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Bug 925109
net-proxy/haproxy (all versions) fails tests on arm: HTTP header is incomplete (SIGBUS)
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build.log and emerge --info
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2024-02-20 22:07:15 UTC
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>Portage 3.0.61 (python 3.11.7-final-0, default/linux/arm/17.0/armv7a, gcc-13, glibc-2.38-r10, 6.1.78-gentoo-dist armv8l) >================================================================= >System uname: Linux-6.1.78-gentoo-dist-armv8l-ARMv8_Processor_rev_3_-v8l-with-glibc2.38 >KiB Mem: 65137276 total, 30458960 free >KiB Swap: 0 total, 0 free >Timestamp of repository gentoo: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 21:34:02 +0000 >sh bash 5.1_p16-r6 >ld GNU ld (Gentoo 2.40 p7) 2.40.0 >app-misc/pax-utils: 1.3.7::gentoo >app-shells/bash: 5.1_p16-r6::gentoo >dev-build/autoconf: 2.71-r6::gentoo >dev-build/automake: 1.16.5-r2::gentoo >dev-build/libtool: 2.4.7-r2::gentoo >dev-build/make: 4.4.1-r1::gentoo >dev-build/meson: 1.3.1-r1::gentoo >dev-lang/perl: 5.38.2-r1::gentoo >dev-lang/python: 3.11.7::gentoo, 3.12.1::gentoo >sys-apps/baselayout: 2.14-r2::gentoo >sys-apps/openrc: 0.53::gentoo >sys-apps/sandbox: 2.38::gentoo >sys-devel/binutils: 2.40-r9::gentoo >sys-devel/binutils-config: 5.5::gentoo >sys-devel/gcc: 13.2.1_p20240113-r1::gentoo >sys-devel/gcc-config: 2.11::gentoo >sys-kernel/linux-headers: 6.6::gentoo (virtual/os-headers) >sys-libs/glibc: 2.38-r10::gentoo >Repositories: > >gentoo > location: /var/db/repos/gentoo > sync-type: rsync > sync-uri: rsync://rsync.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage > priority: -1000 > volatile: False > sync-rsync-verify-max-age: 3 > sync-rsync-verify-jobs: 1 > sync-rsync-extra-opts: > sync-rsync-verify-metamanifest: yes > >Binary Repositories: > >gentoobinhost > priority: 1 > sync-uri: https://distfiles.gentoo.org/releases/arm/binpackages/17.0/armv7a_hardfp > >ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="arm" >ACCEPT_LICENSE="@FREE" >CBUILD="armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" >CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard" >CHOST="armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" >CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/share/easy-rsa /usr/share/gnupg/qualified.txt" >CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/ca-certificates.conf /etc/env.d /etc/fonts/fonts.conf /etc/gconf /etc/gentoo-release /etc/revdep-rebuild /etc/sandbox.d /etc/terminfo" >CXXFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard" >DISTDIR="/var/cache/distfiles" >EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--autounmask --autounmask-continue --complete-graph --usepkg --getbinpkg --backtrack=300 --usepkg-exclude dev-perl/Mozilla-CA" >ENV_UNSET="CARGO_HOME DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS DISPLAY GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE GOBIN GOPATH PERL5LIB PERL5OPT PERLPREFIX PERL_CORE PERL_MB_OPT PERL_MM_OPT XAUTHORITY XDG_CACHE_HOME XDG_CONFIG_HOME XDG_DATA_HOME XDG_RUNTIME_DIR XDG_STATE_HOME" >FCFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard" >FEATURES="assume-digests binpkg-docompress binpkg-dostrip binpkg-logs binpkg-multi-instance binpkg-request-signature buildpkg-live config-protect-if-modified distlocks ebuild-locks fixlafiles ipc-sandbox merge-sync multilib-strict network-sandbox news pid-sandbox pkgdir-index-trusted preserve-libs protect-owned qa-unresolved-soname-deps sandbox sfperms strict unknown-features-warn unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch userpriv usersandbox usersync xattr" >FFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard" >GENTOO_MIRRORS="http://distfiles.gentoo.org" >LANG="en_US.utf8" >LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed" >LEX="flex" >MAKEOPTS="-j10" >PKGDIR="/var/cache/binpkgs" >PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT="/" >PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS="--recursive --links --safe-links --perms --times --omit-dir-times --compress --force --whole-file --delete --stats --human-readable --timeout=180 --exclude=/distfiles --exclude=/local --exclude=/packages --exclude=/.git" >PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/var/tmp" >SHELL="/bin/bash" >USE="acl arm bzip2 cli crypt dri fortran gdbm iconv ipv6 ncurses nls openmp pam pcre readline seccomp split-usr ssl test-rust unicode xattr zlib" ADA_TARGET="gnat_2021" APACHE2_MODULES="authn_core authz_core socache_shmcb unixd actions alias auth_basic authn_anon authn_dbm authn_file authz_dbm authz_groupfile authz_host authz_owner authz_user autoindex cache cgi cgid dav dav_fs dav_lock deflate dir env expires ext_filter file_cache filter headers include info log_config logio mime mime_magic negotiation rewrite setenvif speling status unique_id userdir usertrack vhost_alias" CALLIGRA_FEATURES="karbon sheets words" COLLECTD_PLUGINS="df interface irq load memory rrdtool swap syslog" CPU_FLAGS_ARM="edsp thumb thumb2 v4 v5 v6 v7 vfp" ELIBC="glibc" GPSD_PROTOCOLS="ashtech aivdm earthmate evermore fv18 garmin garmintxt gpsclock greis isync itrax mtk3301 ntrip navcom oceanserver oncore rtcm104v2 rtcm104v3 sirf skytraq superstar2 tsip tripmate tnt ublox" INPUT_DEVICES="libinput" KERNEL="linux" LCD_DEVICES="bayrad cfontz glk hd44780 lb216 lcdm001 mtxorb text" LUA_SINGLE_TARGET="lua5-1" LUA_TARGETS="lua5-1" OFFICE_IMPLEMENTATION="libreoffice" PHP_TARGETS="php8-1" POSTGRES_TARGETS="postgres15" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_11" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_11" RUBY_TARGETS="ruby31" VIDEO_CARDS="exynos fbdev omap dummy" XTABLES_ADDONS="quota2 psd pknock lscan length2 ipv4options ipp2p iface geoip fuzzy condition tarpit sysrq proto logmark ipmark dhcpmac delude chaos account" >Unset: ADDR2LINE, AR, ARFLAGS, AS, ASFLAGS, CC, CCLD, CONFIG_SHELL, CPP, CPPFLAGS, CTARGET, CXX, CXXFILT, ELFEDIT, EXTRA_ECONF, F77FLAGS, FC, GCOV, GPROF, INSTALL_MASK, LC_ALL, LD, LFLAGS, LIBTOOL, LINGUAS, MAKE, MAKEFLAGS, NM, OBJCOPY, OBJDUMP, PORTAGE_BINHOST, PORTAGE_BUNZIP2_COMMAND, PORTAGE_COMPRESS, PORTAGE_COMPRESS_FLAGS, PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS, PYTHONPATH, RANLIB, READELF, RUSTFLAGS, SIZE, STRINGS, STRIP, YACC, YFLAGS > > > > * Package: net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9:0/2.7 > * Repository: gentoo > * Maintainer: idl0r@gentoo.org > * USE: arm crypt elibc_glibc kernel_linux net_ns pcre ssl test threads zlib > * FEATURES: keeptemp network-sandbox preserve-libs sandbox test userpriv usersandbox > * Determining the location of the kernel source code > * Found kernel source directory: > * /usr/src/linux > * Found sources for kernel version: > * 6.1.78-gentoo-dist > * Checking for suitable kernel configuration options ... > [ ok ] >>>> Unpacking source... >>>> Unpacking haproxy-2.7.9.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work >>>> Unpacking VTest-af198470d7ce482d3d26eb9ca3f246a438739366.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work >>>> Source unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work >>>> Preparing source in /var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9 ... >>>> Source prepared. >>>> Configuring source in /var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9 ... >>>> Source configured. >>>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9 ... >make -j10 'CFLAGS=-O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard $(SPEC_CFLAGS)' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed' CC=armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc EXTRA_OBJS= TARGET_LDFLAGS=-latomic PCRE_LIB=/usr/lib V=1 PCRE= PCRE_JIT= TARGET=linux-glibc USE_THREAD=1 USE_LIBCRYPT=1 USE_NS=1 USE_PCRE2=1 USE_PCRE2_JIT= USE_OPENSSL=1 USE_SLZ= USE_ZLIB=1 USE_LUA= USE_51DEGREES= USE_WURFL= USE_SYSTEMD= USE_PROMEX= >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/ev_poll.o src/ev_poll.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/ev_epoll.o src/ev_epoll.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/cpuset.o src/cpuset.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/ssl_sock.o src/ssl_sock.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/ssl_ckch.o src/ssl_ckch.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/ssl_sample.o src/ssl_sample.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/ssl_crtlist.o src/ssl_crtlist.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/cfgparse-ssl.o src/cfgparse-ssl.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 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-DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/http_fetch.o src/http_fetch.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/http_client.o src/http_client.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/listener.o src/listener.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/dns.o src/dns.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/vars.o src/vars.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/debug.o src/debug.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/tcp_rules.o src/tcp_rules.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/sink.o src/sink.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/h1_htx.o src/h1_htx.c >src/debug.c: In function ‘debug_iohandler_fd’: >src/debug.c:1136:39: warning: argument 2 null where non-null expected [-Wnonnull[https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Warning-Options.html#index-Wnonnull]] > 1136 | epoll_wait(fd, NULL, 0, 0) != -1 || errno != EBADF ? "epol": > | ^~~~~~~~~~ >In file included from src/debug.c:26: >/usr/include/sys/epoll.h:124:12: note: in a call to function ‘epoll_wait’ declared ‘nonnull’ > 124 | extern int epoll_wait (int __epfd, struct epoll_event *__events, > | ^~~~~~~~~~ >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/task.o src/task.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/mjson.o src/mjson.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/h2.o src/h2.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/filters.o src/filters.c >At top level: >cc1: note: unrecognized command-line option ‘-Wno-atomic-alignment’ may have been intended to silence earlier diagnostics >cc1: note: unrecognized command-line option ‘-Wno-string-plus-int’ may have been intended to silence earlier diagnostics >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/server_state.o src/server_state.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/payload.o src/payload.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o src/fcgi-app.o src/fcgi-app.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Iinclude -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfatal-errors -Wtype-limits -Wshift-negative-value -Wshift-overflow=2 -Wduplicated-cond -Wnull-dereference -fwrapv -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-unused-label -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-clobbered -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-cast-function-type -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS 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-Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-atomic-alignment -DDEBUG_STRICT -DDEBUG_MEMORY_POOLS -DUSE_EPOLL -DUSE_NETFILTER -DUSE_PCRE2 -DUSE_POLL -DUSE_THREAD -DUSE_BACKTRACE -DUSE_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_TPROXY -DUSE_LINUX_SPLICE -DUSE_LIBCRYPT -DUSE_CRYPT_H -DUSE_GETADDRINFO -DUSE_OPENSSL -DUSE_ACCEPT4 -DUSE_ZLIB -DUSE_CPU_AFFINITY -DUSE_TFO -DUSE_NS -DUSE_DL -DUSE_RT -DUSE_PRCTL -DUSE_THREAD_DUMP -DUSE_SHM_OPEN -DUSE_PCRE2 -DPCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH=8 -I/usr/include -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_VERSION=\"2.7.9-7b77742\" -DCONFIG_HAPROXY_DATE=\"2023/06/07\" -c -o dev/flags/flags.o dev/flags/flags.c >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -o haproxy src/ev_poll.o src/ev_epoll.o src/cpuset.o src/ssl_sock.o src/ssl_ckch.o src/ssl_sample.o src/ssl_crtlist.o src/cfgparse-ssl.o src/ssl_utils.o src/jwt.o src/namespace.o src/mux_h2.o src/mux_fcgi.o src/mux_h1.o src/tcpcheck.o src/stream.o src/stats.o src/http_ana.o src/server.o src/stick_table.o src/sample.o src/flt_spoe.o src/tools.o src/log.o 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-Wl,--export-dynamic -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib -lpcre2-8 -lpcre2-posix >make -j10 -C admin/systemd 'CFLAGS=-O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard $(SPEC_CFLAGS)' 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed' CC=armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc EXTRA_OBJS= TARGET_LDFLAGS=-latomic PCRE_LIB=/usr/lib SBINDIR=/usr/sbin >make: Entering directory '/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/admin/systemd' >sed -e 's:@SBINDIR@:'/usr/sbin':' haproxy.service.in > haproxy.service >make: Leaving directory '/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/admin/systemd' >>>> Source compiled. >>>> Test phase: net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9 >make -j10 -C /var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/VTest-af198470d7ce482d3d26eb9ca3f246a438739366 CC=armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc 'FLAGS=-O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wno-error=unused-result' >make: Entering directory '/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/VTest-af198470d7ce482d3d26eb9ca3f246a438739366' >awk -f src/gensequences src/sequences > src/teken_state.h >trying python3 >armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc \ > -O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wno-error=unused-result \ > -o vtest \ > -Isrc -Ilib -I/usr/local/include -pthread \ > src/*.c lib/*.c \ > -L/usr/local/lib -lm -lpcre2-8 -lz >src/vtc_main.c: In function ‘cleaner_setup’: >src/vtc_main.c:237:23: warning: ignoring return value of �-Wunused-result[m[K][]] > 237 | (void)nice(1); /* Not important */ > | ^~~~~~~ >make: Leaving directory '/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/VTest-af198470d7ce482d3d26eb9ca3f246a438739366' >make -j10 reg-tests -- --v --j 10 HAPROXY_PROGRAM=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/haproxy VTEST_PROGRAM=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/VTest-af198470d7ce482d3d26eb9ca3f246a438739366/vtest REGTESTS_TYPE=default,bug,devel > >########################## Preparing to run tests ########################## >Testing with haproxy version: 2.7.9-7b77742 >Target : linux-glibc >Options : -51DEGREES +ACCEPT4 +BACKTRACE -CLOSEFROM +CPU_AFFINITY +CRYPT_H -DEVICEATLAS +DL -ENGINE +EPOLL -EVPORTS +GETADDRINFO -KQUEUE +LIBCRYPT +LINUX_SPLICE +LINUX_TPROXY -LUA -MEMORY_PROFILING +NETFILTER +NS -OBSOLETE_LINKER +OPENSSL -OPENSSL_WOLFSSL -OT -PCRE +PCRE2 -PCRE2_JIT -PCRE_JIT +POLL +PRCTL -PROCCTL -PROMEX -PTHREAD_EMULATION -QUIC +RT +SHM_OPEN -SLZ -STATIC_PCRE -STATIC_PCRE2 -SYSTEMD +TFO +THREAD +THREAD_DUMP +TPROXY -WURFL +ZLIB >Services : none >########################## Gathering tests to run ########################## > Add test: reg-tests/http-cookies/h2_cookie_concat.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-cookies/cookie_insert_indirect.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/startup/check_condition.vtc > Skip reg-tests/startup/automatic_maxconn.vtc because its type 'broken' is excluded > Add test: reg-tests/startup/default_rules.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/jwt/jws_verify.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/filters/random-forwarding.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/connection/http_reuse_conn_hash.vtc > Skip reg-tests/connection/proxy_protocol_random_fail.vtc because its type 'broken' is excluded > Add test: reg-tests/connection/proxy_protocol_send_unique_id.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/connection/http_reuse_never.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/connection/http_reuse_always.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/connection/proxy_protocol_send_unique_id_alpn.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/connection/tcp_to_http_upgrade.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/connection/proxy_protocol_tlv_validation.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/connection/dispatch.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/connection/http_reuse_aggressive.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/connection/cli_src_dst.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/connection/http_reuse_be_transparent.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/connection/http_reuse_dispatch.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/connection/http_reuse_safe.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/tcp-rules/default_rules.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/webstats/webstats-scope-and-post-change.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/peers/basic_sync_wo_stkt_backend.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/peers/tls_basic_sync.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/peers/tls_basic_sync_wo_stkt_backend.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/peers/basic_sync.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/balance/balance-rr.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/balance/balance-uri.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/balance/balance-uri-path-only.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/http-check-expect.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/40be_2srv_odd_health_checks.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/mysql-check.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/tcp-check_multiple_ports.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/ssl-hello-check.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/agent-check.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/tcp-checks-socks4.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/tcp-check-ssl.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/pgsql-check.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/http-check-send.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/spop-check.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/http-check.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/smtp-check.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/tcp-check_min-recv.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/tls_health_checks.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/4be_1srv_health_checks.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/redis-check.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/ldap-check.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/http-monitor-uri.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/1be_40srv_odd_health_checks.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/checks/4be_1srv_smtpchk_httpchk_layer47errors.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-errorfiles/http_return.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-errorfiles/errorfiles.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-errorfiles/http_errors.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-errorfiles/http-error.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-errorfiles/http_deny_errors.vtc > Skip reg-tests/seamless-reload/abns_socket.vtc because its type 'broken' is excluded > Add test: reg-tests/stream/unique-id-from-proxy.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/stream/unique-id.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/converter/digest.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/converter/url_dec.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/converter/hmac.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/converter/be2hex.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/converter/fix.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/converter/be2dec.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/converter/add_item.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/converter/field.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/converter/secure_memcmp.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/converter/json.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/converter/iif.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/converter/json_query.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/converter/sha2.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/converter/mqtt.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/converter/url_enc.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/server/cli_set_ssl.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/server/cli_add_server.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/server/cli_add_ssl_server.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/server/cli_add_check_server.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/server/cli_delete_dynamic_server.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/server/cli_add_track_server.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/server/cli_delete_server.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/server/cli_set_fdqn.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/server/cli_delete_server_lua.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-capture/multiple_headers.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-messaging/h2_to_h1.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-messaging/h1_to_h1.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-messaging/http_bodyless_response.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-messaging/http_abortonclose.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-messaging/protocol_upgrade.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-messaging/http_request_buffer.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-messaging/scheme_based_normalize.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-messaging/srv_ws.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-messaging/websocket.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-messaging/h1_host_normalization.vtc > Skip reg-tests/http-messaging/http_msg_full_on_eom.vtc because option haproxy is version: 2.7.9-7b77742 > REASON: this test requires a version below: 2.4 > Add test: reg-tests/http-messaging/http_transfer_encoding.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-messaging/http_splicing.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-messaging/http_wait_for_body.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-messaging/h2_desync_attacks.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/compression/etags_conversion.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/compression/basic.vtc > Skip reg-tests/compression/lua_validation.vtc because haproxy is not compiled with the required option LUA > Add test: reg-tests/compression/vary.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/sample_fetches/so_name.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/sample_fetches/cook.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/sample_fetches/srv_name.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/sample_fetches/cond_set_var.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/sample_fetches/ubase64.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/sample_fetches/vars.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/sample_fetches/hashes.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/log/log_forward.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/log/log_uri.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/log/last_rule.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/log/wrong_ip_port_logging.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/log/load_balancing.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-rules/http_after_response.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-rules/except-forwardfor-originalto.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-rules/map_regm_with_backref.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-rules/http_return.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-rules/converters_ipmask_concat_strcmp_field_word.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-rules/map_redirect.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-rules/del_header.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-rules/restrict_req_hdr_names.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-rules/acl_cli_spaces.vtc > Skip reg-tests/http-rules/h1_to_h1c.vtc because option haproxy is version: 2.7.9-7b77742 > REASON: this test requires a version below: 1.9 > Add test: reg-tests/http-rules/default_rules.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-rules/h1or2_to_h1c.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-rules/strict_rw_mode.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-rules/normalize_uri.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/http-rules/path_and_pathq.vtc > Skip reg-tests/lua/wrong_types_usage.vtc because haproxy is not compiled with the required option LUA > Skip reg-tests/lua/txn_get_priv-thread.vtc because haproxy is not compiled with the required option LUA > Skip reg-tests/lua/set_var.vtc because haproxy is not compiled with the required option LUA > Skip reg-tests/lua/close_wait_lf.vtc because haproxy is not compiled with the required option LUA > Skip reg-tests/lua/lua_socket.vtc because haproxy is not compiled with the required option LUA > Skip reg-tests/lua/txn_get_priv.vtc because haproxy is not compiled with the required option LUA > Skip reg-tests/lua/httpclient_action.vtc because haproxy is not compiled with the required option LUA > Skip reg-tests/lua/bad_http_clt_req_duration.vtc because haproxy is not compiled with the required option LUA > Skip reg-tests/lua/lua_httpclient.vtc because haproxy is not compiled with the required option LUA > Skip reg-tests/lua/h_txn_get_priv.vtc because haproxy is not compiled with the required option LUA > Skip reg-tests/contrib/prometheus.vtc because haproxy is not compiled with the required service prometheus-exporter > Add test: reg-tests/http-set-timeout/set_timeout.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/ssl_simple_crt-list.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/del_ssl_crt-list.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/new_del_ssl_crlfile.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/wrong_ctx_storage.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/new_del_ssl_cafile.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/ssl_client_auth.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/ssl_reuse.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/ssl_frontend_samples.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/set_ssl_cafile.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/set_ssl_cert_bundle.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/set_ssl_cert_noext.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/set_ssl_crlfile.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/add_ssl_crt-list.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/ssl_curves.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/ssl_errors.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/ssl_default_server.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/ssl_client_samples.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/set_ssl_cert.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/ssl_generate_certificate.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/ssl_server_samples.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/ssl_dh.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/set_ssl_server_cert.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/log_forward_ssl.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/show_ssl_ocspresponse.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/ssl_crt-list_filters.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/ssl/dynamic_server_ssl.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/mcli/mcli_show_info.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/mcli/mcli_start_progs.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/spoe/wrong_init.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/cache/expires.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/cache/caching_rules.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/cache/sample_fetches.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/cache/if-none-match.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/cache/post_on_entry.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/cache/vary_accept_encoding.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/cache/if-modified-since.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/cache/basic.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/cache/vary.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/stickiness/lb-services.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/stickiness/srvkey-addr.vtc > Skip reg-tests/mailers/healthcheckmail.vtc because haproxy is not compiled with the required option LUA > Add test: reg-tests/stick-table/unknown_key.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/stick-table/src_conn_rate.vtc > Add test: reg-tests/stick-table/converteers_ref_cnt_never_dec.vtc >########################## Starting vtest ########################## >Testing with haproxy version: 2.7.9-7b77742 ># top TEST reg-tests/http-cookies/cookie_insert_indirect.vtc passed (0.474) ># top TEST reg-tests/startup/check_condition.vtc passed (0.471) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-cookies/h2_cookie_concat.vtc passed (0.536) ># top TEST reg-tests/jwt/jws_verify.vtc skipped (0.477) ># top TEST reg-tests/connection/http_reuse_conn_hash.vtc passed (0.367) ># top TEST reg-tests/connection/http_reuse_never.vtc passed (0.270) ># top TEST reg-tests/connection/proxy_protocol_send_unique_id.vtc passed (0.326) ># top TEST reg-tests/connection/http_reuse_always.vtc passed (0.274) ># top TEST reg-tests/filters/random-forwarding.vtc passed (0.568) ># top TEST reg-tests/connection/dispatch.vtc passed (0.268) ># top TEST reg-tests/connection/proxy_protocol_send_unique_id_alpn.vtc passed (0.321) ># top TEST reg-tests/connection/tcp_to_http_upgrade.vtc passed (0.336) ># top TEST reg-tests/connection/http_reuse_aggressive.vtc passed (0.279) ># top TEST reg-tests/connection/http_reuse_be_transparent.vtc passed (0.324) ># top TEST reg-tests/connection/cli_src_dst.vtc passed (0.340) ># top TEST reg-tests/connection/http_reuse_dispatch.vtc passed (0.288) ># top TEST reg-tests/connection/http_reuse_safe.vtc passed (0.281) ># top TEST reg-tests/tcp-rules/default_rules.vtc passed (0.312) ># top TEST reg-tests/webstats/webstats-scope-and-post-change.vtc passed (0.283) ># top TEST reg-tests/startup/default_rules.vtc passed (1.146) ># top TEST reg-tests/balance/balance-rr.vtc passed (0.285) ># top TEST reg-tests/balance/balance-uri.vtc passed (0.285) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/http-check-expect.vtc passed (0.279) ># top TEST reg-tests/balance/balance-uri-path-only.vtc passed (0.333) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/40be_2srv_odd_health_checks.vtc passed (0.372) ># top TEST reg-tests/connection/proxy_protocol_tlv_validation.vtc passed (1.167) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/tcp-check_multiple_ports.vtc passed (0.446) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/agent-check.vtc passed (0.346) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/tcp-checks-socks4.vtc passed (0.333) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/http-check-send.vtc passed (0.418) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/mysql-check.vtc passed (1.058) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/ssl-hello-check.vtc passed (1.042) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/http-check.vtc passed (0.441) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/pgsql-check.vtc passed (1.095) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/tcp-check_min-recv.vtc passed (0.441) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/spop-check.vtc passed (1.092) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/tcp-check-ssl.vtc passed (1.337) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/http-monitor-uri.vtc passed (0.264) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/4be_1srv_health_checks.vtc passed (0.505) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/smtp-check.vtc passed (1.145) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/tls_health_checks.vtc passed (0.807) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/redis-check.vtc passed (0.848) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-errorfiles/errorfiles.vtc passed (0.269) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-errorfiles/http_return.vtc passed (0.312) ># top TEST reg-tests/peers/basic_sync_wo_stkt_backend.vtc passed (2.982) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/1be_40srv_odd_health_checks.vtc passed (0.594) ># top TEST reg-tests/peers/basic_sync.vtc passed (2.975) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-errorfiles/http_errors.vtc passed (0.278) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-errorfiles/http-error.vtc passed (0.278) ># top TEST reg-tests/stream/unique-id-from-proxy.vtc passed (0.262) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-errorfiles/http_deny_errors.vtc passed (0.315) ># top TEST reg-tests/peers/tls_basic_sync.vtc passed (3.297) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/4be_1srv_smtpchk_httpchk_layer47errors.vtc passed (0.792) ># top TEST reg-tests/stream/unique-id.vtc passed (0.267) ># top TEST reg-tests/converter/digest.vtc passed (0.269) ># top TEST reg-tests/checks/ldap-check.vtc passed (1.213) ># top TEST reg-tests/converter/url_dec.vtc passed (0.276) ># top TEST reg-tests/converter/hmac.vtc passed (0.276) ># top TEST reg-tests/converter/be2hex.vtc passed (0.293) ># top TEST reg-tests/converter/be2dec.vtc passed (0.294) ># top TEST reg-tests/converter/add_item.vtc passed (0.293) ># top TEST reg-tests/converter/field.vtc passed (0.293) ># top TEST reg-tests/converter/fix.vtc passed (0.357) ># top TEST reg-tests/converter/json.vtc passed (0.285) ># top TEST reg-tests/converter/secure_memcmp.vtc passed (0.317) ># top TEST reg-tests/server/cli_add_ssl_server.vtc skipped (0.050) ># top TEST reg-tests/converter/iif.vtc passed (0.267) ># top TEST reg-tests/peers/tls_basic_sync_wo_stkt_backend.vtc passed (3.727) ># top TEST reg-tests/converter/json_query.vtc passed (0.289) ># top TEST reg-tests/converter/sha2.vtc passed (0.277) ># top TEST reg-tests/server/cli_delete_server_lua.vtc skipped (0.038) ># top TEST reg-tests/converter/url_enc.vtc passed (0.265) ># top TEST reg-tests/server/cli_set_ssl.vtc passed (0.280) ># top TEST reg-tests/converter/mqtt.vtc passed (0.325) ># top TEST reg-tests/server/cli_add_server.vtc passed (0.295) ># top TEST reg-tests/server/cli_delete_dynamic_server.vtc passed (0.336) ># top TEST reg-tests/server/cli_set_fdqn.vtc passed (0.265) ># top TEST reg-tests/server/cli_delete_server.vtc passed (0.301) ># top TEST reg-tests/server/cli_add_track_server.vtc passed (0.379) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-capture/multiple_headers.vtc passed (0.284) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-messaging/h2_to_h1.vtc passed (0.301) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-messaging/h1_to_h1.vtc passed (0.287) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-messaging/protocol_upgrade.vtc passed (0.347) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-messaging/scheme_based_normalize.vtc passed (0.320) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-messaging/http_request_buffer.vtc passed (0.435) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-messaging/http_transfer_encoding.vtc passed (0.327) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-messaging/h1_host_normalization.vtc passed (0.370) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-messaging/http_bodyless_response.vtc passed (0.681) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-messaging/http_abortonclose.vtc passed (0.700) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-messaging/srv_ws.vtc passed (0.518) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-messaging/websocket.vtc passed (0.617) ># top TEST reg-tests/compression/etags_conversion.vtc passed (0.277) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-messaging/h2_desync_attacks.vtc passed (0.345) ># top TEST reg-tests/compression/basic.vtc passed (0.300) ># top TEST reg-tests/sample_fetches/cond_set_var.vtc skipped (0.064) ># top TEST reg-tests/sample_fetches/so_name.vtc passed (0.282) ># top TEST reg-tests/compression/vary.vtc passed (0.331) ># top TEST reg-tests/sample_fetches/cook.vtc passed (0.311) ># top TEST reg-tests/sample_fetches/srv_name.vtc passed (0.266) ># top TEST reg-tests/sample_fetches/ubase64.vtc passed (0.268) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-messaging/http_wait_for_body.vtc passed (0.741) ># top TEST reg-tests/sample_fetches/hashes.vtc passed (0.273) ># top TEST reg-tests/log/log_uri.vtc passed (0.258) ># top TEST reg-tests/sample_fetches/vars.vtc passed (0.323) ># top TEST reg-tests/log/log_forward.vtc passed (0.379) ># top TEST reg-tests/log/wrong_ip_port_logging.vtc passed (0.286) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/http_after_response.vtc passed (0.280) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/map_regm_with_backref.vtc passed (0.274) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/except-forwardfor-originalto.vtc passed (0.317) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/http_return.vtc passed (0.282) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/map_redirect.vtc passed (0.330) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/converters_ipmask_concat_strcmp_field_word.vtc passed (0.389) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/del_header.vtc passed (0.280) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/acl_cli_spaces.vtc passed (0.277) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/restrict_req_hdr_names.vtc passed (0.355) ># top TEST reg-tests/log/load_balancing.vtc passed (0.772) >**** dT 0.000 >* top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/h1or2_to_h1c.vtc starting >**** top extmacro def pwd=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9 >**** top extmacro def date(...) >**** top extmacro def string(...) >**** top extmacro def localhost= >**** top extmacro def bad_backend= >**** top extmacro def listen_addr= >**** top extmacro def bad_ip= >**** top macro def testdir=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/reg-tests/http-rules >**** top macro def tmpdir=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.10ced99e >**** dT 0.001 >** top === varnishtest "Composite HTTP manipulation test (H1 and H2 cle... >* top VTEST Composite HTTP manipulation test (H1 and H2 clear to H1 clear) >** top === feature ignore_unknown_macro >** top === server s1 { >** s1 Starting server >**** s1 macro def s1_addr= >**** s1 macro def s1_port=39427 >**** s1 macro def s1_sock= >* s1 Listen on >** top === haproxy h1 -conf { >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_port=46377 >** s1 Started on (2 iterations) >**** dT 0.022 >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_port=44029 >**** h1 setenv(cli, 6) >**** h1 macro def h1_feh1_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_feh1_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_feh1_port=33553 >**** h1 setenv(feh1, 7) >**** h1 macro def h1_feh2_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_feh2_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_feh2_port=35843 >**** h1 setenv(feh2, 8) >** h1 haproxy_start >**** h1 opt_worker 0 opt_daemon 0 opt_check_mode 0 opt_mcli 0 >**** h1 argv|exec "/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/haproxy" -d -dM -f "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.10ced99e/h1/cfg" >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf|\tstats socket "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.10ced99e/h1/stats.sock" level admin mode 600 >**** h1 conf| stats socket "fd@${cli}" level admin >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| defaults >**** h1 conf|\tmode http >**** h1 conf|\ttimeout connect "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf|\ttimeout client "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf|\ttimeout server "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe >**** h1 conf|\tbind "fd@${feh1}" >**** h1 conf|\tbind "fd@${feh2}" proto h2 >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\t#### requests >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-var(req.method) method >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-var(req.uri) url >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-var(req.path) path >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-var(req.query) query >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-var(req.param) url_param(qs_arg) >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header sl1 "sl1: " >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-method "%[str(GET)]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-uri %[str(),concat(/bu/,req.uri,/eu)] >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-path "/bp/%[var(req.path)]/ep" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-query "bq&%[var(req.query)]&eq" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header sl2 "sl2: " >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header sl1 "%[req.fhdr(sl1)] method=<%[var(req.method)]>; uri=<%[var(req.uri)]>; path=<%[var(req.path)]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header sl1 "%[req.fhdr(sl1)] query=<%[var(req.query)]>; param=<%[var(req.param)]>" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header sl2 "%[req.fhdr(sl2)] method=<%[method]>; uri=<%[url]>; path=<%[path]>; " >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header sl2 "%[req.fhdr(sl2)] query=<%[query]>; param=<%[url_param(qs_arg)]>" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header hdr "%[req.fhdr(hdr)] hdr1=<%[req.hdr(hdr1)]>; fhdr1=<%[req.fhdr(hdr1)]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header hdr "%[req.fhdr(hdr)] hdr2=<%[req.hdr(hdr2)]>; fhdr2=<%[req.fhdr(hdr2)]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header hdr "%[req.fhdr(hdr)] hdr3=<%[req.hdr(hdr3)]>; fhdr3=<%[req.fhdr(hdr3)]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header hdr "%[req.fhdr(hdr)] hdr4=<%[req.hdr(hdr4)]>; fhdr4=<%[req.fhdr(hdr4)]>;" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header sl1-crc "%[req.fhdr(sl1),crc32]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header sl2-crc "%[req.fhdr(sl2),crc32]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header hdr-crc "%[req.fhdr(hdr),crc32]" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\t#### responses >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header be-sl1 "%[res.fhdr(sl1)]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header be-sl2 "%[res.fhdr(sl2)]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header be-hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)]" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header be-sl1-crc "%[res.fhdr(sl1-crc)]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header be-sl2-crc "%[res.fhdr(sl2-crc)]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header be-hdr-crc "%[res.fhdr(hdr-crc)]" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-var(res.status) status >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header sl1 "sl1: " >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-status 200 >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header sl2 "sl2: " >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header sl1 "%[res.fhdr(sl1)] status=<%[var(res.status)]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header sl2 "%[res.fhdr(sl2)] status=<%[status]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)] hdr1=<%[res.hdr(hdr1)]>; fhdr1=<%[res.fhdr(hdr1)]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)] hdr2=<%[res.hdr(hdr2)]>; fhdr2=<%[res.fhdr(hdr2)]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)] hdr3=<%[res.hdr(hdr3)]>; fhdr3=<%[res.fhdr(hdr3)]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)] hdr4=<%[res.hdr(hdr4)]>; fhdr4=<%[res.fhdr(hdr4)]>;" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header fe-sl1-crc "%[res.fhdr(sl1),crc32]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header fe-sl2-crc "%[res.fhdr(sl2),crc32]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header fe-hdr-crc "%[res.fhdr(hdr),crc32]" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\tdefault_backend be >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend be >**** h1 conf|\t#### requests >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header fe-sl1 "%[req.fhdr(sl1)]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header fe-sl2 "%[req.fhdr(sl2)]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header fe-hdr "%[req.fhdr(hdr)]" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header fe-sl1-crc "%[req.fhdr(sl1-crc)]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header fe-sl2-crc "%[req.fhdr(sl2-crc)]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header fe-hdr-crc "%[req.fhdr(hdr-crc)]" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-var(req.method) method >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-var(req.uri) url >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-var(req.path) path >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-var(req.query) query >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-var(req.param) url_param(qs_arg) >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header sl1 "sl1: " >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-method "%[str(GET)]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-uri %[str(),concat(/bu/,req.uri,/eu)] >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-path "/bp/%[var(req.path)]/ep" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-query "bq&%[var(req.query)]&eq" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header sl2 "sl2: " >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header sl1 "%[req.fhdr(sl1)] method=<%[var(req.method)]>; uri=<%[var(req.uri)]>; path=<%[var(req.path)]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header sl1 "%[req.fhdr(sl1)] query=<%[var(req.query)]>; param=<%[var(req.param)]>" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header sl2 "%[req.fhdr(sl2)] method=<%[method]>; uri=<%[url]>; path=<%[path]>; " >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header sl2 "%[req.fhdr(sl2)] query=<%[query]>; param=<%[url_param(qs_arg)]>" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header hdr "%[req.fhdr(hdr)] hdr1=<%[req.hdr(hdr1)]>; fhdr1=<%[req.fhdr(hdr1)]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header hdr "%[req.fhdr(hdr)] hdr2=<%[req.hdr(hdr2)]>; fhdr2=<%[req.fhdr(hdr2)]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header hdr "%[req.fhdr(hdr)] hdr3=<%[req.hdr(hdr3)]>; fhdr3=<%[req.fhdr(hdr3)]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header hdr "%[req.fhdr(hdr)] hdr4=<%[req.hdr(hdr4)]>; fhdr4=<%[req.fhdr(hdr4)]>;" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header be-sl1-crc "%[req.fhdr(sl1),crc32]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header be-sl2-crc "%[req.fhdr(sl2),crc32]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-header be-hdr-crc "%[req.fhdr(hdr),crc32]" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\t#### responses >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-var(res.status) status >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header sl1 "sl1: " >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-status 200 >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header sl2 "sl2: " >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header sl1 "%[res.fhdr(sl1)] status=<%[var(res.status)]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header sl2 "%[res.fhdr(sl2)] status=<%[status]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)] hdr1=<%[res.hdr(hdr1)]>; fhdr1=<%[res.fhdr(hdr1)]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)] hdr2=<%[res.hdr(hdr2)]>; fhdr2=<%[res.fhdr(hdr2)]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)] hdr3=<%[res.hdr(hdr3)]>; fhdr3=<%[res.fhdr(hdr3)]>;" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)] hdr4=<%[res.hdr(hdr4)]>; fhdr4=<%[res.fhdr(hdr4)]>;" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header sl1-crc "%[res.fhdr(sl1),crc32]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header sl2-crc "%[res.fhdr(sl2),crc32]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response set-header hdr-crc "%[res.fhdr(hdr),crc32]" >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response allow >**** h1 conf|\thttp-response deny # must not be evaluated >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf|\tserver s1 >**** dT 0.023 >**** h1 XXX 10 @754 >*** h1 PID: 5058 >**** h1 macro def h1_pid=5058 >**** h1 macro def h1_name=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.10ced99e/h1 >** top === client c1h1 -connect ${h1_feh1_sock} { >** c1h1 Starting client >** c1h1 Waiting for client >**** dT 0.024 >** c1h1 Started on (1 iterations) >*** c1h1 Connect to >*** c1h1 connected fd 9 from 43112 to >** c1h1 === txreq \ >**** c1h1 txreq|GET /path/to/file.extension?qs_arg=qs_value HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1h1 txreq|hdr1: val1\r >**** c1h1 txreq|hdr2: val2a\r >**** c1h1 txreq|hdr2: val2b\r >**** c1h1 txreq|hdr3: val3a, val3b\r >**** c1h1 txreq|hdr4:\r >**** c1h1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1h1 txreq|\r >** c1h1 === rxresp >**** dT 0.043 >*** h1 debug|[NOTICE] (5058) : haproxy version is 2.7.9-7b77742 >*** h1 debug|[NOTICE] (5058) : path to executable is /var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/haproxy >**** dT 0.044 >*** h1 debug|[WARNING] (5058) : config : parsing [/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.10ced99e/h1/cfg:130]: previous 'http-response' action is final and has no condition attached, further entries are NOOP. >**** dT 0.161 >*** h1 debug|Note: setting global.maxconn to 32732. >*** h1 debug|Available polling systems : >*** h1 debug| epoll : pref=300, test result OK >*** h1 debug| poll : pref=200, test result OK >*** h1 debug| select : pref=150, test result FAILED >*** h1 debug|Total: 3 (2 usable), will use epoll. >*** h1 debug| >*** h1 debug|Available filters : >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-in >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-out >*** h1 debug|\t[CACHE] cache >*** h1 debug|\t[COMP] compression >*** h1 debug|\t[FCGI] fcgi-app >*** h1 debug|\t[SPOE] spoe >*** h1 debug|\t[TRACE] trace >**** dT 0.163 >*** h1 debug|Using epoll() as the polling mechanism. >**** dT 0.177 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.accept(0007)=003b from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clireq[003b:ffffffff]: GET /path/to/file.extension?qs_arg=qs_value HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003b:ffffffff]: hdr1: val1 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003b:ffffffff]: hdr2: val2a >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003b:ffffffff]: hdr2: val2b >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003b:ffffffff]: hdr3: val3a, val3b >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003b:ffffffff]: hdr4: >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003b:ffffffff]: host: >**** dT 0.212 >**** c1h1 rxhdrlen = 0 >---- c1h1 HTTP header is incomplete >**** dT 0.213 >* top RESETTING after reg-tests/http-rules/h1or2_to_h1c.vtc >** h1 Reset and free h1 haproxy 5058 >** h1 Wait >**** h1 STDOUT EOF >** h1 Stop HAproxy pid=5058 >** h1 WAIT4 pid=5058 status=0x0007 (user 0.095108 sys 0.058767) >* h1 Expected exit: 0x0 signal: 0 core: 0 >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >* top failure during reset ># top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/h1or2_to_h1c.vtc FAILED (0.231) exit=2 >**** dT 0.000 >* top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/path_and_pathq.vtc starting >**** top extmacro def pwd=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9 >**** top extmacro def date(...) >**** top extmacro def string(...) >**** top extmacro def localhost= >**** top extmacro def bad_backend= >**** top extmacro def listen_addr= >**** top extmacro def bad_ip= >**** top macro def testdir=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/reg-tests/http-rules >**** top macro def tmpdir=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.538b6c8c >** top === varnishtest "path vs pathq tests" >* top VTEST path vs pathq tests >** top === feature ignore_unknown_macro >** top === server s1 { >** s1 Starting server >**** dT 0.001 >**** s1 macro def s1_addr= >**** s1 macro def s1_port=36633 >**** s1 macro def s1_sock= >* s1 Listen on >** top === haproxy h1 -conf { >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_port=39091 >** s1 Started on (1 iterations) >**** dT 0.031 >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_port=33783 >**** h1 setenv(cli, 6) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_port=34213 >**** h1 setenv(fe, 7) >**** dT 0.032 >** h1 haproxy_start >**** h1 opt_worker 0 opt_daemon 0 opt_check_mode 0 opt_mcli 0 >**** h1 argv|exec "/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/haproxy" -d -dM -f "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.538b6c8c/h1/cfg" >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf|\tstats socket "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.538b6c8c/h1/stats.sock" level admin mode 600 >**** h1 conf| stats socket "fd@${cli}" level admin >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| defaults >**** h1 conf| mode http >**** h1 conf| timeout connect "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout client "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout server "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-request add-header x-path %[path] >**** h1 conf| http-request add-header x-pathq %[pathq] >**** h1 conf| http-request add-header x-query %[query] >**** h1 conf| http-request add-header x-url %[url] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-request set-path /fe%[path] >**** h1 conf| http-request replace-path (.*) /foo\1 >**** h1 conf| http-request replace-path (.*) \1/bar >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request set-pathq %[path]?app=regtest&%[query] >**** h1 conf|\thttp-request replace-pathq /([^?]*)\?app=([^&]*)&?(.*) /\2/\1?\3 >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| default_backend be >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend be >**** h1 conf| server s1 >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 XXX 9 @754 >**** dT 0.033 >*** h1 PID: 5118 >**** h1 macro def h1_pid=5118 >**** h1 macro def h1_name=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.538b6c8c/h1 >** top === client c1 -connect ${h1_fe_sock} { >** c1 Starting client >** c1 Waiting for client >** c1 Started on (1 iterations) >*** c1 Connect to >*** c1 connected fd 8 from 51734 to >** c1 === txreq -req GET -url /req1?param1=val1¶m2=val2 >**** c1 txreq|GET /req1?param1=val1¶m2=val2 HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >**** dT 0.171 >*** h1 debug|Note: setting global.maxconn to 32732. >*** h1 debug|Available polling systems : >*** h1 debug| epoll : pref=300, test result OK >*** h1 debug| poll : pref=200, test result OK >*** h1 debug| select : pref=150, test result FAILED >*** h1 debug|Total: 3 (2 usable), will use epoll. >*** h1 debug| >*** h1 debug|Available filters : >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-in >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-out >*** h1 debug|\t[CACHE] cache >*** h1 debug|\t[COMP] compression >*** h1 debug|\t[FCGI] fcgi-app >*** h1 debug|\t[SPOE] spoe >*** h1 debug|\t[TRACE] trace >**** dT 0.175 >*** h1 debug|Using epoll() as the polling mechanism. >**** dT 0.189 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.accept(0007)=003b from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clireq[003b:ffffffff]: GET /req1?param1=val1¶m2=val2 HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003b:ffffffff]: host: >**** dT 0.191 >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 0 >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >**** h1 STDOUT EOF >**** dT 0.192 >* top RESETTING after reg-tests/http-rules/path_and_pathq.vtc >** h1 Reset and free h1 haproxy 5118 >** h1 Wait >** h1 Stop HAproxy pid=5118 >** h1 WAIT4 pid=5118 status=0x0007 (user 0.110558 sys 0.044914) >* h1 Expected exit: 0x0 signal: 0 core: 0 >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >* top failure during reset ># top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/path_and_pathq.vtc FAILED (0.195) exit=2 ># top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/strict_rw_mode.vtc passed (0.333) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/new_del_ssl_crlfile.vtc skipped (0.047) >**** dT 0.000 >* top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/normalize_uri.vtc starting >**** top extmacro def pwd=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9 >**** top extmacro def date(...) >**** top extmacro def string(...) >**** top extmacro def localhost= >**** top extmacro def bad_backend= >**** top extmacro def listen_addr= >**** top extmacro def bad_ip= >**** top macro def testdir=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/reg-tests/http-rules >**** top macro def tmpdir=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.0a6ce87f >** top === varnishtest "normalize-uri tests" >* top VTEST normalize-uri tests >** top === feature ignore_unknown_macro >** top === server s1 { >**** dT 0.001 >** s1 Starting server >**** s1 macro def s1_addr= >**** s1 macro def s1_port=44723 >**** s1 macro def s1_sock= >* s1 Listen on >** top === haproxy h1 -conf { >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_port=46583 >** s1 Started on (70 iterations) >**** dT 0.022 >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_port=41855 >**** h1 setenv(cli, 6) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_path_merge_slashes_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_path_merge_slashes_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_path_merge_slashes_port=36473 >**** h1 setenv(fe_path_merge_slashes, 7) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_path_strip_dotdot_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_path_strip_dotdot_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_path_strip_dotdot_port=38233 >**** h1 setenv(fe_path_strip_dotdot, 8) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_sort_query_by_name_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_sort_query_by_name_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_sort_query_by_name_port=33781 >**** h1 setenv(fe_sort_query_by_name, 9) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_percent_to_uppercase_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_percent_to_uppercase_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_percent_to_uppercase_port=40241 >**** h1 setenv(fe_percent_to_uppercase, 10) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_percent_to_uppercase_strict_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_percent_to_uppercase_strict_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_percent_to_uppercase_strict_port=32769 >**** h1 setenv(fe_percent_to_uppercase_strict, 11) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_dot_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_dot_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_dot_port=39815 >**** h1 setenv(fe_dot, 12) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_percent_decode_unreserved_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_percent_decode_unreserved_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_percent_decode_unreserved_port=37643 >**** h1 setenv(fe_percent_decode_unreserved, 13) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_percent_decode_unreserved_strict_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_percent_decode_unreserved_strict_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_percent_decode_unreserved_strict_port=39489 >**** h1 setenv(fe_percent_decode_unreserved_strict, 14) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_fragment_strip_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_fragment_strip_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_fragment_strip_port=45849 >**** h1 setenv(fe_fragment_strip, 15) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_fragment_encode_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_fragment_encode_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_fragment_encode_port=37345 >**** h1 setenv(fe_fragment_encode, 16) >** h1 haproxy_start >**** h1 opt_worker 0 opt_daemon 0 opt_check_mode 0 opt_mcli 0 >**** h1 argv|exec "/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/haproxy" -d -dM -f "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.0a6ce87f/h1/cfg" >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf|\tstats socket "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.0a6ce87f/h1/stats.sock" level admin mode 600 >**** h1 conf| stats socket "fd@${cli}" level admin >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf| # WT: limit false-positives causing "HTTP header incomplete" due to >**** h1 conf| # idle server connections being randomly used and randomly expiring >**** h1 conf| # under us. >**** h1 conf| tune.idle-pool.shared off >**** h1 conf| expose-experimental-directives >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| defaults >**** h1 conf| mode http >**** h1 conf| timeout connect "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout client "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout server "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe_path_merge_slashes >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe_path_merge_slashes}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.before) url >**** h1 conf| http-request normalize-uri path-merge-slashes >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.after) url >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header before %[var(txn.before)] >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header after %[var(txn.after)] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| default_backend be >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe_path_strip_dotdot >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe_path_strip_dotdot}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.before) url >**** h1 conf| http-request normalize-uri path-strip-dotdot >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.after) url >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-request set-uri %[var(txn.before)] >**** h1 conf| http-request normalize-uri path-strip-dotdot full >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.after_full) url >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header before %[var(txn.before)] >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header after %[var(txn.after)] >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header after-full %[var(txn.after_full)] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| default_backend be >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe_sort_query_by_name >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe_sort_query_by_name}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.before) url >**** h1 conf| http-request normalize-uri query-sort-by-name >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.after) url >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header before %[var(txn.before)] >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header after %[var(txn.after)] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| default_backend be >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe_percent_to_uppercase >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe_percent_to_uppercase}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.before) url >**** h1 conf| http-request normalize-uri percent-to-uppercase >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.after) url >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header before %[var(txn.before)] >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header after %[var(txn.after)] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| default_backend be >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe_percent_to_uppercase_strict >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe_percent_to_uppercase_strict}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.before) url >**** h1 conf| http-request normalize-uri percent-to-uppercase strict >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.after) url >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header before %[var(txn.before)] >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header after %[var(txn.after)] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| default_backend be >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe_dot >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe_dot}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.before) url >**** h1 conf| http-request normalize-uri path-strip-dot >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.after) url >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header before %[var(txn.before)] >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header after %[var(txn.after)] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| default_backend be >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe_percent_decode_unreserved >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe_percent_decode_unreserved}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.before) url >**** h1 conf| http-request normalize-uri percent-decode-unreserved >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.after) url >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header before %[var(txn.before)] >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header after %[var(txn.after)] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| default_backend be >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe_percent_decode_unreserved_strict >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe_percent_decode_unreserved_strict}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.before) url >**** h1 conf| http-request normalize-uri percent-decode-unreserved strict >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.after) url >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header before %[var(txn.before)] >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header after %[var(txn.after)] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| default_backend be >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe_fragment_strip >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe_fragment_strip}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.before) url >**** h1 conf| http-request normalize-uri fragment-strip >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.after) url >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header before %[var(txn.before)] >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header after %[var(txn.after)] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| default_backend be >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe_fragment_encode >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe_fragment_encode}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.before) url >**** h1 conf| http-request normalize-uri fragment-encode >**** h1 conf| http-request set-var(txn.after) url >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header before %[var(txn.before)] >**** h1 conf| http-response add-header after %[var(txn.after)] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| default_backend be >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend be >**** h1 conf| server s1 >**** h1 conf| >**** dT 0.023 >**** h1 XXX 18 @754 >*** h1 PID: 5108 >**** h1 macro def h1_pid=5108 >**** h1 macro def h1_name=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.0a6ce87f/h1 >** top === client c1 -connect ${h1_fe_path_merge_slashes_sock} { >** c1 Starting client >** c1 Waiting for client >**** dT 0.024 >** c1 Started on (1 iterations) >*** c1 Connect to >*** c1 connected fd 17 from 33366 to >** c1 === txreq -url "/foo/bar" >**** c1 txreq|GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >**** dT 0.166 >*** h1 debug|Note: setting global.maxconn to 32728. >*** h1 debug|Available polling systems : >*** h1 debug| epoll : pref=300, test result OK >*** h1 debug| poll : pref=200, test result OK >*** h1 debug| select : pref=150, test result FAILED >*** h1 debug|Total: 3 (2 usable), will use epoll. >*** h1 debug| >*** h1 debug|Available filters : >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-in >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-out >*** h1 debug|\t[CACHE] cache >*** h1 debug|\t[COMP] compression >*** h1 debug|\t[FCGI] fcgi-app >*** h1 debug|\t[SPOE] spoe >*** h1 debug|\t[TRACE] trace >**** dT 0.170 >*** h1 debug|Using epoll() as the polling mechanism. >**** dT 0.210 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe_path_merge_slashes.accept(0007)=0043 from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe_path_merge_slashes.clireq[0043:ffffffff]: GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe_path_merge_slashes.clihdr[0043:ffffffff]: host: >*** s1 accepted fd 5 49844 >** s1 === rxreq >**** s1 rxhdr|GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 42 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/foo/bar >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === txresp -hdr "connection: close" >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|connection: close\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Length: 0\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >*** s1 shutting fd 5 >*** h1 debug|00000000:be.srvrep[0043:0042]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000000:be.srvhdr[0043:0042]: content-length: 0 >*** h1 debug|00000000:be.clicls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000000:be.srvcls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000000:be.closed[0043:0042] >**** dT 0.211 >**** c1 rxhdr|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** c1 rxhdr|content-length: 0\r >**** c1 rxhdr|before: /foo/bar\r >**** c1 rxhdr|after: /foo/bar\r >**** c1 rxhdr|\r >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 73 >**** c1 http[ 0] |HTTP/1.1 >**** c1 http[ 1] |200 >**** c1 http[ 2] |OK >**** c1 http[ 3] |content-length: 0 >**** c1 http[ 4] |before: /foo/bar >**** c1 http[ 5] |after: /foo/bar >**** c1 bodylen = 0 >** c1 === expect resp.http.before == "/foo/bar" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.before (/foo/bar) == "/foo/bar" match >** c1 === expect resp.http.after == "/foo/bar" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.after (/foo/bar) == "/foo/bar" match >** c1 === txreq -url "/foo//bar" >**** c1 txreq|GET /foo//bar HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >*** s1 accepted fd 5 49848 >** s1 === rxreq >*** h1 debug|00000001:fe_path_merge_slashes.accept(0007)=0043 from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000001:fe_path_merge_slashes.clireq[0043:ffffffff]: GET /foo//bar HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000001:fe_path_merge_slashes.clihdr[0043:ffffffff]: host: >**** s1 rxhdr|GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 42 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/foo/bar >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === txresp -hdr "connection: close" >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|connection: close\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Length: 0\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >*** s1 shutting fd 5 >*** h1 debug|00000001:be.srvrep[0043:0042]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000001:be.srvhdr[0043:0042]: content-length: 0 >**** c1 rxhdr|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** c1 rxhdr|content-length: 0\r >**** c1 rxhdr|before: /foo//bar\r >**** c1 rxhdr|after: /foo/bar\r >**** c1 rxhdr|\r >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 74 >**** c1 http[ 0] |HTTP/1.1 >**** c1 http[ 1] |200 >**** c1 http[ 2] |OK >**** c1 http[ 3] |content-length: 0 >**** c1 http[ 4] |before: /foo//bar >**** c1 http[ 5] |after: /foo/bar >**** dT 0.212 >**** c1 bodylen = 0 >** c1 === expect resp.http.before == "/foo//bar" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.before (/foo//bar) == "/foo//bar" match >** c1 === expect resp.http.after == "/foo/bar" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.after (/foo/bar) == "/foo/bar" match >** c1 === txreq -url "/foo///bar" >**** c1 txreq|GET /foo///bar HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >*** h1 debug|00000001:be.clicls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000001:be.srvcls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000001:be.closed[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000002:fe_path_merge_slashes.accept(0007)=0043 from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000002:fe_path_merge_slashes.clireq[0043:ffffffff]: GET /foo///bar HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000002:fe_path_merge_slashes.clihdr[0043:ffffffff]: host: >*** s1 accepted fd 5 49858 >** s1 === rxreq >**** s1 rxhdr|GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 42 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/foo/bar >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === txresp -hdr "connection: close" >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|connection: close\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Length: 0\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >*** s1 shutting fd 5 >*** h1 debug|00000002:be.srvrep[0043:0042]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000002:be.srvhdr[0043:0042]: content-length: 0 >*** h1 debug|00000002:be.clicls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000002:be.srvcls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000002:be.closed[0043:0042] >**** c1 rxhdr|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** c1 rxhdr|content-length: 0\r >**** c1 rxhdr|before: /foo///bar\r >**** c1 rxhdr|after: /foo/bar\r >**** c1 rxhdr|\r >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 75 >**** c1 http[ 0] |HTTP/1.1 >**** c1 http[ 1] |200 >**** c1 http[ 2] |OK >**** c1 http[ 3] |content-length: 0 >**** c1 http[ 4] |before: /foo///bar >**** c1 http[ 5] |after: /foo/bar >**** c1 bodylen = 0 >** c1 === expect resp.http.before == "/foo///bar" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.before (/foo///bar) == "/foo///bar" match >** c1 === expect resp.http.after == "/foo/bar" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.after (/foo/bar) == "/foo/bar" match >** c1 === txreq -url "///foo///bar" >**** c1 txreq|GET ///foo///bar HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >**** dT 0.213 >*** s1 accepted fd 5 49860 >** s1 === rxreq >*** h1 debug|00000003:fe_path_merge_slashes.accept(0007)=0043 from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000003:fe_path_merge_slashes.clireq[0043:ffffffff]: GET ///foo///bar HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000003:fe_path_merge_slashes.clihdr[0043:ffffffff]: host: >**** s1 rxhdr|GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 42 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/foo/bar >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === txresp -hdr "connection: close" >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|connection: close\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Length: 0\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >*** s1 shutting fd 5 >*** h1 debug|00000003:be.srvrep[0043:0042]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000003:be.srvhdr[0043:0042]: content-length: 0 >*** h1 debug|00000003:be.clicls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000003:be.srvcls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000003:be.closed[0043:0042] >**** c1 rxhdr|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** c1 rxhdr|content-length: 0\r >**** c1 rxhdr|before: ///foo///bar\r >**** c1 rxhdr|after: /foo/bar\r >**** c1 rxhdr|\r >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 77 >**** c1 http[ 0] |HTTP/1.1 >**** c1 http[ 1] |200 >**** c1 http[ 2] |OK >**** c1 http[ 3] |content-length: 0 >**** c1 http[ 4] |before: ///foo///bar >**** c1 http[ 5] |after: /foo/bar >**** c1 bodylen = 0 >** c1 === expect resp.http.before == "///foo///bar" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.before (///foo///bar) == "///foo///bar" match >** c1 === expect resp.http.after == "/foo/bar" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.after (/foo/bar) == "/foo/bar" match >** c1 === txreq -url "///foo/bar" >**** c1 txreq|GET ///foo/bar HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >**** dT 0.214 >*** h1 debug|00000004:fe_path_merge_slashes.accept(0007)=0043 from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000004:fe_path_merge_slashes.clireq[0043:ffffffff]: GET ///foo/bar HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000004:fe_path_merge_slashes.clihdr[0043:ffffffff]: host: >*** s1 accepted fd 5 49870 >** s1 === rxreq >**** s1 rxhdr|GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 42 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/foo/bar >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === txresp -hdr "connection: close" >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|connection: close\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Length: 0\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >*** s1 shutting fd 5 >*** h1 debug|00000004:be.srvrep[0043:0042]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000004:be.srvhdr[0043:0042]: content-length: 0 >*** h1 debug|00000004:be.clicls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000004:be.srvcls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000004:be.closed[0043:0042] >**** dT 0.215 >**** c1 rxhdr|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** c1 rxhdr|content-length: 0\r >**** c1 rxhdr|before: ///foo/bar\r >**** c1 rxhdr|after: /foo/bar\r >**** c1 rxhdr|\r >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 75 >**** c1 http[ 0] |HTTP/1.1 >**** c1 http[ 1] |200 >**** c1 http[ 2] |OK >**** c1 http[ 3] |content-length: 0 >**** c1 http[ 4] |before: ///foo/bar >**** c1 http[ 5] |after: /foo/bar >**** c1 bodylen = 0 >** c1 === expect resp.http.before == "///foo/bar" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.before (///foo/bar) == "///foo/bar" match >** c1 === expect resp.http.after == "/foo/bar" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.after (/foo/bar) == "/foo/bar" match >** c1 === txreq -url "///foo///bar///" >**** c1 txreq|GET ///foo///bar/// HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >*** s1 accepted fd 5 49880 >** s1 === rxreq >*** h1 debug|00000005:fe_path_merge_slashes.accept(0007)=0043 from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000005:fe_path_merge_slashes.clireq[0043:ffffffff]: GET ///foo///bar/// HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000005:fe_path_merge_slashes.clihdr[0043:ffffffff]: host: >**** s1 rxhdr|GET /foo/bar/ HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 43 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/foo/bar/ >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === txresp -hdr "connection: close" >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|connection: close\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Length: 0\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >*** s1 shutting fd 5 >**** dT 0.216 >*** h1 debug|00000005:be.srvrep[0043:0042]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000005:be.srvhdr[0043:0042]: content-length: 0 >*** h1 debug|00000005:be.clicls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000005:be.srvcls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000005:be.closed[0043:0042] >**** c1 rxhdr|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** c1 rxhdr|content-length: 0\r >**** c1 rxhdr|before: ///foo///bar///\r >**** c1 rxhdr|after: /foo/bar/\r >**** c1 rxhdr|\r >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 81 >**** c1 http[ 0] |HTTP/1.1 >**** c1 http[ 1] |200 >**** c1 http[ 2] |OK >**** c1 http[ 3] |content-length: 0 >**** c1 http[ 4] |before: ///foo///bar/// >**** c1 http[ 5] |after: /foo/bar/ >**** c1 bodylen = 0 >** c1 === expect resp.http.before == "///foo///bar///" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.before (///foo///bar///) == "///foo///bar///" match >** c1 === expect resp.http.after == "/foo/bar/" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.after (/foo/bar/) == "/foo/bar/" match >** c1 === txreq -url "///" >**** c1 txreq|GET /// HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >*** s1 accepted fd 5 49894 >** s1 === rxreq >*** h1 debug|00000006:fe_path_merge_slashes.accept(0007)=0043 from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000006:fe_path_merge_slashes.clireq[0043:ffffffff]: GET /// HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000006:fe_path_merge_slashes.clihdr[0043:ffffffff]: host: >**** s1 rxhdr|GET / HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 35 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/ >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === txresp -hdr "connection: close" >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|connection: close\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Length: 0\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >*** s1 shutting fd 5 >**** dT 0.217 >*** h1 debug|00000006:be.srvrep[0043:0042]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000006:be.srvhdr[0043:0042]: content-length: 0 >*** h1 debug|00000006:be.clicls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000006:be.srvcls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000006:be.closed[0043:0042] >**** c1 rxhdr|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** c1 rxhdr|content-length: 0\r >**** c1 rxhdr|before: ///\r >**** c1 rxhdr|after: /\r >**** c1 rxhdr|\r >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 61 >**** c1 http[ 0] |HTTP/1.1 >**** c1 http[ 1] |200 >**** c1 http[ 2] |OK >**** c1 http[ 3] |content-length: 0 >**** c1 http[ 4] |before: /// >**** c1 http[ 5] |after: / >**** c1 bodylen = 0 >** c1 === expect resp.http.before == "///" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.before (///) == "///" match >** c1 === expect resp.http.after == "/" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.after (/) == "/" match >** c1 === txreq -url "/foo?bar=///" >**** c1 txreq|GET /foo?bar=/// HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >*** s1 accepted fd 5 49908 >** s1 === rxreq >*** h1 debug|00000007:fe_path_merge_slashes.accept(0007)=0043 from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000007:fe_path_merge_slashes.clireq[0043:ffffffff]: GET /foo?bar=/// HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000007:fe_path_merge_slashes.clihdr[0043:ffffffff]: host: >**** s1 rxhdr|GET /foo?bar=/// HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 46 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/foo?bar=/// >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === txresp -hdr "connection: close" >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|connection: close\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Length: 0\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >*** s1 shutting fd 5 >**** dT 0.218 >*** h1 debug|00000007:be.srvrep[0043:0042]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000007:be.srvhdr[0043:0042]: content-length: 0 >*** h1 debug|00000007:be.clicls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000007:be.srvcls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000007:be.closed[0043:0042] >**** c1 rxhdr|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** c1 rxhdr|content-length: 0\r >**** c1 rxhdr|before: /foo?bar=///\r >**** c1 rxhdr|after: /foo?bar=///\r >**** c1 rxhdr|\r >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 81 >**** c1 http[ 0] |HTTP/1.1 >**** c1 http[ 1] |200 >**** c1 http[ 2] |OK >**** c1 http[ 3] |content-length: 0 >**** c1 http[ 4] |before: /foo?bar=/// >**** c1 http[ 5] |after: /foo?bar=/// >**** c1 bodylen = 0 >** c1 === expect resp.http.before == "/foo?bar=///" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.before (/foo?bar=///) == "/foo?bar=///" match >** c1 === expect resp.http.after == "/foo?bar=///" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.after (/foo?bar=///) == "/foo?bar=///" match >** c1 === txreq -url "//foo?bar=///" >**** c1 txreq|GET //foo?bar=/// HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >*** s1 accepted fd 5 49920 >** s1 === rxreq >*** h1 debug|00000008:fe_path_merge_slashes.accept(0007)=0043 from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000008:fe_path_merge_slashes.clireq[0043:ffffffff]: GET //foo?bar=/// HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000008:fe_path_merge_slashes.clihdr[0043:ffffffff]: host: >**** s1 rxhdr|GET /foo?bar=/// HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 46 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/foo?bar=/// >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === txresp -hdr "connection: close" >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|connection: close\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Length: 0\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >*** s1 shutting fd 5 >*** h1 debug|00000008:be.srvrep[0043:0042]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000008:be.srvhdr[0043:0042]: content-length: 0 >*** h1 debug|00000008:be.clicls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000008:be.srvcls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000008:be.closed[0043:0042] >**** dT 0.219 >**** c1 rxhdr|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** c1 rxhdr|content-length: 0\r >**** c1 rxhdr|before: //foo?bar=///\r >**** c1 rxhdr|after: /foo?bar=///\r >**** c1 rxhdr|\r >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 82 >**** c1 http[ 0] |HTTP/1.1 >**** c1 http[ 1] |200 >**** c1 http[ 2] |OK >**** c1 http[ 3] |content-length: 0 >**** c1 http[ 4] |before: //foo?bar=/// >**** c1 http[ 5] |after: /foo?bar=/// >**** c1 bodylen = 0 >** c1 === expect resp.http.before == "//foo?bar=///" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.before (//foo?bar=///) == "//foo?bar=///" match >** c1 === expect resp.http.after == "/foo?bar=///" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.after (/foo?bar=///) == "/foo?bar=///" match >** c1 === txreq -req OPTIONS -url "*" >**** c1 txreq|OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >**** dT 0.220 >*** h1 debug|00000009:fe_path_merge_slashes.accept(0007)=0043 from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000009:fe_path_merge_slashes.clireq[0043:ffffffff]: OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000009:fe_path_merge_slashes.clihdr[0043:ffffffff]: host: >*** s1 accepted fd 5 49932 >** s1 === rxreq >**** s1 rxhdr|OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 39 >**** s1 http[ 0] |OPTIONS >**** s1 http[ 1] |* >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === txresp -hdr "connection: close" >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|connection: close\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Length: 0\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >*** s1 shutting fd 5 >**** dT 0.221 >**** c1 rxhdr|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** c1 rxhdr|content-length: 0\r >**** c1 rxhdr|before: *\r >**** c1 rxhdr|after: *\r >**** c1 rxhdr|\r >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 59 >**** c1 http[ 0] |HTTP/1.1 >**** c1 http[ 1] |200 >**** c1 http[ 2] |OK >**** c1 http[ 3] |content-length: 0 >**** c1 http[ 4] |before: * >**** c1 http[ 5] |after: * >**** c1 bodylen = 0 >** c1 === expect resp.http.before == "*" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.before (*) == "*" match >** c1 === expect resp.http.after == "*" >**** c1 EXPECT resp.http.after (*) == "*" match >*** c1 closing fd 17 >** c1 Ending >** top === client c2 -connect ${h1_fe_path_strip_dotdot_sock} { >*** h1 debug|00000009:be.srvcls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000009:be.srvrep[0043:0042]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000009:be.srvhdr[0043:0042]: content-length: 0 >*** h1 debug|00000009:be.clicls[0043:0042] >*** h1 debug|00000009:be.closed[0043:0042] >** c2 Starting client >** c2 Waiting for client >** c2 Started on (1 iterations) >*** c2 Connect to >*** c2 connected fd 17 from 41948 to >** c2 === txreq -url "/foo/bar" >**** c2 txreq|GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1\r >**** c2 txreq|Host:\r >**** c2 txreq|\r >** c2 === rxresp >**** dT 0.222 >*** h1 debug|0000000a:fe_path_strip_dotdot.accept(0008)=0042 from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|0000000a:fe_path_strip_dotdot.clireq[0042:ffffffff]: GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|0000000a:fe_path_strip_dotdot.clihdr[0042:ffffffff]: host: >*** s1 accepted fd 5 49936 >** s1 === rxreq >**** s1 rxhdr|GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 42 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/foo/bar >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === txresp -hdr "connection: close" >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|connection: close\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Length: 0\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >*** s1 shutting fd 5 >*** h1 debug|0000000a:be.srvrep[0042:0043]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|0000000a:be.srvhdr[0042:0043]: content-length: 0 >*** h1 debug|0000000a:be.clicls[0042:0043] >*** h1 debug|0000000a:be.srvcls[0042:0043] >*** h1 debug|0000000a:be.closed[0042:0043] >**** c2 rxhdr|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** c2 rxhdr|content-length: 0\r >**** c2 rxhdr|before: /foo/bar\r >**** c2 rxhdr|after: /foo/bar\r >**** c2 rxhdr|after-full: /foo/bar\r >**** c2 rxhdr|\r >**** c2 rxhdrlen = 95 >**** c2 http[ 0] |HTTP/1.1 >**** c2 http[ 1] |200 >**** c2 http[ 2] |OK >**** c2 http[ 3] |content-length: 0 >**** c2 http[ 4] |before: /foo/bar >**** dT 0.223 >**** c2 http[ 5] |after: /foo/bar >**** c2 http[ 6] |after-full: /foo/bar >**** c2 bodylen = 0 >** c2 === expect resp.http.before == "/foo/bar" >**** c2 EXPECT resp.http.before (/foo/bar) == "/foo/bar" match >** c2 === expect resp.http.after == "/foo/bar" >**** c2 EXPECT resp.http.after (/foo/bar) == "/foo/bar" match >** c2 === expect resp.http.after-full == "/foo/bar" >**** c2 EXPECT resp.http.after-full (/foo/bar) == "/foo/bar" match >** c2 === txreq -url "/foo/.." >**** c2 txreq|GET /foo/.. HTTP/1.1\r >**** c2 txreq|Host:\r >**** c2 txreq|\r >** c2 === rxresp >*** s1 accepted fd 5 49944 >** s1 === rxreq >*** h1 debug|0000000b:fe_path_strip_dotdot.accept(0008)=0042 from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|0000000b:fe_path_strip_dotdot.clireq[0042:ffffffff]: GET /foo/.. HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|0000000b:fe_path_strip_dotdot.clihdr[0042:ffffffff]: host: >**** s1 rxhdr|GET / HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 35 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/ >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === txresp -hdr "connection: close" >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|connection: close\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Length: 0\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >*** s1 shutting fd 5 >*** h1 debug|0000000b:be.srvrep[0042:0043]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|0000000b:be.srvhdr[0042:0043]: content-length: 0 >*** h1 debug|0000000b:be.clicls[0042:0043] >*** h1 debug|0000000b:be.srvcls[0042:0043] >*** h1 debug|0000000b:be.closed[0042:0043] >**** c2 rxhdr|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** c2 rxhdr|content-length: 0\r >**** c2 rxhdr|before: /foo/..\r >**** c2 rxhdr|after: /\r >**** c2 rxhdr|after-full: /\r >**** c2 rxhdr|\r >**** c2 rxhdrlen = 80 >**** c2 http[ 0] |HTTP/1.1 >**** c2 http[ 1] |200 >**** c2 http[ 2] |OK >**** c2 http[ 3] |content-length: 0 >**** c2 http[ 4] |before: /foo/.. >**** c2 http[ 5] |after: / >**** c2 http[ 6] |after-full: / >**** c2 bodylen = 0 >** c2 === expect resp.http.before == "/foo/.." >**** c2 EXPECT resp.http.before (/foo/..) == "/foo/.." match >** c2 === expect resp.http.after == "/" >**** c2 EXPECT resp.http.after (/) == "/" match >** c2 === expect resp.http.after-full == "/" >**** c2 EXPECT resp.http.after-full (/) == "/" match >** c2 === txreq -url "/foo/../" >**** c2 txreq|GET /foo/../ HTTP/1.1\r >**** c2 txreq|Host:\r >**** c2 txreq|\r >** c2 === rxresp >**** dT 0.224 >*** s1 accepted fd 5 49956 >** s1 === rxreq >*** h1 debug|0000000c:fe_path_strip_dotdot.accept(0008)=0042 from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|0000000c:fe_path_strip_dotdot.clireq[0042:ffffffff]: GET /foo/../ HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|0000000c:fe_path_strip_dotdot.clihdr[0042:ffffffff]: host: >**** dT 0.226 >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 0 >---- s1 HTTP header is incomplete >**** c2 rxhdrlen = 0 >---- c2 HTTP header is incomplete >**** dT 0.227 >* top RESETTING after reg-tests/http-rules/normalize_uri.vtc >** h1 Reset and free h1 haproxy 5108 >** h1 Wait >** h1 Stop HAproxy pid=5108 >**** h1 Kill(2)=0: Success >**** h1 STDOUT EOF >**** dT 0.327 >** h1 WAIT4 pid=5108 status=0x0007 (user 0.104083 sys 0.050419) >* h1 Expected exit: 0x0 signal: 2 core: 0 >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >* top failure during reset ># top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/normalize_uri.vtc FAILED (0.346) exit=2 ># top TEST reg-tests/http-rules/default_rules.vtc passed (0.566) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/new_del_ssl_cafile.vtc skipped (0.050) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-set-timeout/set_timeout.vtc passed (0.324) ># top TEST reg-tests/log/last_rule.vtc passed (1.220) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/set_ssl_cafile.vtc skipped (0.046) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/set_ssl_cert_bundle.vtc skipped (0.047) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/set_ssl_cert_noext.vtc skipped (0.016) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/add_ssl_crt-list.vtc skipped (0.011) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/set_ssl_crlfile.vtc skipped (0.047) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/del_ssl_crt-list.vtc passed (0.405) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/ssl_simple_crt-list.vtc passed (0.425) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/ssl_errors.vtc skipped (0.049) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/set_ssl_cert.vtc skipped (0.011) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/wrong_ctx_storage.vtc passed (0.357) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/ssl_frontend_samples.vtc passed (0.324) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/ssl_dh.vtc skipped (0.029) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/set_ssl_server_cert.vtc skipped (0.010) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/ssl_client_auth.vtc passed (0.474) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/show_ssl_ocspresponse.vtc skipped (0.047) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/ssl_client_samples.vtc passed (0.398) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/dynamic_server_ssl.vtc skipped (0.010) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/ssl_server_samples.vtc passed (0.362) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/ssl_curves.vtc passed (0.517) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/ssl_reuse.vtc passed (0.753) ># top TEST reg-tests/spoe/wrong_init.vtc passed (0.044) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/ssl_crt-list_filters.vtc passed (0.347) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/log_forward_ssl.vtc passed (0.449) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/ssl_default_server.vtc passed (0.701) ># top TEST reg-tests/mcli/mcli_show_info.vtc passed (0.274) ># top TEST reg-tests/ssl/ssl_generate_certificate.vtc passed (0.672) >**** dT 0.000 >* top TEST reg-tests/cache/expires.vtc starting >**** top extmacro def pwd=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9 >**** top extmacro def date(...) >**** top extmacro def string(...) >**** top extmacro def localhost= >**** top extmacro def bad_backend= >**** top extmacro def listen_addr= >**** top extmacro def bad_ip= >**** top macro def testdir=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/reg-tests/cache >**** top macro def tmpdir=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.7353ad02 >**** dT 0.001 >** top === varnishtest "Expires support" >* top VTEST Expires support >** top === feature ignore_unknown_macro >** top === server s1 { >** s1 Starting server >**** s1 macro def s1_addr= >**** s1 macro def s1_port=34183 >**** s1 macro def s1_sock= >* s1 Listen on >** top === server s2 { >** s2 Starting server >**** s2 macro def s2_addr= >**** s2 macro def s2_port=42231 >**** s2 macro def s2_sock= >* s2 Listen on >** s1 Started on (1 iterations) >** top === server s3 { >** s3 Starting server >**** s3 macro def s3_addr= >**** s3 macro def s3_port=38481 >**** s3 macro def s3_sock= >* s3 Listen on >** s2 Started on (1 iterations) >** top === haproxy h1 -conf { >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_port=40947 >** s3 Started on (1 iterations) >**** dT 0.022 >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_port=38765 >**** h1 setenv(cli, 10) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_port=44611 >**** h1 setenv(fe, 11) >** h1 haproxy_start >**** h1 opt_worker 0 opt_daemon 0 opt_check_mode 0 opt_mcli 0 >**** h1 argv|exec "/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/haproxy" -d -dM -f "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.7353ad02/h1/cfg" >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf|\tstats socket "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.7353ad02/h1/stats.sock" level admin mode 600 >**** h1 conf| stats socket "fd@${cli}" level admin >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf| # WT: limit false-positives causing "HTTP header incomplete" due to >**** h1 conf| # idle server connections being randomly used and randomly expiring >**** h1 conf| # under us. >**** h1 conf| tune.idle-pool.shared off >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| defaults >**** h1 conf| mode http >**** h1 conf| timeout connect "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout client "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout server "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe}" >**** h1 conf| use_backend cache_control_be if { path_beg /cache_control } >**** h1 conf| use_backend future_expires_be if { path_beg /future } >**** h1 conf| default_backend past_expires_be >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend cache_control_be >**** h1 conf| # Expires header should be ignored since a Cache-Control one is present >**** h1 conf| http-request cache-use my_cache >**** h1 conf| server www >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header X-Cache-Hit %[res.cache_hit] >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header Expires %[date(-1),http_date] >**** h1 conf| http-response cache-store my_cache >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend future_expires_be >**** h1 conf| # Expires value set in the future (current_time+5s) >**** h1 conf| http-request cache-use my_cache >**** h1 conf| server www >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header X-Cache-Hit %[res.cache_hit] >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header Expires %[date(5),http_date] >**** h1 conf| http-response cache-store my_cache >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend past_expires_be >**** h1 conf| # Expires value set in the past >**** h1 conf| http-request cache-use my_cache >**** h1 conf| server www >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header X-Cache-Hit %[res.cache_hit] >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header Expires %[date(-1),http_date] >**** h1 conf| http-response cache-store my_cache >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| cache my_cache >**** h1 conf| total-max-size 3 >**** h1 conf| max-age 20 >**** h1 conf| max-object-size 3072 >**** dT 0.023 >**** h1 XXX 13 @754 >**** dT 0.024 >*** h1 PID: 5678 >**** h1 macro def h1_pid=5678 >**** h1 macro def h1_name=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.7353ad02/h1 >** top === client c1 -connect ${h1_fe_sock} { >** c1 Starting client >** c1 Waiting for client >** c1 Started on (1 iterations) >*** c1 Connect to >*** c1 connected fd 12 from 49764 to >** c1 === txreq -url "/cache_control" >**** c1 txreq|GET /cache_control HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >**** dT 0.146 >*** h1 debug|Note: setting global.maxconn to 32732. >*** h1 debug|Available polling systems : >*** h1 debug| epoll : pref=300, >*** h1 debug| test result OK >*** h1 debug| poll : pref=200, >*** h1 debug| test result OK >*** h1 debug| select : pref=150, >*** h1 debug| test result FAILED >*** h1 debug|Total: 3 (2 usable), will use epoll. >*** h1 debug| >*** h1 debug|Available filters : >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-in >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-out >*** h1 debug|\t[CACHE] cache >*** h1 debug|\t[COMP] compression >*** h1 debug|\t[FCGI] fcgi-app >*** h1 debug|\t[SPOE] spoe >*** h1 debug|\t[TRACE] trace >**** dT 0.151 >*** h1 debug|Using epoll() as the polling mechanism. >**** dT 0.186 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.accept(000b)=003b from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clireq[003b:ffffffff]: GET /cache_control HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003b:ffffffff]: host: >*** s1 accepted fd 6 38338 >**** dT 0.187 >** s1 === rxreq >**** s1 rxhdr|GET /cache_control HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 48 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/cache_control >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === txresp -nolen -hdr "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" \ >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r >**** s1 txresp|Cache-Control: max-age=5\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 15 >**** s1 chunked|f\r >**** s1 chunked|012345670123456\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 15 >**** s1 chunked|f\r >**** s1 chunked|012345670123456\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 15 >**** s1 chunked|f\r >**** s1 chunked|012345670123456\r >*** h1 debug|00000000:cache_control_be.srvrep[003b:003c]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000000:cache_control_be.srvhdr[003b:003c]: transfer-encoding: chunked >*** h1 debug|00000000:cache_control_be.srvhdr[003b:003c]: cache-control: max-age=5 >** s1 === chunkedlen 0 >**** s1 chunked|0\r >**** s1 chunked|\r >*** s1 shutting fd 6 >** s1 Ending >**** dT 0.193 >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 0 >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >**** h1 STDOUT EOF >**** dT 0.194 >* top RESETTING after reg-tests/cache/expires.vtc >** h1 Reset and free h1 haproxy 5678 >** h1 Wait >** h1 Stop HAproxy pid=5678 >** h1 WAIT4 pid=5678 status=0x0007 (user 0.099157 sys 0.047643) >* h1 Expected exit: 0x0 signal: 0 core: 0 >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >* top failure during reset ># top TEST reg-tests/cache/expires.vtc FAILED (0.226) exit=2 ># top TEST reg-tests/mcli/mcli_start_progs.vtc passed (0.293) >**** dT 0.000 >* top TEST reg-tests/cache/caching_rules.vtc starting >**** top extmacro def pwd=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9 >**** top extmacro def date(...) >**** top extmacro def string(...) >**** top extmacro def localhost= >**** top extmacro def bad_backend= >**** top extmacro def listen_addr= >**** top extmacro def bad_ip= >**** top macro def testdir=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/reg-tests/cache >**** top macro def tmpdir=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.133a5cbe >**** dT 0.001 >** top === varnishtest "Caching rules test" >* top VTEST Caching rules test >** top === feature ignore_unknown_macro >** top === server s1 { >** s1 Starting server >**** s1 macro def s1_addr= >**** s1 macro def s1_port=33405 >**** s1 macro def s1_sock= >* s1 Listen on >** top === server s2 { >** s2 Starting server >**** s2 macro def s2_addr= >**** s2 macro def s2_port=43899 >**** s2 macro def s2_sock= >* s2 Listen on >** s1 Started on (1 iterations) >** top === haproxy h1 -conf { >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_port=40229 >** s2 Started on (1 iterations) >**** dT 0.021 >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_port=41551 >**** h1 setenv(cli, 8) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_port=41593 >**** h1 setenv(fe, 9) >** h1 haproxy_start >**** h1 opt_worker 0 opt_daemon 0 opt_check_mode 0 opt_mcli 0 >**** h1 argv|exec "/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/haproxy" -d -dM -f "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.133a5cbe/h1/cfg" >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf|\tstats socket "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.133a5cbe/h1/stats.sock" level admin mode 600 >**** h1 conf| stats socket "fd@${cli}" level admin >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf| # WT: limit false-positives causing "HTTP header incomplete" due to >**** h1 conf| # idle server connections being randomly used and randomly expiring >**** h1 conf| # under us. >**** h1 conf| tune.idle-pool.shared off >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| defaults >**** h1 conf| mode http >**** h1 conf| timeout connect "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout client "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout server "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe}" >**** h1 conf| use_backend expires_be if { path_beg /expires } >**** h1 conf| default_backend test >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend expires_be >**** h1 conf| http-request cache-use my_cache >**** h1 conf| server www >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header X-Cache-Hit %[res.cache_hit] >**** h1 conf| # Expires value set in the future (current_time+5s) >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header Expires %[date(5),http_date] >**** h1 conf| http-response cache-store my_cache >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend test >**** h1 conf| http-request cache-use my_cache >**** h1 conf| server www >**** h1 conf| http-response cache-store my_cache >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header X-Cache-Hit %[res.cache_hit] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| cache my_cache >**** h1 conf| total-max-size 3 >**** h1 conf| max-age 20 >**** h1 conf| max-object-size 3072 >**** dT 0.022 >**** h1 XXX 11 @754 >*** h1 PID: 5686 >**** h1 macro def h1_pid=5686 >**** h1 macro def h1_name=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.133a5cbe/h1 >** top === client c1 -connect ${h1_fe_sock} { >** c1 Starting client >**** dT 0.023 >** c1 Waiting for client >** c1 Started on (1 iterations) >*** c1 Connect to >*** c1 connected fd 10 from 51960 to >** c1 === txreq -url "/max-age" >**** c1 txreq|GET /max-age HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >**** dT 0.148 >*** h1 debug|Note: setting global.maxconn to 32732. >*** h1 debug|Available polling systems : >*** h1 debug| epoll : pref=300, test result OK >*** h1 debug| poll : pref=200, test result OK >*** h1 debug| select : pref=150, test result FAILED >*** h1 debug|Total: 3 (2 usable), will use epoll. >*** h1 debug| >*** h1 debug|Available filters : >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-in >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-out >*** h1 debug|\t[CACHE] cache >*** h1 debug|\t[COMP] compression >*** h1 debug|\t[FCGI] fcgi-app >*** h1 debug|\t[SPOE] spoe >*** h1 debug|\t[TRACE] trace >**** dT 0.152 >*** h1 debug|Using epoll() as the polling mechanism. >**** dT 0.206 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.accept(0009)=003e from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clireq[003e:ffffffff]: GET /max-age HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003e:ffffffff]: host: >*** s1 accepted fd 6 32992 >** s1 === rxreq >**** dT 0.207 >**** s1 rxhdr|GET /max-age HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 42 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/max-age >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === expect req.url == "/max-age" >**** s1 EXPECT req.url (/max-age) == "/max-age" match >** s1 === txresp -hdr "Cache-Control: max-age=5" \ >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|Cache-Control: max-age=5\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Length: 150\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >**** s1 txresp|!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ >**** s1 txresp|"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_` >**** s1 txresp|#$%&'()*+,-./01234567 >** s1 === rxreq >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvrep[003e:003a]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[003e:003a]: cache-control: max-age=5 >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[003e:003a]: content-length: 150 >**** dT 0.211 >**** h1 STDOUT EOF >**** dT 0.212 >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 0 >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 0 >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- s1 HTTP header is incomplete >**** dT 0.213 >* top RESETTING after reg-tests/cache/caching_rules.vtc >** h1 Reset and free h1 haproxy 5686 >** h1 Wait >** h1 Stop HAproxy pid=5686 >** h1 WAIT4 pid=5686 status=0x0007 (user 0.079798 sys 0.069825) >* h1 Expected exit: 0x0 signal: 0 core: 0 >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >* top failure during reset ># top TEST reg-tests/cache/caching_rules.vtc FAILED (0.225) exit=2 >**** dT 0.000 >* top TEST reg-tests/cache/sample_fetches.vtc starting >**** top extmacro def pwd=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9 >**** top extmacro def date(...) >**** top extmacro def string(...) >**** top extmacro def localhost= >**** top extmacro def bad_backend= >**** top extmacro def listen_addr= >**** top extmacro def bad_ip= >**** top macro def testdir=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/reg-tests/cache >**** top macro def tmpdir=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.02b1c365 >** top === varnishtest "Basic cache test" >* top VTEST Basic cache test >** top === feature ignore_unknown_macro >** top === server s1 { >** s1 Starting server >**** dT 0.001 >**** s1 macro def s1_addr= >**** s1 macro def s1_port=42451 >**** s1 macro def s1_sock= >* s1 Listen on >** top === server s2 { >** s2 Starting server >**** s2 macro def s2_addr= >**** s2 macro def s2_port=45359 >**** s2 macro def s2_sock= >* s2 Listen on >** s1 Started on (1 iterations) >** top === server s3 { >** s3 Starting server >**** s3 macro def s3_addr= >**** s3 macro def s3_port=46001 >**** s3 macro def s3_sock= >* s3 Listen on >** s2 Started on (1 iterations) >** top === haproxy h1 -conf { >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_port=35721 >** s3 Started on (1 iterations) >**** dT 0.020 >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_port=37101 >**** h1 setenv(cli, 10) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_port=46059 >**** h1 setenv(fe, 11) >** h1 haproxy_start >**** h1 opt_worker 0 opt_daemon 0 opt_check_mode 0 opt_mcli 0 >**** h1 argv|exec "/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/haproxy" -d -dM -f "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.02b1c365/h1/cfg" >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf|\tstats socket "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.02b1c365/h1/stats.sock" level admin mode 600 >**** h1 conf| stats socket "fd@${cli}" level admin >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf| # WT: limit false-positives causing "HTTP header incomplete" due to >**** h1 conf| # idle server connections being randomly used and randomly expiring >**** h1 conf| # under us. >**** h1 conf| tune.idle-pool.shared off >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| defaults >**** h1 conf| mode http >**** h1 conf| timeout connect "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout client "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout server "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe}" >**** h1 conf| use_backend first_be if { path_beg /first } >**** h1 conf| use_backend nocache_be if { path_beg /nocache } >**** h1 conf| default_backend second_be >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend first_be >**** h1 conf| http-request cache-use first_cache >**** h1 conf| server www >**** h1 conf| http-response cache-store first_cache >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header X-Cache-Hit %[res.cache_hit] >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header X-Cache-Name %[res.cache_name] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend second_be >**** h1 conf| http-request cache-use second_cache >**** h1 conf| server www >**** h1 conf| http-response cache-store second_cache >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header X-Cache-Hit %[res.cache_hit] >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header X-Cache-Name %[res.cache_name] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend nocache_be >**** h1 conf| server www >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header X-Cache-Hit %[res.cache_hit] >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header X-Cache-Name %[res.cache_name] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| cache first_cache >**** h1 conf| total-max-size 3 >**** h1 conf| max-age 40 >**** h1 conf| max-object-size 3000 >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| cache second_cache >**** h1 conf| total-max-size 3 >**** h1 conf| max-age 20 >**** h1 conf| max-object-size 3072 >**** h1 XXX 13 @754 >**** dT 0.021 >*** h1 PID: 5737 >**** h1 macro def h1_pid=5737 >**** h1 macro def h1_name=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.02b1c365/h1 >** top === client c1 -connect ${h1_fe_sock} { >** c1 Starting client >** c1 Waiting for client >** c1 Started on (1 iterations) >*** c1 Connect to >**** dT 0.022 >*** c1 connected fd 12 from 34220 to >** c1 === txreq -url "/first" >**** c1 txreq|GET /first HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >**** dT 0.151 >*** h1 debug|Note: setting global.maxconn to 32732. >*** h1 debug|Available polling systems : >*** h1 debug| epoll : pref=300, test result OK >*** h1 debug| poll : pref=200, test result OK >*** h1 debug| select : pref=150, test result FAILED >*** h1 debug|Total: 3 (2 usable), will use epoll. >*** h1 debug| >*** h1 debug|Available filters : >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-in >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-out >*** h1 debug|\t[CACHE] cache >*** h1 debug|\t[COMP] compression >*** h1 debug|\t[FCGI] fcgi-app >*** h1 debug|\t[SPOE] spoe >*** h1 debug|\t[TRACE] trace >**** dT 0.153 >*** h1 debug|Using epoll() as the polling mechanism. >**** dT 0.166 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.accept(000b)=003c from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clireq[003c:ffffffff]: GET /first HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003c:ffffffff]: host: >*** s1 accepted fd 6 40264 >** s1 === rxreq >**** s1 rxhdr|GET /first HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 40 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/first >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === txresp -nolen -hdr "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" \ >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r >**** s1 txresp|Cache-Control: max-age=5\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 15 >**** s1 chunked|f\r >**** s1 chunked|012345670123456\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 15 >**** dT 0.167 >**** s1 chunked|f\r >**** s1 chunked|012345670123456\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 15 >**** s1 chunked|f\r >**** s1 chunked|012345670123456\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 0 >**** s1 chunked|0\r >**** s1 chunked|\r >*** s1 shutting fd 6 >** s1 Ending >*** h1 debug|00000000:first_be.srvcls[003c:003b] >*** h1 debug|00000000:first_be.srvrep[003c:003b]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000000:first_be.srvhdr[003c:003b]: transfer-encoding: chunked >*** h1 debug|00000000:first_be.srvhdr[003c:003b]: cache-control: max-age=5 >**** dT 0.170 >**** h1 STDOUT EOF >**** dT 0.171 >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 0 >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >* top RESETTING after reg-tests/cache/sample_fetches.vtc >** h1 Reset and free h1 haproxy 5737 >** h1 Wait >** h1 Stop HAproxy pid=5737 >**** dT 0.172 >** h1 WAIT4 pid=5737 status=0x0007 (user 0.112137 sys 0.039634) >* h1 Expected exit: 0x0 signal: 0 core: 0 >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >* top failure during reset ># top TEST reg-tests/cache/sample_fetches.vtc FAILED (0.175) exit=2 >**** dT 0.000 >* top TEST reg-tests/cache/if-none-match.vtc starting >**** top extmacro def pwd=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9 >**** top extmacro def date(...) >**** top extmacro def string(...) >**** top extmacro def localhost= >**** top extmacro def bad_backend= >**** top extmacro def listen_addr= >**** top extmacro def bad_ip= >**** top macro def testdir=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/reg-tests/cache >**** top macro def tmpdir=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.608dda7a >**** dT 0.001 >** top === varnishtest "If-None-Match support" >* top VTEST If-None-Match support >** top === feature ignore_unknown_macro >** top === server s1 { >** s1 Starting server >**** s1 macro def s1_addr= >**** s1 macro def s1_port=44893 >**** s1 macro def s1_sock= >* s1 Listen on >** top === haproxy h1 -conf { >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_port=37669 >** s1 Started on (1 iterations) >**** dT 0.021 >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_port=45341 >**** h1 setenv(cli, 6) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_port=42417 >**** h1 setenv(fe, 7) >** h1 haproxy_start >**** h1 opt_worker 0 opt_daemon 0 opt_check_mode 0 opt_mcli 0 >**** h1 argv|exec "/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/haproxy" -d -dM -f "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.608dda7a/h1/cfg" >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf|\tstats socket "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.608dda7a/h1/stats.sock" level admin mode 600 >**** h1 conf| stats socket "fd@${cli}" level admin >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf| # WT: limit false-positives causing "HTTP header incomplete" due to >**** h1 conf| # idle server connections being randomly used and randomly expiring >**** h1 conf| # under us. >**** h1 conf| tune.idle-pool.shared off >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| defaults >**** h1 conf| mode http >**** h1 conf| timeout connect "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout client "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout server "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe}" >**** h1 conf| default_backend test >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend test >**** h1 conf| http-request cache-use my_cache >**** h1 conf| server www >**** h1 conf| http-response cache-store my_cache >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| # Remove Transfer-Encoding header because of a vtest issue with >**** h1 conf| # 304-Not-Modified responses >**** h1 conf| http-after-response del-header transfer-encoding if { status eq 304 } >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| cache my_cache >**** h1 conf| total-max-size 3 >**** h1 conf| max-age 20 >**** h1 conf| max-object-size 3072 >**** h1 XXX 9 @754 >**** dT 0.022 >*** h1 PID: 5759 >**** h1 macro def h1_pid=5759 >**** h1 macro def h1_name=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.608dda7a/h1 >** top === client c1 -connect ${h1_fe_sock} { >** c1 Starting client >** c1 Waiting for client >** c1 Started on (1 iterations) >*** c1 Connect to >*** c1 connected fd 8 from 55718 to >**** dT 0.023 >** c1 === txreq >**** c1 txreq|GET / HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >**** dT 0.149 >*** h1 debug|Note: setting global.maxconn to 32732. >*** h1 debug|Available polling systems : >*** h1 debug| epoll : pref=300, test result OK >*** h1 debug| poll : pref=200, test result OK >*** h1 debug| select : pref=150, test result FAILED >*** h1 debug|Total: 3 (2 usable), will use epoll. >*** h1 debug| >*** h1 debug|Available filters : >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-in >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-out >*** h1 debug|\t[CACHE] cache >*** h1 debug|\t[COMP] compression >*** h1 debug|\t[FCGI] fcgi-app >*** h1 debug|\t[SPOE] spoe >*** h1 debug|\t[TRACE] trace >**** dT 0.153 >*** h1 debug|Using epoll() as the polling mechanism. >**** dT 0.166 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.accept(0007)=003a from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clireq[003a:ffffffff]: GET / HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003a:ffffffff]: host: >*** s1 accepted fd 5 50844 >** s1 === rxreq >**** s1 rxhdr|GET / HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 35 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/ >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === txresp -nolen -hdr "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" \ >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r >**** s1 txresp|ETag: "etag"\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 1 >**** dT 0.167 >**** s1 chunked|1\r >**** s1 chunked|0\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 1 >**** s1 chunked|1\r >**** s1 chunked|0\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 2 >**** s1 chunked|2\r >**** s1 chunked|01\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 3 >**** s1 chunked|3\r >**** s1 chunked|012\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 5 >**** s1 chunked|5\r >**** s1 chunked|01234\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 8 >**** s1 chunked|8\r >**** s1 chunked|01234567\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 13 >**** s1 chunked|d\r >**** s1 chunked|0123456701234\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 21 >**** s1 chunked|15\r >**** s1 chunked|012345670123456701234\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 34 >**** s1 chunked|22\r >**** s1 chunked|0123456701234567012345670123456701\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 55 >**** s1 chunked|37\r >**** s1 chunked|0123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 89 >**** s1 chunked|59\r >**** s1 chunked|01234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 144 >**** s1 chunked|90\r >**** s1 chunked|012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 233 >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvrep[003a:0039]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[003a:0039]: transfer-encoding: chunked >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[003a:0039]: etag: "etag" >**** s1 chunked|e9\r >**** s1 chunked|01234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 0 >**** s1 chunked|0\r >**** s1 chunked|\r >*** s1 shutting fd 5 >** s1 Ending >**** dT 0.171 >**** h1 STDOUT EOF >**** dT 0.172 >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 0 >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >* top RESETTING after reg-tests/cache/if-none-match.vtc >** h1 Reset and free h1 haproxy 5759 >** h1 Wait >** h1 Stop HAproxy pid=5759 >**** dT 0.173 >** h1 WAIT4 pid=5759 status=0x0007 (user 0.110713 sys 0.040274) >* h1 Expected exit: 0x0 signal: 0 core: 0 >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >* top failure during reset ># top TEST reg-tests/cache/if-none-match.vtc FAILED (0.175) exit=2 >**** dT 0.000 >* top TEST reg-tests/cache/post_on_entry.vtc starting >**** top extmacro def pwd=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9 >**** top extmacro def date(...) >**** top extmacro def string(...) >**** top extmacro def localhost= >**** top extmacro def bad_backend= >**** top extmacro def listen_addr= >**** top extmacro def bad_ip= >**** top macro def testdir=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/reg-tests/cache >**** top macro def tmpdir=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.20ad8bdc >** top === varnishtest "A successful unsafe method (POST for instance) ... >* top VTEST A successful unsafe method (POST for instance) on a cached entry must disable it. >** top === feature ignore_unknown_macro >**** dT 0.001 >** top === server s1 { >** s1 Starting server >**** s1 macro def s1_addr= >**** s1 macro def s1_port=45763 >**** s1 macro def s1_sock= >* s1 Listen on >** top === haproxy h1 -conf { >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_port=37995 >** s1 Started on (1 iterations) >**** dT 0.020 >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_port=38633 >**** h1 setenv(cli, 6) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_port=33341 >**** h1 setenv(fe, 7) >** h1 haproxy_start >**** h1 opt_worker 0 opt_daemon 0 opt_check_mode 0 opt_mcli 0 >**** h1 argv|exec "/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/haproxy" -d -dM -f "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.20ad8bdc/h1/cfg" >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf|\tstats socket "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.20ad8bdc/h1/stats.sock" level admin mode 600 >**** h1 conf| stats socket "fd@${cli}" level admin >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| defaults >**** h1 conf| mode http >**** h1 conf| timeout connect "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout client "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout server "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe}" >**** h1 conf| default_backend test >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend test >**** h1 conf| http-request cache-use my_cache >**** h1 conf| server www >**** h1 conf| http-response cache-store my_cache >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header X-Cache-Hit %[res.cache_hit] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| cache my_cache >**** h1 conf| total-max-size 3 >**** h1 conf| max-age 20 >**** h1 conf| max-object-size 3072 >**** dT 0.021 >**** h1 XXX 9 @754 >*** h1 PID: 5784 >**** h1 macro def h1_pid=5784 >**** h1 macro def h1_name=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.20ad8bdc/h1 >**** dT 0.022 >** top === client c1 -connect ${h1_fe_sock} { >** c1 Starting client >** c1 Waiting for client >** c1 Started on (1 iterations) >*** c1 Connect to >*** c1 connected fd 8 from 40362 to >** c1 === txreq -url "/cached" >**** c1 txreq|GET /cached HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >**** dT 0.151 >*** h1 debug|Note: setting global.maxconn to 32732. >*** h1 debug|Available polling systems : >*** h1 debug| epoll : pref=300, >*** h1 debug| test result OK >*** h1 debug| poll : pref=200, test result OK >*** h1 debug| select : pref=150, test result FAILED >*** h1 debug| >*** h1 debug|Total: 3 (2 usable), will use epoll. >*** h1 debug| >*** h1 debug|Available filters : >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-in >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-out >*** h1 debug|\t[CACHE] cache >*** h1 debug|\t[COMP] compression >*** h1 debug|\t[FCGI] fcgi-app >*** h1 debug|\t[SPOE] spoe >*** h1 debug|\t[TRACE] trace >**** dT 0.156 >*** h1 debug|Using epoll() as the polling mechanism. >**** dT 0.169 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.accept(0007)=003a from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clireq[003a:ffffffff]: GET /cached HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003a:ffffffff]: host: >*** s1 accepted fd 5 44308 >** s1 === rxreq >**** s1 rxhdr|GET /cached HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 41 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/cached >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === expect req.url == "/cached" >**** s1 EXPECT req.url (/cached) == "/cached" match >** s1 === txresp -hdr "Cache-Control: max-age=5" \ >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|Cache-Control: max-age=5\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Length: 150\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >**** s1 txresp|!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ >**** s1 txresp|"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_` >**** s1 txresp|#$%&'()*+,-./01234567 >**** dT 0.170 >** s1 === rxreq >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvrep[003a:0039]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[003a:0039]: cache-control: max-age=5 >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[003a:0039]: content-length: 150 >**** dT 0.172 >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 0 >---- s1 HTTP header is incomplete >**** h1 STDOUT EOF >**** dT 0.173 >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 0 >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >**** dT 0.174 >* top RESETTING after reg-tests/cache/post_on_entry.vtc >** h1 Reset and free h1 haproxy 5784 >** h1 Wait >** h1 Stop HAproxy pid=5784 >** h1 WAIT4 pid=5784 status=0x0007 (user 0.094428 sys 0.053674) >* h1 Expected exit: 0x0 signal: 0 core: 0 >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >* top failure during reset ># top TEST reg-tests/cache/post_on_entry.vtc FAILED (0.176) exit=2 >**** dT 0.000 >* top TEST reg-tests/cache/if-modified-since.vtc starting >**** top extmacro def pwd=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9 >**** top extmacro def date(...) >**** top extmacro def string(...) >**** top extmacro def localhost= >**** top extmacro def bad_backend= >**** top extmacro def listen_addr= >**** top extmacro def bad_ip= >**** top macro def testdir=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/reg-tests/cache >**** top macro def tmpdir=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.2d902689 >**** dT 0.001 >** top === varnishtest "If-Modified-Since support" >* top VTEST If-Modified-Since support >** top === feature ignore_unknown_macro >** top === server s1 { >** s1 Starting server >**** s1 macro def s1_addr= >**** s1 macro def s1_port=39537 >**** s1 macro def s1_sock= >* s1 Listen on >** top === haproxy h1 -conf { >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_addr= >** s1 Started on (1 iterations) >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_port=37735 >**** dT 0.021 >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_port=44861 >**** h1 setenv(cli, 6) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_port=41211 >**** h1 setenv(fe, 7) >** h1 haproxy_start >**** h1 opt_worker 0 opt_daemon 0 opt_check_mode 0 opt_mcli 0 >**** h1 argv|exec "/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/haproxy" -d -dM -f "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.2d902689/h1/cfg" >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf|\tstats socket "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.2d902689/h1/stats.sock" level admin mode 600 >**** h1 conf| stats socket "fd@${cli}" level admin >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf| # WT: limit false-positives causing "HTTP header incomplete" due to >**** h1 conf| # idle server connections being randomly used and randomly expiring >**** h1 conf| # under us. >**** h1 conf| tune.idle-pool.shared off >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| defaults >**** h1 conf| mode http >**** h1 conf| timeout connect "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout client "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout server "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe}" >**** h1 conf| default_backend test >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend test >**** h1 conf| http-request cache-use my_cache >**** h1 conf| server www >**** h1 conf| http-response cache-store my_cache >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| # Remove Transfer-Encoding header because of a vtest issue with >**** h1 conf| # 304-Not-Modified responses >**** h1 conf| http-after-response del-header transfer-encoding if { status eq 304 } >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| cache my_cache >**** h1 conf| total-max-size 3 >**** h1 conf| max-age 20 >**** h1 conf| max-object-size 3072 >**** dT 0.022 >**** h1 XXX 9 @754 >*** h1 PID: 5815 >**** h1 macro def h1_pid=5815 >**** h1 macro def h1_name=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.2d902689/h1 >** top === client c1 -connect ${h1_fe_sock} { >** c1 Starting client >**** dT 0.023 >** c1 Waiting for client >** c1 Started on (1 iterations) >*** c1 Connect to >*** c1 connected fd 8 from 59768 to >** c1 === txreq -url "/last_modified" >**** c1 txreq|GET /last_modified HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >**** dT 0.150 >*** h1 debug|Note: setting global.maxconn to 32732. >*** h1 debug|Available polling systems : >*** h1 debug| epoll : pref=300, test result OK >*** h1 debug| poll : pref=200, test result OK >*** h1 debug| select : pref=150, test result FAILED >*** h1 debug|Total: 3 (2 usable), will use epoll. >*** h1 debug| >*** h1 debug|Available filters : >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-in >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-out >*** h1 debug|\t[CACHE] cache >*** h1 debug|\t[COMP] compression >*** h1 debug|\t[FCGI] fcgi-app >*** h1 debug|\t[SPOE] spoe >*** h1 debug|\t[TRACE] trace >**** dT 0.153 >*** h1 debug|Using epoll() as the polling mechanism. >**** dT 0.167 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.accept(0007)=0039 from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clireq[0039:ffffffff]: GET /last_modified HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[0039:ffffffff]: host: >*** s1 accepted fd 5 50668 >** s1 === rxreq >**** s1 rxhdr|GET /last_modified HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 48 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/last_modified >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === expect req.url == "/last_modified" >**** s1 EXPECT req.url (/last_modified) == "/last_modified" match >** s1 === txresp -nolen -hdr "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" \ >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r >**** s1 txresp|Last-Modified: Thu, 15 Oct 2020 22:23:24 GMT\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 15 >**** s1 chunked|f\r >**** s1 chunked|012345670123456\r >**** dT 0.168 >** s1 === chunkedlen 15 >**** s1 chunked|f\r >**** s1 chunked|012345670123456\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 15 >**** s1 chunked|f\r >**** s1 chunked|012345670123456\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 0 >**** s1 chunked|0\r >**** s1 chunked|\r >** s1 === rxreq >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvrep[0039:003a]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[0039:003a]: transfer-encoding: chunked >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[0039:003a]: last-modified: Thu, 15 Oct 2020 22:23:24 GMT >**** dT 0.171 >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 0 >---- s1 HTTP header is incomplete >**** h1 STDOUT EOF >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 0 >**** dT 0.172 >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >* top RESETTING after reg-tests/cache/if-modified-since.vtc >** h1 Reset and free h1 haproxy 5815 >** h1 Wait >** h1 Stop HAproxy pid=5815 >** h1 WAIT4 pid=5815 status=0x0007 (user 0.085564 sys 0.065877) >* h1 Expected exit: 0x0 signal: 0 core: 0 >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >* top failure during reset ># top TEST reg-tests/cache/if-modified-since.vtc FAILED (0.174) exit=2 >**** dT 0.000 >* top TEST reg-tests/cache/vary.vtc starting >**** top extmacro def pwd=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9 >**** top extmacro def date(...) >**** top extmacro def string(...) >**** top extmacro def localhost= >**** top extmacro def bad_backend= >**** top extmacro def listen_addr= >**** top extmacro def bad_ip= >**** top macro def testdir=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/reg-tests/cache >**** top macro def tmpdir=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.78b99caa >**** dT 0.001 >** top === varnishtest "Vary support" >* top VTEST Vary support >** top === feature ignore_unknown_macro >** top === server s1 { >** s1 Starting server >**** s1 macro def s1_addr= >**** s1 macro def s1_port=38165 >**** s1 macro def s1_sock= >* s1 Listen on >** top === server s2 { >** s2 Starting server >**** s2 macro def s2_addr= >**** s2 macro def s2_port=34535 >**** s2 macro def s2_sock= >* s2 Listen on >** s1 Started on (1 iterations) >** top === haproxy h1 -conf { >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_port=41361 >**** dT 0.002 >** s2 Started on (1 iterations) >**** dT 0.023 >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_port=38929 >**** h1 setenv(cli, 8) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_port=44459 >**** h1 setenv(fe, 9) >** h1 haproxy_start >**** h1 opt_worker 0 opt_daemon 0 opt_check_mode 0 opt_mcli 0 >**** h1 argv|exec "/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/haproxy" -d -dM -f "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.78b99caa/h1/cfg" >**** dT 0.024 >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf|\tstats socket "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.78b99caa/h1/stats.sock" level admin mode 600 >**** h1 conf| stats socket "fd@${cli}" level admin >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf| # WT: limit false-positives causing "HTTP header incomplete" due to >**** h1 conf| # idle server connections being randomly used and randomly expiring >**** h1 conf| # under us. >**** h1 conf| tune.idle-pool.shared off >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| defaults >**** h1 conf| mode http >**** h1 conf| timeout connect "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout client "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout server "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe}" >**** h1 conf| use_backend no_vary_be if { path_beg /no_vary_support } >**** h1 conf| default_backend test >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend test >**** h1 conf| http-request cache-use my_cache >**** h1 conf| server www >**** h1 conf| http-response cache-store my_cache >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header X-Cache-Hit %[res.cache_hit] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend no_vary_be >**** h1 conf| http-request cache-use no_vary_cache >**** h1 conf| server www >**** h1 conf| http-response cache-store no_vary_cache >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header X-Cache-Hit %[res.cache_hit] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| cache my_cache >**** h1 conf| total-max-size 3 >**** h1 conf| max-age 20 >**** h1 conf| max-object-size 3072 >**** h1 conf| process-vary on >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| cache no_vary_cache >**** h1 conf| total-max-size 3 >**** h1 conf| max-age 20 >**** h1 conf| max-object-size 3072 >**** h1 conf| process-vary off >**** h1 XXX 11 @754 >**** dT 0.025 >*** h1 PID: 5826 >**** h1 macro def h1_pid=5826 >**** h1 macro def h1_name=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.78b99caa/h1 >** top === client c1 -connect ${h1_fe_sock} { >** c1 Starting client >** c1 Waiting for client >** c1 Started on (1 iterations) >*** c1 Connect to >*** c1 connected fd 10 from 56382 to >** c1 === txreq -url "/accept-encoding" -hdr "Accept-Encoding: first_v... >**** c1 txreq|GET /accept-encoding HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Accept-Encoding: first_value\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >**** dT 0.166 >*** h1 debug|Note: setting global.maxconn to 32732. >*** h1 debug|Available polling systems : >*** h1 debug| epoll : pref=300, >*** h1 debug| test result OK >*** h1 debug| poll : pref=200, test result OK >*** h1 debug| select : pref=150, >*** h1 debug| test result FAILED >*** h1 debug|Total: 3 (2 usable), will use epoll. >*** h1 debug| >*** h1 debug|Available filters : >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-in >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-out >*** h1 debug|\t[CACHE] cache >*** h1 debug|\t[COMP] compression >*** h1 debug|\t[FCGI] fcgi-app >*** h1 debug|\t[SPOE] spoe >*** h1 debug|\t[TRACE] trace >**** dT 0.169 >*** h1 debug|Using epoll() as the polling mechanism. >**** dT 0.184 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.accept(0009)=003a from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clireq[003a:ffffffff]: GET /accept-encoding HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003a:ffffffff]: accept-encoding: first_value >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003a:ffffffff]: host: >*** s1 accepted fd 6 48490 >** s1 === rxreq >**** s1 rxhdr|GET /accept-encoding HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|accept-encoding: first_value\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 80 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/accept-encoding >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |accept-encoding: first_value >**** s1 http[ 4] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === expect req.url == "/accept-encoding" >**** s1 EXPECT req.url (/accept-encoding) == "/accept-encoding" match >** s1 === txresp -hdr "Content-Encoding: gzip" \ >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Encoding: gzip\r >**** s1 txresp|Vary: accept-encoding\r >**** s1 txresp|Cache-Control: max-age=5\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Length: 45\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >**** s1 txresp|!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKL >** s1 === rxreq >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvrep[003a:003b]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[003a:003b]: content-encoding: gzip >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[003a:003b]: vary: accept-encoding >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[003a:003b]: cache-control: max-age=5 >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[003a:003b]: content-length: 45 >**** dT 0.187 >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 0 >---- s1 HTTP header is incomplete >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 0 >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >**** h1 STDOUT EOF >* top RESETTING after reg-tests/cache/vary.vtc >** h1 Reset and free h1 haproxy 5826 >** h1 Wait >** h1 Stop HAproxy pid=5826 >**** dT 0.189 >** h1 WAIT4 pid=5826 status=0x0007 (user 0.094709 sys 0.065444) >* h1 Expected exit: 0x0 signal: 0 core: 0 >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >* top failure during reset ># top TEST reg-tests/cache/vary.vtc FAILED (0.191) exit=2 >**** dT 0.000 >* top TEST reg-tests/cache/vary_accept_encoding.vtc starting >**** top extmacro def pwd=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9 >**** top extmacro def date(...) >**** top extmacro def string(...) >**** top extmacro def localhost= >**** top extmacro def bad_backend= >**** top extmacro def listen_addr= >**** top extmacro def bad_ip= >**** top macro def testdir=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/reg-tests/cache >**** top macro def tmpdir=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.49753b70 >** top === varnishtest "Check the Accept-Encoding processing implemente... >* top VTEST Check the Accept-Encoding processing implemented in the Vary mechanism >** top === feature ignore_unknown_macro >** top === server s1 { >**** dT 0.001 >** s1 Starting server >**** s1 macro def s1_addr= >**** s1 macro def s1_port=39837 >**** s1 macro def s1_sock= >* s1 Listen on >** top === haproxy h1 -conf { >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_port=44811 >** s1 Started on (1 iterations) >**** dT 0.022 >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_port=45289 >**** h1 setenv(cli, 6) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_port=36825 >**** h1 setenv(fe, 7) >** h1 haproxy_start >**** h1 opt_worker 0 opt_daemon 0 opt_check_mode 0 opt_mcli 0 >**** h1 argv|exec "/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/haproxy" -d -dM -f "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.49753b70/h1/cfg" >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf|\tstats socket "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.49753b70/h1/stats.sock" level admin mode 600 >**** h1 conf| stats socket "fd@${cli}" level admin >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf| # WT: limit false-positives causing "HTTP header incomplete" due to >**** h1 conf| # idle server connections being randomly used and randomly expiring >**** h1 conf| # under us. >**** h1 conf| tune.idle-pool.shared off >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| defaults >**** h1 conf| mode http >**** h1 conf| timeout connect "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout client "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout server "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe}" >**** h1 conf| default_backend test >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend test >**** h1 conf| http-request cache-use my_cache >**** h1 conf| server www >**** h1 conf| http-response cache-store my_cache >**** h1 conf| http-response set-header X-Cache-Hit %[res.cache_hit] >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| cache my_cache >**** h1 conf| total-max-size 3 >**** h1 conf| max-age 20 >**** h1 conf| max-object-size 3072 >**** h1 conf| process-vary on >**** h1 XXX 9 @754 >**** dT 0.023 >*** h1 PID: 5800 >**** h1 macro def h1_pid=5800 >**** h1 macro def h1_name=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.49753b70/h1 >** top === client c1 -connect ${h1_fe_sock} { >** c1 Starting client >** c1 Waiting for client >**** dT 0.024 >** c1 Started on (1 iterations) >*** c1 Connect to >*** c1 connected fd 8 from 57074 to >** c1 === txreq -url "/accept-encoding" -hdr "Accept-Encoding: gzip" >**** c1 txreq|GET /accept-encoding HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Accept-Encoding: gzip\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >**** dT 0.157 >*** h1 debug|Note: setting global.maxconn to 32732. >*** h1 debug|Available polling systems : >*** h1 debug| epoll : pref=300, test result OK >*** h1 debug| poll : pref=200, test result OK >*** h1 debug| select : pref=150, test result FAILED >*** h1 debug|Total: 3 (2 usable), will use epoll. >*** h1 debug| >*** h1 debug|Available filters : >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-in >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-out >*** h1 debug|\t[CACHE] cache >*** h1 debug|\t[COMP] compression >*** h1 debug|\t[FCGI] fcgi-app >*** h1 debug|\t[SPOE] spoe >*** h1 debug|\t[TRACE] trace >**** dT 0.160 >*** h1 debug|Using epoll() as the polling mechanism. >**** dT 0.174 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.accept(0007)=003a from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clireq[003a:ffffffff]: GET /accept-encoding HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003a:ffffffff]: accept-encoding: gzip >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003a:ffffffff]: host: >*** s1 accepted fd 5 50784 >** s1 === rxreq >**** dT 0.175 >**** s1 rxhdr|GET /accept-encoding HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|accept-encoding: gzip\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 73 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/accept-encoding >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |accept-encoding: gzip >**** s1 http[ 4] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === expect req.url == "/accept-encoding" >**** s1 EXPECT req.url (/accept-encoding) == "/accept-encoding" match >** s1 === txresp -hdr "Content-Encoding: gzip" \ >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Encoding: gzip\r >**** s1 txresp|Vary: accept-encoding\r >**** s1 txresp|Cache-Control: max-age=5\r >**** s1 txresp|Content-Length: 45\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >**** s1 txresp|!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKL >** s1 === rxreq >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvrep[003a:0039]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[003a:0039]: content-encoding: gzip >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[003a:0039]: vary: accept-encoding >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[003a:0039]: cache-control: max-age=5 >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[003a:0039]: content-length: 45 >**** dT 0.178 >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 0 >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >* top RESETTING after reg-tests/cache/vary_accept_encoding.vtc >** h1 Reset and free h1 haproxy 5800 >** h1 Wait >** h1 Stop HAproxy pid=5800 >**** h1 Kill(2)=0: Success >**** h1 STDOUT EOF >**** dT 0.179 >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 0 >---- s1 HTTP header is incomplete >**** dT 0.278 >** h1 WAIT4 pid=5800 status=0x0007 (user 0.092111 sys 0.061450) >* h1 Expected exit: 0x0 signal: 2 core: 0 >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >* top failure during reset ># top TEST reg-tests/cache/vary_accept_encoding.vtc FAILED (0.280) exit=2 >**** dT 0.000 >* top TEST reg-tests/cache/basic.vtc starting >**** top extmacro def pwd=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9 >**** top extmacro def date(...) >**** top extmacro def string(...) >**** top extmacro def localhost= >**** top extmacro def bad_backend= >**** top extmacro def listen_addr= >**** top extmacro def bad_ip= >**** top macro def testdir=/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/reg-tests/cache >**** top macro def tmpdir=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.380b5d3a >** top === varnishtest "Basic cache test" >* top VTEST Basic cache test >** top === feature ignore_unknown_macro >** top === server s1 { >** s1 Starting server >**** dT 0.001 >**** s1 macro def s1_addr= >**** s1 macro def s1_port=39169 >**** s1 macro def s1_sock= >* s1 Listen on >** top === haproxy h1 -conf { >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_closed_port=36587 >** s1 Started on (1 iterations) >**** dT 0.023 >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_cli_port=40411 >**** h1 setenv(cli, 6) >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_sock= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_addr= >**** h1 macro def h1_fe_port=35821 >**** h1 setenv(fe, 7) >** h1 haproxy_start >**** h1 opt_worker 0 opt_daemon 0 opt_check_mode 0 opt_mcli 0 >**** h1 argv|exec "/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9/haproxy" -d -dM -f "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.380b5d3a/h1/cfg" >**** h1 conf| global >**** h1 conf|\tstats socket "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.380b5d3a/h1/stats.sock" level admin mode 600 >**** h1 conf| stats socket "fd@${cli}" level admin >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| defaults >**** h1 conf| mode http >**** h1 conf| timeout connect "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout client "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| timeout server "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| frontend fe >**** h1 conf| bind "fd@${fe}" >**** h1 conf| default_backend test >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| backend test >**** h1 conf| http-request cache-use my_cache >**** h1 conf| server www >**** h1 conf| http-response cache-store my_cache >**** h1 conf| >**** h1 conf| cache my_cache >**** h1 conf|\t total-max-size 3 >**** h1 conf|\t max-age 20 >**** h1 conf|\t max-object-size 3072 >**** h1 XXX 9 @754 >**** dT 0.024 >*** h1 PID: 5819 >**** h1 macro def h1_pid=5819 >**** h1 macro def h1_name=/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.380b5d3a/h1 >** top === client c1 -connect ${h1_fe_sock} { >** c1 Starting client >** c1 Waiting for client >** c1 Started on (4 iterations) >*** c1 Connect to >**** dT 0.025 >*** c1 connected fd 8 from 55182 to >** c1 === txreq >**** c1 txreq|GET / HTTP/1.1\r >**** c1 txreq|Host:\r >**** c1 txreq|\r >** c1 === rxresp >**** dT 0.153 >*** h1 debug|Note: setting global.maxconn to 32732. >*** h1 debug|Available polling systems : >*** h1 debug| epoll : pref=300, test result OK >*** h1 debug| poll : pref=200, test result OK >*** h1 debug| select : pref=150, test result FAILED >*** h1 debug|Total: 3 (2 usable), will use epoll. >*** h1 debug| >*** h1 debug|Available filters : >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-in >*** h1 debug|\t[BWLIM] bwlim-out >*** h1 debug|\t[CACHE] cache >*** h1 debug|\t[COMP] compression >*** h1 debug|\t[FCGI] fcgi-app >*** h1 debug|\t[SPOE] spoe >*** h1 debug|\t[TRACE] trace >**** dT 0.156 >*** h1 debug|Using epoll() as the polling mechanism. >**** dT 0.170 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.accept(0007)=003a from [] ALPN=<none> >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clireq[003a:ffffffff]: GET / HTTP/1.1 >*** h1 debug|00000000:fe.clihdr[003a:ffffffff]: host: >*** s1 accepted fd 5 46380 >** s1 === rxreq >**** s1 rxhdr|GET / HTTP/1.1\r >**** s1 rxhdr|host:\r >**** s1 rxhdr|\r >**** s1 rxhdrlen = 35 >**** s1 http[ 0] |GET >**** s1 http[ 1] |/ >**** s1 http[ 2] |HTTP/1.1 >**** s1 http[ 3] |host: >**** s1 bodylen = 0 >** s1 === txresp -nolen -hdr "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" \ >**** s1 txresp|HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r >**** s1 txresp|Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r >**** s1 txresp|Cache-Control: max-age=5\r >**** s1 txresp|\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 1 >**** s1 chunked|1\r >**** s1 chunked|0\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 1 >**** s1 chunked|1\r >**** s1 chunked|0\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 2 >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvrep[003a:0039]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[003a:0039]: transfer-encoding: chunked >*** h1 debug|00000000:test.srvhdr[003a:0039]: cache-control: max-age=5 >**** s1 chunked|2\r >**** s1 chunked|01\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 3 >**** s1 chunked|3\r >**** s1 chunked|012\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 5 >**** dT 0.171 >**** s1 chunked|5\r >**** s1 chunked|01234\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 8 >**** s1 chunked|8\r >**** s1 chunked|01234567\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 13 >**** s1 chunked|d\r >**** s1 chunked|0123456701234\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 21 >**** s1 chunked|15\r >**** s1 chunked|012345670123456701234\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 34 >**** s1 chunked|22\r >**** s1 chunked|0123456701234567012345670123456701\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 55 >**** s1 chunked|37\r >**** s1 chunked|0123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 89 >**** s1 chunked|59\r >**** s1 chunked|01234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 144 >**** s1 chunked|90\r >**** s1 chunked|012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 233 >**** s1 chunked|e9\r >**** s1 chunked|01234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670123456701234567012345670\r >** s1 === chunkedlen 0 >**** s1 chunked|0\r >**** s1 chunked|\r >*** s1 shutting fd 5 >** s1 Ending >**** dT 0.173 >**** c1 rxhdrlen = 0 >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >* top RESETTING after reg-tests/cache/basic.vtc >** h1 Reset and free h1 haproxy 5819 >** h1 Wait >** h1 Stop HAproxy pid=5819 >**** h1 STDOUT EOF >**** h1 Kill(2)=0: Success >**** dT 0.273 >** h1 WAIT4 pid=5819 status=0x0007 (user 0.104290 sys 0.045523) >* h1 Expected exit: 0x0 signal: 2 core: 0 >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >* top failure during reset ># top TEST reg-tests/cache/basic.vtc FAILED (0.276) exit=2 ># top TEST reg-tests/stick-table/unknown_key.vtc passed (0.268) ># top TEST reg-tests/stick-table/src_conn_rate.vtc passed (0.314) ># top TEST reg-tests/stick-table/converteers_ref_cnt_never_dec.vtc passed (0.282) ># top TEST reg-tests/stickiness/lb-services.vtc passed (0.513) ># top TEST reg-tests/stickiness/srvkey-addr.vtc passed (0.479) ># top TEST reg-tests/http-messaging/http_splicing.vtc passed (4.142) ># top TEST reg-tests/server/cli_add_check_server.vtc passed (5.729) >12 tests failed, 17 tests skipped, 139 tests passed >########################## Gathering results ########################## >###### Test case: reg-tests/http-rules/normalize_uri.vtc ###### >## test results in: "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.0a6ce87f" >---- s1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- c2 HTTP header is incomplete >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >###### Test case: reg-tests/cache/caching_rules.vtc ###### >## test results in: "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.133a5cbe" >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- s1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >###### Test case: reg-tests/http-rules/h1or2_to_h1c.vtc ###### >## test results in: "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.10ced99e" >---- c1h1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >###### Test case: reg-tests/cache/if-none-match.vtc ###### >## test results in: "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.608dda7a" >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >###### Test case: reg-tests/cache/post_on_entry.vtc ###### >## test results in: "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.20ad8bdc" >---- s1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >###### Test case: reg-tests/cache/vary.vtc ###### >## test results in: "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.78b99caa" >---- s1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >###### Test case: reg-tests/cache/vary_accept_encoding.vtc ###### >## test results in: "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.49753b70" >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- s1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >###### Test case: reg-tests/http-rules/path_and_pathq.vtc ###### >## test results in: "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.538b6c8c" >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >###### Test case: reg-tests/cache/expires.vtc ###### >## test results in: "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.7353ad02" >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >###### Test case: reg-tests/cache/basic.vtc ###### >## test results in: "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.380b5d3a" >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >###### Test case: reg-tests/cache/sample_fetches.vtc ###### >## test results in: "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.02b1c365" >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >###### Test case: reg-tests/cache/if-modified-since.vtc ###### >## test results in: "/tmp/haregtests-2024-02-20_21-50-42.hA9wu7/vtc.1171.2d902689" >---- s1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- c1 HTTP header is incomplete >---- h1 Bad exit status: 0x0007 exit 0x0 signal 7 core 0 >make: *** [Makefile:1125: reg-tests] Error 1 > * ERROR: net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9::gentoo failed (test phase): > * emake failed > * > * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9::gentoo'`, > * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9::gentoo'`. > * The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/temp/build.log'. > * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/temp/environment'. > * Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9' > * S: '/var/tmp/portage/net-proxy/haproxy-2.7.9/work/haproxy-2.7.9' > > > >
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