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Bug 142286
gaim-2.0.0_beta3-r1 segfaults when mouse leaves chat window
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backtrace and debug output from gaim
gaimfault (text/plain), 51.58 KB, created by
Manu Eder
on 2006-07-31 15:48:37 UTC
backtrace and debug output from gaim
MIME Type:
Manu Eder
2006-07-31 15:48:37 UTC
51.58 KB
>GNU gdb 6.4 >Copyright 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. >GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are >welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. >Type "show copying" to see the conditions. >There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details. >This GDB was configured as "i686-pc-linux-gnu"...(no debugging symbols found) >Using host libthread_db library "/lib/libthread_db.so.1". > >(gdb) handle SIGPIPE nostop >Signal Stop Print Pass to program Description >SIGPIPE No Yes Yes Broken pipe >(gdb) run >Starting program: /usr/bin/gaim >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >(no debugging symbols found) >[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] >[New Thread -1219183968 (LWP 13299)] >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/docklet.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/extplacement.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/gaimrc.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/gestures.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/gevolution.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/history.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/iconaway.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/idle.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libgaimperl.so >plugins: /usr/lib/gaim/libgaimperl.so is not usable because the 'gaim_init_plugin' symbol could not be found. Does the plugin call the GAIM_INIT_PLUGIN() macro? >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libirc.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libjabber.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libmsn.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libnovell.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/liboscar.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libsimple.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libyahoo.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/libzephyr.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/notify.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/perl.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/psychic.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/relnot.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/spellchk.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/ssl-gnutls.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/ssl-nss.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/ssl.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/statenotify.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/ticker.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/timestamp.so >plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/timestamp_format.so >util: Reading file accounts.xml from directory /home/manu/.gaim >util: Reading file status.xml from directory /home/manu/.gaim >stun: using server >stun: using server >util: Reading file blist.xml from directory /home/manu/.gaim >prefs: Reading /home/manu/.gaim/prefs.xml >prefs: Finished reading /home/manu/.gaim/prefs.xml >plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/gaim/statenotify.so >plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/gaim/history.so >plugins: Unable to find saved plugin /usr/lib/gaim/autorecon.so >plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/gaim/docklet.so >docklet: plugin loaded >gtkblist: added visibility manager: 1 >tray icon: created >plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/gaim/notify.so >pounce: Creating pounce: gtk-gaim, 277735499 >Session Management: No SESSION_MANAGER found, aborting. >account: Connecting to account 209008355 >account: Connecting to account ullum__@eml.cc >gaim_url_fetch: requested to fetch (, full=1, user_agent=((null)), http11=1 >dns: Debugger detected, performing useless query... >dns: Created new DNS child 13302, there are now 1 children. >dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 13302 >tray icon: embedded >dns: Got response for '' >proxy: Connecting to with no proxy >proxy: Connect would have blocked. >proxy: Connected. >gaim_url_fetch: Request: 'GET /x_internetgatewaydevice.xml HTTP/1.1 >Connection: close >Host: > >' >gaim_url_fetch: Response headers: 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK >Pragma: no-cache >Content-Type: application/octet-stream > >' >gaim_url_fetch: requested to fetch (, full=0, user_agent=((null)), http11=1 >dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 13302 >dns: Created new DNS child 13303, there are now 2 children. >dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 13303 >dns: Got response for '' >proxy: Connecting to with no proxy >proxy: Connect would have blocked. >dns: Got response for '' >proxy: Connecting to with no proxy >proxy: Connect would have blocked. >proxy: Connected. >gaim_url_fetch: Request: 'POST /control?WANIPConnection HTTP/1.1 >HOST: >SOAPACTION: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1#GetExternalIPAddress" >CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml ; charset="utf-8" >CONTENT-LENGTH: 310 > ><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> ><s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"> ><s:Body> ><u:GetExternalIPAddress xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1"> ></u:GetExternalIPAddress> ></s:Body> ></s:Envelope>' >proxy: Connected. >upnp: Local IP: >gaim_url_fetch: Response headers: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK >Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8" >Content-Length: 323 >Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 23:03:43 GMT >Server: Custom/1.0 UPnP/1.0 Prod/Ver >EXT: > >' >parse_content_len: parsed 323 >upnp: NAT Returned IP: >util: Writing file accounts.xml to directory /home/manu/.gaim >util: Writing file blist.xml to directory /home/manu/.gaim >util: Writing file pounces.xml to directory /home/manu/.gaim >connection: Connecting. gc = 0x83a0b00 >msn: new httpconn (0x83bab38) >dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 13302 >dns: Got response for 'messenger.hotmail.com' >proxy: Connecting to messenger.hotmail.com:1863 with no proxy >proxy: Connect would have blocked. >proxy: Connected. >msn: C: NS 000: VER 1 MSNP9 MSNP8 CVR0 >msn: S: NS 000: VER 1 MSNP9 MSNP8 CVR0 >msn: C: NS 000: CVR 2 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 6.0.0602 MSMSGS ullum__@eml.cc >msn: S: NS 000: CVR 2 7.5.0324 7.5.0324 6.2.0208 http://msgr.dlservice.microsoft.com/download/5/a/8/5a892c0f-5b87-4767-8927-6fe5d8cfc582/Install_MSN_Messenger.exe http://messenger.msn.com >msn: C: NS 000: USR 3 TWN I ullum__@eml.cc >msn: S: NS 000: XFR 3 NS 0 >dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 13303 >dns: Got response for '' >proxy: Connecting to with no proxy >proxy: Connect would have blocked. >proxy: Connected. >msn: C: NS 000: VER 4 MSNP9 MSNP8 CVR0 >msn: S: NS 000: VER 4 MSNP9 MSNP8 CVR0 >msn: C: NS 000: CVR 5 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 6.0.0602 MSMSGS ullum__@eml.cc >msn: S: NS 000: CVR 5 7.5.0324 7.5.0324 6.2.0208 http://msgr.dlservice.microsoft.com/download/5/a/8/5a892c0f-5b87-4767-8927-6fe5d8cfc582/Install_MSN_Messenger.exe http://messenger.msn.com >msn: C: NS 000: USR 6 TWN I ullum__@eml.cc >msn: S: NS 000: USR 6 TWN S lc=1033,id=507,tw=40,fs=1,ru=http%3A%2F%2Fmessenger%2Emsn%2Ecom,ct=1154383438,kpp=1,kv=7,ver=2.1.6000.1,rn=zZnFOHaz,tpf=c6a6c123c98763cc68d88de312e80a06 >dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 13302 >dns: Got response for 'nexus.passport.com' >proxy: Connecting to nexus.passport.com:443 with no proxy >proxy: Connect would have blocked. >proxy: Connected. >gnutls: Handshaking >gnutls: Handshaking >gnutls: Handshaking >gnutls: Handshake complete >connection: Connecting. gc = 0x83bbb70 >oscar: oscar_login: gc = 0x83bbb70 >oscar: registered module misc (family 0xffff, version = 0x0000, tool 0x0000, tool version 0x0000) >oscar: registered module oservice (family 0x0001, version = 0x0003, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629) >oscar: registered module locate (family 0x0002, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629) >oscar: registered module buddy (family 0x0003, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629) >oscar: registered module messaging (family 0x0004, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629) >oscar: registered module advert (family 0x0005, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0001, tool version 0x0001) >oscar: registered module invite (family 0x0006, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629) >oscar: registered module admin (family 0x0007, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629) >oscar: registered module popup (family 0x0008, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0104, tool version 0x0001) >oscar: registered module bos (family 0x0009, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629) >oscar: registered module userlookup (family 0x000a, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629) >oscar: registered module stats (family 0x000b, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0104, tool version 0x0001) >oscar: registered module translate (family 0x000c, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0104, tool version 0x0001) >oscar: registered module chatnav (family 0x000d, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629) >oscar: registered module chat (family 0x000e, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629) >oscar: registered module odir (family 0x000f, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629) >oscar: registered module bart (family 0x0010, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629) >oscar: registered module feedbag (family 0x0013, version = 0x0004, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x0629) >oscar: registered module icq (family 0x0015, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0110, tool version 0x047c) >oscar: registered module auth (family 0x0017, version = 0x0000, tool 0x0000, tool version 0x0000) >oscar: registered module alert (family 0x0018, version = 0x0001, tool 0x0010, tool version 0x0629) >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for ffff/0003 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0017/0003 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0017/0007 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0017/000a >dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 13303 >dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 13302 >dns: Got response for 'login.icq.com' >proxy: Connecting to login.icq.com:5190 with no proxy >proxy: Connect would have blocked. >dns: Got response for 'login.live.com' >proxy: Connecting to login.live.com:443 with no proxy >proxy: Connect would have blocked. >proxy: Connected. >oscar: Screen name sent, waiting for response >proxy: Connected. >gnutls: Handshaking >gnutls: Handshaking >oscar: inside auth_resp (Screen name: 209008355) >oscar: Reg status: 0 >oscar: E-mail is NULL >oscar: BOSIP: >oscar: Closing auth connection... >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for ffff/0003 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for ffff/0006 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0009/0003 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0001/0005 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0002/0003 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0003/0003 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0003/000b >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0003/000c >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0004/0007 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0002/0001 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0004/000a >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0004/000b >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0001/000a >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0001/0010 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 000a/0001 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 000a/0003 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0004/0001 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0004/0014 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0002/0006 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0002/fffe >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0002/fffd >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0004/000c >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0001/0013 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0004/0005 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0001/0001 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0003/0001 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0009/0001 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0001/001f >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0001/000f >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0001/0021 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0015/00f0 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0015/00f1 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0008/0002 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0015/00f3 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0015/00f2 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/0001 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/0003 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/0006 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/000f >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/000e >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/0008 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/0015 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/0019 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/001b >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0013/001c >dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 13303 >dns: Got response for '' >proxy: Connecting to with no proxy >proxy: Connect would have blocked. >proxy: Connected. >oscar: adding group 0x0001 >oscar: adding group 0x0002 >oscar: adding group 0x0003 >oscar: adding group 0x0004 >oscar: adding group 0x0006 >oscar: adding group 0x0008 >oscar: adding group 0x0009 >oscar: adding group 0x000a >oscar: adding group 0x000b >oscar: adding group 0x000c >oscar: adding group 0x0013 >oscar: adding group 0x0015 >oscar: adding group 0x0022 >oscar: aim_setversions: server supports group 0x0022 but we don't! >oscar: MOTD: Unknown (5) >gnutls: Handshaking >gnutls: Handshake complete >msn: Sending: {GET /login2.srf HTTP/1.1 >Authorization: Passport1.4 OrgVerb=GET,OrgURL=http%3A%2F%2Fmessenger%2Emsn%2Ecom,sign-in=ullum%5f%5f%40eml%2ecc,pwd=XXXXXXXX,lc=1033,id=507,tw=40,fs=1,ru=http%3A%2F%2Fmessenger%2Emsn%2Ecom,ct=1154383638,kpp=1,kv=7,ver=2.1.6000.1,tpf=c6a6c123c98763cc68d88de312e80a06 >User-Agent: MSMSGS >Host: login.live.com >Connection: Keep-Alive >Cache-Control: no-cache > >} >oscar: --- Adding rate class 2 to connection type 1: window size = 80, clear = 2500, alert = 2000, limit = 1500, disconnect = 800, current = 5854, max = 6000 >oscar: --- Adding rate class 2 to connection type 2: window size = 80, clear = 3000, alert = 2000, limit = 1500, disconnect = 1000, current = 6000, max = 6000 >oscar: --- Adding rate class 2 to connection type 3: window size = 20, clear = 3100, alert = 2500, limit = 2000, disconnect = 1500, current = 3500, max = 4500 >oscar: --- Adding rate class 2 to connection type 4: window size = 20, clear = 5500, alert = 5300, limit = 4200, disconnect = 3000, current = 6000, max = 8000 >oscar: --- Adding rate class 2 to connection type 5: window size = 10, clear = 5500, alert = 5300, limit = 4200, disconnect = 3000, current = 6000, max = 8000 >oscar: ssi: requesting rights and list >msn: ssl buffer: {HTTP/1.1 200 OK >Connection: close >Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 22:04:01 GMT >Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0 >PPServer: PPV: 30 H: BAYPPLOGN3B48 V: 0 >Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 >Expires: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 22:03:01 GMT >Cache-Control: no-cache >Pragma: no-cache >P3P: CP="DSP CUR OTPi IND OTRi ONL FIN" >Set-Cookie: PPAuth=AU!4zXunwQzqCbO0IH*CevSPGryJYeyICiuuxuhdy2lm0TXsJ6mXiC5YAakpfnArDpkBa3S9sTEAG9udny2thYKCWAjeXvzxp08WnJq0TJuYPpNoeeoThi7YHyebVrURPgmb9izSYQO8vu7H2TqGTZVFor6xI5hPF5Zhfld5YudhXM*lYg$$; domain=login.live.com;secure= ;path=/;HTTPOnly= ;version=1 >Set-Cookie: PPLState=1; domain=.live.com;path=/;version=1 >Set-Cookie: MSPVis=507;domain=login.live.com;path=/ >Authentication-Info: Passport1.4 da-status=success,from-PP='t=7zd9b8KViG8iPAy*Z02OzJEApojoFR5p3phUTv8GAOjtry6HMfdtamJoC860LH0DS5uCQR*3glFT1*dgo5lEXuOPVKrdDyaJTBDHfziVyiCX8ng8RG7sIAeGplpAFNDCK8VbV6nenBwpQ$&p=7p!ALdHiMDQuIPyIt1PxzTOpTuUNuTP1NdCcEmoXFVzvjrFnZwQh1tw981xS35RTUCgHrTpHxulRxVvQXkXOqzyoLSxuKqd6kjhvOr6Z3awxDaZ4Et!jE5v1uxYD4W70qJQzkywjiF30PriU2HaN*OEDYBgHE0OLTD',ru=http://messenger.msn.com >Content-Length: 0 > >}msn: C: NS 000: USR 7 TWN S t=7zd9b8KViG8iPAy*Z02OzJEApojoFR5p3phUTv8GAOjtry6HMfdtamJoC860LH0DS5uCQR*3glFT1*dgo5lEXuOPVKrdDyaJTBDHfziVyiCX8ng8RG7sIAeGplpAFNDCK8VbV6nenBwpQ$&p=7p!ALdHiMDQuIPyIt1PxzTOpTuUNuTP1NdCcEmoXFVzvjrFnZwQh1tw981xS35RTUCgHrTpHxulRxVvQXkXOqzyoLSxuKqd6kjhvOr6Z3awxDaZ4Et!jE5v1uxYD4W70qJQzkywjiF30PriU2HaN*OEDYBgHE0OLTD >oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV: >oscar: userinfo: sn =209008355 >oscar: userinfo: type =0x0022 >oscar: userinfo: length=0x0002 >oscar: userinfo: value: >oscar: >userinfo: oscar: 0x 7 oscar: 0x91 oscar: >oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV: >oscar: userinfo: sn =209008355 >oscar: userinfo: type =0x0014 >oscar: userinfo: length=0x0001 >oscar: userinfo: value: >oscar: >userinfo: oscar: 0x1d oscar: >oscar: locate rights: max sig len = 4096 >oscar: buddy list rights: Max buddies = 600 / Max watchers = 2000 >oscar: BOS rights: Max permit = 500 / Max deny = 500 >connection: Activating keepalive. >oscar: buddy list loaded >oscar: aim_clientready: server supports group 0x0022 but we don't! >oscar: ssi rights: max type 0x0000=1600, max type 0x0001=51, max type 0x0002=128, max type 0x0003=128, max type 0x0004=1, max type 0x0005=1, max type 0x0006=50, max type 0x0007=0, max type 0x0008=0, max type 0x0009=3, max type 0x000a=0, max type 0x000b=0, max type 0x000c=0, max type 0x000d=128, max type 0x000e=128, max type 0x000f=20, max type 0x0010=200, max type 0x0011=1, max type 0x0012=0, max type 0x0013=1, max type 0x0014=15, max type 0x0015=1, max type 0x0016=40, max type 0x0017=0, max type 0x0018=0, max type 0x0019=200, max type 0x001a=1, max type 0x001b=20, max type 0x001c=200, max type 0x001d=1, max type 0x001e=8, max type 0x001f=20, >oscar: ssi: syncing local list and server list >oscar: ssi: activating server-stored buddy list >oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV: >oscar: userinfo: sn =209008355 >oscar: userinfo: type =0x0022 >oscar: userinfo: length=0x0002 >oscar: userinfo: value: >oscar: >userinfo: oscar: 0x 7 oscar: 0x91 oscar: >msn: S: NS 000: USR 7 OK ullum__@eml.cc ullum__@eml.cc 1 0 >msn: C: NS 000: SYN 8 0 >msn: S: NS 000: MSG Hotmail Hotmail 516 >oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV: >oscar: userinfo: sn =209008355 >oscar: userinfo: type =0x0022 >oscar: userinfo: length=0x0002 >oscar: userinfo: value: >oscar: >userinfo: oscar: 0x 7 oscar: 0x91 oscar: >oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV: >oscar: userinfo: sn =209008355 >oscar: userinfo: type =0x0022 >oscar: userinfo: length=0x0002 >oscar: userinfo: value: >oscar: >userinfo: oscar: 0x 7 oscar: 0x91 oscar: >oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV: >oscar: userinfo: sn =209008355 >oscar: userinfo: type =0x0022 >oscar: userinfo: length=0x0002 >oscar: userinfo: value: >oscar: >userinfo: oscar: 0x 7 oscar: 0x91 oscar: >oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV: >oscar: userinfo: sn =209008355 >oscar: userinfo: type =0x0022 >oscar: userinfo: length=0x0002 >oscar: userinfo: value: >oscar: >userinfo: oscar: 0x 7 oscar: 0x91 oscar: >oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV: >oscar: userinfo: sn =209008355 >oscar: userinfo: type =0x0014 >oscar: userinfo: length=0x0001 >oscar: userinfo: value: >oscar: >userinfo: oscar: 0x1d oscar: >oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV: >oscar: userinfo: sn =209008355 >oscar: userinfo: type =0x0022 >oscar: userinfo: length=0x0002 >oscar: userinfo: value: >oscar: >userinfo: oscar: 0x 7 oscar: 0x91 oscar: >oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV: >oscar: userinfo: sn =209008355 >oscar: userinfo: type =0x0022 >oscar: userinfo: length=0x0002 >oscar: userinfo: value: >oscar: >userinfo: oscar: 0x 7 oscar: 0x91 oscar: >oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV: >oscar: userinfo: sn =209008355 >oscar: userinfo: type =0x0022 >oscar: userinfo: length=0x0002 >oscar: userinfo: value: >oscar: >userinfo: oscar: 0x 7 oscar: 0x91 oscar: >oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV: >oscar: userinfo: sn =209008355 >oscar: userinfo: type =0x0014 >oscar: userinfo: length=0x0001 >oscar: userinfo: value: >oscar: >userinfo: oscar: 0x1d oscar: >oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV: >oscar: userinfo: sn =209008355 >oscar: userinfo: type =0x0022 >oscar: userinfo: length=0x0002 >oscar: userinfo: value: >oscar: >userinfo: oscar: 0x 7 oscar: 0x91 oscar: >oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV: >oscar: userinfo: sn =209008355 >oscar: userinfo: type =0x0022 >oscar: userinfo: length=0x0002 >oscar: userinfo: value: >oscar: >userinfo: oscar: 0x 7 oscar: 0x91 oscar: >oscar: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV: >oscar: userinfo: sn =209008355 >oscar: userinfo: type =0x0022 >oscar: userinfo: length=0x0002 >oscar: userinfo: value: >oscar: >userinfo: oscar: 0x 7 oscar: 0x91 oscar: >oscar: unknown short capability: {134c} >oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9} >oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3} >oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d} >oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a} >oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041} >oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17} >oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0} >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >oscar: unknown short capability: {134c} >oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9} >oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3} >oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d} >oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a} >oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041} >oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17} >oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0} >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >oscar: unknown short capability: {134c} >oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9} >oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3} >oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d} >oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a} >oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041} >oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17} >oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0} >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >oscar: unknown short capability: {134c} >oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9} >oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3} >oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d} >oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a} >oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041} >oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17} >oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0} >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >util: Writing file accounts.xml to directory /home/manu/.gaim >blist: Updating buddy status for 209008355 (AIM/ICQ) >blist: Updating buddy status for 209008355 (AIM/ICQ) >oscar: unknown short capability: {134c} >oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3} >oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0} >oscar: unknown capability: {4d697261-6e64-614d-0004-000100030504} >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >oscar: unknown short capability: {134c} >oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3} >oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0} >oscar: unknown capability: {4d697261-6e64-614d-0004-000100030504} >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >oscar: unknown short capability: {134c} >oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3} >oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a} >oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041} >oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17} >oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0} >buddyicon: Wrote file /home/manu/.gaim/icons/f912277c >buddyicon: Uncached file a703264f >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >msn: S: NS 000: SYN 8 1 1 3 >msn: S: NS 000: GTC A >msn: S: NS 000: BLP AL >msn: S: NS 000: PRP MBE N >msn: S: NS 000: PRP WWE 0 >msn: S: NS 000: LSG 0 Individuals 0 >msn: S: NS 000: LSG 1 Family 0 >msn: S: NS 000: LSG 2 other 0 >msn: S: NS 000: LST [edited out by bug submitter (mail-address)] [edited out by bug submitter (long name)] 11 1,2 >msn: C: NS 000: CHG 9 NLN 1073741856 >msn: C: NS 000: BLP 10 AL >connection: Activating keepalive. >oscar: unknown short capability: {134c} >oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3} >oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a} >oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041} >oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17} >oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0} >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3} >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3} >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >oscar: unknown short capability: {134c} >oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9} >oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3} >oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d} >oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a} >oscar: unknown capability: {f18ab52e-dc57-491d-99dc-6444502457af} >oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041} >oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17} >oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0} >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >oscar: unknown short capability: {134c} >oscar: unknown capability: {b2ec8f16-7c6f-451b-bd79-dc58497888b9} >oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3} >oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d} >oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a} >oscar: unknown capability: {f18ab52e-dc57-491d-99dc-6444502457af} >oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041} >oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17} >oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0} >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >oscar: unknown short capability: {134c} >oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3} >oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d} >oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a} >oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041} >oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17} >oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0} >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >oscar: unknown short capability: {134c} >oscar: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3} >oscar: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d} >oscar: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a} >oscar: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041} >oscar: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17} >oscar: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0} >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for ffff/0003 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for ffff/0006 >dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 13302 >oscar: icq response: 9 bytes, 209008355, 0x0042, 0x0013 >dns: Got response for '' >proxy: Connecting to with no proxy >proxy: Connect would have blocked. >oscar: icq response: 11 bytes, 209008355, 0x07da, 0x0015 >oscar: unknown capability: {dd16f202-84e6-11d4-90db-00104b9b4b7d} >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >oscar: unknown capability: {dd16f202-84e6-11d4-90db-00104b9b4b7d} >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >blist: Updating buddy status for 209008355 (AIM/ICQ) >proxy: Connected. >oscar: chatnav: connected >msn: S: NS 000: CHG 9 NLN 1073741856 >oscar: removing chatnav input watcher >oscar: killing rendezvous connection >msn: S: NS 000: BLP 10 1 AL >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for ffff/0003 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for ffff/0006 >dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 13303 >dns: Got response for '' >proxy: Connecting to with no proxy >proxy: Connect would have blocked. >proxy: Connected. >oscar: icon: connected >oscar: adding group 0x0001 >oscar: adding group 0x0010 >oscar: --- Adding rate class 16 to connection type 1: window size = 80, clear = 2500, alert = 2000, limit = 1500, disconnect = 800, current = 5854, max = 6000 >oscar: --- Adding rate class 16 to connection type 2: window size = 80, clear = 3000, alert = 2000, limit = 1500, disconnect = 1000, current = 6000, max = 6000 >oscar: --- Adding rate class 16 to connection type 3: window size = 20, clear = 3100, alert = 2500, limit = 2000, disconnect = 1500, current = 3500, max = 4500 >oscar: --- Adding rate class 16 to connection type 4: window size = 20, clear = 5500, alert = 5300, limit = 4200, disconnect = 3000, current = 6000, max = 8000 >oscar: --- Adding rate class 16 to connection type 5: window size = 10, clear = 5500, alert = 5300, limit = 4200, disconnect = 3000, current = 6000, max = 8000 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0018/0001 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0010/0001 >oscar: aim_conn_addhandler: adding for 0010/0005 >prefs: /gaim/gtk/conversations/im/default_height changed, scheduling save. >prefs: /gaim/gtk/conversations/im/default_height changed, scheduling save. >prefs: /gaim/gtk/conversations/im/entry_height changed, scheduling save. >prefs: /gaim/gtk/conversations/im/entry_height changed, scheduling save. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 19 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 19 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 20 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 20 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 20 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 20 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 21 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 22 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 23 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 24 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 25 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 25 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 26 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 27 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 28 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 29 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 30 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 31 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 32 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 33 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 34 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 35 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 35 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 36 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I 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>gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 61 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 62 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 63 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 64 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 65 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 66 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 66 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 67 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 68 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 69 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 70 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 71 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have 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random colors to fill the list, I have found 214 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 215 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 215 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 215 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 216 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 216 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 217 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 217 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 218 so far. >gtkconv: Looking for random colors to fill the list, I have found 219 so far. >util: Writing file blist.xml to directory /home/manu/.gaim >oscar: no more icons to request >blist: Updating buddy status for [edited out by bug submitter] (AIM/ICQ) >util: Writing file prefs.xml to directory /home/manu/.gaim > >Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. >[Switching to Thread -1219183968 (LWP 13299)] >0xb7e3d814 in gtk_text_insert () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 >(gdb) dns[13302]: nobody needs me... =( >dns[13303]: nobody needs me... =( >bt full >#0 0xb7e3d814 in gtk_text_insert () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 >No symbol table info available. >#1 0xbf80efd8 in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >#2 0xbf80efe0 in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >#3 0xbf80efc0 in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >#4 0xbf80f0d4 in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >#5 0xb7e54fd7 in gtk_text_iter_is_end () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 >No symbol table info available. >#6 0x083ecb18 in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >#7 0x0000004e in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >#8 0x083ecb18 in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >#9 0x08416258 in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >#10 0x00000003 in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >#11 0x00000001 in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >#12 0x0000004e in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >#13 0xffffffff in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >#14 0x05f80f92 in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >#15 0xe6168c91 in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >#16 0x08417058 in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >#17 0x08417058 in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >#18 0x00000000 in ?? () >No symbol table info available. >(gdb) quit >The program is running. Exit anyway? (y or n)
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bug 142286
: 93156