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Bug 842615
sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16 - CMake Error at .../FindJava.cmake:171 (message):
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sci-mathematics:z3-4.8.16:20220504-012501.log (text/plain), 11.25 KB, created by
Toralf Förster
on 2022-05-04 17:55:51 UTC
MIME Type:
Toralf Förster
2022-05-04 17:55:51 UTC
11.25 KB
> * Package: sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16 > * Repository: gentoo > * Maintainer: gienah@gentoo.org mgorny@gentoo.org,sci@gentoo.org > * USE: abi_x86_64 amd64 elibc_glibc examples gmp java kernel_linux python_single_target_python3_9 userland_GNU > * FEATURES: network-sandbox preserve-libs sandbox userpriv usersandbox > * Using python3.9 to build >>>> Unpacking source... >>>> Unpacking z3-4.8.16.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work >>>> Source unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work >>>> Preparing source in /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work/z3-z3-4.8.16 ... > * Source directory (CMAKE_USE_DIR): "/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work/z3-z3-4.8.16" > * Build directory (BUILD_DIR): "/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work/z3-z3-4.8.16_build" >>>> Source prepared. >>>> Configuring source in /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work/z3-z3-4.8.16 ... > * abi_x86_64.amd64: running multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure >!!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found > * Source directory (CMAKE_USE_DIR): "/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work/z3-z3-4.8.16" > * Build directory (BUILD_DIR): "/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work/z3-z3-4.8.16_build-abi_x86_64.amd64" >cmake -C /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work/z3-z3-4.8.16_build-abi_x86_64.amd64/gentoo_common_config.cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR=/usr/share/doc/z3-4.8.16 -DZ3_USE_LIB_GMP=yes -DZ3_ENABLE_EXAMPLE_TARGETS=OFF -DZ3_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION=no -DZ3_BUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=no -DZ3_BUILD_JAVA_BINDINGS=yes -DZ3_INCLUDE_GIT_DESCRIBE=OFF -DZ3_INCLUDE_GIT_HASH=OFF -DJAVA_HOME= -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work/z3-z3-4.8.16_build-abi_x86_64.amd64/gentoo_toolchain.cmake /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work/z3-z3-4.8.16 >loading initial cache file /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work/z3-z3-4.8.16_build-abi_x86_64.amd64/gentoo_common_config.cmake >-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 11.3.0 >-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info >-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done >-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++ - skipped >-- Detecting CXX compile features >-- Detecting CXX compile features - done >-- Z3 version >-- Failed to find git directory. >CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:51 (message): > Disabling Z3_INCLUDE_GIT_DESCRIBE >Call Stack (most recent call first): > CMakeLists.txt:100 (disable_git_describe) > > >CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:55 (message): > Disabling Z3_INCLUDE_GIT_HASH >Call Stack (most recent call first): > CMakeLists.txt:101 (disable_git_hash) > > >-- CMake generator: Ninja >-- Build type: RelWithDebInfo >-- Found PythonInterp: /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/temp/python3.9/bin/python (found version "3.9.12") >-- PYTHON_EXECUTABLE: /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/temp/python3.9/bin/python >-- Detected target architecture: x86_64 >-- Platform: Linux >-- Found GMP: /usr/lib64/libgmp.so >-- Using libgmp >-- Not using Z3_API_LOG_SYNC >-- Thread-safe build >-- Performing Test HAS_SSE2 >-- Performing Test HAS_SSE2 - Success >-- Looking for C++ include pthread.h >-- Looking for C++ include pthread.h - found >-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD >-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Success >-- Found Threads: TRUE >-- Performing Test HAS__Wall >-- Performing Test HAS__Wall - Success >-- C++ compiler supports -Wall >-- Treating only serious compiler warnings as errors >-- Performing Test HAS__Werror_odr >-- Performing Test HAS__Werror_odr - Success >-- C++ compiler supports -Werror=odr >-- Performing Test HAS__fvisibility_hidden >-- Performing Test HAS__fvisibility_hidden - Success >-- C++ compiler supports -fvisibility=hidden >-- Performing Test HAS__fvisibility_inlines_hidden >-- Performing Test HAS__fvisibility_inlines_hidden - Success >-- C++ compiler supports -fvisibility-inlines-hidden >-- Performing Test HAS__fPIC >-- Performing Test HAS__fPIC - Success >-- C++ compiler supports -fPIC >-- LTO disabled >-- Performing Test BUILTIN_ATOMIC >-- Performing Test BUILTIN_ATOMIC - Success >-- CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS: "-pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -O2 -D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -Werror=odr " >-- CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS: "-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0" >-- CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS: "" >-- CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS: "-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0" >-- CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO: "" >-- CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO: "" >-- CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO: "" >-- CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO: "" >-- Z3_COMPONENT_CXX_DEFINES: $<$<CONFIG:Debug>:Z3DEBUG>;$<$<CONFIG:Release>:_EXTERNAL_RELEASE>;$<$<CONFIG:RelWithDebInfo>:_EXTERNAL_RELEASE>;-D_LINUX_;-D_USE_THREAD_LOCAL;-D_MP_GMP;$<$<CONFIG:Debug>:_TRACE> >-- Z3_COMPONENT_CXX_FLAGS: -mfpmath=sse;-msse;-msse2;-Wall;-fvisibility=hidden;-fvisibility-inlines-hidden;-fPIC >-- Z3_DEPENDENT_LIBS: GMP::GMP;Threads::Threads >-- Z3_COMPONENT_EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIRS: /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work/z3-z3-4.8.16_build-abi_x86_64.amd64/src;/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work/z3-z3-4.8.16/src >-- Z3_DEPENDENT_EXTRA_CXX_LINK_FLAGS: >-- CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR: "lib64" >-- CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR: "bin" >-- CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR: "include" >-- CMAKE_INSTALL_PKGCONFIGDIR: "lib64/pkgconfig" >-- CMAKE_INSTALL_Z3_CMAKE_PACKAGE_DIR: "lib64/cmake/z3" >-- Adding component util >-- Adding component polynomial >-- Adding rule to generate "algebraic_params.hpp" >-- Adding component dd >-- Adding component hilbert >-- Adding component simplex >-- Adding component automata >-- Adding component interval >-- Adding component realclosure >-- Adding rule to generate "rcf_params.hpp" >-- Adding component subpaving >-- Adding component ast >-- Adding rule to generate "pp_params.hpp" >-- Adding component params >-- Adding rule to generate "arith_rewriter_params.hpp" >-- Adding rule to generate "array_rewriter_params.hpp" >-- Adding rule to generate "bool_rewriter_params.hpp" >-- Adding rule to generate "bv_rewriter_params.hpp" >-- Adding rule to generate "fpa_rewriter_params.hpp" >-- Adding rule to generate "fpa2bv_rewriter_params.hpp" >-- Adding rule to generate "pattern_inference_params_helper.hpp" >-- Adding rule to generate "poly_rewriter_params.hpp" >-- Adding rule to generate "rewriter_params.hpp" >-- Adding rule to generate "seq_rewriter_params.hpp" >-- Adding component rewriter >-- Adding component normal_forms >-- Adding rule to generate "nnf_params.hpp" >-- Adding component macros >-- Adding component model >-- Adding rule to generate "model_evaluator_params.hpp" >-- Adding rule to generate "model_params.hpp" >-- Adding component tactic >-- Adding rule to generate "tactic_params.hpp" >-- Adding component substitution >-- Adding component euf >-- Adding component smt_params >-- Adding rule to generate "smt_params_helper.hpp" >-- Adding component parser_util >-- Adding rule to generate "parser_params.hpp" >-- Adding component grobner >-- Adding component sat >-- Adding rule to generate "sat_asymm_branch_params.hpp" >-- Adding rule to generate "sat_params.hpp" >-- Adding rule to generate "sat_scc_params.hpp" >-- Adding rule to generate "sat_simplifier_params.hpp" >-- Adding component nlsat >-- Adding rule to generate "nlsat_params.hpp" >-- Adding component core_tactics >-- Adding component subpaving_tactic >-- Adding component aig_tactic >-- Adding component arith_tactics >-- Adding component solver >-- Adding rule to generate "combined_solver_params.hpp" >-- Adding rule to generate "parallel_params.hpp" >-- Adding rule to generate "solver_params.hpp" >-- Adding component cmd_context >-- Adding component extra_cmds >-- Adding component smt2parser >-- Adding component mbp >-- Adding component qe_lite >-- Adding component solver_assertions >-- Adding component pattern >-- Adding component bit_blaster >-- Adding component lp >-- Adding component sat_smt >-- Adding component sat_tactic >-- Adding component nlsat_tactic >-- Adding component ackermannization >-- Adding rule to generate "ackermannization_params.hpp" >-- Adding rule to generate "ackermannize_bv_tactic_params.hpp" >-- Adding component proofs >-- Adding component fpa >-- Adding component proto_model >-- Adding component smt >-- Adding component bv_tactics >-- Adding component smt_tactic >-- Adding component sls_tactic >-- Adding rule to generate "sls_params.hpp" >-- Adding component qe >-- Adding component muz >-- Adding rule to generate "fp_params.hpp" >-- Adding component dataflow >-- Adding component transforms >-- Adding component rel >-- Adding component clp >-- Adding component tab >-- Adding component bmc >-- Adding component ddnf >-- Adding component spacer >-- Adding component fp >-- Adding component ufbv_tactic >-- Adding component sat_solver >-- Adding component smtlogic_tactics >-- Adding rule to generate "qfufbv_tactic_params.hpp" >-- Adding component fpa_tactics >-- Adding component fd_solver >-- Adding component portfolio >-- Adding component opt >-- Adding rule to generate "opt_params.hpp" >-- Adding component api >-- Adding component api_dll >-- Adding component fuzzing >CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindJava.cmake:171 (message): > Error executing java -version >Call Stack (most recent call first): > src/api/java/CMakeLists.txt:1 (find_package) > > >-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! >See also "/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work/z3-z3-4.8.16_build-abi_x86_64.amd64/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". > * ERROR: sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16::gentoo failed (configure phase): > * cmake failed > * > * Call stack: > * ebuild.sh, line 127: Called src_configure > * environment, line 5008: Called cmake-multilib_src_configure > * environment, line 1198: Called multilib-minimal_src_configure > * environment, line 3892: Called multilib_foreach_abi 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure' > * environment, line 4142: Called multibuild_foreach_variant '_multilib_multibuild_wrapper' 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure' > * environment, line 3847: Called _multibuild_run '_multilib_multibuild_wrapper' 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure' > * environment, line 3845: Called _multilib_multibuild_wrapper 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure' > * environment, line 554: Called multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure > * environment, line 3886: Called multilib_src_configure > * environment, line 4360: Called cmake_src_configure > * environment, line 1459: Called die > * The specific snippet of code: > * "${CMAKE_BINARY}" "${cmakeargs[@]}" "${CMAKE_USE_DIR}" || die "cmake failed"; > * > * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16::gentoo'`, > * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16::gentoo'`. >!!! When you file a bug report, please include the following information: >GENTOO_VM= CLASSPATH="" JAVA_HOME="/etc/java-config-2/current-system-vm" >JAVACFLAGS="" COMPILER="" >and of course, the output of emerge --info =z3-4.8.16 > * The complete build log is located at '/var/log/portage/sci-mathematics:z3-4.8.16:20220504-012501.log'. > * For convenience, a symlink to the build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/temp/build.log'. > * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/temp/environment'. > * Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work/z3-z3-4.8.16_build-abi_x86_64.amd64' > * S: '/var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16/work/z3-z3-4.8.16' >
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Attachments on
bug 842615
| 776741 |