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Bug 749969
net-mail/notmuch-0.31-r1: fails test
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build.log (0.31.2, ppc64)
notmuch-0.31.2:20210110-211615.log (text/plain), 315.65 KB, created by
on 2021-01-10 21:28:15 UTC
build.log (0.31.2, ppc64)
MIME Type:
2021-01-10 21:28:15 UTC
315.65 KB
>[32;01m * [39;49;00mPackage: net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2 >[32;01m * [39;49;00mRepository: gentoo >[32;01m * [39;49;00mMaintainer: gyakovlev@gentoo.org gentoo@seichter.de >[32;01m * [39;49;00mUSE: abi_ppc_64 crypt elibc_glibc emacs kernel_linux ppc64 python python_targets_python3_7 python_targets_python3_8 test userland_GNU valgrind >[32;01m * [39;49;00mFEATURES: preserve-libs sandbox test > [32;01m*[0m Emacs version: 27.1 >>>> Unpacking source... >>>> Unpacking notmuch-0.31.2.tar.xz to /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work >>>> Source unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work >>>> Preparing source in /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2 ... >>>> Source prepared. >>>> Configuring source in /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2 ... > [32;01m*[0m Using python3.8 in global scope >./configure --prefix=/usr --build=powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu --host=powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --datadir=/usr/share --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var/lib --disable-dependency-tracking --libdir=/usr/lib64 --bashcompletiondir=/usr/share/bash-completion/completions --emacslispdir=//usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/notmuch --emacsetcdir=//usr/share/emacs/etc/notmuch --without-desktop --without-ruby --zshcompletiondir=/usr/share/zsh/site-functions --without-api-docs --without-docs --with-emacs >Welcome to Notmuch, a system for indexing, searching and tagging your email. > >We hope that the process of building and installing notmuch is quick >and smooth so that you can soon be reading and processing your email >more efficiently than ever. > >If anything goes wrong in the configure process, you can override any >decisions it makes by manually editing the Makefile.config file that >it creates. Also please do as much as you can to figure out what could >be different on your machine compared to those of the notmuch >developers. Then, please email those details to the Notmuch list >(notmuch@notmuchmail.org) so that we can hopefully make future >versions of notmuch easier for you to use. > >We'll now investigate your system to verify that all required >dependencies are available: > >Sanity checking C compilation environment... OK. >Sanity checking C++ compilation environment... OK. >Reading libnotmuch version from source... OK. >Checking for Xapian development files (>= 1.4.0)... Yes (1.4.17). >Checking for GMime development files (>= 3.0.3)... Yes. >Checking for GMime session key extraction support... OK. >Checking for GMime X.509 certificate validity... Yes. >Checking signature verification when decrypting using session keys... Yes. >Checking for Glib development files (>= 2.22)... Yes. >Checking for zlib (>= Yes. >Checking for talloc development files... Yes. >Checking for bash... Yes (/bin/bash). >Checking for perl... Yes (/usr/bin/perl). >Checking for python... Yes (/usr/bin/python3.8). >Checking for python3 (>= 3.5)...Yes. >Checking for python3 cffi and setuptools... Yes. >Checking for python3 pytest (>= 3.0)... Yes. >Checking for valgrind development files... Yes. >Checking for bash-completion (>= 1.90)... No (will not install bash completion). >Checking if emacs (>= 25) is available... Yes. >Checking for cppcheck... No. >Checking which platform we are on... Linux >Checking for /usr/lib64 in ldconfig... Yes >Checking for canonicalize_file_name... Yes. >Checking for getline... Yes. >Checking for strcasestr... Yes. >Checking for strsep... Yes. >Checking for timegm... Yes. >Checking for 64 bit time_t... Yes. >Checking for dirent.d_type... Yes. >Checking for standard version of getpwuid_r... Yes. >Checking for standard version of asctime_r... Yes. >Checking for rpath support... Yes. >Checking for -Wl,--as-needed... Yes. >Checking for -Wl,--no-undefined... Yes. >Checking for available C++ compiler warning flags... > -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings >Checking for available C compiler warning flags... > -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations > >All required packages were found. You may now run the following >commands to compile and install notmuch: > > make > sudo make install > >>>> Source configured. >>>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2 ... > [32;01m*[0m Using python3.8 in global scope >make -j16 -l18 V=1 >echo 0.31.2 > version.stamp >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -l make-deps.el \ > -f batch-make-deps emacs/notmuch-lib.el emacs/notmuch-compat.el emacs/notmuch-parser.el emacs/notmuch.el emacs/notmuch-query.el emacs/notmuch-show.el emacs/notmuch-tree.el emacs/notmuch-wash.el emacs/notmuch-hello.el emacs/notmuch-mua.el emacs/notmuch-address.el emacs/notmuch-maildir-fcc.el emacs/notmuch-message.el emacs/notmuch-crypto.el emacs/notmuch-tag.el emacs/coolj.el emacs/notmuch-print.el emacs/notmuch-version.el emacs/notmuch-jump.el emacs/notmuch-company.el emacs/notmuch-draft.el > emacs/.eldeps.tmp && \ > mv emacs/.eldeps.tmp emacs/.eldeps >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 command-line-arguments.c -o command-line-arguments.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/command-line-arguments.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 debugger.c -o debugger.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/debugger.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 status.c -o status.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/status.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 gmime-filter-reply.c -o gmime-filter-reply.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/gmime-filter-reply.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 hooks.c -o hooks.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/hooks.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch.c -o notmuch.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-compact.c -o notmuch-compact.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-compact.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-config.c -o notmuch-config.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-config.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-count.c -o notmuch-count.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-count.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-dump.c -o notmuch-dump.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-dump.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-insert.c -o notmuch-insert.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-insert.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-new.c -o notmuch-new.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-new.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-reindex.c -o notmuch-reindex.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-reindex.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-reply.c -o notmuch-reply.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-reply.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-restore.c -o notmuch-restore.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-restore.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-search.c -o notmuch-search.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-search.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-setup.c -o notmuch-setup.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-setup.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-show.c -o notmuch-show.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-show.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 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-Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 util/unicode-util.c -o util/unicode-util.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/util/unicode-util.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 parse-time-string/parse-time-string.c -o parse-time-string/parse-time-string.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/parse-time-string/parse-time-string.d >Missing sphinx or makeinfo, not building info pages >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-compat.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-version.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-parser.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/coolj.el >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-lib.el emacs/notmuch-lib.rsti >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-compat.el emacs/notmuch-compat.rsti >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-parser.el emacs/notmuch-parser.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-compat.el (source)... >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-lib.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch.el emacs/notmuch.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-parser.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-query.el emacs/notmuch-query.rsti >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-show.el emacs/notmuch-show.rsti >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-tree.el emacs/notmuch-tree.rsti >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-wash.el emacs/notmuch-wash.rsti >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-hello.el emacs/notmuch-hello.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-mua.el emacs/notmuch-mua.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-query.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-address.el emacs/notmuch-address.rsti >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-maildir-fcc.el emacs/notmuch-maildir-fcc.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-tree.el (source)... >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-show.el (source)... >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-wash.el (source)... >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-hello.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-message.el emacs/notmuch-message.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-mua.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-crypto.el emacs/notmuch-crypto.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-address.el (source)... >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-maildir-fcc.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-tag.el emacs/notmuch-tag.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-message.el (source)... >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-crypto.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/coolj.el emacs/coolj.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-tag.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-print.el emacs/notmuch-print.rsti >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-version.el emacs/notmuch-version.rsti >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-jump.el emacs/notmuch-jump.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/coolj.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-company.el emacs/notmuch-company.rsti >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-draft.el emacs/notmuch-draft.rsti >ar rcs util/libnotmuch_util.a util/xutil.o util/error_util.o util/hex-escape.o util/string-util.o util/talloc-extra.o util/zlib-extra.o util/util.o util/gmime-extra.o util/crypto.o util/repair.o util/unicode-util.o >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-print.el (source)... >ar rcs parse-time-string/libparse-time-string.a parse-time-string/parse-time-string.o >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-lib.el >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-version.el (source)... >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-jump.el (source)... >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-company.el (source)... >Loading /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-draft.el (source)... >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-tag.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-query.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-wash.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-company.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-maildir-fcc.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-crypto.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-print.el >ar rcs lib/libnotmuch.a lib/filenames.o lib/string-list.o lib/message-file.o lib/message-id.o lib/messages.o lib/sha1.o lib/built-with.o lib/string-map.o lib/indexopts.o lib/tags.o lib/database.o lib/parse-time-vrp.o lib/directory.o lib/index.o lib/message.o lib/add-message.o lib/message-property.o lib/query.o lib/query-fp.o lib/config.o lib/regexp-fields.o lib/thread.o lib/thread-fp.o >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ lib/filenames.o lib/string-list.o lib/message-file.o lib/message-id.o lib/messages.o lib/sha1.o lib/built-with.o lib/string-map.o lib/indexopts.o lib/tags.o lib/database.o lib/parse-time-vrp.o lib/directory.o lib/index.o lib/message.o lib/add-message.o lib/message-property.o lib/query.o lib/query-fp.o lib/config.o lib/regexp-fields.o lib/thread.o lib/thread-fp.o -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--as-needed -lgmime-3.0 -lgio-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib64 -ltalloc -lz -L/usr/lib64 -lxapian -shared -Wl,--version-script=./lib/notmuch.sym,-soname=libnotmuch.so.5 -Wl,--no-undefined -o lib/libnotmuch.so.5.3.0 util/libnotmuch_util.a parse-time-string/libparse-time-string.a >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ command-line-arguments.o debugger.o status.o gmime-filter-reply.o hooks.o notmuch.o notmuch-compact.o notmuch-config.o notmuch-count.o notmuch-dump.o notmuch-insert.o notmuch-new.o notmuch-reindex.o notmuch-reply.o notmuch-restore.o notmuch-search.o notmuch-setup.o notmuch-show.o notmuch-tag.o notmuch-time.o sprinter-json.o sprinter-sexp.o sprinter-text.o query-string.o mime-node.o tag-util.o lib/libnotmuch.a util/libnotmuch_util.a parse-time-string/libparse-time-string.a -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--as-needed -lgmime-3.0 -lgio-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib64 -ltalloc -lz -L/usr/lib64 -lxapian -o notmuch >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-address.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-draft.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-message.el >ln -sf libnotmuch.so.5.3.0 lib/libnotmuch.so.5 >ln -sf libnotmuch.so.5.3.0 lib/libnotmuch.so >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc command-line-arguments.o debugger.o status.o gmime-filter-reply.o hooks.o notmuch.o notmuch-compact.o notmuch-config.o notmuch-count.o notmuch-dump.o notmuch-insert.o notmuch-new.o notmuch-reindex.o notmuch-reply.o notmuch-restore.o notmuch-search.o notmuch-setup.o notmuch-show.o notmuch-tag.o notmuch-time.o sprinter-json.o sprinter-sexp.o sprinter-text.o query-string.o mime-node.o tag-util.o -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Lutil -lnotmuch_util -Llib -lnotmuch -Wl,--as-needed -lgmime-3.0 -lgio-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib64 -ltalloc -lz -o notmuch-shared >cd bindings/python-cffi && \ > /usr/bin/python3.8 setup.py build --build-lib build/stage && \ > mkdir -p build/stage/tests && cp tests/*.py build/stage/tests >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-mua.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-show.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-hello.el >running build >running build_py >creating build >creating build/stage >creating build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_config.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_query.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_message.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_errors.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_thread.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_base.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_build.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_database.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/__init__.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_tags.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >warning: build_py: byte-compiling is disabled, skipping. > >running build_ext >generating cffi module 'build/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c' >creating build/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8 >building 'notmuch2._capi' extension >creating build/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/build >creating build/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/build/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8 >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -fPIC -I../../lib -I/usr/include/python3.8 -c build/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c -o build/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/build/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.o >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-jump.el >[01m[Kbuild/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c:[m[K In function â[01m[K_cffi_d_notmuch_message_get_flag[m[Kâ: >[01m[Kbuild/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c:2979:3:[m[K [01;35m[Kwarning: [m[Kâ[01m[Knotmuch_message_get_flag[m[Kâ is deprecated: function deprecated as of libnotmuch 5.3 [[01;35m[K-Wdeprecated-declarations[m[K] > 2979 | [01;35m[Kreturn[m[K notmuch_message_get_flag(x0, x1); > | [01;35m[K^~~~~~[m[K >In file included from [01m[Kbuild/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c:572[m[K: >[01m[K../../lib/notmuch.h:1502:1:[m[K [01;36m[Knote: [m[Kdeclared here > 1502 | [01;36m[Knotmuch_message_get_flag[m[K (notmuch_message_t *message, > | [01;36m[K^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[m[K >[01m[Kbuild/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c:[m[K In function â[01m[K_cffi_f_notmuch_message_get_flag[m[Kâ: >[01m[Kbuild/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c:3011:3:[m[K [01;35m[Kwarning: [m[Kâ[01m[Knotmuch_message_get_flag[m[Kâ is deprecated: function deprecated as of libnotmuch 5.3 [[01;35m[K-Wdeprecated-declarations[m[K] > 3011 | [01;35m[K{[m[K result = notmuch_message_get_flag(x0, x1); } > | [01;35m[K^[m[K >In file included from [01m[Kbuild/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c:572[m[K: >[01m[K../../lib/notmuch.h:1502:1:[m[K [01;36m[Knote: [m[Kdeclared here > 1502 | [01;36m[Knotmuch_message_get_flag[m[K (notmuch_message_t *message, > | [01;36m[K^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[m[K >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-tree.el > >In end of data: >emacs/notmuch-tree.el:1143:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to > be defined: notmuch-search-previous-thread, notmuch-search-next-thread, > notmuch-tree-from-search-thread >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch.el >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -pthread -shared -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -L. -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g build/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/build/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.o -L../../lib -L/usr/lib64 -lnotmuch -o build/stage/notmuch2/_capi.abi3.so >cd bindings/python-cffi && \ > /usr/bin/python3.8 setup.py build --build-lib build/stage && \ > mkdir -p build/stage/tests && cp tests/*.py build/stage/tests >Missing sphinx or makeinfo, not building info pages >running build >running build_py >warning: build_py: byte-compiling is disabled, skipping. > >running build_ext >generating cffi module 'build/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c' >already up-to-date > >Compilation of notmuch is now complete. You can install notmuch with: > > make install > >Note that depending on the prefix to which you are installing >you may need root permission (such as "sudo make install"). >See "./configure --help" for help on setting an alternate prefix. > [32;01m*[0m python3_7: running distutils-r1_run_phase python_compile >python3.7 setup.py build -j 16 >running build >running build_py >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_config.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_query.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_message.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_errors.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_thread.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_base.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_build.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_database.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/__init__.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_tags.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >warning: build_py: byte-compiling is disabled, skipping. > >running build_ext >generating cffi module '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c' >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7 >building 'notmuch2._capi' extension >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/var >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/var/tmp >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/var/tmp/portage >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/var/tmp/portage/net-mail >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2 >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7 >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7 >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -fPIC -I../../lib -I/usr/include/python3.7m -c /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c -o /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/notmuch2._capi.o >/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c: In function â_cffi_d_notmuch_message_get_flagâ: >/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c:2979:3: warning: ânotmuch_message_get_flagâ is deprecated: function deprecated as of libnotmuch 5.3 [-Wdeprecated-declarations] > 2979 | return notmuch_message_get_flag(x0, x1); > | ^~~~~~ >In file included from /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c:572: >../../lib/notmuch.h:1502:1: note: declared here > 1502 | notmuch_message_get_flag (notmuch_message_t *message, > | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c: In function â_cffi_f_notmuch_message_get_flagâ: >/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c:3011:3: warning: ânotmuch_message_get_flagâ is deprecated: function deprecated as of libnotmuch 5.3 [-Wdeprecated-declarations] > 3011 | { result = notmuch_message_get_flag(x0, x1); } > | ^ >In file included from /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c:572: >../../lib/notmuch.h:1502:1: note: declared here > 1502 | notmuch_message_get_flag (notmuch_message_t *message, > | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -shared -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-ppc64-3.7/notmuch2._capi.o -L../../lib -L/usr/lib64 -lnotmuch -lpython3.7m -o /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2/_capi.abi3.so >python3.7 setup.py build -j 16 >running build >running build_py >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/filenames.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/tag.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/messages.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/directory.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/message.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/compat.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/threads.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/version.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/globals.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/database.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/thread.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/query.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/__init__.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/errors.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >warning: build_py: byte-compiling is disabled, skipping. > > [32;01m*[0m python3_8: running distutils-r1_run_phase python_compile >python3.8 setup.py build -j 16 >running build >running build_py >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_config.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_query.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_message.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_errors.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_thread.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_base.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_build.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_database.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/__init__.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_tags.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch2 >warning: build_py: byte-compiling is disabled, skipping. > >running build_ext >generating cffi module '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c' >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8 >building 'notmuch2._capi' extension >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/var >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/var/tmp >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/var/tmp/portage >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/var/tmp/portage/net-mail >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2 >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8 >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8 >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -fPIC -I../../lib -I/usr/include/python3.8 -c /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c -o /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.o >/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c: In function â_cffi_d_notmuch_message_get_flagâ: >/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c:2979:3: warning: ânotmuch_message_get_flagâ is deprecated: function deprecated as of libnotmuch 5.3 [-Wdeprecated-declarations] > 2979 | return notmuch_message_get_flag(x0, x1); > | ^~~~~~ >In file included from /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c:572: >../../lib/notmuch.h:1502:1: note: declared here > 1502 | notmuch_message_get_flag (notmuch_message_t *message, > | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c: In function â_cffi_f_notmuch_message_get_flagâ: >/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c:3011:3: warning: ânotmuch_message_get_flagâ is deprecated: function deprecated as of libnotmuch 5.3 [-Wdeprecated-declarations] > 3011 | { result = notmuch_message_get_flag(x0, x1); } > | ^ >In file included from /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c:572: >../../lib/notmuch.h:1502:1: note: declared here > 1502 | notmuch_message_get_flag (notmuch_message_t *message, > | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -shared -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.o -L../../lib -L/usr/lib64 -lnotmuch -o /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch2/_capi.abi3.so >python3.8 setup.py build -j 16 >running build >running build_py >creating /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/filenames.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/tag.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/messages.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/directory.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/message.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/compat.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/threads.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/version.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/globals.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/database.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/thread.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/query.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/__init__.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/errors.py -> /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_8/lib/notmuch >warning: build_py: byte-compiling is disabled, skipping. > > [32;01m*[0m Using python3.8 in global scope > [32;01m*[0m python3_8: running distutils-r1_run_phase python_compile_all >>>> Source compiled. >>>> Test phase: net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2 >make -j16 -l18 test V=1 'OPTIONS=--verbose --tee' >cd bindings/python-cffi && \ > /usr/bin/python3.8 setup.py build --build-lib build/stage && \ > mkdir -p build/stage/tests && cp tests/*.py build/stage/tests >Missing sphinx or makeinfo, not building info pages >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/hex-xcode.c -o test/hex-xcode.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/hex-xcode.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/arg-test.c -o test/arg-test.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/arg-test.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/random-corpus.c -o test/random-corpus.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/random-corpus.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/database-test.c -o test/database-test.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/database-test.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/parse-time.c -o test/parse-time.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/parse-time.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/smtp-dummy.c -o test/smtp-dummy.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/smtp-dummy.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ -c -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/symbol-test.cc -o test/symbol-test.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/symbol-test.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ -c -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/make-db-version.cc -o test/make-db-version.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/make-db-version.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ -c -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/ghost-report.cc -o test/ghost-report.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/ghost-report.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -O2 -mcpu=970 -pipe -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -I/usr/lib64/libffi/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/message-id-parse.c -o test/message-id-parse.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/message-id-parse.d >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc test/arg-test.o command-line-arguments.o util/libnotmuch_util.a -o test/arg-test -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc test/parse-time.o parse-time-string/parse-time-string.o -o test/parse-time -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc test/smtp-dummy.o -o test/smtp-dummy -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ test/random-corpus.o test/database-test.o notmuch-config.o status.o command-line-arguments.o lib/libnotmuch.a util/libnotmuch_util.a parse-time-string/libparse-time-string.a -o test/random-corpus -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -lgmime-3.0 -lgio-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib64 -ltalloc -lz -L/usr/lib64 -lxapian >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc test/message-id-parse.o lib/libnotmuch.a util/libnotmuch_util.a -o test/message-id-parse -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib64 -ltalloc >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc test/hex-xcode.o command-line-arguments.o util/libnotmuch_util.a -o test/hex-xcode -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib64 -ltalloc >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ test/ghost-report.o -o test/ghost-report -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -L/usr/lib64 -lxapian >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ test/make-db-version.o -o test/make-db-version -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -L/usr/lib64 -lxapian >running build >running build_py >powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ test/symbol-test.o lib/libnotmuch.so -o test/symbol-test -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Llib -lnotmuch -L/usr/lib64 -lxapian >warning: build_py: byte-compiling is disabled, skipping. > >running build_ext >generating cffi module 'build/temp.linux-ppc64-3.8/notmuch2._capi.c' >already up-to-date >INFO: using 2m timeout for tests > >T000-basic: Testing the test framework itself. > PASS success is reported like this > PASS test runs if prerequisite is satisfied > PASS tests clean up after themselves > PASS tests clean up even after a failure > PASS failure to clean up causes the test to fail > PASS Ensure that test output is suppressed unless the test fails > PASS Ensure that -v does not suppress test output > PASS test that mail store was created > PASS mail store should be empty > PASS NOTMUCH_CONFIG is set and points to an existing file > PASS PATH is set to build directory > [27] .debug_aranges PROGBITS 0000000000000000 00073cc8 > [28] .debug_info PROGBITS 0000000000000000 00074ba8 > [29] .debug_abbrev PROGBITS 0000000000000000 001f1d87 > [30] .debug_line PROGBITS 0000000000000000 00207ac2 > [31] .debug_str PROGBITS 0000000000000000 0024b528 > [32] .debug_loc PROGBITS 0000000000000000 0027ec82 > [33] .debug_ranges PROGBITS 0000000000000000 0036f30e > PASS notmuch is compiled with debugging symbols > >T010-help-test: Testing online help >The notmuch mail system. > >Usage: notmuch --help > notmuch --version > notmuch <command> [args...] > >The available commands are as follows: > > setup Interactively set up notmuch for first use. > new Find and import new messages to the notmuch database. > insert Add a new message into the maildir and notmuch database. > search Search for messages matching the given search terms. > address Get addresses from messages matching the given search terms. > show Show all messages matching the search terms. > count Count messages matching the search terms. > reply Construct a reply template for a set of messages. > tag Add/remove tags for all messages matching the search terms. > dump Create a plain-text dump of the tags for each message. > restore Restore the tags from the given dump file (see 'dump'). > compact Compact the notmuch database. > reindex Re-index all messages matching the search terms. > config Get or set settings in the notmuch configuration file. > emacs-mua send mail with notmuch and emacs. > help This message, or more detailed help for the named command. > >Additional help topics are as follows: > > search-terms Common search term syntax. > hooks Hooks that will be run before or after certain commands. > properties Message property conventions and documentation. > >Use "notmuch help <command or topic>" for more details on each command or topic. > > PASS notmuch --help >The notmuch mail system. > >Usage: notmuch --help > notmuch --version > notmuch <command> [args...] > >The available commands are as follows: > > setup Interactively set up notmuch for first use. > new Find and import new messages to the notmuch database. > insert Add a new message into the maildir and notmuch database. > search Search for messages matching the given search terms. > address Get addresses from messages matching the given search terms. > show Show all messages matching the search terms. > count Count messages matching the search terms. > reply Construct a reply template for a set of messages. > tag Add/remove tags for all messages matching the search terms. > dump Create a plain-text dump of the tags for each message. > restore Restore the tags from the given dump file (see 'dump'). > compact Compact the notmuch database. > reindex Re-index all messages matching the search terms. > config Get or set settings in the notmuch configuration file. > emacs-mua send mail with notmuch and emacs. > help This message, or more detailed help for the named command. > >Additional help topics are as follows: > > search-terms Common search term syntax. > hooks Hooks that will be run before or after certain commands. > properties Message property conventions and documentation. > >Use "notmuch help <command or topic>" for more details on each command or topic. > > PASS notmuch help >notmuch 0.31.2 > PASS notmuch --version >No manual entry for notmuch-tag > PASS notmuch --help tag (man pages not available) >No manual entry for notmuch-tag > PASS notmuch help tag (man pages not available) > >T020-compact: Testing "notmuch compact" >Compacting database... >compacting table postlist > Reduced by 66% 16K (24K -> 8K) >compacting table docdata > doesn't exist >compacting table termlist > Reduced by 66% 16K (24K -> 8K) >compacting table position > Reduced by 66% 16K (24K -> 8K) >compacting table spelling > doesn't exist >compacting table synonym > doesn't exist >The old database has been moved to /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/xapian.old. >Done. > PASS Running compact > PASS Compact preserves database > PASS Restoring Backup > PASS Checking restored backup > >T030-config: Testing "notmuch config" > PASS Get string value > PASS Get list value > PASS Set string value > PASS Set string value again > PASS Set list value > PASS Set list value again >Unknown configuration item: foo.remove > PASS Remove key >Unknown configuration item: foo.nonexistent > PASS Remove non-existent key > PASS List all items > PASS Top level --config=FILE option > PASS Top level --config:FILE option > PASS Top level --config<space>FILE option > PASS Top level --config=FILE option changed the right file > PASS Read config file through a symlink > PASS Write config file through a symlink > PASS Writing config file through symlink follows symlink > PASS Absolute database path returned > PASS Relative database path properly expanded > >T040-setup: Testing "notmuch setup" > PASS Notmuch new without a config suggests notmuch setup >Error opening database at /path/to/maildir/.notmuch: No such file or directory > PASS Create a new config interactively > >T050-new: Testing "notmuch new" in several variations > PASS No new messages > PASS Single new message > PASS Single message (full-scan) > PASS Multiple new messages > PASS Multiple new messages (full-scan) > PASS No new messages (non-empty DB) > PASS No new messages (full-scan) > PASS New directories > PASS Alternate inode order > PASS Message moved in > PASS Renamed message > PASS Deleted message > PASS Renamed directory > PASS Deleted directory > PASS New directory (at end of list) > PASS Deleted directory (end of list) > PASS New symlink to directory > PASS New symlink to a file > PASS Broken symlink aborts > PASS New two-level directory > PASS Deleted two-level directory > PASS One character directory at top level > PASS Support single-message mbox > PASS Skip and report non-mail files > PASS Ignore files and directories specified in new.ignore > PASS Ignore files and directories specified in new.ignore (full-scan) > PASS Ignore files and directories specified in new.ignore (multiple occurrences) > PASS Don't stop for ignored broken symlinks > PASS Ignore files and directories specified in new.ignore (regexp) > PASS Quiet: No new mail. > PASS Quiet: new, removed and renamed messages. > PASS Empty tags in new.tags are forbidden > PASS Tags starting with '-' in new.tags are forbidden >Error: tag '-foo' in new.tags: tag starting with '-' forbidden > PASS Invalid tags set exit code > FAIL Xapian exception: read only files > --- T050-new.35.expected 2021-01-10 21:16:59.900995644 +0000 > +++ T050-new.35.output 2021-01-10 21:16:59.900995644 +0000 > @@ -1 +1,17 @@ > -A Xapian exception occurred opening database > +(D) add_files, pass 1 > +(D) add_files, pass 1 > +(D) add_files, pass 1 > +(D) add_files, pass 1 > +(D) add_files, pass 1 > +(D) add_files, pass 1 > +(D) add_files, pass 2 > +(D) add_files, pass 2 > +(D) add_files, pass 1 > +(D) add_files, pass 2 > +(D) add_files, pass 1 > +(D) add_files, pass 2 > +(D) add_files, pass 2 > +(D) add_files, pass 2 > +(D) add_files, pass 2 > +(D) add_files, pass 2 > +No new mail. > PASS Handle files vanishing between scandir and add_file > PASS reference loop does not crash > PASS reference loop ordered by date > >T060-count: Testing "notmuch count" for messages and threads > PASS message count is the default for notmuch count > PASS message count with --output=messages > PASS thread count with --output=threads > PASS thread count is the default for notmuch search > PASS files count > PASS files count for a duplicate message-id > PASS count with no matching messages > PASS count with no matching threads > PASS message count is the default for batch count > PASS batch message count > PASS batch thread count > PASS batch message count with input file >3+0 records in >3+0 records out >1536 bytes (1.5 kB, 1.5 KiB) copied, 0.000124927 s, 12.3 MB/s > PASS error message for database open > PASS error message from query_search_messages > PASS count library function is non-destructive > >T070-insert: Testing "notmuch insert" > PASS Insert zero-length file >Error: delivery of non-mail file: '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1610313425.M309444P869623.T800' > PASS Insert non-message > PASS Database empty so far > PASS Insert message > PASS Permissions on inserted message should be 0600 > PASS Insert message adds default tags > PASS Insert duplicate message > PASS Duplicate message does not change tags > PASS Insert message, add tag > PASS Insert tagged world-readable message > PASS Permissions on inserted world-readable message should be 0644 > PASS Insert tagged world-readable message with group-only umask > PASS Permissions on inserted world-readable message with funny umask should be 0640 > PASS Insert message, add/remove tags > PASS Insert message with default tags stays in new/ > PASS Insert message with non-maildir synced tags stays in new/ > PASS Insert message with custom new.tags goes to cur/ > PASS Insert message with custom new.tags actually gets the tags > PASS Insert message with maildir synced tags goes to cur/ > PASS Insert message with maildir sync off goes to new/ > PASS Insert message into folder > PASS Insert message into top level folder > PASS Insert message into folder with trailing / > PASS Insert message into folder, add/remove tags >Error: open '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/nonesuch/tmp/1610313427.M86466P869723.T800': No such file or directory > PASS Insert message into non-existent folder > PASS Insert message, create folder > PASS Insert message, create subfolder > PASS Created subfolder should have permissions 0700 > PASS Created subfolder new/ should also have permissions 0700 > PASS Insert message, create world-readable subfolder > PASS Created world-readable subfolder should have permissions 0755 > PASS Created world-readable subfolder new/ should also have permissions 0755 > PASS Insert message, create existing subfolder >Error: invalid folder name: '../G' > PASS Insert message, create invalid subfolder > PASS Empty tags in new.tags are forbidden > PASS Tags starting with '-' in new.tags are forbidden >Error: tag '-foo' in new.tags: tag starting with '-' forbidden > PASS Invalid tags set exit code >Error: delivery of non-mail file: '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1610313428.M801920P869804.T800' > PASS EXIT_FAILURE when index_file returns FILE_NOT_EMAIL >Error: delivery of non-mail file: '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1610313428.M827183P869805.T800' > PASS success exit with --keep when index_file returns FILE_NOT_EMAIL >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1610313428.M854652P869806.T800' to notmuch database: Attempt to write to a read-only database > PASS EXIT_FAILURE when index_file returns READ_ONLY_DATABASE >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1610313428.M880944P869807.T800' to notmuch database: Attempt to write to a read-only database > PASS success exit with --keep when index_file returns READ_ONLY_DATABASE >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1610313428.M908735P869808.T800' to notmuch database: Operation requires a database upgrade > PASS EXIT_FAILURE when index_file returns UPGRADE_REQUIRED >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1610313428.M935108P869809.T800' to notmuch database: Operation requires a database upgrade > PASS success exit with --keep when index_file returns UPGRADE_REQUIRED >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1610313428.M961315P869810.T800' to notmuch database: Path supplied is illegal for this function > PASS EXIT_FAILURE when index_file returns PATH_ERROR >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1610313428.M985586P869811.T800' to notmuch database: Path supplied is illegal for this function > PASS success exit with --keep when index_file returns PATH_ERROR >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1610313429.M10851P869812.T800' to notmuch database: Out of memory > PASS EX_TEMPFAIL when index_file returns OUT_OF_MEMORY >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1610313429.M37347P869813.T800' to notmuch database: Out of memory > PASS success exit with --keep when index_file returns OUT_OF_MEMORY >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1610313429.M64484P869814.T800' to notmuch database: A Xapian exception occurred > PASS EX_TEMPFAIL when index_file returns XAPIAN_EXCEPTION >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1610313429.M91377P869815.T800' to notmuch database: A Xapian exception occurred > PASS success exit with --keep when index_file returns XAPIAN_EXCEPTION > >T080-search: Testing "notmuch search" in several variations > PASS Search body > PASS Search by from: > PASS Search by to: > PASS Search by subject: > PASS Search by subject (utf-8): > PASS Search by id: > PASS Search by mid: > PASS Search by tag: > PASS Search by thread: > PASS Search body (phrase) > PASS Search by from: (address) > PASS Search by from: (name) > PASS Search by from: (name and address) > PASS Search by from: without prefix (name and address) > PASS Search by to: (address) > PASS Search by to: (name) > PASS Search by to: (name and address) > PASS Search by to: without prefix (name and address) > PASS Search by subject: (phrase) > PASS Search for all messages ("*") > PASS Search body (utf-8): > PASS headers do not have adjacent term positions > PASS parts have non-overlapping term positions > PASS parts do not have adjacent term positions > >T090-search-output: Testing various settings for "notmuch search --output=" > PASS --output=threads > PASS --output=threads --format=json > PASS --output=messages > PASS --output=messages --duplicate=1 > PASS --output=messages --duplicate=2 > PASS --output=messages --duplicate=3 > PASS --output=messages --format=json > PASS --output=messages --format=json --duplicate=1 > PASS --output=messages --format=json --duplicate=2 > PASS --output=messages --format=json --duplicate=3 > PASS --output=files > PASS --output=files --duplicate=1 > PASS --output=files --format=json > PASS --output=files --format=json --duplicate=2 > PASS --output=tags > PASS --output=tags --format=json > PASS sanitize output for quoted-printable line-breaks in author and subject > PASS search for non-existent message prints nothing > PASS search --format=json for non-existent message prints proper empty json > >T095-address: Testing "notmuch address" in several variants > PASS --output=sender > PASS without --output > PASS --output=sender --format=json > PASS --output=recipients > PASS --output=sender --output=recipients > PASS --output=sender --output=count > PASS --output=recipients --output=address > PASS --output=sender --output=address --output=count > PASS --output=count --format=json > PASS --deduplicate=no --sort=oldest-first --output=sender > PASS --deduplicate=no --sort=newest-first --output=sender --output=recipients > PASS --deduplicate=address --output=sender --output=recipients > PASS --deduplicate=no --output=sender > PASS --deduplicate=mailbox --output=sender --output=count > PASS --deduplicate=address --output=sender --output=count > >T100-search-by-folder: Testing "notmuch search" by folder: and path: (with variations) > PASS Single-world folder: specification (multiple results) > PASS Top level folder > PASS Two-word path to narrow results to one > PASS Folder search with --output=files >No new mail. Detected 1 file rename. > PASS After removing duplicate instance of matching path > PASS Folder search with --output=files part #2 > PASS After removing duplicate instance of matching path part #2 >Processed 1 file in almost no time. >No new mail. Detected 1 file rename. > PASS After rename, old path returns nothing > PASS After rename, new path returns result > PASS folder: search > PASS top level folder: search > PASS path: search > PASS top level path: search > PASS recursive path: search > >T110-search-position-overlap-bug: Testing that notmuch does not overlap term positions > PASS Search for a@b.c matches > PASS Search for x@y.z matches > PASS Search for a@y.c must not match > >T120-search-insufficient-from-quoting: Testing messages with unquoted . in name > PASS Search by first name > PASS Search by last name: > PASS Search by address: > PASS Search for all messages: > >T130-search-limiting: Testing "notmuch search" --offset and --limit parameters > PASS messages: limit does the right thing > PASS messages: concatenation of limited searches > PASS messages: limit larger than result set > PASS messages: limit = 0 > PASS messages: offset does the right thing > PASS messages: offset = 0 > PASS messages: negative offset > PASS messages: negative offset > PASS messages: negative offset combined with limit > PASS messages: negative offset combined with equal limit > PASS messages: negative offset combined with large limit > PASS messages: negative offset larger then results > PASS threads: limit does the right thing > PASS threads: concatenation of limited searches > PASS threads: limit larger than result set > PASS threads: limit = 0 > PASS threads: offset does the right thing > PASS threads: offset = 0 > PASS threads: negative offset > PASS threads: negative offset > PASS threads: negative offset combined with limit > PASS threads: negative offset combined with equal limit > PASS threads: negative offset combined with large limit > PASS threads: negative offset larger then results > >T140-excludes: Testing "notmuch search, count and show" with excludes in several variations > PASS Search, exclude "deleted" messages from search > PASS Search, exclude "deleted" messages from message search > PASS Search, exclude "deleted" messages from message search --exclude=false > PASS Search, exclude "deleted" messages from message search (non-existent exclude-tag) > PASS Search, exclude "deleted" messages from search, overridden > PASS Search, exclude "deleted" messages from threads > PASS Search, don't exclude "deleted" messages when --exclude=flag specified > PASS Search, don't exclude "deleted" messages from search if not configured > PASS Search, default exclusion (thread summary) > PASS Search, default exclusion (messages) > PASS Search, exclude=true (thread summary) > PASS Search, exclude=true (messages) > PASS Search, exclude=false (thread summary) > PASS Search, exclude=false (messages) > PASS Search, exclude=flag (thread summary) >Warning: this output format cannot flag excluded messages. > PASS Search, exclude=flag (messages) > PASS Search, exclude=all (thread summary) > PASS Search, exclude=all (messages) > PASS Search, default exclusion: tag in query (thread summary) > PASS Search, default exclusion: tag in query (messages) > PASS Search, exclude=true: tag in query (thread summary) > PASS Search, exclude=true: tag in query (messages) > PASS Search, exclude=false: tag in query (thread summary) > PASS Search, exclude=false: tag in query (messages) > PASS Search, exclude=flag: tag in query (thread summary) >Warning: this output format cannot flag excluded messages. > PASS Search, exclude=flag: tag in query (messages) > PASS Search, exclude=all: tag in query (thread summary) > PASS Search, exclude=all: tag in query (messages) > PASS Count, default exclusion (messages) > PASS Count, default exclusion (threads) > PASS Count, exclude=true (messages) > PASS Count, exclude=true (threads) > PASS Count, exclude=false (messages) > PASS Count, exclude=false (threads) > PASS Count, default exclusion: tag in query (messages) > PASS Count, default exclusion: tag in query (threads) > PASS Count, exclude=true: tag in query (messages) > PASS Count, exclude=true: tag in query (threads) > PASS Count, exclude=false: tag in query (messages) > PASS Count, exclude=false: tag in query (threads) > PASS Show, default exclusion > PASS Show, default exclusion (entire-thread) > PASS Show, exclude=true > PASS Show, exclude=true (entire-thread) > PASS Show, exclude=false > PASS Show, exclude=false (entire-thread) > >T150-tagging: Testing "notmuch tag" > PASS Adding tags > PASS Removing tags >Error: 'notmuch tag' requires at least one tag to add or remove. > PASS No tag operations >Error: notmuch tag requires at least one search term. > PASS No query > PASS Redundant tagging > PASS Remove all > PASS Remove all with batch > PASS Remove all with a no-op > PASS Special characters in tags > PASS Tagging order > PASS --batch > PASS --input > PASS --batch --input > PASS --batch --input --remove-all > PASS --batch, dependence on previous line > PASS --batch, blank lines and comments > PASS --batch: checking error messages > PASS --batch: tags with quotes > PASS --batch: tags with punctuation and space > PASS --batch: unicode tags > PASS --batch: only space and % needs to be encoded. >Error opening database at /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T150-tagging/home/mail/.notmuch: No such file or directory > PASS --batch: unicode message-ids >Error: empty tag forbidden > PASS Empty tag names >Error: tag starting with '-' forbidden > PASS Tag name beginning with - > FAIL Xapian exception: read only files > --- T150-tagging.25.expected 2021-01-10 21:17:26.060987407 +0000 > +++ T150-tagging.25.output 2021-01-10 21:17:26.060987407 +0000 > @@ -1 +1 @@ > -A Xapian exception occurred opening database > + > >T160-json: Testing --format=json output > PASS Show message: json > PASS Show message: json --body=true > PASS Show message: json --body=false > PASS Search message: json > PASS Show message: json, utf-8 >t > PASS Show message: json, inline attachment filename > PASS Search message: json, utf-8 > PASS Search message: json, 64-bit timestamp >A caller requested output format version 0, which is no longer supported >by the notmuch CLI (it requires at least version 1). You may need to >upgrade your notmuch front-end. > PASS Format version: too low >A caller requested output format version 999, but the installed notmuch >CLI only supports up to format version 4. You may need to upgrade your >notmuch CLI. > PASS Format version: too high > PASS Show message: multiple filenames > PASS Show message: multiple filenames, format version 2 > >T170-sexp: Testing --format=sexp output > PASS Show message: sexp > PASS Show message: sexp --body=true > PASS Show message: sexp --body=false > PASS Search message: sexp > PASS Show message: sexp, utf-8 > PASS Search message: sexp, utf-8 >t > PASS Show message: sexp, inline attachment filename > >T180-text: Testing --format=text output > PASS Show message: text > PASS Search message: text > PASS Show message: text, utf-8 > PASS Search message: text, utf-8 > PASS Search message tags: text0 > PASS Compare text vs. text0 for threads > PASS Compare text vs. text0 for messages > PASS Compare text vs. text0 for files > PASS Compare text vs. text0 for tags > >T190-multipart: Testing output of multipart message > PASS --format=text --part=0, full message > PASS --format=text --part=0 --body=false, message header > PASS --format=text --part=1, message body > PASS --format=text --part=2, multipart/mixed > PASS --format=text --part=3, rfc822 part > PASS --format=text --part=4, rfc822's multipart > PASS --format=text --part=5, rfc822's html part > PASS --format=text --include-html --part=5, rfc822's html part > PASS --format=text --part=6, rfc822's text part > PASS --format=text --part=7, inline attachment > PASS --format=text --part=8, plain text part > PASS --format=text --part=9, pgp signature (unverified) >part{ ID: 8, Content-type: text/plain >And this message is signed. > >-Carl >part} > PASS --format=text --part=8, no part, expect error > PASS --format=json --part=0, full message > PASS --format=json --part=1, message body > PASS --format=json --part=2, multipart/mixed > PASS --format=json --part=3, rfc822 part > PASS --format=json --part=4, rfc822's multipart/alternative > PASS --format=json --part=5, rfc822's html part > PASS --format=json --part=6, rfc822's text part > PASS --format=json --part=7, inline attachment > PASS --format=json --part=8, plain text part > PASS --format=json --part=9, pgp signature (unverified) > PASS --format=json --part=10, no part, expect error > PASS --format=raw > PASS --format=raw --part=0, full message > PASS --format=raw --part=1, message body > PASS --format=raw --part=2, multipart/mixed > PASS --format=raw --part=3, rfc822 part > PASS --format=raw --part=4, rfc822's multipart > PASS --format=raw --part=5, rfc822's html part > PASS --format=raw --part=6, rfc822's text part > PASS --format=raw --part=7, inline attachment > PASS --format=raw --part=8, plain text part > PASS --format=raw --part=9, pgp signature (unverified) >And this message is signed. > >-Carl > PASS --format=raw --part=10, no part, expect error > PASS --format=mbox >Error: specifying parts is incompatible with mbox output format. > PASS --format=mbox --part=1, incompatible, expect error > PASS 'notmuch reply' to a multipart message > PASS 'notmuch reply' to a multipart message with json format > PASS 'notmuch show --part' does not corrupt a part with CRLF pair > PASS html parts excluded by default > PASS html parts included > PASS indexes mime-type #1 > PASS indexes mime-type #2 > PASS indexes mime-type #3 >Added 1 new message to the database. > PASS case of Content-Disposition doesn't matter for indexing > >T200-thread-naming: Testing naming of threads with changing subject > PASS Initial thread name (oldest-first search) > PASS Initial thread name (newest-first search) > PASS Changed thread name (oldest-first search) > PASS Changed thread name (newest-first search) > PASS Ignore added reply prefix (Re:) > PASS Ignore added reply prefix (Aw:) > PASS Ignore added reply prefix (Vs:) > PASS Ignore added reply prefix (Sv:) > PASS Use empty subjects if necessary. > PASS Avoid empty subjects if possible (newest-first). > PASS Avoid empty subjects if possible (oldest-first). > PASS Test order of messages in "notmuch show" > >T205-author-naming: Testing naming of authors with unusual addresses > PASS Add author with empty quoted real name > >T210-raw: Testing notmuch show --format=raw > PASS Attempt to show multiple raw messages > PASS Show a raw message > PASS Show another raw message > PASS content, message of size 0001024 > PASS return value, message of size 0001024 > PASS content, message of size 0002048 > PASS return value, message of size 0002048 > PASS content, message of size 0004096 > PASS return value, message of size 0004096 > PASS content, message of size 0008192 > PASS return value, message of size 0008192 > PASS content, message of size 0016384 > PASS return value, message of size 0016384 > PASS content, message of size 0032768 > PASS return value, message of size 0032768 > PASS content, message of size 0065536 > PASS return value, message of size 0065536 > PASS content, message of size 0131072 > PASS return value, message of size 0131072 > PASS content, message of size 0262144 > PASS return value, message of size 0262144 > PASS content, message of size 0524288 > PASS return value, message of size 0524288 > PASS content, message of size 1048576 > PASS return value, message of size 1048576 > >T220-reply: Testing "notmuch reply" in several variations > PASS Basic reply > PASS Multiple recipients > PASS Reply with CC > PASS Reply from alternate address > PASS Reply from address in named group list > PASS Support for Reply-To > PASS Un-munging Reply-To > PASS Un-munging Reply-To With Exact Match > PASS Un-munging Reply-To With Raw addr-spec > PASS Message with header of exactly 200 bytes > PASS From guessing: Envelope-To > PASS From guessing: X-Original-To > PASS From guessing: Delivered-To > PASS Reply with RFC 2047-encoded headers > PASS Reply with RFC 2047-encoded headers (JSON) > PASS Reply to a message with multiple Cc headers > >T230-reply-to-sender: Testing "notmuch reply --reply-to=sender" in several variations > PASS Basic reply-to-sender > PASS From Us, Basic reply to message > PASS Multiple recipients > PASS From Us, Multiple TO recipients > PASS Reply with CC > PASS From Us, Reply with CC > PASS From Us, Reply no TO but with CC > PASS Reply from alternate address > PASS Support for Reply-To > PASS Support for Reply-To with multiple recipients > PASS Un-munging Reply-To > PASS Message with header of exactly 200 bytes > >T240-dump-restore: Testing "notmuch dump" and "notmuch restore" > PASS dump header >Processed 1 file in almost no time. >Added 1 new message to the database. > PASS Dumping all tags >dump.expected dump-ABC_DEF.expected differ: char 2143, line 30 > PASS Dumping all tags II > PASS Clearing all tags > PASS Clearing all tags > PASS Restoring original tags > PASS Restore with nothing to do > PASS Accumulate with existing tags > PASS Accumulate with no tags > PASS Accumulate with new tags >Unused positional parameter: another_one > PASS Invalid restore invocation > PASS dump --output=outfile > PASS dump --output=outfile -- > PASS dump --gzip > PASS dump --gzip --output=outfile > PASS restoring gzipped stdin > PASS restoring gzipped file > PASS dump -- from:cworth > PASS dump --output=outfile from:cworth > PASS dump --output=outfile -- from:cworth > PASS Check for a safe set of message-ids > PASS format=batch-tag, dump sanity check. > PASS format=batch-tag, missing newline > PASS format=batch-tag, # round-trip > PASS format=batch-tag, # blank lines and comments > PASS format=batch-tag, # reverse-round-trip empty tag > PASS restoring empty file is not an error > PASS file of comments and blank lines is not an error > PASS detect format=batch-tag with leading comments and blanks > PASS detect format=sup with leading comments and blanks > PASS format=batch-tag, round trip with strange tags > PASS format=batch-tag, checking encoded output > PASS restoring sane tags > PASS format=batch-tag, restore=auto >notmuch-dump.c:184: zlib error (0) >notmuch-dump.c:184: zlib error (0) > PASS format=sup, restore=auto > PASS format=batch-tag, restore=default >notmuch-dump.c:184: zlib error (0) >notmuch-dump.c:184: zlib error (0) > PASS format=sup, restore=default > PASS restore: checking error messages >Error opening database at /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T240-dump-restore/home/mail/.notmuch: No such file or directory > PASS roundtripping random message-ids and tags > >T250-uuencode: Testing handling of uuencoded data > PASS Ensure content before uu data is indexed > PASS Ensure uu data is not indexed > PASS Ensure content after uu data is indexed > >T260-thread-order: Testing threading when messages received out of order > PASS Messages with one parent get linked in all delivery orders > PASS Messages with all parents get linked in all delivery orders > >T270-author-order: Testing author reordering; > PASS Adding parent message > PASS Adding initial child message > PASS Adding second child message > PASS Searching when all three messages match > PASS Searching when two messages match > PASS Searching when only one message matches > PASS Searching when only first message matches > PASS Adding duplicate author > PASS Searching when all four messages match > PASS Adding non-monotonic child message > PASS Searching non-monotonic messages (oldest-first) > PASS Searching non-monotonic messages (newest-first) > >T280-from-guessing: Testing From line heuristics (with multiple configured addresses) > PASS Magic from guessing (nothing to go on) > PASS Magic from guessing (Envelope-to:) > PASS Magic from guessing (X-Original-To:) > PASS Magic from guessing (Received: .. for ..) > PASS Magic from guessing (Received: domain) > PASS Magic from guessing (multiple Received: headers) > PASS Testing From line heuristics (with single configured address) > PASS Magic from guessing (nothing to go on) > PASS Magic from guessing (Envelope-to:) > PASS Magic from guessing (X-Original-To:) > PASS Magic from guessing (Received: .. for ..) > PASS Magic from guessing (Received: domain) > >T290-long-id: Testing messages with ridiculously-long message IDs > PASS Referencing long ID before adding > PASS Adding message with long ID > PASS Referencing long ID after adding > PASS Ensure all messages were threaded together > >T300-encoding: Testing encoding issues > PASS Message with text of unknown charset > PASS Search for ISO-8859-2 encoded message > PASS RFC 2047 encoded word with spaces > PASS RFC 2047 encoded words back to back > PASS RFC 2047 encoded words without space before or after > PASS Mislabeled Windows-1252 encoding > >T310-emacs: Testing emacs interface > PASS Syntax of emacs test library >nil > PASS Basic notmuch-hello view in emacs >nil > PASS Saved search with 0 results >nil > PASS No saved searches displayed (all with 0 results) >nil > PASS Basic notmuch-search view in emacs >nil > PASS Incremental parsing of search results >nil > PASS Navigation of notmuch-hello to search results >nil > PASS Basic notmuch-show view in emacs >nil > PASS Basic notmuch-show view in emacs default indentation >nil > PASS Basic notmuch-show view in emacs without indentation >nil > PASS Basic notmuch-show view in emacs with fourfold indentation >nil > PASS notmuch-show for message with invalid From >nil > PASS Navigation of notmuch-search to thread view >nil > PASS Add tag from search view >nil > PASS Remove tag from search view >nil > PASS Add tag (large query) >nil > PASS notmuch-show: add single tag to single message >nil > PASS notmuch-show: remove single tag from single message >nil > PASS notmuch-show: add multiple tags to single message >nil > PASS notmuch-show: remove multiple tags from single message >nil > PASS Message with .. in Message-Id: >nil > PASS Message with quote in Message-Id: >smtp_dummy_port='44039' >t >/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/test-lib.sh: line 377: kill: (874116) - No such process > PASS Sending a message via (fake) SMTP >smtp_dummy_port='35069' >t >/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/test-lib.sh: line 377: kill: (874130) - No such process > PASS Folding a long header when sending via (fake) SMTP > PASS Verify that sent messages are saved/searchable (via FCC) >nil > PASS notmuch-fcc-dirs set to nil >nil > PASS notmuch-fcc-dirs set to a string >nil > PASS notmuch-fcc-dirs set to a list (with match) >nil > PASS notmuch-fcc-dirs set to a list (catch-all) >nil > PASS notmuch-fcc-dirs set to a list (no match) >nil > PASS Reply within emacs >nil > PASS Reply within emacs to a message with TAB in subject >nil > PASS Reply from alternate address within emacs >nil > PASS Reply from address in named group list within emacs >nil > PASS Reply within emacs to a multipart/mixed message >nil > PASS Reply within emacs to a multipart/alternative message >nil > PASS Reply within emacs to an html-only message >nil > PASS Reply within emacs to message from self >nil > PASS Quote MML tags in reply >"Done" > PASS Save attachment from within emacs using notmuch-show-save-attachments >"/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T310-emacs/attachment2.gz" > PASS Save attachment from within emacs using notmuch-show-save-part >"Done" > PASS Save 8bit attachment from within emacs using notmuch-show-save-attachments >nil > PASS View raw message within emacs >nil > PASS Hiding/showing signature in notmuch-show view >nil > PASS Detection and hiding of top-post quoting of message >nil > PASS Hiding message in notmuch-show view >nil > PASS Hiding message with visible citation in notmuch-show view >nil > PASS notmuch-show: show message headers >nil > PASS notmuch-show: hide message headers >nil > PASS notmuch-show: hide message headers (w/ notmuch-show-toggle-visibility-headers) >nil > PASS notmuch-show: collapse all messages in thread >nil > PASS notmuch-show: uncollapse all messages in thread >nil > PASS Stashing in notmuch-show >nil > PASS Stashing in notmuch-search >nil >nil > PASS notmuch-show-advance-and-archive with invisible signature >nil > PASS Refresh show buffer >nil > PASS Refresh modified show buffer >t >#<buffer *notmuch-id:message-with-application/mpeg-attachment@notmuchmail.org*> > PASS Do not call notmuch for non-inlinable application/mpeg parts >t >#<buffer *notmuch-id:message-with-audio/mpeg-attachment@notmuchmail.org*> > PASS Do not call notmuch for non-inlinable audio/mpeg parts > PASS notmuch-hello-mode hook is called > PASS notmuch-hello-mode hook is not called on updates > PASS notmuch-hello-refresh hook is called > PASS notmuch-hello-refresh hook is called on updates >Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> (2001-01-05) (inbox) >Subject: HTML mail with images >To: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> >Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 15:43:44 +0000 > >[ multipart/related ] >[ text/html ] >* >smiley >[ image/gif (hidden) ] > PASS Rendering HTML mail with images >nil > PASS Search handles subprocess error exit codes >nil > PASS Search handles subprocess warnings >nil > PASS Search thread tag operations are race-free >nil > PASS Search global tag operations are race-free > PASS Term escaping >smtp_dummy_port='44677' >t >/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/test-lib.sh: line 377: kill: (874655) - No such process > PASS Sending a message calls the send message hooks > >T320-emacs-large-search-buffer: Testing Emacs with large search results buffer >nil > PASS Ensure that emacs doesn't drop results > >T330-emacs-subject-to-filename: Testing emacs: mail subject to filename > PASS no patch sequence number > PASS patch sequence number #1 > PASS patch sequence number #2 > PASS patch sequence number #3 > PASS patch sequence number #4 > PASS patch sequence number #5 > PASS patch sequence number #6 > PASS patch sequence number #7 > PASS filename #1 > PASS filename #2 > PASS filename #3 > PASS filename #4 > PASS filename #5 > PASS filename #6 > PASS filename #7 > PASS filename #8 > PASS filename #9 > PASS patch filename #1 > PASS patch filename #2 > PASS patch filename #3 > PASS patch filename #4 > >T340-maildir-sync: Testing maildir synchronization > PASS Adding 'S' flag to existing filename removes 'unread' tag > PASS Adding message with 'S' flag prevents 'unread' tag > PASS Adding message with 'S' w/o 'unread' in new.tags prevents 'unread' tag > PASS Adding 'replied' tag adds 'R' flag to filename > PASS notmuch show works with renamed file (without notmuch new) >From: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> >Subject: Re: Adding replied tag >To: test_suite@notmuchmail.org >In-Reply-To: <adding-replied-tag@notmuch-test-suite> >References: <adding-replied-tag@notmuch-test-suite> > >On Fri, 05 Jan 2001 15:43:53 +0000, Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> wrote: >> This is just a test message (#4) > PASS notmuch reply works with renamed file (without notmuch new) > PASS notmuch new detects no file rename after tag->flag synchronization > PASS When read, message moved from new to cur > PASS No rename should be detected by notmuch new > PASS Adding non-maildir tags does not move message from new to cur > PASS Message in cur lacking maildir info gets one on any tag change > PASS Message in new with maildir info is moved to cur on any tag change > PASS Removing 'S' flag from existing filename adds 'unread' tag > PASS Removing info from filename leaves tags unchanged > PASS Can remove unread tag from message in non-maildir directory > PASS Message in non-maildir directory does not get renamed > PASS notmuch dump/restore re-synchronizes maildir tags with flags > PASS Adding flags to duplicate message tags the mail > PASS Adding duplicate message without flags does not remove tags > PASS Tag changes modify flags of multiple files > PASS Synchronizing tag changes preserves unsupported maildir flags > PASS A file with non-compliant maildir info will not be renamed > PASS Files in new/ get default synchronized tags > PASS draft is valid in new.tags > PASS flagged is valid in new.tags > PASS passed is valid in new.tags > PASS replied is valid in new.tags > >T350-crypto: Testing PGP/MIME signature verification and decryption >t > PASS emacs delivery of signed message > PASS signed part content-type indexing > PASS signature verification >t > PASS detection of modified signed contents >t >Failed to verify signed part: Could not verify signature: No data > PASS corrupted pgp/mime signature > PASS signature verification without full user ID validity > PASS signature verification with signer key unavailable >t > PASS emacs delivery of encrypted message with attachment > PASS encrypted part content-type indexing > PASS decryption, --format=text > PASS decryption, --format=json > PASS decryption, --format=json, --part=4 > PASS decrypt attachment (--part=5 --format=raw) >Failed to decrypt part: Decryption failed: No such file or directory > PASS decryption failure with missing key >t > PASS emacs delivery of encrypted + signed message > PASS decryption + signature verification > PASS reply to encrypted message >nil > PASS Reply within emacs to an encrypted message > PASS signature verification with revoked key > >T351-pgpmime-mangling: Testing PGP/MIME message mangling > PASS show 'Mixed-Up' mangled PGP/MIME message correctly > PASS reply to 'Mixed-Up' mangled PGP/MIME message correctly > PASS repaired 'Mixed-up' messages can be found with index.repaired=mixedup > PASS index cleartext of 'Mixed-Up' mangled PGP/MIME message > PASS search cleartext of 'Mixed-Up' mangled PGP/MIME message > >T355-smime: Testing S/MIME signature verification and decryption >t > PASS emacs delivery of S/MIME signed message >t > PASS emacs delivery of S/MIME encrypted + signed message >Content-Type: text/plain > >This is a test signed message. > PASS Signature verification (openssl) > PASS signature verification (notmuch CLI) >Content-Type: text/plain > >This is a test encrypted message. > PASS Decryption and signature verification (openssl) > PASS Decryption (notmuch CLI) > PASS Cryptographic message status (encrypted+signed) > PASS encrypted+signed message is known to be encrypted, but signature is unknown > PASS Encrypted body is not indexed > PASS Reindex cleartext > PASS signature is now known > PASS Encrypted body is indexed > PASS index PKCS#7 SignedData message > PASS do not index embedded certificates from PKCS#7 SignedData > PASS know the MIME type of the embedded part in PKCS#7 SignedData > PASS PKCS#7 SignedData message is tagged 'signed' > PASS show contents of PKCS#7 SignedData message > PASS reply to PKCS#7 SignedData message with proper quoting and attribution > PASS show PKCS#7 SignedData outputs valid JSON > PASS Verify signature on PKCS#7 SignedData message > PASS Verify signature on PKCS#7 SignedData message signer User ID > >T356-protected-headers: Testing Message decryption with protected headers >Failed to decrypt part: no error explanation given > PASS verify protected header is not visible without decryption > PASS verify protected header is visible with decryption > PASS when no external header is present, show masked subject as null > PASS misplaced protected headers should not be made visible during decryption >Failed to decrypt part: Decryption failed: No data > PASS verify double-wrapped phony protected header is not visible when inner decryption fails >Failed to decrypt part: Decryption failed: No data > PASS cleartext phony protected headers should not be made visible when decryption fails > PASS wrapped protected headers should not be made visible during decryption > PASS internal headers without protected-header attribute should be skipped > PASS verify nested message/rfc822 protected header is visible > PASS show cryptographic envelope on signed mail > PASS verify signed protected header > PASS protected subject does not leak by default in replies > PASS protected subject is not indexed by default > PASS reindex message with protected header > PASS protected subject is indexed when cleartext is indexed > PASS indexed protected subject is visible in search > PASS indexed protected subject is not visible in reply header > PASS verify correct protected header when submessage exists > PASS verify protected header is both signed and encrypted > PASS verify protected header is signed even when not masked > PASS reindex everything, ensure headers are as expected > PASS when rendering protected headers, avoid rendering legacy-display part > PASS when replying, avoid rendering legacy-display part > PASS do not treat legacy-display part as body when indexing > PASS identify message that had a legacy display part skipped during indexing > PASS verify signed PKCS#7 subject (multipart-signed) > PASS verify signed PKCS#7 subject (multipart-signed) signer User ID > PASS verify signed PKCS#7 subject (onepart-signed) > PASS verify signed PKCS#7 subject (onepart-signed) signer User ID > PASS confirm signed and encrypted PKCS#7 subject (sign+enc) > PASS confirm signed and encrypted PKCS#7 subject (sign+enc) signer User ID > PASS confirm signed and encrypted PKCS#7 subject (sign+enc+legacy-disp) > PASS confirm signed and encrypted PKCS#7 subject (sign+enc+legacy-disp) signer User ID > PASS confirm encryption-protected PKCS#7 subject (enc+legacy-disp) > >T357-index-decryption: Testing indexing decrypted mail >t > PASS emacs delivery of encrypted message > PASS search for unindexed cleartext >t > PASS emacs delivery of encrypted message > PASS emacs delivery of encrypted message, indexed cleartext > PASS emacs search by property for one message >#notmuch-dump batch-tag:3 config,properties,tags >+encrypted +inbox -- id:7dokmqwa.fsf@example.com >#= 7dokmqwa.fsf@example.com index.decryption=success session-key=9%3a7B2EDAC73B8BA6F44A15BAE397E0456FB9A96CE339FDEF3F9FDA7D43D2D842BF > PASS show the message body of the encrypted message >No new mail. Removed 1 message. > PASS message should go away after deletion > PASS message cleartext not present after insert > PASS stash decryption during show > PASS search should now find the contents > PASS message cleartext is present after reinserting with --decrypt=true >No new mail. Removed 1 message. Detected 1 file rename. > PASS delete all copies of the message > PASS message cleartext is present with insert --decrypt=true > PASS tagging all messages > PASS verify that tags have not changed > PASS reindex old messages > PASS reindexed encrypted message, including cleartext > PASS emacs search by property for both messages > PASS reindex in auto mode > PASS reindexed encrypted messages, should not have changed > PASS reindex without cleartext > PASS reindexed encrypted messages, without cleartext > PASS reindex using only session keys > PASS reindexed encrypted messages, decrypting only with session keys > PASS emacs search by property with both messages unindexed > PASS verify that tags remain without cleartext > PASS index cleartext without keeping session keys > PASS Ensure that the indexed terms are present > PASS show one of the messages with --decrypt=true >Failed to decrypt part: no error explanation given > PASS Ensure that we cannot show the message with --decrypt=auto > PASS indexing message fails when secret key not available > PASS cannot find cleartext index > PASS cleartext index recovery on reindexing with stashed session keys > PASS notmuch reply should show cleartext if session key is present > PASS notmuch show should show cleartext if session key is present > PASS notmuch show should show nothing if decryption is explicitly disallowed > PASS purging stashed session keys should lose access to the cleartext >#notmuch-dump batch-tag:3 config,properties,tags >+encrypted +inbox +unread -- id:basic-encrypted@crypto.notmuchmail.org >+encrypted +inbox +unread -- id:encrypted-signed@crypto.notmuchmail.org >+encrypted +inbox +unread -- id:simple-encrypted@crypto.notmuchmail.org > PASS and cleartext should be unrecoverable now that there are no stashed session keys > PASS verify signature without a session key stashed when --decrypt=true >Failed to decrypt part: no error explanation given > PASS do not verify sig without a session key stashed if --decrypt=auto > PASS verify signature when --decrypt=stash > PASS verify signature with stashed session key > >T358-emacs-protected-headers: Testing protected headers in emacs interface >nil > PASS notmuch-search should show not unindexed protected subject header in emacs >nil > PASS notmuch-show should not show unindexed protected subject header in emacs when nm-c-process-mime is nil >nil > PASS notmuch-show should show protected subject header in emacs >nil > PASS Reply within emacs to a message with protected headers, not leaking subject > PASS defaulting to indexing cleartext > PASS try reindexing protected header message >nil > PASS notmuch-search should show indexed protected subject header in emacs >nil > PASS don't leak protected subject during reply, even if indexed > >T360-symbol-hiding: Testing exception symbol hiding > PASS running test > PASS checking output > FAIL comparing existing to exported symbols > --- T360-symbol-hiding.3.EXPORTED 2021-01-10 21:19:28.698670218 +0000 > +++ T360-symbol-hiding.3.ACTUAL 2021-01-10 21:19:28.708668943 +0000 > @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ > -notmuch_built_with > -notmuch_config_list_destroy > -notmuch_config_list_key > -notmuch_config_list_move_to_next > -notmuch_config_list_valid > -notmuch_config_list_value > -notmuch_database_add_message > -notmuch_database_begin_atomic > -notmuch_database_close > -notmuch_database_compact > -notmuch_database_create > -notmuch_database_create_verbose > -notmuch_database_destroy > -notmuch_database_end_atomic > -notmuch_database_find_message > -notmuch_database_find_message_by_filename > -notmuch_database_get_all_tags > -notmuch_database_get_config > -notmuch_database_get_config_list > -notmuch_database_get_default_indexopts > -notmuch_database_get_directory > -notmuch_database_get_path > -notmuch_database_get_revision > -notmuch_database_get_version > -notmuch_database_index_file > -notmuch_database_needs_upgrade > -notmuch_database_open > -notmuch_database_open_verbose > -notmuch_database_remove_message > -notmuch_database_set_config > -notmuch_database_status_string > -notmuch_database_upgrade > -notmuch_directory_delete > -notmuch_directory_destroy > -notmuch_directory_get_child_directories > -notmuch_directory_get_child_files > -notmuch_directory_get_mtime > -notmuch_directory_set_mtime > -notmuch_filenames_destroy > -notmuch_filenames_get > -notmuch_filenames_move_to_next > -notmuch_filenames_valid > -notmuch_indexopts_destroy > -notmuch_indexopts_get_decrypt_policy > -notmuch_indexopts_set_decrypt_policy > -notmuch_message_add_property > -notmuch_message_add_tag > -notmuch_message_count_files > -notmuch_message_count_properties > -notmuch_message_destroy > -notmuch_message_freeze > -notmuch_message_get_database > -notmuch_message_get_date > -notmuch_message_get_filename > -notmuch_message_get_filenames > -notmuch_message_get_flag > -notmuch_message_get_flag_st > -notmuch_message_get_header > -notmuch_message_get_message_id > -notmuch_message_get_properties > -notmuch_message_get_property > -notmuch_message_get_replies > -notmuch_message_get_tags > -notmuch_message_get_thread_id > -notmuch_message_has_maildir_flag > -notmuch_message_has_maildir_flag_st > -notmuch_message_maildir_flags_to_tags > -notmuch_message_properties_destroy > -notmuch_message_properties_key > -notmuch_message_properties_move_to_next > -notmuch_message_properties_valid > -notmuch_message_properties_value > -notmuch_message_reindex > -notmuch_message_remove_all_properties > -notmuch_message_remove_all_properties_with_prefix > -notmuch_message_remove_all_tags > -notmuch_message_remove_property > -notmuch_message_remove_tag > -notmuch_message_set_flag > -notmuch_message_tags_to_maildir_flags > -notmuch_message_thaw > -notmuch_messages_collect_tags > -notmuch_messages_destroy > -notmuch_messages_get > -notmuch_messages_move_to_next > -notmuch_messages_valid > -notmuch_query_add_tag_exclude > -notmuch_query_count_messages > -notmuch_query_count_messages_st > -notmuch_query_count_threads > -notmuch_query_count_threads_st > -notmuch_query_create > -notmuch_query_destroy > -notmuch_query_get_database > -notmuch_query_get_query_string > -notmuch_query_get_sort > -notmuch_query_search_messages > -notmuch_query_search_messages_st > -notmuch_query_search_threads > -notmuch_query_search_threads_st > -notmuch_query_set_omit_excluded > -notmuch_query_set_sort > -notmuch_status_to_string > -notmuch_tags_destroy > -notmuch_tags_get > -notmuch_tags_move_to_next > -notmuch_tags_valid > -notmuch_thread_destroy > -notmuch_thread_get_authors > -notmuch_thread_get_matched_messages > -notmuch_thread_get_messages > -notmuch_thread_get_newest_date > -notmuch_thread_get_oldest_date > -notmuch_thread_get_subject > -notmuch_thread_get_tags > -notmuch_thread_get_thread_id > -notmuch_thread_get_toplevel_messages > -notmuch_thread_get_total_files > -notmuch_thread_get_total_messages > -notmuch_threads_destroy > -notmuch_threads_get > -notmuch_threads_move_to_next > -notmuch_threads_valid > >T370-search-folder-coherence: Testing folder tags removed and added through file renames remain consistent > PASS No new messages > PASS Single new message > PASS Add second folder for same message > PASS Multiple files for same message > PASS Test matches folder:spam > PASS Remove folder:spam copy of email > PASS No mails match the folder:spam search > >T380-atomicity: Testing atomicity > PASS "notmuch new" is idempotent under arbitrary aborts > PASS detected 46>10 abort points > >T390-python: Testing python bindings > PASS compare thread ids > PASS compare message ids > PASS get non-existent file > PASS get revision > PASS output of count matches test code > PASS Add ISO-8859-2 encoded message, call get_message_parts > PASS set and get config values > PASS get_configs with no match returns empty generator > PASS get_configs with no arguments returns all pairs > PASS get_configs prefix is used to match keys > PASS set_config with no value will unset config entries > PASS index message with decryption > >T391-python-cffi: Testing python bindings (pytest) >========================================= test session starts ========================================== >platform linux -- Python 3.8.6, pytest-6.1.2, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1 >notmuch 0.31.2 (/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/notmuch) >rootdir: /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/bindings/python-cffi/build/stage, configfile: pytest.ini >plugins: forked-1.3.0, cov-2.10.1, xdist-2.1.0 >collected 156 items > >tests/test_base.py .............. [ 8%] >tests/test_config.py ....... [ 13%] >tests/test_database.py ................................................. [ 44%] >tests/test_message.py ...................................... [ 69%] >tests/test_tags.py ............................... [ 89%] >tests/test_thread.py ................. [100%] > >========================================= 156 passed in 8.15s ========================================== > PASS python cffi tests > >T395-ruby: Testing ruby bindings > missing prerequisites: ruby development files > skipping test: all tests in T395-ruby > SKIP all tests in T395-ruby > >T400-hooks: Testing hooks > PASS pre-new is run > PASS post-new is run > PASS post-insert hook is run > PASS pre-new is run before post-new > PASS pre-new non-zero exit status (hook status) >Error: pre-new hook failed with status 13 > PASS pre-new non-zero exit status (notmuch status) > PASS pre-new non-zero exit status aborts new > PASS post-new non-zero exit status (hook status) >No new mail. >Error: post-new hook failed with status 13 > PASS post-new non-zero exit status (notmuch status) >Error: post-insert hook failed with status 13 > PASS post-insert hook does not affect insert status >Error: pre-new hook access failed: Permission denied > PASS hook without executable permissions >Error: pre-new hook execution failed: Exec format error >Error: pre-new hook failed with status 1 > PASS hook execution failure > >T410-argument-parsing: Testing argument parsing > PASS sanity check > PASS sanity check zero values > PASS space instead of = between parameter name and value > PASS --boolean=true > PASS --boolean=false > PASS --no-boolean > PASS --no-flag >Warning: No known keyword option given for "boolkeyword", choosing value "true". Please specify the argument explicitly! > PASS test keyword arguments without value > PASS test keyword arguments with non-default value separated by a space >Warning: No known keyword option given for "boolkeyword", choosing value "true". Please specify the argument explicitly! > PASS test keyword arguments without value at the end > PASS test keyword arguments without value but with = (should be an error) > >T420-emacs-test-functions: Testing emacs test function sanity > PASS emacs test function sanity > >T430-emacs-address-cleaning: Testing emacs address cleaning > PASS notmuch-test-address-clean part 1 > PASS notmuch-test-address-clean part 2 > PASS notmuch-test-address-clean part 3 > >T440-emacs-hello: Testing emacs notmuch-hello view >nil > PASS User-defined section with inbox tag >nil > PASS User-defined section with empty, hidden entry >nil > PASS User-defined section, unread tag filtered out >nil > PASS User-defined section, different query for counts >nil > PASS Empty custom tags section >nil > PASS Empty custom queries section >nil > PASS Column alignment for tag/queries with long names > >T450-emacs-show: Testing emacs notmuch-show view >nil > PASS Hiding Original Message region at beginning of a message > PASS Bare subject #1 > PASS Bare subject #2 > PASS Bare subject #3 >nil > PASS don't process cryptographic MIME parts >nil > PASS process cryptographic MIME parts >nil > PASS process cryptographic MIME parts (w/ notmuch-show-toggle-process-crypto) >nil > PASS notmuch-show: don't elide non-matching messages >nil > PASS notmuch-show: elide non-matching messages >nil > PASS notmuch-show: elide non-matching messages (w/ notmuch-show-toggle-elide-non-matching) >nil > PASS notmuch-show: elide non-matching messages (w/ prefix arg to notmuch-show) >nil > PASS notmuch-show: disable indentation of thread content (w/ notmuch-show-toggle-thread-indentation) >nil > PASS id buttonization >nil > PASS Show handles subprocess errors >nil > PASS text/enriched exploit mitigation >nil > PASS show decrypted message >nil > PASS show undecryptable message >nil > PASS show encrypted message when not processing crypto > >T455-emacs-charsets: Testing emacs notmuch-show charset handling >nil > PASS Text parts are decoded when rendering >nil > PASS 8bit text parts are decoded when rendering >nil > PASS HTML parts are decoded when rendering >"/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T455-emacs-charsets/part" > PASS Text parts are not decoded when saving >"/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T455-emacs-charsets/part" > PASS 8bit text parts are not decoded when saving >"/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T455-emacs-charsets/part" > PASS HTML parts are not decoded when saving >"/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T455-emacs-charsets/part" > PASS Binary parts are not decoded when saving >nil > PASS Text message are not decoded when viewing >nil > PASS 8bit text message are not decoded when viewing > >T460-emacs-tree: Testing emacs tree view interface >nil > PASS Basic notmuch-tree view in emacs >nil > PASS Refreshed notmuch-tree view in emacs >nil > PASS Tag message in notmuch tree view (display) > PASS Tag message in notmuch tree view (database) >nil > PASS Untag message in notmuch tree view > PASS Untag message in notmuch tree view (database) >nil > PASS Tag thread in notmuch tree view > PASS Tag message in notmuch tree view (database) >nil > PASS Untag thread in notmuch tree view > PASS Untag message in notmuch tree view (database) >nil > PASS Navigation of notmuch-hello to search results >nil > PASS Tree view of a single thread (from search) >nil > PASS Tree view of a single thread (from show) >nil > PASS Message window of tree view > PASS Stash id > PASS Move to next matching message > PASS Move to next thread > PASS Move to previous thread > PASS Move to previous previous thread > >T470-missing-headers: Testing messages with missing headers > PASS Search: text > PASS Search: json > PASS Show: text > PASS Show: json > >T480-hex-escaping: Testing hex encoding and decoding > PASS round trip > PASS punctuation > PASS round trip newlines > PASS round trip 8bit chars > PASS round trip (in-place) > PASS punctuation (in-place) > PASS round trip newlines (in-place) > PASS round trip 8bit chars (in-place) > >T490-parse-time-string: Testing date/time parser module > PASS date(1) default format without TZ code > PASS date(1) --rfc-2822 format > PASS date(1) --rfc=3339=seconds format > PASS Date parser tests > PASS Second rounding tests > >T500-search-date: Testing date:since..until queries > PASS Absolute date range > PASS Absolute date range with 'same' operator > PASS Absolute date field > PASS Absolute time range with TZ > >T510-thread-replies: Testing test of proper handling of in-reply-to and references headers > PASS Use References when In-Reply-To is broken > PASS Prefer References to dodgy In-Reply-To > PASS Use In-Reply-To when no References > PASS Use last Reference when In-Reply-To is dodgy > PASS Ignore garbage at the end of References > PASS reply to ghost >nil > PASS reply to ghost (tree view) > PASS reply to ghost (RT) >nil > PASS reply to ghost (RT/tree view) >nil > PASS trusting reply-to (tree view) > >T520-show: Testing "notmuch show" >notmuch show: A Xapian exception occurred >A Xapian exception occurred parsing query: Unknown range operation >Query string was: foo.. > PASS exit code for show invalid query > >T550-db-features: Testing database version and feature compatibility > PASS future database versions abort open > PASS unknown 'rw' feature aborts read/write open > PASS unknown 'rw' feature aborts read-only open > PASS unknown 'w' feature aborts read/write open > PASS unknown 'w' feature does not abort read-only open > >T560-lib-error: Testing error reporting for library >No new mail. > PASS building database > PASS Open null pointer > PASS Open relative path > PASS Create database in relative path > PASS Open nonexistent database > PASS create NULL path > PASS Create database in nonexistent directory > PASS Write to read-only database >test8.c: In function 'main': >test8.c:13:30: warning: initialization discards 'const' qualifier from pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers] > 13 | char *status_string = notmuch_database_status_string (db); > | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > PASS Add non-existent file > PASS compact, overwriting existing backup > PASS Xapian exception finding message > PASS Xapian exception getting tags > PASS Xapian exception creating directory > PASS Xapian exception searching messages > PASS Xapian exception counting messages > >T562-lib-database: Testing notmuch_database_* API >No new mail. > PASS building database > PASS get status_string with closed db > PASS get path with closed db > PASS get version with closed db > PASS re-close a closed db > PASS destroy a closed db > PASS destroy an open db > PASS check a closed db for upgrade > PASS upgrade a closed db > PASS begin atomic section for a closed db > PASS end atomic section for a closed db >test11.c: In function 'main': >test11.c:22:19: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 2 has type 'long unsigned int' [-Wformat=] > 22 | printf ("%d\n", rev, uuid); > | ~^ ~~~ > | | | > | int long unsigned int > | %ld > PASS get revision for a closed db > PASS get directory for a closed db > PASS index file with a closed db > PASS index file (relative path) > PASS index file (absolute path outside mail root) > PASS remove message file with a closed db > PASS find message by filename with a closed db > PASS Handle getting tags from closed database >test19.c: In function 'main': >test19.c:19:56: warning: passing argument 3 of 'notmuch_database_get_config' from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] > 19 | stat = notmuch_database_get_config (db, "foo", &result); > | ^~~~~~~ > | | > | const char ** >In file included from test19.c:2: >/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/lib/notmuch.h:2258:78: note: expected 'char **' but argument is of type 'const char **' > 2258 | notmuch_database_get_config (notmuch_database_t *db, const char *key, char **value); > | ~~~~~~~^~~~~ > PASS get config from closed database > PASS set config in closed database > PASS get indexopts from closed database > PASS get decryption policy from closed database > PASS set decryption policy with closed database > >T563-lib-directory: Testing notmuch_directory_* API >No new mail. > PASS building database > PASS get child directories for a closed db > PASS get child filenames for a closed db > PASS delete directory document for a closed db > PASS get/set mtime of directory for a closed db > PASS get/set mtime of directory for a closed db > >T564-lib-query: Testing notmuch_query_* API >No new mail. > PASS building database > PASS roundtrip query string with closed db > PASS retrieve closed db from query > PASS set omit_excluded on closed db > PASS roundtrip sort on closed db > PASS add tag_exclude on closed db > PASS search threads on closed db > PASS search messages on closed db > PASS count messages on closed db > PASS count threads on closed db > PASS destroy query with closed db > >T566-lib-message: Testing API tests for notmuch_message_* >No new mail. > PASS building database > PASS Handle getting message-id from closed database > PASS Handle getting thread-id from closed database > PASS Handle getting header from closed database > PASS Handle getting replies from closed database > PASS Handle getting message filename from closed database > PASS Handle getting all message filenames from closed database > PASS iterate over all message filenames from closed database >test8.c: In function 'main': >test8.c:21:9: warning: 'notmuch_message_get_flag' is deprecated: function deprecated as of libnotmuch 5.3 [-Wdeprecated-declarations] > 21 | result = notmuch_message_get_flag (message, NOTMUCH_MESSAGE_FLAG_GHOST); > | ^~~~~~ >In file included from test8.c:2: >/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/lib/notmuch.h:1502:1: note: declared here > 1502 | notmuch_message_get_flag (notmuch_message_t *message, > | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > PASS Handle getting ghost flag from closed database > PASS Handle getting date from closed database > PASS Handle getting tags from closed database > PASS Handle counting files from closed database > PASS Handle adding tag with closed database > PASS Handle removing tag with closed database >test14.c: In function 'main': >test14.c:21:9: warning: 'notmuch_message_has_maildir_flag' is deprecated: function deprecated as of libnotmuch 5.3 [-Wdeprecated-declarations] > 21 | is_set = notmuch_message_has_maildir_flag (message, 'S'); > | ^~~~~~ >In file included from test14.c:2: >/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/lib/notmuch.h:1697:1: note: declared here > 1697 | notmuch_message_has_maildir_flag (notmuch_message_t *message, char flag); > | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > PASS Handle read maildir flag with closed database > PASS Handle checking maildir flag with closed db (new API) > PASS Handle converting maildir flags to tags with closed db > PASS Handle removing all tags with closed db > PASS Handle freezing message with closed db > PASS Handle thawing message with closed db > PASS Handle destroying message with closed db > PASS Handle retrieving closed db from message > PASS Handle reindexing message with closed db > >T568-lib-thread: Testing API tests for notmuch_thread_* >No new mail. > PASS building database > PASS get thread-id from closed database > PASS get total messages with closed database > PASS get total files with closed database > PASS get top level messages with closed database > PASS iterate over level messages with closed database > PASS iterate over level messages with closed database > PASS iterate over replies with closed database > PASS iterate over all messages with closed database > PASS get authors from closed database > PASS get subject from closed database > PASS oldest date from closed database > PASS newest date from closed database > PASS iterate tags from closed database > PASS collect tags with closed database > PASS destroy thread with closed database > >T570-revision-tracking: Testing database revision tracking > PASS notmuch_database_get_revision > PASS output of count matches test code > PASS modification count increases >thread:000000000000001c 2010-12-29 [1/1] François Boulogne; [aur-general] Guidelines: cp, mkdir vs install (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:000000000000001e 2010-12-16 [1/1] Olivier Berger; Essai accentué (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:000000000000001a 2009-11-18 [1/1] Chris Wilson; [notmuch] [PATCH 1/2] Makefile: evaluate pkg-config once (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000008 2009-11-18 [2/2] Alex Botero-Lowry, Carl Worth; [notmuch] [PATCH] Error out if no query is supplied to search instead of going into an infinite loop (a-random-tag-8743632 attachment inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000007 2009-11-18 [2/2] Ingmar Vanhassel, Carl Worth; [notmuch] [PATCH] Typsos (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000004 2009-11-18 [3/3] Adrian Perez de Castro, Keith Packard, Carl Worth; [notmuch] Introducing myself (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox signed unread) >thread:0000000000000003 2009-11-18 [3/3] Israel Herraiz, Keith Packard, Carl Worth; [notmuch] New to the list (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000019 2009-11-18 [3/3] Jan Janak, Carl Worth; [notmuch] What a great idea! (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000018 2009-11-18 [2/2] Jan Janak, Carl Worth; [notmuch] [PATCH] Older versions of install do not support -C. (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:000000000000000d 2009-11-18 [3/3(4)] Aron Griffis, Keith Packard, Carl Worth; [notmuch] archive (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000017 2009-11-18 [2/2] Keith Packard, Carl Worth; [notmuch] [PATCH] Make notmuch-show 'X' (and 'x') commands remove inbox (and unread) tags (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000009 2009-11-18 [7/7] Lars Kellogg-Stedman, Mikhail Gusarov, Keith Packard, Carl Worth; [notmuch] Working with Maildir storage? (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox signed unread) >thread:0000000000000014 2009-11-18 [5/5] Mikhail Gusarov, Carl Worth, Keith Packard; [notmuch] [PATCH 1/2] Close message file after parsing message headers (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000013 2009-11-18 [2/2] Keith Packard, Alexander Botero-Lowry; [notmuch] [PATCH] Create a default notmuch-show-hook that highlights URLs and uses word-wrap (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000012 2009-11-18 [1/1] Alexander Botero-Lowry; [notmuch] request for pull (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:000000000000000f 2009-11-18 [4/4] Jjgod Jiang, Alexander Botero-Lowry; [notmuch] Mac OS X/Darwin compatibility issues (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000011 2009-11-18 [1/1] Rolland Santimano; [notmuch] Link to mailing list archives ? (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000010 2009-11-18 [1/1] Jan Janak; [notmuch] [PATCH] notmuch new: Support for conversion of spool subdirectories into tags (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:000000000000000e 2009-11-18 [1/1] Stewart Smith; [notmuch] [PATCH] count_files: sort directory in inode order before statting (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000002 2009-11-18 [1/1] Stewart Smith; [notmuch] [PATCH 2/2] Read mail directory in inode number order (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000001 2009-11-18 [1/1] Stewart Smith; [notmuch] [PATCH] Fix linking with gcc to use g++ to link in C++ libs. (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000006 2009-11-18 [2/2] Lars Kellogg-Stedman; [notmuch] "notmuch help" outputs to stderr? (a-random-tag-8743632 attachment inbox signed unread) >thread:000000000000001f 2009-11-17 [1/1] Mikhail Gusarov; [notmuch] [PATCH] Handle rename of message file (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000005 2009-11-17 [2/2] Alex Botero-Lowry, Carl Worth; [notmuch] preliminary FreeBSD support (a-random-tag-8743632 attachment inbox unread) > PASS search succeeds with correct uuid >thread:000000000000001c 2010-12-29 [1/1] François Boulogne; [aur-general] Guidelines: cp, mkdir vs install (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:000000000000001e 2010-12-16 [1/1] Olivier Berger; Essai accentué (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:000000000000001a 2009-11-18 [1/1] Chris Wilson; [notmuch] [PATCH 1/2] Makefile: evaluate pkg-config once (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000008 2009-11-18 [2/2] Alex Botero-Lowry, Carl Worth; [notmuch] [PATCH] Error out if no query is supplied to search instead of going into an infinite loop (a-random-tag-8743632 attachment inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000007 2009-11-18 [2/2] Ingmar Vanhassel, Carl Worth; [notmuch] [PATCH] Typsos (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000004 2009-11-18 [3/3] Adrian Perez de Castro, Keith Packard, Carl Worth; [notmuch] Introducing myself (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox signed unread) >thread:0000000000000003 2009-11-18 [3/3] Israel Herraiz, Keith Packard, Carl Worth; [notmuch] New to the list (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000019 2009-11-18 [3/3] Jan Janak, Carl Worth; [notmuch] What a great idea! (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000018 2009-11-18 [2/2] Jan Janak, Carl Worth; [notmuch] [PATCH] Older versions of install do not support -C. (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:000000000000000d 2009-11-18 [3/3(4)] Aron Griffis, Keith Packard, Carl Worth; [notmuch] archive (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000017 2009-11-18 [2/2] Keith Packard, Carl Worth; [notmuch] [PATCH] Make notmuch-show 'X' (and 'x') commands remove inbox (and unread) tags (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000009 2009-11-18 [7/7] Lars Kellogg-Stedman, Mikhail Gusarov, Keith Packard, Carl Worth; [notmuch] Working with Maildir storage? (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox signed unread) >thread:0000000000000014 2009-11-18 [5/5] Mikhail Gusarov, Carl Worth, Keith Packard; [notmuch] [PATCH 1/2] Close message file after parsing message headers (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000013 2009-11-18 [2/2] Keith Packard, Alexander Botero-Lowry; [notmuch] [PATCH] Create a default notmuch-show-hook that highlights URLs and uses word-wrap (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000012 2009-11-18 [1/1] Alexander Botero-Lowry; [notmuch] request for pull (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:000000000000000f 2009-11-18 [4/4] Jjgod Jiang, Alexander Botero-Lowry; [notmuch] Mac OS X/Darwin compatibility issues (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000011 2009-11-18 [1/1] Rolland Santimano; [notmuch] Link to mailing list archives ? (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000010 2009-11-18 [1/1] Jan Janak; [notmuch] [PATCH] notmuch new: Support for conversion of spool subdirectories into tags (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:000000000000000e 2009-11-18 [1/1] Stewart Smith; [notmuch] [PATCH] count_files: sort directory in inode order before statting (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000002 2009-11-18 [1/1] Stewart Smith; [notmuch] [PATCH 2/2] Read mail directory in inode number order (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000001 2009-11-18 [1/1] Stewart Smith; [notmuch] [PATCH] Fix linking with gcc to use g++ to link in C++ libs. (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000006 2009-11-18 [2/2] Lars Kellogg-Stedman; [notmuch] "notmuch help" outputs to stderr? (a-random-tag-8743632 attachment inbox signed unread) >thread:000000000000001f 2009-11-17 [1/1] Mikhail Gusarov; [notmuch] [PATCH] Handle rename of message file (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >thread:0000000000000005 2009-11-17 [2/2] Alex Botero-Lowry, Carl Worth; [notmuch] preliminary FreeBSD support (a-random-tag-8743632 attachment inbox unread) > PASS uuid works as global option >Error: requested database revision this-is-no-uuid does not match ba646282-c713-4a7c-8f44-87e713ce5695 > PASS uuid works as global option II >Error: requested database revision this-is-no-uuid does not match ba646282-c713-4a7c-8f44-87e713ce5695 > PASS search fails with incorrect uuid >message{ id:4EFC743A.3060609@april.org depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/52:2, >header{ >"François Boulogne" <boulogne.f@gmail.com> (2010-12-29) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: Re: [aur-general] Guidelines: cp, mkdir vs install >From: "François Boulogne" <boulogne.f@gmail.com> >To: Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org>, "Discussion about the Arch User Repository (AUR)" <aur-general@archlinux.org> >Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2010 15:07:54 +0100 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >Le 29/12/2011 11:13, Allan McRae a écrit : >> On 29/12/11 19:56, François Boulogne wrote: >>> Hi, >>> >>> Looking to improve the quality of my packages, I read again the guidelines. >>> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Packaging_Standards >>> >>> However, it don't see anything about the install command like >>> install -d $pkgdir/usr/{bin,share/man/man1,share/locale} >>> >>> Some contributors on AUR use cp or mkdir to install files/dir (when no >>> makefile is provided) and others use install command. >>> >>> What's the opinion of TU on this point? >>> >> >> Use install with -m specifying the correct permissions >> > >Thank you Allan > > >-- >François Boulogne. >https://www.sciunto.org >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:877h1wv7mg.fsf@inf-8657.int-evry.fr depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/53:2, >header{ >Olivier Berger <olivier.berger@it-sudparis.eu> (2010-12-16) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: Essai accentué >From: Olivier Berger <olivier.berger@it-sudparis.eu> >To: olivier.berger@it-sudparis.eu >Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 16:49:59 +0100 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >Du texte accentué pour ça ... > >à la bonne heure ! >-- >Olivier BERGER >http://www-public.it-sudparis.eu/~berger_o/ - OpenPGP-Id: 2048R/5819D7E8 >Ingenieur Recherche - Dept INF >Institut TELECOM, SudParis (http://www.it-sudparis.eu/), Evry (France) > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:1258544095-16616-1-git-send-email-chris@chris-wilson.co.uk depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/50:2, >header{ >"Chris Wilson" <chris@chris-wilson.co.uk> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH 1/2] Makefile: evaluate pkg-config once >From: "Chris Wilson" <chris@chris-wilson.co.uk> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 11:34:54 +0000 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >Currently the same `pkg-config ...` is executed for every target, so >just store the results in a variable. >--- > Makefile | 9 +++++---- > 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile >index 96aaa73..023b2ec 100644 >--- a/Makefile >+++ b/Makefile >@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@ CFLAGS=-O2 > > # Additional flags that we will append to whatever the user set. > # These aren't intended for the user to manipulate. >-extra_cflags = `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0 gmime-2.4 talloc` >-extra_cxxflags = `xapian-config --cxxflags` >+extra_cflags := $(shell pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0 gmime-2.4 talloc) >+extra_cxxflags := $(shell xapian-config --cxxflags) > > # Now smash together user's values with our extra values > override CFLAGS += $(WARN_FLAGS) $(extra_cflags) > override CXXFLAGS += $(WARN_FLAGS) $(extra_cflags) $(extra_cxxflags) > >-override LDFLAGS += `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0 gmime-2.4 talloc` \ >- `xapian-config --libs` >+override LDFLAGS += \ >+ $(shell pkg-config --libs glib-2.0 gmime-2.4 talloc) \ >+ $(shell xapian-config --libs) > > # Include our local Makefile.local first so that its first target is default > include Makefile.local >-- > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:cf0c4d610911171623q3e27a0adx802e47039b57604b@mail.gmail.com depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/bar/cur/21:2, >header{ >Alex Botero-Lowry <alex.boterolowry@gmail.com> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 attachment inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH] Error out if no query is supplied to search instead of going into an infinite loop >From: Alex Botero-Lowry <alex.boterolowry@gmail.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 16:23:53 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: multipart/mixed >part{ ID: 2, Content-type: multipart/alternative >part{ ID: 3, Content-type: text/plain >In this case error out when no query is supplied. There seems to be an >infinite-loop casued by i think notmuch_query_search_threads having >an exception: > >A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> > >I'll look into that bug specifically a bit later. > >It might be better to do a usage instead of just throwing an error here? > >alex >part} >part{ ID: 4, Content-type: text/html >Non-text part: text/html >part} >part} >attachment{ ID: 5, Filename: 0001-Error-out-if-no-query-is-supplied-to-search-instead-.patch, Content-type: application/octet-stream >Non-text part: application/octet-stream >attachment} >part{ ID: 6, Content-type: text/plain >_______________________________________________ >notmuch mailing list >notmuch@notmuchmail.org >http://notmuchmail.org/mailman/listinfo/notmuch >part} >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:877htoqdbo.fsf@yoom.home.cworth.org depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/49:2, >header{ >"Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH] Error out if no query is supplied to search instead of going into an infinite loop >From: "Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 03:31:23 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 16:23:53 -0800, Alex Botero-Lowry <alex.boterolowry at gmail.com> wrote: >> In this case error out when no query is supplied. There seems to be an >> infinite-loop casued by i think notmuch_query_search_threads having >> an exception: >> A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >> A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >> A Xapian exception occurred: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> >> >> I'll look into that bug specifically a bit later. >> >> It might be better to do a usage instead of just throwing an error here? > >Definitely. > >Priit Laes reported the same thing in IRC and I've just committed a >patch to give a nice error message: > >$ ./notmuch search >Error: notmuch search requires at least one search term. > >Thanks for the report! > >-Carl > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:1258500222-32066-1-git-send-email-ingmar@exherbo.org depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/bar/cur/19:2, >header{ >"Ingmar Vanhassel" <ingmar@exherbo.org> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH] Typsos >From: "Ingmar Vanhassel" <ingmar@exherbo.org> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 00:23:42 +0100 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >--- > Makefile | 4 ++-- > README | 6 +++--- > gmime-filter-reply.h | 2 +- > lib/database.cc | 2 +- > lib/index.cc | 2 +- > lib/message.cc | 2 +- > lib/messages.c | 2 +- > lib/notmuch-private.h | 2 +- > lib/notmuch.h | 10 +++++----- > lib/sha1.c | 2 +- > lib/thread.cc | 2 +- > notmuch-completion.bash | 2 +- > notmuch-new.c | 4 ++-- > notmuch-search.c | 2 +- > notmuch.1 | 4 ++-- > notmuch.el | 10 +++++----- > show-message.c | 2 +- > 17 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile >index 436dacf..96aaa73 100644 >--- a/Makefile >+++ b/Makefile >@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ >-# Default FLAGS, (can be overriden by user such as "make CFLAGS=-O2") >+# Default FLAGS, (can be overridden by user such as "make CFLAGS=-O2") > WARN_FLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -Wmissing-declarations -Wwrite-strings -Wswitch-enum > CFLAGS=-O2 > >@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ override CXXFLAGS += $(WARN_FLAGS) $(extra_cflags) $(extra_cxxflags) > override LDFLAGS += `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0 gmime-2.4 talloc` \ > `xapian-config --libs` > >-# Include our local Makfile.local first so that its first target is default >+# Include our local Makefile.local first so that its first target is default > include Makefile.local > include lib/Makefile.local > >diff --git a/README b/README >index 40f05ab..27af77f 100644 >--- a/README >+++ b/README >@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Notmuch - thread-based email index, search and tagging. > Notmuch is a system for indexing, searching, reading, and tagging > large collections of email messages. It uses the Xapian library to > provide fast, full-text search of very large collection of email with >-a very convenient search syntas. >+a very convenient search syntax. > > Notmuch is free software, released under the GNU General Public > License version 3 (or later). >@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ obtaining a more sophisticated interface: > notmuch.el file in this distribution. > > If someone were to write a curses-based interface, or similar, >- it might also be reasonable to buil on the "notmuch" >+ it might also be reasonable to build on the "notmuch" > command-line interface. > > 2. Build on top of the notmuch library interface. >@@ -67,4 +67,4 @@ still in development. We would appreciate any contributions to these > efforts. > > >- >\ No newline at end of file >+ >diff --git a/gmime-filter-reply.h b/gmime-filter-reply.h >index 41cbc13..b7cbc6b 100644 >--- a/gmime-filter-reply.h >+++ b/gmime-filter-reply.h >@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ typedef struct _GMimeFilterReplyClass GMimeFilterReplyClass; > * @saw_nl: previous char was a \n > * @saw_angle: previous char was a > > * >- * A filter to insert/remove reply markers (lines begining with >) >+ * A filter to insert/remove reply markers (lines beginning with >) > **/ > struct _GMimeFilterReply { > GMimeFilter parent_object; >diff --git a/lib/database.cc b/lib/database.cc >index 3c8d626..27597cf 100644 >--- a/lib/database.cc >+++ b/lib/database.cc >@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ notmuch_status_to_string (notmuch_status_t status) > case NOTMUCH_STATUS_TAG_TOO_LONG: > return "Tag value is too long (exceeds NOTMUCH_TAG_MAX)"; > case NOTMUCH_STATUS_UNBALANCED_FREEZE_THAW: >- return "Unblanced number of calls to notmuch_message_freeze/thaw"; >+ return "Unbalanced number of calls to notmuch_message_freeze/thaw"; > default: > case NOTMUCH_STATUS_LAST_STATUS: > return "Unknown error status value"; >diff --git a/lib/index.cc b/lib/index.cc >index 65b83b3..80df64b 100644 >--- a/lib/index.cc >+++ b/lib/index.cc >@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ _index_mime_part (notmuch_message_t *message, > if (i == 1) > continue; > if (i > 1) >- fprintf (stderr, "Warning: Unexpected extra parts of mutlipart/signed. Indexing anyway.\n"); >+ fprintf (stderr, "Warning: Unexpected extra parts of multipart/signed. Indexing anyway.\n"); > } > _index_mime_part (message, > g_mime_multipart_get_part (multipart, i)); >diff --git a/lib/message.cc b/lib/message.cc >index a4b090b..1d6623f 100644 >--- a/lib/message.cc >+++ b/lib/message.cc >@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ _notmuch_message_create (const void *talloc_owner, > } > > /* Create a new notmuch_message_t object for a specific message ID, >- * (which may or may not already exist in the databas). >+ * (which may or may not already exist in the database). > * > * Here, 'talloc owner' is an optional talloc context to which the new > * message will belong. This allows for the caller to not bother >diff --git a/lib/messages.c b/lib/messages.c >index a588f8f..2f7c283 100644 >--- a/lib/messages.c >+++ b/lib/messages.c >@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ _notmuch_message_list_create (const void *ctx) > return list; > } > >-/* Append 'node' (which can of course point to an aribtrarily long >+/* Append 'node' (which can of course point to an arbitrarily long > * list of nodes) to the end of 'list'. > */ > void >diff --git a/lib/notmuch-private.h b/lib/notmuch-private.h >index 6036ce4..af82e58 100644 >--- a/lib/notmuch-private.h >+++ b/lib/notmuch-private.h >@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ notmuch_message_file_open (const char *filename); > notmuch_message_file_t * > _notmuch_message_file_open_ctx (void *ctx, const char *filename); > >-/* Close a notmuch message preivously opened with notmuch_message_open. */ >+/* Close a notmuch message previously opened with notmuch_message_open. */ > void > notmuch_message_file_close (notmuch_message_file_t *message); > >diff --git a/lib/notmuch.h b/lib/notmuch.h >index 32b5332..384c177 100644 >--- a/lib/notmuch.h >+++ b/lib/notmuch.h >@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ notmuch_database_get_timestamp (notmuch_database_t *database, > > /* Add a new message to the given notmuch database. > * >- * Here,'filename' should be a path relative to the the path of >+ * Here,'filename' should be a path relative to the path of > * 'database' (see notmuch_database_get_path), or else should be an > * absolute filename with initial components that match the path of > * 'database'. >@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ notmuch_database_add_message (notmuch_database_t *database, > const char *filename, > notmuch_message_t **message); > >-/* Find a message with the given messsage_id. >+/* Find a message with the given message_id. > * > * If the database contains a message with the given message_id, then > * a new notmuch_message_t object is returned. The caller should call >@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ notmuch_messages_advance (notmuch_messages_t *messages); > /* Destroy a notmuch_messages_t object. > * > * It's not strictly necessary to call this function. All memory from >- * the notmuch_messages_t object will be reclaimed when the containg >+ * the notmuch_messages_t object will be reclaimed when the containing > * query object is destroyed. > */ > void >@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ notmuch_tags_has_more (notmuch_tags_t *tags); > /* Get the current tag from 'tags' as a string. > * > * Note: The returned string belongs to 'tags' and has a lifetime >- * identical to it (and the query to which it utlimately belongs). >+ * identical to it (and the query to which it ultimately belongs). > * > * See the documentation of notmuch_message_get_tags for example code > * showing how to iterate over a notmuch_tags_t object. >@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ notmuch_tags_advance (notmuch_tags_t *tags); > /* Destroy a notmuch_tags_t object. > * > * It's not strictly necessary to call this function. All memory from >- * the notmuch_tags_t object will be reclaimed when the containg >+ * the notmuch_tags_t object will be reclaimed when the containing > * message or query objects are destroyed. > */ > void >diff --git a/lib/sha1.c b/lib/sha1.c >index ff4dd16..cc48108 100644 >--- a/lib/sha1.c >+++ b/lib/sha1.c >@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ _hex_of_sha1_digest (const unsigned char digest[SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE]) > return result; > } > >-/* Create a hexadcimal string version of the SHA-1 digest of 'str' >+/* Create a hexadecimal string version of the SHA-1 digest of 'str' > * (including its null terminating character). > * > * This function returns a newly allocated string which the caller >diff --git a/lib/thread.cc b/lib/thread.cc >index 4411d64..da58edc 100644 >--- a/lib/thread.cc >+++ b/lib/thread.cc >@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ _resolve_thread_relationships (unused (notmuch_thread_t *thread)) > * subject line, the total count of messages, and all authors). The > * second search is for all messages that are in the thread and that > * also match the given query_string. This is to allow for a separate >- * count of matched messages, and to allow a viewer to diplay these >+ * count of matched messages, and to allow a viewer to display these > * messages differently. > * > * Here, 'ctx' is talloc context for the resulting thread object. >diff --git a/notmuch-completion.bash b/notmuch-completion.bash >index ad55f6d..cdad05d 100644 >--- a/notmuch-completion.bash >+++ b/notmuch-completion.bash >@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ >-# Bash completion for notmutch >+# Bash completion for notmuch > # > # Copyright ?? 2009 Carl Worth > # >diff --git a/notmuch-new.c b/notmuch-new.c >index 83a05ba..5405a9f 100644 >--- a/notmuch-new.c >+++ b/notmuch-new.c >@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ add_files (notmuch_database_t *notmuch, > > /* XXX: This should be merged with the add_files function since it > * shares a lot of logic with it. */ >-/* Recursively count all regular files in path and all sub-direcotries >+/* Recursively count all regular files in path and all sub-directories > * of path. The result is added to *count (which should be > * initialized to zero by the top-level caller before calling > * count_files). */ >@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ notmuch_new_command (void *ctx, > > if (elapsed > 1 && ! add_files_state.saw_read_only_directory) { > printf ("\nTip: If you have any sub-directories that are archives (that is,\n" >- "they will never receive new mail), marking these directores as\n" >+ "they will never receive new mail), marking these directories as\n" > "read-only (chmod u-w /path/to/dir) will make \"notmuch new\"\n" > "much more efficient (it won't even look in those directories).\n"); > } >diff --git a/notmuch-search.c b/notmuch-search.c >index 8db09c7..ac81372 100644 >--- a/notmuch-search.c >+++ b/notmuch-search.c >@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ notmuch_search_command (void *ctx, int argc, char *argv[]) > > query_str = query_string_from_args (ctx, argc, argv); > if (query_str == NULL) { >- fprintf (stderr, "Out of moemory.\n"); >+ fprintf (stderr, "Out of memory.\n"); > return 1; > } > >diff --git a/notmuch.1 b/notmuch.1 >index 6c3d10f..86d5f59 100644 >--- a/notmuch.1 >+++ b/notmuch.1 >@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ archives, and will then proceed to build a database that indexes the > mail to allow for fast search of the archive. > > This directory can contain any number of sub-directories and should >-primarily contain only files with indvidual email messages >+primarily contain only files with individual email messages > (eg. maildir or mh archives are perfect). If there are other, > non-email files (such as indexes maintained by other email programs) > then notmuch will do its best to detect those and ignore them. >@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ Constructs a reply template for a set of messages. > > See the documentation of > .B search >-for deatils of the supported syntax of search terms. >+for details of the supported syntax of search terms. > > To make replying to email easier, > .B notmuch reply >diff --git a/notmuch.el b/notmuch.el >index 8894a8e..7e01ed6 100644 >--- a/notmuch.el >+++ b/notmuch.el >@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ Unlike builtin `next-line' this version accepts no arguments." > (defun notmuch-show-mark-read-then-archive-thread () > "Remove \"unread\" tag from each message, then archive and show next thread. > >-Archive each message currrently shown by removing the \"unread\" >+Archive each message currently shown by removing the \"unread\" > and \"inbox\" tag from each. Then kill this buffer and show the > next thread from the search from which this thread was originally > shown. >@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ buffer." > (defun notmuch-show-archive-thread () > "Archive each message in thread, and show next thread from search. > >-Archive each message currrently shown by removing the \"inbox\" >+Archive each message currently shown by removing the \"inbox\" > tag from each. Then kill this buffer and show the next thread > from the search from which this thread was originally shown. > >@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ there are no more unread messages past the current point." > (notmuch-show-next-message))) > > (defun notmuch-show-next-open-message () >- "Advance to the the next message which is not hidden. >+ "Advance to the next message which is not hidden. > > If read messages are currently hidden, advance to the next unread > message. Otherwise, advance to the next message." >@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ thread from that buffer can be show when done with this one)." > ))) > > (defvar notmuch-search-authors-width 40 >- "Number of columns to use to diplay authors in a notmuch-search buffer.") >+ "Number of columns to use to display authors in a notmuch-search buffer.") > > (defvar notmuch-search-mode-map > (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) >@@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ the beginning of the buffer). > > This command toggles the sort order for the current search. > >-Note that any fitlered searches created by >+Note that any filtered searches created by > `notmuch-search-filter' retain the search order of the parent > search." > (interactive) >diff --git a/show-message.c b/show-message.c >index 79b02e2..38f5897 100644 >--- a/show-message.c >+++ b/show-message.c >@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ show_message_part (GMimeObject *part, int *part_count, > if (i == 1) > continue; > if (i > 1) >- fprintf (stderr, "Warning: Unexpected extra parts of mutlipart/signed. Continuing.\n"); >+ fprintf (stderr, "Warning: Unexpected extra parts of multipart/signed. Continuing.\n"); > } > show_message_part (g_mime_multipart_get_part (multipart, i), > part_count, show_part); >-- > > > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:878we4qdqf.fsf@yoom.home.cworth.org depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/48:2, >header{ >"Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH] Typsos >From: "Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 03:22:32 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 00:23:42 +0100, Ingmar Vanhassel <ingmar at exherbo.org> wrote: >> 17 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) > >Yikes. That's a lot of typos. > >Thanks Ingmar, for cleaning up after my sloppy keyboarding. Pushed. > >-Carl > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:20091118002059.067214ed@hikari depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/bar/cur/20:2, >header{ >Adrian Perez de Castro <aperez@igalia.com> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox signed unread) >Subject: [notmuch] Introducing myself >From: Adrian Perez de Castro <aperez@igalia.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 00:20:59 +0100 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: multipart/mixed >part{ ID: 2, Content-type: multipart/signed >part{ ID: 3, Content-type: text/plain > >Hello to all, > >I have just heard about Not Much today in some random Linux-related news >site (LWN?), my name is Adrian Perez and I work as systems administrator >(although I can do some code as well :P). I have always thought that the >ideas behind Sup were great, but after some time using it, I got tired of >the oddities that it has. I also do not like doing things like having to >install Ruby just for reading and sorting mails. Some time ago I thought >about doing something like Not Much and in fact I played a bit with the >Python+Xapian and the Python+Whoosh combinations, because I find relaxing >to code things in Python when I am not working and also it is installed >by default on most distribution. I got to have some mailboxes indexed and >basic searching working a couple of months ago. Lately I have been very >busy and had no time for coding, and them... boom! Not Much appears -- and >it is almost exactly what I was trying to do, but faster. I have been >playing a bit with Not Much today, and I think it has potential. > >Also, I would like to share one idea I had in mind, that you might find >interesting: One thing I have found very annoying is having to re-tag my >mail when the indexes get b0rked (it happened a couple of times to me while >using Sup), so I was planning to mails as read/unread and adding the tags >not just to the index, but to the mail text itself, e.g. by adding a >"X-Tags" header field or by reusing the "Keywords" one. This way, the index >could be totally recreated by re-reading the mail directories, and this >would also allow to a tools like OfflineIMAP [1] to get the mails into a >local maildir, tagging and indexing the mails with the e-mail reader and >then syncing back the messages with the "X-Tags" header to the IMAP server. >This would allow to use the mail reader from a different computer and still >have everything tagged finely. > >Best regards, > > >--- >[1] http://software.complete.org/software/projects/show/offlineimap > >-- >Adrian Perez de Castro <aperez@igalia.com> >Igalia - Free Software Engineering >part} >attachment{ ID: 4, Filename: signature.asc, Content-type: application/pgp-signature >Non-text part: application/pgp-signature >attachment} >part} >part{ ID: 5, Content-type: text/plain >_______________________________________________ >notmuch mailing list >notmuch@notmuchmail.org >http://notmuchmail.org/mailman/listinfo/notmuch >part} >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:yun1vjwegii.fsf@aiko.keithp.com depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/bar/baz/cur/28:2, >header{ >"Keith Packard" <keithp@keithp.com> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] Introducing myself >From: "Keith Packard" <keithp@keithp.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 18:03:17 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 00:20:59 +0100, Adrian Perez de Castro <aperez at igalia.com> wrote: > >> Some time ago I thought >> about doing something like Not Much and in fact I played a bit with the >> Python+Xapian and the Python+Whoosh combinations, because I find relaxing >> to code things in Python when I am not working and also it is installed >> by default on most distribution. I got to have some mailboxes indexed and >> basic searching working a couple of months ago. > >Sup certainly started a lot of people thinking... > >> Also, I would like to share one idea I had in mind, that you might find >> interesting: One thing I have found very annoying is having to re-tag my >> mail when the indexes get b0rked (it happened a couple of times to me while >> using Sup), so I was planning to mails as read/unread and adding the tags >> not just to the index, but to the mail text itself, e.g. by adding a >> "X-Tags" header field or by reusing the "Keywords" one. > >Easier than that, notmuch (and sup too), provide a 'dump' command which >just lists all of the message IDs and their associated tags. Makes >saving tags easy and doesn't involve rewriting messages. I do this once >a day just before my computer is backed up to an external drive. > >If the index is destroyed, you can reindex the messages and then reapply >all of the tags with 'notmuch restore'. > >-- >keith.packard at intel.com > > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:87aaykqe24.fsf@yoom.home.cworth.org depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/47:2, >header{ >"Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] Introducing myself >From: "Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 03:15:31 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 00:20:59 +0100, Adrian Perez de Castro <aperez at igalia.com> wrote: >> I have just heard about Not Much today in some random Linux-related news >> site (LWN?), my name is Adrian Perez and I work as systems administrator > >Welcome to notmuch, Adrian! We're glad to have you here. > >> by default on most distribution. I got to have some mailboxes indexed and >> basic searching working a couple of months ago. Lately I have been very >> busy and had no time for coding, and them... boom! Not Much appears -- and >> it is almost exactly what I was trying to do, but faster. I have been >> playing a bit with Not Much today, and I think it has potential. > >It's funny, because I had the exact same experience with sup a couple of >months ago. I had been frustrated for years with email programs, and had >been thinking about how I'd like things to work n the back of my mind >for a long time, (but never *quite* getting to the point where I would >commit to writing an email system myself). > >And then... boom! I found sup and was instantly hooked. It had so much >of what I had imagined, (and much of what I hadn't yet imagined) that I >was quite delighted. > >It was really quite by accident that I ended up inventing a different >system. I had started out just trying to speedup index creation for sup. >If I hadn't run into the problem that it was very difficult[*] to create a >sup-compatible index from C code, I might have stopped there. > >So I'd written a bunch of functional code, only to find myself stuck at >the very last step, (hooking it up to the existing sup interface). Then >Keith suggested emacs and it all seemed pretty easy since I'd already >done all the Xapian work. So it's funny, I was only willing to commit to >this project because I wasn't consciously aware I was working on it. >Otherwise it would have seemed to overwhelming to start. :-) > >Anyway, that's a lot of off-topic rambling off of your introduction. But >I'm glad that notmuch can now give that same "boom!" to others, and I'm >glad you see potential in it. > >> Also, I would like to share one idea I had in mind, that you might find >> interesting: One thing I have found very annoying is having to re-tag my >> mail when the indexes get b0rked (it happened a couple of times to me while >> using Sup), so I was planning to mails as read/unread and adding the tags >> not just to the index, but to the mail text itself, e.g. by adding a >> "X-Tags" header field or by reusing the "Keywords" one. This way, the index >> could be totally recreated by re-reading the mail directories, and this >> would also allow to a tools like OfflineIMAP [1] to get the mails into a >> local maildir, tagging and indexing the mails with the e-mail reader and >> then syncing back the messages with the "X-Tags" header to the IMAP server. >> This would allow to use the mail reader from a different computer and still >> have everything tagged finely. > >It is an interesting idea. But there's also something really comforting >about the email indexed never modifying the mail files. If you're >reading the notmuch commit logs closely you'll see that I'm not actually >careful enough to be trusted with your mail (but I try). So I like that >I don't even have to trust myself---the worst that happens is that I >have to recreate my index. > >And as Keith mentioned, we've got the "notmuch dump; notmuch restore" >idea working exactly as it did in sup. (Though I am thinking of also >adding thread IDs to that now---more on that later.) > >The big annoyance I had with sup index creation, (I ended up having to >do it more than once too), was that it takes *forever*. Right now, >notmuch is a little bit faster, but not a lot faster. And I've got some >ideas to fix that. It would be really nice if index creation were pain >free. (And maybe it is for some user with small amounts of mail---oh, to >have only 40000 messages to have to index!). > >-Carl > >[*] The problem here is that sup puts serialized ruby data structures >into the data field of its Xapian documents. So being compatible with >sup means being able to recreate serialized data structures for a >particular version of ruby. > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:1258498485-sup-142@elly depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/bar/17:2, >header{ >"Israel Herraiz" <isra@herraiz.org> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] New to the list >From: "Israel Herraiz" <isra@herraiz.org> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 23:57:18 +0100 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >Hi all, > >I have subscribed to the list. As suggested by the welcome message, I >am introducing myself. My name is Israel Herraiz, and I have done a >couple of contributions to Sup, the probably well-known here e-mail >client. > >"Not much" sounds interesting, and I wonder whether it could be >integrated with the views of Sup (inbox, threads, etc). So I have >subscribed to the list to keep an eye on what's going on here. > >I have just heard of "Not much". I have not even tried to download the >code yet. > >Cheers, >Israel > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:yun3a4cegoa.fsf@aiko.keithp.com depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/bar/baz/cur/27:2, >header{ >"Keith Packard" <keithp@keithp.com> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] New to the list >From: "Keith Packard" <keithp@keithp.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 17:59:49 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 23:57:18 +0100, Israel Herraiz <isra at herraiz.org> wrote: > >> "Not much" sounds interesting, and I wonder whether it could be >> integrated with the views of Sup (inbox, threads, etc). So I have >> subscribed to the list to keep an eye on what's going on here. > >We've tried to clone much of the sup UI inside emacs, including the >inbox and threaded message presentation. Of course, we had to "improve" >it a bit, as much due to the differences between curses and emacs as due >to personal preferences... > >-keith > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:87bpj0qeng.fsf@yoom.home.cworth.org depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/46:2, >header{ >"Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] New to the list >From: "Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 03:02:43 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 23:57:18 +0100, Israel Herraiz <isra at herraiz.org> wrote: >> I have subscribed to the list. As suggested by the welcome message, I >> am introducing myself. My name is Israel Herraiz, and I have done a >> couple of contributions to Sup, the probably well-known here e-mail >> client. > >Welcome, Israel! > >I'm glad people read that little bit of text in the welcome email and >are introducing themselves. I like to think of our new notmuch community >as a very personable place. > >> "Not much" sounds interesting, and I wonder whether it could be >> integrated with the views of Sup (inbox, threads, etc). So I have >> subscribed to the list to keep an eye on what's going on here. >> >> I have just heard of "Not much". I have not even tried to download the >> code yet. > >Yes, take a look. If you're already an emacs user, then you'll find the >interface of notmuch very comfortable, (looks a lot like sup, but lives >inside of emacs). Even outside of emacs, the command line interface of >notmuch gives view *fairly* similar to those of sup: > > notmuch search tag:inbox # Very much like sup's inbox > > notmuch show thread:some-thread-id # A lot like sup's thread -view > >The command-line output right now isn't nearly as neat as sup's, (it >doesn't elide comments--it doesn't do the indenting of threads, etc.), >even though the command-line interface has all the information it needs >to do that. The reason for that is to let the emacs code own most of the >formatting, (so that it can be more flexible--such as making hidden >things visible, changing column widths, etc.). > >But one thing I wonder is if there would be situations where it would >make sense to get the cleaner output directly out of the command-line >tool. > >For example, for someone who isn't an emacs user, the command-line >interface might be their only introduction to what the "notmuch >experience" is like. So maybe "notmuch show" should give nice clean >output by default and then the emacs code could call "notmuch show >--format=emacs-friendly" or something to get the current output. > >That's an idea anyway. > >-Carl > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:f35dbb950911171435ieecd458o853c873e35f4be95@mail.gmail.com depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/foo/baz/cur/15:2, >header{ >"Jan Janak" <jan@ryngle.com> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] What a great idea! >From: "Jan Janak" <jan@ryngle.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 23:35:30 +0100 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >Hello, > >First of all, notmuch is a wonderful idea, both the cmdline tool and >the emacs interface! Thanks a lot for writing it, I was really excited >when I read the announcement today. > >Have you considered sending an announcement to the org-mode mailing list? >http://org-mode.org > >Various ways of searching/referencing emails from emacs were discussed >there several times and none of them were as elegant as notmuch (not >even close). Maybe notmuch would attract some of the developers >there.. > > -- Jan > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:f35dbb950911171438k5df6eb56k77b6c0944e2e79ae@mail.gmail.com depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/foo/baz/cur/16:2, >header{ >"Jan Janak" <jan@ryngle.com> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] What a great idea! >From: "Jan Janak" <jan@ryngle.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 23:38:47 +0100 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 11:35 PM, Jan Janak <jan at ryngle.com> wrote: >> Hello, >> >> First of all, notmuch is a wonderful idea, both the cmdline tool and >> the emacs interface! Thanks a lot for writing it, I was really excited >> when I read the announcement today. >> >> Have you considered sending an announcement to the org-mode mailing list? >> http://org-mode.org > >Sorry, wrong URL, the correct one is: http://orgmode.org > >> Various ways of searching/referencing emails from emacs were discussed >> there several times and none of them were as elegant as notmuch (not >> even close). Maybe notmuch would attract some of the developers >> there.. > > -- Jan > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:87fx8cqf8v.fsf@yoom.home.cworth.org depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/45:2, >header{ >"Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] What a great idea! >From: "Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 02:49:52 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 23:35:30 +0100, Jan Janak <jan at ryngle.com> wrote: >> First of all, notmuch is a wonderful idea, both the cmdline tool and >> the emacs interface! Thanks a lot for writing it, I was really excited >> when I read the announcement today. > >Ah, here's where I planned a nice welcome. So welcome (again), Jan! :-) > >I've been having a lot of fun with notmuch already, (though there have >been some days of pain before it was functional enough and my >email-reply latency went way up). But regardless---I got through that, >and I'm able to work more efficiently with notmuch now than I could with >sup before. So I'm happy. > >And I'm delighted when other people find this interesting as well. > >> Have you considered sending an announcement to the org-mode mailing list? >> http://orgmode.org > >Thanks for the idea. I think I may have looked into org-mode years ago, >(when I was investigating planner-mode and various emacs "personal wiki" >systems for keeping random notes and what-not). > >> Various ways of searching/referencing emails from emacs were discussed >> there several times and none of them were as elegant as notmuch (not >> even close). Maybe notmuch would attract some of the developers >> there.. > >Yeah. I'll drop them a mail. Having a real emacs wizard on board would >be nice. (I'm afraid the elisp I've written so far for this project is >fairly grim.) > >-Carl > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:1258496327-12086-1-git-send-email-jan@ryngle.com depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/foo/baz/cur/14:2, >header{ >"Jan Janak" <jan@ryngle.com> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH] Older versions of install do not support -C. >From: "Jan Janak" <jan@ryngle.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 23:18:47 +0100 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >Do not use -C cmdline option of install, older versions, commonly found in >distributions like Debian, do not seem to support it. Running make install >on such systems (tested on Debian Lenny) fails. > >Signed-off-by: Jan Janak <jan at ryngle.com> >--- > Makefile.local | 8 ++++---- > 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/Makefile.local b/Makefile.local >index f824bed..f51f1d1 100644 >--- a/Makefile.local >+++ b/Makefile.local >@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ install: all notmuch.1.gz > for d in $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/ $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/man/man1 \ > $(DESTDIR)/etc/bash_completion.d/ ; \ > do \ >- install -C -d $$d ; \ >+ install -d $$d ; \ > done ; >- install -C notmuch $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/ >- install -C -m0644 notmuch.1.gz $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/man/man1/ >- install -C notmuch-completion.bash \ >+ install notmuch $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/ >+ install -m0644 notmuch.1.gz $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/man/man1/ >+ install notmuch-completion.bash \ > $(DESTDIR)/etc/bash_completion.d/notmuch > > SRCS := $(SRCS) $(notmuch_client_srcs) >-- > > > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:87hbssqfix.fsf@yoom.home.cworth.org depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/44:2, >header{ >"Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH] Older versions of install do not support -C. >From: "Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 02:43:50 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 23:18:47 +0100, Jan Janak <jan at ryngle.com> wrote: >> Do not use -C cmdline option of install, older versions, commonly found in >> distributions like Debian, do not seem to support it. Running make install >> on such systems (tested on Debian Lenny) fails. >> >> Signed-off-by: Jan Janak <jan at ryngle.com> > >Thanks, Jan. This is pushed now. > >And did I say welcome to notmuch yet? (It's easy to lose track with all >the newcomers---which I'm not complaining about---especially since so >many are sharing code.) > >-Carl > >PS. I actually really like the behavior of -C (especially when >installing a low-level library to avoid big waterfalls of needless >recompiles). But since we're *not* actually installing a library (yet) >I'm happy with this patch rather than writing code in configure to check >if "install -C" works or not. > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:20091117232137.GA7669@griffis1.net depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/51:2, >header{ >"Aron Griffis" <agriffis@n01se.net> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] archive >From: "Aron Griffis" <agriffis@n01se.net> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 18:21:38 -0500 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >Just subscribed, I'd like to catch up on the previous postings, >but the archive link seems to be bogus? > >Thanks, >Aron > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:yunzl6kd1w0.fsf@aiko.keithp.com depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/29:2, >header{ >"Keith Packard" <keithp@keithp.com> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] archive >From: "Keith Packard" <keithp@keithp.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 18:04:31 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 18:21:38 -0500, Aron Griffis <agriffis at n01se.net> wrote: > >> Just subscribed, I'd like to catch up on the previous postings, >> but the archive link seems to be bogus? > >Yeah, the archive appears broken and will need to wait until Carl >arrives in Barcelona to get fixed. > >-- >keith.packard at intel.com > > > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:87iqd8qgiz.fsf@yoom.home.cworth.org depth:2 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/43:2, >header{ >"Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] archive >From: "Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 02:22:12 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 18:04:31 -0800, Keith Packard <keithp at keithp.com> wrote: >> On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 18:21:38 -0500, Aron Griffis <agriffis at n01se.net> wrote: >> >> > Just subscribed, I'd like to catch up on the previous postings, >> > but the archive link seems to be bogus? >> >> Yeah, the archive appears broken and will need to wait until Carl >> arrives in Barcelona to get fixed. > >Fixed it in transit in Frankfurt---with only moments to spare on my >battery and no outlets in sight. > >Thanks for the report, Aron. And welcome to notmuch! > >-Carl (who wants to reply to a lot more mail, but will have to wait > until later for that) > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:1258493565-13508-1-git-send-email-keithp@keithp.com depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/foo/baz/cur/13:2, >header{ >"Keith Packard" <keithp@keithp.com> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH] Make notmuch-show 'X' (and 'x') commands remove inbox (and unread) tags >From: "Keith Packard" <keithp@keithp.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 13:32:45 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >When closing a thread view, mark the thread as archived by removing >the "inbox" tag, and for the 'x' variant, the "unread" tag as well, >then kill the buffer and update the search window view as well. > >This makes 'x' much the same as 'a', but instead of taking you to the >next message, it takes you back to the search window instead. > >Signed-off-by: Keith Packard <keithp at keithp.com> >--- > notmuch.el | 86 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------- > 1 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/notmuch.el b/notmuch.el >index 638d49d..7b0d72c 100644 >--- a/notmuch.el >+++ b/notmuch.el >@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ > ; Will be much preferable to switch to direct manipulation for > ; toggling visibility of these components. Probably using > ; overlays-at to query and manipulate the current overlay. >- (define-key map "a" 'notmuch-show-archive-thread) >- (define-key map "A" 'notmuch-show-mark-read-then-archive-thread) >+ (define-key map "a" 'notmuch-show-mark-read-archive-thread-next-thread) >+ (define-key map "A" 'notmuch-show-archive-thread-next-thread) > (define-key map "b" 'notmuch-show-toggle-body-read-visible) > (define-key map "c" 'notmuch-show-toggle-citations-visible) > (define-key map "h" 'notmuch-show-toggle-headers-visible) >@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ > (define-key map "s" 'notmuch-show-toggle-signatures-visible) > (define-key map "v" 'notmuch-show-view-all-mime-parts) > (define-key map "w" 'notmuch-show-view-raw-message) >- (define-key map "x" 'kill-this-buffer) >+ (define-key map "x" 'notmuch-show-mark-read-archive-thread-kill-buffer) >+ (define-key map "X" 'notmuch-show-archive-thread-kill-buffer) > (define-key map "+" 'notmuch-show-add-tag) > (define-key map "-" 'notmuch-show-remove-tag) > (define-key map (kbd "DEL") 'notmuch-show-rewind) >@@ -183,7 +184,33 @@ Unlike builtin `next-line' this version accepts no arguments." > (cons (notmuch-show-get-message-id) nil))) > (notmuch-show-set-tags (sort (set-difference tags toremove :test 'string=) 'string<)))))) > >-(defun notmuch-show-archive-thread-maybe-mark-read (markread) >+(defun notmuch-show-next-thread (markread) >+ (let ((parent-buffer notmuch-show-parent-buffer)) >+ (kill-this-buffer) >+ (if parent-buffer >+ (progn >+ (switch-to-buffer parent-buffer) >+ (forward-line) >+ (notmuch-search-show-thread))))) >+ >+(defun notmuch-delete-tags (to-remove from) >+ (if to-remove >+ (delete (car to-remove) (notmuch-delete-tags (cdr to-remove) from)) >+ from)) >+ >+(defun notmuch-kill-message-buffer (markread) >+ (let ((parent-buffer notmuch-show-parent-buffer)) >+ (kill-this-buffer) >+ (if parent-buffer >+ (progn >+ (switch-to-buffer parent-buffer) >+ (let ((tags (notmuch-search-get-tags))) >+ (setq tags (delete "inbox" tags)) >+ (if markread (setq tags (delete "unread" tags))) >+ (notmuch-search-set-tags tags)) >+ (forward-line))))) >+ >+(defun notmuch-show-archive-thread-maybe-mark-read (markread shownext) > (save-excursion > (goto-char (point-min)) > (while (not (eobp)) >@@ -194,15 +221,9 @@ Unlike builtin `next-line' this version accepts no arguments." > (forward-char)) > (if (not (re-search-forward notmuch-show-message-begin-regexp nil t)) > (goto-char (point-max))))) >- (let ((parent-buffer notmuch-show-parent-buffer)) >- (kill-this-buffer) >- (if parent-buffer >- (progn >- (switch-to-buffer parent-buffer) >- (forward-line) >- (notmuch-search-show-thread))))) >+ (if shownext (notmuch-show-next-thread markread) (notmuch-kill-message-buffer markread))) > >-(defun notmuch-show-mark-read-then-archive-thread () >+(defun notmuch-show-mark-read-archive-thread-next-thread () > "Remove \"unread\" tag from each message, then archive and show next thread. > > Archive each message currrently shown by removing the \"unread\" >@@ -215,9 +236,22 @@ being delivered to the same thread. It does not archive the > entire thread, but only the messages shown in the current > buffer." > (interactive) >- (notmuch-show-archive-thread-maybe-mark-read t)) >+ (notmuch-show-archive-thread-maybe-mark-read t t)) >+ >+(defun notmuch-show-mark-read-archive-thread-kill-buffer () >+ "Remove \"unread\" tag from each message, then archive and kill the buffer. >+ >+Archive each message currrently shown by removing the \"unread\" >+and \"inbox\" tag from each. Then kill this buffer. >+ >+Note: This command is safe from any race condition of new messages >+being delivered to the same thread. It does not archive the >+entire thread, but only the messages shown in the current >+buffer." >+ (interactive) >+ (notmuch-show-archive-thread-maybe-mark-read t nil)) > >-(defun notmuch-show-archive-thread () >+(defun notmuch-show-archive-thread-next-thread () > "Archive each message in thread, and show next thread from search. > > Archive each message currrently shown by removing the \"inbox\" >@@ -229,7 +263,20 @@ being delivered to the same thread. It does not archive the > entire thread, but only the messages shown in the current > buffer." > (interactive) >- (notmuch-show-archive-thread-maybe-mark-read nil)) >+ (notmuch-show-archive-thread-maybe-mark-read nil t)) >+ >+(defun notmuch-show-archive-thread-kill-buffer () >+ "Archive each message in thread, and kill the thread buffer. >+ >+Archive each message currrently shown by removing the \"inbox\" >+tag from each. Then kill this buffer. >+ >+Note: This command is safe from any race condition of new messages >+being delivered to the same thread. It does not archive the >+entire thread, but only the messages shown in the current >+buffer." >+ (interactive) >+ (notmuch-show-archive-thread-maybe-mark-read nil t)) > > (defun notmuch-show-view-raw-message () > "View the raw email of the current message." >@@ -297,7 +344,7 @@ by searching backward)." > (not (re-search-forward notmuch-show-message-begin-regexp nil t))))) > > (defun notmuch-show-message-unread-p () >- "Preficate testing whether current message is unread." >+ "Predicate testing whether current message is unread." > (member "unread" (notmuch-show-get-tags))) > > (defun notmuch-show-next-message () >@@ -434,7 +481,7 @@ which this thread was originally shown." > (let ((last (notmuch-show-last-message-p))) > (notmuch-show-mark-read-then-next-open-message) > (if last >- (notmuch-show-archive-thread)))))) >+ (notmuch-show-archive-thread-next-thread)))))) > > (defun notmuch-show-markup-citations-region (beg end depth) > (goto-char beg) >@@ -618,8 +665,9 @@ messages. Each time you navigate away from a message with > > You can add or remove tags from the current message with '+' and > '-'. You can also archive all messages in the current >-view, (remove the \"inbox\" tag from each), with >-`notmuch-show-archive-thread' (bound to 'a' by default). >+view, (remove the \"inbox\" tag from each), with either >+`notmuch-show-archive-thread-next-thread' (bound to 'a' by default) or >+`notmuch-show-archive-thread-kill-buffer' (bound to 'x' by default). > > \\{notmuch-show-mode-map}" > (interactive) >-- > > > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:87k4xoqgnl.fsf@yoom.home.cworth.org depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/42:2, >header{ >"Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH] Make notmuch-show 'X' (and 'x') commands remove inbox (and unread) tags >From: "Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 02:19:26 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 13:32:45 -0800, Keith Packard <keithp at keithp.com> wrote: >> When closing a thread view, mark the thread as archived by removing >> the "inbox" tag, and for the 'x' variant, the "unread" tag as well, >> then kill the buffer and update the search window view as well. >> >> This makes 'x' much the same as 'a', but instead of taking you to the >> next message, it takes you back to the search window instead. > >I don't like this---but that's because I use 'x' precisely *because* it >preserves these tags. > >Otherwise, you might as well just remove inbox and unread as soon as the >message is presented to the user. And that's a bug in a lot of other >email programs that I'm unwilling to replicate. > >We may run into a need to define different ways that people like to work >with their email here. (I know that so far I've just been coding up the >way I want my mail to work.) > >-Carl > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:20091117190054.GU3165@dottiness.seas.harvard.edu depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/foo/cur/03:2, >header{ >Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@seas.harvard.edu> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox signed unread) >Subject: [notmuch] Working with Maildir storage? >From: Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@seas.harvard.edu> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 14:00:54 -0500 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: multipart/mixed >part{ ID: 2, Content-type: multipart/signed >part{ ID: 3, Content-type: text/plain >I saw the LWN article and decided to take a look at notmuch. I'm >currently using mutt and mairix to index and read a collection of >Maildir mail folders (around 40,000 messages total). > >notmuch indexed the messages without complaint, but my attempt at >searching bombed out. Running, for example: > > notmuch search storage > >Resulted in 4604 lines of errors along the lines of: > > Error opening > /home/lars/Mail/read-messages.2008/cur/1246413773.24928_27334.hostname,U=3026:2,S: > Too many open files > >I'm curious if this is expected behavior (i.e., notmuch does not work >with Maildir) or if something else is going on. > >Cheers, > >-- >Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@seas.harvard.edu> >Senior Technologist, Computing and Information Technology >Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences > >part} >part{ ID: 4, Content-type: application/pgp-signature >Non-text part: application/pgp-signature >part} >part} >part{ ID: 5, Content-type: text/plain >_______________________________________________ >notmuch mailing list >notmuch@notmuchmail.org >http://notmuchmail.org/mailman/listinfo/notmuch >part} >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:87iqd9rn3l.fsf@vertex.dottedmag depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/04:2, >header{ >Mikhail Gusarov <dottedmag@dottedmag.net> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox signed unread) >Subject: Re: [notmuch] Working with Maildir storage? >From: Mikhail Gusarov <dottedmag@dottedmag.net> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 01:02:38 +0600 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: multipart/mixed >part{ ID: 2, Content-type: multipart/signed >part{ ID: 3, Content-type: text/plain > >Twas brillig at 14:00:54 17.11.2009 UTC-05 when lars@seas.harvard.edu did gyre and gimble: > > LK> Resulted in 4604 lines of errors along the lines of: > > LK> Error opening > LK> /home/lars/Mail/read-messages.2008/cur/1246413773.24928_27334.hostname,U=3026:2,S: > LK> Too many open files > >See the patch just posted here. > >-- > http://fossarchy.blogspot.com/ >part} >part{ ID: 4, Content-type: application/pgp-signature >Non-text part: application/pgp-signature >part} >part} >part{ ID: 5, Content-type: text/plain >_______________________________________________ >notmuch mailing list >notmuch@notmuchmail.org >http://notmuchmail.org/mailman/listinfo/notmuch >part} >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:20091117203301.GV3165@dottiness.seas.harvard.edu depth:2 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/foo/cur/08:2, >header{ >Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@seas.harvard.edu> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox signed unread) >Subject: Re: [notmuch] Working with Maildir storage? >From: Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@seas.harvard.edu> >To: Mikhail Gusarov <dottedmag@dottedmag.net> >Cc: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 15:33:01 -0500 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: multipart/mixed >part{ ID: 2, Content-type: multipart/signed >part{ ID: 3, Content-type: text/plain >> See the patch just posted here. > >Is the list archived anywhere? The obvious archives >(http://notmuchmail.org/pipermail/notmuch/) aren't available, and I >think I subscribed too late to get the patch (I only just saw the >discussion about it). > >It doesn't look like the patch is in git yet. > >-- Lars > >-- >Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@seas.harvard.edu> >Senior Technologist, Computing and Information Technology >Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences > >part} >part{ ID: 4, Content-type: application/pgp-signature >Non-text part: application/pgp-signature >part} >part} >part{ ID: 5, Content-type: text/plain >_______________________________________________ >notmuch mailing list >notmuch@notmuchmail.org >http://notmuchmail.org/mailman/listinfo/notmuch >part} >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:87fx8can9z.fsf@vertex.dottedmag depth:3 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/foo/cur/09:2, >header{ >"Mikhail Gusarov" <dottedmag@dottedmag.net> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] Working with Maildir storage? >From: "Mikhail Gusarov" <dottedmag@dottedmag.net> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 02:50:48 +0600 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain > >Twas brillig at 15:33:01 17.11.2009 UTC-05 when lars at seas.harvard.edu did gyre and gimble: > > LK> Is the list archived anywhere? The obvious archives > LK> (http://notmuchmail.org/pipermail/notmuch/) aren't available, and I > LK> think I subscribed too late to get the patch (I only just saw the > LK> discussion about it). > > LK> It doesn't look like the patch is in git yet. > >Just has been pushed > >-- > http://fossarchy.blogspot.com/ >-------------- next part -------------- >A non-text attachment was scrubbed... >Name: not available >Type: application/pgp-signature >Size: 834 bytes >Desc: not available >URL: <http://notmuchmail.org/pipermail/notmuch/attachments/20091118/0e33d964/attachment.pgp> > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:yunaayketfm.fsf@aiko.keithp.com depth:3 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/foo/baz/12:2, >header{ >"Keith Packard" <keithp@keithp.com> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] Working with Maildir storage? >From: "Keith Packard" <keithp@keithp.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 13:24:13 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 15:33:01 -0500, Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars at seas.harvard.edu> wrote: >> > See the patch just posted here. > >I've also pushed a slightly more complicated (and complete) fix to my >private notmuch repository > >git://keithp.com/git/notmuch > >> Is the list archived anywhere? > >Oops. Looks like Carl's mail server is broken. He's traveling to >Barcelona today and so it won't get fixed for a while. > >Thanks to everyone for trying out notmuch! > >-keith > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:20091118005040.GA25380@dottiness.seas.harvard.edu depth:4 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/bar/cur/22:2, >header{ >Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@seas.harvard.edu> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox signed unread) >Subject: Re: [notmuch] Working with Maildir storage? >From: Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@seas.harvard.edu> >To: Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com> >Cc: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:50:40 -0500 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: multipart/mixed >part{ ID: 2, Content-type: multipart/signed >part{ ID: 3, Content-type: text/plain >> I've also pushed a slightly more complicated (and complete) fix to my >> private notmuch repository > >The version of lib/messages.cc in your repo doesn't build because it's >missing "#include <stdint.h>" (for the uint32_t on line 466). > >-- >Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@seas.harvard.edu> >Senior Technologist, Computing and Information Technology >Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences > >part} >part{ ID: 4, Content-type: application/pgp-signature >Non-text part: application/pgp-signature >part} >part} >part{ ID: 5, Content-type: text/plain >_______________________________________________ >notmuch mailing list >notmuch@notmuchmail.org >http://notmuchmail.org/mailman/listinfo/notmuch >part} >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:87ocn0qh6d.fsf@yoom.home.cworth.org depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/41:2, >header{ >"Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] Working with Maildir storage? >From: "Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 02:08:10 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 14:00:54 -0500, Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars at seas.harvard.edu> wrote: >> I saw the LWN article and decided to take a look at notmuch. I'm >> currently using mutt and mairix to index and read a collection of >> Maildir mail folders (around 40,000 messages total). > >Welcome, Lars! > >I hadn't even seen that Keith's blog post had been picked up by lwn.net. >That's very interesting. So, thanks for coming and trying out notmuch. > >> Error opening >> /home/lars/Mail/read-messages.2008/cur/1246413773.24928_27334.hostname,U=3026:2,S: >> Too many open files > >Sadly, the lwn article coincided with me having just introduced this >bug, and then getting on a Trans-Atlantic flight. So I fixed the bug >fairly quickly, but there was quite a bit of latency before I could push >the fix out. It should be fixed now. > >> I'm curious if this is expected behavior (i.e., notmuch does not work >> with Maildir) or if something else is going on. > >Notmuch works just fine with maildir---it's one of the things that it >likes the best. > >Happy hacking, > >-Carl > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:1258471718-6781-1-git-send-email-dottedmag@dottedmag.net depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/01:2, >header{ >"Mikhail Gusarov" <dottedmag@dottedmag.net> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH 1/2] Close message file after parsing message headers >From: "Mikhail Gusarov" <dottedmag@dottedmag.net> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 21:28:37 +0600 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >Keeping unused files open helps to see "Too many open files" often. > >Signed-off-by: Mikhail Gusarov <dottedmag at dottedmag.net> >--- > lib/message-file.c | 5 +++++ > 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/lib/message-file.c b/lib/message-file.c >index 8a3f8ee..197ab01 100644 >--- a/lib/message-file.c >+++ b/lib/message-file.c >@@ -325,6 +325,11 @@ notmuch_message_file_get_header (notmuch_message_file_t *message, > return decoded_value; > } > >+ if (message->parsing_finished) { >+ fclose (message->file); >+ message->file = NULL; >+ } >+ > if (message->line) > free (message->line); > message->line = NULL; >-- > > > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:1258471718-6781-2-git-send-email-dottedmag@dottedmag.net depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/02:2, >header{ >"Mikhail Gusarov" <dottedmag@dottedmag.net> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH 2/2] Include <stdint.h> to get uint32_t in C++ file with gcc 4.4 >From: "Mikhail Gusarov" <dottedmag@dottedmag.net> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 21:28:38 +0600 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain > >Signed-off-by: Mikhail Gusarov <dottedmag at dottedmag.net> >--- > lib/message.cc | 2 ++ > 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/lib/message.cc b/lib/message.cc >index 72c350f..a4b090b 100644 >--- a/lib/message.cc >+++ b/lib/message.cc >@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ > #include "notmuch-private.h" > #include "database-private.h" > >+#include <stdint.h> >+ > #include <gmime/gmime.h> > > #include <xapian.h> >-- > > > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:87lji5cbwo.fsf@yoom.home.cworth.org depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/foo/cur/07:2, >header{ >"Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH 1/2] Close message file after parsing message headers >From: "Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 09:13:27 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 21:28:37 +0600, Mikhail Gusarov <dottedmag at dottedmag.net> wrote: >> Keeping unused files open helps to see "Too many open files" often. >> >> Signed-off-by: Mikhail Gusarov <dottedmag at dottedmag.net> >... >On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 21:28:38 +0600, Mikhail Gusarov <dottedmag at dottedmag.net> wrote: >> >> Signed-off-by: Mikhail Gusarov <dottedmag at dottedmag.net> >> --- >> lib/message.cc | 2 ++ >> 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) > >Hi Mikhail, > >Welcome to notmuch, and thanks for these patches! I've pushed both of >them out now. > >Keith ran into the same problem of "too many open files" and wrote a >more complex fix, (which included what you did here). His code can be >seen at: > > git://keithp.com/git/notmuch > >I didn't apply Keith's fix yet, because I think I'd rather just fix the >indexer to store the In-Reply-To header in a separate term prefix from >the term used for the References header[*]. That will then let us lookup >the in-reply-to value later for thread constructions without having to >open the original email file at all. > >-Carl > >[*] Yes, this is my first post to our new mailing list and I'm already >spouting off about "terms" and "prefixes" without any definitions. I >apologize for that. I hope that people will ask questions freely here on >the list whenever anything is not clear, and I'll be glad to explain >things as needed. (Then when can shove answers into a HACKING document.) > >PS. This reply is a great example of a feature that notmuch *almost* >supports already---repling to multiple messages at once. The "notmuch >reply" command line does everything necessary to make this work, but we >haven't yet hooked up any keybindings for this in the emacs client yet. >Obviously, 'r' from the search view could reply to the entire thread. >But when viewing a thread, anyone have a good keybinding suggestion? >(There's obviously 'R' as opposed to 'r', but I think we'll probably >want to distinguish "reply to sender" from "reply to all" before trying >to distinguish "reply to message" from "reply to thread" (which I >imagine is more rare of an operation). > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:yunbpj0etua.fsf@aiko.keithp.com depth:2 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/foo/baz/11:2, >header{ >"Keith Packard" <keithp@keithp.com> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH 1/2] Close message file after parsing message headers >From: "Keith Packard" <keithp@keithp.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 13:15:25 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 09:13:27 -0800, Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org> wrote: > >> I didn't apply Keith's fix yet, because I think I'd rather just fix the >> indexer to store the In-Reply-To header in a separate term prefix from >> the term used for the References header[*]. That will then let us lookup >> the in-reply-to value later for thread constructions without having to >> open the original email file at all. > >Threading the message also involves displaying the from and to contents, >which requires opening the message file. The alternative to the fix I >provided is to just parse all of the message headers when first opening >the message; it could then be immediately closed and the hash referred >to for all header data. Given the choice, just having the caller say >when it has finished with a message is probably a reasonable option... > >-keith > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:87pr7gqidx.fsf@yoom.home.cworth.org depth:3 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/40:2, >header{ >"Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH 1/2] Close message file after parsing message headers >From: "Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 01:42:02 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 13:15:25 -0800, Keith Packard <keithp at keithp.com> wrote: >> Threading the message also involves displaying the from and to contents, >> which requires opening the message file. The alternative to the fix I >> provided is to just parse all of the message headers when first opening >> the message; it could then be immediately closed and the hash referred >> to for all header data. Given the choice, just having the caller say >> when it has finished with a message is probably a reasonable option... > >Hi Keith, > >Once I finally got back on the ground again, I pushed out a revised >version of your patch, (didn't need the reply-to stuff anymore since I >had fixed that differently in the meantime). > >I'm pretty happy with the state of this portion of the code now. > >Thanks Keith and Mikhail for your input on and code to fix this bug. > >-Carl > > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:1258532999-9316-1-git-send-email-keithp@keithp.com depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/38:2, >header{ >"Keith Packard" <keithp@keithp.com> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH] Create a default notmuch-show-hook that highlights URLs and uses word-wrap >From: "Keith Packard" <keithp@keithp.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 00:29:59 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >I created the notmuch-show-hook precisely so I could add these two >options, but I suspect most people will want them, so I just made them >the default. If you don't want them, you can use remove-hook to get >rid of this. > >Signed-off-by: Keith Packard <keithp at keithp.com> >--- > notmuch.el | 8 ++++++++ > 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/notmuch.el b/notmuch.el >index 1bb1294..c95cb43 100644 >--- a/notmuch.el >+++ b/notmuch.el >@@ -698,6 +698,14 @@ view, (remove the \"inbox\" tag from each), with either > :options '(goto-address) > :group 'notmuch) > >+; Make show mode a bit prettier, highlighting URLs and using word wrap >+ >+(defun notmuch-show-pretty-hook () >+ (goto-address-mode 1) >+ (visual-line-mode)) >+ >+(add-hook 'notmuch-show-hook 'notmuch-show-pretty-hook) >+ > (defun notmuch-show (thread-id &optional parent-buffer) > "Run \"notmuch show\" with the given thread ID and display results. > >-- > > > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:867hto2p0t.fsf@fortitudo.i-did-not-set--mail-host-address--so-tickle-me depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/39:2, >header{ >"Alexander Botero-Lowry" <alex.boterolowry@gmail.com> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH] Create a default notmuch-show-hook that highlights URLs and uses word-wrap >From: "Alexander Botero-Lowry" <alex.boterolowry@gmail.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 00:52:34 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 00:29:59 -0800, Keith Packard <keithp at keithp.com> wrote: >> I created the notmuch-show-hook precisely so I could add these two >> options, but I suspect most people will want them, so I just made them >> the default. If you don't want them, you can use remove-hook to get >> rid of this. >> >Yes, hooks should be added for search as well. :) > >> +; Make show mode a bit prettier, highlighting URLs and using word wrap >> + >> +(defun notmuch-show-pretty-hook () >> + (goto-address-mode 1) >> + (visual-line-mode)) >> + >visual-line-mode turns out to make subject look pretty ugly if there is a >continuation. It doesn't do much good for the citation headers >either. We probably need to do our own intelligent wrapping rather then >use visual-line-mode to make this actually look right. > >goto-address-mode is important though. :) > >alex > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:86aayk2rbj.fsf@fortitudo.i-did-not-set--mail-host-address--so-tickle-me depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/37:2, >header{ >"Alexander Botero-Lowry" <alex.boterolowry@gmail.com> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] request for pull >From: "Alexander Botero-Lowry" <alex.boterolowry@gmail.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 00:02:56 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >The following changes since commit e8c9c3e6a534fc6c2919c2c1de63cea7250eb488: > Ingmar Vanhassel (1): > Makefile: Manual pages shouldn't be executable > >are available in the git repository at: > > git://alexbl.net/notmuch.git master > >Alexander Botero-Lowry (2): > Error out if no query is supplied to search instead of going into an infinite loop > set a local truncate-line variable in notmuch-search-mode, so that subjects don't wrap and make the output look weird > > notmuch-search.c | 5 +++++ > notmuch.el | 1 + > 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:ddd65cda0911171950o4eea4389v86de9525e46052d3@mail.gmail.com depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/31:2, >header{ >"Jjgod Jiang" <gzjjgod@gmail.com> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] Mac OS X/Darwin compatibility issues >From: "Jjgod Jiang" <gzjjgod@gmail.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 11:50:17 +0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >Hi, > >When I tried to compile notmuch under Mac OS X 10.6, several issues >arisen: > >1. g++ reports 'warning: command line option "-Wmissing-declarations" >is valid for C/ObjC but not for C++' > >2. >notmuch-reply.c: In function ?address_is_users?: >notmuch-reply.c:87: warning: passing argument 2 of >?notmuch_config_get_user_other_email? from incompatible pointer type > >That's due to the size incompatibility of 'unsigned int' and 'size_t' >(size_t is uint64_t in Mac OS X). > >3. Several errors about missing GNU extensions like getline() and strndup(): > >warning: implicit declaration of function ?getline? >error: ?strndup? was not declared in this scope > >We can implement these with fgets() and strncpy() though. > >- Jiang > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:86einw2xof.fsf@fortitudo.i-did-not-set--mail-host-address--so-tickle-me depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/34:2, >header{ >"Alexander Botero-Lowry" <alex.boterolowry@gmail.com> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] Mac OS X/Darwin compatibility issues >From: "Alexander Botero-Lowry" <alex.boterolowry@gmail.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 21:45:36 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 11:50:17 +0800, Jjgod Jiang <gzjjgod at gmail.com> wrote: >> Hi, >> >> When I tried to compile notmuch under Mac OS X 10.6, several issues >> arisen: >> >> 1. g++ reports 'warning: command line option "-Wmissing-declarations" >> is valid for C/ObjC but not for C++' >> >I got that too. I presume it's newly supported in GCC4.4? > >> 3. Several errors about missing GNU extensions like getline() and strndup(): >> >strndup from V8: > >char* strndup(char* str, size_t n) { > // Stupid implementation of strndup since macos isn't born with > // one. > size_t len = strlen(str); > if (len <= n) > return StrDup(str); > char* result = new char[n+1]; > size_t i; > for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) > result[i] = str[i]; > result[i] = '\0'; > return result; >} > >> warning: implicit declaration of function ?getline? >> error: ?strndup? was not declared in this scope >> >for getline do you mind trying #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 >before #include <stdio.h> in the offending files? The FreeBSD man pages >mentions that as a way of enabling the GNU version of getline(). > >Alex > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:ddd65cda0911172214t60d22b63hcfeb5a19ab54a39b@mail.gmail.com depth:2 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/35:2, >header{ >"Jjgod Jiang" <gzjjgod@gmail.com> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] Mac OS X/Darwin compatibility issues >From: "Jjgod Jiang" <gzjjgod@gmail.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 14:14:27 +0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >Hi, > >On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Alexander Botero-Lowry ><alex.boterolowry at gmail.com> wrote: >> for getline do you mind trying #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 >> before #include <stdio.h> in the offending files? The FreeBSD man pages >> mentions that as a way of enabling the GNU version of getline(). > >It seems even _GNU_SOURCE is defined, getline is still not present. >the C lib in Mac OS X simply doesn't have it. See also [1]. > >- Jiang > >[1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1117108/compiling-c-code-using-gnu-c-getline-on-mac-osx > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:86d43g2w3y.fsf@fortitudo.i-did-not-set--mail-host-address--so-tickle-me depth:3 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/36:2, >header{ >"Alexander Botero-Lowry" <alex.boterolowry@gmail.com> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] Mac OS X/Darwin compatibility issues >From: "Alexander Botero-Lowry" <alex.boterolowry@gmail.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 22:19:29 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 14:14:27 +0800, Jjgod Jiang <gzjjgod at gmail.com> wrote: >> Hi, >> >> On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Alexander Botero-Lowry >> <alex.boterolowry at gmail.com> wrote: >> > for getline do you mind trying #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 >> > before #include <stdio.h> in the offending files? The FreeBSD man pages >> > mentions that as a way of enabling the GNU version of getline(). >> >> It seems even _GNU_SOURCE is defined, getline is still not present. >> the C lib in Mac OS X simply doesn't have it. See also [1]. >> >Alas. Since it's ostensibly based on the FreeBSD one, I figured there >was a chance that would fix the problem. :/ > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:736613.51770.qm@web113505.mail.gq1.yahoo.com depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/33:2, >header{ >"Rolland Santimano" <rollandsantimano@yahoo.com> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] Link to mailing list archives ? >From: "Rolland Santimano" <rollandsantimano@yahoo.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 21:12:23 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >The link[1] provided on the list page[2] is broken: >[1] http://notmuchmail.org/pipermail/notmuch/ >[2] http://notmuchmail.org/mailman/listinfo/notmuch > > > > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:1258520223-15328-1-git-send-email-jan@ryngle.com depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/32:2, >header{ >"Jan Janak" <jan@ryngle.com> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH] notmuch new: Support for conversion of spool subdirectories into tags >From: "Jan Janak" <jan@ryngle.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 05:57:03 +0100 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >This patch makes it possible to convert subdirectory names inside the >spool directory into message tags. Messages stored in subdirectory >"foo" will be marked with tag "foo". Message duplicates found in several >subdirectories will be given one tag per subdirectory. > >This feature can be used to synchronize notmuch's tags with with gmail >tags, for example. Gmail IMAP servers convert tags to IMAP >subdirectories and those subdirectories can be converted back to tags >in notmuch. > >The patch modifies notmuch_database_add_message function to return a >pointer to the message even if a message duplicate was found in the >database. This is needed if we want to add a tag for each subdirectory >in which a message duplicate was found. > >In addition to that, it makes the pointer to notmuch_config_t global >(previously it was a local variable in notmuch_new_command). The >configuration data structure is used by the function which converts >subdirectory names to tags. > >Finally, there is a new function called subdir_to_tag. The function >extracts the name of the subdirectory inside the spool from the full >path of the message (also removing Maildir's cur,dir,and tmp >subdirectories) and adds it as a new tag to the message. > >Signed-off-by: Jan Janak <jan at ryngle.com> >--- > lib/database.cc | 3 +- > notmuch-new.c | 74 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- > 2 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/lib/database.cc b/lib/database.cc >index 3c8d626..f7799d2 100644 >--- a/lib/database.cc >+++ b/lib/database.cc >@@ -949,7 +949,8 @@ notmuch_database_add_message (notmuch_database_t *notmuch, > > DONE: > if (message) { >- if (ret == NOTMUCH_STATUS_SUCCESS && message_ret) >+ if ((ret == NOTMUCH_STATUS_SUCCESS || >+ ret == NOTMUCH_STATUS_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE_ID) && message_ret) > *message_ret = message; > else > notmuch_message_destroy (message); >diff --git a/notmuch-new.c b/notmuch-new.c >index 83a05ba..d94ce16 100644 >--- a/notmuch-new.c >+++ b/notmuch-new.c >@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ > */ > > #include "notmuch-client.h" >+#include <libgen.h> >+ >+static notmuch_config_t *config = 0; > > static volatile sig_atomic_t do_add_files_print_progress = 0; > >@@ -45,6 +48,69 @@ tag_inbox_and_unread (notmuch_message_t *message) > notmuch_message_add_tag (message, "unread"); > } > >+/* >+ * Extracts the sub-directory from the filename and adds it as a new tag to >+ * the message. The filename must begin with the database directory configured >+ * in the configuration file. This prefix is then removed. If the remaining >+ * sub-directory ends with one of the Maildir special directories (/tmp, /new, >+ * /cur) then they are removed as well. If there is anything left then the >+ * function adds it as a new tag to the message. >+ * >+ * The function does nothing if it cannot extract a sub-directory from >+ * filename. >+ */ >+static void >+subdir_to_tag (char* filename, notmuch_message_t *message) >+{ >+ const char* db_path; >+ char *msg_dir, *tmp; >+ int db_path_len, msg_dir_len; >+ >+ if (config == NULL) return; >+ db_path = notmuch_config_get_database_path (config); >+ if (db_path == NULL) return; >+ db_path_len = strlen(db_path); >+ >+ /* Make a copy of the string as dirname may need to modify it. */ >+ tmp = talloc_strdup(message, filename); >+ msg_dir = dirname(tmp); >+ msg_dir_len = strlen(msg_dir); >+ >+ /* If msg_dir starts with db_path, remove it, including the / which delimits >+ * it from the rest of the directory name. */ >+ if (db_path_len < msg_dir_len && >+ !strncmp(db_path, msg_dir, db_path_len)) { >+ msg_dir += db_path_len + 1; >+ msg_dir_len -= db_path_len + 1; >+ } else { >+ /* If we get here, either the message filename is not inside the >+ * database directory configured in the configuration file, or it is a >+ * file in the root directory of the database. Either way we just skip >+ * it because we do not know how to convert it to a meaningful >+ * subdirectory string that we could add as tag. */ >+ goto out; >+ } >+ >+ /* Special conditioning for Maildirs. If the remainder of the directory >+ * name ends with /new, /cur, or /tmp then remove it. */ >+ if ((msg_dir_len >= 4) && >+ (!strncmp(msg_dir + msg_dir_len - 4, "/new", 4) || >+ !strncmp(msg_dir + msg_dir_len - 4, "/cur", 4) || >+ !strncmp(msg_dir + msg_dir_len - 4, "/tmp", 4))) { >+ msg_dir[msg_dir_len - 4] = '\0'; >+ } >+ >+ /* If, after all the modifications, we still have a subdirectory, add it >+ * as tag. */ >+ if (strlen(msg_dir)) { >+ notmuch_message_add_tag (message, msg_dir); >+ } >+ >+out: >+ talloc_free(tmp); >+} >+ >+ > static void > add_files_print_progress (add_files_state_t *state) > { >@@ -186,10 +252,15 @@ add_files_recursive (notmuch_database_t *notmuch, > case NOTMUCH_STATUS_SUCCESS: > state->added_messages++; > tag_inbox_and_unread (message); >+ subdir_to_tag(next, message); > break; > /* Non-fatal issues (go on to next file) */ > case NOTMUCH_STATUS_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE_ID: >- /* Stay silent on this one. */ >+ /* Stay silent on this one. The message already exists in the >+ * database, that means we may have found a duplicate in >+ * another directory. If that's the case then we add another >+ * tag to the message with the sub-directory. */ >+ subdir_to_tag(next, message); > break; > case NOTMUCH_STATUS_FILE_NOT_EMAIL: > fprintf (stderr, "Note: Ignoring non-mail file: %s\n", >@@ -386,7 +457,6 @@ int > notmuch_new_command (void *ctx, > unused (int argc), unused (char *argv[])) > { >- notmuch_config_t *config; > notmuch_database_t *notmuch; > add_files_state_t add_files_state; > double elapsed; >-- > > > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:1258510940-7018-1-git-send-email-stewart@flamingspork.com depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/cur/30:2, >header{ >"Stewart Smith" <stewart@flamingspork.com> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH] count_files: sort directory in inode order before statting >From: "Stewart Smith" <stewart@flamingspork.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 13:22:20 +1100 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >--- > notmuch-new.c | 30 ++++++++++-------------------- > 1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/notmuch-new.c b/notmuch-new.c >index 11fad8c..c5f841a 100644 >--- a/notmuch-new.c >+++ b/notmuch-new.c >@@ -308,36 +308,26 @@ add_files (notmuch_database_t *notmuch, > static void > count_files (const char *path, int *count) > { >- DIR *dir; >- struct dirent *e, *entry = NULL; >- int entry_length; >- int err; >+ struct dirent *entry = NULL; > char *next; > struct stat st; >+ struct dirent **namelist = NULL; > >- dir = opendir (path); >+ int n_entries= scandir(path, &namelist, 0, ino_cmp); > >- if (dir == NULL) { >+ if (n_entries == -1) { > fprintf (stderr, "Warning: failed to open directory %s: %s\n", > path, strerror (errno)); > goto DONE; > } > >- entry_length = offsetof (struct dirent, d_name) + >- pathconf (path, _PC_NAME_MAX) + 1; >- entry = malloc (entry_length); >+ int i=0; > > while (!interrupted) { >- err = readdir_r (dir, entry, &e); >- if (err) { >- fprintf (stderr, "Error reading directory: %s\n", >- strerror (errno)); >- free (entry); >- goto DONE; >- } >+ if (i == n_entries) >+ break; > >- if (e == NULL) >- break; >+ entry= namelist[i++]; > > /* Ignore special directories to avoid infinite recursion. > * Also ignore the .notmuch directory. >@@ -376,8 +366,8 @@ count_files (const char *path, int *count) > DONE: > if (entry) > free (entry); >- >- closedir (dir); >+ if (namelist) >+ free (namelist); > } > > int >-- > > > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:1258509400-32511-1-git-send-email-stewart@flamingspork.com depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/bar/baz/cur/26:2, >header{ >"Stewart Smith" <stewart@flamingspork.com> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH 2/2] Read mail directory in inode number order >From: "Stewart Smith" <stewart@flamingspork.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 12:56:40 +1100 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >This gives a rather decent reduction in number of seeks required when >reading a Maildir that isn't in pagecache. > >Most filesystems give some locality on disk based on inode numbers. >In ext[234] this is the inode tables, in XFS groups of sequential inode >numbers are together on disk and the most significant bits indicate >allocation group (i.e inode 1,000,000 is always after inode 1,000). > >With this patch, we read in the whole directory, sort by inode number >before stat()ing the contents. > >Ideally, directory is sequential and then we make one scan through the >file system stat()ing. > >Since the universe is not ideal, we'll probably seek during reading the >directory and a fair bit while reading the inodes themselves. > >However... with readahead, and stat()ing in inode order, we should be >in the best place possible to hit the cache. > >In a (not very good) benchmark of "how long does it take to find the first >15,000 messages in my Maildir after 'echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches'", >this patch consistently cut at least 8 seconds off the scan time. > >Without patch: 50 seconds >With patch: 38-42 seconds. > >(I did this in a previous maildir reading project and saw large improvements too) >--- > notmuch-new.c | 32 +++++++++++++++----------------- > 1 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/notmuch-new.c b/notmuch-new.c >index 83a05ba..11fad8c 100644 >--- a/notmuch-new.c >+++ b/notmuch-new.c >@@ -73,6 +73,11 @@ add_files_print_progress (add_files_state_t *state) > fflush (stdout); > } > >+static int ino_cmp(const struct dirent **a, const struct dirent **b) >+{ >+ return ((*a)->d_ino < (*b)->d_ino)? -1: 1; >+} >+ > /* Examine 'path' recursively as follows: > * > * o Ask the filesystem for the mtime of 'path' (path_mtime) >@@ -100,13 +105,12 @@ add_files_recursive (notmuch_database_t *notmuch, > add_files_state_t *state) > { > DIR *dir = NULL; >- struct dirent *e, *entry = NULL; >- int entry_length; >- int err; >+ struct dirent *entry = NULL; > char *next = NULL; > time_t path_mtime, path_dbtime; > notmuch_status_t status, ret = NOTMUCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; > notmuch_message_t *message = NULL; >+ struct dirent **namelist = NULL; > > /* If we're told to, we bail out on encountering a read-only > * directory, (with this being a clear clue from the user to >@@ -122,31 +126,23 @@ add_files_recursive (notmuch_database_t *notmuch, > path_mtime = st->st_mtime; > > path_dbtime = notmuch_database_get_timestamp (notmuch, path); >+ int n_entries= scandir(path, &namelist, 0, ino_cmp); > >- dir = opendir (path); >- if (dir == NULL) { >+ if (n_entries == -1) { > fprintf (stderr, "Error opening directory %s: %s\n", > path, strerror (errno)); > ret = NOTMUCH_STATUS_FILE_ERROR; > goto DONE; > } > >- entry_length = offsetof (struct dirent, d_name) + >- pathconf (path, _PC_NAME_MAX) + 1; >- entry = malloc (entry_length); >+ int i=0; > > while (!interrupted) { >- err = readdir_r (dir, entry, &e); >- if (err) { >- fprintf (stderr, "Error reading directory: %s\n", >- strerror (errno)); >- ret = NOTMUCH_STATUS_FILE_ERROR; >- goto DONE; >- } >- >- if (e == NULL) >+ if (i == n_entries) > break; > >+ entry= namelist[i++]; >+ > /* If this directory hasn't been modified since the last > * add_files, then we only need to look further for > * sub-directories. */ >@@ -243,6 +239,8 @@ add_files_recursive (notmuch_database_t *notmuch, > free (entry); > if (dir) > closedir (dir); >+ if (namelist) >+ free (namelist); > > return ret; > } >-- > > > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:1258506353-20352-1-git-send-email-stewart@flamingspork.com depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/bar/baz/cur/25:2, >header{ >"Stewart Smith" <stewart@flamingspork.com> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH] Fix linking with gcc to use g++ to link in C++ libs. >From: "Stewart Smith" <stewart@flamingspork.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 12:05:53 +1100 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >Previously, Ubuntu 9.10, gcc 4.4.1 was getting: > >ccache gcc `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0 gmime-2.4 talloc` `xapian-config --libs` notmuch.o notmuch-config.o notmuch-dump.o notmuch-new.o notmuch-reply.o notmuch-restore.o notmuch-search.o notmuch-setup.o notmuch-show.o notmuch-tag.o notmuch-time.o gmime-filter-reply.o query-string.o show-message.o lib/notmuch.a -o notmuch >/usr/bin/ld: lib/notmuch.a(database.o): in function global constructors keyed to BOOLEAN_PREFIX_INTERNAL:database.cc(.text+0x3a): error: undefined reference to 'std::ios_base::Init::Init()' >--- > Makefile.local | 2 +- > 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/Makefile.local b/Makefile.local >index f824bed..dbd3e20 100644 >--- a/Makefile.local >+++ b/Makefile.local >@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ notmuch_client_srcs = \ > > notmuch_client_modules = $(notmuch_client_srcs:.c=.o) > notmuch: $(notmuch_client_modules) lib/notmuch.a >- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@ >+ $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@ > > notmuch.1.gz: > gzip --stdout notmuch.1 > notmuch.1.gz >-- > > > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:20091118005829.GB25380@dottiness.seas.harvard.edu depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/bar/baz/23:2, >header{ >Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@seas.harvard.edu> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 attachment inbox signed unread) >Subject: [notmuch] "notmuch help" outputs to stderr? >From: Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@seas.harvard.edu> >To: notmuch <notmuch@notmuchmail.org> >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 19:58:29 -0500 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: multipart/mixed >part{ ID: 2, Content-type: multipart/signed >part{ ID: 3, Content-type: multipart/mixed >part{ ID: 4, Content-type: text/plain >I'm just noticing that 'notmuch help ...' outputs to stderr, which >isn't terribly intuitive. For example, the obvious invocation: > > notmuch help | less > >...isn't terribly helpful. > >I've attached a patch that lets usage() take a FILE * argument so that >you can output to stderr in response to usage errors, and stdout in >response to an explicit request. > >-- >Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@seas.harvard.edu> >Senior Technologist, Computing and Information Technology >Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences > >part} >attachment{ ID: 5, Filename: notmuch-help.patch, Content-type: text/plain >diff --git a/notmuch.c b/notmuch.c >index c47e640..a35cb99 100644 >--- a/notmuch.c >+++ b/notmuch.c >@@ -157,23 +157,23 @@ command_t commands[] = { > }; > > static void >-usage (void) >+usage (FILE *out) > { > command_t *command; > unsigned int i; > >- fprintf (stderr, "Usage: notmuch <command> [args...]\n"); >- fprintf (stderr, "\n"); >- fprintf (stderr, "Where <command> and [args...] are as follows:\n"); >- fprintf (stderr, "\n"); >+ fprintf (out, "Usage: notmuch <command> [args...]\n"); >+ fprintf (out, "\n"); >+ fprintf (out, "Where <command> and [args...] are as follows:\n"); >+ fprintf (out, "\n"); > > for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE (commands); i++) { > command = &commands[i]; > >- fprintf (stderr, "\t%s\t%s\n\n", command->name, command->summary); >+ fprintf (out, "\t%s\t%s\n\n", command->name, command->summary); > } > >- fprintf (stderr, "Use \"notmuch help <command>\" for more details on each command.\n\n"); >+ fprintf (out, "Use \"notmuch help <command>\" for more details on each command.\n\n"); > } > > static int >@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ notmuch_help_command (unused (void *ctx), int argc, char *argv[]) > unsigned int i; > > if (argc == 0) { >- fprintf (stderr, "The notmuch mail system.\n\n"); >- usage (); >+ fprintf (stdout, "The notmuch mail system.\n\n"); >+ usage (stdout); > return 0; > } > >attachment} >part} >part{ ID: 6, Content-type: application/pgp-signature >Non-text part: application/pgp-signature >part} >part} >part{ ID: 7, Content-type: text/plain >_______________________________________________ >notmuch mailing list >notmuch@notmuchmail.org >http://notmuchmail.org/mailman/listinfo/notmuch >part} >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:20091118010116.GC25380@dottiness.seas.harvard.edu depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/bar/baz/24:2, >header{ >Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@seas.harvard.edu> (2009-11-18) (a-random-tag-8743632 attachment inbox signed unread) >Subject: Re: [notmuch] "notmuch help" outputs to stderr? >From: Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@seas.harvard.edu> >To: notmuch <notmuch@notmuchmail.org> >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 20:01:16 -0500 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: multipart/mixed >part{ ID: 2, Content-type: multipart/signed >part{ ID: 3, Content-type: multipart/mixed >part{ ID: 4, Content-type: text/plain >> I've attached a patch that lets usage() take a FILE * argument so that >> you can output to stderr in response to usage errors, and stdout in >> response to an explicit request. > >Whoops, missed a couple of stderr's in that last patch. New one >attached. > >-- >Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@seas.harvard.edu> >Senior Technologist, Computing and Information Technology >Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences > >part} >attachment{ ID: 5, Filename: notmuch-help.patch, Content-type: text/plain >diff --git a/notmuch.c b/notmuch.c >index c47e640..446c810 100644 >--- a/notmuch.c >+++ b/notmuch.c >@@ -157,23 +157,23 @@ command_t commands[] = { > }; > > static void >-usage (void) >+usage (FILE *out) > { > command_t *command; > unsigned int i; > >- fprintf (stderr, "Usage: notmuch <command> [args...]\n"); >- fprintf (stderr, "\n"); >- fprintf (stderr, "Where <command> and [args...] are as follows:\n"); >- fprintf (stderr, "\n"); >+ fprintf (out, "Usage: notmuch <command> [args...]\n"); >+ fprintf (out, "\n"); >+ fprintf (out, "Where <command> and [args...] are as follows:\n"); >+ fprintf (out, "\n"); > > for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE (commands); i++) { > command = &commands[i]; > >- fprintf (stderr, "\t%s\t%s\n\n", command->name, command->summary); >+ fprintf (out, "\t%s\t%s\n\n", command->name, command->summary); > } > >- fprintf (stderr, "Use \"notmuch help <command>\" for more details on each command.\n\n"); >+ fprintf (out, "Use \"notmuch help <command>\" for more details on each command.\n\n"); > } > > static int >@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ notmuch_help_command (unused (void *ctx), int argc, char *argv[]) > unsigned int i; > > if (argc == 0) { >- fprintf (stderr, "The notmuch mail system.\n\n"); >- usage (); >+ fprintf (stdout, "The notmuch mail system.\n\n"); >+ usage (stdout); > return 0; > } > >@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ notmuch_help_command (unused (void *ctx), int argc, char *argv[]) > command = &commands[i]; > > if (strcmp (argv[0], command->name) == 0) { >- fprintf (stderr, "Help for \"notmuch %s\":\n\n", argv[0]); >- fprintf (stderr, "\t%s\t%s\n\n%s\n\n", command->name, >+ fprintf (stdout, "Help for \"notmuch %s\":\n\n", argv[0]); >+ fprintf (stdout, "\t%s\t%s\n\n%s\n\n", command->name, > command->summary, command->documentation); > return 0; > } >attachment} >part} >part{ ID: 6, Content-type: application/pgp-signature >Non-text part: application/pgp-signature >part} >part} >part{ ID: 7, Content-type: text/plain >_______________________________________________ >notmuch mailing list >notmuch@notmuchmail.org >http://notmuchmail.org/mailman/listinfo/notmuch >part} >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:1258491078-29658-1-git-send-email-dottedmag@dottedmag.net depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/foo/cur/10:2, >header{ >"Mikhail Gusarov" <dottedmag@dottedmag.net> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] [PATCH] Handle rename of message file >From: "Mikhail Gusarov" <dottedmag@dottedmag.net> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 02:51:18 +0600 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >If message file has been renamed, just update filename in the DB. > >Signed-off-by: Mikhail Gusarov <dottedmag at dottedmag.net> >--- > lib/database.cc | 21 ++++++++++++--------- > 1 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/lib/database.cc b/lib/database.cc >index 3c8d626..c4eb8b6 100644 >--- a/lib/database.cc >+++ b/lib/database.cc >@@ -925,20 +925,23 @@ notmuch_database_add_message (notmuch_database_t *notmuch, > if (private_status == NOTMUCH_PRIVATE_STATUS_NO_DOCUMENT_FOUND) { > _notmuch_message_set_filename (message, filename); > _notmuch_message_add_term (message, "type", "mail"); >+ >+ ret = _notmuch_database_link_message (notmuch, message, message_file); >+ if (ret) >+ goto DONE; >+ >+ date = notmuch_message_file_get_header (message_file, "date"); >+ _notmuch_message_set_date (message, date); >+ >+ _notmuch_message_index_file (message, filename); >+ } else if (strcmp(notmuch_message_get_filename(message), filename)) { >+ /* Message file has been moved/renamed */ >+ _notmuch_message_set_filename (message, filename); > } else { > ret = NOTMUCH_STATUS_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE_ID; > goto DONE; > } > >- ret = _notmuch_database_link_message (notmuch, message, message_file); >- if (ret) >- goto DONE; >- >- date = notmuch_message_file_get_header (message_file, "date"); >- _notmuch_message_set_date (message, date); >- >- _notmuch_message_index_file (message, filename); >- > _notmuch_message_sync (message); > } catch (const Xapian::Error &error) { > fprintf (stderr, "A Xapian exception occurred: %s.\n", >-- > > > >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:cf0c4d610911171136h1713aa59w9cf9aa31f052ad0a@mail.gmail.com depth:0 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/bar/baz/05:2, >header{ >Alex Botero-Lowry <alex.boterolowry@gmail.com> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 attachment inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] preliminary FreeBSD support >From: Alex Botero-Lowry <alex.boterolowry@gmail.com> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 11:36:14 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: multipart/mixed >part{ ID: 2, Content-type: multipart/alternative >part{ ID: 3, Content-type: text/plain >I saw the announcement this morning, and was very excited, as I had been >hoping sup would be turned into a library, >since I like the concept more than the UI (I'd rather an emacs interface). > >I did a preliminary compile which worked out fine, but >sysconf(_SC_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX) returns -1 on >FreeBSD, so notmuch_config_open segfaulted. > >Attached is a patch that supplies a default buffer size of 64 in cases where >-1 is returned. > >http://www.opengroup.org/austin/docs/austin_328.txt - seems to indicate this >is acceptable behavior, >and http://mail-index.netbsd.org/pkgsrc-bugs/2006/06/07/msg016808.htmlspecifically >uses 64 as the >buffer size. >part} >part{ ID: 4, Content-type: text/html >Non-text part: text/html >part} >part} >attachment{ ID: 5, Filename: 0001-Deal-with-situation-where-sysconf-_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_M.patch, Content-type: application/octet-stream >Non-text part: application/octet-stream >attachment} >part{ ID: 6, Content-type: text/plain >_______________________________________________ >notmuch mailing list >notmuch@notmuchmail.org >http://notmuchmail.org/mailman/listinfo/notmuch >part} >part} >body} >message} >message{ id:87lji4lx9v.fsf@yoom.home.cworth.org depth:1 match:1 excluded:0 filename:/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T570-revision-tracking/mail/foo/06:2, >header{ >"Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> (2009-11-17) (a-random-tag-8743632 inbox unread) >Subject: [notmuch] preliminary FreeBSD support >From: "Carl Worth" <cworth@cworth.org> >To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org >Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 12:19:24 -0800 >header} >body{ >part{ ID: 1, Content-type: text/plain >On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 11:36:14 -0800, Alex Botero-Lowry <alex.boterolowry at gmail.com> wrote: >> I saw the announcement this morning, and was very excited, as I had been >> hoping sup would be turned into a library, >> since I like the concept more than the UI (I'd rather an emacs interface). > >Hi Alex, > >That's great! It's good to hear that there are like-minded people out >there. I hope that Notmuch will be useful for you. > >> I did a preliminary compile which worked out fine, but >> sysconf(_SC_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX) returns -1 on >> FreeBSD, so notmuch_config_open segfaulted. >> >> Attached is a patch that supplies a default buffer size of 64 in cases where >> -1 is returned. > >Thanks for the patch. As we discussed in IRC[*], we should probably >do the correct thing and check for ERANGE and loop as necessary (even if >sysconf returns a positive value). Example code here: > >http://www.opengroup.org/austin/docs/austin_328.txt > >-Carl > >[*] #notmuch on irc.freenode.net for those who didn't just guess that >already, (and I'll add that to the website soon). > >part} >body} >message} > PASS show succeeds with correct uuid >Error: requested database revision this-is-no-uuid does not match ba646282-c713-4a7c-8f44-87e713ce5695 > PASS show fails with incorrect uuid > PASS tag succeeds with correct uuid >Error: 'notmuch tag' requires at least one tag to add or remove. > PASS tag fails with incorrect uuid > PASS lastmod:0.. matches everything > PASS lastmod:1000000.. matches nothing > PASS exclude one message using lastmod > >T580-thread-search: Testing test of searching by thread-id > PASS Every message is found in exactly one thread > PASS roundtripping message-ids via thread-ids > >T585-thread-subquery: Testing test of searching by using thread subqueries > PASS Basic query that matches no messages > PASS Same query against threads > PASS Mix thread and non-threads query > PASS Compound subquery > PASS Syntax/quoting error in subquery > >T590-libconfig: Testing library config API > PASS notmuch_database_{set,get}_config > PASS notmuch_database_get_config_list: empty list > PASS notmuch_database_get_config_list: closed db > PASS notmuch_database_get_config_list: all pairs > PASS notmuch_database_get_config_list: all pairs (closed db) > PASS notmuch_database_get_config_list: one prefix > PASS dump config > PASS restore config > >T590-thread-breakage: Testing thread breakage during reindexing > PASS There should be no threads initially > PASS There should be no ghosts initially > PASS One message in: one thread > PASS looking for 1 instance of 'apple' > PASS looking for 0 instance of 'banana' > PASS Expecting 0 ghosts(s) > PASS Second message in the same thread: one thread > PASS looking for 1 instance of 'apple' > PASS looking for 1 instance of 'banana' > PASS Expecting 0 ghosts(s) > PASS First message removed: still only one thread > PASS looking for 0 instance of 'apple' > PASS looking for 1 instance of 'banana' > PASS should be one ghost after first message removed > PASS First message reappears: should return to the same thread > PASS looking for 1 instance of 'apple' > PASS looking for 1 instance of 'banana' > PASS Expecting 0 ghosts(s) > PASS Removing second message: still only one thread > PASS looking for 1 instance of 'apple' > PASS looking for 0 instance of 'banana' > BROKEN No ghosts should remain after deletion of second message > --- T590-thread-breakage.22.expected 2021-01-10 21:21:24.657224214 +0000 > +++ T590-thread-breakage.22.output 2021-01-10 21:21:24.657224214 +0000 > @@ -1 +1 @@ > -0 > +1 > PASS All messages gone: no threads > PASS looking for 0 instance of 'apple' > PASS looking for 0 instance of 'banana' > PASS No ghosts should remain after full thread deletion > >T600-named-queries: Testing named queries >Error opening database at /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T600-named-queries/mail/.notmuch: No such file or directory > PASS error adding named query before initializing DB > PASS adding named query > PASS adding nested named query > PASS retrieve named query > PASS List all queries > PASS dump named queries > PASS dumping large queries > PASS delete named queries > PASS restore named queries > PASS search named query > PASS search named query with other terms > PASS search nested named query > >T610-message-property: Testing message property API > PASS notmuch_message_{add,get,remove}_property > PASS notmuch_message_remove_all_properties > PASS testing string map binary search (via message properties) > PASS notmuch_message_get_properties: empty list > PASS notmuch_message_properties: one value > PASS notmuch_message_properties: multiple values > PASS notmuch_message_properties: prefix > PASS notmuch_message_properties: modify during iteration > PASS dump message properties > PASS dump _only_ message properties > PASS restore missing message property (single line) > PASS restore missing message property (full dump) > PASS restore clear extra message property > PASS test 'property:' queries: empty > PASS test 'property:' queries: single message > PASS msg.get_property (python) > PASS msg.get_properties (python) > PASS msg.get_properties (python, prefix) > PASS msg.get_properties (python, exact) > >T620-lock: Testing locking > PASS blocking open > >T630-emacs-draft: Testing Emacs Draft Handling >nil > PASS Saving a draft indexes it >nil > PASS Saving a draft tags previous draft as deleted >nil >Error: Unknown command 'notmuch' (see "notmuch help") > PASS Saving a signed draft adds header >*ERROR*: Refusing to save draft with encryption tags (see ânotmuch-draft-save-plaintextâ) > PASS Refusing to save an encrypted draft >nil > PASS Resuming a signed draft > >T640-database-modified: Testing DatabaseModifiedError handling > PASS catching DatabaseModifiedError in _notmuch_message_ensure_metadata > >T650-regexp-query: Testing regular expression searches > PASS empty path:// search > PASS empty folder:// search > PASS unanchored folder:// specification > PASS anchored folder:// search > PASS unanchored path:// specification > PASS anchored path:// search > PASS null from: search > PASS null subject: search > PASS xapian wildcard search for from: > PASS xapian wildcard search for subject: > PASS quoted xapian keyword search for from: > PASS quoted xapian keyword search for subject: > PASS regexp from search, case sensitive > PASS empty regexp or query > PASS non-empty regexp and query > PASS regexp from search, duplicate term search > PASS long enough regexp matches only desired senders > PASS shorter regexp matches one more sender > PASS regexp subject search, non-ASCII > PASS regexp subject search, punctuation > PASS regexp subject search, no punctuation > PASS combine regexp from and subject > PASS regexp error reporting > PASS empty mid search > PASS non-empty mid regex search > PASS combine regexp mid and subject > PASS unanchored tag search > PASS anchored tag search > >T660-bad-date: Testing parsing of bad dates > PASS Bad dates translate to a date after the Unix epoch > >T670-duplicate-mid: Testing duplicate message ids > PASS search: first indexed subject preserved > BROKEN First subject preserved in notmuch-show (json) > --- T670-duplicate-mid.2.expected 2021-01-10 21:21:46.271137811 +0000 > +++ T670-duplicate-mid.2.output 2021-01-10 21:21:46.274470720 +0000 > @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > [ > [ > { > + "crypto": {}, > "date_relative": "2001-01-05", > "excluded": false, > "filename": [ > @@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ > "headers": { > "Date": "GENERATED_DATE", > "From": "Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>", > - "Subject": "message 1", > + "Subject": "message 0", > "To": "Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org>" > }, > "id": "XXXXX", > PASS Search for second subject > BROKEN Regexp search for second subject > --- T670-duplicate-mid.4.EXPECTED 2021-01-10 21:21:46.454447798 +0000 > +++ T670-duplicate-mid.4.OUTPUT 2021-01-10 21:21:46.471112342 +0000 > @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ > -MAIL_DIR/copy0 > -MAIL_DIR/copy1 > -MAIL_DIR/copy2 > PASS search for body in duplicate file > PASS reindex drops terms in duplicate file > PASS reindex choses subject from first filename > PASS Deleted first duplicate file does not stop notmuch show from working > >T680-html-indexing: Testing indexing of html parts > PASS embedded images should not be indexed > PASS ignore > in attribute text > PASS non tag text should be indexed > >T690-command-line-args: Testing command line arguments > PASS bad option to show > PASS string option with space > PASS string option with = > PASS string option with : > PASS single keyword option with space > PASS single keyword option with = > PASS single keyword option with : > PASS multiple keyword options with space > PASS multiple keyword options with = > PASS mixed space and = delimiters > PASS mixed space and : delimiters > PASS show --entire-thread > PASS show --exclude > >T700-reindex: Testing reindexing messages > PASS reindex preserves threads > PASS reindex after removing duplicate file preserves threads > PASS reindex preserves message-ids > PASS reindex preserves tags > PASS reindex preserves tags with special prefixes > PASS reindex moves a message between threads > PASS reindex detects removal of all files > PASS reindex preserves properties > PASS reindex of lkml corpus preserves threads > >T710-message-id: Testing message id parsing > PASS good message ids > PASS leading and trailing space is OK > PASS <> delimiters are required > PASS embedded whitespace is forbidden > PASS folded real life bad In-Reply-To values > >T720-emacs-attachment-warnings: Testing emacs attachment warnings > PASS notmuch-test-attachment-warning part 1 > >T720-lib-lifetime: Testing Lifetime constraints for library >No new mail. > PASS building database > PASS Message outlives parent Messages from replies > >T730-emacs-forwarding: Testing emacs forwarding > PASS Forward setting the correct references header > PASS Forwarding adding the forwarded tag > >T740-body: Testing search body > PASS search with body: prefix > PASS search without body: prefix > PASS negated body: prefix > PASS search unprefixed for prefixed term > PASS search with body: prefix for term only in subject > >T750-gzip: Testing support for gzipped messages > PASS Single new gzipped message > PASS Single new gzipped message (full-scan) > PASS Multiple new messages, one gzipped > PASS Multiple new messages, one gzipped (full-scan) > > PASS Renamed (gzipped) message > PASS notmuch search with partially gzipped mail store > PASS notmuch search --output=files with partially gzipped mail store > PASS show un-gzipped message > PASS show un-gzipped message (format mbox) > PASS show un-gzipped message (format raw) > PASS show gzipped message > PASS show gzipped message (mbox) > PASS show gzipped message (raw) >Welcome to a new version of notmuch! Your database will now be upgraded. >This process is safe to interrupt. >Backing up tags to /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T750-gzip/mail/.notmuch/dump-20210110T212205.gz... >Your notmuch database has now been upgraded. >Processed 210 total files in almost no time. >Added 176 new messages to the database. > PASS new doesn't run out of file descriptors with many gzipped files > >T750-user-header: Testing indexing user specified headers > PASS error adding user header before initializing DB > PASS adding illegal prefix name, bad utf8 > PASS adding illegal prefix name, reserved for notmuch > PASS adding illegal prefix name, non-word character. >/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/T750-user-header.sh: line 41: Non-word: command not found > PASS adding empty prefix name. > PASS adding user header > PASS adding existing user header > PASS retrieve user header > PASS reindex after adding header preserves threads > PASS List all user headers > PASS parse user prefix > PASS parse user prefix, stemmed > PASS parse user prefix, phrase > PASS index user header > >Notmuch test suite complete. >1213/1219 tests passed. >3 broken tests failed as expected. >3 tests failed. >All tests in 1 file skipped. >make: *** [test/Makefile.local:75: test] Error 1 >emake failed > [32;01m*[0m python3_7: running distutils-r1_run_phase python_test >========================================= test session starts ========================================== >platform linux -- Python 3.7.9, pytest-6.1.2, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /usr/bin/python3.7 >cachedir: .pytest_cache >notmuch 0.31.2 (/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/notmuch) >rootdir: /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/bindings/python-cffi >plugins: forked-1.3.0, xdist-2.1.0, cov-2.10.1 >collecting ... collected 156 items > >tests/test_base.py::TestNotmuchObject::test_no_impl_methods PASSED [ 0%] >tests/test_base.py::TestNotmuchObject::test_impl_methods PASSED [ 1%] >tests/test_base.py::TestNotmuchObject::test_del PASSED [ 1%] >tests/test_base.py::TestMemoryPointer::test_unset PASSED [ 2%] >tests/test_base.py::TestMemoryPointer::test_set PASSED [ 3%] >tests/test_base.py::TestMemoryPointer::test_cleared PASSED [ 3%] >tests/test_base.py::TestMemoryPointer::test_two_instances PASSED [ 4%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_type PASSED [ 5%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_init_bytes PASSED [ 5%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_init_str PASSED [ 6%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_bytes PASSED [ 7%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_invalid_utf8 PASSED [ 7%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_errors PASSED [ 8%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_encoding PASSED [ 8%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_type PASSED [ 9%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_alive PASSED [ 10%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_set_get PASSED [ 10%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_get_keyerror PASSED [ 11%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_iter PASSED [ 12%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_len PASSED [ 12%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_del PASSED [ 13%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_config_pathname_default PASSED [ 14%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_config_pathname_env PASSED [ 14%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_default_path_nocfg PASSED [ 15%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_default_path_cfg_is_dir PASSED [ 16%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_default_path_parseerr PASSED [ 16%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_default_path_parse PASSED [ 17%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_default_path_param PASSED [ 17%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_create PASSED [ 18%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_create_already_open PASSED [ 19%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_create_existing PASSED [ 19%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_close PASSED [ 20%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_del_noclose PASSED [ 21%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_close_del PASSED [ 21%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_closed_attr PASSED [ 22%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_ctx PASSED [ 23%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_path PASSED [ 23%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_version PASSED [ 24%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_needs_upgrade PASSED [ 25%] >tests/test_database.py::TestAtomic::test_exit_early PASSED [ 25%] >tests/test_database.py::TestAtomic::test_exit_late PASSED [ 26%] >tests/test_database.py::TestAtomic::test_abort PASSED [ 26%] >tests/test_database.py::TestRevision::test_single_rev PASSED [ 27%] >tests/test_database.py::TestRevision::test_diff_db PASSED [ 28%] >tests/test_database.py::TestRevision::test_cmp PASSED [ 28%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_add_message PASSED [ 29%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_add_message_str PASSED [ 30%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_add_message_bytes PASSED [ 30%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_remove_message PASSED [ 31%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_remove_message_str PASSED [ 32%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_remove_message_bytes PASSED [ 32%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_find_message PASSED [ 33%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_find_message_notfound PASSED [ 33%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_get_message PASSED [ 34%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_get_message_str PASSED [ 35%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_get_message_bytes PASSED [ 35%] >tests/test_database.py::TestTags::test_type PASSED [ 36%] >tests/test_database.py::TestTags::test_none PASSED [ 37%] >tests/test_database.py::TestTags::test_some PASSED [ 37%] >tests/test_database.py::TestTags::test_cache PASSED [ 38%] >tests/test_database.py::TestTags::test_iters PASSED [ 39%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_count_messages PASSED [ 39%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_messages_type PASSED [ 40%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_message_no_results PASSED [ 41%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_message_match PASSED [ 41%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_count_threads PASSED [ 42%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_threads_type PASSED [ 42%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_threads_no_match PASSED [ 43%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_threads_match PASSED [ 44%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_use_threaded_message_twice PASSED [ 44%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_type PASSED [ 45%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_alive PASSED [ 46%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_hash PASSED [ 46%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_eq PASSED [ 47%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_messageid_type PASSED [ 48%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_messageid PASSED [ 48%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_messageid_find PASSED [ 49%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_threadid_type PASSED [ 50%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_path_type PASSED [ 50%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_path PASSED [ 51%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_pathb_type PASSED [ 51%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_pathb PASSED [ 52%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_filenames_type PASSED [ 53%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_filenames PASSED [ 53%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_filenamesb_type PASSED [ 54%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_filenamesb PASSED [ 55%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_ghost_no PASSED [ 55%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_date PASSED [ 56%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_header PASSED [ 57%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_header_not_present PASSED [ 57%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_freeze PASSED [ 58%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_freeze_err PASSED [ 58%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_replies_type PASSED [ 59%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_replies PASSED [ 60%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_type PASSED [ 60%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_add_single PASSED [ 61%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_add_dup PASSED [ 62%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_len PASSED [ 62%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_del PASSED [ 63%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_remove PASSED [ 64%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_view_abcs PASSED [ 64%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_pop PASSED [ 65%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_pop_default PASSED [ 66%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_popitem PASSED [ 66%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_clear PASSED [ 67%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_getall PASSED [ 67%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_getall_prefix PASSED [ 68%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_getall_exact PASSED [ 69%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_type PASSED [ 69%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_hash PASSED [ 70%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_eq PASSED [ 71%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_neq PASSED [ 71%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_contains PASSED [ 72%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_isdisjoint PASSED [ 73%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_issubset PASSED [ 73%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_issuperset PASSED [ 74%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_iter PASSED [ 75%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_special_iter PASSED [ 75%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_special_iter_codec PASSED [ 76%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_len PASSED [ 76%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_and PASSED [ 77%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_or PASSED [ 78%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_sub PASSED [ 78%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_rsub PASSED [ 79%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_xor PASSED [ 80%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_rxor PASSED [ 80%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_copy PASSED [ 81%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_type PASSED [ 82%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_hash PASSED [ 82%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_add PASSED [ 83%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_discard PASSED [ 83%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_discard_not_present PASSED [ 84%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_clear PASSED [ 85%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_from_maildir_flags PASSED [ 85%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_to_maildir_flags PASSED [ 86%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_isdisjoint PASSED [ 87%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_issubset PASSED [ 87%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_issuperset PASSED [ 88%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_union PASSED [ 89%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_type PASSED [ 89%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_threadid PASSED [ 90%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_len PASSED [ 91%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_toplevel_type PASSED [ 91%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_toplevel PASSED [ 92%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_toplevel_reply PASSED [ 92%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_iter PASSED [ 93%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_matched PASSED [ 94%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_authors_type PASSED [ 94%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_authors PASSED [ 95%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_subject PASSED [ 96%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_first PASSED [ 96%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_last PASSED [ 97%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_first_last PASSED [ 98%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_tags_type PASSED [ 98%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_tags_cache PASSED [ 99%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_tags PASSED [100%] > >========================================= 156 passed in 8.76s ========================================== > [32;01m*[0m python3_8: running distutils-r1_run_phase python_test >========================================= test session starts ========================================== >platform linux -- Python 3.8.6, pytest-6.1.2, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /usr/bin/python3.8 >cachedir: .pytest_cache >notmuch 0.31.2 (/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/notmuch) >rootdir: /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/bindings/python-cffi >plugins: forked-1.3.0, cov-2.10.1, xdist-2.1.0 >collecting ... collected 156 items > >tests/test_base.py::TestNotmuchObject::test_no_impl_methods PASSED [ 0%] >tests/test_base.py::TestNotmuchObject::test_impl_methods PASSED [ 1%] >tests/test_base.py::TestNotmuchObject::test_del PASSED [ 1%] >tests/test_base.py::TestMemoryPointer::test_unset PASSED [ 2%] >tests/test_base.py::TestMemoryPointer::test_set PASSED [ 3%] >tests/test_base.py::TestMemoryPointer::test_cleared PASSED [ 3%] >tests/test_base.py::TestMemoryPointer::test_two_instances PASSED [ 4%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_type PASSED [ 5%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_init_bytes PASSED [ 5%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_init_str PASSED [ 6%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_bytes PASSED [ 7%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_invalid_utf8 PASSED [ 7%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_errors PASSED [ 8%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_encoding PASSED [ 8%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_type PASSED [ 9%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_alive PASSED [ 10%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_set_get PASSED [ 10%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_get_keyerror PASSED [ 11%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_iter PASSED [ 12%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_len PASSED [ 12%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_del PASSED [ 13%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_config_pathname_default PASSED [ 14%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_config_pathname_env PASSED [ 14%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_default_path_nocfg PASSED [ 15%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_default_path_cfg_is_dir PASSED [ 16%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_default_path_parseerr PASSED [ 16%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_default_path_parse PASSED [ 17%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_default_path_param PASSED [ 17%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_create PASSED [ 18%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_create_already_open PASSED [ 19%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_create_existing PASSED [ 19%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_close PASSED [ 20%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_del_noclose PASSED [ 21%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_close_del PASSED [ 21%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_closed_attr PASSED [ 22%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_ctx PASSED [ 23%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_path PASSED [ 23%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_version PASSED [ 24%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_needs_upgrade PASSED [ 25%] >tests/test_database.py::TestAtomic::test_exit_early PASSED [ 25%] >tests/test_database.py::TestAtomic::test_exit_late PASSED [ 26%] >tests/test_database.py::TestAtomic::test_abort PASSED [ 26%] >tests/test_database.py::TestRevision::test_single_rev PASSED [ 27%] >tests/test_database.py::TestRevision::test_diff_db PASSED [ 28%] >tests/test_database.py::TestRevision::test_cmp PASSED [ 28%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_add_message PASSED [ 29%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_add_message_str PASSED [ 30%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_add_message_bytes PASSED [ 30%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_remove_message PASSED [ 31%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_remove_message_str PASSED [ 32%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_remove_message_bytes PASSED [ 32%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_find_message PASSED [ 33%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_find_message_notfound PASSED [ 33%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_get_message PASSED [ 34%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_get_message_str PASSED [ 35%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_get_message_bytes PASSED [ 35%] >tests/test_database.py::TestTags::test_type PASSED [ 36%] >tests/test_database.py::TestTags::test_none PASSED [ 37%] >tests/test_database.py::TestTags::test_some PASSED [ 37%] >tests/test_database.py::TestTags::test_cache PASSED [ 38%] >tests/test_database.py::TestTags::test_iters PASSED [ 39%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_count_messages PASSED [ 39%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_messages_type PASSED [ 40%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_message_no_results PASSED [ 41%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_message_match PASSED [ 41%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_count_threads PASSED [ 42%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_threads_type PASSED [ 42%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_threads_no_match PASSED [ 43%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_threads_match PASSED [ 44%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_use_threaded_message_twice PASSED [ 44%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_type PASSED [ 45%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_alive PASSED [ 46%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_hash PASSED [ 46%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_eq PASSED [ 47%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_messageid_type PASSED [ 48%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_messageid PASSED [ 48%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_messageid_find PASSED [ 49%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_threadid_type PASSED [ 50%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_path_type PASSED [ 50%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_path PASSED [ 51%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_pathb_type PASSED [ 51%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_pathb PASSED [ 52%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_filenames_type PASSED [ 53%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_filenames PASSED [ 53%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_filenamesb_type PASSED [ 54%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_filenamesb PASSED [ 55%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_ghost_no PASSED [ 55%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_date PASSED [ 56%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_header PASSED [ 57%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_header_not_present PASSED [ 57%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_freeze PASSED [ 58%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_freeze_err PASSED [ 58%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_replies_type PASSED [ 59%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_replies PASSED [ 60%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_type PASSED [ 60%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_add_single PASSED [ 61%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_add_dup PASSED [ 62%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_len PASSED [ 62%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_del PASSED [ 63%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_remove PASSED [ 64%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_view_abcs PASSED [ 64%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_pop PASSED [ 65%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_pop_default PASSED [ 66%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_popitem PASSED [ 66%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_clear PASSED [ 67%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_getall PASSED [ 67%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_getall_prefix PASSED [ 68%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_getall_exact PASSED [ 69%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_type PASSED [ 69%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_hash PASSED [ 70%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_eq PASSED [ 71%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_neq PASSED [ 71%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_contains PASSED [ 72%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_isdisjoint PASSED [ 73%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_issubset PASSED [ 73%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_issuperset PASSED [ 74%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_iter PASSED [ 75%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_special_iter PASSED [ 75%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_special_iter_codec PASSED [ 76%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_len PASSED [ 76%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_and PASSED [ 77%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_or PASSED [ 78%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_sub PASSED [ 78%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_rsub PASSED [ 79%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_xor PASSED [ 80%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_rxor PASSED [ 80%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_copy PASSED [ 81%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_type PASSED [ 82%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_hash PASSED [ 82%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_add PASSED [ 83%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_discard PASSED [ 83%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_discard_not_present PASSED [ 84%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_clear PASSED [ 85%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_from_maildir_flags PASSED [ 85%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_to_maildir_flags PASSED [ 86%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_isdisjoint PASSED [ 87%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_issubset PASSED [ 87%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_issuperset PASSED [ 88%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_union PASSED [ 89%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_type PASSED [ 89%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_threadid PASSED [ 90%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_len PASSED [ 91%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_toplevel_type PASSED [ 91%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_toplevel PASSED [ 92%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_toplevel_reply PASSED [ 92%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_iter PASSED [ 93%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_matched PASSED [ 94%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_authors_type PASSED [ 94%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_authors PASSED [ 95%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_subject PASSED [ 96%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_first PASSED [ 96%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_last PASSED [ 97%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_first_last PASSED [ 98%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_tags_type PASSED [ 98%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_tags_cache PASSED [ 99%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_tags PASSED [100%] > >========================================= 156 passed in 7.75s ========================================== > [32;01m*[0m python3_7: running distutils-r1_run_phase _distutils-r1_clean_egg_info > [32;01m*[0m python3_8: running distutils-r1_run_phase _distutils-r1_clean_egg_info > [31;01m*[0m ERROR: net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2::gentoo failed (test phase): > [31;01m*[0m Tests failed: 'emake tests' > [31;01m*[0m > [31;01m*[0m Call stack: > [31;01m*[0m ebuild.sh, line 125: Called src_test > [31;01m*[0m environment, line 4349: Called die > [31;01m*[0m The specific snippet of code: > [31;01m*[0m [[ -n ${test_failures} ]] && die "Tests failed: ${test_failures[@]}" > [31;01m*[0m > [31;01m*[0m If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2::gentoo'`, > [31;01m*[0m the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2::gentoo'`. > [31;01m*[0m The complete build log is located at '/var/log/portage/build/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2:20210110-211615.log'. > [31;01m*[0m For convenience, a symlink to the build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/temp/build.log'. > [31;01m*[0m The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/temp/environment'. > [31;01m*[0m Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2' > [31;01m*[0m S: '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2'
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bug 749969
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