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opencolorio yaml5 patch
opencolorio-yaml5.patch (text/plain), 155.27 KB, created by
Reuben Martin
on 2015-07-27 19:06:57 UTC
opencolorio yaml5 patch
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Reuben Martin
2015-07-27 19:06:57 UTC
155.27 KB
>diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt >index 13e2d64..b539ea1 100644 >--- a/CMakeLists.txt >+++ b/CMakeLists.txt >@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ option(OCIO_BUILD_JNIGLUE "Specify whether to build java bindings" OFF) > option(OCIO_STATIC_JNIGLUE "Specify whether to statically link ocio to the java bindings" ON) > > option(OCIO_USE_SSE "Specify whether to enable SSE CPU performance optimizations" ON) >+option(OCIO_INLINES_HIDDEN "Specify whether to build with -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" ON) > > # Use boost's shared_ptr by default on Windows (as <VS2010 doesn't have it), > # Use std::tr1::shared_ptr by default on other platforms >@@ -116,6 +117,17 @@ else() > set(OCIO_USE_BOOST_PTR 0) > endif() > >+if("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "GNU") >+ if(OCIO_INLINES_HIDDEN) >+ execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} -dumpversion >+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE GCC_VERSION) >+ if (GCC_VERSION VERSION_LESS 4.2) >+ message(STATUS "WARNING: GCC Version < 4.2 - disabling hidden inlines") >+ set(OCIO_INLINES_HIDDEN OFF) >+ endif() >+ endif() >+endif() >+ > if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) > # Enable a bunch of compiler warnings... > # http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Warning-Options.html >@@ -165,7 +177,7 @@ if(USE_EXTERNAL_TINYXML) > > else(USE_EXTERNAL_TINYXML) > set(TINYXML_VERSION 2_6_1) >- set(TINYXML_CMAKE_ARGS -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/ext/dist) >+ set(TINYXML_CMAKE_ARGS -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/ext/dist -DOCIO_INLINES_HIDDEN:BOOL=${OCIO_INLINES_HIDDEN}) > if(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE) > set(TINYXML_CMAKE_ARGS ${TINYXML_CMAKE_ARGS} -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE}) > endif() >@@ -190,21 +202,50 @@ if(USE_EXTERNAL_YAML) > # Set minimum yaml version for non-patched sources. > set(YAML_VERSION_MIN "0.3.0") > include(FindPkgConfig) >- pkg_check_modules(YAML_CPP yaml-cpp) >+ pkg_check_modules(PC_YAML_CPP REQUIRED QUIET yaml-cpp) >+ find_path(YAML_CPP_INCLUDE_DIR yaml-cpp/yaml.h >+ HINTS ${PC_YAML_CPP_INCLUDEDIR} ${PC_YAML_CPP_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) >+ find_library(YAML_CPP_LIBRARY LIBRARY_NAMES yaml-cpp libyaml-cpp >+ HINTS ${PC_YAML_CPP_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) >+ set(YAML_CPP_LIBRARIES ${YAML_CPP_LIBRARY}) >+ set(YAML_CPP_INCLUDE_DIRS ${YAML_CPP_INCLUDE_DIR}) >+ set(YAML_CPP_VERSION ${PC_YAML_CPP_VERSION}) >+ >+ if(YAML_CPP_VERSION VERSION_LESS ${YAML_VERSION_MIN}) >+ message(FATAL_ERROR "ERROR: yaml-cpp ${YAML_VERSION_MIN} or greater is required.") >+ endif() >+ >+ find_package_handle_standard_args(yaml-cpp >+ REQUIRED_VARS YAML_CPP_LIBRARIES YAML_CPP_INCLUDE_DIRS ) >+ set(YAML_CPP_FOUND ${YAML-CPP_FOUND}) >+ mark_as_advanced(YAML_CPP_INCLUDE_DIR YAML_CPP_LIBRARY YAML-CPP_FOUND) >+ > if(YAML_CPP_FOUND) >- if(YAML_CPP_VERSION VERSION_EQUAL ${YAML_VERSION_MIN} OR >- YAML_CPP_VERSION VERSION_GREATER ${YAML_VERSION_MIN}) >- message(STATUS "System yaml-cpp library will be used.") >- include_directories(BEFORE ${YAML_CPP_INCLUDE_DIRS}) >- else() >- message(FATAL_ERROR "ERROR: yaml-cpp ${YAML_VERSION_MIN} or greater is required.") >+ if(YAML_CPP_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "0.5.0") >+ # Need to also get the boost headers here, as yaml-cpp 0.5.0+ requires them. >+ # Don't bother doing this step if we are already including the boost headers for shared_ptr >+ if(NOT OCIO_USE_BOOST_PTR) >+ set(Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS "1.49" "1.45" "1.44" "1.43" "1.43.0" "1.42" >+ "1.42.0" "1.41" "1.41.0" "1.40" >+ "1.40.0" "1.39" "1.39.0" "1.38" >+ "1.38.0" "1.37" "1.37.0" "1.34.1" >+ "1_34_1") >+ set(Boost_USE_MULTITHREADED ON) >+ find_package(Boost 1.34) >+ if(NOT Boost_FOUND) >+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Error: Detected system yaml-cpp version ${YAML_CPP_VERSION} is greater than 0.5.0, and therefore requires boost, but a boost installation could not be found.") >+ endif() >+ >+ set(EXTERNAL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${EXTERNAL_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}) >+ endif() > endif() >+ set(EXTERNAL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${EXTERNAL_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${YAML_CPP_INCLUDE_DIRS}) > else(YAML_CPP_FOUND) > message(FATAL_ERROR "ERROR: System yaml-cpp library was not found. Make sure the library is installed and the pkg-config file exists.") > endif(YAML_CPP_FOUND) > else(USE_EXTERNAL_YAML) > set(YAML_CPP_VERSION 0.3.0) >- set(YAML_CPP_CMAKE_ARGS -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/ext/dist -DYAML_CPP_BUILD_TOOLS:BOOL=FALSE) >+ set(YAML_CPP_CMAKE_ARGS -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/ext/dist -DYAML_CPP_BUILD_TOOLS:BOOL=FALSE -DOCIO_INLINES_HIDDEN:BOOL=${OCIO_INLINES_HIDDEN}) > if(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE) > set(YAML_CPP_CMAKE_ARGS ${YAML_CPP_CMAKE_ARGS} -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE}) > endif() >@@ -225,25 +266,17 @@ else(USE_EXTERNAL_YAML) > endif() > endif(USE_EXTERNAL_YAML) > >- >+if(YAML_CPP_VERSION VERSION_LESS "0.5.0") >+ set(YAML_CPP_COMPILE_FLAGS "-DOLDYAML") >+endif() > > ############################################################################### > ### Externals ### > > set(EXTERNAL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${EXTERNAL_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/ext/dist/include) >-set(EXTERNAL_COMPILE_FLAGS "-DTIXML_USE_STL") >- >-if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) >- >- execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} -dumpversion >- OUTPUT_VARIABLE GCC_VERSION) >- >- if (GCC_VERSION VERSION_LESS 4.2) >- message(STATUS "GCC Version < 4.2 - symbol visibility hiding disabled") >- set(EXTERNAL_COMPILE_FLAGS "${EXTERNAL_COMPILE_FLAGS} -fPIC") >- else() >- set(EXTERNAL_COMPILE_FLAGS "${EXTERNAL_COMPILE_FLAGS} -fPIC -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fvisibility=hidden") >- endif() >+set(EXTERNAL_COMPILE_FLAGS "-DTIXML_USE_STL ${YAML_CPP_COMPILE_FLAGS} -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden") >+if(OCIO_INLINES_HIDDEN) >+ set(EXTERNAL_COMPILE_FLAGS "${EXTERNAL_COMPILE_FLAGS} -fvisibility-inlines-hidden") > endif() > > set(EXTERNAL_LINK_FLAGS "") >diff --git a/export/OpenColorIO/OpenColorABI.h.in b/export/OpenColorIO/OpenColorABI.h.in >index 28e8006..6a0a3fb 100644 >--- a/export/OpenColorIO/OpenColorABI.h.in >+++ b/export/OpenColorIO/OpenColorABI.h.in >@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. > #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> > #define OCIO_SHARED_PTR boost::shared_ptr > #define OCIO_DYNAMIC_POINTER_CAST boost::dynamic_pointer_cast >+#elif defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) >+#include <memory> >+#define OCIO_SHARED_PTR std::shared_ptr >+#define OCIO_DYNAMIC_POINTER_CAST std::dynamic_pointer_cast > #elif __GNUC__ >= 4 > #include <tr1/memory> > #define OCIO_SHARED_PTR std::tr1::shared_ptr >diff --git a/export/OpenColorIO/OpenColorIO.h b/export/OpenColorIO/OpenColorIO.h >index 561ce50..00716fa 100644 >--- a/export/OpenColorIO/OpenColorIO.h >+++ b/export/OpenColorIO/OpenColorIO.h >@@ -279,6 +279,12 @@ OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > const char * getEnvironmentVarDefault(const char * name) const; > //!cpp:function:: > void clearEnvironmentVars(); >+ //!cpp:function:: >+ void setEnvironmentMode(EnvironmentMode mode); >+ //!cpp:function:: >+ EnvironmentMode getEnvironmentMode() const; >+ //!cpp:function:: >+ void loadEnvironment(); > > //!cpp:function:: > const char * getSearchPath() const; >diff --git a/ext/tinyxml_2_6_1.patch b/ext/tinyxml_2_6_1.patch >index b4503ff..113a637 100644 >--- a/ext/tinyxml_2_6_1.patch >+++ b/ext/tinyxml_2_6_1.patch >@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ > diff -Naur tinyxml.orig/CMakeLists.txt tinyxml/CMakeLists.txt >---- tinyxml.orig/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000 >-+++ tinyxml/CMakeLists.txt 2011-03-01 21:10:38.000000000 +1100 >-@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ >+--- tinyxml.orig/CMakeLists.txt 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800 >++++ tinyxml/CMakeLists.txt 2013-06-18 17:10:59.000000000 -0700 >+@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ > +project(tinyxml) > + > +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) >@@ -13,8 +13,13 @@ diff -Naur tinyxml.orig/CMakeLists.txt tinyxml/CMakeLists.txt > + tinyxmlerror.cpp > + tinyxmlparser.cpp) > + >++set(TINYXML_COMPILE_FLAGS "-DTIXML_USE_STL -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden") >++if(OCIO_INLINES_HIDDEN) >++ set(TINYXML_COMPILE_FLAGS "${TINYXML_COMPILE_FLAGS} -fvisibility-inlines-hidden") >++endif() >++ > +set_target_properties(tinyxml PROPERTIES >-+ COMPILE_FLAGS "-DTIXML_USE_STL -fPIC -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fvisibility=hidden") >++ COMPILE_FLAGS "${TINYXML_COMPILE_FLAGS}") > + > +install(TARGETS > + tinyxml >diff --git a/ext/yaml-cpp-0.3.0.patch b/ext/yaml-cpp-0.3.0.patch >index ddf8283..0b27de4 100644 >--- a/ext/yaml-cpp-0.3.0.patch >+++ b/ext/yaml-cpp-0.3.0.patch >@@ -1,11 +1,18 @@ > diff -Naur yaml-cpp.orig/CMakeLists.txt yaml-cpp/CMakeLists.txt > yaml-cpp-0.3.0.patch >---- yaml-cpp.orig/CMakeLists.txt 2012-01-25 14:33:58.708744000 -0800 >-+++ yaml-cpp/CMakeLists.txt 2012-01-25 14:34:10.989085000 -0800 >-@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@ >+--- yaml-cpp.orig/CMakeLists.txt 2012-01-21 00:52:48.000000000 -0800 >++++ yaml-cpp/CMakeLists.txt 2013-06-18 16:40:03.209535420 -0700 >+@@ -235,9 +235,15 @@ >+ ${contrib_private_headers} >+ ) >+ >++set(YAML_COMPILE_FLAGS "-fPIC -fvisibility=hidden") >++if(OCIO_INLINES_HIDDEN) >++ set(YAML_COMPILE_FLAGS "${YAML_COMPILE_FLAGS} -fvisibility-inlines-hidden") >++endif() >++ > set_target_properties(yaml-cpp PROPERTIES > VERSION "${YAML_CPP_VERSION}" > SOVERSION "${YAML_CPP_VERSION_MAJOR}.${YAML_CPP_VERSION_MINOR}" >-+ COMPILE_FLAGS "-fPIC -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fvisibility=hidden" >++ COMPILE_FLAGS "${YAML_COMPILE_FLAGS}" > PROJECT_LABEL "yaml-cpp ${LABEL_SUFFIX}" > ) >- >diff --git a/ext/yaml-cpp-0.5.1.patch b/ext/yaml-cpp-0.5.1.patch >new file mode 100644 >index 0000000..23433cb >--- /dev/null >+++ b/ext/yaml-cpp-0.5.1.patch >@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ >+diff -Naur yaml-cpp-0.5.1.orig/CMakeLists.txt yaml-cpp-0.5.1/CMakeLists.txt >+--- yaml-cpp-0.5.1.orig/CMakeLists.txt 2014-01-30 09:45:54.000000000 +0000 >++++ yaml-cpp-0.5.1/CMakeLists.txt 2014-01-30 09:51:04.000000000 +0000 >+@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ >+ set(GCC_EXTRA_OPTIONS "${GCC_EXTRA_OPTIONS} ${FLAG_TESTED}") >+ endif() >+ # >+- set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wall ${GCC_EXTRA_OPTIONS} -pedantic -Wno-long-long ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") >++ set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wall ${GCC_EXTRA_OPTIONS} -pedantic -Wno-long-long -fPIC -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fvisibility=hidden ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") >+ # >+ add_custom_target(debuggable $(MAKE) clean >+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} >diff --git a/ext/yaml-cpp-0.5.1.tar.gz b/ext/yaml-cpp-0.5.1.tar.gz >new file mode 100644 >index 0000000..f087742 >Binary files /dev/null and b/ext/yaml-cpp-0.5.1.tar.gz differ >diff --git a/src/core/Config.cpp b/src/core/Config.cpp >index 00e1e70..82b5073 100644 >--- a/src/core/Config.cpp >+++ b/src/core/Config.cpp >@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. > #include "HashUtils.h" > #include "Logging.h" > #include "LookParse.h" >+#include "Display.h" > #include "MathUtils.h" > #include "Mutex.h" > #include "OpBuilders.h" >@@ -208,7 +209,6 @@ OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > if(csname.empty()) return false; > > std::string csnamelower = pystring::lower(csname); >- > for(unsigned int i = 0; i < colorspaces.size(); ++i) > { > if(csnamelower == pystring::lower(colorspaces[i]->getName())) >@@ -220,184 +220,7 @@ OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > > return false; > } >- >- >- // Displays >- struct View >- { >- std::string name; >- std::string colorspace; >- std::string looks; >- >- View() { } >- >- View(const std::string & name_, >- const std::string & colorspace_, >- const std::string & looksList_) : >- name(name_), >- colorspace(colorspace_), >- looks(looksList_) >- { } >- }; >- >- typedef std::vector<View> ViewVec; >- typedef std::map<std::string, ViewVec> DisplayMap; // (display name : ViewVec) >- >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, View& v) >- { >- if(node.Tag() != "View") >- return; >- >- std::string key, stringval; >- >- for (YAML::Iterator iter = node.begin(); >- iter != node.end(); >- ++iter) >- { >- iter.first() >> key; >- >- if(key == "name") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- v.name = stringval; >- } >- else if(key == "colorspace") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- v.colorspace = stringval; >- } >- else if(key == "looks" || key == "look") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- v.looks = stringval; >- } >- else >- { >- LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), iter.first()); >- } >- } >- >- if(v.name.empty()) >- { >- throw Exception("View does not specify 'name'."); >- } >- if(v.colorspace.empty()) >- { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "View '" << v.name << "' "; >- os << "does not specify colorspace."; >- throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >- } >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, View view) >- { >- out << YAML::VerbatimTag("View"); >- out << YAML::Flow; >- out << YAML::BeginMap; >- out << YAML::Key << "name" << YAML::Value << view.name; >- out << YAML::Key << "colorspace" << YAML::Value << view.colorspace; >- if(!view.looks.empty()) out << YAML::Key << "looks" << YAML::Value << view.looks; >- out << YAML::EndMap; >- return out; >- } >- >- DisplayMap::iterator find_display(DisplayMap & displays, const std::string & display) >- { >- for(DisplayMap::iterator iter = displays.begin(); >- iter != displays.end(); >- ++iter) >- { >- if(StrEqualsCaseIgnore(display, iter->first)) return iter; >- } >- return displays.end(); >- } >- >- DisplayMap::const_iterator find_display_const(const DisplayMap & displays, const std::string & display) >- { >- for(DisplayMap::const_iterator iter = displays.begin(); >- iter != displays.end(); >- ++iter) >- { >- if(StrEqualsCaseIgnore(display, iter->first)) return iter; >- } >- return displays.end(); >- } >- >- int find_view(const ViewVec & vec, const std::string & name) >- { >- for(unsigned int i=0; i<vec.size(); ++i) >- { >- if(StrEqualsCaseIgnore(name, vec[i].name)) return i; >- } >- return -1; >- } >- >- void AddDisplay(DisplayMap & displays, >- const std::string & display, >- const std::string & view, >- const std::string & colorspace, >- const std::string & looks) >- { >- DisplayMap::iterator iter = find_display(displays, display); >- if(iter == displays.end()) >- { >- ViewVec views; >- views.push_back( View(view, colorspace, looks) ); >- displays[display] = views; >- } >- else >- { >- ViewVec & views = iter->second; >- int index = find_view(views, view); >- if(index<0) >- { >- views.push_back( View(view, colorspace, looks) ); >- } >- else >- { >- views[index].colorspace = colorspace; >- views[index].looks = looks; >- } >- } >- } >- >- void ComputeDisplays(StringVec & displayCache, >- const DisplayMap & displays, >- const StringVec & activeDisplays, >- const StringVec & activeDisplaysEnvOverride) >- { >- displayCache.clear(); > >- StringVec displayMasterList; >- for(DisplayMap::const_iterator iter = displays.begin(); >- iter != displays.end(); >- ++iter) >- { >- displayMasterList.push_back(iter->first); >- } >- >- // Apply the env override if it's not empty. >- if(!activeDisplaysEnvOverride.empty()) >- { >- displayCache = IntersectStringVecsCaseIgnore(displayMasterList, activeDisplaysEnvOverride); >- if(!displayCache.empty()) return; >- } >- // Otherwise, aApply the active displays if it's not empty. >- else if(!activeDisplays.empty()) >- { >- displayCache = IntersectStringVecsCaseIgnore(displayMasterList, activeDisplays); >- if(!displayCache.empty()) return; >- } >- >- displayCache = displayMasterList; >- } >- >- >- > } // namespace > > class Config::Impl >@@ -431,6 +254,8 @@ OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > mutable StringMap cacheids_; > mutable std::string cacheidnocontext_; > >+ OCIOYaml io_; >+ > Impl() : > context_(Context::Create()), > strictParsing_(true), >@@ -497,8 +322,6 @@ OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > return *this; > } > >- void load(std::istream & istream, const char * name); >- > // Any time you modify the state of the config, you must call this > // to reset internal cache states. You also should do this in a > // thread safe manner by acquiring the cacheidMutex_; >@@ -536,7 +359,7 @@ OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > istream.str(INTERNAL_RAW_PROFILE); > > ConfigRcPtr config = Config::Create(); >- config->getImpl()->load(istream, ""); >+ config->getImpl()->io_.open(istream, config); > return config; > } > >@@ -551,14 +374,14 @@ OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > } > > ConfigRcPtr config = Config::Create(); >- config->getImpl()->load(istream, filename); >+ config->getImpl()->io_.open(istream, config, filename); > return config; > } > > ConstConfigRcPtr Config::CreateFromStream(std::istream & istream) > { > ConfigRcPtr config = Config::Create(); >- config->getImpl()->load(istream, ""); >+ config->getImpl()->io_.open(istream, config); > return config; > } > >@@ -893,6 +716,27 @@ OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > getImpl()->resetCacheIDs(); > } > >+ void Config::setEnvironmentMode(EnvironmentMode mode) >+ { >+ getImpl()->context_->setEnvironmentMode(mode); >+ >+ AutoMutex lock(getImpl()->cacheidMutex_); >+ getImpl()->resetCacheIDs(); >+ } >+ >+ EnvironmentMode Config::getEnvironmentMode() const >+ { >+ return getImpl()->context_->getEnvironmentMode(); >+ } >+ >+ void Config::loadEnvironment() >+ { >+ getImpl()->context_->loadEnvironment(); >+ >+ AutoMutex lock(getImpl()->cacheidMutex_); >+ getImpl()->resetCacheIDs(); >+ } >+ > const char * Config::getSearchPath() const > { > return getImpl()->context_->getSearchPath(); >@@ -1647,60 +1491,7 @@ OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > { > try > { >- YAML::Emitter out; >- out << YAML::Block; >- out << YAML::BeginMap; >- out << YAML::Key << "ocio_profile_version" << YAML::Value << 1; >- out << YAML::Newline; >- if(getImpl()->env_.size() > 0) { >- out << YAML::Key << "environment"; >- out << YAML::Value << getImpl()->env_; >- out << YAML::Newline; >- } >- out << YAML::Key << "search_path" << YAML::Value << getImpl()->context_->getSearchPath(); >- out << YAML::Key << "strictparsing" << YAML::Value << getImpl()->strictParsing_; >- out << YAML::Key << "luma" << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << getImpl()->defaultLumaCoefs_; >- >- if(getImpl()->description_ != "") >- { >- out << YAML::Newline; >- out << YAML::Key << "description"; >- out << YAML::Value << getImpl()->description_; >- } >- >- // Roles >- out << YAML::Newline; >- out << YAML::Key << "roles"; >- out << YAML::Value << getImpl()->roles_; >- >- // Displays >- out << YAML::Newline; >- out << YAML::Key << "displays"; >- out << YAML::Value << getImpl()->displays_; >- out << YAML::Newline; >- out << YAML::Key << "active_displays"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << getImpl()->activeDisplays_; >- out << YAML::Key << "active_views"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << getImpl()->activeViews_; >- >- // Looks >- if(!getImpl()->looksList_.empty()) >- { >- out << YAML::Newline; >- out << YAML::Key << "looks"; >- out << YAML::Value << getImpl()->looksList_; >- } >- >- // ColorSpaces >- { >- out << YAML::Newline; >- out << YAML::Key << "colorspaces"; >- out << YAML::Value << getImpl()->colorspaces_; >- } >- >- out << YAML::EndMap; >- >- os << out.c_str(); >+ getImpl()->io_.write(os, this); > } > catch( const std::exception & e) > { >@@ -1710,246 +1501,6 @@ OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > } > } > >- void Config::Impl::load(std::istream & istream, const char * filename) >- { >- try >- { >- YAML::Parser parser(istream); >- YAML::Node node; >- parser.GetNextDocument(node); >- >- // check profile version >- int profile_version = 0; >- if(node.FindValue("ocio_profile_version") == NULL) >- { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "The specified file "; >- os << "does not appear to be an OCIO configuration."; >- throw Exception (os.str().c_str()); >- } >- >- node["ocio_profile_version"] >> profile_version; >- if(profile_version > 1) >- { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "This .ocio config "; >- if(filename && *filename) >- { >- os << " '" << filename << "' "; >- } >- os << "is version " << profile_version << ". "; >- os << "This version of the OpenColorIO library (" << OCIO_VERSION ") "; >- os << "is not known to be able to load this profile. "; >- os << "An attempt will be made, but there are no guarantees that the "; >- os << "results will be accurate. Continue at your own risk."; >- LogWarning(os.str()); >- } >- >- >- std::string key, stringval; >- bool boolval = false; >- EnvironmentMode mode = ENV_ENVIRONMENT_LOAD_ALL; >- >- for (YAML::Iterator iter = node.begin(); >- iter != node.end(); >- ++iter) >- { >- iter.first() >> key; >- >- if(key == "ocio_profile_version") { } // Already handled above. >- else if(key == "environment") >- { >- mode = ENV_ENVIRONMENT_LOAD_PREDEFINED; >- const YAML::Node& environment = iter.second(); >- if(environment.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Map) >- { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "'environment' field needs to be a (name: key) map."; >- throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >- } >- for (YAML::Iterator it = environment.begin(); >- it != environment.end(); ++it) >- { >- std::string k, v; >- it.first() >> k; >- it.second() >> v; >- env_[k] = v; >- context_->setStringVar(k.c_str(), v.c_str()); >- } >- } >- else if(key == "search_path" || key == "resource_path") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- context_->setSearchPath(stringval.c_str()); >- } >- else if(key == "strictparsing") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<bool>(boolval)) >- strictParsing_ = boolval; >- } >- else if(key == "description") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- description_ = stringval; >- } >- else if(key == "luma") >- { >- std::vector<float> val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null) >- { >- iter.second() >> val; >- if(val.size() != 3) >- { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "'luma' field must be 3 "; >- os << "floats. Found '" << val.size() << "'."; >- throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >- } >- defaultLumaCoefs_ = val; >- } >- } >- else if(key == "roles") >- { >- const YAML::Node& roles = iter.second(); >- if(roles.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Map) >- { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "'roles' field needs to be a (name: key) map."; >- throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >- } >- for (YAML::Iterator it = roles.begin(); >- it != roles.end(); ++it) >- { >- std::string k, v; >- it.first() >> k; >- it.second() >> v; >- roles_[pystring::lower(k)] = v; >- } >- } >- else if(key == "displays") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null) >- { >- iter.second() >> displays_; >- } >- } >- else if(key == "active_displays") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null) >- { >- iter.second() >> activeDisplays_; >- } >- } >- else if(key == "active_views") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null) >- { >- iter.second() >> activeViews_; >- } >- } >- else if(key == "colorspaces") >- { >- const YAML::Node& colorspaces = iter.second(); >- >- if(colorspaces.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Sequence) >- { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "'colorspaces' field needs to be a (- !<ColorSpace>) list."; >- throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >- } >- >- for(unsigned i = 0; i < colorspaces.size(); ++i) >- { >- if(colorspaces[i].Tag() == "ColorSpace") >- { >- ColorSpaceRcPtr cs = ColorSpace::Create(); >- colorspaces[i] >> cs; >- colorspaces_.push_back( cs ); >- } >- else >- { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "Unknown element found in colorspaces:"; >- os << colorspaces[i].Tag() << ". Only ColorSpace(s)"; >- os << " currently handled."; >- LogWarning(os.str()); >- } >- } >- } >- else if(key == "looks") >- { >- const YAML::Node& looks = iter.second(); >- >- if(looks.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Sequence) >- { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "'looks' field needs to be a (- !<Look>) list."; >- throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >- } >- >- for(unsigned i = 0; i < looks.size(); ++i) >- { >- if(looks[i].Tag() == "Look") >- { >- LookRcPtr look = Look::Create(); >- looks[i] >> look; >- looksList_.push_back( look ); >- } >- else >- { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "Unknown element found in looks:"; >- os << looks[i].Tag() << ". Only Look(s)"; >- os << " currently handled."; >- LogWarning(os.str()); >- } >- } >- } >- else >- { >- LogUnknownKeyWarning("profile", iter.first()); >- } >- } >- >- if(filename) >- { >- std::string realfilename = pystring::os::path::abspath(filename); >- std::string configrootdir = pystring::os::path::dirname(realfilename); >- context_->setWorkingDir(configrootdir.c_str()); >- } >- >- context_->setEnvironmentMode(mode); >- context_->loadEnvironment(); >- >- if(mode == ENV_ENVIRONMENT_LOAD_ALL) >- { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "This .ocio config "; >- if(filename && *filename) >- { >- os << " '" << filename << "' "; >- } >- os << "has no environment section defined. The default behaviour is to "; >- os << "load all environment variables (" << context_->getNumStringVars() << ")"; >- os << ", which reduces the efficiency of OCIO's caching. Considering "; >- os << "predefining the environment variables used."; >- LogDebug(os.str()); >- } >- >- } >- catch( const std::exception & e) >- { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "Error: Loading the OCIO profile "; >- if(filename) os << "'" << filename << "' "; >- os << "failed. " << e.what(); >- throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >- } >- } >- > void Config::Impl::resetCacheIDs() > { > cacheids_.clear(); >@@ -2287,9 +1838,7 @@ OIIO_ADD_TEST(Config, SanityCheck) > std::istringstream is; > is.str(SIMPLE_PROFILE); > OCIO::ConstConfigRcPtr config; >- OIIO_CHECK_NO_THOW(config = OCIO::Config::CreateFromStream(is)); >- >- OIIO_CHECK_THOW(config->sanityCheck(), OCIO::Exception); >+ OIIO_CHECK_THOW(config = OCIO::Config::CreateFromStream(is), OCIO::Exception); > } > > { >@@ -2330,8 +1879,6 @@ OIIO_ADD_TEST(Config, EnvCheck) > "colorspaces:\n" > " - !<ColorSpace>\n" > " name: raw\n" >- " - !<ColorSpace>\n" >- " name: raw\n" > "strictparsing: false\n" > "roles:\n" > " default: raw\n" >@@ -2345,8 +1892,6 @@ OIIO_ADD_TEST(Config, EnvCheck) > "colorspaces:\n" > " - !<ColorSpace>\n" > " name: raw\n" >- " - !<ColorSpace>\n" >- " name: raw\n" > "strictparsing: false\n" > "roles:\n" > " default: raw\n" >@@ -2370,7 +1915,6 @@ OIIO_ADD_TEST(Config, EnvCheck) > "testbarchedder") == 0); > OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT(strcmp(config->getCurrentContext()->resolveStringVar("${SHOW}"), > "bar") == 0); >- OIIO_CHECK_THOW(config->sanityCheck(), OCIO::Exception); > OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT(strcmp(config->getEnvironmentVarDefault("SHOW"), "super") == 0); > > OCIO::ConfigRcPtr edit = config->createEditableCopy(); >@@ -2403,6 +1947,10 @@ OIIO_ADD_TEST(Config, EnvCheck) > "lighting") == 0); > OCIO::SetLoggingLevel(loglevel); > >+ OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(edit->getEnvironmentMode(), OCIO::ENV_ENVIRONMENT_LOAD_PREDEFINED); >+ edit->setEnvironmentMode(OCIO::ENV_ENVIRONMENT_LOAD_ALL); >+ OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(edit->getEnvironmentMode(), OCIO::ENV_ENVIRONMENT_LOAD_ALL); >+ > } > } > >diff --git a/src/core/Display.cpp b/src/core/Display.cpp >new file mode 100644 >index 0000000..7c0a1ef >--- /dev/null >+++ b/src/core/Display.cpp >@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ >+/* >+Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Sony Pictures Imageworks Inc., et al. >+All Rights Reserved. >+ >+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without >+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are >+met: >+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright >+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. >+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright >+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the >+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. >+* Neither the name of Sony Pictures Imageworks nor the names of its >+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from >+ this software without specific prior written permission. >+THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS >+"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT >+LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR >+A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT >+OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, >+SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT >+LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, >+DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY >+THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT >+(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE >+OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. >+*/ >+ >+#include <string> >+ >+#include <OpenColorIO/OpenColorIO.h> >+ >+#include "Display.h" >+#include "ParseUtils.h" >+ >+OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER >+{ >+ >+ DisplayMap::iterator find_display(DisplayMap & displays, const std::string & display) >+ { >+ for(DisplayMap::iterator iter = displays.begin(); >+ iter != displays.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ if(StrEqualsCaseIgnore(display, iter->first)) return iter; >+ } >+ return displays.end(); >+ } >+ >+ DisplayMap::const_iterator find_display_const(const DisplayMap & displays, const std::string & display) >+ { >+ for(DisplayMap::const_iterator iter = displays.begin(); >+ iter != displays.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ if(StrEqualsCaseIgnore(display, iter->first)) return iter; >+ } >+ return displays.end(); >+ } >+ >+ int find_view(const ViewVec & vec, const std::string & name) >+ { >+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<vec.size(); ++i) >+ { >+ if(StrEqualsCaseIgnore(name, vec[i].name)) return i; >+ } >+ return -1; >+ } >+ >+ void AddDisplay(DisplayMap & displays, >+ const std::string & display, >+ const std::string & view, >+ const std::string & colorspace, >+ const std::string & looks) >+ { >+ DisplayMap::iterator iter = find_display(displays, display); >+ if(iter == displays.end()) >+ { >+ ViewVec views; >+ views.push_back( View(view, colorspace, looks) ); >+ displays[display] = views; >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ ViewVec & views = iter->second; >+ int index = find_view(views, view); >+ if(index<0) >+ { >+ views.push_back( View(view, colorspace, looks) ); >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ views[index].colorspace = colorspace; >+ views[index].looks = looks; >+ } >+ } >+ } >+ >+ void ComputeDisplays(StringVec & displayCache, >+ const DisplayMap & displays, >+ const StringVec & activeDisplays, >+ const StringVec & activeDisplaysEnvOverride) >+ { >+ displayCache.clear(); >+ >+ StringVec displayMasterList; >+ for(DisplayMap::const_iterator iter = displays.begin(); >+ iter != displays.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ displayMasterList.push_back(iter->first); >+ } >+ >+ // Apply the env override if it's not empty. >+ if(!activeDisplaysEnvOverride.empty()) >+ { >+ displayCache = IntersectStringVecsCaseIgnore(displayMasterList, activeDisplaysEnvOverride); >+ if(!displayCache.empty()) return; >+ } >+ // Otherwise, aApply the active displays if it's not empty. >+ else if(!activeDisplays.empty()) >+ { >+ displayCache = IntersectStringVecsCaseIgnore(displayMasterList, activeDisplays); >+ if(!displayCache.empty()) return; >+ } >+ >+ displayCache = displayMasterList; >+ } >+ >+} >+OCIO_NAMESPACE_EXIT >+ >+/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// >+ >+#ifdef OCIO_UNIT_TEST >+ >+namespace OCIO = OCIO_NAMESPACE; >+#include "UnitTest.h" >+ >+OIIO_ADD_TEST(Display, Basic) >+{ >+ >+} >+ >+#endif // OCIO_UNIT_TEST >\ No newline at end of file >diff --git a/src/core/Display.h b/src/core/Display.h >new file mode 100644 >index 0000000..6d63a43 >--- /dev/null >+++ b/src/core/Display.h >@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ >+/* >+Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Sony Pictures Imageworks Inc., et al. >+All Rights Reserved. >+ >+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without >+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are >+met: >+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright >+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. >+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright >+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the >+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. >+* Neither the name of Sony Pictures Imageworks nor the names of its >+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from >+ this software without specific prior written permission. >+THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS >+"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT >+LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR >+A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT >+OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, >+SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT >+LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, >+DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY >+THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT >+(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE >+OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. >+*/ >+ >+ >+#ifndef INCLUDED_OCIO_DISPLAY_H >+#define INCLUDED_OCIO_DISPLAY_H >+ >+#include <OpenColorIO/OpenColorIO.h> >+ >+#include <string> >+#include <vector> >+#include <map> >+ >+#include "PrivateTypes.h" >+ >+OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER >+{ >+ >+ // Displays >+ struct View >+ { >+ std::string name; >+ std::string colorspace; >+ std::string looks; >+ >+ View() { } >+ >+ View(const std::string & name_, >+ const std::string & colorspace_, >+ const std::string & looksList_) : >+ name(name_), >+ colorspace(colorspace_), >+ looks(looksList_) >+ { } >+ }; >+ >+ typedef std::vector<View> ViewVec; >+ typedef std::map<std::string, ViewVec> DisplayMap; // (display name : ViewVec) >+ >+ DisplayMap::iterator find_display(DisplayMap & displays, const std::string & display); >+ >+ DisplayMap::const_iterator find_display_const(const DisplayMap & displays, const std::string & display); >+ >+ int find_view(const ViewVec & vec, const std::string & name); >+ >+ void AddDisplay(DisplayMap & displays, >+ const std::string & display, >+ const std::string & view, >+ const std::string & colorspace, >+ const std::string & looks); >+ >+ void ComputeDisplays(StringVec & displayCache, >+ const DisplayMap & displays, >+ const StringVec & activeDisplays, >+ const StringVec & activeDisplaysEnvOverride); >+ >+} >+OCIO_NAMESPACE_EXIT >+ >+#endif >\ No newline at end of file >diff --git a/src/core/FileFormatTruelight.cpp b/src/core/FileFormatTruelight.cpp >index a7ccc48..530a26a 100644 >--- a/src/core/FileFormatTruelight.cpp >+++ b/src/core/FileFormatTruelight.cpp >@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. > > #include <cstdio> > #include <iostream> >+#include <iomanip> > #include <iterator> > > #include <OpenColorIO/OpenColorIO.h> >@@ -90,6 +91,10 @@ OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > > virtual CachedFileRcPtr Read(std::istream & istream) const; > >+ virtual void Write(const Baker & baker, >+ const std::string & formatName, >+ std::ostream & ostream) const; >+ > virtual void BuildFileOps(OpRcPtrVec & ops, > const Config& config, > const ConstContextRcPtr & context, >@@ -103,7 +108,7 @@ OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > FormatInfo info; > info.name = "truelight"; > info.extension = "cub"; >- info.capabilities = FORMAT_CAPABILITY_READ; >+ info.capabilities = (FORMAT_CAPABILITY_READ | FORMAT_CAPABILITY_WRITE); > formatInfoVec.push_back(info); > } > >@@ -287,6 +292,69 @@ OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > > return cachedFile; > } >+ >+ >+ void >+ LocalFileFormat::Write(const Baker & baker, >+ const std::string & /*formatName*/, >+ std::ostream & ostream) const >+ { >+ const int DEFAULT_CUBE_SIZE = 32; >+ const int DEFAULT_SHAPER_SIZE = 1024; >+ >+ ConstConfigRcPtr config = baker.getConfig(); >+ >+ int cubeSize = baker.getCubeSize(); >+ if (cubeSize==-1) cubeSize = DEFAULT_CUBE_SIZE; >+ cubeSize = std::max(2, cubeSize); // smallest cube is 2x2x2 >+ >+ std::vector<float> cubeData; >+ cubeData.resize(cubeSize*cubeSize*cubeSize*3); >+ GenerateIdentityLut3D(&cubeData[0], cubeSize, 3, LUT3DORDER_FAST_RED); >+ PackedImageDesc cubeImg(&cubeData[0], cubeSize*cubeSize*cubeSize, 1, 3); >+ >+ // Apply processor to lut data >+ ConstProcessorRcPtr inputToTarget; >+ inputToTarget = config->getProcessor(baker.getInputSpace(), baker.getTargetSpace()); >+ inputToTarget->apply(cubeImg); >+ >+ int shaperSize = baker.getShaperSize(); >+ if (shaperSize==-1) shaperSize = DEFAULT_SHAPER_SIZE; >+ shaperSize = std::max(2, shaperSize); // smallest shaper is 2x2x2 >+ >+ >+ // Write the header >+ ostream << "# Truelight Cube v2.0\n"; >+ ostream << "# lutLength " << shaperSize << "\n"; >+ ostream << "# iDims 3\n"; >+ ostream << "# oDims 3\n"; >+ ostream << "# width " << cubeSize << " " << cubeSize << " " << cubeSize << "\n"; >+ ostream << "\n"; >+ >+ >+ // Write the shaper lut >+ // (We are just going to use a unity lut) >+ ostream << "# InputLUT\n"; >+ ostream << std::setprecision(6) << std::fixed; >+ float v = 0.0f; >+ for (int i=0; i < shaperSize-1; i++) >+ { >+ v = ((float)i / (float)(shaperSize-1)) * (float)(cubeSize-1); >+ ostream << v << " " << v << " " << v << "\n"; >+ } >+ v = (float) (cubeSize-1); >+ ostream << v << " " << v << " " << v << "\n"; // ensure that the last value is spot on >+ ostream << "\n"; >+ >+ // Write the cube >+ ostream << "# Cube\n"; >+ for (int i=0; i<cubeSize*cubeSize*cubeSize; ++i) >+ { >+ ostream << cubeData[3*i+0] << " " << cubeData[3*i+1] << " " << cubeData[3*i+2] << "\n"; >+ } >+ >+ ostream << "# end\n"; >+ } > > void > LocalFileFormat::BuildFileOps(OpRcPtrVec & ops, >diff --git a/src/core/NoOps.cpp b/src/core/NoOps.cpp >index 101324e..2023f4f 100644 >--- a/src/core/NoOps.cpp >+++ b/src/core/NoOps.cpp >@@ -411,13 +411,13 @@ OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > > OpRcPtr LookNoOp::clone() const > { >- OpRcPtr op = OpRcPtr(new FileNoOp(m_look)); >+ OpRcPtr op = OpRcPtr(new LookNoOp(m_look)); > return op; > } > > bool LookNoOp::isSameType(const OpRcPtr & op) const > { >- FileNoOpRcPtr typedRcPtr = DynamicPtrCast<FileNoOp>(op); >+ LookNoOpRcPtr typedRcPtr = DynamicPtrCast<LookNoOp>(op); > if(!typedRcPtr) return false; > return true; > } >diff --git a/src/core/OCIOYaml.cpp b/src/core/OCIOYaml.cpp >index 7089318..d9f1345 100644 >--- a/src/core/OCIOYaml.cpp >+++ b/src/core/OCIOYaml.cpp >@@ -30,1188 +30,1797 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. > > #include <OpenColorIO/OpenColorIO.h> > >+#ifndef WINDOWS >+ >+// fwd declare yaml-cpp visibility >+#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden) >+namespace YAML { >+ class Exception; >+ class BadDereference; >+ class RepresentationException; >+ class EmitterException; >+ class ParserException; >+ class InvalidScalar; >+ class KeyNotFound; >+ template <typename T> class TypedKeyNotFound; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::ColorSpace>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::Config>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::Exception>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::GpuShaderDesc>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::ImageDesc>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::Look>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::Processor>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::Transform>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::AllocationTransform>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::CDLTransform>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::ColorSpaceTransform>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::DisplayTransform>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::ExponentTransform>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::FileTransform>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::GroupTransform>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::LogTransform>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::LookTransform>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::MatrixTransform>; >+ template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::TruelightTransform>; >+} >+#pragma GCC visibility pop >+ >+#endif >+ >+#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h> >+ > #include "Logging.h" > #include "MathUtils.h" >+#include "pystring/pystring.h" >+#include "PathUtils.h" >+#include "ParseUtils.h" >+#include "Display.h" > #include "OCIOYaml.h" > > OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > { >- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// >- // Core > >- void LogUnknownKeyWarning(const std::string & name, const YAML::Node& tag) >+ namespace > { >- std::string key; >- tag >> key; >- >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "Unknown key in " << name << ": "; >- os << "'" << key << "'. (line "; >- os << (tag.GetMark().line+1) << ", column "; // (yaml line numbers start at 0) >- os << tag.GetMark().column << ")"; >- LogWarning(os.str()); >- } > >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, ColorSpaceRcPtr& cs) >- { >- if(node.Tag() != "ColorSpace") >- return; // not a !<ColorSpace> tag >- >- std::string key, stringval; >- bool boolval; >- >- for (YAML::Iterator iter = node.begin(); >- iter != node.end(); >- ++iter) >+#ifdef OLDYAML >+ typedef YAML::Iterator Iterator; >+#else >+ typedef YAML::const_iterator Iterator; >+#endif >+ >+ // Iterator access >+ // Note: The ownership semantics have changed between yaml-cpp 0.3.x and 0.5.x . >+ // Returning a const reference to a yaml node screws with the internal yaml-cpp smart ptr >+ // implementation in the newer version. Luckily, the compiler does not care if we maintain >+ // const YAML::Node & = get_first(iter) syntax at the call site even when returning an actual object >+ // (instead of the reference as expected). >+#ifdef OLDYAML >+ inline const YAML::Node& get_first(const Iterator &it) > { >- iter.first() >> key; >- >- if(key == "name") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- cs->setName(stringval.c_str()); >- } >- else if(key == "description") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- cs->setDescription(stringval.c_str()); >- } >- else if(key == "family") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- cs->setFamily(stringval.c_str()); >- } >- else if(key == "equalitygroup") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- cs->setEqualityGroup(stringval.c_str()); >- } >- else if(key == "bitdepth") >- { >- BitDepth ret; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<BitDepth>(ret)) >- cs->setBitDepth(ret); >- } >- else if(key == "isdata") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<bool>(boolval)) >- cs->setIsData(boolval); >- } >- else if(key == "allocation") >- { >- Allocation val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<Allocation>(val)) >- cs->setAllocation(val); >- } >- else if(key == "allocationvars") >- { >- std::vector<float> val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null) >- { >- iter.second() >> val; >- if(!val.empty()) >- { >- cs->setAllocationVars(static_cast<int>(val.size()), &val[0]); >- } >- } >- } >- else if(key == "to_reference") >- { >- TransformRcPtr val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<TransformRcPtr>(val)) >- cs->setTransform(val, COLORSPACE_DIR_TO_REFERENCE); >- } >- else if(key == "from_reference") >- { >- TransformRcPtr val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<TransformRcPtr>(val)) >- cs->setTransform(val, COLORSPACE_DIR_FROM_REFERENCE); >- } >- else >- { >- LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), iter.first()); >- } >+ return it.first(); > } >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ColorSpaceRcPtr cs) >- { >- out << YAML::VerbatimTag("ColorSpace"); >- out << YAML::BeginMap; >- >- out << YAML::Key << "name" << YAML::Value << cs->getName(); >- out << YAML::Key << "family" << YAML::Value << cs->getFamily(); >- out << YAML::Key << "equalitygroup" << YAML::Value << cs->getEqualityGroup(); >- out << YAML::Key << "bitdepth" << YAML::Value << cs->getBitDepth(); >- if(strlen(cs->getDescription()) > 0) >+#else >+ inline YAML::Node get_first(const Iterator &it) > { >- out << YAML::Key << "description"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Literal << cs->getDescription(); >+ return it->first; > } >- out << YAML::Key << "isdata" << YAML::Value << cs->isData(); >+#endif > >- out << YAML::Key << "allocation" << YAML::Value << cs->getAllocation(); >- if(cs->getAllocationNumVars() > 0) >+#ifdef OLDYAML >+ inline const YAML::Node& get_second(const Iterator &it) > { >- std::vector<float> allocationvars(cs->getAllocationNumVars()); >- cs->getAllocationVars(&allocationvars[0]); >- out << YAML::Key << "allocationvars"; >- out << YAML::Flow << YAML::Value << allocationvars; >+ return it.second(); > } >+#else >+ inline YAML::Node get_second(const Iterator &it) >+ { >+ return it->second; >+ } >+#endif > >- ConstTransformRcPtr toref = \ >- cs->getTransform(COLORSPACE_DIR_TO_REFERENCE); >- if(toref) >- out << YAML::Key << "to_reference" << YAML::Value << toref; >- >- ConstTransformRcPtr fromref = \ >- cs->getTransform(COLORSPACE_DIR_FROM_REFERENCE); >- if(fromref) >- out << YAML::Key << "from_reference" << YAML::Value << fromref; >- >- out << YAML::EndMap; >- out << YAML::Newline; >- >- return out; >- } >- >- >- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// >- >- // Look. (not the transform, the top-level class) >- >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, LookRcPtr& look) >- { >- if(node.Tag() != "Look") >- return; >- >- std::string key, stringval; >+ // Basic types > >- for (YAML::Iterator iter = node.begin(); >- iter != node.end(); >- ++iter) >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, bool& x) > { >- iter.first() >> key; >- >- if(key == "name") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- look->setName(stringval.c_str()); >- } >- else if(key == "process_space") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- look->setProcessSpace(stringval.c_str()); >- } >- else if(key == "transform") >- { >- TransformRcPtr val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<TransformRcPtr>(val)) >- look->setTransform(val); >- } >- else if(key == "inverse_transform") >- { >- TransformRcPtr val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<TransformRcPtr>(val)) >- look->setInverseTransform(val); >- } >- else >- { >- LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), iter.first()); >- } >+#ifdef OLDYAML >+ node.Read<bool>(x); >+#else >+ x = node.as<bool>(); >+#endif > } >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, LookRcPtr look) >- { >- out << YAML::VerbatimTag("Look"); >- out << YAML::BeginMap; >- out << YAML::Key << "name" << YAML::Value << look->getName(); >- out << YAML::Key << "process_space" << YAML::Value << look->getProcessSpace(); > >- if(look->getTransform()) >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, int& x) > { >- out << YAML::Key << "transform"; >- out << YAML::Value << look->getTransform(); >+#ifdef OLDYAML >+ node.Read<int>(x); >+#else >+ x = node.as<int>(); >+#endif > } > >- if(look->getInverseTransform()) >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, float& x) > { >- out << YAML::Key << "inverse_transform"; >- out << YAML::Value << look->getInverseTransform(); >+#ifdef OLDYAML >+ node.Read<float>(x); >+#else >+ x = node.as<float>(); >+#endif > } > >- out << YAML::EndMap; >- out << YAML::Newline; >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, std::string& x) >+ { >+#ifdef OLDYAML >+ node.Read<std::string>(x); >+#else >+ x = node.as<std::string>(); >+#endif >+ } > >- return out; >- } >- >- >- >- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// >- >- >- namespace >- { >- void EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(YAML::Emitter & out, >- const ConstTransformRcPtr & t) >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, std::vector<std::string>& x) > { >- if(t->getDirection() != TRANSFORM_DIR_FORWARD) >- { >- out << YAML::Key << "direction"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getDirection(); >- } >+#ifdef OLDYAML >+ node >> x; >+#else >+ x = node.as<std::vector<std::string> >(); >+#endif > } >- } >- >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, TransformRcPtr& t) >- { >- if(node.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Map) >+ >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, std::vector<float>& x) > { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "Unsupported Transform type encountered: (" << node.Type() << ") in OCIO profile. "; >- os << "Only Mapping types supported. (line "; >- os << (node.GetMark().line+1) << ", column "; // (yaml line numbers start at 0) >- os << node.GetMark().column << ")"; >- throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >+#ifdef OLDYAML >+ node >> x; >+#else >+ x = node.as<std::vector<float> >(); >+#endif > } > >- std::string type = node.Tag(); >+ // Enums > >- if(type == "AllocationTransform") { >- AllocationTransformRcPtr temp; >- node.Read<AllocationTransformRcPtr>(temp); >- t = temp; >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, BitDepth& depth) >+ { >+ std::string str; >+ load(node, str); >+ depth = BitDepthFromString(str.c_str()); > } >- else if(type == "CDLTransform") { >- CDLTransformRcPtr temp; >- node.Read<CDLTransformRcPtr>(temp); >- t = temp; >+ >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, BitDepth depth) >+ { >+ out << BitDepthToString(depth); > } >- else if(type == "ColorSpaceTransform") { >- ColorSpaceTransformRcPtr temp; >- node.Read<ColorSpaceTransformRcPtr>(temp); >- t = temp; >+ >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, Allocation& alloc) >+ { >+ std::string str; >+ load(node, str); >+ alloc = AllocationFromString(str.c_str()); > } >- // TODO: DisplayTransform >- else if(type == "ExponentTransform") { >- ExponentTransformRcPtr temp; >- node.Read<ExponentTransformRcPtr>(temp); >- t = temp; >+ >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, Allocation alloc) >+ { >+ out << AllocationToString(alloc); > } >- else if(type == "FileTransform") { >- FileTransformRcPtr temp; >- node.Read<FileTransformRcPtr>(temp); >- t = temp; >+ >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, ColorSpaceDirection& dir) >+ { >+ std::string str; >+ load(node, str); >+ dir = ColorSpaceDirectionFromString(str.c_str()); > } >- else if(type == "GroupTransform") { >- GroupTransformRcPtr temp; >- node.Read<GroupTransformRcPtr>(temp); >- t = temp; >+ >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, ColorSpaceDirection dir) >+ { >+ out << ColorSpaceDirectionToString(dir); > } >- else if(type == "LogTransform") { >- LogTransformRcPtr temp; >- node.Read<LogTransformRcPtr>(temp); >- t = temp; >+ >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, TransformDirection& dir) >+ { >+ std::string str; >+ load(node, str); >+ dir = TransformDirectionFromString(str.c_str()); > } >- else if(type == "LookTransform") { >- LookTransformRcPtr temp; >- node.Read<LookTransformRcPtr>(temp); >- t = temp; >+ >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, TransformDirection dir) >+ { >+ out << TransformDirectionToString(dir); > } >- else if(type == "MatrixTransform") { >- MatrixTransformRcPtr temp; >- node.Read<MatrixTransformRcPtr>(temp); >- t = temp; >+ >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, Interpolation& interp) >+ { >+ std::string str; >+ load(node, str); >+ interp = InterpolationFromString(str.c_str()); > } >- else if(type == "TruelightTransform") { >- TruelightTransformRcPtr temp; >- node.Read<TruelightTransformRcPtr>(temp); >- t = temp; >+ >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, Interpolation interp) >+ { >+ out << InterpolationToString(interp); > } >- else >+ >+ // >+ >+ inline void LogUnknownKeyWarning(const std::string & name, >+ const YAML::Node& tag) > { >- // TODO: add a new empty (better name?) aka passthru Transform() >- // which does nothing. This is so upsupported !<tag> types don't >- // throw an exception. Alternativly this could be caught in the >- // GroupTransformRcPtr >> operator with some type of >- // supported_tag() method >- >- // TODO: consider the forwards-compatibility implication of >- // throwing an exception. Should this be a warning, instead? >- >- // t = EmptyTransformRcPtr(new EmptyTransform(), &deleter); >+ std::string key; >+ load(tag, key); >+ > std::ostringstream os; >- os << "Unsupported transform type !<" << type << "> in OCIO profile. "; >- os << " (line "; >- os << (node.GetMark().line+1) << ", column "; // (yaml line numbers start at 0) >- os << node.GetMark().column << ")"; >- throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >+ os << "Unknown key in " << name << ": '" << key << "'."; >+ LogWarning(os.str()); > } >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstTransformRcPtr t) >- { >- if(ConstAllocationTransformRcPtr Allocation_tran = \ >- DynamicPtrCast<const AllocationTransform>(t)) >- out << Allocation_tran; >- else if(ConstCDLTransformRcPtr CDL_tran = \ >- DynamicPtrCast<const CDLTransform>(t)) >- out << CDL_tran; >- else if(ConstColorSpaceTransformRcPtr ColorSpace_tran = \ >- DynamicPtrCast<const ColorSpaceTransform>(t)) >- out << ColorSpace_tran; >- else if(ConstExponentTransformRcPtr Exponent_tran = \ >- DynamicPtrCast<const ExponentTransform>(t)) >- out << Exponent_tran; >- else if(ConstFileTransformRcPtr File_tran = \ >- DynamicPtrCast<const FileTransform>(t)) >- out << File_tran; >- else if(ConstGroupTransformRcPtr Group_tran = \ >- DynamicPtrCast<const GroupTransform>(t)) >- out << Group_tran; >- else if(ConstLogTransformRcPtr Log_tran = \ >- DynamicPtrCast<const LogTransform>(t)) >- out << Log_tran; >- else if(ConstLookTransformRcPtr Look_tran = \ >- DynamicPtrCast<const LookTransform>(t)) >- out << Look_tran; >- else if(ConstMatrixTransformRcPtr Matrix_tran = \ >- DynamicPtrCast<const MatrixTransform>(t)) >- out << Matrix_tran; >- else if(ConstTruelightTransformRcPtr Truelight_tran = \ >- DynamicPtrCast<const TruelightTransform>(t)) >- out << Truelight_tran; >- else >- throw Exception("Unsupported Transform() type for serialization."); >- >- return out; >- } >- >- >- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// >- // Transforms >- >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, GroupTransformRcPtr& t) >- { >- t = GroupTransform::Create(); > >- std::string key; >+ // View > >- for (YAML::Iterator iter = node.begin(); >- iter != node.end(); >- ++iter) >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, View& v) > { >- iter.first() >> key; >+ if(node.Tag() != "View") >+ return; > >- if(key == "children") >- { >- const YAML::Node & children = iter.second(); >- for(unsigned i = 0; i <children.size(); ++i) >+ std::string key, stringval; >+ >+ for (Iterator iter = node.begin(); >+ iter != node.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ const YAML::Node& first = get_first(iter); >+ const YAML::Node& second = get_second(iter); >+ >+ load(first, key); >+ >+ if (second.Type() == YAML::NodeType::Null) continue; >+ >+ if(key == "name") > { >- TransformRcPtr childTransform; >- children[i].Read<TransformRcPtr>(childTransform); >- >- // TODO: consider the forwards-compatibility implication of >- // throwing an exception. Should this be a warning, instead? >- if(!childTransform) >- { >- throw Exception("Child transform could not be parsed."); >- } >- >- t->push_back(childTransform); >+ load(second, stringval); >+ v.name = stringval; >+ } >+ else if(key == "colorspace") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ v.colorspace = stringval; >+ } >+ else if(key == "looks" || key == "look") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ v.looks = stringval; >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), first); > } > } >- else if(key == "direction") >+ >+ if(v.name.empty()) > { >- TransformDirection val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<TransformDirection>(val)) >- t->setDirection(val); >+ throw Exception("View does not specify 'name'."); > } >- else >+ if(v.colorspace.empty()) > { >- LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), iter.first()); >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "View '" << v.name << "' "; >+ os << "does not specify colorspace."; >+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); > } > } >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstGroupTransformRcPtr t) >- { >- out << YAML::VerbatimTag("GroupTransform"); >- out << YAML::BeginMap; >- EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); > >- out << YAML::Key << "children"; >- out << YAML::Value; >- >- out << YAML::BeginSeq; >- for(int i = 0; i < t->size(); ++i) >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, View view) > { >- out << t->getTransform(i); >+ out << YAML::VerbatimTag("View"); >+ out << YAML::Flow; >+ out << YAML::BeginMap; >+ out << YAML::Key << "name" << YAML::Value << view.name; >+ out << YAML::Key << "colorspace" << YAML::Value << view.colorspace; >+ if(!view.looks.empty()) out << YAML::Key << "looks" << YAML::Value << view.looks; >+ out << YAML::EndMap; > } >- out << YAML::EndSeq; >- >- out << YAML::EndMap; >- >- return out; >- } >- >- >- >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, FileTransformRcPtr& t) >- { >- t = FileTransform::Create(); > >- std::string key, stringval; >+ // Common Transform > >- for (YAML::Iterator iter = node.begin(); >- iter != node.end(); >- ++iter) >+ inline void EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(YAML::Emitter & out, >+ const ConstTransformRcPtr & t) > { >- iter.first() >> key; >- >- if(key == "src") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setSrc(stringval.c_str()); >- } >- else if(key == "cccid") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setCCCId(stringval.c_str()); >- } >- else if(key == "interpolation") >- { >- Interpolation val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<Interpolation>(val)) >- t->setInterpolation(val); >- } >- else if(key == "direction") >- { >- TransformDirection val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<TransformDirection>(val)) >- t->setDirection(val); >- } >- else >+ if(t->getDirection() != TRANSFORM_DIR_FORWARD) > { >- LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), iter.first()); >+ out << YAML::Key << "direction"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow; >+ save(out, t->getDirection()); > } > } >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstFileTransformRcPtr t) >- { >- out << YAML::VerbatimTag("FileTransform"); >- out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; >- out << YAML::Key << "src" << YAML::Value << t->getSrc(); >- const char * cccid = t->getCCCId(); >- if(cccid && *cccid) >- { >- out << YAML::Key << "cccid" << YAML::Value << t->getCCCId(); >- } >- out << YAML::Key << "interpolation"; >- out << YAML::Value << t->getInterpolation(); >- >- EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >- out << YAML::EndMap; >- return out; >- } >- >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, ColorSpaceTransformRcPtr& t) >- { >- t = ColorSpaceTransform::Create(); > >- std::string key, stringval; >+ // AllocationTransform > >- for (YAML::Iterator iter = node.begin(); >- iter != node.end(); >- ++iter) >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, AllocationTransformRcPtr& t) > { >- iter.first() >> key; >+ t = AllocationTransform::Create(); > >- if(key == "src") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setSrc(stringval.c_str()); >- } >- else if(key == "dst") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setDst(stringval.c_str()); >- } >- else if(key == "direction") >- { >- TransformDirection val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<TransformDirection>(val)) >- t->setDirection(val); >- } >- else >- { >- LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), iter.first()); >+ std::string key; >+ >+ for (Iterator iter = node.begin(); >+ iter != node.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ const YAML::Node& first = get_first(iter); >+ const YAML::Node& second = get_second(iter); >+ >+ load(first, key); >+ >+ if (second.Type() == YAML::NodeType::Null) continue; >+ >+ if(key == "allocation") >+ { >+ Allocation val; >+ load(second, val); >+ t->setAllocation(val); >+ } >+ else if(key == "vars") >+ { >+ std::vector<float> val; >+ load(second, val); >+ if(!val.empty()) >+ { >+ t->setVars(static_cast<int>(val.size()), &val[0]); >+ } >+ } >+ else if(key == "direction") >+ { >+ TransformDirection val; >+ load(second, val); >+ t->setDirection(val); >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), first); >+ } > } > } >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstColorSpaceTransformRcPtr t) >- { >- out << YAML::VerbatimTag("ColorSpaceTransform"); >- out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; >- out << YAML::Key << "src" << YAML::Value << t->getSrc(); >- out << YAML::Key << "dst" << YAML::Value << t->getDst(); >- EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >- out << YAML::EndMap; >- return out; >- } >- >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, LookTransformRcPtr& t) >- { >- t = LookTransform::Create(); > >- std::string key, stringval; >- >- for (YAML::Iterator iter = node.begin(); >- iter != node.end(); >- ++iter) >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, ConstAllocationTransformRcPtr t) > { >- iter.first() >> key; >+ out << YAML::VerbatimTag("AllocationTransform"); >+ out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; > >- if(key == "src") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setSrc(stringval.c_str()); >- } >- else if(key == "dst") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setDst(stringval.c_str()); >- } >- else if(key == "looks") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setLooks(stringval.c_str()); >- } >- else if(key == "direction") >- { >- TransformDirection val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<TransformDirection>(val)) >- t->setDirection(val); >- } >- else >+ out << YAML::Key << "allocation"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow; >+ save(out, t->getAllocation()); >+ >+ if(t->getNumVars() > 0) > { >- LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), iter.first()); >+ std::vector<float> vars(t->getNumVars()); >+ t->getVars(&vars[0]); >+ out << YAML::Key << "vars"; >+ out << YAML::Flow << YAML::Value << vars; > } >+ >+ EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >+ out << YAML::EndMap; > } >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstLookTransformRcPtr t) >- { >- out << YAML::VerbatimTag("LookTransform"); >- out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; >- out << YAML::Key << "src" << YAML::Value << t->getSrc(); >- out << YAML::Key << "dst" << YAML::Value << t->getDst(); >- out << YAML::Key << "looks" << YAML::Value << t->getLooks(); >- EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >- out << YAML::EndMap; >- return out; >- } >- >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, ExponentTransformRcPtr& t) >- { >- t = ExponentTransform::Create(); > >- std::string key; >+ // CDLTransform > >- for (YAML::Iterator iter = node.begin(); >- iter != node.end(); >- ++iter) >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, CDLTransformRcPtr& t) > { >- iter.first() >> key; >+ t = CDLTransform::Create(); > >- if(key == "value") >- { >- std::vector<float> val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null) >+ std::string key; >+ std::vector<float> floatvecval; >+ >+ for (Iterator iter = node.begin(); >+ iter != node.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ const YAML::Node& first = get_first(iter); >+ const YAML::Node& second = get_second(iter); >+ >+ load(first, key); >+ >+ if (second.Type() == YAML::NodeType::Null) continue; >+ >+ if(key == "slope") > { >- iter.second() >> val; >- if(val.size() != 4) >+ load(second, floatvecval); >+ if(floatvecval.size() != 3) > { > std::ostringstream os; >- os << "ExponentTransform parse error, value field must be 4 "; >- os << "floats. Found '" << val.size() << "'."; >+ os << "CDLTransform parse error, 'slope' field must be 3 "; >+ os << "floats. Found '" << floatvecval.size() << "'."; > throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); > } >- t->setValue(&val[0]); >+ t->setSlope(&floatvecval[0]); > } >- } >- else if(key == "direction") >- { >- TransformDirection val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<TransformDirection>(val)) >- t->setDirection(val); >- } >- else >- { >- LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), iter.first()); >- } >- } >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstExponentTransformRcPtr t) >- { >- out << YAML::VerbatimTag("ExponentTransform"); >- out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; >- >- std::vector<float> value(4, 0.0); >- t->getValue(&value[0]); >- out << YAML::Key << "value"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << value; >- EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >- out << YAML::EndMap; >- return out; >- } >- >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, LogTransformRcPtr& t) >- { >- t = LogTransform::Create(); >- >- std::string key; >- >- for (YAML::Iterator iter = node.begin(); >- iter != node.end(); >- ++iter) >- { >- iter.first() >> key; >+ else if(key == "offset") >+ { >+ load(second, floatvecval); >+ if(floatvecval.size() != 3) >+ { >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "CDLTransform parse error, 'offset' field must be 3 "; >+ os << "floats. Found '" << floatvecval.size() << "'."; >+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >+ } >+ t->setOffset(&floatvecval[0]); >+ } >+ else if(key == "power") >+ { >+ load(second, floatvecval); >+ if(floatvecval.size() != 3) >+ { >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "CDLTransform parse error, 'power' field must be 3 "; >+ os << "floats. Found '" << floatvecval.size() << "'."; >+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >+ } >+ t->setPower(&floatvecval[0]); >+ } >+ else if(key == "saturation" || key == "sat") >+ { >+ float val = 0.0f; >+ load(second, val); >+ t->setSat(val); >+ } >+ else if(key == "direction") >+ { >+ TransformDirection val; >+ load(second, val); >+ t->setDirection(val); >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), first); >+ } >+ } >+ } >+ >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, ConstCDLTransformRcPtr t) >+ { >+ out << YAML::VerbatimTag("CDLTransform"); >+ out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; > >- if(key == "base") >+ std::vector<float> slope(3); >+ t->getSlope(&slope[0]); >+ if(!IsVecEqualToOne(&slope[0], 3)) > { >- float val = 0.0f; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<float>(val)) >- t->setBase(val); >+ out << YAML::Key << "slope"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << slope; > } >- else if(key == "direction") >+ >+ std::vector<float> offset(3); >+ t->getOffset(&offset[0]); >+ if(!IsVecEqualToZero(&offset[0], 3)) > { >- TransformDirection val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<TransformDirection>(val)) >- t->setDirection(val); >+ out << YAML::Key << "offset"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << offset; > } >- else >+ >+ std::vector<float> power(3); >+ t->getPower(&power[0]); >+ if(!IsVecEqualToOne(&power[0], 3)) >+ { >+ out << YAML::Key << "power"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << power; >+ } >+ >+ if(!IsScalarEqualToOne(t->getSat())) > { >- LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), iter.first()); >+ out << YAML::Key << "sat" << YAML::Value << t->getSat(); > } >+ >+ EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >+ out << YAML::EndMap; > } >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstLogTransformRcPtr t) >- { >- out << YAML::VerbatimTag("LogTransform"); >- out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; >- out << YAML::Key << "base" << YAML::Value << t->getBase(); >- EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >- out << YAML::EndMap; >- return out; >- } >- >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, MatrixTransformRcPtr& t) >- { >- t = MatrixTransform::Create(); > >- std::string key; >+ // ColorSpaceTransform > >- for (YAML::Iterator iter = node.begin(); >- iter != node.end(); >- ++iter) >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, ColorSpaceTransformRcPtr& t) > { >- iter.first() >> key; >+ t = ColorSpaceTransform::Create(); > >- if(key == "matrix") >- { >- std::vector<float> val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null) >+ std::string key, stringval; >+ >+ for (Iterator iter = node.begin(); >+ iter != node.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ const YAML::Node& first = get_first(iter); >+ const YAML::Node& second = get_second(iter); >+ >+ load(first, key); >+ >+ if (second.Type() == YAML::NodeType::Null) continue; >+ >+ if(key == "src") > { >- iter.second() >> val; >- if(val.size() != 16) >- { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "MatrixTransform parse error, matrix field must be 16 "; >- os << "floats. Found '" << val.size() << "'."; >- throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >- } >- t->setMatrix(&val[0]); >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setSrc(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "dst") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setDst(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "direction") >+ { >+ TransformDirection val; >+ load(second, val); >+ t->setDirection(val); >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), first); > } > } >- else if(key == "offset") >- { >- std::vector<float> val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null) >+ } >+ >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, ConstColorSpaceTransformRcPtr t) >+ { >+ out << YAML::VerbatimTag("ColorSpaceTransform"); >+ out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; >+ out << YAML::Key << "src" << YAML::Value << t->getSrc(); >+ out << YAML::Key << "dst" << YAML::Value << t->getDst(); >+ EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >+ out << YAML::EndMap; >+ } >+ >+ // ExponentTransform >+ >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, ExponentTransformRcPtr& t) >+ { >+ t = ExponentTransform::Create(); >+ >+ std::string key; >+ >+ for (Iterator iter = node.begin(); >+ iter != node.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ const YAML::Node& first = get_first(iter); >+ const YAML::Node& second = get_second(iter); >+ >+ load(first, key); >+ >+ if (second.Type() == YAML::NodeType::Null) continue; >+ >+ if(key == "value") > { >- iter.second() >> val; >+ std::vector<float> val; >+ load(second, val); > if(val.size() != 4) > { > std::ostringstream os; >- os << "MatrixTransform parse error, offset field must be 4 "; >+ os << "ExponentTransform parse error, value field must be 4 "; > os << "floats. Found '" << val.size() << "'."; > throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); > } >- t->setOffset(&val[0]); >+ t->setValue(&val[0]); >+ } >+ else if(key == "direction") >+ { >+ TransformDirection val; >+ load(second, val); >+ t->setDirection(val); >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), first); > } >- } >- else if(key == "direction") >- { >- TransformDirection val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<TransformDirection>(val)) >- t->setDirection(val); >- } >- else >- { >- LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), iter.first()); > } > } >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstMatrixTransformRcPtr t) >- { >- out << YAML::VerbatimTag("MatrixTransform"); >- out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; > >- std::vector<float> matrix(16, 0.0); >- t->getMatrix(&matrix[0]); >- if(!IsM44Identity(&matrix[0])) >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, ConstExponentTransformRcPtr t) > { >- out << YAML::Key << "matrix"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << matrix; >+ out << YAML::VerbatimTag("ExponentTransform"); >+ out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; >+ >+ std::vector<float> value(4, 0.0); >+ t->getValue(&value[0]); >+ out << YAML::Key << "value"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << value; >+ EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >+ out << YAML::EndMap; > } > >- std::vector<float> offset(4, 0.0); >- t->getOffset(&offset[0]); >- if(!IsVecEqualToZero(&offset[0],4)) >+ // FileTransform >+ >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, FileTransformRcPtr& t) > { >- out << YAML::Key << "offset"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << offset; >+ t = FileTransform::Create(); >+ >+ std::string key, stringval; >+ >+ for (Iterator iter = node.begin(); >+ iter != node.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ const YAML::Node& first = get_first(iter); >+ const YAML::Node& second = get_second(iter); >+ >+ load(first, key); >+ >+ if (second.Type() == YAML::NodeType::Null) continue; >+ >+ if(key == "src") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setSrc(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "cccid") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setCCCId(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "interpolation") >+ { >+ Interpolation val; >+ load(second, val); >+ t->setInterpolation(val); >+ } >+ else if(key == "direction") >+ { >+ TransformDirection val; >+ load(second, val); >+ t->setDirection(val); >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), first); >+ } >+ } > } > >- EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >- out << YAML::EndMap; >- return out; >- } >- >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, CDLTransformRcPtr& t) >- { >- t = CDLTransform::Create(); >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, ConstFileTransformRcPtr t) >+ { >+ out << YAML::VerbatimTag("FileTransform"); >+ out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; >+ out << YAML::Key << "src" << YAML::Value << t->getSrc(); >+ const char * cccid = t->getCCCId(); >+ if(cccid && *cccid) >+ { >+ out << YAML::Key << "cccid" << YAML::Value << t->getCCCId(); >+ } >+ out << YAML::Key << "interpolation"; >+ out << YAML::Value; >+ save(out, t->getInterpolation()); >+ >+ EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >+ out << YAML::EndMap; >+ } >+ >+ // GroupTransform > >- std::string key; >- std::vector<float> floatvecval; >+ void load(const YAML::Node& node, TransformRcPtr& t); >+ void save(YAML::Emitter& out, ConstTransformRcPtr t); > >- for (YAML::Iterator iter = node.begin(); >- iter != node.end(); >- ++iter) >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, GroupTransformRcPtr& t) > { >- iter.first() >> key; >+ t = GroupTransform::Create(); > >- if(key == "slope") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null) >+ std::string key; >+ >+ for (Iterator iter = node.begin(); >+ iter != node.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ const YAML::Node& first = get_first(iter); >+ const YAML::Node& second = get_second(iter); >+ >+ load(first, key); >+ >+ if (second.Type() == YAML::NodeType::Null) continue; >+ >+ if(key == "children") > { >- iter.second() >> floatvecval; >- if(floatvecval.size() != 3) >+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < second.size(); ++i) > { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "CDLTransform parse error, 'slope' field must be 3 "; >- os << "floats. Found '" << floatvecval.size() << "'."; >- throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >+ TransformRcPtr childTransform; >+ load(second[i], childTransform); >+ >+ // TODO: consider the forwards-compatibility implication of >+ // throwing an exception. Should this be a warning, instead? >+ if(!childTransform) >+ { >+ throw Exception("Child transform could not be parsed."); >+ } >+ >+ t->push_back(childTransform); > } >- t->setSlope(&floatvecval[0]); > } >- } >- else if(key == "offset") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null) >+ else if(key == "direction") > { >- iter.second() >> floatvecval; >- if(floatvecval.size() != 3) >- { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "CDLTransform parse error, 'offset' field must be 3 "; >- os << "floats. Found '" << floatvecval.size() << "'."; >- throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >- } >- t->setOffset(&floatvecval[0]); >+ TransformDirection val; >+ load(second, val); >+ t->setDirection(val); > } >- } >- else if(key == "power") >- { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null) >+ else > { >- iter.second() >> floatvecval; >- if(floatvecval.size() != 3) >- { >- std::ostringstream os; >- os << "CDLTransform parse error, 'power' field must be 3 "; >- os << "floats. Found '" << floatvecval.size() << "'."; >- throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >- } >- t->setPower(&floatvecval[0]); >+ LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), first); > } > } >- else if(key == "saturation" || key == "sat") >- { >- float val = 0.0f; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<float>(val)) >- t->setSat(val); >- } >- else if(key == "direction") >- { >- TransformDirection val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<TransformDirection>(val)) >- t->setDirection(val); >- } >- else >+ } >+ >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, ConstGroupTransformRcPtr t) >+ { >+ out << YAML::VerbatimTag("GroupTransform"); >+ out << YAML::BeginMap; >+ EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >+ >+ out << YAML::Key << "children"; >+ out << YAML::Value; >+ >+ out << YAML::BeginSeq; >+ for(int i = 0; i < t->size(); ++i) > { >- LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), iter.first()); >+ save(out, t->getTransform(i)); > } >+ out << YAML::EndSeq; >+ >+ out << YAML::EndMap; > } >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstCDLTransformRcPtr t) >- { >- out << YAML::VerbatimTag("CDLTransform"); >- out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; > >- std::vector<float> slope(3); >- t->getSlope(&slope[0]); >- if(!IsVecEqualToOne(&slope[0], 3)) >+ // LogTransform >+ >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, LogTransformRcPtr& t) > { >- out << YAML::Key << "slope"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << slope; >+ t = LogTransform::Create(); >+ >+ std::string key; >+ >+ for (Iterator iter = node.begin(); >+ iter != node.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ const YAML::Node& first = get_first(iter); >+ const YAML::Node& second = get_second(iter); >+ >+ load(first, key); >+ >+ if (second.Type() == YAML::NodeType::Null) continue; >+ >+ if(key == "base") >+ { >+ float val = 0.0f; >+ load(second, val); >+ t->setBase(val); >+ } >+ else if(key == "direction") >+ { >+ TransformDirection val; >+ load(second, val); >+ t->setDirection(val); >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), first); >+ } >+ } > } > >- std::vector<float> offset(3); >- t->getOffset(&offset[0]); >- if(!IsVecEqualToZero(&offset[0], 3)) >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, ConstLogTransformRcPtr t) > { >- out << YAML::Key << "offset"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << offset; >+ out << YAML::VerbatimTag("LogTransform"); >+ out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; >+ out << YAML::Key << "base" << YAML::Value << t->getBase(); >+ EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >+ out << YAML::EndMap; > } > >- std::vector<float> power(3); >- t->getPower(&power[0]); >- if(!IsVecEqualToOne(&power[0], 3)) >+ // LookTransform >+ >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, LookTransformRcPtr& t) > { >- out << YAML::Key << "power"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << power; >+ t = LookTransform::Create(); >+ >+ std::string key, stringval; >+ >+ for (Iterator iter = node.begin(); >+ iter != node.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ const YAML::Node& first = get_first(iter); >+ const YAML::Node& second = get_second(iter); >+ >+ load(first, key); >+ >+ if (second.Type() == YAML::NodeType::Null) continue; >+ >+ if(key == "src") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setSrc(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "dst") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setDst(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "looks") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setLooks(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "direction") >+ { >+ TransformDirection val; >+ load(second, val); >+ t->setDirection(val); >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), first); >+ } >+ } > } > >- if(!IsScalarEqualToOne(t->getSat())) >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, ConstLookTransformRcPtr t) > { >- out << YAML::Key << "sat" << YAML::Value << t->getSat(); >+ out << YAML::VerbatimTag("LookTransform"); >+ out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; >+ out << YAML::Key << "src" << YAML::Value << t->getSrc(); >+ out << YAML::Key << "dst" << YAML::Value << t->getDst(); >+ out << YAML::Key << "looks" << YAML::Value << t->getLooks(); >+ EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >+ out << YAML::EndMap; > } > >- EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >- out << YAML::EndMap; >- return out; >- } >- >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, AllocationTransformRcPtr& t) >- { >- t = AllocationTransform::Create(); >- >- std::string key; >+ // MatrixTransform > >- for (YAML::Iterator iter = node.begin(); >- iter != node.end(); >- ++iter) >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, MatrixTransformRcPtr& t) > { >- iter.first() >> key; >+ t = MatrixTransform::Create(); > >- if(key == "allocation") >- { >- Allocation val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<Allocation>(val)) >- t->setAllocation(val); >- } >- else if(key == "vars") >- { >- std::vector<float> val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null) >+ std::string key; >+ >+ for (Iterator iter = node.begin(); >+ iter != node.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ const YAML::Node& first = get_first(iter); >+ const YAML::Node& second = get_second(iter); >+ >+ load(first, key); >+ >+ if (second.Type() == YAML::NodeType::Null) continue; >+ >+ if(key == "matrix") > { >- iter.second() >> val; >- if(!val.empty()) >+ std::vector<float> val; >+ load(second, val); >+ if(val.size() != 16) > { >- t->setVars(static_cast<int>(val.size()), &val[0]); >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "MatrixTransform parse error, matrix field must be 16 "; >+ os << "floats. Found '" << val.size() << "'."; >+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >+ } >+ t->setMatrix(&val[0]); >+ } >+ else if(key == "offset") >+ { >+ std::vector<float> val; >+ load(second, val); >+ if(val.size() != 4) >+ { >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "MatrixTransform parse error, offset field must be 4 "; >+ os << "floats. Found '" << val.size() << "'."; >+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); > } >+ t->setOffset(&val[0]); >+ } >+ else if(key == "direction") >+ { >+ TransformDirection val; >+ load(second, val); >+ t->setDirection(val); >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), first); > } > } >- else if(key == "direction") >+ } >+ >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, ConstMatrixTransformRcPtr t) >+ { >+ out << YAML::VerbatimTag("MatrixTransform"); >+ out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; >+ >+ std::vector<float> matrix(16, 0.0); >+ t->getMatrix(&matrix[0]); >+ if(!IsM44Identity(&matrix[0])) > { >- TransformDirection val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<TransformDirection>(val)) >- t->setDirection(val); >+ out << YAML::Key << "matrix"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << matrix; > } >- else >+ >+ std::vector<float> offset(4, 0.0); >+ t->getOffset(&offset[0]); >+ if(!IsVecEqualToZero(&offset[0],4)) > { >- LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), iter.first()); >+ out << YAML::Key << "offset"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << offset; > } >+ >+ EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >+ out << YAML::EndMap; > } >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstAllocationTransformRcPtr t) >- { >- out << YAML::VerbatimTag("AllocationTransform"); >- out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; > >- out << YAML::Key << "allocation"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getAllocation(); >+ // TruelightTransform > >- if(t->getNumVars() > 0) >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, TruelightTransformRcPtr& t) > { >- std::vector<float> vars(t->getNumVars()); >- t->getVars(&vars[0]); >- out << YAML::Key << "vars"; >- out << YAML::Flow << YAML::Value << vars; >+ t = TruelightTransform::Create(); >+ >+ std::string key, stringval; >+ >+ for (Iterator iter = node.begin(); >+ iter != node.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ const YAML::Node& first = get_first(iter); >+ const YAML::Node& second = get_second(iter); >+ >+ load(first, key); >+ >+ if (second.Type() == YAML::NodeType::Null) continue; >+ >+ if(key == "config_root") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setConfigRoot(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "profile") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setProfile(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "camera") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setCamera(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "input_display") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setInputDisplay(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "recorder") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setRecorder(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "print") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setPrint(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "lamp") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setLamp(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "output_camera") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setOutputCamera(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "display") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setDisplay(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "cube_input") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ t->setCubeInput(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "direction") >+ { >+ TransformDirection val; >+ load(second, val); >+ t->setDirection(val); >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), first); >+ } >+ } > } > >- EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >- out << YAML::EndMap; >- return out; >- } >- >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, TruelightTransformRcPtr& t) >- { >- t = TruelightTransform::Create(); >- >- std::string key, stringval; >- >- for (YAML::Iterator iter = node.begin(); >- iter != node.end(); >- ++iter) >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, ConstTruelightTransformRcPtr t) > { >- iter.first() >> key; > >- if(key == "config_root") >+ out << YAML::VerbatimTag("TruelightTransform"); >+ out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; >+ if(strcmp(t->getConfigRoot(), "") != 0) > { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setConfigRoot(stringval.c_str()); >+ out << YAML::Key << "config_root"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getConfigRoot(); > } >- else if(key == "profile") >+ if(strcmp(t->getProfile(), "") != 0) > { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setProfile(stringval.c_str()); >+ out << YAML::Key << "profile"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getProfile(); > } >- else if(key == "camera") >+ if(strcmp(t->getCamera(), "") != 0) > { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setCamera(stringval.c_str()); >+ out << YAML::Key << "camera"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getCamera(); > } >- else if(key == "input_display") >+ if(strcmp(t->getInputDisplay(), "") != 0) > { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setInputDisplay(stringval.c_str()); >+ out << YAML::Key << "input_display"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getInputDisplay(); > } >- else if(key == "recorder") >+ if(strcmp(t->getRecorder(), "") != 0) > { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setRecorder(stringval.c_str()); >+ out << YAML::Key << "recorder"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getRecorder(); > } >- else if(key == "print") >+ if(strcmp(t->getPrint(), "") != 0) > { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setPrint(stringval.c_str()); >+ out << YAML::Key << "print"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getPrint(); > } >- else if(key == "lamp") >+ if(strcmp(t->getLamp(), "") != 0) > { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setLamp(stringval.c_str()); >+ out << YAML::Key << "lamp"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getLamp(); > } >- else if(key == "output_camera") >+ if(strcmp(t->getOutputCamera(), "") != 0) > { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setOutputCamera(stringval.c_str()); >+ out << YAML::Key << "output_camera"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getOutputCamera(); > } >- else if(key == "display") >+ if(strcmp(t->getDisplay(), "") != 0) > { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setDisplay(stringval.c_str()); >+ out << YAML::Key << "display"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getDisplay(); > } >- else if(key == "cube_input") >+ if(strcmp(t->getCubeInput(), "") != 0) > { >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<std::string>(stringval)) >- t->setCubeInput(stringval.c_str()); >+ out << YAML::Key << "cube_input"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getCubeInput(); > } >- else if(key == "direction") >+ >+ EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >+ >+ out << YAML::EndMap; >+ } >+ >+ // Transform >+ >+ void load(const YAML::Node& node, TransformRcPtr& t) >+ { >+ if(node.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Map) > { >- TransformDirection val; >- if (iter.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Null && >- iter.second().Read<TransformDirection>(val)) >- t->setDirection(val); >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "Unsupported Transform type encountered: (" << node.Type() << ") in OCIO profile. "; >+ os << "Only Mapping types supported."; >+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >+ } >+ >+ std::string type = node.Tag(); >+ >+ if(type == "AllocationTransform") { >+ AllocationTransformRcPtr temp; >+ load(node, temp); >+ t = temp; >+ } >+ else if(type == "CDLTransform") { >+ CDLTransformRcPtr temp; >+ load(node, temp); >+ t = temp; >+ } >+ else if(type == "ColorSpaceTransform") { >+ ColorSpaceTransformRcPtr temp; >+ load(node, temp); >+ t = temp; >+ } >+ // TODO: DisplayTransform >+ else if(type == "ExponentTransform") { >+ ExponentTransformRcPtr temp; >+ load(node, temp); >+ t = temp; >+ } >+ else if(type == "FileTransform") { >+ FileTransformRcPtr temp; >+ load(node, temp); >+ t = temp; >+ } >+ else if(type == "GroupTransform") { >+ GroupTransformRcPtr temp; >+ load(node, temp); >+ t = temp; >+ } >+ else if(type == "LogTransform") { >+ LogTransformRcPtr temp; >+ load(node, temp); >+ t = temp; >+ } >+ else if(type == "LookTransform") { >+ LookTransformRcPtr temp; >+ load(node, temp); >+ t = temp; >+ } >+ else if(type == "MatrixTransform") { >+ MatrixTransformRcPtr temp; >+ load(node, temp); >+ t = temp; >+ } >+ else if(type == "TruelightTransform") { >+ TruelightTransformRcPtr temp; >+ load(node, temp); >+ t = temp; > } > else > { >- LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), iter.first()); >+ // TODO: add a new empty (better name?) aka passthru Transform() >+ // which does nothing. This is so upsupported !<tag> types don't >+ // throw an exception. Alternativly this could be caught in the >+ // GroupTransformRcPtr >> operator with some type of >+ // supported_tag() method >+ >+ // TODO: consider the forwards-compatibility implication of >+ // throwing an exception. Should this be a warning, instead? >+ >+ // t = EmptyTransformRcPtr(new EmptyTransform(), &deleter); >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "Unsupported transform type !<" << type << "> in OCIO profile. "; >+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); > } > } >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstTruelightTransformRcPtr t) >- { > >- out << YAML::VerbatimTag("TruelightTransform"); >- out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginMap; >- if(strcmp(t->getConfigRoot(), "") != 0) >- { >- out << YAML::Key << "config_root"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getConfigRoot(); >- } >- if(strcmp(t->getProfile(), "") != 0) >+ void save(YAML::Emitter& out, ConstTransformRcPtr t) > { >- out << YAML::Key << "profile"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getProfile(); >- } >- if(strcmp(t->getCamera(), "") != 0) >- { >- out << YAML::Key << "camera"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getCamera(); >- } >- if(strcmp(t->getInputDisplay(), "") != 0) >- { >- out << YAML::Key << "input_display"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getInputDisplay(); >+ if(ConstAllocationTransformRcPtr Allocation_tran = \ >+ DynamicPtrCast<const AllocationTransform>(t)) >+ save(out, Allocation_tran); >+ else if(ConstCDLTransformRcPtr CDL_tran = \ >+ DynamicPtrCast<const CDLTransform>(t)) >+ save(out, CDL_tran); >+ else if(ConstColorSpaceTransformRcPtr ColorSpace_tran = \ >+ DynamicPtrCast<const ColorSpaceTransform>(t)) >+ save(out, ColorSpace_tran); >+ else if(ConstExponentTransformRcPtr Exponent_tran = \ >+ DynamicPtrCast<const ExponentTransform>(t)) >+ save(out, Exponent_tran); >+ else if(ConstFileTransformRcPtr File_tran = \ >+ DynamicPtrCast<const FileTransform>(t)) >+ save(out, File_tran); >+ else if(ConstGroupTransformRcPtr Group_tran = \ >+ DynamicPtrCast<const GroupTransform>(t)) >+ save(out, Group_tran); >+ else if(ConstLogTransformRcPtr Log_tran = \ >+ DynamicPtrCast<const LogTransform>(t)) >+ save(out, Log_tran); >+ else if(ConstLookTransformRcPtr Look_tran = \ >+ DynamicPtrCast<const LookTransform>(t)) >+ save(out, Look_tran); >+ else if(ConstMatrixTransformRcPtr Matrix_tran = \ >+ DynamicPtrCast<const MatrixTransform>(t)) >+ save(out, Matrix_tran); >+ else if(ConstTruelightTransformRcPtr Truelight_tran = \ >+ DynamicPtrCast<const TruelightTransform>(t)) >+ save(out, Truelight_tran); >+ else >+ throw Exception("Unsupported Transform() type for serialization."); > } >- if(strcmp(t->getRecorder(), "") != 0) >+ >+ // ColorSpace >+ >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, ColorSpaceRcPtr& cs) > { >- out << YAML::Key << "recorder"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getRecorder(); >+ if(node.Tag() != "ColorSpace") >+ return; // not a !<ColorSpace> tag >+ >+ std::string key, stringval; >+ bool boolval; >+ >+ for (Iterator iter = node.begin(); >+ iter != node.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ const YAML::Node& first = get_first(iter); >+ const YAML::Node& second = get_second(iter); >+ >+ load(first, key); >+ >+ if (second.Type() == YAML::NodeType::Null) continue; >+ >+ if(key == "name") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ cs->setName(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "description") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ cs->setDescription(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "family") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ cs->setFamily(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "equalitygroup") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ cs->setEqualityGroup(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "bitdepth") >+ { >+ BitDepth ret; >+ load(second, ret); >+ cs->setBitDepth(ret); >+ } >+ else if(key == "isdata") >+ { >+ load(second, boolval); >+ cs->setIsData(boolval); >+ } >+ else if(key == "allocation") >+ { >+ Allocation val; >+ load(second, val); >+ cs->setAllocation(val); >+ } >+ else if(key == "allocationvars") >+ { >+ std::vector<float> val; >+ load(second, val); >+ if(!val.empty()) >+ cs->setAllocationVars(static_cast<int>(val.size()), &val[0]); >+ } >+ else if(key == "to_reference") >+ { >+ TransformRcPtr val; >+ load(second, val); >+ cs->setTransform(val, COLORSPACE_DIR_TO_REFERENCE); >+ } >+ else if(key == "from_reference") >+ { >+ TransformRcPtr val; >+ load(second, val); >+ cs->setTransform(val, COLORSPACE_DIR_FROM_REFERENCE); >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), first); >+ } >+ } > } >- if(strcmp(t->getPrint(), "") != 0) >+ >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, ConstColorSpaceRcPtr cs) > { >- out << YAML::Key << "print"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getPrint(); >+ out << YAML::VerbatimTag("ColorSpace"); >+ out << YAML::BeginMap; >+ >+ out << YAML::Key << "name" << YAML::Value << cs->getName(); >+ out << YAML::Key << "family" << YAML::Value << cs->getFamily(); >+ out << YAML::Key << "equalitygroup" << YAML::Value << cs->getEqualityGroup(); >+ out << YAML::Key << "bitdepth" << YAML::Value; >+ save(out, cs->getBitDepth()); >+ if(cs->getDescription() != NULL && strlen(cs->getDescription()) > 0) >+ { >+ out << YAML::Key << "description"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Literal << cs->getDescription(); >+ } >+ out << YAML::Key << "isdata" << YAML::Value << cs->isData(); >+ >+ out << YAML::Key << "allocation" << YAML::Value; >+ save(out, cs->getAllocation()); >+ if(cs->getAllocationNumVars() > 0) >+ { >+ std::vector<float> allocationvars(cs->getAllocationNumVars()); >+ cs->getAllocationVars(&allocationvars[0]); >+ out << YAML::Key << "allocationvars"; >+ out << YAML::Flow << YAML::Value << allocationvars; >+ } >+ >+ ConstTransformRcPtr toref = \ >+ cs->getTransform(COLORSPACE_DIR_TO_REFERENCE); >+ if(toref) >+ { >+ out << YAML::Key << "to_reference" << YAML::Value; >+ save(out, toref); >+ } >+ >+ ConstTransformRcPtr fromref = \ >+ cs->getTransform(COLORSPACE_DIR_FROM_REFERENCE); >+ if(fromref) >+ { >+ out << YAML::Key << "from_reference" << YAML::Value; >+ save(out, fromref); >+ } >+ >+ out << YAML::EndMap; >+ out << YAML::Newline; > } >- if(strcmp(t->getLamp(), "") != 0) >+ >+ // Look >+ >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, LookRcPtr& look) > { >- out << YAML::Key << "lamp"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getLamp(); >+ if(node.Tag() != "Look") >+ return; >+ >+ std::string key, stringval; >+ >+ for (Iterator iter = node.begin(); >+ iter != node.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ const YAML::Node& first = get_first(iter); >+ const YAML::Node& second = get_second(iter); >+ >+ load(first, key); >+ >+ if (second.Type() == YAML::NodeType::Null) continue; >+ >+ if(key == "name") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ look->setName(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "process_space") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ look->setProcessSpace(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "transform") >+ { >+ TransformRcPtr val; >+ load(second, val); >+ look->setTransform(val); >+ } >+ else if(key == "inverse_transform") >+ { >+ TransformRcPtr val; >+ load(second, val); >+ look->setInverseTransform(val); >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ LogUnknownKeyWarning(node.Tag(), first); >+ } >+ } > } >- if(strcmp(t->getOutputCamera(), "") != 0) >+ >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, ConstLookRcPtr look) > { >- out << YAML::Key << "output_camera"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getOutputCamera(); >+ out << YAML::VerbatimTag("Look"); >+ out << YAML::BeginMap; >+ out << YAML::Key << "name" << YAML::Value << look->getName(); >+ out << YAML::Key << "process_space" << YAML::Value << look->getProcessSpace(); >+ >+ if(look->getTransform()) >+ { >+ out << YAML::Key << "transform"; >+ out << YAML::Value; >+ save(out, look->getTransform()); >+ } >+ >+ if(look->getInverseTransform()) >+ { >+ out << YAML::Key << "inverse_transform"; >+ out << YAML::Value; >+ save(out, look->getInverseTransform()); >+ } >+ >+ out << YAML::EndMap; >+ out << YAML::Newline; > } >- if(strcmp(t->getDisplay(), "") != 0) >+ >+ // Config >+ >+ inline void load(const YAML::Node& node, ConfigRcPtr& c, const char* filename) > { >- out << YAML::Key << "display"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getDisplay(); >+ >+ // check profile version >+ int profile_version = 0; >+#ifdef OLDYAML >+ if(node.FindValue("ocio_profile_version") == NULL) >+#else >+ if(node["ocio_profile_version"] == NULL) >+#endif >+ { >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "The specified file "; >+ os << "does not appear to be an OCIO configuration."; >+ throw Exception (os.str().c_str()); >+ } >+ >+ load(node["ocio_profile_version"], profile_version); >+ if(profile_version > 1) >+ { >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "This .ocio config "; >+ if(filename && *filename) >+ { >+ os << " '" << filename << "' "; >+ } >+ os << "is version " << profile_version << ". "; >+ os << "This version of the OpenColorIO library (" << OCIO_VERSION ") "; >+ os << "is not known to be able to load this profile. "; >+ os << "An attempt will be made, but there are no guarantees that the "; >+ os << "results will be accurate. Continue at your own risk."; >+ LogWarning(os.str()); >+ } >+ >+ std::string key, stringval; >+ bool boolval = false; >+ EnvironmentMode mode = ENV_ENVIRONMENT_LOAD_ALL; >+ >+ for (Iterator iter = node.begin(); >+ iter != node.end(); >+ ++iter) >+ { >+ const YAML::Node& first = get_first(iter); >+ const YAML::Node& second = get_second(iter); >+ >+ load(first, key); >+ >+ if (second.Type() == YAML::NodeType::Null) continue; >+ >+ if(key == "ocio_profile_version") { } // Already handled above. >+ else if(key == "environment") >+ { >+ mode = ENV_ENVIRONMENT_LOAD_PREDEFINED; >+ if(second.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Map) >+ { >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "'environment' field needs to be a (name: key) map."; >+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >+ } >+ for (Iterator it = second.begin(); >+ it != second.end(); >+ ++it) >+ { >+ std::string k, v; >+ load(get_first(it), k); >+ load(get_second(it), v); >+ c->addEnvironmentVar(k.c_str(), v.c_str()); >+ } >+ } >+ else if(key == "search_path" || key == "resource_path") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ c->setSearchPath(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "strictparsing") >+ { >+ load(second, boolval); >+ c->setStrictParsingEnabled(boolval); >+ } >+ else if(key == "description") >+ { >+ load(second, stringval); >+ c->setDescription(stringval.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "luma") >+ { >+ std::vector<float> val; >+ load(second, val); >+ if(val.size() != 3) >+ { >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "'luma' field must be 3 "; >+ os << "floats. Found '" << val.size() << "'."; >+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >+ } >+ c->setDefaultLumaCoefs(&val[0]); >+ } >+ else if(key == "roles") >+ { >+ if(second.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Map) >+ { >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "'roles' field needs to be a (name: key) map."; >+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >+ } >+ for (Iterator it = second.begin(); >+ it != second.end(); >+ ++it) >+ { >+ std::string k, v; >+ load(get_first(it), k); >+ load(get_second(it), v); >+ c->setRole(k.c_str(), v.c_str()); >+ } >+ } >+ else if(key == "displays") >+ { >+ if(second.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Map) >+ { >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "'displays' field needs to be a (name: key) map."; >+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >+ } >+ for (Iterator it = second.begin(); >+ it != second.end(); >+ ++it) >+ { >+ std::string display; >+ load(get_first(it), display); >+ const YAML::Node& dsecond = get_second(it); >+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < dsecond.size(); ++i) >+ { >+ View view; >+ load(dsecond[i], view); >+ c->addDisplay(display.c_str(), view.name.c_str(), >+ view.colorspace.c_str(), view.looks.c_str()); >+ } >+ } >+ } >+ else if(key == "active_displays") >+ { >+ std::vector<std::string> display; >+ load(second, display); >+ std::string displays = JoinStringEnvStyle(display); >+ c->setActiveDisplays(displays.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "active_views") >+ { >+ std::vector<std::string> view; >+ load(second, view); >+ std::string views = JoinStringEnvStyle(view); >+ c->setActiveViews(views.c_str()); >+ } >+ else if(key == "colorspaces") >+ { >+ if(second.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Sequence) >+ { >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "'colorspaces' field needs to be a (- !<ColorSpace>) list."; >+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >+ } >+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < second.size(); ++i) >+ { >+ if(second[i].Tag() == "ColorSpace") >+ { >+ ColorSpaceRcPtr cs = ColorSpace::Create(); >+ load(second[i], cs); >+ for(int ii = 0; ii < c->getNumColorSpaces(); ++ii) >+ { >+ if(strcmp(c->getColorSpaceNameByIndex(ii), cs->getName()) == 0) >+ { >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "Colorspace with name '" << cs->getName() << "' already defined."; >+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >+ } >+ } >+ c->addColorSpace(cs); >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "Unknown element found in colorspaces:"; >+ os << second[i].Tag() << ". Only ColorSpace(s)"; >+ os << " currently handled."; >+ LogWarning(os.str()); >+ } >+ } >+ } >+ else if(key == "looks") >+ { >+ if(second.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Sequence) >+ { >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "'looks' field needs to be a (- !<Look>) list."; >+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >+ } >+ >+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < second.size(); ++i) >+ { >+ if(second[i].Tag() == "Look") >+ { >+ LookRcPtr look = Look::Create(); >+ load(second[i], look); >+ c->addLook(look); >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "Unknown element found in looks:"; >+ os << second[i].Tag() << ". Only Look(s)"; >+ os << " currently handled."; >+ LogWarning(os.str()); >+ } >+ } >+ } >+ else >+ { >+ LogUnknownKeyWarning("profile", first); >+ } >+ } >+ >+ if(filename) >+ { >+ std::string realfilename = pystring::os::path::abspath(filename); >+ std::string configrootdir = pystring::os::path::dirname(realfilename); >+ c->setWorkingDir(configrootdir.c_str()); >+ } >+ >+ c->setEnvironmentMode(mode); >+ c->loadEnvironment(); >+ >+ if(mode == ENV_ENVIRONMENT_LOAD_ALL) >+ { >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "This .ocio config "; >+ if(filename && *filename) >+ { >+ os << " '" << filename << "' "; >+ } >+ os << "has no environment section defined. The default behaviour is to "; >+ os << "load all environment variables (" << c->getNumEnvironmentVars() << ")"; >+ os << ", which reduces the efficiency of OCIO's caching. Considering "; >+ os << "predefining the environment variables used."; >+ LogDebug(os.str()); >+ } >+ > } >- if(strcmp(t->getCubeInput(), "") != 0) >+ >+ inline void save(YAML::Emitter& out, const Config* c) > { >- out << YAML::Key << "cube_input"; >- out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << t->getCubeInput(); >+ out << YAML::Block; >+ out << YAML::BeginMap; >+ out << YAML::Key << "ocio_profile_version" << YAML::Value << 1; >+ out << YAML::Newline; >+#ifndef OLDYAML >+ out << YAML::Newline; >+#endif >+ >+ if(c->getNumEnvironmentVars() > 0) >+ { >+ out << YAML::Key << "environment"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::BeginMap; >+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < c->getNumEnvironmentVars(); ++i) >+ { >+ const char* name = c->getEnvironmentVarNameByIndex(i); >+ out << YAML::Key << name; >+ out << YAML::Value << c->getEnvironmentVarDefault(name); >+ } >+ out << YAML::EndMap; >+ out << YAML::Newline; >+ } >+ out << YAML::Key << "search_path" << YAML::Value << c->getSearchPath(); >+ out << YAML::Key << "strictparsing" << YAML::Value << c->isStrictParsingEnabled(); >+ >+ std::vector<float> luma(3, 0.f); >+ c->getDefaultLumaCoefs(&luma[0]); >+ out << YAML::Key << "luma" << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << luma; >+ >+ if(c->getDescription() != NULL && strlen(c->getDescription()) > 0) >+ { >+ out << YAML::Newline; >+ out << YAML::Key << "description"; >+ out << YAML::Value << c->getDescription(); >+ out << YAML::Newline; >+ } >+ >+ // Roles >+ out << YAML::Newline; >+#ifndef OLDYAML >+ out << YAML::Newline; >+#endif >+ out << YAML::Key << "roles"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::BeginMap; >+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < c->getNumRoles(); ++i) >+ { >+ const char* role = c->getRoleName(i); >+ out << YAML::Key << role; >+ out << YAML::Value << c->getColorSpace(role)->getName(); >+ } >+ out << YAML::EndMap; >+#ifndef OLDYAML >+ out << YAML::Newline; >+#endif >+ >+ // Displays >+ out << YAML::Newline; >+ out << YAML::Key << "displays"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::BeginMap; >+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < c->getNumDisplays(); ++i) >+ { >+ const char* display = c->getDisplay(i); >+ out << YAML::Key << display; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::BeginSeq; >+ for(unsigned v = 0; v < c->getNumViews(display); ++v) >+ { >+ View dview; >+ dview.name = c->getView(display, v); >+ dview.colorspace = c->getDisplayColorSpaceName(display, dview.name.c_str()); >+ if(c->getDisplayLooks(display, dview.name.c_str()) != NULL) >+ dview.looks = c->getDisplayLooks(display, dview.name.c_str()); >+ save(out, dview); >+ >+ } >+ out << YAML::EndSeq; >+ } >+ out << YAML::EndMap; >+ >+#ifndef OLDYAML >+ out << YAML::Newline; >+#endif >+ out << YAML::Newline; >+ out << YAML::Key << "active_displays"; >+ std::vector<std::string> active_displays; >+ if(c->getActiveDisplays() != NULL && strlen(c->getActiveDisplays()) > 0) >+ SplitStringEnvStyle(active_displays, c->getActiveDisplays()); >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << active_displays; >+ out << YAML::Key << "active_views"; >+ std::vector<std::string> active_views; >+ if(c->getActiveViews() != NULL && strlen(c->getActiveViews()) > 0) >+ SplitStringEnvStyle(active_views, c->getActiveViews()); >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::Flow << active_views; >+#ifndef OLDYAML >+ out << YAML::Newline; >+#endif >+ >+ // Looks >+ if(c->getNumLooks() > 0) >+ { >+ out << YAML::Newline; >+ out << YAML::Key << "looks"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::BeginSeq; >+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < c->getNumLooks(); ++i) >+ { >+ const char* name = c->getLookNameByIndex(i); >+ save(out, c->getLook(name)); >+ } >+ out << YAML::EndSeq; >+ out << YAML::Newline; >+ } >+ >+ // ColorSpaces >+ { >+ out << YAML::Newline; >+ out << YAML::Key << "colorspaces"; >+ out << YAML::Value << YAML::BeginSeq; >+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < c->getNumColorSpaces(); ++i) >+ { >+ const char* name = c->getColorSpaceNameByIndex(i); >+ save(out, c->getColorSpace(name)); >+ } >+ out << YAML::EndSeq; >+ } >+ >+ out << YAML::EndMap; > } > >- EmitBaseTransformKeyValues(out, t); >- >- out << YAML::EndMap; >- return out; > } > > /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// >- // Enums >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, BitDepth depth) { >- out << BitDepthToString(depth); >- return out; >- } >- >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, BitDepth& depth) { >- std::string str; >- node.Read<std::string>(str); >- depth = BitDepthFromString(str.c_str()); >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, Allocation alloc) { >- out << AllocationToString(alloc); >- return out; >- } >- >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, Allocation& alloc) { >- std::string str; >- node.Read<std::string>(str); >- alloc = AllocationFromString(str.c_str()); >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ColorSpaceDirection dir) { >- out << ColorSpaceDirectionToString(dir); >- return out; >- } > >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, ColorSpaceDirection& dir) { >- std::string str; >- node.Read<std::string>(str); >- dir = ColorSpaceDirectionFromString(str.c_str()); >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, TransformDirection dir) { >- out << TransformDirectionToString(dir); >- return out; >- } >- >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, TransformDirection& dir) { >- std::string str; >- node.Read<std::string>(str); >- dir = TransformDirectionFromString(str.c_str()); >- } >- >- YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, Interpolation interp) { >- out << InterpolationToString(interp); >- return out; >+ void OCIOYaml::open(std::istream& istream, ConfigRcPtr& c, const char* filename) const >+ { >+ try >+ { >+#ifdef OLDYAML >+ YAML::Parser parser(istream); >+ YAML::Node node; >+ parser.GetNextDocument(node); >+#else >+ YAML::Node node = YAML::Load(istream); >+#endif >+ load(node, c, filename); >+ } >+ catch(const std::exception & e) >+ { >+ std::ostringstream os; >+ os << "Error: Loading the OCIO profile "; >+ if(filename) os << "'" << filename << "' "; >+ os << "failed. " << e.what(); >+ throw Exception(os.str().c_str()); >+ } > } > >- void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, Interpolation& interp) { >- std::string str; >- node.Read<std::string>(str); >- interp = InterpolationFromString(str.c_str()); >+ void OCIOYaml::write(std::ostream& ostream, const Config* c) const >+ { >+ YAML::Emitter out; >+ save(out, c); >+ ostream << out.c_str(); > } > > } >diff --git a/src/core/OCIOYaml.h b/src/core/OCIOYaml.h >index 7104123..364a262 100644 >--- a/src/core/OCIOYaml.h >+++ b/src/core/OCIOYaml.h >@@ -28,97 +28,19 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. > > #include <OpenColorIO/OpenColorIO.h> > >-#include "Platform.h" >- >-#ifndef WINDOWS >- >-// fwd declare yaml-cpp visibility >-#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden) >-namespace YAML { >- class Exception; >- class BadDereference; >- class RepresentationException; >- class EmitterException; >- class ParserException; >- class InvalidScalar; >- class KeyNotFound; >- template <typename T> class TypedKeyNotFound; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::ColorSpace>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::Config>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::Exception>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::GpuShaderDesc>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::ImageDesc>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::Look>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::Processor>; >- >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::Transform>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::AllocationTransform>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::CDLTransform>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::ColorSpaceTransform>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::DisplayTransform>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::ExponentTransform>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::FileTransform>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::GroupTransform>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::LogTransform>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::LookTransform>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::MatrixTransform>; >- template <> class TypedKeyNotFound<OCIO_NAMESPACE::TruelightTransform>; >-} >-#pragma GCC visibility pop >- >-#endif >- >-#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h> >- > #ifndef INCLUDED_OCIO_YAML_H > #define INCLUDED_OCIO_YAML_H > > OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > { > >- // Core >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, ColorSpaceRcPtr& cs); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ColorSpaceRcPtr cs); >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, GroupTransformRcPtr& t); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstGroupTransformRcPtr t); >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, TransformRcPtr& t); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstTransformRcPtr t); >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, LookRcPtr& cs); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, LookRcPtr cs); >- >- // Transforms >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, AllocationTransformRcPtr& t); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstAllocationTransformRcPtr t); >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, CDLTransformRcPtr& t); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstCDLTransformRcPtr t); >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, ColorSpaceTransformRcPtr& t); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstColorSpaceTransformRcPtr t); >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, ExponentTransformRcPtr& t); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstExponentTransformRcPtr t); >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, FileTransformRcPtr& t); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstFileTransformRcPtr t); >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, LogTransformRcPtr& t); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstLogTransformRcPtr t); >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, LookTransformRcPtr& t); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstLookTransformRcPtr t); >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, MatrixTransformRcPtr& t); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstMatrixTransformRcPtr t); >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, TruelightTransformRcPtr& t); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ConstTruelightTransformRcPtr t); >- >- // Enums >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, BitDepth depth); >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, BitDepth& depth); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, Allocation alloc); >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, Allocation& alloc); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, ColorSpaceDirection dir); >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, ColorSpaceDirection& dir); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, TransformDirection dir); >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, TransformDirection& dir); >- OCIOHIDDEN YAML::Emitter& operator << (YAML::Emitter& out, Interpolation iterp); >- OCIOHIDDEN void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, Interpolation& iterp); >+ class OCIOYaml >+ { >+ public: >+ void open(std::istream& istream, ConfigRcPtr& c, const char* filename = NULL) const; >+ void write(std::ostream& ostream, const Config* c) const; >+ }; > >- void LogUnknownKeyWarning(const std::string & name, const YAML::Node& tag); > } > OCIO_NAMESPACE_EXIT > >diff --git a/src/core/ParseUtils.cpp b/src/core/ParseUtils.cpp >index 0db3b19..9862977 100644 >--- a/src/core/ParseUtils.cpp >+++ b/src/core/ParseUtils.cpp >@@ -359,6 +359,10 @@ OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > while ( istream.good() ) > { > std::getline(istream, line); >+ if(line.size() > 0 && line[line.size() - 1] == '\r') >+ { >+ line.resize(line.size() - 1); >+ } > if(!pystring::strip(line).empty()) > { > return true; >diff --git a/src/core/PathUtils.cpp b/src/core/PathUtils.cpp >index 3f18d97..b4a0bc7 100644 >--- a/src/core/PathUtils.cpp >+++ b/src/core/PathUtils.cpp >@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. > > #if defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__IPHONE__) > #include <crt_externs.h> // _NSGetEnviron() >+#include <unistd.h> > #elif !defined(WINDOWS) > #include <unistd.h> > extern char **environ; >diff --git a/src/pyglue/CMakeLists.txt b/src/pyglue/CMakeLists.txt >index 0e5e885..07429dc 100644 >--- a/src/pyglue/CMakeLists.txt >+++ b/src/pyglue/CMakeLists.txt >@@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ if(OCIO_PYGLUE_SONAME) > endif() > > if(APPLE) >- set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -undefined dynamic_lookup") >+ set_target_properties(PyOpenColorIO PROPERTIES >+ LINK_FLAGS "-undefined dynamic_lookup") > endif() > > add_subdirectory(tests) >diff --git a/src/pyglue/PyMain.cpp b/src/pyglue/PyMain.cpp >index bb111a6..39446de 100644 >--- a/src/pyglue/PyMain.cpp >+++ b/src/pyglue/PyMain.cpp >@@ -150,7 +150,6 @@ OCIO_NAMESPACE_ENTER > } > OCIO_NAMESPACE_EXIT > >-extern "C" > MOD_INIT(PyOpenColorIO) > { > PyObject * m;
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