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Bug 464394
sys-libs/glibc-2.17 build with sys-apps/texinfo-5.1 : ./message.texi:1444: warning: @end should only appear at a line beginning
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glibc-2.17-.texi.warnings (text/plain), 49.13 KB, created by
Jason Mours
on 2013-05-13 03:57:09 UTC
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Jason Mours
2013-05-13 03:57:09 UTC
49.13 KB
>./message.texi:1444: warning: @end should only appear at a line beginning >./creature.texi:1: warning: node `Checking for Errors' is next for `Feature Test Macros' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:27: warning: node `Error Messages' is prev for `Memory Concepts' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:176: warning: node `Locking Pages' is prev for `Memory Allocation and C' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:294: warning: node `Variable Size Automatic' is prev for `Basic Allocation' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:1089: warning: node `Tracing malloc' is next for `Summary of Malloc' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:1168: warning: node `Summary of Malloc' is prev for `Tracing malloc' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:1300: warning: node `Creating Obstacks' is next for `Interpreting the traces' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:1426: warning: node `Interpreting the traces' is prev for `Creating Obstacks' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:2072: warning: node `Alloca Example' is next for `Summary of Obstacks' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:2153: warning: node `Basic Allocation' is next for `Variable Size Automatic' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:2196: warning: node `Summary of Obstacks' is prev for `Alloca Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:2306: warning: node `Why Lock Pages' is next for `GNU C Variable-Size Arrays' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:2411: warning: node `Memory Allocation and C' is next for `Locking Pages' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:2433: warning: node `GNU C Variable-Size Arrays' is prev for `Why Lock Pages' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:2518: warning: node `Classification of Characters' is next for `Page Lock Functions' in menu but not in sectioning >./string.texi:42: warning: node `Wide Character Case Conversion' is prev for `Representation of Strings' in menu but not in sectioning >./string.texi:2414: warning: node `Argz Functions' is next for `Argz and Envz Vectors' in menu but not in sectioning >./charset.texi:31: warning: node `Envz Functions' is prev for `Extended Char Intro' in menu but not in sectioning >./charset.texi:388: warning: node `Generic Charset Conversion' is prev for `Selecting the Conversion' in menu but not in sectioning >./charset.texi:1155: warning: node `Non-reentrant Character Conversion' is next for `Multibyte Conversion Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./charset.texi:1277: warning: node `Multibyte Conversion Example' is prev for `Non-reentrant Character Conversion' in menu but not in sectioning >./charset.texi:1452: warning: node `Generic Conversion Interface' is next for `Shift State' in menu but not in sectioning >./charset.texi:1524: warning: node `Selecting the Conversion' is next for `Generic Charset Conversion' in menu but not in sectioning >./charset.texi:1591: warning: node `Shift State' is prev for `Generic Conversion Interface' in menu but not in sectioning >./charset.texi:2056: warning: node `Effects of Locale' is next for `glibc iconv Implementation' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:51: warning: node `Sign of Money Amount' is prev for `Message catalogs a la X/Open' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:83: warning: node `The Uniforum approach' is prev for `The catgets Functions' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:527: warning: node `Message catalogs with gettext' is next for `Common Usage' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:723: warning: node `The catgets Functions' is next for `The Uniforum approach' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:755: warning: node `Common Usage' is prev for `Message catalogs with gettext' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:775: warning: node `Helper programs for gettext' is prev for `Translation with gettext' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:1581: warning: node `Comparison Functions' is next for `Using gettextized software' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:1784: warning: node `Translation with gettext' is next for `Helper programs for gettext' in menu but not in sectioning >./search.texi:22: warning: node `Using gettextized software' is prev for `Comparison Functions' in menu but not in sectioning >./search.texi:413: warning: node `Wildcard Matching' is next for `Tree Search Function' in menu but not in sectioning >./pattern.texi:19: warning: node `Tree Search Function' is prev for `Wildcard Matching' in menu but not in sectioning >./pattern.texi:159: warning: node `Word Expansion' is prev for `Calling Glob' in menu but not in sectioning >./pattern.texi:505: warning: node `POSIX Regexp Compilation' is next for `More Flags for Globbing' in menu but not in sectioning >./pattern.texi:690: warning: node `More Flags for Globbing' is prev for `POSIX Regexp Compilation' in menu but not in sectioning >./pattern.texi:1027: warning: node `Expansion Stages' is next for `Regexp Cleanup' in menu but not in sectioning >./pattern.texi:1085: warning: node `Calling Glob' is next for `Word Expansion' in menu but not in sectioning >./pattern.texi:1119: warning: node `Regexp Cleanup' is prev for `Expansion Stages' in menu but not in sectioning >./pattern.texi:1427: warning: node `I/O Concepts' is next for `Variable Substitution' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:43: warning: node `File Name Portability' is prev for `Streams' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:1337: warning: node `Formatted Messages' is prev for `Unreading Idea' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:1382: warning: node `Formatted Output Basics' is next for `How Unread' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:1562: warning: node `How Unread' is prev for `Formatted Output Basics' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:2759: warning: node `Registering New Conversions' is next for `Example of Parsing' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:2872: warning: node `Example of Parsing' is prev for `Registering New Conversions' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:3118: warning: node `Formatted Input Basics' is next for `Predefined Printf Handlers' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:3240: warning: node `Predefined Printf Handlers' is prev for `Formatted Input Basics' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:3867: warning: node `Buffering Concepts' is next for `Variable Arguments Input' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:4493: warning: node `Variable Arguments Input' is prev for `Buffering Concepts' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:4621: warning: node `String Streams' is next for `Controlling Buffering' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:4808: warning: node `Controlling Buffering' is prev for `String Streams' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:4907: warning: node `Streams and Cookies' is next for `Custom Streams' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:4926: warning: node `Custom Streams' is prev for `Streams and Cookies' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:4998: warning: node `Printing Formatted Messages' is next for `Hook Functions' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:5098: warning: node `Unreading Idea' is next for `Formatted Messages' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:5115: warning: node `Hook Functions' is prev for `Printing Formatted Messages' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:5333: warning: node `Opening and Closing Files' is next for `Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./llio.texi:66: warning: node `Example' is prev for `Opening and Closing Files' in menu but not in sectioning >./llio.texi:933: warning: node `IOCTLs' is prev for `Linked Channels' in menu but not in sectioning >./llio.texi:1000: warning: node `Asynchronous Reads/Writes' is next for `Cleaning Streams' in menu but not in sectioning >./llio.texi:1922: warning: node `Cleaning Streams' is prev for `Asynchronous Reads/Writes' in menu but not in sectioning >./llio.texi:2490: warning: node `Access Modes' is next for `Configuration of AIO' in menu but not in sectioning >./llio.texi:2894: warning: node `Configuration of AIO' is prev for `Access Modes' in menu but not in sectioning >./llio.texi:3196: warning: node `Working Directory' is next for `Getting File Status Flags' in menu but not in sectioning >./llio.texi:3594: warning: node `Linked Channels' is next for `IOCTLs' in menu but not in sectioning >./filesys.texi:32: warning: node `Getting File Status Flags' is prev for `Working Directory' in menu but not in sectioning >./filesys.texi:224: warning: node `Temporary Files' is prev for `Directory Entries' in menu but not in sectioning >./filesys.texi:711: warning: node `Attribute Meanings' is next for `Simple Directory Lister Mark II' in menu but not in sectioning >./filesys.texi:1583: warning: node `Simple Directory Lister Mark II' is prev for `Attribute Meanings' in menu but not in sectioning >./filesys.texi:2844: warning: node `Creating a Pipe' is next for `File Size' in menu but not in sectioning >./filesys.texi:3084: warning: node `Directory Entries' is next for `Temporary Files' in menu but not in sectioning >./pipe.texi:38: warning: node `File Size' is prev for `Creating a Pipe' in menu but not in sectioning >./pipe.texi:193: warning: node `Socket Concepts' is next for `Pipe Atomicity' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:46: warning: node `Pipe Atomicity' is prev for `Socket Concepts' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:286: warning: node `Networks Database' is prev for `Address Formats' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:434: warning: node `Local Namespace Concepts' is next for `Reading Address' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:569: warning: node `Reading Address' is prev for `Local Namespace Concepts' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:666: warning: node `Internet Address Formats' is next for `Local Socket Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:738: warning: node `Local Socket Example' is prev for `Internet Address Formats' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:801: warning: node next `Host Addresses' in menu `Protocols Database' and in sectioning `Ports' differ >./socket.texi:826: warning: node `Inet Example' is prev for `Abstract Host Addresses' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:1139: warning: node `Creating a Socket' is next for `Host Names' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:1390: warning: node prev `Ports' in menu `Protocols Database' and in sectioning `Host Addresses' differ >./socket.texi:1532: warning: node next `Byte Order' in menu `Inet Example' and in sectioning `Protocols Database' differ >./socket.texi:1603: warning: node next `Protocols Database' in menu `Ports' and in sectioning `Inet Example' differ >./socket.texi:1603: warning: node prev `Protocols Database' in menu `Host Addresses' and in sectioning `Byte Order' differ >./socket.texi:1703: warning: node `Abstract Host Addresses' is next for `Inet Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:1703: warning: node prev `Inet Example' in menu `Byte Order' and in sectioning `Protocols Database' differ >./socket.texi:1756: warning: node `Host Names' is prev for `Creating a Socket' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:1864: warning: node `Connecting' is next for `Socket Pairs' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:1960: warning: node `Socket Pairs' is prev for `Connecting' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2238: warning: node `Out-of-Band Data' is prev for `Sending Data' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2357: warning: node `Sending Datagrams' is next for `Socket Data Options' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2426: warning: node `Sending Data' is next for `Out-of-Band Data' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2625: warning: node `Socket Data Options' is prev for `Sending Datagrams' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2766: warning: node `Inetd Servers' is next for `Example Receiver' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2811: warning: node `Example Receiver' is prev for `Inetd Servers' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2833: warning: node `Socket Option Functions' is next for `Configuring Inetd' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2917: warning: node `Configuring Inetd' is prev for `Socket Option Functions' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2974: warning: node `Is It a Terminal' is next for `Socket-Level Options' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:3105: warning: node `Address Formats' is next for `Networks Database' in menu but not in sectioning >./terminal.texi:30: warning: node `Socket-Level Options' is prev for `Is It a Terminal' in menu but not in sectioning >./terminal.texi:197: warning: node `Pseudo-Terminals' is prev for `Mode Data Types' in menu but not in sectioning >./terminal.texi:1194: warning: node `Noncanonical Input' is prev for `Editing Characters' in menu but not in sectioning >./terminal.texi:1464: warning: node `Allocation' is next for `Other Special' in menu but not in sectioning >./terminal.texi:1521: warning: node `Editing Characters' is next for `Noncanonical Input' in menu but not in sectioning >./terminal.texi:1901: warning: node `Mode Data Types' is next for `Pseudo-Terminals' in menu but not in sectioning >./terminal.texi:1922: warning: node `Other Special' is prev for `Allocation' in menu but not in sectioning >./terminal.texi:2076: warning: node `Overview of Syslog' is next for `Pseudo-Terminal Pairs' in menu but not in sectioning >./syslog.texi:25: warning: node `Pseudo-Terminal Pairs' is prev for `Overview of Syslog' in menu but not in sectioning >./syslog.texi:120: warning: node `openlog' is next for `Submitting Syslog Messages' in menu but not in sectioning >./syslog.texi:141: warning: node `Submitting Syslog Messages' is prev for `openlog' in menu but not in sectioning >./syslog.texi:500: warning: node `Mathematical Constants' is next for `Syslog Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./math.texi:70: warning: node `Syslog Example' is prev for `Mathematical Constants' in menu but not in sectioning >./math.texi:1295: warning: node `FP Function Optimizations' is prev for `ISO Random' in menu but not in sectioning >./math.texi:1474: warning: node `Integers' is next for `SVID Random' in menu but not in sectioning >./math.texi:1818: warning: node `ISO Random' is next for `FP Function Optimizations' in menu but not in sectioning >./arith.texi:26: warning: node `SVID Random' is prev for `Integers' in menu but not in sectioning >./arith.texi:458: warning: node `System V Number Conversion' is prev for `FP Exceptions' in menu but not in sectioning >./arith.texi:792: warning: node `Absolute Value' is next for `Math Error Reporting' in menu but not in sectioning >./arith.texi:1111: warning: node `Math Error Reporting' is prev for `Absolute Value' in menu but not in sectioning >./arith.texi:1725: warning: node `Parsing of Integers' is next for `Misc FP Arithmetic' in menu but not in sectioning >./arith.texi:2014: warning: node `Misc FP Arithmetic' is prev for `Parsing of Integers' in menu but not in sectioning >./arith.texi:2312: warning: node `Time Basics' is next for `Parsing of Floats' in menu but not in sectioning >./arith.texi:2452: warning: node `FP Exceptions' is next for `System V Number Conversion' in menu but not in sectioning >./time.texi:19: warning: node `Parsing of Floats' is prev for `Time Basics' in menu but not in sectioning >./time.texi:196: warning: node `Sleeping' is prev for `CPU Time' in menu but not in sectioning >./time.texi:255: warning: node `Simple Calendar Time' is next for `Processor Time' in menu but not in sectioning >./time.texi:376: warning: node `Processor Time' is prev for `Simple Calendar Time' in menu but not in sectioning >./time.texi:1444: warning: node `Time Functions Example' is prev for `Low-Level Time String Parsing' in menu but not in sectioning >./time.texi:1826: warning: node `Resource Usage' is next for `General Time String Parsing' in menu but not in sectioning >./time.texi:2212: warning: node `Low-Level Time String Parsing' is next for `Time Functions Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./time.texi:2414: warning: node `CPU Time' is next for `Sleeping' in menu but not in sectioning >./resource.texi:17: warning: node `General Time String Parsing' is prev for `Resource Usage' in menu but not in sectioning >./resource.texi:563: warning: node `Processor Resources' is prev for `Absolute Priority' in menu but not in sectioning >./resource.texi:1031: warning: node `CPU Affinity' is prev for `Traditional Scheduling Intro' in menu but not in sectioning >./resource.texi:1110: warning: node `Memory Subsystem' is next for `Traditional Scheduling Functions' in menu but not in sectioning >./resource.texi:1248: warning: node `Traditional Scheduling Intro' is next for `CPU Affinity' in menu but not in sectioning >./resource.texi:1438: warning: node `Traditional Scheduling Functions' is prev for `Memory Subsystem' in menu but not in sectioning >./resource.texi:1485: warning: node `Non-Local Intro' is next for `Query Memory Parameters' in menu but not in sectioning >./resource.texi:1579: warning: node `Absolute Priority' is next for `Processor Resources' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:44: warning: node `System V contexts' is prev for `Concepts of Signals' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:58: warning: node `BSD Signal Handling' is prev for `Kinds of Signals' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:145: warning: node `Program Error Signals' is next for `Delivery of Signal' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:242: warning: node `Delivery of Signal' is prev for `Program Error Signals' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:877: warning: node `Basic Signal Handling' is next for `Signal Messages' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:949: warning: node `Signal Messages' is prev for `Basic Signal Handling' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:1367: warning: node `Handler Returns' is next for `Initial Signal Actions' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:1454: warning: node `Initial Signal Actions' is prev for `Handler Returns' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:1936: warning: node `Non-atomic Example' is next for `Atomic Data Access' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:1957: warning: node `Atomic Data Access' is prev for `Non-atomic Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:2039: warning: node `Signaling Yourself' is next for `Atomic Usage' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:2161: warning: node `Atomic Usage' is prev for `Signaling Yourself' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:2368: warning: node `Why Block' is next for `Kill Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:2430: warning: node `Kill Example' is prev for `Why Block' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:2809: warning: node `Using Pause' is next for `Remembering a Signal' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:2915: warning: node `Remembering a Signal' is prev for `Using Pause' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:3009: warning: node `BSD Handler' is next for `Sigsuspend' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:3213: warning: node `Kinds of Signals' is next for `BSD Signal Handling' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:3247: warning: node `Sigsuspend' is prev for `BSD Handler' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:3320: warning: node `Program Arguments' is next for `Blocking in BSD' in menu but not in sectioning >./startup.texi:44: warning: node next `Program Arguments' in menu `Environment Variables' and in sectioning `Getopt' differ >./startup.texi:44: warning: node `Blocking in BSD' is prev for `Program Arguments' in menu but not in sectioning >./startup.texi:261: warning: node prev `Environment Variables' in menu `Program Arguments' and in sectioning `Argp' differ >./startup.texi:306: warning: node `Suboptions Example' is prev for `Environment Access' in menu but not in sectioning >./startup.texi:454: warning: node `Normal Termination' is next for `Standard Environment' in menu but not in sectioning >./startup.texi:744: warning: node `Argument Syntax' is next for `Program Termination' in menu but not in sectioning >./startup.texi:774: warning: node `Standard Environment' is prev for `Normal Termination' in menu but not in sectioning >./startup.texi:960: warning: node `Running a Command' is next for `Termination Internals' in menu but not in sectioning >./process.texi:45: warning: node `Termination Internals' is prev for `Running a Command' in menu but not in sectioning >./process.texi:750: warning: node `Concepts of Job Control' is next for `Process Creation Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:58: warning: node `NSS Module Function Internals' is prev for `User and Group IDs' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:862: warning: node `Netgroup Database' is prev for `Manipulating the Database' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:1407: warning: node `User Data Structure' is next for `Logging In and Out' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:1485: warning: node `Logging In and Out' is prev for `User Data Structure' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:1675: warning: node `Group Data Structure' is next for `Writing a User Entry' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:1715: warning: node `Writing a User Entry' is prev for `Group Data Structure' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:1806: warning: node `Netgroup Data' is next for `Scanning All Groups' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:1914: warning: node `Manipulating the Database' is next for `Netgroup Database' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:1924: warning: node `Scanning All Groups' is prev for `Netgroup Data' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:2032: warning: node `Host Identification' is next for `Netgroup Membership' in menu but not in sectioning >./sysinfo.texi:24: warning: node `Netgroup Membership' is prev for `Host Identification' in menu but not in sectioning >./sysinfo.texi:391: warning: node `Mount-Unmount-Remount' is prev for `fstab' in menu but not in sectioning >./sysinfo.texi:754: warning: node `General Limits' is next for `Other Mount Information' in menu but not in sectioning >./sysinfo.texi:1059: warning: node `Mount Information' is next for `System Parameters' in menu but not in sectioning >./conf.texi:33: warning: node `Other Mount Information' is prev for `General Limits' in menu but not in sectioning >./conf.texi:285: warning: node `String Parameters' is prev for `Sysconf Definition' in menu but not in sectioning >./conf.texi:974: warning: node `Legal Problems' is next for `Examples of Sysconf' in menu but not in sectioning >./conf.texi:1609: warning: node `Sysconf Definition' is next for `String Parameters' in menu but not in sectioning >./crypt.texi:43: warning: node `Examples of Sysconf' is prev for `Legal Problems' in menu but not in sectioning >./crypt.texi:203: warning: node `Backtraces' is next for `DES Encryption' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:23: warning: node `Backtraces' is prev for `Consistency Checking' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:163: warning: node `Data Type Measurements' is prev for `Why Variadic' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:234: warning: node `Variadic Example' is prev for `Variadic Prototypes' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:410: warning: node `Width of Type' is next for `Argument Macros' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:501: warning: node `Variadic Prototypes' is next for `Variadic Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:585: warning: node `Why Variadic' is next for `Data Type Measurements' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:603: warning: node `Argument Macros' is prev for `Width of Type' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:829: warning: node `Structure Measurement' is prev for `Floating Point Concepts' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:1159: warning: node `Configuring and compiling' is next for `IEEE Floating Point' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:1206: warning: node `Floating Point Concepts' is next for `Structure Measurement' in menu but not in sectioning >./install.texi:33: warning: node `IEEE Floating Point' is prev for `Configuring and compiling' in menu but not in sectioning >./install.texi:463: warning: node `Source Layout' is next for `Reporting Bugs' in menu but not in sectioning >./maint.texi:12: warning: node `Reporting Bugs' is prev for `Source Layout' in menu but not in sectioning >./maint.texi:112: warning: node `Hierarchy Conventions' is next for `Adding Platform-specific' in menu but not in sectioning >./maint.texi:112: warning: node `Porting' is prev for `Adding Platform-specific' in menu but not in sectioning >./maint.texi:186: warning: node `Adding Platform-specific' is next for `Porting' in menu but not in sectioning >./maint.texi:359: warning: node `Adding Platform-specific' is prev for `Hierarchy Conventions' in menu but not in sectioning >./maint.texi:485: warning: node `PowerPC' is next for `Porting to Unix' in menu but not in sectioning >./platform.texi:11: warning: node `Porting to Unix' is prev for `PowerPC' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:1444: warning: @end should only appear at a line beginning >./creature.texi:1: warning: node `Checking for Errors' is next for `Feature Test Macros' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:27: warning: node `Error Messages' is prev for `Memory Concepts' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:176: warning: node `Locking Pages' is prev for `Memory Allocation and C' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:294: warning: node `Variable Size Automatic' is prev for `Basic Allocation' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:1089: warning: node `Tracing malloc' is next for `Summary of Malloc' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:1168: warning: node `Summary of Malloc' is prev for `Tracing malloc' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:1300: warning: node `Creating Obstacks' is next for `Interpreting the traces' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:1426: warning: node `Interpreting the traces' is prev for `Creating Obstacks' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:2072: warning: node `Alloca Example' is next for `Summary of Obstacks' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:2153: warning: node `Basic Allocation' is next for `Variable Size Automatic' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:2196: warning: node `Summary of Obstacks' is prev for `Alloca Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:2306: warning: node `Why Lock Pages' is next for `GNU C Variable-Size Arrays' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:2411: warning: node `Memory Allocation and C' is next for `Locking Pages' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:2433: warning: node `GNU C Variable-Size Arrays' is prev for `Why Lock Pages' in menu but not in sectioning >./memory.texi:2518: warning: node `Classification of Characters' is next for `Page Lock Functions' in menu but not in sectioning >./string.texi:42: warning: node `Wide Character Case Conversion' is prev for `Representation of Strings' in menu but not in sectioning >./string.texi:2414: warning: node `Argz Functions' is next for `Argz and Envz Vectors' in menu but not in sectioning >./charset.texi:31: warning: node `Envz Functions' is prev for `Extended Char Intro' in menu but not in sectioning >./charset.texi:388: warning: node `Generic Charset Conversion' is prev for `Selecting the Conversion' in menu but not in sectioning >./charset.texi:1155: warning: node `Non-reentrant Character Conversion' is next for `Multibyte Conversion Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./charset.texi:1277: warning: node `Multibyte Conversion Example' is prev for `Non-reentrant Character Conversion' in menu but not in sectioning >./charset.texi:1452: warning: node `Generic Conversion Interface' is next for `Shift State' in menu but not in sectioning >./charset.texi:1524: warning: node `Selecting the Conversion' is next for `Generic Charset Conversion' in menu but not in sectioning >./charset.texi:1591: warning: node `Shift State' is prev for `Generic Conversion Interface' in menu but not in sectioning >./charset.texi:2056: warning: node `Effects of Locale' is next for `glibc iconv Implementation' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:51: warning: node `Sign of Money Amount' is prev for `Message catalogs a la X/Open' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:83: warning: node `The Uniforum approach' is prev for `The catgets Functions' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:527: warning: node `Message catalogs with gettext' is next for `Common Usage' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:723: warning: node `The catgets Functions' is next for `The Uniforum approach' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:755: warning: node `Common Usage' is prev for `Message catalogs with gettext' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:775: warning: node `Helper programs for gettext' is prev for `Translation with gettext' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:1581: warning: node `Comparison Functions' is next for `Using gettextized software' in menu but not in sectioning >./message.texi:1784: warning: node `Translation with gettext' is next for `Helper programs for gettext' in menu but not in sectioning >./search.texi:22: warning: node `Using gettextized software' is prev for `Comparison Functions' in menu but not in sectioning >./search.texi:413: warning: node `Wildcard Matching' is next for `Tree Search Function' in menu but not in sectioning >./pattern.texi:19: warning: node `Tree Search Function' is prev for `Wildcard Matching' in menu but not in sectioning >./pattern.texi:159: warning: node `Word Expansion' is prev for `Calling Glob' in menu but not in sectioning >./pattern.texi:505: warning: node `POSIX Regexp Compilation' is next for `More Flags for Globbing' in menu but not in sectioning >./pattern.texi:690: warning: node `More Flags for Globbing' is prev for `POSIX Regexp Compilation' in menu but not in sectioning >./pattern.texi:1027: warning: node `Expansion Stages' is next for `Regexp Cleanup' in menu but not in sectioning >./pattern.texi:1085: warning: node `Calling Glob' is next for `Word Expansion' in menu but not in sectioning >./pattern.texi:1119: warning: node `Regexp Cleanup' is prev for `Expansion Stages' in menu but not in sectioning >./pattern.texi:1427: warning: node `I/O Concepts' is next for `Variable Substitution' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:43: warning: node `File Name Portability' is prev for `Streams' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:1337: warning: node `Formatted Messages' is prev for `Unreading Idea' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:1382: warning: node `Formatted Output Basics' is next for `How Unread' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:1562: warning: node `How Unread' is prev for `Formatted Output Basics' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:2759: warning: node `Registering New Conversions' is next for `Example of Parsing' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:2872: warning: node `Example of Parsing' is prev for `Registering New Conversions' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:3118: warning: node `Formatted Input Basics' is next for `Predefined Printf Handlers' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:3240: warning: node `Predefined Printf Handlers' is prev for `Formatted Input Basics' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:3867: warning: node `Buffering Concepts' is next for `Variable Arguments Input' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:4493: warning: node `Variable Arguments Input' is prev for `Buffering Concepts' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:4621: warning: node `String Streams' is next for `Controlling Buffering' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:4808: warning: node `Controlling Buffering' is prev for `String Streams' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:4907: warning: node `Streams and Cookies' is next for `Custom Streams' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:4926: warning: node `Custom Streams' is prev for `Streams and Cookies' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:4998: warning: node `Printing Formatted Messages' is next for `Hook Functions' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:5098: warning: node `Unreading Idea' is next for `Formatted Messages' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:5115: warning: node `Hook Functions' is prev for `Printing Formatted Messages' in menu but not in sectioning >./stdio.texi:5333: warning: node `Opening and Closing Files' is next for `Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./llio.texi:66: warning: node `Example' is prev for `Opening and Closing Files' in menu but not in sectioning >./llio.texi:933: warning: node `IOCTLs' is prev for `Linked Channels' in menu but not in sectioning >./llio.texi:1000: warning: node `Asynchronous Reads/Writes' is next for `Cleaning Streams' in menu but not in sectioning >./llio.texi:1922: warning: node `Cleaning Streams' is prev for `Asynchronous Reads/Writes' in menu but not in sectioning >./llio.texi:2490: warning: node `Access Modes' is next for `Configuration of AIO' in menu but not in sectioning >./llio.texi:2894: warning: node `Configuration of AIO' is prev for `Access Modes' in menu but not in sectioning >./llio.texi:3196: warning: node `Working Directory' is next for `Getting File Status Flags' in menu but not in sectioning >./llio.texi:3594: warning: node `Linked Channels' is next for `IOCTLs' in menu but not in sectioning >./filesys.texi:32: warning: node `Getting File Status Flags' is prev for `Working Directory' in menu but not in sectioning >./filesys.texi:224: warning: node `Temporary Files' is prev for `Directory Entries' in menu but not in sectioning >./filesys.texi:711: warning: node `Attribute Meanings' is next for `Simple Directory Lister Mark II' in menu but not in sectioning >./filesys.texi:1583: warning: node `Simple Directory Lister Mark II' is prev for `Attribute Meanings' in menu but not in sectioning >./filesys.texi:2844: warning: node `Creating a Pipe' is next for `File Size' in menu but not in sectioning >./filesys.texi:3084: warning: node `Directory Entries' is next for `Temporary Files' in menu but not in sectioning >./pipe.texi:38: warning: node `File Size' is prev for `Creating a Pipe' in menu but not in sectioning >./pipe.texi:193: warning: node `Socket Concepts' is next for `Pipe Atomicity' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:46: warning: node `Pipe Atomicity' is prev for `Socket Concepts' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:286: warning: node `Networks Database' is prev for `Address Formats' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:434: warning: node `Local Namespace Concepts' is next for `Reading Address' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:569: warning: node `Reading Address' is prev for `Local Namespace Concepts' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:666: warning: node `Internet Address Formats' is next for `Local Socket Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:738: warning: node `Local Socket Example' is prev for `Internet Address Formats' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:801: warning: node next `Host Addresses' in menu `Protocols Database' and in sectioning `Ports' differ >./socket.texi:826: warning: node `Inet Example' is prev for `Abstract Host Addresses' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:1139: warning: node `Creating a Socket' is next for `Host Names' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:1390: warning: node prev `Ports' in menu `Protocols Database' and in sectioning `Host Addresses' differ >./socket.texi:1532: warning: node next `Byte Order' in menu `Inet Example' and in sectioning `Protocols Database' differ >./socket.texi:1603: warning: node next `Protocols Database' in menu `Ports' and in sectioning `Inet Example' differ >./socket.texi:1603: warning: node prev `Protocols Database' in menu `Host Addresses' and in sectioning `Byte Order' differ >./socket.texi:1703: warning: node `Abstract Host Addresses' is next for `Inet Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:1703: warning: node prev `Inet Example' in menu `Byte Order' and in sectioning `Protocols Database' differ >./socket.texi:1756: warning: node `Host Names' is prev for `Creating a Socket' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:1864: warning: node `Connecting' is next for `Socket Pairs' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:1960: warning: node `Socket Pairs' is prev for `Connecting' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2238: warning: node `Out-of-Band Data' is prev for `Sending Data' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2357: warning: node `Sending Datagrams' is next for `Socket Data Options' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2426: warning: node `Sending Data' is next for `Out-of-Band Data' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2625: warning: node `Socket Data Options' is prev for `Sending Datagrams' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2766: warning: node `Inetd Servers' is next for `Example Receiver' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2811: warning: node `Example Receiver' is prev for `Inetd Servers' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2833: warning: node `Socket Option Functions' is next for `Configuring Inetd' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2917: warning: node `Configuring Inetd' is prev for `Socket Option Functions' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:2974: warning: node `Is It a Terminal' is next for `Socket-Level Options' in menu but not in sectioning >./socket.texi:3105: warning: node `Address Formats' is next for `Networks Database' in menu but not in sectioning >./terminal.texi:30: warning: node `Socket-Level Options' is prev for `Is It a Terminal' in menu but not in sectioning >./terminal.texi:197: warning: node `Pseudo-Terminals' is prev for `Mode Data Types' in menu but not in sectioning >./terminal.texi:1194: warning: node `Noncanonical Input' is prev for `Editing Characters' in menu but not in sectioning >./terminal.texi:1464: warning: node `Allocation' is next for `Other Special' in menu but not in sectioning >./terminal.texi:1521: warning: node `Editing Characters' is next for `Noncanonical Input' in menu but not in sectioning >./terminal.texi:1901: warning: node `Mode Data Types' is next for `Pseudo-Terminals' in menu but not in sectioning >./terminal.texi:1922: warning: node `Other Special' is prev for `Allocation' in menu but not in sectioning >./terminal.texi:2076: warning: node `Overview of Syslog' is next for `Pseudo-Terminal Pairs' in menu but not in sectioning >./syslog.texi:25: warning: node `Pseudo-Terminal Pairs' is prev for `Overview of Syslog' in menu but not in sectioning >./syslog.texi:120: warning: node `openlog' is next for `Submitting Syslog Messages' in menu but not in sectioning >./syslog.texi:141: warning: node `Submitting Syslog Messages' is prev for `openlog' in menu but not in sectioning >./syslog.texi:500: warning: node `Mathematical Constants' is next for `Syslog Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./math.texi:70: warning: node `Syslog Example' is prev for `Mathematical Constants' in menu but not in sectioning >./math.texi:1295: warning: node `FP Function Optimizations' is prev for `ISO Random' in menu but not in sectioning >./math.texi:1474: warning: node `Integers' is next for `SVID Random' in menu but not in sectioning >./math.texi:1818: warning: node `ISO Random' is next for `FP Function Optimizations' in menu but not in sectioning >./arith.texi:26: warning: node `SVID Random' is prev for `Integers' in menu but not in sectioning >./arith.texi:458: warning: node `System V Number Conversion' is prev for `FP Exceptions' in menu but not in sectioning >./arith.texi:792: warning: node `Absolute Value' is next for `Math Error Reporting' in menu but not in sectioning >./arith.texi:1111: warning: node `Math Error Reporting' is prev for `Absolute Value' in menu but not in sectioning >./arith.texi:1725: warning: node `Parsing of Integers' is next for `Misc FP Arithmetic' in menu but not in sectioning >./arith.texi:2014: warning: node `Misc FP Arithmetic' is prev for `Parsing of Integers' in menu but not in sectioning >./arith.texi:2312: warning: node `Time Basics' is next for `Parsing of Floats' in menu but not in sectioning >./arith.texi:2452: warning: node `FP Exceptions' is next for `System V Number Conversion' in menu but not in sectioning >./time.texi:19: warning: node `Parsing of Floats' is prev for `Time Basics' in menu but not in sectioning >./time.texi:196: warning: node `Sleeping' is prev for `CPU Time' in menu but not in sectioning >./time.texi:255: warning: node `Simple Calendar Time' is next for `Processor Time' in menu but not in sectioning >./time.texi:376: warning: node `Processor Time' is prev for `Simple Calendar Time' in menu but not in sectioning >./time.texi:1444: warning: node `Time Functions Example' is prev for `Low-Level Time String Parsing' in menu but not in sectioning >./time.texi:1826: warning: node `Resource Usage' is next for `General Time String Parsing' in menu but not in sectioning >./time.texi:2212: warning: node `Low-Level Time String Parsing' is next for `Time Functions Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./time.texi:2414: warning: node `CPU Time' is next for `Sleeping' in menu but not in sectioning >./resource.texi:17: warning: node `General Time String Parsing' is prev for `Resource Usage' in menu but not in sectioning >./resource.texi:563: warning: node `Processor Resources' is prev for `Absolute Priority' in menu but not in sectioning >./resource.texi:1031: warning: node `CPU Affinity' is prev for `Traditional Scheduling Intro' in menu but not in sectioning >./resource.texi:1110: warning: node `Memory Subsystem' is next for `Traditional Scheduling Functions' in menu but not in sectioning >./resource.texi:1248: warning: node `Traditional Scheduling Intro' is next for `CPU Affinity' in menu but not in sectioning >./resource.texi:1438: warning: node `Traditional Scheduling Functions' is prev for `Memory Subsystem' in menu but not in sectioning >./resource.texi:1485: warning: node `Non-Local Intro' is next for `Query Memory Parameters' in menu but not in sectioning >./resource.texi:1579: warning: node `Absolute Priority' is next for `Processor Resources' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:44: warning: node `System V contexts' is prev for `Concepts of Signals' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:58: warning: node `BSD Signal Handling' is prev for `Kinds of Signals' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:145: warning: node `Program Error Signals' is next for `Delivery of Signal' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:242: warning: node `Delivery of Signal' is prev for `Program Error Signals' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:877: warning: node `Basic Signal Handling' is next for `Signal Messages' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:949: warning: node `Signal Messages' is prev for `Basic Signal Handling' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:1367: warning: node `Handler Returns' is next for `Initial Signal Actions' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:1454: warning: node `Initial Signal Actions' is prev for `Handler Returns' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:1936: warning: node `Non-atomic Example' is next for `Atomic Data Access' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:1957: warning: node `Atomic Data Access' is prev for `Non-atomic Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:2039: warning: node `Signaling Yourself' is next for `Atomic Usage' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:2161: warning: node `Atomic Usage' is prev for `Signaling Yourself' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:2368: warning: node `Why Block' is next for `Kill Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:2430: warning: node `Kill Example' is prev for `Why Block' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:2809: warning: node `Using Pause' is next for `Remembering a Signal' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:2915: warning: node `Remembering a Signal' is prev for `Using Pause' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:3009: warning: node `BSD Handler' is next for `Sigsuspend' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:3213: warning: node `Kinds of Signals' is next for `BSD Signal Handling' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:3247: warning: node `Sigsuspend' is prev for `BSD Handler' in menu but not in sectioning >./signal.texi:3320: warning: node `Program Arguments' is next for `Blocking in BSD' in menu but not in sectioning >./startup.texi:44: warning: node next `Program Arguments' in menu `Environment Variables' and in sectioning `Getopt' differ >./startup.texi:44: warning: node `Blocking in BSD' is prev for `Program Arguments' in menu but not in sectioning >./startup.texi:261: warning: node prev `Environment Variables' in menu `Program Arguments' and in sectioning `Argp' differ >./startup.texi:306: warning: node `Suboptions Example' is prev for `Environment Access' in menu but not in sectioning >./startup.texi:454: warning: node `Normal Termination' is next for `Standard Environment' in menu but not in sectioning >./startup.texi:744: warning: node `Argument Syntax' is next for `Program Termination' in menu but not in sectioning >./startup.texi:774: warning: node `Standard Environment' is prev for `Normal Termination' in menu but not in sectioning >./startup.texi:960: warning: node `Running a Command' is next for `Termination Internals' in menu but not in sectioning >./process.texi:45: warning: node `Termination Internals' is prev for `Running a Command' in menu but not in sectioning >./process.texi:750: warning: node `Concepts of Job Control' is next for `Process Creation Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:58: warning: node `NSS Module Function Internals' is prev for `User and Group IDs' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:862: warning: node `Netgroup Database' is prev for `Manipulating the Database' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:1407: warning: node `User Data Structure' is next for `Logging In and Out' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:1485: warning: node `Logging In and Out' is prev for `User Data Structure' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:1675: warning: node `Group Data Structure' is next for `Writing a User Entry' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:1715: warning: node `Writing a User Entry' is prev for `Group Data Structure' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:1806: warning: node `Netgroup Data' is next for `Scanning All Groups' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:1914: warning: node `Manipulating the Database' is next for `Netgroup Database' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:1924: warning: node `Scanning All Groups' is prev for `Netgroup Data' in menu but not in sectioning >./users.texi:2032: warning: node `Host Identification' is next for `Netgroup Membership' in menu but not in sectioning >./sysinfo.texi:24: warning: node `Netgroup Membership' is prev for `Host Identification' in menu but not in sectioning >./sysinfo.texi:391: warning: node `Mount-Unmount-Remount' is prev for `fstab' in menu but not in sectioning >./sysinfo.texi:754: warning: node `General Limits' is next for `Other Mount Information' in menu but not in sectioning >./sysinfo.texi:1059: warning: node `Mount Information' is next for `System Parameters' in menu but not in sectioning >./conf.texi:33: warning: node `Other Mount Information' is prev for `General Limits' in menu but not in sectioning >./conf.texi:285: warning: node `String Parameters' is prev for `Sysconf Definition' in menu but not in sectioning >./conf.texi:974: warning: node `Legal Problems' is next for `Examples of Sysconf' in menu but not in sectioning >./conf.texi:1609: warning: node `Sysconf Definition' is next for `String Parameters' in menu but not in sectioning >./crypt.texi:43: warning: node `Examples of Sysconf' is prev for `Legal Problems' in menu but not in sectioning >./crypt.texi:203: warning: node `Backtraces' is next for `DES Encryption' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:23: warning: node `Backtraces' is prev for `Consistency Checking' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:163: warning: node `Data Type Measurements' is prev for `Why Variadic' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:234: warning: node `Variadic Example' is prev for `Variadic Prototypes' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:410: warning: node `Width of Type' is next for `Argument Macros' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:501: warning: node `Variadic Prototypes' is next for `Variadic Example' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:585: warning: node `Why Variadic' is next for `Data Type Measurements' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:603: warning: node `Argument Macros' is prev for `Width of Type' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:829: warning: node `Structure Measurement' is prev for `Floating Point Concepts' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:1159: warning: node `Configuring and compiling' is next for `IEEE Floating Point' in menu but not in sectioning >./lang.texi:1206: warning: node `Floating Point Concepts' is next for `Structure Measurement' in menu but not in sectioning >./install.texi:33: warning: node `IEEE Floating Point' is prev for `Configuring and compiling' in menu but not in sectioning >./install.texi:463: warning: node `Source Layout' is next for `Reporting Bugs' in menu but not in sectioning >./maint.texi:12: warning: node `Reporting Bugs' is prev for `Source Layout' in menu but not in sectioning >./maint.texi:112: warning: node `Hierarchy Conventions' is next for `Adding Platform-specific' in menu but not in sectioning >./maint.texi:112: warning: node `Porting' is prev for `Adding Platform-specific' in menu but not in sectioning >./maint.texi:186: warning: node `Adding Platform-specific' is next for `Porting' in menu but not in sectioning >./maint.texi:359: warning: node `Adding Platform-specific' is prev for `Hierarchy Conventions' in menu but not in sectioning >./maint.texi:485: warning: node `PowerPC' is next for `Porting to Unix' in menu but not in sectioning >./platform.texi:11: warning: node `Porting to Unix' is prev for `PowerPC' in menu but not in sectioning
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