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Bug 696230
dev-libs/efl-1.23.0 USE=-luajit - Run-time dependency luajit found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
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dev-libs:efl-1.23.0:20191004-154512.log (text/x-log), 16.61 KB, created by
Jeroen Roovers (RETIRED)
on 2019-10-04 15:54:09 UTC
MIME Type:
Jeroen Roovers (RETIRED)
2019-10-04 15:54:09 UTC
16.61 KB
>[32;01m * [39;49;00mPackage: dev-libs/efl-1.23.0 >[32;01m * [39;49;00mRepository: gentoo >[32;01m * [39;49;00mMaintainer: juippis@gentoo.org >[32;01m * [39;49;00mUSE: X drm eet elibc_glibc fbcon gles2 gstreamer hppa jpeg2k json kernel_linux lua nls pdf raw sound ssl svg system-lz4 tga tiff unwind userland_GNU v4l >[32;01m * [39;49;00mFEATURES: compressdebug preserve-libs sandbox splitdebug userpriv usersandbox >>>> Unpacking source... >>>> Unpacking efl-1.23.0.tar.xz to /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/efl-1.23.0/work >>>> Source unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/efl-1.23.0/work >>>> Preparing source in /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/efl-1.23.0/work/efl-1.23.0 ... >>>> Source prepared. >>>> Configuring source in /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/efl-1.23.0/work/efl-1.23.0 ... >meson --buildtype plain --libdir lib --localstatedir /var/lib --prefix /usr --sysconfdir /etc --wrap-mode nodownload --buildtype=release -D buffer=false -D cocoa=false -D drm-deprecated=false -D g-mainloop=false -D install-eo-files=false -D mono-beta=false -D pixman=false -D wl-deprecated=false -D xgesture=false -D edje-sound-and-video=true -D eeze=true -D elua=true -D libmount=true -D native-arch-optimization=true -D xinput2=true -D xinput22=true -Dx11=true -Ddrm=true -Delogind=false -Dbuild-examples=false -Dfb=true -Dfontconfig=false -Dfribidi=false -Dglib=false -Dgstreamer=true -Dharfbuzz=false -Dhyphen=false -Dnls=true -Dphysics=false -Dpulseaudio=false -Dsdl=false -Daudio=true -Dsystemd=false -Dtslib=false -Dv4l2=true -Dvnc-server=false -Dwl=false -Dxpresent=false -Davahi=false -Dembedded-lz4=false -D opengl=es-egl -D crypto=openssl -D network-backend=none -D evas-modules=shared -D evas-loaders-disabler=bmp,wbmp,dds,gif,ico,pmaps,ps,psd,tgv,webp,xcf,xpm -D ecore-imf-loaders-disabler=ibus,scim,xim -D emotion-loaders-disabler=gstreamer,libvlc,xine -D emotion-generic-loaders-disabler=vlc -D bindings=cxx -D lua-interpreter=lua /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/efl-1.23.0/work/efl-1.23.0 /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/efl-1.23.0/work/efl-1.23.0-build >[1mThe Meson build system[0m >Version: 0.51.2 >Source dir: [1m/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/efl-1.23.0/work/efl-1.23.0[0m >Build dir: [1m/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/efl-1.23.0/work/efl-1.23.0-build[0m >Build type: [1mnative build[0m >Project name: [1mefl[0m >Project version: [1m1.23.0[0m >Appending CFLAGS from environment: '-mschedule=8000 -march=2.0 -ggdb -Wall -O2 -pipe -Wno-comment' >Appending LDFLAGS from environment: '-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-keep-memory' >Appending CXXFLAGS from environment: '-mschedule=8000 -march=2.0 -ggdb -Wall -O2 -pipe' >Appending LDFLAGS from environment: '-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-keep-memory' >Appending CFLAGS from environment: '-mschedule=8000 -march=2.0 -ggdb -Wall -O2 -pipe -Wno-comment' >Appending LDFLAGS from environment: '-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-keep-memory' >C compiler for the host machine: [1mhppa2.0-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc[0m (gcc 8.3.0 "hppa2.0-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc (Gentoo 8.3.0-r1 p1.1) 8.3.0") >Appending CXXFLAGS from environment: '-mschedule=8000 -march=2.0 -ggdb -Wall -O2 -pipe' >Appending LDFLAGS from environment: '-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-keep-memory' >C++ compiler for the host machine: [1mhppa2.0-unknown-linux-gnu-g++[0m (gcc 8.3.0 "hppa2.0-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ (Gentoo 8.3.0-r1 p1.1) 8.3.0") >Build machine cpu family: [1mparisc[0m >Build machine cpu: [1mparisc64[0m >Header <features.h> has symbol "[1m__UCLIBC__[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Header <features.h> has symbol "[1m__dietlibc__[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Compiler for C supports arguments -fvisibility=hidden: [1;32mYES[0m >Compiler for C supports arguments -Wall: [1;32mYES[0m >Compiler for C supports arguments -Wunused-parameter: [1;32mYES[0m >Compiler for C supports arguments -Wsign-compare: [1;32mYES[0m >Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wmissing-field-initializers: [1;32mYES[0m >Checking if "[1menviron check[0m" compiles: [1;32mYES[0m >Found pkg-config: [1m/usr/bin/hppa2.0-unknown-linux-gnu-pkg-config[0m (1.6.3) >Run-time dependency [1mopenssl[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.1.1d >Checking if "[1mopen works with O_CLOEXEC[0m" compiles: [1;32mYES[0m >Checking if "[1mstrerror_r() returns char *[0m" compiles: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mm[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mdl[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mrt[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Run-time dependency [1mthreads[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1malloca.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1masm/hwcap.h[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Has header "[1mbsd/string.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1mdirent.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1mexecinfo.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1mmcheck.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1mnetinet/in.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1mnetinet/ssl.h[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Has header "[1mnetinet/tcp.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1mnetinet/udp.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1mnet/if.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1mstdlib.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1msys/auxv.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1msys/inotify.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1msys/ioctl.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1msys/mman.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1msys/types.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1msys/socket.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1msys/filio.h[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Has header "[1marpa/inet.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1msys/epoll.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1msys/un.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1msys/wait.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1msys/resource.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1msys/times.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1mlonginfo.h[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Has header "[1mexotic.h[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Has header "[1mieeefp.h[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Has header "[1mnode/uv.h[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Has header "[1msys/timerfd.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1mfeatures.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1mlanginfo.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1mlocale.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1muv.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Has header "[1mcrt_externs.h[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Header <alloca.h> has symbol "[1malloca[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <execinfo.h> has symbol "[1mbacktrace[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <execinfo.h> has symbol "[1mbacktrace_symbols[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <unistd.h> has symbol "[1mchown[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <time.h> has symbol "[1mclock_gettime[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <dirent.h sys/types.h> has symbol "[1mdirfd[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Header <sys/stat.h> has symbol "[1mfchmod[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <fcntl.h> has symbol "[1mfcntl[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <unistd.h> has symbol "[1mfork[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <unistd.h> has symbol "[1mfpathconf[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <unistd.h> has symbol "[1mgeteuid[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <unistd.h> has symbol "[1mgetpagesize[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <sys/types.h> has symbol "[1mgetpwent[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Header <pwd.h> has symbol "[1mgetpwent[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <unistd.h> has symbol "[1mgetuid[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <sys/types.h> has symbol "[1mgetxattr[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Header <sys/xattr.h> has symbol "[1mgetxattr[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <iconv.h> has symbol "[1miconv[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <sys/types.h> has symbol "[1mlistxattr[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Header <sys/xattr.h> has symbol "[1mlistxattr[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <malloc.h> has symbol "[1mmallinfo[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <malloc.h> has symbol "[1mmalloc_info[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <malloc.h> has symbol "[1mmalloc_usable_size[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <sys/stat.h> has symbol "[1mmkdirat[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <sys/mman.h> has symbol "[1mmmap[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <mcheck.h> has symbol "[1mmtrace[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <sys/prctl.h> has symbol "[1mprctl[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <stdlib.h> has symbol "[1mrealpath[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <sys/types.h> has symbol "[1msetxattr[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Header <sys/xattr.h> has symbol "[1msetxattr[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <setjmp.h> has symbol "[1msiglongjmp[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <string.h> has symbol "[1mstrerror_r[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <sys/time.h> has symbol "[1mgettimeofday[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <unistd.h> has symbol "[1mexecvp[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <unistd.h> has symbol "[1mpause[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <math.h> has symbol "[1misfinite[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <signal.h> has symbol "[1msiginfo_t[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <pthread.h> has symbol "[1mpthread_getcpuclockid[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <time.h> has symbol "[1mpthread_getcpuclockid[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Header <sys/timerfd.h> has symbol "[1mtimerfd_create[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <sys/types.h> has symbol "[1mkevent[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Header <sys/event.h> has symbol "[1mkevent[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Header <sys/time.h> has symbol "[1mkevent[0m" : [1;31mNO[0m >Library [1mdl[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Header <dlfcn.h> has symbol "[1mdlopen[0m" with dependency -ldl: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mdl[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Header <dlfcn.h> has symbol "[1mdlsym[0m" with dependency -ldl: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mm[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Header <math.h> has symbol "[1mlround[0m" with dependency -lm: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mrt[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Header <sys/mman.h> has symbol "[1mshm_open[0m" with dependency -lrt: [1;32mYES[0m >Header <sys/stat.h> has symbol "[1mshm_open[0m" with dependency -lrt: [1;31mNO[0m >Header <fcntl.h> has symbol "[1mshm_open[0m" with dependency -lrt: [1;31mNO[0m >Header <fcntl.h> has symbol "[1msplice[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <sched.h> has symbol "[1msched_getcpu[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mdl[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Header <dlfcn.h> has symbol "[1mdladdr[0m" with dependency -ldl: [1;32mYES[0m >Header <sys/stat.h> has symbol "[1mfstatat[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <fnmatch.h> has symbol "[1mfnmatch[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <regex.h> has symbol "[1mregcomp[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Run-time dependency [1mlibjpeg[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 2.0.3 >Checking for size of "[1mint[0m" : 4 >Checking for size of "[1mlong[0m" : 4 >Library [1mintl[0m found: [1;31mNO[0m >Header <pthread.h> has symbol "[1mpthread_barrier_init[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <pthread.h> has symbol "[1mpthread_setname_np[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <pthread.h> has symbol "[1mpthread_attr_setaffinity_np[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Checking for size of "[1mwchar_t[0m" : 4 >Checking for size of "[1muintptr_t[0m" : 4 >Has header "[1mdirent.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m (cached) >Header <alloca.h> has symbol "[1malloca[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m (cached) >Has header "[1mbyteswap.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Header <pthread.h> has symbol "[1mpthread_spin_init[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Configuring [1meina_config.h[0m using configuration >Run-time dependency [1mlibunwind-generic[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.21 >Found CMake: [1m/usr/bin/cmake[0m (3.15.4) >Run-time dependency [1miconv[0m found: [1;31mNO[0m (tried pkgconfig and cmake) >Library [1miconv[0m found: [1;31mNO[0m >Library [1mexecinfo[0m found: [1;31mNO[0m >Run-time dependency [1mliblz4[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.9.2 >Run-time dependency [1mzlib[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.2.11 >Run-time dependency [1mdbus-1[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.12.16 >Run-time dependency [1msndfile[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.0.28 >[1mMessage:[0m ecore_avahi disabled! >Has header "[1mlinux/videodev2.h[0m" : [1;32mYES[0m >Run-time dependency [1mmount[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 2.34.0 >Run-time dependency [1mlibudev[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 228 >Program [1meject[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m (/usr/bin/eject) >Program [1mmount[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m (/bin/mount) >Program [1mumount[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m (/bin/umount) >Run-time dependency [1mx11[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.6.8 >Run-time dependency [1mxcb[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.13.1 >Run-time dependency [1mx11-xcb[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.6.8 >Library [1mXcomposite[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mXdamage[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mXext[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mXfixes[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mXinerama[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mXrandr[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mXrender[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mXtst[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mXss[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mXi[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mXi[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Header <X11/XKBlib.h> has symbol "[1mXkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat[0m" with dependencies x11, xcb: [1;32mYES[0m >Library [1mXcursor[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Header <X11/Xcursor/Xcursor.h> has symbol "[1mXcursorSupportsARGB[0m" with dependencies x11, xcb: [1;32mYES[0m >[1mMessage:[0m ecore_wl2 disabled! >[1mMessage:[0m ecore_sdl disabled! >[1mMessage:[0m ecore_buffer disabled! >Run-time dependency [1mlibinput[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.14.1 >Run-time dependency [1mxkbcommon[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 0.8.4 >Dependency [1mlibudev[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m (cached) >[1mMessage:[0m ecore_cocoa disabled! >Run-time dependency [1mfreetype2[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 23.1.17 >Run-time dependency [1mlua[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 5.1.5 >Run-time dependency [1mglesv2[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 19.2.0 >Run-time dependency [1megl[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 19.2.0 >Run-time dependency [1mlibpng[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.6.37 >Run-time dependency [1mlibtiff-4[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 4.0.10 >Library [1mgif[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m >Run-time dependency [1mrlottie[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 0.0.1 >Run-time dependency [1mlibwebp[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.0.3 >[1mMessage:[0m Image loader bmp disabled >[1mMessage:[0m Image loader gif disabled >[1mMessage:[0m Image loader ico disabled >[1mMessage:[0m Image loader pmaps disabled >[1mMessage:[0m Image loader psd disabled >[1mMessage:[0m Image loader tgv disabled >[1mMessage:[0m Image loader wbmp disabled >[1mMessage:[0m Image loader webp disabled >[1mMessage:[0m Image loader xpm disabled >[1mMessage:[0m Image saver tgv disabled >[1mMessage:[0m Image saver webp disabled >Run-time dependency [1mgbm[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 19.2.0 >[1mMessage:[0m ephysics disabled! >Program [1menv[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m (/usr/bin/env) >Program [1menv[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m (/usr/bin/env) >Run-time dependency [1mgstreamer-1.0[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.14.5 >Run-time dependency [1mgstreamer-plugins-base-1.0[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.14.5 >Run-time dependency [1mgstreamer-video-1.0[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.14.5 >Run-time dependency [1mgstreamer-audio-1.0[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.14.5 >Run-time dependency [1mgstreamer-tag-1.0[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.14.5 >Run-time dependency [1mgstreamer-pbutils-1.0[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m 1.14.5 >[1;33mWARNING:[0m Already generated a pkg-config file for [1methumb_client[0m >Program [1mconfig_embed[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m (/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/efl-1.23.0/work/efl-1.23.0/src/lib/elementary/config_embed) >Configuring [1mElementary_Options.h[0m using configuration >Program [1menv[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m (/usr/bin/env) >Program [1menv[0m found: [1;32mYES[0m (/usr/bin/env) >[1mMessage:[0m efl_wl disabled! >Run-time dependency [1mluajit[0m found: [1;31mNO[0m (tried pkgconfig and cmake) > >src/lib/elua/meson.build:11:2: [1;31mERROR:[0m Dependency "luajit" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake > >A full log can be found at [1m/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/efl-1.23.0/work/efl-1.23.0-build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt[0m > [31;01m*[0m ERROR: dev-libs/efl-1.23.0::gentoo failed (configure phase): > [31;01m*[0m (no error message) > [31;01m*[0m > [31;01m*[0m Call stack: > [31;01m*[0m ebuild.sh, line 125: Called src_configure > [31;01m*[0m environment, line 2410: Called meson_src_configure > [31;01m*[0m environment, line 1432: Called die > [31;01m*[0m The specific snippet of code: > [31;01m*[0m tc-env_build "$@" || die > [31;01m*[0m > [31;01m*[0m If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=dev-libs/efl-1.23.0::gentoo'`, > [31;01m*[0m the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=dev-libs/efl-1.23.0::gentoo'`. > [31;01m*[0m The complete build log is located at '/aches/gentoo/emergelogs/karsten/dev-libs:efl-1.23.0:20191004-154512.log'. > [31;01m*[0m For convenience, a symlink to the build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/efl-1.23.0/temp/build.log'. > [31;01m*[0m The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/efl-1.23.0/temp/environment'. > [31;01m*[0m Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/efl-1.23.0/work/efl-1.23.0' > [31;01m*[0m S: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/efl-1.23.0/work/efl-1.23.0'
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bug 696230
: 591850