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Proposal: Guide on cloning disks on Sun Sparc
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XML Guide version of documentation - cloning Sun Sparc disks
tftpboot-udpcast.xml (text/plain), 8.70 KB, created by
on 2005-01-11 10:21:11 UTC
XML Guide version of documentation - cloning Sun Sparc disks
MIME Type:
2005-01-11 10:21:11 UTC
8.70 KB
><?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8"?> > ><!DOCTYPE guide SYSTEM "/dtd/guide.dtd"> > ><guide link="/doc/en/tftpboot-udpcast.xml"> > ><title>Making clones of Sun Sparc machines via network boot</title> > ><author title="Researcher, Author"> > <mail link="dteed@artistic.ca">Donald Teed</mail> ></author> > ><abstract> >This guide will help you create disk images of Sun Sparc machines from a network boot ></abstract> > ><license/> > ><version>1.1</version> ><date>Nov 17, 2004</date> > ><chapter> ><title>Introduction</title> > ><section> ><title>About this guide</title> ><body> > ><p> > This is a guide to making disk clones > of Sun Sparc machines using a Gentoo tftpboot image, with Udpcast. > The source for these materials are with the various projects utilized. > This guide is simply glueing together the very useful contributions > of Udpcast and Gentoo's experimental tftpboot images. > You can either use the ready-made tftpboot image, or download > a modified and updated package based on the Gentoo tftpboot > file generator (by Jason Wever). The tftpboot-udpcast package > includes updated versions of the kernel and tools, > and adds Udpcast binaries and lzop binary. ></p> > ></body> ></section></chapter> ><chapter> ><title>Utilization</title> ><section> ><title>How would it be used?</title> ><body> > ><p> > Suppose you want to make a disk clone > of a Sun Sparc machine, perhaps in building a cluster, or simply to have a complete > backup of a Sun Sparc machine's drive. With this tool set, you could boot the Sun Sparc > machine from the network ('boot net' at the prom prompt), and enter a Linux > environment running completely in RAM memory. From here it is possible to use > a Udpcast command, and have it send or receive the disk image. Another machine > on the network, perhaps even an x86 box, can run the complimentary instance > of Udpcast, and store or send the disk image as a file. ></p> > ></body> ></section> ><section> ><title>What do I need to use it?</title> ><body> > ><p>You need to know how to set up a network > boot image for a Sun Sparc. Gentoo provides a good how-to <uri link="http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gentoo-sparc-netboot-howto.xml">here</uri>. > Although parts of the instructions are oriented for Gentoo, I think any seasoned > Linux user would be able to use the instructions to make <e>rarpd</e>, > <e>tftp</e>, and friends work on Debian, Slackware, > etc. ></p> ><p>You need to know a little bit about > Udpcast - both the concept of how it works, and what command line options are > available. The project site for Udpcast is <uri link="http://udpcast.linux.lu/">here</uri>. ></p> ><p> > You need a tftpboot image which includes > the Linux kernel, busybox, Dhcpcd, raidtools, and e2fsprogs, and also > the Udpcast programs. You can obtain a ready-made tftpboot image > for network boot of a Sun sparc64, containing these disk imaging > tools, by downloading this file: > <uri link="gentoo-sparc64-1.4_rc4-20041112.tftpboot">gentoo-sparc64-1.4_rc4-20041112.tftpboot </uri> > (tftpboot-able). It includes Linux kernel 2.4.27, busybox 1.0, and > Udpcast 20040531. If you need specific kernel features compiled, > see below on how to make your own tftpboot image file. ></p> ><p> > The original package for generation of a tftpboot image was obtained > from a Gentoo developer, Jason Wever. It can be found > <uri link="http://dev.gentoo.org/%7Eweeve/tftpboot/">here</uri>. > In the tftpboot-udpcast package (see below to download), > the versions of kernel and software have been updated, and a couple > of packages have been added that would assist the imaging of disks > with Udpcast: <e>udp-sender</e>, <e>udp-receiver</e>, and <e>lzop</e>. ></p> ></body> ></section> ></chapter> > ><chapter> ><title>I've booted the tftpboot image, how > do I clone the disk?</title> ><section> ><title>Zero unused sectors of the master drive</title> ><body> ><p> >To create a disk image, first fill the unused portions of the master disk with zeros. >This allows it to compress much better. Here is an example: ></p> ><pre caption="Zeroing unused sectors"> ># <i>mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/gentoo</i> ># <i>dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/gentoo/zero.bits</i> ># <i>rm /mnt/gentoo/zero.bits</i> ></pre> ><note> >Only zero writable file systems (reiser, ext2, ext3, etc.). Do not attempt to >zero swapfile partitions and other types of partitions. ></note> > ><p> >When all file system partitions have been zeroed like this, >you can image either partitions, or the entire disk. The following >examples assume we are cloning the whole disk. ></p> ></body> ></section> ><section> ><title>Step 1 - make the disk image file.</title> ><body> ><p> >On a remote/server machine (any machine where udpcast applications can be run and where >you will store the image files), run the receiver: ></p> ><pre caption="Receiving the disk image on the remote/server machine"> ># <i>udp-receiver --file sundiskimage.lzo</i> ></pre> ><p>On the Sun Sparc machine to be cloned, boot the tftpboot image (boot net from the prom) >and then run the sender: ></p> ><pre caption="Sending the disk image from the Sun Sparc"> ># <i>udp-sender --full-duplex --pipe "lzop" --file /dev/sda</i> ></pre> ><note> >If you get an immediate error from udp-sender on the tftpboot'ed client, >it may mean the network is not up. Try running <e>dhcpcd</e> ></note> ><p> This will produce a image file on the receiver machine of the entire >first SCSI disk on the Sun Sparc machine. You can adjust the command accordingly >for what disk you are imaging. lzop is used to compress the image. >gzip could also be used here, but I found lzop was a lot faster and >only slightly larger image file size. ></p> ></body> ></section> ><section> ><title>Step 2 - recreate the disk copy on a new machine or disk</title> ><body> ><p> >On the remote/server machine, run the sender: ></p> ><pre caption="Sending the disk image on the remote/server machine"> ># <i>udp-sender --full-duplex --file sundiskimage.lzo</i> ></pre> ><p> >On the Sun Sparc machine to be created from the disk image, run the receiver: ></p> ><pre caption="Receiving the disk image on the client"> ># <i>udp-receiver --pipe "lzop -d" --file /dev/sda</i> ></pre> ><p> >This will write the disk image to the entire first SCSI disk on the Sun Sparc machine. ></p> ><comment> >The disk must be identical size and geometry. If working with only partitions >(e.g. /dev/sda4) the partition must be the same block count as on the original >partition that was imaged. If the same geometry is not possible, but is >close (.e.g., both are different models of 18GB disks) , ensure that >the master disk image leaves a few blocks unpartitioned at the end >of the disk to improve the chance of partition size compatibility >across disk makes and models. ></comment> ></body> ></section> ></chapter> > ><chapter> ><title> What is the difference between this, and the vanilla Gentoo Sun Sparc tftpboot package?</title> ><section> ><title>How this package is unique</title> ><body> ><p> >The original make script has been updated and enhanced, so that >it downloads source and compiles the lzop compression utility and Udpcast. >The primary focus of the Gentoo tftpboot environment was for installing Gentoo. >In the tftpboot-udpcast project, the focus has been to create a network >boot environment that can be used for cloning disks and disk partitions. >If you are curious how the tftpboot-udpcast building script differs >from the Gentoo script, look at ><uri link="make_tftpboot.sh">the updated <e>make_tftpboot.sh</e> >script</uri> ></p> ></body> ></section> ></chapter> ><chapter> ><title>How do I build my own tftpboot image?</title> ><section> ><title>Generating a tftpboot image on a Sun Sparc</title> ><body> ><p> >The full tftpboot-udpcast package is available for building your own tftpboot >images. It works very much like the original from Gentoo, adding the packages >for lzop (and it's required lzo library), and udpcast prior >to building the tftpboot image. ><uri link="tftpboot-udpcast.tar.gz">Download tftpboot-udpcast.tar.gz</uri> ></p> ><p>To use the package, extract it, and run </p> ><pre caption="Generating tftpboot image"> ># <i>sh make_tftpboot.sh</i> ></pre> ><p> >See the folder configs/kernel for the kernel configuration. ></p> ><note> >This has been tested on sparc64 only - if you have another platform or you need >other kernel options enabled, you may need to tweak the kernel configuration. ></note> ><p> >Questions or comments? <uri link="mailto:dteed@artistic.ca">Ask > me</uri>. ></p> ><p> >This document maintained by Donald Teed. ></p> ></body> ></section> ></chapter> ></guide>
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