypt/chntpw app-crypt/plaintoo app-editors/hexedit app-editors/mp app-editors/nano app-forensics/cmospwd app-fuzz/bss app-misc/emelfm app-misc/examine app-misc/livecd-tools app-mobilephone/obexftp app-portage/gentoolkit app-text/dos2unix dev-db/edb dev-libs/eet dev-libs/embryo dev-libs/engrave dev-libs/libxslt dev-libs/openobex dev-perl/gtk-perl dev-python/pygtk dev-util/dialog dev-util/e_utils dev-util/subversion media-gfx/entice media-gfx/scrot media-libs/edje media-libs/epeg media-libs/epsilon media-libs/imlib2 media-plugins/xmms-liveice media-sound/alsa-utils media-sound/sox media-sound/xmms net-analyzer/amap net-analyzer/arpwatch net-analyzer/dsniff net-analyzer/wireshark net-analyzer/ettercap net-analyzer/hping net-analyzer/ike-scan net-analyzer/macchanger =net-analyzer/metasploit-2.6 net-analyzer/nbtscan net-analyzer/nessus net-analyzer/netcat net-analyzer/nikto net-analyzer/nmap net-analyzer/p0f net-analyzer/thcrut net-analyzer/traceroute net-analyzer/xprobe net-analyzer/yersinia net-dialup/minicom net-dns/bind-tools net-firewall/firehol net-firewall/iptables net-ftp/ftp net-ftp/oftpd net-im/gaim net-irc/irssi net-irc/xchat net-misc/dhcpcd net-misc/ipsorcery net-misc/rdesktop net-misc/telnet-bsd net-wireless/aircrack-ng net-wireless/airsnort net-wireless/bluez-firmware net-wireless/bluez-libs net-wireless/bluez-utils net-wireless/btscanner net-wireless/hostapd net-wireless/hostap-utils net-wireless/ipw3945d net-wireless/wifi-radar net-wireless/wifitap net-wireless/wireless-tools sys-apps/baselayout sys-apps/coldplug sys-apps/eject sys-apps/hwdata-gentoo sys-apps/hwsetup sys-apps/iproute2 sys-apps/less sys-apps/parted sys-apps/pciutils sys-apps/portage sys-apps/slocate sys-block/disktype sys-block/gparted sys-boot/grub sys-boot/syslinux sys-devel/gettext sys-fs/jfsutils sys-fs/reiserfsprogs sys-fs/reiser4progs sys-fs/squashfs-tools sys-fs/udev sys-libs/gpm sys-libs/libkudzu sys-power/acpid www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin x11-base/xorg-x11 x11-libs/ecore x11-libs/esmart x11-libs/evas x11-libs/ewl x11-libs/gtk+ x11-misc/xdialog x11-terms/eterm x11-terms/xterm x11-wm/e app-misc/livecd-tools >>>> --newuse implies --update... adding --update to options. > >>>> Emerging (1 of 243) dev-db/edb-9999 to / > * This is a LIVE CVS ebuild. > * That means there are NO promises it will work. > * If it fails to build, FIX THE CODE YOURSELF > * before reporting any issues. > * Fetching CVS module e17/libs/edb into /usr/portage/distfiles/cvs-src ... >/bin/pwd: couldn't find directory entry in `../../..' with matching i-node > * Running cvs -q -f -z4 -d ":pserver:anonymous:@anoncvs.enlightenment.org:/var/cvs/e" login >cvs [login aborted]: cannot get working directory: No such file or directory > >!!! ERROR: dev-db/edb-9999 failed. >Call stack: > ebuild.sh, line 1546: Called dyn_unpack > ebuild.sh, line 708: Called src_unpack > ebuild.sh, line 1255: Called cvs_src_unpack > cvs.eclass, line 505: Called cvs_fetch > cvs.eclass, line 334: Called die > >!!! cvs login command failed >!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant. > > >!!! catalyst: Error in attempt to build packages > > >Traceback (most recent call last): > File "modules/generic_stage_target.py", line 1152, in build_packages > " build_packages "+mypack,"Error in attempt to build packages",env=self.env) > File "/usr/lib/catalyst/modules/catalyst_support.py", line 487, in cmd > raise CatalystError,myexc >CatalystError: <unprintable instance object> >None > >!!! catalyst: livecdbuild aborting due to error. > > >Catalyst aborting....
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bug 149782
: 98561 |