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Bug 949279
dev-vcs/sourcegit-2025.03 - [gcc-15] ERROR: dev-vcs/sourcegit-2025.03::gentoo failed (configure phase):
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environment (text/plain), 66.35 KB, created by
Toralf Förster
on 2025-02-04 15:57:54 UTC
MIME Type:
Toralf Förster
2025-02-04 15:57:54 UTC
66.35 KB
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USE_EXPAND_IMPLICIT="ARCH ELIBC KERNEL" >declare -x USE_EXPAND_UNPREFIXED="ARCH" >declare -x USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ARCH="alpha amd64 amd64-linux arm arm64 arm64-macos hppa loong m68k mips ppc ppc64 ppc64-linux ppc-macos riscv s390 sparc x64-macos x64-solaris x86 x86-linux" >declare -x USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ELIBC="bionic Darwin glibc mingw musl SunOS" >declare -x USE_EXPAND_VALUES_KERNEL="Darwin linux SunOS" >declare -x UWSGI_PLUGINS="" >declare -x UseSharedCompilation="false" >declare -x VIDEO_CARDS="" >declare -x VOICEMAIL_STORAGE="" >declare -x WCDHOME="/root/.wcd" >declare -x XERCESC_NLS_HOME="/usr/share/xerces-c/msg" >declare -x XTABLES_ADDONS="" >declare -x XZ_OPT="-9 -T4" >declare -- _CHECK_REQS_ECLASS="1" >declare -- _DESKTOP_ECLASS="1" >declare -- _DOTNET_PKG_BASE_ECLASS="1" >declare -- _DOTNET_PKG_ECLASS="1" >declare -- _DOTNET_PKG_LAUNCHERDEST="/usr/bin" >declare -a _DOTNET_PKG_LAUNCHERVARS=() >declare -- _EDO_ECLASS="1" >declare -- _MULTIPROCESSING_ECLASS="1" >declare -- _NUGET_ECLASS="1" >declare -- _XDG_ECLASS="1" >declare -x __E_DESTTREE="/usr" >declare -x __E_DOCDESTTREE="" >declare -x __E_EXEDESTTREE="" >declare -x __E_INSDESTTREE="" >declare -x ac_cv_c_undeclared_builtin_options="none needed" >declare -x enable_year2038="no" >declare -x gl_cv_compiler_check_decl_option="-Werror=implicit-function-declaration" >declare -x gl_cv_func_getcwd_path_max="yes" >declare -- load="40" >declare -x name="23.0_no_multilib_hardened_systemd-20250126-213001" >declare -- vcpu="32" >SwitchGCC () >{ > local highest=$(gcc-config --list-profiles --nocolor | cut -f 3 -d ' ' -s | grep -E 'x86_64-(pc|gentoo)-linux-(gnu|musl)-[0-9]+$' | tail -n 1); > if [[ -z $highest ]]; then > Mail "${FUNCNAME[0]}: cannot get GCC version"; > return; > fi; > if [[ $(gcc-config --get-current-profile --nocolor) != "$highest" ]]; then > local v; > v=$(gcc -dumpversion); > gcc-config --nocolor $highest; > source_profile; > add2backlog "%emerge -1 --selective=n --deep=0 -u dev-build/libtool"; > if grep -q '^LIBTOOL="rdlibtool"' /etc/portage/make.conf; then > add2backlog "dev-build/slibtool"; > fi; > add2backlog "%emerge --unmerge sys-devel/gcc:$(cut -f 1 -d '.' <<< $v)"; > fi >} >declare -fx SwitchGCC >__tinderbox_checkEOL () >{ > if [[ -f /var/tmp/tb/EOL || -f /var/tmp/tb/STOP ]]; then > exit 42; > fi >} >_check-reqs_disk () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > [[ -z ${2} ]] && die "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} [path] [size]"; > local path=${1}; > local size=${2}; > local space_kbi; > _check-reqs_start_phase ${size} "disk space at \"${path}\""; > space_kbi=$(df -Pk "${1}" 2> /dev/null | awk 'FNR == 2 {print $4}'); > if [[ $? == 0 && -n ${space_kbi} ]]; then > if [[ ${space_kbi} -lt $(_check-reqs_get_kibibytes ${size}) ]]; then > eend 1; > _check-reqs_unsatisfied ${size} "disk space at \"${path}\""; > else > eend 0; > fi; > else > eend 1; > ewarn "Couldn't determine disk space, skipping..."; > fi >} >_check-reqs_get_kibibytes () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > [[ -z ${1} ]] && die "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} [size]"; > local unit=${1:(-1)}; > local size=${1%[GMT]}; > case ${unit} in > M) > echo $((1024 * size)) > ;; > G) > echo $((1024 * 1024 * size)) > ;; > T) > echo $((1024 * 1024 * 1024 * size)) > ;; > *) > die "${FUNCNAME}: Unknown unit: ${unit}" > ;; > esac >} >_check-reqs_get_number () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > [[ -z ${1} ]] && die "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} [size]"; > local size=${1%[GMT]}; > [[ ${size} == ${1} ]] && die "${FUNCNAME}: Missing unit: ${1}"; > echo ${size} >} >_check-reqs_get_unit () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > [[ -z ${1} ]] && die "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} [size]"; > local unit=${1:(-1)}; > case ${unit} in > M) > echo "MiB" > ;; > G) > echo "GiB" > ;; > T) > echo "TiB" > ;; > *) > die "${FUNCNAME}: Unknown unit: ${unit}" > ;; > esac >} >_check-reqs_memory () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > [[ -z ${1} ]] && die "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} [size]"; > local size=${1}; > local actual_memory; > local actual_swap; > _check-reqs_start_phase ${size} "RAM"; > if [[ -r /proc/meminfo ]]; then > actual_memory=$(awk '/MemTotal/ { print $2 }' /proc/meminfo); > actual_swap=$(awk '/SwapTotal/ { print $2 }' /proc/meminfo); > else > actual_memory=$(sysctl hw.physmem 2> /dev/null); > [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && actual_memory=$(echo "${actual_memory}" | sed -e 's/^[^:=]*[:=][[:space:]]*//'); > actual_swap=$(sysctl vm.swap_total 2> /dev/null); > [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && actual_swap=$(echo "${actual_swap}" | sed -e 's/^[^:=]*[:=][[:space:]]*//'); > fi; > if [[ -n ${actual_memory} ]]; then > if [[ ${actual_memory} -ge $(_check-reqs_get_kibibytes ${size}) ]]; then > eend 0; > else > if [[ -n ${actual_swap} && $((${actual_memory} + ${actual_swap})) -ge $(_check-reqs_get_kibibytes ${size}) ]]; then > ewarn "Amount of main memory is insufficient, but amount"; > ewarn "of main memory combined with swap is sufficient."; > ewarn "Build process may make computer very slow!"; > eend 0; > else > eend 1; > _check-reqs_unsatisfied ${size} "RAM"; > fi; > fi; > else > eend 1; > ewarn "Couldn't determine amount of memory, skipping..."; > fi >} >_check-reqs_output () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > local msg="ewarn"; > [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} == "pretend" && -z ${CHECKREQS_DONOTHING} ]] && msg="eerror"; > if [[ -n ${CHECKREQS_FAILED} ]]; then > ${msg}; > ${msg} "Memory or space constraints set in the ebuild were not met!"; > ${msg} "The build will most probably fail, you should:"; > ${msg} "- enhance the memory (reduce MAKEOPTS, add swap), or"; > ${msg} "- add more space"; > ${msg} "as required depending on the failed tests."; > ${msg}; > [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} == "pretend" && -z ${CHECKREQS_DONOTHING} ]] && die "Build requirements not met!"; > fi >} >_check-reqs_prepare () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > if [[ -z ${CHECKREQS_MEMORY} && -z ${CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD} && -z ${CHECKREQS_DISK_USR} && -z ${CHECKREQS_DISK_VAR} ]]; then > eerror "Set some check-reqs eclass variables if you want to use it."; > eerror "If you are user and see this message file a bug against the package."; > die "${FUNCNAME}: check-reqs eclass called but not actually used!"; > fi >} >_check-reqs_run () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > unset CHECKREQS_FAILED; > if [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != binary ]]; then > [[ -n ${CHECKREQS_MEMORY} ]] && _check-reqs_memory ${CHECKREQS_MEMORY}; > [[ -n ${CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD} ]] && _check-reqs_disk "${T}" "${CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD}"; > fi; > if [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != buildonly ]]; then > [[ -n ${CHECKREQS_DISK_USR} ]] && _check-reqs_disk "${EROOT}/usr" "${CHECKREQS_DISK_USR}"; > [[ -n ${CHECKREQS_DISK_VAR} ]] && _check-reqs_disk "${EROOT}/var" "${CHECKREQS_DISK_VAR}"; > fi >} >_check-reqs_start_phase () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > [[ -z ${2} ]] && die "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} [size] [location]"; > local size=${1}; > local location=${2}; > local sizeunit="$(_check-reqs_get_number ${size}) $(_check-reqs_get_unit ${size})"; > ebegin "Checking for at least ${sizeunit} ${location}" >} >_check-reqs_unsatisfied () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > [[ -z ${2} ]] && die "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} [size] [location]"; > local msg="ewarn"; > local size=${1}; > local location=${2}; > local sizeunit="$(_check-reqs_get_number ${size}) $(_check-reqs_get_unit ${size})"; > [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} == "pretend" && -z ${CHECKREQS_DONOTHING} ]] && msg="eerror"; > ${msg} "There is NOT at least ${sizeunit} ${location}"; > CHECKREQS_FAILED="true" >} >_get_all_makeopts () >{ > echo "${MAKEOPTS} ${GNUMAKEFLAGS} ${MAKEFLAGS}" >} >_iconins () >{ > ( insopts -m 0644; > local funcname=$1; > shift; > local size dir; > local context=apps; > local theme=hicolor; > while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do > case $1 in > -s | --size) > if [[ ${2%%x*}x${2%%x*} == "$2" ]]; then > size=${2%%x*}; > else > size=${2}; > fi; > case ${size} in > 16 | 22 | 24 | 32 | 36 | 48 | 64 | 72 | 96 | 128 | 192 | 256 | 512 | 1024) > size=${size}x${size} > ;; > symbolic | scalable) > > ;; > *) > eerror "${size} is an unsupported icon size!"; > exit 1 > ;; > esac; > shift 2 > ;; > -t | --theme) > theme=${2}; > shift 2 > ;; > -c | --context) > context=${2}; > shift 2 > ;; > *) > if [[ -z ${size} ]]; then > insinto /usr/share/pixmaps; > else > insinto /usr/share/icons/${theme}/${size}/${context}; > fi; > if [[ ${funcname} == doicon ]]; then > if [[ -f $1 ]]; then > doins "${1}"; > else > if [[ -d $1 ]]; then > shopt -s nullglob; > doins "${1}"/*.{png,svg}; > shopt -u nullglob; > else > eerror "${1} is not a valid file/directory!"; > exit 1; > fi; > fi; > else > break; > fi; > shift 1 > ;; > esac; > done; > if [[ ${funcname} == newicon ]]; then > newins "$@"; > fi ) >} >_nuget_set_nuget_uris () >{ > local nugets="${1}"; > NUGET_URIS=""; > local nuget; > local name version; > local nuget_api url; > for nuget in ${nugets}; > do > name="${nuget%@*}"; > version="${nuget##*@}"; > for nuget_api in "${NUGET_APIS[@]}"; > do > case ${nuget_api%/} in > *dev.gentoo.org/~*) > url="${nuget_api}/${name}.${version}.nupkg" > ;; > */v2) > url="${nuget_api}/package/${name}/${version} > -> ${name}.${version}.nupkg" > ;; > *) > url="${nuget_api}/${name}/${version}/${name}.${version}.nupkg" > ;; > esac; > NUGET_URIS+="${url} "; > done; > done >} >add2backlog () >{ > local bl=/var/tmp/tb/backlog.1st; > if [[ $1 == '@preserved-rebuild' ]]; then > sed -i -e "/$1/d" $bl; > if [[ -s $bl ]]; then > sed -i -e "1 i$1" $bl; > else > echo "$1" >> $bl; > fi; > else > if [[ $1 =~ "emerge -e @world" ]]; then > echo "%emerge --resume" >> $bl; > else > sed -i -e "/^$(sed -e 's,/,\\/,g' <<< $1)$/d" $bl; > echo "$1" >> $bl; > fi; > fi; > if [[ $1 != "%SwitchGCC" ]] && grep -q '%SwitchGCC' $bl; then > sed -i -e '/%SwitchGCC/d' $bl; > echo "%SwitchGCC" >> $bl; > fi >} >declare -fx add2backlog >check-reqs_disk () >{ > [[ ${EAPI} == 7 ]] || die "Internal function ${FUNCNAME} is not available in EAPI ${EAPI}."; > _check-reqs_disk "$@" >} >check-reqs_get_kibibytes () >{ > [[ ${EAPI} == 7 ]] || die "Internal function ${FUNCNAME} is not available in EAPI ${EAPI}."; > _check-reqs_get_kibibytes "$@" >} >check-reqs_get_number () >{ > [[ ${EAPI} == 7 ]] || die "Internal function ${FUNCNAME} is not available in EAPI ${EAPI}."; > _check-reqs_get_number "$@" >} >check-reqs_get_unit () >{ > [[ ${EAPI} == 7 ]] || die "Internal function ${FUNCNAME} is not available in EAPI ${EAPI}."; > _check-reqs_get_unit "$@" >} >check-reqs_memory () >{ > [[ ${EAPI} == 7 ]] || die "Internal function ${FUNCNAME} is not available in EAPI ${EAPI}."; > _check-reqs_memory "$@" >} >check-reqs_output () >{ > [[ ${EAPI} == 7 ]] || die "Internal function ${FUNCNAME} is not available in EAPI ${EAPI}."; > _check-reqs_get_unit "$@" >} >check-reqs_pkg_pretend () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > check-reqs_pkg_setup "$@" >} >check-reqs_pkg_setup () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > _check-reqs_prepare; > _check-reqs_run; > _check-reqs_output >} >check-reqs_prepare () >{ > [[ ${EAPI} == 7 ]] || die "Internal function ${FUNCNAME} is not available in EAPI ${EAPI}."; > _check-reqs_prepare "$@" >} >check-reqs_run () >{ > [[ ${EAPI} == 7 ]] || die "Internal function ${FUNCNAME} is not available in EAPI ${EAPI}."; > _check-reqs_run "$@" >} >check-reqs_start_phase () >{ > [[ ${EAPI} == 7 ]] || die "Internal function ${FUNCNAME} is not available in EAPI ${EAPI}."; > _check-reqs_start_phase "$@" >} >check-reqs_unsatisfied () >{ > [[ ${EAPI} == 7 ]] || die "Internal function ${FUNCNAME} is not available in EAPI ${EAPI}."; > _check-reqs_unsatisfied "$@" >} >doicon () >{ > _iconins ${FUNCNAME} "$@" >} >domenu () >{ > ( local i ret=0; > insopts -m 0644; > insinto /usr/share/applications; > for i in "$@"; > do > if [[ -d ${i} ]]; then > doins "${i}"/*.desktop; > ((ret|=$?)); > else > doins "${i}"; > ((ret|=$?)); > fi; > done; > exit ${ret} ) >} >dotnet-pkg-base_append-launchervar () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > [[ -z ${1} ]] && die "${FUNCNAME[0]}: no variable setting specified"; > _DOTNET_PKG_LAUNCHERVARS+=("${1}") >} >dotnet-pkg-base_append_launchervar () >{ > dotnet-pkg-base_append-launchervar "${@}" >} >dotnet-pkg-base_build () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > local -a build_args=(--configuration "${DOTNET_PKG_CONFIGURATION}" --no-restore --no-self-contained --output "${DOTNET_PKG_OUTPUT}" --runtime "${DOTNET_PKG_RUNTIME}" --verbosity "${DOTNET_VERBOSITY}" -maxCpuCount:$(makeopts_jobs)); > if ! use debug; then > build_args+=(-p:StripSymbols=true -p:NativeDebugSymbols=false); > fi; > build_args+=("${@}"); > edotnet build "${build_args[@]}" >} >dotnet-pkg-base_dolauncher () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > local executable_path executable_name; > if [[ -n "${1}" ]]; then > local executable_path="${1}"; > shift; > else > die "${FUNCNAME[0]}: No executable path given."; > fi; > if [[ ${#} -eq 0 ]]; then > executable_name="$(basename "${executable_path}")"; > else > executable_name="${1}"; > shift; > fi; > local executable_target="${T}/${executable_name}"; > cat <<-EOF > "${executable_target}" || >#!/bin/sh > ># Launcher script for ${executable_path} (${executable_name}), ># created from package "${CATEGORY}/${P}", ># compatible with dotnet version ${DOTNET_PKG_COMPAT}. > >for __dotnet_root in \\ >"${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dotnet-sdk-${DOTNET_PKG_COMPAT}" \\ >"${EPREFIX}/opt/dotnet-sdk-bin-${DOTNET_PKG_COMPAT}" ; do >[ -d "\${__dotnet_root}" ] && break >done > >DOTNET_ROOT="\${__dotnet_root}" >export DOTNET_ROOT > >$(for var in "${_DOTNET_PKG_LAUNCHERVARS[@]}" ; do >echo "${var}" >echo "export ${var%%=*}" >done) > >exec "${EPREFIX}${executable_path}" "\${@}" >EOF > die > exeinto "${_DOTNET_PKG_LAUNCHERDEST}"; > doexe "${executable_target}" >} >dotnet-pkg-base_dolauncher-portable () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > local dll_path="${1}"; > local executable_name="${2}"; > local executable_target="${T}/${executable_name}"; > cat <<-EOF > "${executable_target}" || >#!/bin/sh > ># Launcher script for ${dll_path} (${executable_name}), ># created from package "${CATEGORY}/${P}", ># compatible with any dotnet version, built on ${DOTNET_PKG_COMPAT}. > >$(for var in "${_DOTNET_PKG_LAUNCHERVARS[@]}" ; do >echo "${var}" >echo "export ${var%%=*}" >done) > >exec dotnet exec "${EPREFIX}${dll_path}" "\${@}" >EOF > die > exeinto "${_DOTNET_PKG_LAUNCHERDEST}"; > doexe "${executable_target}" >} >dotnet-pkg-base_dolauncher_portable () >{ > dotnet-pkg-base_dolauncher-portable "${@}" >} >dotnet-pkg-base_foreach-solution () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > local directory="${1}"; > shift; > local dotnet_solution; > local dotnet_solution_name; > while read -r dotnet_solution; do > dotnet_solution_name="$(basename "${dotnet_solution}")"; > ebegin "Running \"${@}\" for solution: \"${dotnet_solution_name}\""; > "${@}" "${dotnet_solution}"; > eend $? "${FUNCNAME[0]}: failed for solution: \"${dotnet_solution}\"" || die; > done < <(find "${directory}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.sln") >} >dotnet-pkg-base_get-configuration () >{ > if in_iuse debug && use debug; then > echo Debug; > else > echo Release; > fi >} >dotnet-pkg-base_get-output () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > [[ -z ${DOTNET_PKG_CONFIGURATION} ]] && die "${FUNCNAME[0]}: DOTNET_PKG_CONFIGURATION is not set."; > echo "${WORKDIR}/${1}_net${DOTNET_PKG_COMPAT}_${DOTNET_PKG_CONFIGURATION}" >} >dotnet-pkg-base_get-runtime () >{ > local libc; > libc="$(usex elibc_musl "-musl" "")"; > if use amd64; then > echo "linux${libc}-x64"; > else > if use x86; then > echo "linux${libc}-x86"; > else > if use arm; then > echo "linux${libc}-arm"; > else > if use arm64; then > echo "linux${libc}-arm64"; > else > die "${FUNCNAME[0]}: Unsupported architecture: ${ARCH}"; > fi; > fi; > fi; > fi >} >dotnet-pkg-base_info () >{ > if [[ ${CATEGORY}/${PN} == dev-dotnet/csharp-gentoodotnetinfo ]]; then > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${P} is a special package, skipping dotnet-pkg-base_info"; > else > if command -v gentoo-dotnet-info > /dev/null; then > gentoo-dotnet-info || die "${FUNCNAME[0]}: failed to execute gentoo-dotnet-info"; > else > ewarn "${FUNCNAME[0]}: gentoo-dotnet-info not available"; > fi; > fi >} >dotnet-pkg-base_install () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > local installation_directory="${1:-/usr/share/${P}}"; > dodir "${installation_directory}"; > cp -r "${DOTNET_PKG_OUTPUT}"/* "${ED}/${installation_directory}/" || die >} >dotnet-pkg-base_launcherinto () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > [[ -z ${1} ]] && die "${FUNCNAME[0]}: no directory specified"; > _DOTNET_PKG_LAUNCHERDEST="${1}" >} >dotnet-pkg-base_remove-global-json () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > local file="${1:-.}"/global.json; > if [[ -f "${file}" ]]; then > ebegin "Removing the global.json file"; > rm "${file}"; > eend ${?} || die "${FUNCNAME[0]}: failed to remove ${file}"; > fi >} >dotnet-pkg-base_restore () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > local -a restore_args=(--runtime "${DOTNET_PKG_RUNTIME}" --source "${NUGET_PACKAGES}" --verbosity "${DOTNET_VERBOSITY}" -maxCpuCount:$(makeopts_jobs) "${@}"); > edotnet restore "${restore_args[@]}" >} >dotnet-pkg-base_restore-tools () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > local -a tool_restore_args=(--add-source "${NUGET_PACKAGES}" --verbosity "${DOTNET_VERBOSITY}"); > if [[ -n "${1}" ]]; then > tool_restore_args+=(--configfile "${1}"); > shift; > fi; > tool_restore_args+=("${@}"); > edotnet tool restore "${tool_restore_args[@]}" >} >dotnet-pkg-base_restore_tools () >{ > dotnet-pkg-base_restore-tools "${@}" >} >dotnet-pkg-base_setup () >{ > local -a impl_dirs=("${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dotnet-sdk-${DOTNET_PKG_COMPAT}" "${EPREFIX}/opt/dotnet-sdk-bin-${DOTNET_PKG_COMPAT}"); > local impl_exe; > local impl_dir; > for impl_dir in "${impl_dirs[@]}"; > do > impl_exe="${impl_dir}/dotnet"; > if [[ -d "${impl_dir}" ]] && [[ -x "${impl_exe}" ]]; then > DOTNET_PKG_EXECUTABLE="${impl_exe}"; > DOTNET_ROOT="${impl_dir}"; > break; > fi; > done; > einfo "Setting .NET SDK \"DOTNET_ROOT\" to \"${DOTNET_ROOT}\""; > export DOTNET_ROOT; > export PATH="${DOTNET_ROOT}:${PATH}"; > DOTNET_PKG_RUNTIME="$(dotnet-pkg-base_get-runtime)"; > DOTNET_PKG_CONFIGURATION="$(dotnet-pkg-base_get-configuration)"; > DOTNET_PKG_OUTPUT="$(dotnet-pkg-base_get-output "${P}")" >} >dotnet-pkg-base_sln-remove () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > [[ -z ${1} ]] && die "${FUNCNAME[0]}: no solution file specified"; > [[ -z ${2} ]] && die "${FUNCNAME[0]}: no project file specified"; > edotnet sln "${1}" remove "${2}" >} >dotnet-pkg-base_test () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > local -a test_args=(--configuration "${DOTNET_PKG_CONFIGURATION}" --no-restore --verbosity "${DOTNET_VERBOSITY}" -maxCpuCount:$(makeopts_jobs) "${@}"); > edotnet test "${test_args[@]}" >} >dotnet-pkg_force-compat () >{ > if [[ -z ${DOTNET_PKG_COMPAT} ]]; then > die "DOTNET_PKG_COMPAT is not set"; > fi; > local -a force_extra_args=(-p:RollForward=Major -p:TargetFramework="net${DOTNET_PKG_COMPAT}" -p:TargetFrameworks="net${DOTNET_PKG_COMPAT}"); > DOTNET_PKG_RESTORE_EXTRA_ARGS+=("${force_extra_args[@]}"); > DOTNET_PKG_BUILD_EXTRA_ARGS+=("${force_extra_args[@]}"); > DOTNET_PKG_TEST_EXTRA_ARGS+=("${force_extra_args[@]}") >} >dotnet-pkg_foreach-project () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > local dotnet_project; > for dotnet_project in "${DOTNET_PKG_PROJECTS[@]}"; > do > ebegin "Running \"${*}\" for project: \"${dotnet_project##*/}\""; > "${@}" "${dotnet_project}"; > eend $? "${FUNCNAME[0]}: failed for project: \"${dotnet_project}\"" || die; > done >} >dotnet-pkg_pkg_setup () >{ > [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != binary ]] && dotnet-pkg-base_setup >} >dotnet-pkg_remove-bad () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > [[ -z ${1} ]] && die "${FUNCNAME[0]}: no solution file specified"; > local bad_project; > for bad_project in "${DOTNET_PKG_BAD_PROJECTS[@]}"; > do > nonfatal dotnet-pkg-base_sln-remove "${1}" "${bad_project}"; > done >} >dotnet-pkg_src_compile () >{ > dotnet-pkg_foreach-project dotnet-pkg-base_build "${DOTNET_PKG_BUILD_EXTRA_ARGS[@]}" >} >dotnet-pkg_src_configure () >{ > dotnet-pkg-base_info; > dotnet-pkg_foreach-project dotnet-pkg-base_restore "${DOTNET_PKG_RESTORE_EXTRA_ARGS[@]}"; > dotnet-pkg-base_foreach-solution "$(pwd)" dotnet-pkg-base_restore "${DOTNET_PKG_RESTORE_EXTRA_ARGS[@]}" >} >dotnet-pkg_src_install () >{ > dotnet-pkg-base_install; > if [[ -f "${D}/usr/share/${P}/${PN^}" ]]; then > dotnet-pkg-base_dolauncher "/usr/share/${P}/${PN^}"; > dosym -r "/usr/bin/${PN^}" "/usr/bin/${PN}"; > else > if [[ -f "${D}/usr/share/${P}/${PN}" ]]; then > dotnet-pkg-base_dolauncher "/usr/share/${P}/${PN}"; > fi; > fi; > einstalldocs >} >dotnet-pkg_src_prepare () >{ > dotnet-pkg-base_remove-global-json; > dotnet-pkg-base_foreach-solution "$(pwd)" dotnet-pkg_remove-bad; > find "$(pwd)" -maxdepth 1 -iname "nuget.config" -delete || die "${FUNCNAME[0]}: failed to remove unwanted \"NuGet.config\" config files"; > nuget_writeconfig "$(pwd)/"; > default >} >dotnet-pkg_src_test () >{ > dotnet-pkg-base_foreach-solution "$(pwd)" dotnet-pkg-base_test "${DOTNET_PKG_TEST_EXTRA_ARGS[@]}" >} >dotnet-pkg_src_unpack () >{ > nuget_link-system-nugets; > nuget_link-nuget-archives; > nuget_unpack-non-nuget-archives >} >edo () >{ > einfo "$@"; > "$@" || die -n "Failed to run command: $@" >} >edob () >{ > local message; > local log_name; > while true; do > case "${1}" in > -l | -m) > [[ $# -lt 2 ]] && die "Must provide an argument to ${1}"; > case "${1}" in > -l) > log_name="${2}" > ;; > -m) > message="${2}" > ;; > esac; > shift 2 > ;; > *) > break > ;; > esac; > done; > [[ -z ${message} ]] && message="Running $@"; > [[ -z ${log_name} ]] && log_name="$(basename ${1})"; > local log_file="${T}/${log_name}.log"; > ebegin "${message}"; > "$@" &> "${log_file}"; > local ret=$?; > if ! eend $ret; then > cat "${log_file}"; > die -n "Command \"$@\" failed with exit status $ret"; > fi >} >edotnet () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > if [[ -z ${DOTNET_PKG_EXECUTABLE} ]]; then > die "${FUNCNAME[0]}: DOTNET_PKG_EXECUTABLE not set. Was dotnet-pkg-base_setup called?"; > fi; > edo "${DOTNET_PKG_EXECUTABLE}" "${@}" >} >efsi () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > edotnet fsi --nologo "${@}" >} >get_makeopts_jobs () >{ > makeopts_jobs "$(_get_all_makeopts)" "${1:-1}" >} >get_makeopts_loadavg () >{ > makeopts_loadavg "$(_get_all_makeopts)" "${1:-999}" >} >get_nproc () >{ > local nproc; > if type -P nproc &> /dev/null; then > nproc=$(nproc); > fi; > if [[ -z ${nproc} ]] && type -P sysctl &> /dev/null; then > nproc=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu 2> /dev/null); > fi; > if [[ -z ${nproc} ]] && type -P python &> /dev/null; then > nproc=$(python -c 'import multiprocessing; print(multiprocessing.cpu_count());' 2> /dev/null); > fi; > if [[ -n ${nproc} ]]; then > echo "${nproc}"; > else > echo "${1:-1}"; > fi >} >make_desktop_entry () >{ > [[ -z $1 ]] && die "make_desktop_entry: You must specify the executable"; > local exec=${1}; > local name=${2:-${PN}}; > local icon=${3:-${PN}}; > local type=${4}; > local fields=${5}; > if [[ -z ${type} ]]; then > local catmaj=${CATEGORY%%-*}; > local catmin=${CATEGORY##*-}; > case ${catmaj} in > app) > case ${catmin} in > accessibility) > type="Utility;Accessibility" > ;; > admin) > type=System > ;; > antivirus) > type=System > ;; > arch) > type="Utility;Archiving" > ;; > backup) > type="Utility;Archiving" > ;; > cdr) > type="AudioVideo;DiscBurning" > ;; > dicts) > type="Office;Dictionary" > ;; > doc) > type=Documentation > ;; > editors) > type="Utility;TextEditor" > ;; > emacs) > type="Development;TextEditor" > ;; > emulation) > type="System;Emulator" > ;; > laptop) > type="Settings;HardwareSettings" > ;; > office) > type=Office > ;; > pda) > type="Office;PDA" > ;; > vim) > type="Development;TextEditor" > ;; > xemacs) > type="Development;TextEditor" > ;; > esac > ;; > dev) > type="Development" > ;; > games) > case ${catmin} in > action | fps) > type=ActionGame > ;; > arcade) > type=ArcadeGame > ;; > board) > type=BoardGame > ;; > emulation) > type=Emulator > ;; > kids) > type=KidsGame > ;; > puzzle) > type=LogicGame > ;; > roguelike) > type=RolePlaying > ;; > rpg) > type=RolePlaying > ;; > simulation) > type=Simulation > ;; > sports) > type=SportsGame > ;; > strategy) > type=StrategyGame > ;; > esac; > type="Game;${type}" > ;; > gnome) > type="Gnome;GTK" > ;; > kde) > type="KDE;Qt" > ;; > mail) > type="Network;Email" > ;; > media) > case ${catmin} in > gfx) > type=Graphics > ;; > *) > case ${catmin} in > radio) > type=Tuner > ;; > sound) > type=Audio > ;; > tv) > type=TV > ;; > video) > type=Video > ;; > esac; > type="AudioVideo;${type}" > ;; > esac > ;; > net) > case ${catmin} in > dialup) > type=Dialup > ;; > ftp) > type=FileTransfer > ;; > im) > type=InstantMessaging > ;; > irc) > type=IRCClient > ;; > mail) > type=Email > ;; > news) > type=News > ;; > nntp) > type=News > ;; > p2p) > type=FileTransfer > ;; > voip) > type=Telephony > ;; > esac; > type="Network;${type}" > ;; > sci) > case ${catmin} in > astro*) > type=Astronomy > ;; > bio*) > type=Biology > ;; > calc*) > type=Calculator > ;; > chem*) > type=Chemistry > ;; > elec*) > type=Electronics > ;; > geo*) > type=Geology > ;; > math*) > type=Math > ;; > physics) > type=Physics > ;; > visual*) > type=DataVisualization > ;; > esac; > type="Education;Science;${type}" > ;; > sys) > type="System" > ;; > www) > case ${catmin} in > client) > type=WebBrowser > ;; > esac; > type="Network;${type}" > ;; > *) > type= > ;; > esac; > fi; > local desktop_exec="${exec%%[[:space:]]*}"; > desktop_exec="${desktop_exec##*/}"; > local desktop_suffix="-${PN}"; > [[ ${SLOT%/*} != 0 ]] && desktop_suffix+="-${SLOT%/*}"; > [[ ${desktop_suffix#-} == "${desktop_exec}" ]] && desktop_suffix=""; > local desktop="${desktop_exec}${desktop_suffix}" count=0; > while [[ -e ${ED}/usr/share/applications/${desktop}.desktop ]]; do > desktop="${desktop_exec}-$((++count))${desktop_suffix}"; > done; > desktop="${T}/${desktop}.desktop"; > type=${type%;}${type:+;}; > if [[ -n ${icon} && ${icon} != /* ]] && [[ ${icon} == *.xpm || ${icon} == *.png || ${icon} == *.svg ]]; then > ewarn "As described in the Icon Theme Specification, icon file extensions are not"; > ewarn "allowed in .desktop files if the value is not an absolute path."; > icon=${icon%.*}; > fi; > cat <<-EOF > "${desktop}" || >[Desktop Entry] >Name=${name} >Type=Application >Comment=${DESCRIPTION} >Exec=${exec} >TryExec=${exec%% *} >Icon=${icon} >Categories=${type} >EOF > die > if [[ ${fields:-=} != *=* ]]; then > ewarn "make_desktop_entry: update your 5th arg to read Path=${fields}"; > fields="Path=${fields}"; > fi; > if [[ -n ${fields} ]]; then > printf '%b\n' "${fields}" >> "${desktop}" || die; > fi; > ( insopts -m 0644; > insinto /usr/share/applications; > doins "${desktop}" ) >} >make_session_desktop () >{ > [[ -z $1 ]] && eerror "$0: You must specify the title" && return 1; > [[ -z $2 ]] && eerror "$0: You must specify the command" && return 1; > local title=$1; > local command=$2; > local desktop=${T}/${wm:-${PN}}.desktop; > shift 2; > cat <<-EOF > "${desktop}" || >[Desktop Entry] >Name=${title} >Comment=This session logs you into ${title} >Exec=${command} $* >TryExec=${command} >Type=XSession >EOF > die > ( insopts -m 0644; > insinto /usr/share/xsessions; > doins "${desktop}" ) >} >makeopts_jobs () >{ > [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && set -- "$(_get_all_makeopts)"; > local jobs=$(echo " $* " | sed -r -n -e 's:.*[[:space:]](-[a-z]*j|--jobs[=[:space:]])[[:space:]]*([0-9]+).*:\2:p' -e "s:.*[[:space:]](-[a-z]*j|--jobs)[[:space:]].*:${2:-$(( $(get_nproc) + 1 ))}:p"); > echo ${jobs:-1} >} >makeopts_loadavg () >{ > [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && set -- "$(_get_all_makeopts)"; > local lavg=$(echo " $* " | sed -r -n -e 's:.*[[:space:]](-[a-z]*l|--(load-average|max-load)[=[:space:]])[[:space:]]*([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)[[:space:]].*:\3:p' -e "s:.*[[:space:]](-[a-z]*l|--(load-average|max-load))[[:space:]].*:${2:-999}:p"); > echo ${lavg:-${2:-999}} >} >newicon () >{ > _iconins ${FUNCNAME} "$@" >} >newmenu () >{ > ( insopts -m 0644; > insinto /usr/share/applications; > newins "$@" ) >} >nuget_donuget () >{ > insinto "${NUGET_SYSTEM_NUGETS}"; > doins "${@}" >} >nuget_link () >{ > [[ -z "${1}" ]] && die "${FUNCNAME[0]}: no nuget path given"; > mkdir -p "${NUGET_PACKAGES}" || die; > local nuget_name="${1##*/}"; > if [[ -f "${NUGET_PACKAGES}/${nuget_name}" ]]; then > eqawarn "QA Notice: \"${nuget_name}\" already exists, not linking it"; > else > ln -s "${1}" "${NUGET_PACKAGES}/${nuget_name}" || die; > fi >} >nuget_link-nuget-archives () >{ > local archive; > for archive in ${A}; > do > case "${archive}" in > *.nupkg) > nuget_link "${DISTDIR}/${archive}" > ;; > *) > : > ;; > esac; > done >} >nuget_link-system-nugets () >{ > local runtime_nuget; > for runtime_nuget in "${EPREFIX}${NUGET_SYSTEM_NUGETS}"/*.nupkg; > do > if [[ -f "${runtime_nuget}" ]]; then > nuget_link "${runtime_nuget}"; > fi; > done >} >nuget_unpack-non-nuget-archives () >{ > local archive; > for archive in ${A}; > do > case "${archive}" in > *.nupkg) > : > ;; > *) > unpack "${archive}" > ;; > esac; > done >} >nuget_writeconfig () >{ > debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; > case "${1}" in > "") > die "${FUNCNAME[0]}: no directory/file path specified" > ;; > */) > mkdir -p "${1}" || die > ;; > esac; > local nuget_config_path; > if [[ -d "${1}" ]]; then > nuget_config_path="${1}/NuGet.config"; > else > nuget_config_path="${1}"; > fi; > cat <<-EOF > "${nuget_config_path}" || ><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> ><configuration> ><packageSources> ><clear /> ><add key="nuget" value="${NUGET_PACKAGES}" /> ></packageSources> ></configuration> >EOF > die >} >pkg_nofetch () >{ > default >} >pkg_postinst () >{ > xdg_icon_cache_update; > xdg_desktop_database_update >} >pkg_postrm () >{ > xdg_icon_cache_update; > xdg_desktop_database_update >} >pkg_preinst () >{ > xdg_pkg_preinst "$@" >} >pkg_pretend () >{ > check-reqs_pkg_pretend "$@" >} >pkg_setup () >{ > check-reqs_pkg_setup; > dotnet-pkg_pkg_setup >} >post_src_install () >{ > ( if grep -q 'internal compiler error' "${WORKDIR}"/*/config.log &> /dev/null; then > echo "${CATEGORY}/${PF}: Found ICE in config.log?!"; > fi; > if [[ -f "${S}"/meson.build ]] && ! grep -q "dev-build/meson" <<< "${BDEPEND}"; then > echo "${CATEGORY}/${PF}: meson.build found but ebuild doesn't use meson?"; > fi; > if grep -r -q "dejagnu" "${S}" &> /dev/null && ! grep -q "dejagnu" <<< "${BDEPEND}"; then > echo "${CATEGORY}/${PF}: Missing dejagnu tests?"; > fi; > if grep -r -q "test" "${S}/meson_options.txt" &> /dev/null && ! grep -q "test" <<< "${IUSE}"; then > echo "${CATEGORY}/${PF}: Missing test option wiring for meson?"; > fi; > if grep -E -r -q -- "(disable|enable|with(out)?)-(unit)?test(s?)" configure.ac &> /dev/null && ! grep -q "test" <<< "${IUSE}"; then > echo "${CATEGORY}/${PF}: Missing test option wiring for autoconf?"; > fi; > if grep -E -r -q -- "(disable|enable)-valgrind" configure.ac &> /dev/null && ! grep -q "valgrind" <<< "${IUSE}"; then > echo "${CATEGORY}/${PF}: Missing valgrind option wiring for autoconf?"; > fi; > if grep -r -q "valgrind" "${S}/meson_options.txt" &> /dev/null && ! grep -q "valgrind" <<< "${IUSE}"; then > echo "${CATEGORY}/${PF}: Missing valgrind option wiring for meson?"; > fi; > if grep -E -r -q -- "(disable|enable)-fuzz" configure.ac &> /dev/null && ! grep -q "fuzz" <<< "${EBUILD}"; then > echo "${CATEGORY}/${PF}: Missing fuzz option wiring for autoconf?"; > fi; > if grep -r -q "fuzz" "${S}/meson_options.txt" &> /dev/null && ! grep -q "fuzz" <<< "${EBUILD}"; then > echo "${CATEGORY}/${PF}: Missing fuzz option wiring for meson?"; > fi ) &>> /var/tmp/sam.txt >} >source_profile () >{ > set +u; > source /etc/profile; > set -u >} >declare -fx source_profile >src_compile () >{ > dotnet-pkg_src_compile "$@" >} >src_configure () >{ > dotnet-pkg_src_configure "$@" >} >src_install () >{ > dotnet-pkg-base_install; > dotnet-pkg-base_dolauncher "/usr/share/${P}/SourceGit" "${PN}"; > doicon "./build/resources/_common/icons/${PN}.png"; > domenu "./build/resources/_common/applications/${PN}.desktop"; > einstalldocs >} >src_prepare () >{ > sed -i "./build/resources/_common/applications/${PN}.desktop" -e "s|/opt/sourcegit/sourcegit|sourcegit|g" -e "s|/usr/share/icons/sourcegit.png|sourcegit|g" || die; > dotnet-pkg_src_prepare >} >src_test () >{ > dotnet-pkg_src_test "$@" >} >src_unpack () >{ > dotnet-pkg_src_unpack; > if [[ -n "${EGIT_REPO_URI}" ]]; then > git-r3_src_unpack; > fi >} >syncRepo () >{ > cd /var/db/repos/gentoo; > local synclog=/var/tmp/tb/sync.log; > local curr_time=$EPOCHSECONDS; > if ! emaint sync --auto &> $synclog; then > if grep -q -e 'git fetch error' -e ': Failed to connect to ' -e ': SSL connection timeout' -e ': Connection timed out' -e 'The requested URL returned error:' $synclog; then > return 0; > else > if ! emaint merges --fix &>> $synclog; then > ReachedEOL "repo sync failure, unable to fix" $synclog; > fi; > fi; > fi; > if grep -q -F '* An update to portage is available.' $synclog; then > add2backlog "sys-apps/portage"; > fi; > if ! grep -B 1 '=== Sync completed for gentoo' $synclog | grep -q 'Already up to date.'; then > git diff --diff-filter="ACM" --name-only "@{ $((EPOCHSECONDS - last_sync + 2 * 3600)) second ago }..@{ 2 hour ago }" 2> /dev/null | grep -F -e '/files/' -e '.ebuild' -e 'Manifest' | cut -f 1-2 -d '/' -s | grep -v -f /mnt/tb/data/IGNORE_PACKAGES | sort -u > /tmp/syncRepo.upd; > if [[ -s /tmp/syncRepo.upd ]]; then > sort -u /tmp/syncRepo.upd /var/tmp/tb/backlog.upd | shuf > /tmp/backlog.upd; > cp /tmp/backlog.upd /var/tmp/tb/backlog.upd; > fi; > fi; > last_sync=$curr_time; > cd - > /dev/null >} >declare -fx syncRepo >xdg_desktop_database_update () >{ > if [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} != post* ]]; then > die "xdg_desktop_database_update must be used in pkg_post* phases."; > fi; > if ! type update-desktop-database &> /dev/null; then > debug-print "update-desktop-database is not found"; > return; > fi; > ebegin "Updating .desktop files database"; > update-desktop-database -q "${EROOT}${DESKTOP_DATABASE_DIR}"; > eend $? >} >xdg_environment_reset () >{ > export XDG_DATA_HOME="${HOME}/.local/share"; > export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="${HOME}/.config"; > export XDG_CACHE_HOME="${HOME}/.cache"; > export XDG_STATE_HOME="${HOME}/.local/state"; > export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="${T}/run"; > mkdir -p "${XDG_DATA_HOME}" "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}" "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}" "${XDG_STATE_HOME}" "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}" || die; > chmod 0700 "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}" || die; > unset DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS >} >xdg_icon_cache_update () >{ > if [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} != post* ]]; then > die "xdg_icon_cache_update must be used in pkg_post* phases."; > fi; > if ! type gtk-update-icon-cache &> /dev/null; then > debug-print "gtk-update-icon-cache is not found"; > return; > fi; > ebegin "Updating icons cache"; > local dir retval=0; > local fails=(); > for dir in "${EROOT}"/usr/share/icons/*; > do > if [[ -f ${dir}/index.theme ]]; then > if ! gtk-update-icon-cache -qf "${dir}"; then > debug-print "Updating cache failed on ${dir}"; > fails+=("${dir}"); > retval=2; > fi; > else > if [[ $(ls "${dir}") = icon-theme.cache ]]; then > rm "${dir}/icon-theme.cache"; > fi; > fi; > if [[ -z $(ls "${dir}") ]]; then > rmdir "${dir}"; > fi; > done; > eend ${retval}; > for dir in "${fails[@]}"; > do > eerror "Failed to update cache with icon ${dir}"; > done >} >xdg_mimeinfo_database_update () >{ > if [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} != post* ]]; then > die "xdg_mimeinfo_database_update must be used in pkg_post* phases."; > fi; > if ! type update-mime-database &> /dev/null; then > debug-print "update-mime-database is not found"; > return; > fi; > local -x PKGSYSTEM_ENABLE_FSYNC=0; > ebegin "Updating shared mime info database"; > update-mime-database "${EROOT}${MIMEINFO_DATABASE_DIR}"; > eend $? >} >xdg_pkg_postinst () >{ > if [[ ${#XDG_ECLASS_DESKTOPFILES[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then > xdg_desktop_database_update; > else > debug-print "No .desktop files to add to database"; > fi; > if [[ ${#XDG_ECLASS_ICONFILES[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then > xdg_icon_cache_update; > else > debug-print "No icon files to add to cache"; > fi; > if [[ ${#XDG_ECLASS_MIMEINFOFILES[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then > xdg_mimeinfo_database_update; > else > debug-print "No mime info files to add to database"; > fi >} >xdg_pkg_postrm () >{ > if [[ ${#XDG_ECLASS_DESKTOPFILES[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then > xdg_desktop_database_update; > else > debug-print "No .desktop files to add to database"; > fi; > if [[ ${#XDG_ECLASS_ICONFILES[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then > xdg_icon_cache_update; > else > debug-print "No icon files to add to cache"; > fi; > if [[ ${#XDG_ECLASS_MIMEINFOFILES[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then > xdg_mimeinfo_database_update; > else > debug-print "No mime info files to add to database"; > fi >} >xdg_pkg_preinst () >{ > local f; > XDG_ECLASS_DESKTOPFILES=(); > while IFS= read -r -d '' f; do > XDG_ECLASS_DESKTOPFILES+=(${f}); > done < <(cd "${ED}" && find 'usr/share/applications' -type f -print0 2> /dev/null); > XDG_ECLASS_ICONFILES=(); > while IFS= read -r -d '' f; do > XDG_ECLASS_ICONFILES+=(${f}); > done < <(cd "${ED}" && find 'usr/share/icons' -type f -print0 2> /dev/null); > XDG_ECLASS_MIMEINFOFILES=(); > while IFS= read -r -d '' f; do > XDG_ECLASS_MIMEINFOFILES+=(${f}); > done < <(cd "${ED}" && find 'usr/share/mime' -type f -print0 2> /dev/null) >} >xdg_src_prepare () >{ > die "Called xdg_src_prepare in EAPI >= 8" >}
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bug 949279
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