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Bug 749969
net-mail/notmuch-0.31-r1: fails test
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build.2.log (text/plain), 158.47 KB, created by
Joonas Niilola
on 2020-11-09 08:34:18 UTC
MIME Type:
Joonas Niilola
2020-11-09 08:34:18 UTC
158.47 KB
> * Package: net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2 > * Repository: gentoo > * Maintainer: gyakovlev@gentoo.org gentoo@seichter.de > * USE: abi_x86_32 apidoc crypt doc elibc_glibc emacs kernel_linux mutt nmbug python python_targets_python3_7 test userland_GNU valgrind x86 > * FEATURES: network-sandbox preserve-libs sandbox test userpriv usersandbox > * Emacs version: 27.1 >>>> Unpacking source... >>>> Unpacking notmuch-0.31.2.tar.xz to /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work >>>> Source unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work >>>> Preparing source in /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2 ... >>>> Source prepared. >>>> Configuring source in /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2 ... > * Using python3.7 in global scope >./configure --prefix=/usr --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=i686-pc-linux-gnu --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --datadir=/usr/share --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var/lib --disable-dependency-tracking --libdir=/usr/lib --bashcompletiondir=/usr/share/bash-completion/completions --emacslispdir=//usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/notmuch --emacsetcdir=//usr/share/emacs/etc/notmuch --without-desktop --without-ruby --zshcompletiondir=/usr/share/zsh/site-functions --with-api-docs --with-docs --with-emacs >Welcome to Notmuch, a system for indexing, searching and tagging your email. > >We hope that the process of building and installing notmuch is quick >and smooth so that you can soon be reading and processing your email >more efficiently than ever. > >If anything goes wrong in the configure process, you can override any >decisions it makes by manually editing the Makefile.config file that >it creates. Also please do as much as you can to figure out what could >be different on your machine compared to those of the notmuch >developers. Then, please email those details to the Notmuch list >(notmuch@notmuchmail.org) so that we can hopefully make future >versions of notmuch easier for you to use. > >We'll now investigate your system to verify that all required >dependencies are available: > >Sanity checking C compilation environment... OK. >Sanity checking C++ compilation environment... OK. >Reading libnotmuch version from source... OK. >Checking for Xapian development files (>= 1.4.0)... Yes (1.4.17). >Checking for GMime development files (>= 3.0.3)... Yes. >Checking for GMime session key extraction support... OK. >Checking for GMime X.509 certificate validity... Yes. >Checking signature verification when decrypting using session keys... Yes. >Checking for Glib development files (>= 2.22)... Yes. >Checking for zlib (>= Yes. >Checking for talloc development files... Yes. >Checking for bash... Yes (/bin/bash). >Checking for perl... Yes (/usr/bin/perl). >Checking for python... Yes (/usr/bin/python3.7). >Checking for python3 (>= 3.5)...Yes. >Checking for python3 cffi and setuptools... Yes. >Checking for python3 pytest (>= 3.0)... Yes. >Checking for valgrind development files... Yes. >Checking for bash-completion (>= 1.90)... No (will not install bash completion). >Checking if emacs (>= 25) is available... Yes. >Checking if doxygen is available... Yes. >Checking if sphinx is available and supports nroff output... Yes. >Checking if makeinfo is available... Yes. >Checking if install-info is available... Yes. >Checking for cppcheck... No. >Checking which platform we are on... Linux >Checking for /usr/lib in ldconfig... Yes >Checking for canonicalize_file_name... Yes. >Checking for getline... Yes. >Checking for strcasestr... Yes. >Checking for strsep... Yes. >Checking for timegm... Yes. >Checking for 64 bit time_t... In file included from [01m[K_time_t.c:2[m[K: >[01m[K_time_t.c:3:1:[m[K [01;31m[Kerror: [m[Kstatic assertion failed: "sizeof(time_t) < 8" > 3 | [01;31m[Kstatic_assert[m[K(sizeof(time_t) >= 8, "sizeof(time_t) < 8"); > | [01;31m[K^~~~~~~~~~~~~[m[K >No. >Checking for dirent.d_type... Yes. >Checking for standard version of getpwuid_r... Yes. >Checking for standard version of asctime_r... Yes. >Checking for rpath support... Yes. >Checking for -Wl,--as-needed... Yes. >Checking for -Wl,--no-undefined... Yes. >Checking for available C++ compiler warning flags... > -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings >Checking for available C compiler warning flags... > -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations > >All required packages were found. You may now run the following >commands to compile and install notmuch: > > make > sudo make install > >>>> Source configured. >>>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2 ... > * Using python3.7 in global scope >make -j16 -l10 -j1 -C emacs docstring.stamp V=1 >make: Entering directory '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs' >make -C .. docstring.stamp >make[1]: Entering directory '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2' >echo 0.31.2 > version.stamp >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -l make-deps.el \ > -f batch-make-deps emacs/notmuch-lib.el emacs/notmuch-compat.el emacs/notmuch-parser.el emacs/notmuch.el emacs/notmuch-query.el emacs/notmuch-show.el emacs/notmuch-tree.el emacs/notmuch-wash.el emacs/notmuch-hello.el emacs/notmuch-mua.el emacs/notmuch-address.el emacs/notmuch-maildir-fcc.el emacs/notmuch-message.el emacs/notmuch-crypto.el emacs/notmuch-tag.el emacs/coolj.el emacs/notmuch-print.el emacs/notmuch-version.el emacs/notmuch-jump.el emacs/notmuch-company.el emacs/notmuch-draft.el > emacs/.eldeps.tmp && \ > mv emacs/.eldeps.tmp emacs/.eldeps >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-lib.el emacs/notmuch-lib.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-lib.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-compat.el emacs/notmuch-compat.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-compat.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-parser.el emacs/notmuch-parser.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-parser.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch.el emacs/notmuch.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-query.el emacs/notmuch-query.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-query.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-show.el emacs/notmuch-show.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-show.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-tree.el emacs/notmuch-tree.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-tree.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-wash.el emacs/notmuch-wash.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-wash.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-hello.el emacs/notmuch-hello.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-hello.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-mua.el emacs/notmuch-mua.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-mua.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-address.el emacs/notmuch-address.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-address.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-maildir-fcc.el emacs/notmuch-maildir-fcc.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-maildir-fcc.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-message.el emacs/notmuch-message.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-message.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-crypto.el emacs/notmuch-crypto.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-crypto.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-tag.el emacs/notmuch-tag.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-tag.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/coolj.el emacs/coolj.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/coolj.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-print.el emacs/notmuch-print.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-print.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-version.el emacs/notmuch-version.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-version.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-jump.el emacs/notmuch-jump.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-jump.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-company.el emacs/notmuch-company.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-company.el (source)... >emacs --quick -batch -L emacs -l rstdoc -f rstdoc-batch-extract emacs/notmuch-draft.el emacs/notmuch-draft.rsti >Loading /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs/notmuch-draft.el (source)... >touch docstring.stamp >make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2' >make: Leaving directory '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/emacs' >make -j16 -l10 V=1 >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 command-line-arguments.c -o command-line-arguments.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/command-line-arguments.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 debugger.c -o debugger.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/debugger.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 status.c -o status.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/status.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 gmime-filter-reply.c -o gmime-filter-reply.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/gmime-filter-reply.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 hooks.c -o hooks.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/hooks.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch.c -o notmuch.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-compact.c -o notmuch-compact.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-compact.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-config.c -o notmuch-config.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-config.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-count.c -o notmuch-count.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-count.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-dump.c -o notmuch-dump.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-dump.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-insert.c -o 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-DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 notmuch-time.c -o notmuch-time.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/notmuch-time.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 sprinter-json.c -o sprinter-json.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/sprinter-json.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 sprinter-sexp.c -o sprinter-sexp.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/sprinter-sexp.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 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-DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 query-string.c -o query-string.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/query-string.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 mime-node.c -o mime-node.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/mime-node.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 tag-util.c -o tag-util.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/tag-util.d >[01m[Knotmuch-show.c:[m[K In function â[01m[Kformat_part_raw[m[Kâ: >[01m[Knotmuch-show.c:912:36:[m[K [01;35m[Kwarning: [m[Kformat â[01m[K%ld[m[Kâ expects argument of type â[01m[Klong int[m[Kâ, but argument 3 has type â[01m[Kssize_t[m[Kâ {aka â[01m[Kint[m[Kâ} [[01;35m[K-Wformat=[m[K] > 912 | fprintf (stderr, "Error: Write [01;35m[K%ld[m[K chars to stdout failed\n", [32m[Kssize[m[K); > | [01;35m[K~~^[m[K [32m[K~~~~~[m[K > | [01;35m[K|[m[K [32m[K|[m[K > | [01;35m[Klong int[m[K [32m[Kssize_t {aka int}[m[K > | [32m[K%d[m[K >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS 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-Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 util/error_util.c -o util/error_util.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/util/error_util.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 util/hex-escape.c -o util/hex-escape.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/util/hex-escape.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 util/string-util.c -o util/string-util.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/util/string-util.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 util/talloc-extra.c -o util/talloc-extra.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/util/talloc-extra.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 util/zlib-extra.c -o util/zlib-extra.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/util/zlib-extra.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 util/util.c -o util/util.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/util/util.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 util/gmime-extra.c -o util/gmime-extra.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/util/gmime-extra.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 util/crypto.c -o util/crypto.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/util/crypto.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 util/repair.c -o util/repair.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/util/repair.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 util/unicode-util.c -o util/unicode-util.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/util/unicode-util.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 parse-time-string/parse-time-string.c -o parse-time-string/parse-time-string.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/parse-time-string/parse-time-string.d >sphinx-build -b man -d doc/_build/man_doctrees -q ./doc doc/_build/man >echo "PROJECT_NAME = \"Notmuch 0.31.2\"" > doc/config.dox >echo "INPUT=./lib/notmuch.h" >> doc/config.dox >sphinx-build -b texinfo -d doc/_build/texinfo_doctrees -q ./doc doc/_build/texinfo >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-compat.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-version.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-parser.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/coolj.el >ar rcs util/libnotmuch_util.a util/xutil.o util/error_util.o util/hex-escape.o util/string-util.o util/talloc-extra.o util/zlib-extra.o util/util.o util/gmime-extra.o util/crypto.o util/repair.o util/unicode-util.o >ar rcs parse-time-string/libparse-time-string.a parse-time-string/parse-time-string.o >mkdir -p doc/_build/man/man3 >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-lib.el >doxygen ./doc/doxygen.cfg >rm -f doc/_build/man/man3/_*.3 >perl -pi -e 's/^[.]RI "\\fI/.RI "\\fP/' doc/_build/man/man3/notmuch.3 >rm -f doc/_build/man/man3/notmuch.3.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man3/notmuch.3 > doc/_build/man/man3/notmuch.3.gz >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-tag.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-query.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-wash.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-company.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-maildir-fcc.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-crypto.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-print.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-message.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-address.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-draft.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-mua.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-show.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-hello.el >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-jump.el >ar rcs lib/libnotmuch.a lib/filenames.o lib/string-list.o lib/message-file.o lib/message-id.o lib/messages.o lib/sha1.o lib/built-with.o lib/string-map.o lib/indexopts.o lib/tags.o lib/database.o lib/parse-time-vrp.o lib/directory.o lib/index.o lib/message.o lib/add-message.o lib/message-property.o lib/query.o lib/query-fp.o lib/config.o lib/regexp-fields.o lib/thread.o lib/thread-fp.o >i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++ lib/filenames.o lib/string-list.o lib/message-file.o lib/message-id.o lib/messages.o lib/sha1.o lib/built-with.o lib/string-map.o lib/indexopts.o lib/tags.o lib/database.o lib/parse-time-vrp.o lib/directory.o lib/index.o lib/message.o lib/add-message.o lib/message-property.o lib/query.o lib/query-fp.o lib/config.o lib/regexp-fields.o lib/thread.o lib/thread-fp.o -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0 -Wl,--as-needed -lgmime-3.0 -lgio-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib -ltalloc -lz -lxapian -shared -Wl,--version-script=./lib/notmuch.sym,-soname=libnotmuch.so.5 -Wl,--no-undefined -o lib/libnotmuch.so.5.3.0 util/libnotmuch_util.a parse-time-string/libparse-time-string.a >i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++ command-line-arguments.o debugger.o status.o gmime-filter-reply.o hooks.o notmuch.o notmuch-compact.o notmuch-config.o notmuch-count.o notmuch-dump.o notmuch-insert.o notmuch-new.o notmuch-reindex.o notmuch-reply.o notmuch-restore.o notmuch-search.o notmuch-setup.o notmuch-show.o notmuch-tag.o notmuch-time.o sprinter-json.o sprinter-sexp.o sprinter-text.o query-string.o mime-node.o tag-util.o lib/libnotmuch.a util/libnotmuch_util.a parse-time-string/libparse-time-string.a -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0 -Wl,--as-needed -lgmime-3.0 -lgio-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib -ltalloc -lz -lxapian -o notmuch >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch-tree.el >ln -sf libnotmuch.so.5.3.0 lib/libnotmuch.so.5 >ln -sf libnotmuch.so.5.3.0 lib/libnotmuch.so >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc command-line-arguments.o debugger.o status.o gmime-filter-reply.o hooks.o notmuch.o notmuch-compact.o notmuch-config.o notmuch-count.o notmuch-dump.o notmuch-insert.o notmuch-new.o notmuch-reindex.o notmuch-reply.o notmuch-restore.o notmuch-search.o notmuch-setup.o notmuch-show.o notmuch-tag.o notmuch-time.o sprinter-json.o sprinter-sexp.o sprinter-text.o query-string.o mime-node.o tag-util.o -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0 -Lutil -lnotmuch_util -Llib -lnotmuch -Wl,--as-needed -lgmime-3.0 -lgio-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib -ltalloc -lz -o notmuch-shared >cd bindings/python-cffi && \ > /usr/bin/python3.7 setup.py build --build-lib build/stage && \ > mkdir -p build/stage/tests && cp tests/*.py build/stage/tests > >In end of data: >emacs/notmuch-tree.el:1143:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to > be defined: notmuch-search-previous-thread, notmuch-search-next-thread, > notmuch-tree-from-search-thread >emacs --quick --directory emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile emacs/notmuch.el >running build >running build_py >creating build >creating build/stage >creating build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_thread.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_tags.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_query.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_message.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_errors.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_database.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_config.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_build.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_base.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/__init__.py -> build/stage/notmuch2 >warning: build_py: byte-compiling is disabled, skipping. > >running build_ext >generating cffi module 'build/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c' >creating build/temp.linux-i686-3.7 >building 'notmuch2._capi' extension >creating build/temp.linux-i686-3.7/build >creating build/temp.linux-i686-3.7/build/temp.linux-i686-3.7 >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -fPIC -I../../lib -I/usr/include/python3.7m -c build/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c -o build/temp.linux-i686-3.7/build/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.o >[01m[Kbuild/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c:[m[K In function â[01m[K_cffi_d_notmuch_message_get_flag[m[Kâ: >[01m[Kbuild/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c:2950:3:[m[K [01;35m[Kwarning: [m[Kâ[01m[Knotmuch_message_get_flag[m[Kâ is deprecated: function deprecated as of libnotmuch 5.3 [[01;35m[K-Wdeprecated-declarations[m[K] > 2950 | [01;35m[Kreturn[m[K notmuch_message_get_flag(x0, x1); > | [01;35m[K^~~~~~[m[K >In file included from [01m[Kbuild/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c:543[m[K: >[01m[K../../lib/notmuch.h:1502:1:[m[K [01;36m[Knote: [m[Kdeclared here > 1502 | [01;36m[Knotmuch_message_get_flag[m[K (notmuch_message_t *message, > | [01;36m[K^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[m[K >[01m[Kbuild/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c:[m[K In function â[01m[K_cffi_f_notmuch_message_get_flag[m[Kâ: >[01m[Kbuild/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c:2982:3:[m[K [01;35m[Kwarning: [m[Kâ[01m[Knotmuch_message_get_flag[m[Kâ is deprecated: function deprecated as of libnotmuch 5.3 [[01;35m[K-Wdeprecated-declarations[m[K] > 2982 | [01;35m[K{[m[K result = notmuch_message_get_flag(x0, x1); } > | [01;35m[K^[m[K >In file included from [01m[Kbuild/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c:543[m[K: >[01m[K../../lib/notmuch.h:1502:1:[m[K [01;36m[Knote: [m[Kdeclared here > 1502 | [01;36m[Knotmuch_message_get_flag[m[K (notmuch_message_t *message, > | [01;36m[K^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[m[K >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -pthread -shared -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -L. -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g build/temp.linux-i686-3.7/build/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.o -L../../lib -L/usr/lib -lnotmuch -lpython3.7m -o build/stage/notmuch2/_capi.abi3.so >[91mWARNING: autodoc: failed to import module 'notmuch2'; the following exception was raised: >No module named 'notmuch2'[39;49;00m >for section in 1 5 7; do \ > mkdir -p doc/_build/man/man${section}; \ > mv doc/_build/man/*.${section} doc/_build/man/man${section}; \ >done >[91mWARNING: autodoc: failed to import module 'notmuch2'; the following exception was raised: >No module named 'notmuch2'[39;49;00m >touch doc/_build/.roff.stamp >rm -f doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-reply.1.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-reply.1 > doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-reply.1.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-reindex.1.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-reindex.1 > doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-reindex.1.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-restore.1.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-restore.1 > doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-restore.1.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-new.1.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-new.1 > doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-new.1.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-dump.1.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-dump.1 > doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-dump.1.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-address.1.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-address.1 > doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-address.1.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-tag.1.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-tag.1 > doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-tag.1.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-count.1.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-count.1 > doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-count.1.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-search.1.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-search.1 > doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-search.1.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-emacs-mua.1.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-emacs-mua.1 > doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-emacs-mua.1.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-config.1.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-config.1 > doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-config.1.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-insert.1.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-insert.1 > doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-insert.1.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch.1.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch.1 > doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch.1.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-compact.1.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-compact.1 > doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-compact.1.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-show.1.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-show.1 > doc/_build/man/man1/notmuch-show.1.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man5/notmuch-hooks.5.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man5/notmuch-hooks.5 > doc/_build/man/man5/notmuch-hooks.5.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man7/notmuch-properties.7.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man7/notmuch-properties.7 > doc/_build/man/man7/notmuch-properties.7.gz >rm -f doc/_build/man/man7/notmuch-search-terms.7.gz && gzip --no-name --stdout doc/_build/man/man7/notmuch-search-terms.7 > doc/_build/man/man7/notmuch-search-terms.7.gz >touch doc/_build/.texi.stamp >make -C doc/_build/texinfo info >make[1]: Entering directory '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/doc/_build/texinfo' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-search-terms.info' 'notmuch-search-terms.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-compact.info' 'notmuch-compact.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-show.info' 'notmuch-show.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-reply.info' 'notmuch-reply.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-properties.info' 'notmuch-properties.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-config.info' 'notmuch-config.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-reindex.info' 'notmuch-reindex.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-hooks.info' 'notmuch-hooks.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-restore.info' 'notmuch-restore.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-new.info' 'notmuch-new.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-dump.info' 'notmuch-dump.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-address.info' 'notmuch-address.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-tag.info' 'notmuch-tag.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-count.info' 'notmuch-count.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-search.info' 'notmuch-search.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-emacs-mua.info' 'notmuch-emacs-mua.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-emacs.info' 'notmuch-emacs.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch-insert.info' 'notmuch-insert.texi' >makeinfo --no-split -o 'notmuch.info' 'notmuch.texi' >make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/doc/_build/texinfo' >make -C doc/_build/texinfo info >cd bindings/python-cffi && \ > /usr/bin/python3.7 setup.py build --build-lib build/stage && \ > mkdir -p build/stage/tests && cp tests/*.py build/stage/tests >make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'info'. >running build >running build_py >warning: build_py: byte-compiling is disabled, skipping. > >running build_ext >generating cffi module 'build/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c' >already up-to-date > >Compilation of notmuch is now complete. You can install notmuch with: > > make install > >Note that depending on the prefix to which you are installing >you may need root permission (such as "sudo make install"). >See "./configure --help" for help on setting an alternate prefix. > * python3_7: running distutils-r1_run_phase python_compile >python3.7 setup.py build -j 16 >running build >running build_py >creating /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_thread.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_tags.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_query.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_message.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_errors.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_database.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_config.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_build.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/_base.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >copying notmuch2/__init__.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2 >warning: build_py: byte-compiling is disabled, skipping. > >running build_ext >generating cffi module '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c' >creating /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7 >building 'notmuch2._capi' extension >creating /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/var >creating /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/var/tmp >creating /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/var/tmp/portage >creating /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/var/tmp/portage/x86 >creating /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage >creating /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail >creating /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2 >creating /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work >creating /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7 >creating /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7 >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -fPIC -I../../lib -I/usr/include/python3.7m -c /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c -o /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.o >/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c: In function â_cffi_d_notmuch_message_get_flagâ: >/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c:2950:3: warning: ânotmuch_message_get_flagâ is deprecated: function deprecated as of libnotmuch 5.3 [-Wdeprecated-declarations] > 2950 | return notmuch_message_get_flag(x0, x1); > | ^~~~~~ >In file included from /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c:543: >../../lib/notmuch.h:1502:1: note: declared here > 1502 | notmuch_message_get_flag (notmuch_message_t *message, > | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c: In function â_cffi_f_notmuch_message_get_flagâ: >/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c:2982:3: warning: ânotmuch_message_get_flagâ is deprecated: function deprecated as of libnotmuch 5.3 [-Wdeprecated-declarations] > 2982 | { result = notmuch_message_get_flag(x0, x1); } > | ^ >In file included from /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c:543: >../../lib/notmuch.h:1502:1: note: declared here > 1502 | notmuch_message_get_flag (notmuch_message_t *message, > | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -shared -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.o -L../../lib -L/usr/lib -lnotmuch -lpython3.7m -o /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch2/_capi.abi3.so >python3.7 setup.py build -j 16 >running build >running build_py >creating /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/version.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/threads.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/thread.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/tag.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/query.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/messages.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/message.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/globals.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/filenames.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/errors.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/directory.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/database.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/compat.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >copying notmuch/__init__.py -> /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2-python3_7/lib/notmuch >warning: build_py: byte-compiling is disabled, skipping. > > * Using python3.7 in global scope > * python3_7: running distutils-r1_run_phase python_compile_all >make -j16 -l10 -C bindings/python/docs html >make: Entering directory '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/bindings/python/docs' >sphinx-build -b html -d build/doctrees source html >Running Sphinx v3.2.1 >making output directory... done >loading intersphinx inventory from https://docs.python.org/objects.inv... >WARNING: failed to reach any of the inventories with the following issues: >intersphinx inventory 'https://docs.python.org/objects.inv' not fetchable due to <class 'requests.exceptions.ConnectionError'>: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='docs.python.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /objects.inv (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0xf5d9b04c>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution')) >building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date >building [html]: targets for 12 source files that are out of date >updating environment: [new config] 12 added, 0 changed, 0 removed >reading sources... [ 8%] database >reading sources... [ 16%] filesystem >reading sources... [ 25%] index >reading sources... [ 33%] message >reading sources... [ 41%] messages >reading sources... [ 50%] notes >reading sources... [ 58%] query >reading sources... [ 66%] quickstart >reading sources... [ 75%] status_and_errors >reading sources... [ 83%] tags >reading sources... [ 91%] thread >reading sources... [100%] threads > >WARNING: error while formatting signature for notmuch.STATUS: 'Status' object has no attribute '__qualname__' >looking for now-outdated files... none found >pickling environment... done >checking consistency... done >preparing documents... done >writing output... [ 8%] database >writing output... [ 16%] filesystem >writing output... [ 25%] index >writing output... [ 33%] message >writing output... [ 41%] messages >writing output... [ 50%] notes >writing output... [ 58%] query >writing output... [ 66%] quickstart >writing output... [ 75%] status_and_errors >writing output... [ 83%] tags >writing output... [ 91%] thread >writing output... [100%] threads > >/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/bindings/python/notmuch/database.py:docstring of notmuch.Database:12: WARNING: unknown keyword: with >generating indices... genindex py-modindexdone >writing additional pages... searchdone >copying static files... ... done >copying extra files... done >dumping search index in English (code: en)... done >dumping object inventory... done >build succeeded, 3 warnings. > >The HTML pages are in html. > >Build finished. The HTML pages are in html. >make: Leaving directory '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/bindings/python/docs' >make -j16 -l10 notmuch-mutt.1 >pod2man notmuch-mutt > notmuch-mutt.1 >>>> Source compiled. >>>> Test phase: net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2 >make -j16 -l10 test V=1 'OPTIONS=--verbose --tee' >make -C doc/_build/texinfo info >cd bindings/python-cffi && \ > /usr/bin/python3.7 setup.py build --build-lib build/stage && \ > mkdir -p build/stage/tests && cp tests/*.py build/stage/tests >make[1]: Entering directory '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/doc/_build/texinfo' >make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'info'. >make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/doc/_build/texinfo' >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/arg-test.c -o test/arg-test.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/arg-test.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/hex-xcode.c -o test/hex-xcode.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/hex-xcode.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/random-corpus.c -o test/random-corpus.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/random-corpus.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/database-test.c -o test/database-test.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/database-test.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/parse-time.c -o test/parse-time.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/parse-time.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/smtp-dummy.c -o test/smtp-dummy.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/smtp-dummy.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++ -c -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/symbol-test.cc -o test/symbol-test.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/symbol-test.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++ -c -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/make-db-version.cc -o test/make-db-version.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/make-db-version.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++ -c -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/ghost-report.cc -o test/ghost-report.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/ghost-report.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=0.31.2 -march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -g -Wall -Wextra -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -I./util -I./compat -I./lib -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -I./parse-time-string -I. -I/usr/include/gmime-3.0 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/lib/libffi/include -pthread -I/usr/include/libmount -I/usr/include/blkid -DHAVE_VALGRIND=1 -I/usr/include/valgrind -DHAVE_GETLINE=1 -DWITH_EMACS=1 -DHAVE_CANONICALIZE_FILE_NAME=1 -DHAVE_STRCASESTR=1 -DHAVE_STRSEP=1 -DHAVE_TIMEGM=1 -DHAVE_D_TYPE=1 -DSTD_GETPWUID=1 -DSTD_ASCTIME=1 -DSILENCE_XAPIAN_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS -DHAVE_XAPIAN_DB_RETRY_LOCK=1 test/message-id-parse.c -o test/message-id-parse.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/test/message-id-parse.d >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc test/arg-test.o command-line-arguments.o util/libnotmuch_util.a -o test/arg-test -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0 >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc test/parse-time.o parse-time-string/parse-time-string.o -o test/parse-time -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0 >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc test/smtp-dummy.o -o test/smtp-dummy -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0 >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc test/hex-xcode.o command-line-arguments.o util/libnotmuch_util.a -o test/hex-xcode -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib -ltalloc >i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc test/message-id-parse.o lib/libnotmuch.a util/libnotmuch_util.a -o test/message-id-parse -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib -ltalloc >i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++ test/random-corpus.o test/database-test.o notmuch-config.o status.o command-line-arguments.o lib/libnotmuch.a util/libnotmuch_util.a parse-time-string/libparse-time-string.a -o test/random-corpus -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0 -lgmime-3.0 -lgio-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib -ltalloc -lz -lxapian >running build >running build_py >warning: build_py: byte-compiling is disabled, skipping. > >running build_ext >generating cffi module 'build/temp.linux-i686-3.7/notmuch2._capi.c' >already up-to-date >i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++ test/ghost-report.o -o test/ghost-report -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0 -lxapian >i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++ test/symbol-test.o lib/libnotmuch.so -o test/symbol-test -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0 -Llib -lnotmuch -lxapian >i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++ test/make-db-version.o -o test/make-db-version -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0 -lxapian >INFO: using 2m timeout for tests > >T000-basic: Testing the test framework itself. > PASS success is reported like this > PASS test runs if prerequisite is satisfied > PASS tests clean up after themselves > PASS tests clean up even after a failure > PASS failure to clean up causes the test to fail > PASS Ensure that test output is suppressed unless the test fails > PASS Ensure that -v does not suppress test output > PASS test that mail store was created > PASS mail store should be empty > PASS NOTMUCH_CONFIG is set and points to an existing file > PASS PATH is set to build directory > [29] .debug_aranges PROGBITS 00000000 05c2a6 000990 00 0 0 1 > [30] .debug_info PROGBITS 00000000 05cc36 1525ce 00 0 0 1 > [31] .debug_abbrev PROGBITS 00000000 1af204 015c68 00 0 0 1 > [32] .debug_line PROGBITS 00000000 1c4e6c 043244 00 0 0 1 > [33] .debug_str PROGBITS 00000000 2080b0 033bb4 01 MS 0 0 1 > [34] .debug_loc PROGBITS 00000000 23bc64 0979fc 00 0 0 1 > [35] .debug_ranges PROGBITS 00000000 2d3660 011f40 00 0 0 1 > PASS notmuch is compiled with debugging symbols > >T010-help-test: Testing online help >The notmuch mail system. > >Usage: notmuch --help > notmuch --version > notmuch <command> [args...] > >The available commands are as follows: > > setup Interactively set up notmuch for first use. > new Find and import new messages to the notmuch database. > insert Add a new message into the maildir and notmuch database. > search Search for messages matching the given search terms. > address Get addresses from messages matching the given search terms. > show Show all messages matching the search terms. > count Count messages matching the search terms. > reply Construct a reply template for a set of messages. > tag Add/remove tags for all messages matching the search terms. > dump Create a plain-text dump of the tags for each message. > restore Restore the tags from the given dump file (see 'dump'). > compact Compact the notmuch database. > reindex Re-index all messages matching the search terms. > config Get or set settings in the notmuch configuration file. > emacs-mua send mail with notmuch and emacs. > help This message, or more detailed help for the named command. > >Additional help topics are as follows: > > search-terms Common search term syntax. > hooks Hooks that will be run before or after certain commands. > properties Message property conventions and documentation. > >Use "notmuch help <command or topic>" for more details on each command or topic. > > PASS notmuch --help >The notmuch mail system. > >Usage: notmuch --help > notmuch --version > notmuch <command> [args...] > >The available commands are as follows: > > setup Interactively set up notmuch for first use. > new Find and import new messages to the notmuch database. > insert Add a new message into the maildir and notmuch database. > search Search for messages matching the given search terms. > address Get addresses from messages matching the given search terms. > show Show all messages matching the search terms. > count Count messages matching the search terms. > reply Construct a reply template for a set of messages. > tag Add/remove tags for all messages matching the search terms. > dump Create a plain-text dump of the tags for each message. > restore Restore the tags from the given dump file (see 'dump'). > compact Compact the notmuch database. > reindex Re-index all messages matching the search terms. > config Get or set settings in the notmuch configuration file. > emacs-mua send mail with notmuch and emacs. > help This message, or more detailed help for the named command. > >Additional help topics are as follows: > > search-terms Common search term syntax. > hooks Hooks that will be run before or after certain commands. > properties Message property conventions and documentation. > >Use "notmuch help <command or topic>" for more details on each command or topic. > > PASS notmuch help >notmuch 0.31.2 > PASS notmuch --version >NOTMUCH-TAG(1) notmuch NOTMUCH-TAG(1) > >NAME > notmuch-tag - add/remove tags for all messages matching the search terms > >SYNOPSIS > notmuch tag [options ...] +<tag>|-<tag> [--] <search-term> ... > > notmuch tag --batch [--input=<filename>] > >DESCRIPTION > Add/remove tags for all messages matching the search terms. > > See notmuch-search-terms(7) for details of the supported syntax for <search-term>. > > Tags prefixed by '+' are added while those prefixed by '-' are removed. For each message, > tag changes are applied in the order they appear on the command line. > > The beginning of the search terms is recognized by the first argument that begins with > neither '+' nor '-'. Support for an initial search term beginning with '+' or '-' is pro- > vided by allowing the user to specify a "--" argument to separate the tags from the search > terms. > > notmuch tag updates the maildir flags according to tag changes if the maildir.synchro- > nize_flags configuration option is enabled. See notmuch-config(1) for details. > > Supported options for tag include > > --remove-all > Remove all tags from each message matching the search terms before applying the tag > changes appearing on the command line. This means setting the tags of each message > to the tags to be added. If there are no tags to be added, the messages will have > no tags. > > --batch > Read batch tagging operations from a file (stdin by default). This is more effi- > cient than repeated notmuch tag invocations. See TAG FILE FORMAT below for the in- > put format. This option is not compatible with specifying tagging on the command > line. > > --input=<filename> > Read input from given file, instead of from stdin. Implies --batch. > >TAG FILE FORMAT > The input must consist of lines of the format: > > +<tag>|-<tag> [...] [--] <query> > > Each line is interpreted similarly to notmuch tag command line arguments. The delimiter is > one or more spaces ' '. Any characters in <tag> may be hex-encoded with %NN where NN is > the hexadecimal value of the character. To hex-encode a character with a multi-byte UTF-8 > encoding, hex-encode each byte. Any spaces in <tag> must be hex-encoded as %20. Any char- > acters that are not part of <tag> must not be hex-encoded. > > In the future tag:"tag with spaces" style quoting may be supported for <tag> as well; for > this reason all double quote characters in <tag> should be hex-encoded. > > The <query> should be quoted using Xapian boolean term quoting rules: if a term contains > whitespace or a close paren or starts with a double quote, it must be enclosed in double > quotes (not including any prefix) and double quotes inside the term must be doubled (see > below for examples). > > Leading and trailing space ' ' is ignored. Empty lines and lines beginning with '#' are > ignored. > > EXAMPLE > The following shows a valid input to batch tagging. Note that only the isolated '*' acts > as a wildcard. Also note the two different quotings of the tag space in tags > > +winner * > +foo::bar%25 -- (One and Two) or (One and tag:winner) > +found::it -- tag:foo::bar% > # ignore this line and the next > > +space%20in%20tags -- Two > # add tag '(tags)', among other stunts. > +crazy{ +(tags) +&are +#possible\ -- tag:"space in tags" > +match*crazy -- tag:crazy{ > +some_tag -- id:"this is ""nauty)""" > >SEE ALSO > notmuch(1), notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), notmuch-hooks(5), not- > much-insert(1), notmuch-new(1), notmuch-reply(1), notmuch-restore(1), notmuch-search(1), > notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), > >AUTHOR > Carl Worth and many others > >COPYRIGHT > 2009-2020, Carl Worth and many others > >0.31.2 Nov 09, 2020 NOTMUCH-TAG(1) > PASS notmuch --help tag >NOTMUCH-TAG(1) notmuch NOTMUCH-TAG(1) > >NAME > notmuch-tag - add/remove tags for all messages matching the search terms > >SYNOPSIS > notmuch tag [options ...] +<tag>|-<tag> [--] <search-term> ... > > notmuch tag --batch [--input=<filename>] > >DESCRIPTION > Add/remove tags for all messages matching the search terms. > > See notmuch-search-terms(7) for details of the supported syntax for <search-term>. > > Tags prefixed by '+' are added while those prefixed by '-' are removed. For each message, > tag changes are applied in the order they appear on the command line. > > The beginning of the search terms is recognized by the first argument that begins with > neither '+' nor '-'. Support for an initial search term beginning with '+' or '-' is pro- > vided by allowing the user to specify a "--" argument to separate the tags from the search > terms. > > notmuch tag updates the maildir flags according to tag changes if the maildir.synchro- > nize_flags configuration option is enabled. See notmuch-config(1) for details. > > Supported options for tag include > > --remove-all > Remove all tags from each message matching the search terms before applying the tag > changes appearing on the command line. This means setting the tags of each message > to the tags to be added. If there are no tags to be added, the messages will have > no tags. > > --batch > Read batch tagging operations from a file (stdin by default). This is more effi- > cient than repeated notmuch tag invocations. See TAG FILE FORMAT below for the in- > put format. This option is not compatible with specifying tagging on the command > line. > > --input=<filename> > Read input from given file, instead of from stdin. Implies --batch. > >TAG FILE FORMAT > The input must consist of lines of the format: > > +<tag>|-<tag> [...] [--] <query> > > Each line is interpreted similarly to notmuch tag command line arguments. The delimiter is > one or more spaces ' '. Any characters in <tag> may be hex-encoded with %NN where NN is > the hexadecimal value of the character. To hex-encode a character with a multi-byte UTF-8 > encoding, hex-encode each byte. Any spaces in <tag> must be hex-encoded as %20. Any char- > acters that are not part of <tag> must not be hex-encoded. > > In the future tag:"tag with spaces" style quoting may be supported for <tag> as well; for > this reason all double quote characters in <tag> should be hex-encoded. > > The <query> should be quoted using Xapian boolean term quoting rules: if a term contains > whitespace or a close paren or starts with a double quote, it must be enclosed in double > quotes (not including any prefix) and double quotes inside the term must be doubled (see > below for examples). > > Leading and trailing space ' ' is ignored. Empty lines and lines beginning with '#' are > ignored. > > EXAMPLE > The following shows a valid input to batch tagging. Note that only the isolated '*' acts > as a wildcard. Also note the two different quotings of the tag space in tags > > +winner * > +foo::bar%25 -- (One and Two) or (One and tag:winner) > +found::it -- tag:foo::bar% > # ignore this line and the next > > +space%20in%20tags -- Two > # add tag '(tags)', among other stunts. > +crazy{ +(tags) +&are +#possible\ -- tag:"space in tags" > +match*crazy -- tag:crazy{ > +some_tag -- id:"this is ""nauty)""" > >SEE ALSO > notmuch(1), notmuch-config(1), notmuch-count(1), notmuch-dump(1), notmuch-hooks(5), not- > much-insert(1), notmuch-new(1), notmuch-reply(1), notmuch-restore(1), notmuch-search(1), > notmuch-search-terms(7), notmuch-show(1), > >AUTHOR > Carl Worth and many others > >COPYRIGHT > 2009-2020, Carl Worth and many others > >0.31.2 Nov 09, 2020 NOTMUCH-TAG(1) > PASS notmuch help tag > >T020-compact: Testing "notmuch compact" >Compacting database... >compacting table postlist > Reduced by 66% 16K (24K -> 8K) >compacting table docdata > doesn't exist >compacting table termlist > Reduced by 66% 16K (24K -> 8K) >compacting table position > Reduced by 66% 16K (24K -> 8K) >compacting table spelling > doesn't exist >compacting table synonym > doesn't exist >The old database has been moved to /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/xapian.old. >Done. > PASS Running compact > PASS Compact preserves database > PASS Restoring Backup > PASS Checking restored backup > >T030-config: Testing "notmuch config" > PASS Get string value > PASS Get list value > PASS Set string value > PASS Set string value again > PASS Set list value > PASS Set list value again >Unknown configuration item: foo.remove > PASS Remove key >Unknown configuration item: foo.nonexistent > PASS Remove non-existent key > PASS List all items > PASS Top level --config=FILE option > PASS Top level --config:FILE option > PASS Top level --config<space>FILE option > PASS Top level --config=FILE option changed the right file > PASS Read config file through a symlink > PASS Write config file through a symlink > PASS Writing config file through symlink follows symlink > PASS Absolute database path returned > PASS Relative database path properly expanded > >T040-setup: Testing "notmuch setup" > PASS Notmuch new without a config suggests notmuch setup >Error opening database at /path/to/maildir/.notmuch: No such file or directory > PASS Create a new config interactively > >T050-new: Testing "notmuch new" in several variations > PASS No new messages > PASS Single new message > PASS Single message (full-scan) > PASS Multiple new messages > PASS Multiple new messages (full-scan) > PASS No new messages (non-empty DB) > PASS No new messages (full-scan) > PASS New directories > PASS Alternate inode order > PASS Message moved in > PASS Renamed message > PASS Deleted message > PASS Renamed directory > PASS Deleted directory > PASS New directory (at end of list) > PASS Deleted directory (end of list) > PASS New symlink to directory > PASS New symlink to a file > PASS Broken symlink aborts > PASS New two-level directory > PASS Deleted two-level directory > PASS One character directory at top level > PASS Support single-message mbox > PASS Skip and report non-mail files > PASS Ignore files and directories specified in new.ignore > PASS Ignore files and directories specified in new.ignore (full-scan) > PASS Ignore files and directories specified in new.ignore (multiple occurrences) > PASS Don't stop for ignored broken symlinks > PASS Ignore files and directories specified in new.ignore (regexp) > PASS Quiet: No new mail. > PASS Quiet: new, removed and renamed messages. > PASS Empty tags in new.tags are forbidden > PASS Tags starting with '-' in new.tags are forbidden >Error: tag '-foo' in new.tags: tag starting with '-' forbidden > PASS Invalid tags set exit code > PASS Xapian exception: read only files > PASS Handle files vanishing between scandir and add_file > PASS reference loop does not crash > PASS reference loop ordered by date > >T060-count: Testing "notmuch count" for messages and threads > PASS message count is the default for notmuch count > PASS message count with --output=messages > PASS thread count with --output=threads > PASS thread count is the default for notmuch search > PASS files count > PASS files count for a duplicate message-id > PASS count with no matching messages > PASS count with no matching threads > PASS message count is the default for batch count > PASS batch message count > PASS batch thread count > PASS batch message count with input file >3+0 records in >3+0 records out >1536 bytes (1.5 kB, 1.5 KiB) copied, 1.9447e-05 s, 79.0 MB/s > PASS error message for database open > PASS error message from query_search_messages > PASS count library function is non-destructive > >T070-insert: Testing "notmuch insert" > PASS Insert zero-length file >Error: delivery of non-mail file: '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1604910507.M833844P858.localhost' > PASS Insert non-message > PASS Database empty so far > PASS Insert message > PASS Permissions on inserted message should be 0600 > PASS Insert message adds default tags > PASS Insert duplicate message > PASS Duplicate message does not change tags > PASS Insert message, add tag > PASS Insert tagged world-readable message > PASS Permissions on inserted world-readable message should be 0644 > PASS Insert tagged world-readable message with group-only umask > PASS Permissions on inserted world-readable message with funny umask should be 0640 > PASS Insert message, add/remove tags > PASS Insert message with default tags stays in new/ > PASS Insert message with non-maildir synced tags stays in new/ > PASS Insert message with custom new.tags goes to cur/ > PASS Insert message with custom new.tags actually gets the tags > PASS Insert message with maildir synced tags goes to cur/ > PASS Insert message with maildir sync off goes to new/ > PASS Insert message into folder > PASS Insert message into top level folder > PASS Insert message into folder with trailing / > PASS Insert message into folder, add/remove tags >Error: open '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/nonesuch/tmp/1604910508.M151098P958.localhost': No such file or directory > PASS Insert message into non-existent folder > PASS Insert message, create folder > PASS Insert message, create subfolder > PASS Created subfolder should have permissions 0700 > PASS Created subfolder new/ should also have permissions 0700 > PASS Insert message, create world-readable subfolder > PASS Created world-readable subfolder should have permissions 0755 > PASS Created world-readable subfolder new/ should also have permissions 0755 > PASS Insert message, create existing subfolder >Error: invalid folder name: '../G' > PASS Insert message, create invalid subfolder > PASS Empty tags in new.tags are forbidden > PASS Tags starting with '-' in new.tags are forbidden >Error: tag '-foo' in new.tags: tag starting with '-' forbidden > PASS Invalid tags set exit code >Error: delivery of non-mail file: '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1604910508.M472033P1039.localhost' > PASS EXIT_FAILURE when index_file returns FILE_NOT_EMAIL >Error: delivery of non-mail file: '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1604910508.M476265P1040.localhost' > PASS success exit with --keep when index_file returns FILE_NOT_EMAIL >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1604910508.M480516P1041.localhost' to notmuch database: Attempt to write to a read-only database > PASS EXIT_FAILURE when index_file returns READ_ONLY_DATABASE >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1604910508.M484798P1042.localhost' to notmuch database: Attempt to write to a read-only database > PASS success exit with --keep when index_file returns READ_ONLY_DATABASE >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1604910508.M489033P1043.localhost' to notmuch database: Operation requires a database upgrade > PASS EXIT_FAILURE when index_file returns UPGRADE_REQUIRED >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1604910508.M493230P1044.localhost' to notmuch database: Operation requires a database upgrade > PASS success exit with --keep when index_file returns UPGRADE_REQUIRED >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1604910508.M497371P1045.localhost' to notmuch database: Path supplied is illegal for this function > PASS EXIT_FAILURE when index_file returns PATH_ERROR >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1604910508.M501630P1046.localhost' to notmuch database: Path supplied is illegal for this function > PASS success exit with --keep when index_file returns PATH_ERROR >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1604910508.M505869P1047.localhost' to notmuch database: Out of memory > PASS EX_TEMPFAIL when index_file returns OUT_OF_MEMORY >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1604910508.M510087P1048.localhost' to notmuch database: Out of memory > PASS success exit with --keep when index_file returns OUT_OF_MEMORY >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1604910508.M514363P1049.localhost' to notmuch database: A Xapian exception occurred > PASS EX_TEMPFAIL when index_file returns XAPIAN_EXCEPTION >Error: failed to add '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T070-insert/mail/new/1604910508.M518566P1050.localhost' to notmuch database: A Xapian exception occurred > PASS success exit with --keep when index_file returns XAPIAN_EXCEPTION > >T080-search: Testing "notmuch search" in several variations > PASS Search body > PASS Search by from: > PASS Search by to: > PASS Search by subject: > PASS Search by subject (utf-8): > PASS Search by id: > PASS Search by mid: > PASS Search by tag: > PASS Search by thread: > PASS Search body (phrase) > PASS Search by from: (address) > PASS Search by from: (name) > PASS Search by from: (name and address) > PASS Search by from: without prefix (name and address) > PASS Search by to: (address) > PASS Search by to: (name) > PASS Search by to: (name and address) > PASS Search by to: without prefix (name and address) > PASS Search by subject: (phrase) > PASS Search for all messages ("*") > PASS Search body (utf-8): > PASS headers do not have adjacent term positions > PASS parts have non-overlapping term positions > PASS parts do not have adjacent term positions > >T090-search-output: Testing various settings for "notmuch search --output=" > PASS --output=threads > PASS --output=threads --format=json > PASS --output=messages > PASS --output=messages --duplicate=1 > PASS --output=messages --duplicate=2 > PASS --output=messages --duplicate=3 > PASS --output=messages --format=json > PASS --output=messages --format=json --duplicate=1 > PASS --output=messages --format=json --duplicate=2 > PASS --output=messages --format=json --duplicate=3 > PASS --output=files > PASS --output=files --duplicate=1 > PASS --output=files --format=json > PASS --output=files --format=json --duplicate=2 > PASS --output=tags > PASS --output=tags --format=json > PASS sanitize output for quoted-printable line-breaks in author and subject > PASS search for non-existent message prints nothing > PASS search --format=json for non-existent message prints proper empty json > >T095-address: Testing "notmuch address" in several variants > PASS --output=sender > PASS without --output > PASS --output=sender --format=json > PASS --output=recipients > PASS --output=sender --output=recipients > PASS --output=sender --output=count > PASS --output=recipients --output=address > PASS --output=sender --output=address --output=count > PASS --output=count --format=json > PASS --deduplicate=no --sort=oldest-first --output=sender > PASS --deduplicate=no --sort=newest-first --output=sender --output=recipients > PASS --deduplicate=address --output=sender --output=recipients > PASS --deduplicate=no --output=sender > PASS --deduplicate=mailbox --output=sender --output=count > PASS --deduplicate=address --output=sender --output=count > >T100-search-by-folder: Testing "notmuch search" by folder: and path: (with variations) > PASS Single-world folder: specification (multiple results) > PASS Top level folder > PASS Two-word path to narrow results to one > PASS Folder search with --output=files >No new mail. Detected 1 file rename. > PASS After removing duplicate instance of matching path > PASS Folder search with --output=files part #2 > PASS After removing duplicate instance of matching path part #2 >Processed 1 file in almost no time. >No new mail. Detected 1 file rename. > PASS After rename, old path returns nothing > PASS After rename, new path returns result > PASS folder: search > PASS top level folder: search > PASS path: search > PASS top level path: search > PASS recursive path: search > >T110-search-position-overlap-bug: Testing that notmuch does not overlap term positions > PASS Search for a@b.c matches > PASS Search for x@y.z matches > PASS Search for a@y.c must not match > >T120-search-insufficient-from-quoting: Testing messages with unquoted . in name > PASS Search by first name > PASS Search by last name: > PASS Search by address: > PASS Search for all messages: > >T130-search-limiting: Testing "notmuch search" --offset and --limit parameters > PASS messages: limit does the right thing > PASS messages: concatenation of limited searches > PASS messages: limit larger than result set > PASS messages: limit = 0 > PASS messages: offset does the right thing > PASS messages: offset = 0 > PASS messages: negative offset > PASS messages: negative offset > PASS messages: negative offset combined with limit > PASS messages: negative offset combined with equal limit > PASS messages: negative offset combined with large limit > PASS messages: negative offset larger then results > PASS threads: limit does the right thing > PASS threads: concatenation of limited searches > PASS threads: limit larger than result set > PASS threads: limit = 0 > PASS threads: offset does the right thing > PASS threads: offset = 0 > PASS threads: negative offset > PASS threads: negative offset > PASS threads: negative offset combined with limit > PASS threads: negative offset combined with equal limit > PASS threads: negative offset combined with large limit > PASS threads: negative offset larger then results > >T140-excludes: Testing "notmuch search, count and show" with excludes in several variations > PASS Search, exclude "deleted" messages from search > PASS Search, exclude "deleted" messages from message search > PASS Search, exclude "deleted" messages from message search --exclude=false > PASS Search, exclude "deleted" messages from message search (non-existent exclude-tag) > PASS Search, exclude "deleted" messages from search, overridden > PASS Search, exclude "deleted" messages from threads > PASS Search, don't exclude "deleted" messages when --exclude=flag specified > PASS Search, don't exclude "deleted" messages from search if not configured > PASS Search, default exclusion (thread summary) > PASS Search, default exclusion (messages) > PASS Search, exclude=true (thread summary) > PASS Search, exclude=true (messages) > PASS Search, exclude=false (thread summary) > PASS Search, exclude=false (messages) > PASS Search, exclude=flag (thread summary) >Warning: this output format cannot flag excluded messages. > PASS Search, exclude=flag (messages) > PASS Search, exclude=all (thread summary) > PASS Search, exclude=all (messages) > PASS Search, default exclusion: tag in query (thread summary) > PASS Search, default exclusion: tag in query (messages) > PASS Search, exclude=true: tag in query (thread summary) > PASS Search, exclude=true: tag in query (messages) > PASS Search, exclude=false: tag in query (thread summary) > PASS Search, exclude=false: tag in query (messages) > PASS Search, exclude=flag: tag in query (thread summary) >Warning: this output format cannot flag excluded messages. > PASS Search, exclude=flag: tag in query (messages) > PASS Search, exclude=all: tag in query (thread summary) > PASS Search, exclude=all: tag in query (messages) > PASS Count, default exclusion (messages) > PASS Count, default exclusion (threads) > PASS Count, exclude=true (messages) > PASS Count, exclude=true (threads) > PASS Count, exclude=false (messages) > PASS Count, exclude=false (threads) > PASS Count, default exclusion: tag in query (messages) > PASS Count, default exclusion: tag in query (threads) > PASS Count, exclude=true: tag in query (messages) > PASS Count, exclude=true: tag in query (threads) > PASS Count, exclude=false: tag in query (messages) > PASS Count, exclude=false: tag in query (threads) > PASS Show, default exclusion > PASS Show, default exclusion (entire-thread) > PASS Show, exclude=true > PASS Show, exclude=true (entire-thread) > PASS Show, exclude=false > PASS Show, exclude=false (entire-thread) > >T150-tagging: Testing "notmuch tag" > PASS Adding tags > PASS Removing tags >Error: 'notmuch tag' requires at least one tag to add or remove. > PASS No tag operations >Error: notmuch tag requires at least one search term. > PASS No query > PASS Redundant tagging > PASS Remove all > PASS Remove all with batch > PASS Remove all with a no-op > PASS Special characters in tags > PASS Tagging order > PASS --batch > PASS --input > PASS --batch --input > PASS --batch --input --remove-all > PASS --batch, dependence on previous line > PASS --batch, blank lines and comments > PASS --batch: checking error messages > PASS --batch: tags with quotes > PASS --batch: tags with punctuation and space > PASS --batch: unicode tags > PASS --batch: only space and % needs to be encoded. >Error opening database at /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T150-tagging/home/mail/.notmuch: No such file or directory > PASS --batch: unicode message-ids >Error: empty tag forbidden > PASS Empty tag names >Error: tag starting with '-' forbidden > PASS Tag name beginning with - > PASS Xapian exception: read only files > >T160-json: Testing --format=json output > PASS Show message: json > PASS Show message: json --body=true > PASS Show message: json --body=false > PASS Search message: json > PASS Show message: json, utf-8 >t > PASS Show message: json, inline attachment filename > PASS Search message: json, utf-8 > BROKEN Search message: json, 64-bit timestamp > --- T160-json.8.expected 2020-11-09 08:28:33.027480139 +0000 > +++ T160-json.8.output 2020-11-09 08:28:33.027480139 +0000 > @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ > [ > { > "authors": "Notmuch Test Suite", > - "date_relative": "the future", > + "date_relative": "1970-01-01", > "matched": 1, > "query": [ > "id:msg-005@notmuch-test-suite", > @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ > "unread" > ], > "thread": "XXX", > - "timestamp": 32472187200, > + "timestamp": 0, > "total": 1 > } > ] >A caller requested output format version 0, which is no longer supported >by the notmuch CLI (it requires at least version 1). You may need to >upgrade your notmuch front-end. > PASS Format version: too low >A caller requested output format version 999, but the installed notmuch >CLI only supports up to format version 4. You may need to upgrade your >notmuch CLI. > PASS Format version: too high > PASS Show message: multiple filenames > PASS Show message: multiple filenames, format version 2 > >T170-sexp: Testing --format=sexp output > PASS Show message: sexp > PASS Show message: sexp --body=true > PASS Show message: sexp --body=false > PASS Search message: sexp > PASS Show message: sexp, utf-8 > PASS Search message: sexp, utf-8 >t > PASS Show message: sexp, inline attachment filename > >T180-text: Testing --format=text output > PASS Show message: text > PASS Search message: text > PASS Show message: text, utf-8 > PASS Search message: text, utf-8 > PASS Search message tags: text0 > PASS Compare text vs. text0 for threads > PASS Compare text vs. text0 for messages > PASS Compare text vs. text0 for files > PASS Compare text vs. text0 for tags > >T190-multipart: Testing output of multipart message > PASS --format=text --part=0, full message > PASS --format=text --part=0 --body=false, message header > PASS --format=text --part=1, message body > PASS --format=text --part=2, multipart/mixed > PASS --format=text --part=3, rfc822 part > PASS --format=text --part=4, rfc822's multipart > PASS --format=text --part=5, rfc822's html part > PASS --format=text --include-html --part=5, rfc822's html part > PASS --format=text --part=6, rfc822's text part > PASS --format=text --part=7, inline attachment > PASS --format=text --part=8, plain text part > PASS --format=text --part=9, pgp signature (unverified) >part{ ID: 8, Content-type: text/plain >And this message is signed. > >-Carl >part} > PASS --format=text --part=8, no part, expect error > PASS --format=json --part=0, full message > PASS --format=json --part=1, message body > PASS --format=json --part=2, multipart/mixed > PASS --format=json --part=3, rfc822 part > PASS --format=json --part=4, rfc822's multipart/alternative > PASS --format=json --part=5, rfc822's html part > PASS --format=json --part=6, rfc822's text part > PASS --format=json --part=7, inline attachment > PASS --format=json --part=8, plain text part > PASS --format=json --part=9, pgp signature (unverified) > PASS --format=json --part=10, no part, expect error > PASS --format=raw > PASS --format=raw --part=0, full message > PASS --format=raw --part=1, message body > PASS --format=raw --part=2, multipart/mixed > PASS --format=raw --part=3, rfc822 part > PASS --format=raw --part=4, rfc822's multipart > PASS --format=raw --part=5, rfc822's html part > PASS --format=raw --part=6, rfc822's text part > PASS --format=raw --part=7, inline attachment > PASS --format=raw --part=8, plain text part > PASS --format=raw --part=9, pgp signature (unverified) >And this message is signed. > >-Carl > PASS --format=raw --part=10, no part, expect error > PASS --format=mbox >Error: specifying parts is incompatible with mbox output format. > PASS --format=mbox --part=1, incompatible, expect error > PASS 'notmuch reply' to a multipart message > PASS 'notmuch reply' to a multipart message with json format > PASS 'notmuch show --part' does not corrupt a part with CRLF pair > PASS html parts excluded by default > PASS html parts included > PASS indexes mime-type #1 > PASS indexes mime-type #2 > PASS indexes mime-type #3 >Added 1 new message to the database. > PASS case of Content-Disposition doesn't matter for indexing > >T200-thread-naming: Testing naming of threads with changing subject > PASS Initial thread name (oldest-first search) > PASS Initial thread name (newest-first search) > PASS Changed thread name (oldest-first search) > PASS Changed thread name (newest-first search) > PASS Ignore added reply prefix (Re:) > PASS Ignore added reply prefix (Aw:) > PASS Ignore added reply prefix (Vs:) > PASS Ignore added reply prefix (Sv:) > PASS Use empty subjects if necessary. > PASS Avoid empty subjects if possible (newest-first). > PASS Avoid empty subjects if possible (oldest-first). > PASS Test order of messages in "notmuch show" > >T205-author-naming: Testing naming of authors with unusual addresses > PASS Add author with empty quoted real name > >T210-raw: Testing notmuch show --format=raw > PASS Attempt to show multiple raw messages > PASS Show a raw message > PASS Show another raw message > PASS content, message of size 0001024 > PASS return value, message of size 0001024 > PASS content, message of size 0002048 > PASS return value, message of size 0002048 > PASS content, message of size 0004096 > PASS return value, message of size 0004096 > PASS content, message of size 0008192 > PASS return value, message of size 0008192 > PASS content, message of size 0016384 > PASS return value, message of size 0016384 > PASS content, message of size 0032768 > PASS return value, message of size 0032768 > PASS content, message of size 0065536 > PASS return value, message of size 0065536 > PASS content, message of size 0131072 > PASS return value, message of size 0131072 > PASS content, message of size 0262144 > PASS return value, message of size 0262144 > PASS content, message of size 0524288 > PASS return value, message of size 0524288 > PASS content, message of size 1048576 > PASS return value, message of size 1048576 > >T220-reply: Testing "notmuch reply" in several variations > PASS Basic reply > PASS Multiple recipients > PASS Reply with CC > PASS Reply from alternate address > PASS Reply from address in named group list > PASS Support for Reply-To > PASS Un-munging Reply-To > PASS Un-munging Reply-To With Exact Match > PASS Un-munging Reply-To With Raw addr-spec > PASS Message with header of exactly 200 bytes > PASS From guessing: Envelope-To > PASS From guessing: X-Original-To > PASS From guessing: Delivered-To > PASS Reply with RFC 2047-encoded headers > PASS Reply with RFC 2047-encoded headers (JSON) > PASS Reply to a message with multiple Cc headers > >T230-reply-to-sender: Testing "notmuch reply --reply-to=sender" in several variations > PASS Basic reply-to-sender > PASS From Us, Basic reply to message > PASS Multiple recipients > PASS From Us, Multiple TO recipients > PASS Reply with CC > PASS From Us, Reply with CC > PASS From Us, Reply no TO but with CC > PASS Reply from alternate address > PASS Support for Reply-To > PASS Support for Reply-To with multiple recipients > PASS Un-munging Reply-To > PASS Message with header of exactly 200 bytes > >T240-dump-restore: Testing "notmuch dump" and "notmuch restore" > PASS dump header >Processed 1 file in almost no time. >Added 1 new message to the database. > PASS Dumping all tags >dump.expected dump-ABC_DEF.expected differ: char 2143, line 30 > PASS Dumping all tags II > PASS Clearing all tags > PASS Clearing all tags > PASS Restoring original tags > PASS Restore with nothing to do > PASS Accumulate with existing tags > PASS Accumulate with no tags > PASS Accumulate with new tags >Unused positional parameter: another_one > PASS Invalid restore invocation > PASS dump --output=outfile > PASS dump --output=outfile -- > PASS dump --gzip > PASS dump --gzip --output=outfile > PASS restoring gzipped stdin > PASS restoring gzipped file > PASS dump -- from:cworth > PASS dump --output=outfile from:cworth > PASS dump --output=outfile -- from:cworth > PASS Check for a safe set of message-ids > PASS format=batch-tag, dump sanity check. > PASS format=batch-tag, missing newline > PASS format=batch-tag, # round-trip > PASS format=batch-tag, # blank lines and comments > PASS format=batch-tag, # reverse-round-trip empty tag > PASS restoring empty file is not an error > PASS file of comments and blank lines is not an error > PASS detect format=batch-tag with leading comments and blanks > PASS detect format=sup with leading comments and blanks > PASS format=batch-tag, round trip with strange tags > PASS format=batch-tag, checking encoded output > PASS restoring sane tags > PASS format=batch-tag, restore=auto >notmuch-dump.c:184: zlib error (0) >notmuch-dump.c:184: zlib error (0) > PASS format=sup, restore=auto > PASS format=batch-tag, restore=default >notmuch-dump.c:184: zlib error (0) >notmuch-dump.c:184: zlib error (0) > PASS format=sup, restore=default > PASS restore: checking error messages >Error opening database at /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T240-dump-restore/home/mail/.notmuch: No such file or directory > PASS roundtripping random message-ids and tags > >T250-uuencode: Testing handling of uuencoded data > PASS Ensure content before uu data is indexed > PASS Ensure uu data is not indexed > PASS Ensure content after uu data is indexed > >T260-thread-order: Testing threading when messages received out of order > PASS Messages with one parent get linked in all delivery orders > PASS Messages with all parents get linked in all delivery orders > >T270-author-order: Testing author reordering; > PASS Adding parent message > PASS Adding initial child message > PASS Adding second child message > PASS Searching when all three messages match > PASS Searching when two messages match > PASS Searching when only one message matches > PASS Searching when only first message matches > PASS Adding duplicate author > PASS Searching when all four messages match > PASS Adding non-monotonic child message > PASS Searching non-monotonic messages (oldest-first) > PASS Searching non-monotonic messages (newest-first) > >T280-from-guessing: Testing From line heuristics (with multiple configured addresses) > PASS Magic from guessing (nothing to go on) > PASS Magic from guessing (Envelope-to:) > PASS Magic from guessing (X-Original-To:) > PASS Magic from guessing (Received: .. for ..) > PASS Magic from guessing (Received: domain) > PASS Magic from guessing (multiple Received: headers) > PASS Testing From line heuristics (with single configured address) > PASS Magic from guessing (nothing to go on) > PASS Magic from guessing (Envelope-to:) > PASS Magic from guessing (X-Original-To:) > PASS Magic from guessing (Received: .. for ..) > PASS Magic from guessing (Received: domain) > >T290-long-id: Testing messages with ridiculously-long message IDs > PASS Referencing long ID before adding > PASS Adding message with long ID > PASS Referencing long ID after adding > PASS Ensure all messages were threaded together > >T300-encoding: Testing encoding issues > PASS Message with text of unknown charset > PASS Search for ISO-8859-2 encoded message > PASS RFC 2047 encoded word with spaces > PASS RFC 2047 encoded words back to back > PASS RFC 2047 encoded words without space before or after > PASS Mislabeled Windows-1252 encoding > >T310-emacs: Testing emacs interface > PASS Syntax of emacs test library >nil > PASS Basic notmuch-hello view in emacs >nil > PASS Saved search with 0 results >nil > PASS No saved searches displayed (all with 0 results) >nil > PASS Basic notmuch-search view in emacs >nil > PASS Incremental parsing of search results >nil > PASS Navigation of notmuch-hello to search results >nil > PASS Basic notmuch-show view in emacs >nil > PASS Basic notmuch-show view in emacs default indentation >nil > PASS Basic notmuch-show view in emacs without indentation >nil > PASS Basic notmuch-show view in emacs with fourfold indentation >nil > PASS notmuch-show for message with invalid From >nil > PASS Navigation of notmuch-search to thread view >nil > PASS Add tag from search view >nil > PASS Remove tag from search view >nil > PASS Add tag (large query) >nil > PASS notmuch-show: add single tag to single message >nil > PASS notmuch-show: remove single tag from single message >nil > PASS notmuch-show: add multiple tags to single message >nil > PASS notmuch-show: remove multiple tags from single message >nil > PASS Message with .. in Message-Id: >nil > PASS Message with quote in Message-Id: >smtp_dummy_port='39775' >t >/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/test-lib.sh: line 377: kill: (5315) - No such process > PASS Sending a message via (fake) SMTP >smtp_dummy_port='35751' >t >/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/test-lib.sh: line 377: kill: (5329) - No such process > PASS Folding a long header when sending via (fake) SMTP > PASS Verify that sent messages are saved/searchable (via FCC) >nil > PASS notmuch-fcc-dirs set to nil >nil > PASS notmuch-fcc-dirs set to a string >nil > PASS notmuch-fcc-dirs set to a list (with match) >nil > PASS notmuch-fcc-dirs set to a list (catch-all) >nil > PASS notmuch-fcc-dirs set to a list (no match) >nil > PASS Reply within emacs >nil > PASS Reply within emacs to a message with TAB in subject >nil > PASS Reply from alternate address within emacs >nil > PASS Reply from address in named group list within emacs >nil > PASS Reply within emacs to a multipart/mixed message >nil > PASS Reply within emacs to a multipart/alternative message >nil > PASS Reply within emacs to an html-only message >nil > PASS Reply within emacs to message from self >nil > PASS Quote MML tags in reply >"Done" > PASS Save attachment from within emacs using notmuch-show-save-attachments >"/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/tmp.T310-emacs/attachment2.gz" > PASS Save attachment from within emacs using notmuch-show-save-part >"Done" > PASS Save 8bit attachment from within emacs using notmuch-show-save-attachments >nil > PASS View raw message within emacs >nil > PASS Hiding/showing signature in notmuch-show view >nil > PASS Detection and hiding of top-post quoting of message >nil > PASS Hiding message in notmuch-show view >nil > PASS Hiding message with visible citation in notmuch-show view >nil > PASS notmuch-show: show message headers >nil > PASS notmuch-show: hide message headers >nil > PASS notmuch-show: hide message headers (w/ notmuch-show-toggle-visibility-headers) >nil > PASS notmuch-show: collapse all messages in thread >nil > PASS notmuch-show: uncollapse all messages in thread >nil > PASS Stashing in notmuch-show >nil > PASS Stashing in notmuch-search >nil >nil > PASS notmuch-show-advance-and-archive with invisible signature >nil > PASS Refresh show buffer >nil > PASS Refresh modified show buffer >t >#<buffer *notmuch-id:message-with-application/mpeg-attachment@notmuchmail.org*> > PASS Do not call notmuch for non-inlinable application/mpeg parts >t >#<buffer *notmuch-id:message-with-audio/mpeg-attachment@notmuchmail.org*> > PASS Do not call notmuch for non-inlinable audio/mpeg parts > PASS notmuch-hello-mode hook is called > PASS notmuch-hello-mode hook is not called on updates > PASS notmuch-hello-refresh hook is called > PASS notmuch-hello-refresh hook is called on updates >Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> (2001-01-05) (inbox) >Subject: HTML mail with images >To: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> >Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 15:43:44 +0000 > >[ multipart/related ] >[ text/html ] >* >smiley >[ image/gif (hidden) ] > PASS Rendering HTML mail with images >nil > PASS Search handles subprocess error exit codes >nil > PASS Search handles subprocess warnings >nil > PASS Search thread tag operations are race-free >nil > PASS Search global tag operations are race-free > PASS Term escaping >smtp_dummy_port='33511' >t >/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/test/test-lib.sh: line 377: kill: (5853) - No such process > PASS Sending a message calls the send message hooks > >T320-emacs-large-search-buffer: Testing Emacs with large search results buffer >nil > PASS Ensure that emacs doesn't drop results > >T330-emacs-subject-to-filename: Testing emacs: mail subject to filename > PASS no patch sequence number > PASS patch sequence number #1 > PASS patch sequence number #2 > PASS patch sequence number #3 > PASS patch sequence number #4 > PASS patch sequence number #5 > PASS patch sequence number #6 > PASS patch sequence number #7 > PASS filename #1 > PASS filename #2 > PASS filename #3 > PASS filename #4 > PASS filename #5 > PASS filename #6 > PASS filename #7 > PASS filename #8 > PASS filename #9 > PASS patch filename #1 > PASS patch filename #2 > PASS patch filename #3 > PASS patch filename #4 > >T340-maildir-sync: Testing maildir synchronization > PASS Adding 'S' flag to existing filename removes 'unread' tag > PASS Adding message with 'S' flag prevents 'unread' tag > PASS Adding message with 'S' w/o 'unread' in new.tags prevents 'unread' tag > PASS Adding 'replied' tag adds 'R' flag to filename > PASS notmuch show works with renamed file (without notmuch new) >From: Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> >Subject: Re: Adding replied tag >To: test_suite@notmuchmail.org >In-Reply-To: <adding-replied-tag@notmuch-test-suite> >References: <adding-replied-tag@notmuch-test-suite> > >On Fri, 05 Jan 2001 15:43:53 +0000, Notmuch Test Suite <test_suite@notmuchmail.org> wrote: >> This is just a test message (#4) > PASS notmuch reply works with renamed file (without notmuch new) > PASS notmuch new detects no file rename after tag->flag synchronization > PASS When read, message moved from new to cur > PASS No rename should be detected by notmuch new > PASS Adding non-maildir tags does not move message from new to cur > PASS Message in cur lacking maildir info gets one on any tag change > PASS Message in new with maildir info is moved to cur on any tag change > PASS Removing 'S' flag from existing filename adds 'unread' tag > PASS Removing info from filename leaves tags unchanged > PASS Can remove unread tag from message in non-maildir directory > PASS Message in non-maildir directory does not get renamed > PASS notmuch dump/restore re-synchronizes maildir tags with flags > PASS Adding flags to duplicate message tags the mail > PASS Adding duplicate message without flags does not remove tags > PASS Tag changes modify flags of multiple files > PASS Synchronizing tag changes preserves unsupported maildir flags > PASS A file with non-compliant maildir info will not be renamed > PASS Files in new/ get default synchronized tags > PASS draft is valid in new.tags > PASS flagged is valid in new.tags > PASS passed is valid in new.tags > PASS replied is valid in new.tags > >T350-crypto: Testing PGP/MIME signature verification and decryption > >Notmuch test suite complete. >All 655 tests behaved as expected (1 expected failure). >ERROR: Aborting on T350-crypto (returned 124) >make: *** [test/Makefile.local:75: test] Error 124 >emake failed > * python3_7: running distutils-r1_run_phase python_test >======================================= test session starts ======================================== >platform linux -- Python 3.7.9, pytest-6.0.1, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /usr/bin/python3.7 >cachedir: .pytest_cache >notmuch 0.31.2 (/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/notmuch) >rootdir: /var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2/bindings/python-cffi >collecting ... collected 156 items > >tests/test_base.py::TestNotmuchObject::test_no_impl_methods PASSED [ 0%] >tests/test_base.py::TestNotmuchObject::test_impl_methods PASSED [ 1%] >tests/test_base.py::TestNotmuchObject::test_del PASSED [ 1%] >tests/test_base.py::TestMemoryPointer::test_unset PASSED [ 2%] >tests/test_base.py::TestMemoryPointer::test_set PASSED [ 3%] >tests/test_base.py::TestMemoryPointer::test_cleared PASSED [ 3%] >tests/test_base.py::TestMemoryPointer::test_two_instances PASSED [ 4%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_type PASSED [ 5%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_init_bytes PASSED [ 5%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_init_str PASSED [ 6%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_bytes PASSED [ 7%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_invalid_utf8 PASSED [ 7%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_errors PASSED [ 8%] >tests/test_base.py::TestBinString::test_encoding PASSED [ 8%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_type PASSED [ 9%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_alive PASSED [ 10%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_set_get PASSED [ 10%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_get_keyerror PASSED [ 11%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_iter PASSED [ 12%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_len PASSED [ 12%] >tests/test_config.py::TestIter::test_del PASSED [ 13%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_config_pathname_default PASSED [ 14%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_config_pathname_env PASSED [ 14%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_default_path_nocfg PASSED [ 15%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_default_path_cfg_is_dir PASSED [ 16%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_default_path_parseerr PASSED [ 16%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_default_path_parse PASSED [ 17%] >tests/test_database.py::TestDefaultDb::test_default_path_param PASSED [ 17%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_create PASSED [ 18%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_create_already_open PASSED [ 19%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_create_existing PASSED [ 19%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_close PASSED [ 20%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_del_noclose PASSED [ 21%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_close_del PASSED [ 21%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_closed_attr PASSED [ 22%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_ctx PASSED [ 23%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_path PASSED [ 23%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_version PASSED [ 24%] >tests/test_database.py::TestCreate::test_needs_upgrade PASSED [ 25%] >tests/test_database.py::TestAtomic::test_exit_early PASSED [ 25%] >tests/test_database.py::TestAtomic::test_exit_late PASSED [ 26%] >tests/test_database.py::TestAtomic::test_abort PASSED [ 26%] >tests/test_database.py::TestRevision::test_single_rev PASSED [ 27%] >tests/test_database.py::TestRevision::test_diff_db PASSED [ 28%] >tests/test_database.py::TestRevision::test_cmp PASSED [ 28%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_add_message PASSED [ 29%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_add_message_str PASSED [ 30%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_add_message_bytes PASSED [ 30%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_remove_message PASSED [ 31%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_remove_message_str PASSED [ 32%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_remove_message_bytes PASSED [ 32%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_find_message PASSED [ 33%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_find_message_notfound PASSED [ 33%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_get_message PASSED [ 34%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_get_message_str PASSED [ 35%] >tests/test_database.py::TestMessages::test_get_message_bytes PASSED [ 35%] >tests/test_database.py::TestTags::test_type PASSED [ 36%] >tests/test_database.py::TestTags::test_none PASSED [ 37%] >tests/test_database.py::TestTags::test_some PASSED [ 37%] >tests/test_database.py::TestTags::test_cache PASSED [ 38%] >tests/test_database.py::TestTags::test_iters PASSED [ 39%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_count_messages PASSED [ 39%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_messages_type PASSED [ 40%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_message_no_results PASSED [ 41%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_message_match PASSED [ 41%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_count_threads PASSED [ 42%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_threads_type PASSED [ 42%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_threads_no_match PASSED [ 43%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_threads_match PASSED [ 44%] >tests/test_database.py::TestQuery::test_use_threaded_message_twice PASSED [ 44%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_type PASSED [ 45%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_alive PASSED [ 46%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_hash PASSED [ 46%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_eq PASSED [ 47%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_messageid_type PASSED [ 48%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_messageid PASSED [ 48%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_messageid_find PASSED [ 49%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_threadid_type PASSED [ 50%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_path_type PASSED [ 50%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_path PASSED [ 51%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_pathb_type PASSED [ 51%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_pathb PASSED [ 52%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_filenames_type PASSED [ 53%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_filenames PASSED [ 53%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_filenamesb_type PASSED [ 54%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_filenamesb PASSED [ 55%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_ghost_no PASSED [ 55%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_date PASSED [ 56%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_header PASSED [ 57%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_header_not_present PASSED [ 57%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_freeze PASSED [ 58%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_freeze_err PASSED [ 58%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_replies_type PASSED [ 59%] >tests/test_message.py::TestMessage::test_replies PASSED [ 60%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_type PASSED [ 60%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_add_single PASSED [ 61%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_add_dup PASSED [ 62%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_len PASSED [ 62%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_del PASSED [ 63%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_remove PASSED [ 64%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_view_abcs PASSED [ 64%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_pop PASSED [ 65%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_pop_default PASSED [ 66%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_popitem PASSED [ 66%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_clear PASSED [ 67%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_getall PASSED [ 67%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_getall_prefix PASSED [ 68%] >tests/test_message.py::TestProperties::test_getall_exact PASSED [ 69%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_type PASSED [ 69%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_hash PASSED [ 70%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_eq PASSED [ 71%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_neq PASSED [ 71%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_contains PASSED [ 72%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_isdisjoint PASSED [ 73%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_issubset PASSED [ 73%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_issuperset PASSED [ 74%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_iter PASSED [ 75%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_special_iter PASSED [ 75%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_special_iter_codec PASSED [ 76%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_len PASSED [ 76%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_and PASSED [ 77%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_or PASSED [ 78%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_sub PASSED [ 78%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_rsub PASSED [ 79%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_xor PASSED [ 80%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_rxor PASSED [ 80%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestImmutable::test_copy PASSED [ 81%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_type PASSED [ 82%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_hash PASSED [ 82%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_add PASSED [ 83%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_discard PASSED [ 83%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_discard_not_present PASSED [ 84%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_clear PASSED [ 85%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_from_maildir_flags PASSED [ 85%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_to_maildir_flags PASSED [ 86%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_isdisjoint PASSED [ 87%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_issubset PASSED [ 87%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_issuperset PASSED [ 88%] >tests/test_tags.py::TestMutableTagset::test_union PASSED [ 89%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_type PASSED [ 89%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_threadid PASSED [ 90%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_len PASSED [ 91%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_toplevel_type PASSED [ 91%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_toplevel PASSED [ 92%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_toplevel_reply PASSED [ 92%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_iter PASSED [ 93%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_matched PASSED [ 94%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_authors_type PASSED [ 94%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_authors PASSED [ 95%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_subject PASSED [ 96%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_first PASSED [ 96%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_last PASSED [ 97%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_first_last PASSED [ 98%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_tags_type PASSED [ 98%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_tags_cache PASSED [ 99%] >tests/test_thread.py::test_tags PASSED [100%] > >======================================= 156 passed in 1.97s ======================================== > * python3_7: running distutils-r1_run_phase _distutils-r1_clean_egg_info > * ERROR: net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2::gentoo failed (test phase): > * Tests failed: 'emake tests' > * > * Call stack: > * ebuild.sh, line 125: Called src_test > * environment, line 4242: Called die > * The specific snippet of code: > * [[ -n ${test_failures} ]] && die "Tests failed: ${test_failures[@]}" > * > * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2::gentoo'`, > * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2::gentoo'`. > * The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/temp/build.log'. > * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/temp/environment'. > * Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2' > * S: '/var/tmp/portage/x86/portage/net-mail/notmuch-0.31.2/work/notmuch-0.31.2'
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