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Gentoo's Bugzilla – Attachment 785768 Details for
Bug 852617
genkernel-4.2.6-r2 fails if CPU_SUP_INTEL is not set with >=gentoo-sources-5.18.3
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genkernel.log for gentoo-sources-5.18.3
genkernel.log (text/x-log), 11.45 KB, created by
on 2022-06-16 18:21:52 UTC
genkernel.log for gentoo-sources-5.18.3
MIME Type:
2022-06-16 18:21:52 UTC
11.45 KB
>>>> Started genkernel v4.2.6 on: 2022-06-16 13:16:23 >* CMD_GPG: no >* CMD_FIRMWARE: yes >* CMD_MICROCODE: all >* CMD_KERNEL_APPEND_LOCALVERSION: -01 >* Gentoo Linux Genkernel; Version 4.2.6[0m >* Using genkernel configuration from '/etc/genkernel.conf' ... >* Running with options: --no-gpg --firmware --microcode --kernel-append-localversion=-01 kernel >* Resolving config file, command line, and arch default settings. >* TMPDIR defaulted to "/var/tmp/genkernel". >* LOGFILE set in config file to "/var/log/genkernel.log". >* KERNEL_DIR defaulted to "/usr/src/linux". >* KERNEL_MODULES_PREFIX not set. >* KERNEL_SOURCES defaulted to "yes". >* INITRAMFS_FILENAME defaulted to "initramfs-%%KV%%.img". >* INITRAMFS_SYMLINK_NAME defaulted to "initramfs". >* KERNEL_CONFIG_FILENAME defaulted to "kernel-config-%%KV%%". >* KERNEL_FILENAME defaulted to "vmlinuz-%%KV%%". >* KERNEL_SYMLINK_NAME defaulted to "kernel". >* SYSTEMMAP_FILENAME defaulted to "System.map-%%KV%%". >* SYSTEMMAP_SYMLINK_NAME defaulted to "System.map". >* CHECK_FREE_DISK_SPACE_BOOTDIR not set. >* CHECK_FREE_DISK_SPACE_KERNELOUTPUTDIR not set. >* COMPRESS_INITRD defaulted to "yes". >* COMPRESS_INITRD_TYPE defaulted to "best". >* CHOST defaulted to "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu". >* MAKEOPTS defaulted to "-j8 --load-average 10". >* NICE defaulted to "10". >* KERNEL_AS defaulted to "as". >* KERNEL_AR defaulted to "ar". >* KERNEL_CC defaulted to "gcc". >* KERNEL_CFLAGS not set. >* KERNEL_CXX defaulted to "g++". >* KERNEL_LD defaulted to "ld". >* KERNEL_NM defaulted to "nm". >* KERNEL_MAKE defaulted to "make". >* KERNEL_OBJCOPY defaulted to "objcopy". >* KERNEL_OBJDUMP defaulted to "objdump". >* KERNEL_RANLIB defaulted to "ranlib". >* KERNEL_READELF defaulted to "readelf". >* KERNEL_STRIP defaulted to "strip". >* UTILS_AS defaulted to "as". >* UTILS_AR defaulted to "ar". >* UTILS_CC defaulted to "gcc". >* UTILS_CFLAGS defaulted to "-Os -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer". >* UTILS_CXX defaulted to "g++". >* UTILS_LD defaulted to "ld". >* UTILS_NM defaulted to "nm". >* UTILS_MAKE defaulted to "make". >* UTILS_OBJCOPY defaulted to "objcopy". >* UTILS_OBJDUMP defaulted to "objdump". >* UTILS_RANLIB defaulted to "ranlib". >* UTILS_READELF defaulted to "readelf". >* UTILS_STRIP defaulted to "strip". >* CROSS_COMPILE not set. >* BOOTDIR defaulted to "/boot". >* KERNEL_APPEND_LOCALVERSION set on command line to "-01". >* KERNEL_LOCALVERSION defaulted to "-%%ARCH%%". >* MODPROBEDIR defaulted to "/etc/modprobe.d". >* SPLASH set in config file to "no". >* CLEAR_CACHEDIR defaulted to "no". >* POSTCLEAR defaulted to "no". >* MRPROPER set in config file to "no". >* MENUCONFIG defaulted to "no". >* GCONFIG defaulted to "no". >* NCONFIG defaulted to "no". >* XCONFIG defaulted to "no". >* CLEAN defaulted to "yes". >* MINKERNPACKAGE not set. >* MODULESPACKAGE not set. >* MODULEREBUILD defaulted to "yes". >* MODULEREBUILD_CMD defaulted to "emerge --ignore-default-opts --buildpkg=n --usepkg=n --quiet-build=y @module-rebuild". >* KERNCACHE not set. >* RAMDISKMODULES defaulted to "yes". >* ALLRAMDISKMODULES set in config file to "no". >* INITRAMFS_OVERLAY not set. >* LINUXRC not set. >* MOUNTBOOT defaulted to "yes". >* BUILD_STATIC defaulted to "no". >* SAVE_CONFIG defaulted to "yes". >* SYMLINK defaulted to "no". >* OLDCONFIG set in config file to "no". >* SANDBOX defaulted to "yes". >* SSH defaulted to "no". >* SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE defaulted to "/etc/dropbear/authorized_keys". >* SSH_HOST_KEYS defaulted to "create". >* STRACE defaulted to "no". >* BCACHE defaulted to "no". >* LVM set in config file to "yes". >* DMRAID defaulted to "no". >* ISCSI defaulted to "no". >* HYPERV defaulted to "no". >* BOOTFONT defaulted to "none". >* BOOTLOADER defaulted to "no". >* B2SUM defaulted to "no". >* BUSYBOX defaulted to "yes". >* BUSYBOX_CONFIG not set. >* NFS defaulted to "yes". >* MICROCODE overridden on command line to "all". >* MICROCODE_INITRAMFS defaulted to "no". >* UNIONFS defaulted to "no". >* NETBOOT defaulted to "no". >* REAL_ROOT not set. >* LUKS defaulted to "no". >* GPG overridden on command line to "no". >* MDADM defaulted to "no". >* MDADM_CONFIG not set. >* E2FSPROGS defaulted to "no". >* XFSPROGS defaulted to "no". >* ZFS defaulted to "no". >* BTRFS defaulted to "no". >* VIRTIO defaulted to "no". >* MULTIPATH defaulted to "no". >* FIRMWARE set on command line to "yes". >* FIRMWARE_DIR defaulted to "/lib/firmware". >* FIRMWARE_FILES not set. >* FIRMWARE_INSTALL defaulted to "no". >* INTEGRATED_INITRAMFS defaulted to "no". >* WRAP_INITRD defaulted to "no". >* GENZIMAGE defaulted to "no". >* KEYMAP defaulted to "yes". >* DOKEYMAPAUTO defaulted to "no". >* STRIP_TYPE defaulted to "modules". >* INSTALL defaulted to "yes". >* CLEANUP defaulted to "yes". >* KERNEL_OUTPUTDIR defaulted to "/usr/src/linux". > >* Read 'x86_64' from 'uname -m' ... >* ARCH 'x86_64' detected ... >* CBUILD set to 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu' ... >* CHOST set to 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu' ... > >* Sourcing default modules_load from '/usr/share/genkernel/defaults/modules_load' ... >* Sourcing arch-specific config.sh from '/usr/share/genkernel/arch/x86_64/config.sh' ... >* Sourcing arch-specific modules_load from '/usr/share/genkernel/arch/x86_64/modules_load' ... >* Unable to determine LOCALVERSION -- maybe cleaned/fresh sources? >* KERNEL_ARCH set to 'x86' ... > >* GK_FILENAME_CONFIG set to 'kernel-config-5.18.3-gentoo' (was: 'kernel-config-%%KV%%') >* GK_FILENAME_KERNEL set to 'vmlinuz-5.18.3-gentoo' (was: 'vmlinuz-%%KV%%') >* GK_FILENAME_KERNEL_SYMLINK set to 'kernel' (was: 'kernel') >* GK_FILENAME_SYSTEMMAP set to 'System.map-5.18.3-gentoo' (was: 'System.map-%%KV%%') >* GK_FILENAME_SYSTEMMAP_SYMLINK set to 'System.map' (was: 'System.map') >* GK_FILENAME_INITRAMFS set to 'initramfs-5.18.3-gentoo.img' (was: 'initramfs-%%KV%%.img') >* GK_FILENAME_INITRAMFS_SYMLINK set to 'initramfs' (was: 'initramfs') >* Checking for suitable kernel configuration ... >* - '/etc/kernels/kernel-config-5.18.3-gentoo' not found; Skipping ... >* - '/etc/kernels/kernel-config-5.18.3-gentoo-x86_64-01' not found; Skipping ... >* - '/etc/kernels/kernel-config-x86_64-5.18.3-gentoo' not found; Skipping ... >* - '/usr/share/genkernel/arch/x86_64/kernel-config-5.18.3-gentoo' not found; Skipping ... >* - '/usr/share/genkernel/arch/x86_64/kernel-config-5.18' not found; Skipping ... > >* Working with Linux kernel 5.18.3-gentoo for x86_64 >* Using kernel config file '/usr/share/genkernel/arch/x86_64/generated-config' ... >* >* Note: The version above is subject to change (depends on config and status of kernel sources). > >* mount: >> Boot partition is already mounted in read-write mode on '/boot'. > >* kernel: >> Initializing ... >* >> Running 'make clean' ... >COMMAND: nice -n10 make -j8 --load-average 10 ARCH='x86' AS='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-as' AR='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ar' CC='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc' LD='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld' NM='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-nm' OBJCOPY='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-objcopy' OBJDUMP='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-objdump' READELF='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-readelf' STRIP='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-strip' HOSTAR='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ar' HOSTCC='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc' HOSTCXX='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++' HOSTLD='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld' clean >* >> --no-mrproper is set; Skipping 'make mrproper' ... >* >> Will ignore kernel config from '/usr/share/genkernel/arch/x86_64/generated-config' >* in favor of already existing but different kernel config >* found in '/usr/src/linux/.config' ... >* >> --no-oldconfig is set; Skipping 'make oldconfig' ... >* Checking if module compression algorithm 'ZSTD' is being used ... >* Cannot use 'ZSTD' algorithm for module compression, kernel option 'CONFIG_MODULE_COMPRESS_ZSTD' is not set! >* Checking if module compression algorithm 'GZIP' is being used ... >* Cannot use 'GZIP' algorithm for module compression, kernel option 'CONFIG_MODULE_COMPRESS_GZIP' is not set! >* Checking if module compression algorithm 'XZ' is being used ... >* Cannot use 'XZ' algorithm for module compression, kernel option 'CONFIG_MODULE_COMPRESS_XZ' is not set! >* Checking if module compression algorithm 'NONE' is being used ... >* Will use 'NONE' algorithm for kernel module compression! >* >> Ensure that CONFIG_LOCALVERSION is set ... >* - Option 'CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="-x86_64-01"' already set in '/usr/src/linux/.config'; Skipping ... >* >> Ensure that required kernel options for LVM support are set ... >* - Option 'CONFIG_BLOCK=y' already set in '/usr/src/linux/.config'; Skipping ... >* - Option 'CONFIG_MD=y' already set in '/usr/src/linux/.config'; Skipping ... >* - Option 'CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DM=y' already set in '/usr/src/linux/.config'; Skipping ... >* - Option 'CONFIG_DM_SNAPSHOT=m' already set in '/usr/src/linux/.config'; Skipping ... >* - Option 'CONFIG_DM_MIRROR=y' already set in '/usr/src/linux/.config'; Skipping ... >* - Option 'CONFIG_FILE_LOCKING=y' already set in '/usr/src/linux/.config'; Skipping ... >* >> Ensure that required kernel options for early microcode loading support are set ... >* - Option 'CONFIG_MICROCODE=y' already set in '/usr/src/linux/.config'; Skipping ... >* - Option 'CONFIG_MICROCODE_AMD=y' already set in '/usr/src/linux/.config'; Skipping ... >* - Adding option 'CONFIG_MICROCODE_INTEL' with value 'y' to '/usr/src/linux/.config'... >* >> Running 'make olddefconfig' due to changed kernel options ... >COMMAND: nice -n10 make -j8 --load-average 10 ARCH='x86' AS='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-as' AR='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ar' CC='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc' LD='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld' NM='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-nm' OBJCOPY='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-objcopy' OBJDUMP='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-objdump' READELF='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-readelf' STRIP='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-strip' HOSTAR='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ar' HOSTCC='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc' HOSTCXX='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++' HOSTLD='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld' olddefconfig > HOSTCC scripts/basic/fixdep > HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/conf.o > HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/confdata.o > HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/expr.o > LEX scripts/kconfig/lexer.lex.c > YACC scripts/kconfig/parser.tab.[ch] > HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/menu.o > HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/preprocess.o > HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/symbol.o > HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/util.o > HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/lexer.lex.o > HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/parser.tab.o > HOSTLD scripts/kconfig/conf ># ># configuration written to .config ># >* >> Checking if required kernel options are still present ... >* - 'CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DM' is set to 'y' >* - 'CONFIG_FILE_LOCKING' is set to 'y' >* - 'CONFIG_MICROCODE' is set to 'y' >* - 'CONFIG_MICROCODE_AMD' is set to 'y' > >* ERROR: Something went wrong: Required kernel option 'CONFIG_MICROCODE_INTEL' which genkernel tried to set is missing! >* Please consult '/var/log/genkernel.log' for more information and any >* errors that were reported above. >* >* Report any genkernel bugs to bugs.gentoo.org and >* assign your bug to genkernel@gentoo.org. Please include >* as much information as you can in your bug report; attaching >* '/var/log/genkernel.log' so that your issue can be dealt with effectively. >* >* Please do *not* report kernel compilation failures as genkernel bugs! >* > >* mount: >> Boot partition state on '/boot' was not changed; Skipping restore boot partition state ... >>>> Ended on: 2022-06-16 13:16:26 (after 0 days 0 hours 00 minutes 03 seconds)
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Attachments on
bug 852617
| 785768 |