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Bug 914493
app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5[pdf] w/ app-text/podofo-0.10.1: CMake Error at cmake/modules/FindLIBPODOFO.cmake:38 (file): file STRINGS file "/usr/include/podofo/base/podofo_config.h" cannot be read
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build log
build.log (text/x-log), 11.76 KB, created by
Harris Landgarten
on 2023-09-21 16:51:34 UTC
build log
MIME Type:
Harris Landgarten
2023-09-21 16:51:34 UTC
11.76 KB
>[32m * [39;49;00mPackage: app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5:0 >[32m * [39;49;00mRepository: gentoo >[32m * [39;49;00mMaintainer: fordfrog@gentoo.org >[32m * [39;49;00mUSE: abi_x86_64 amd64 boost elibc_glibc kernel_linux minimal pdf python_single_target_python3_11 templates >[32m * [39;49;00mFEATURES: network-sandbox preserve-libs sandbox userpriv usersandbox > [32m*[0m Using python3.11 to build >>>> Unpacking source... >>>> Unpacking scribus-1.5.8.tar.xz to /var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work >>>> Unpacking scribus-1.5.8-patchset-1.tar.xz to /var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work >>>> Source unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work >>>> Preparing source in /var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work/scribus-1.5.8 ... > [32m*[0m Source directory (CMAKE_USE_DIR): "/var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work/scribus-1.5.8" > [32m*[0m Build directory (BUILD_DIR): "/var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work/scribus-1.5.8_build" > [32m*[0m Applying scribus-1.5.8-cmake.patch ... >[A[157C [34;01m[ [32;01mok[34;01m ][0m > [32m*[0m Applying scribus-1.5.3-fpic.patch ... >[A[157C [34;01m[ [32;01mok[34;01m ][0m > [32m*[0m Applying scribus-1.5.6-docdir.patch ... >[A[157C [34;01m[ [32;01mok[34;01m ][0m > [32m*[0m Applying scribus-1.5.8-findhyphen-1.patch ... >[A[157C [34;01m[ [32;01mok[34;01m ][0m > [32m*[0m Applying scribus-1.5.6-findhyphen.patch ... >patching file CMakeLists_Dependencies.cmake >Hunk #1 succeeded at 257 with fuzz 2 (offset -697 lines). >[A[157C [34;01m[ [32;01mok[34;01m ][0m > [32m*[0m Applying patches from /var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work/scribus-1.5.8-patchset-1 ... > [32m*[0m 01-poppler-22.2.0-1.patch ... >[A[157C [34;01m[ [32;01mok[34;01m ][0m > [32m*[0m 02-poppler-22.2.0-2.patch ... >[A[157C [34;01m[ [32;01mok[34;01m ][0m > [32m*[0m 03-poppler-22.03.0.patch ... >[A[157C [34;01m[ [32;01mok[34;01m ][0m > [32m*[0m 04-enforce-poppler-0.86-minimum.patch ... >[A[157C [34;01m[ [32;01mok[34;01m ][0m > [32m*[0m 05-memleak.patch ... >[A[157C [34;01m[ [32;01mok[34;01m ][0m > [32m*[0m 06-poppler-22.04.0.patch ... >[A[157C [34;01m[ [32;01mok[34;01m ][0m > [32m*[0m 07-poppler-22.09.0.patch ... >[A[157C [34;01m[ [32;01mok[34;01m ][0m > [32m*[0m Hardcoded definition(s) removed in CMakeLists.txt: > [32m*[0m set(CMAKE_COLOR_MAKEFILE ON) > [32m*[0m set(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE OFF) > [32m*[0m set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug" CACHE STRING "Set Debug Build Type" FORCE) > [32m*[0m set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "RelWithDebInfo" CACHE STRING "Set Release with Debug I > [32m*[0m set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release" CACHE STRING "Set Release Build Type" FORCE) >>>> Source prepared. >>>> Configuring source in /var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work/scribus-1.5.8 ... > [32m*[0m Source directory (CMAKE_USE_DIR): "/var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work/scribus-1.5.8" > [32m*[0m Build directory (BUILD_DIR): "/var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work/scribus-1.5.8_build" >cmake -C /var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work/scribus-1.5.8_build/gentoo_common_config.cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DHAVE_PYTHON=ON -DWANT_DISTROBUILD=ON -DWANT_CPP17=ON -DDOCDIR=/usr/share/doc/scribus-1.5.8-r5/ -DPython3_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3.11 -DWITH_BOOST=yes -DWANT_DEBUG=no -DWANT_NOEXAMPLES=yes -DWANT_GRAPHICSMAGICK=no -DWANT_HUNSPELL=no -DWANT_HEADERINSTALL=no -DWANT_NOOSG=yes -DWITH_PODOFO=yes -DWANT_NOTEMPLATES=no -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work/scribus-1.5.8_build/gentoo_toolchain.cmake /var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work/scribus-1.5.8 >loading initial cache file /var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work/scribus-1.5.8_build/gentoo_common_config.cmake >-- CMake Version: 3.27.6 >-- Precompiled headers disabled >-- The C compiler identification is GNU 13.2.1 >-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 13.2.1 >-- Detecting C compiler ABI info >-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done >-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc - skipped >-- Detecting C compile features >-- Detecting C compile features - done >-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info >-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done >-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++ - skipped >-- Detecting CXX compile features >-- Detecting CXX compile features - done >-- Scribus 1.5.8 will be built and installed into /usr >-- Shared Library Flags: -fPIC >-- Machine: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, void pointer size: 8 >-- Found target X86_64 >-- Building for target x86_64-pc-linux-gnu >-- Using standard ApplicationDataDir. You can change it with -DAPPLICATION_DATA_DIR >-- Using standard ApplicationConfigDir. You can change it with -DAPPLICATION_CONFIG_DIR >-- Enabling C++17 compiler features >-- Qt5 Requested >-- Qt Version Found: 5.15.10 >-- Found ZLIB: /usr/lib64/libz.so (found version "1.2.13") >[0mZLIB Library Found OK[0m >[0mBuilding without 3D Extension[0m >-- Found JPEG: /usr/lib64/libjpeg.so (found version "62") >[0mJPEG Library Found OK[0m >-- Found PNG: /usr/lib64/libpng.so (found suitable version "1.6.40", minimum required is "1.6") >[0mPNG Library Found OK[0m >-- Found TIFF: /usr/lib64/libtiff.so (found version "4.6.0") >[0mTIFF Library Found OK[0m >[0mPython 3.x Selected[0m >-- Found Python3: /usr/bin/python3.11 (found version "3.11.5") found components: Interpreter Development Development.Module Development.Embed >[0mPython 3.x Library Found OK (Version 3.11.5)[0m >[0mInterpreter: /usr/bin/python3.11[0m >[0mInclude directories: /usr/include/python3.11[0m >[0mLibrary directories: /usr/lib64[0m >[0mRuntime library directories: /usr/lib64[0m >-- Found Freetype: /usr/lib64/libfreetype.so (found version "2.13.2") >-- FreeType2 Library Found OK >-- Checking for one of the modules 'libcairo>=1.14.0;cairo>=1.14.0' >[0mcairo Library found OK[0m >-- Found Cups: /usr/lib64/libcups.so (found version "2.4.6") >[0mCUPS Library Found OK[0m >-- Found LibXml2: /usr/lib64/libxml2.so (found version "2.11.5") >[0mLIBXML2 Library Found OK[0m >[0mLCMS 2 ReleaseLibrary: /usr/lib64/liblcms2.so[0m >[0mLCMS 2 Debug Library: LCMS2_LIBRARY_DEBUG-NOTFOUND[0m >[0mLCMS 2 Library: /usr/lib64/liblcms2.so[0m >[0mLittleCMS-2 Library Found OK[0m >-- Found Fontconfig: /usr/lib64/libfontconfig.so (found version "2.14.2") >[0mFontConfig Found OK[0m >-- Found HYPHEN: /usr/lib64/libhyphen.so >[0mSystem Hyphen Found OK[0m >[31mCMake Error at cmake/modules/FindLIBPODOFO.cmake:38 (file): > file STRINGS file "/usr/include/podofo/base/podofo_config.h" cannot be > read. >Call Stack (most recent call first): > CMakeLists_Dependencies.cmake:273 (find_package) > CMakeLists.txt:399 (include) > >[0m >[31mCMake Error at cmake/modules/FindLIBPODOFO.cmake:39 (file): > file STRINGS file "/usr/include/podofo/base/podofo_config.h" cannot be > read. >Call Stack (most recent call first): > CMakeLists_Dependencies.cmake:273 (find_package) > CMakeLists.txt:399 (include) > >[0m >[31mCMake Error at cmake/modules/FindLIBPODOFO.cmake:40 (file): > file STRINGS file "/usr/include/podofo/base/podofo_config.h" cannot be > read. >Call Stack (most recent call first): > CMakeLists_Dependencies.cmake:273 (find_package) > CMakeLists.txt:399 (include) > >[0m >[0mOpenSSL NOT required for installed version of PoDoFo (< 0.9.5) - Enabling support for PDF embedded in AI[0m >[0mPoDoFo found OK[0m >-- Found Boost: /usr/lib64/cmake/Boost-1.83.0/BoostConfig.cmake (found version "1.83.0") >[0mBoost Library Found OK[0m >[0mBuilding without GraphicsMagick (use -DWANT_GRAPHICSMAGICK=1 to enable)[0m >-- Checking for one of the modules 'libpoppler>=0.86.0;poppler>=0.86.0' >-- Checking for one of the modules 'libpoppler-cpp>=0.86.0;poppler-cpp>=0.86.0' >-- Found poppler >-- Found poppler libs: /usr/lib64/libpoppler.so >-- Found poppler includes: /usr/include/poppler >-- Poppler Version:23.09.0 >-- C++17 is the minimum C++ standard since poppler 22.01.0 >-- Checking for module 'librevenge-0.0' >-- Found librevenge-0.0, version 0.0.5 >-- Checking for module 'librevenge-stream-0.0' >-- Found librevenge-stream-0.0, version 0.0.5 >-- Checking for module 'librevenge-generators-0.0' >-- Found librevenge-generators-0.0, version 0.0.5 >-- Checking for modules 'harfbuzz>=0.9.42;harfbuzz-icu' >-- Found harfbuzz, version 8.2.0 >-- Found harfbuzz-icu, version 8.2.0 >[0mHarfbuzz library Found OK[0m >-- Checking for module 'icu-uc' >-- Found icu-uc, version 73.2 >-- Checking for module 'harfbuzz-subset>=2.4.0' >-- Found harfbuzz-subset, version 8.2.0 >[0mHarfbuzz subset library Found OK[0m >-- Looking for dlfcn.h >-- Looking for dlfcn.h - found >-- Looking for unistd.h >-- Looking for unistd.h - found >-- Looking for sys/types.h >-- Looking for sys/types.h - found >-- Looking for sys/stat.h >-- Looking for sys/stat.h - found >-- Looking for include file endian.h >-- Looking for include file endian.h - found >-- Looking for include file fcntl.h >-- Looking for include file fcntl.h - found >-- Autogen Include Path: /var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work/scribus-1.5.8_build/scribus/scribus_autogen/include >[0mRPATH: ;[0m >-- Qt based Markdown plugin: Qt version >= 5.14.0 Ok, Installed Qt version: 5.15.10 >-- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-pkg-config (found version "2.0.3") >-- Checking for module 'libcdr-0.1>=0.1' >-- Found libcdr-0.1, version 0.1.7 >[0mBuilding Corel Draw Importer with librevenge[0m >-- Checking for module 'libfreehand-0.1' >-- Found libfreehand-0.1, version 0.1.2 >[0mBuilding Freehand Importer with librevenge[0m >-- Checking for module 'libpagemaker-0.0' >-- Found libpagemaker-0.0, version 0.0.4 >[0mBuilding Pagemaker Importer with librevenge[0m >-- Checking for module 'libmspub-0.1>=0.1' >-- Found libmspub-0.1, version 0.1.4 >[0mBuilding MS Publisher Importer with librevenge[0m >-- Checking for module 'libqxp-0.0' >-- Found libqxp-0.0, version 0.0.2 >[0mBuilding QuarkXPress Importer[0m >-- Checking for module 'libvisio-0.1>=0.1' >-- Found libvisio-0.1, version 0.1.7 >[0mBuilding MS-Visio Importer with librevenge[0m >-- Checking for module 'libzmf-0.0' >-- Found libzmf-0.0, version 0.0.2 >[0mBuilding Zoner Draw Importer[0m >-- Building with Scripter 1 >-- No source header files will be installed >-- /var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work/scribus-1.5.8/resources/translations >-- The following GUI languages will be installed: >-- <<< Gentoo configuration >>> >Build type RelWithDebInfo >Install path /usr >Compiler flags: >C -march=native -O2 -pipe >C++ -march=native -O2 -pipe >Linker flags: >Executable -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed >Module -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed >Shared -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed > >-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! > [31;01m*[0m ERROR: app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5::gentoo failed (configure phase): > [31;01m*[0m cmake failed > [31;01m*[0m > [31;01m*[0m Call stack: > [31;01m*[0m ebuild.sh, line 136: Called src_configure > [31;01m*[0m environment, line 3457: Called cmake_src_configure > [31;01m*[0m environment, line 1537: Called die > [31;01m*[0m The specific snippet of code: > [31;01m*[0m "${CMAKE_BINARY}" "${cmakeargs[@]}" "${CMAKE_USE_DIR}" || die "cmake failed"; > [31;01m*[0m > [31;01m*[0m If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5::gentoo'`, > [31;01m*[0m the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5::gentoo'`. > [31;01m*[0m The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/temp/build.log'. > [31;01m*[0m The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/temp/environment'. > [31;01m*[0m Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work/scribus-1.5.8_build' > [31;01m*[0m S: '/var/tmp/portage/app-office/scribus-1.5.8-r5/work/scribus-1.5.8'
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bug 914493
: 871025