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Bug 420675
app-misc/geneweb-5.02 - File "srcfile.ml", line 195, characters 4-56: Error: Unbound constructor Stdpp.Exc_located
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build.log (text/plain), 26.94 KB, created by
Juergen Rose
on 2012-06-11 12:07:41 UTC
MIME Type:
Juergen Rose
2012-06-11 12:07:41 UTC
26.94 KB
>[32;01m * [39;49;00mPackage: app-misc/geneweb-5.02 >[32;01m * [39;49;00mRepository: gentoo >[32;01m * [39;49;00mMaintainer: tupone@gentoo.org >[32;01m * [39;49;00mUSE: amd64 elibc_glibc kernel_linux multilib ocamlopt userland_GNU >[32;01m * [39;49;00mFEATURES: sandbox >>>> Unpacking source... >>>> Unpacking geneweb-5.02.tgz to /var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/work >>>> Source unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/work >>>> Preparing source in /var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/work/geneweb-5.02 ... > [32;01m*[0m Applying geneweb-5.02-gentoo.patch ... >[A[213C [34;01m[ [32;01mok[34;01m ][0m > [32;01m*[0m Applying geneweb-5.02-amd64.patch ... >[A[213C [34;01m[ [32;01mok[34;01m ][0m > [32;01m*[0m Applying geneweb-5.02-parallellbuild.patch ... >[A[213C [34;01m[ [32;01mok[34;01m ][0m >>>> Source prepared. >>>> Configuring source in /var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/work/geneweb-5.02 ... >./configure --prefix=/usr --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --datadir=/usr/share --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var/lib --libdir=/usr/lib64 >>>> Source configured. >>>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/work/geneweb-5.02 ... >make -j5 >cd wserver; make opt >make[1]: Entering directory `/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/work/geneweb-5.02/wserver' >camlp5r pa_extend.cmo q_MLast.cmo -o pa_macro5.ppo pa_macro5.ml >ocamlc -c -I `camlp5 -where` -impl pa_macro5.ppo >make wserver.cmx >make[2]: Entering directory `/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/work/geneweb-5.02/wserver' >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o wserver.ppi wserver.mli >ocamlc.opt -I +camlp5 -c -intf wserver.ppi >/bin/rm -f wserver.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o wserver.ppo wserver.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I +camlp5 -c -impl wserver.ppo >/bin/rm -f wserver.ppo >make[2]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/work/geneweb-5.02/wserver' >make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/work/geneweb-5.02/wserver' >cd dag2html; make opt >make[1]: Entering directory `/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/work/geneweb-5.02/dag2html' >camlp5r dag2html.mli -o dag2html.ppi >ocamlc -c -intf dag2html.ppi >rm -f dag2html.ppi >camlp5r dag2html.ml -o dag2html.ppo >ocamlopt -c -impl dag2html.ppo >rm -f dag2html.ppo >make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/work/geneweb-5.02/dag2html' >cd src; make PREFIX=/usr opt >make[1]: Entering directory `/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/work/geneweb-5.02/src' >echo "value prefix =" > gwlib.ml >echo " try Sys.getenv \"GWPREFIX\" with" >> gwlib.ml >echo " [ Not_found -> \"/usr\" ]" | \ >sed -e 's|\\|/|g' >> gwlib.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o argl.ppo argl.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o ansel.ppo ansel.ml >echo ";" >> gwlib.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o lock.ppi lock.mli >camlp5r pa_extend.cmo q_MLast.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o def_syn.ppo def_syn.ml >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf lock.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl def_syn.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl argl.ppo >/bin/rm -f lock.ppi >/bin/rm -f def_syn.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl ansel.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o adef.ppi adef.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o iovalue.ppi iovalue.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf adef.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf iovalue.ppi >/bin/rm -f argl.ppo >/bin/rm -f adef.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o q_codes.ppo q_codes.ml >/bin/rm -f iovalue.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl q_codes.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o buff.ppo buff.ml >/bin/rm -f q_codes.ppo >/bin/rm -f ansel.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o mutil.ppi mutil.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o name.ppi name.mli >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl buff.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o secure.ppi secure.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf name.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf mutil.ppi >/bin/rm -f name.ppi >/bin/rm -f mutil.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf secure.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o btree.ppo btree.ml >/bin/rm -f buff.ppo >/bin/rm -f secure.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o def.ppi def.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o db2.ppi db2.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o diff.ppi diff.mli >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl btree.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o pqueue.ppi pqueue.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf db2.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf def.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf diff.ppi >/bin/rm -f db2.ppi >/bin/rm -f diff.ppi >/bin/rm -f def.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf pqueue.ppi >/bin/rm -f btree.ppo >/bin/rm -f pqueue.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o progrBar.ppi progrBar.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o num.ppi num.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o iochan.ppi iochan.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf progrBar.ppi >/bin/rm -f progrBar.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf num.ppi >camlp5r pa_extend.cmo q_MLast.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o pa_lock.ppo pa_lock.ml >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf iochan.ppi >/bin/rm -f num.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o db2out.ppi db2out.mli >/bin/rm -f iochan.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf db2out.ppi >/bin/rm -f db2out.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o version.ppo version.ml >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl pa_lock.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o config.ppi config.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o gwlib.ppo gwlib.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl version.ppo >/bin/rm -f pa_lock.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o translate.ppi translate.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf config.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf translate.ppi >/bin/rm -f config.ppi >/bin/rm -f version.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl gwlib.ppo >camlp5r pa_extend.cmo q_MLast.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o pa_html.ppo pa_html.ml >/bin/rm -f translate.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o wiki.ppi wiki.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o request.ppi request.mli >/bin/rm -f gwlib.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o templAst.ppi templAst.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf request.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf wiki.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl pa_html.ppo >/bin/rm -f request.ppi >/bin/rm -f wiki.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o base64.ppo base64.ml >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf templAst.ppi >/bin/rm -f pa_html.ppo >/bin/rm -f templAst.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o lock.ppo lock.ml >camlp5r ./q_codes.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o iovalue.ppo iovalue.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl base64.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o adef.ppo adef.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl lock.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o name.ppo name.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl adef.ppo >/bin/rm -f base64.ppo >/bin/rm -f lock.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl iovalue.ppo >/bin/rm -f adef.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o secure.ppo secure.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o futil.ppi futil.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o dbdisk.ppi dbdisk.mli >/bin/rm -f iovalue.ppo >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf dbdisk.ppi >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl name.ppo >/bin/rm -f dbdisk.ppi >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl secure.ppo >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf futil.ppi >/bin/rm -f futil.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o db2.ppo db2.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o db2disk.ppi db2disk.mli >/bin/rm -f secure.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl db2.ppo >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf db2disk.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o diff.ppo diff.ml >/bin/rm -f db2disk.ppi >/bin/rm -f db2.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o outbase.ppi outbase.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o progrBar.ppo progrBar.ml >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf outbase.ppi >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl diff.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl progrBar.ppo >/bin/rm -f outbase.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o pqueue.ppo pqueue.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl pqueue.ppo >/bin/rm -f progrBar.ppo >/bin/rm -f name.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o calendar.ppi calendar.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o gwcomp.ppi gwcomp.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o notesLinks.ppi notesLinks.mli >/bin/rm -f diff.ppo >/bin/rm -f pqueue.ppo >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf calendar.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf gwcomp.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf notesLinks.ppi >/bin/rm -f calendar.ppi >/bin/rm -f gwcomp.ppi >/bin/rm -f notesLinks.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o iochan.ppo iochan.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o num.ppo num.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o mutil.ppo mutil.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o translate.ppo translate.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl iochan.ppo >/bin/rm -f iochan.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl num.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o templDate.ppi templDate.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf templDate.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o dutil.ppi dutil.mli >/bin/rm -f templDate.ppi >/bin/rm -f num.ppo >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf dutil.ppi >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl translate.ppo >/bin/rm -f dutil.ppi >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl mutil.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o database.ppi database.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o calendar.ppo calendar.ml >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf database.ppi >/bin/rm -f database.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o gwdb.ppi gwdb.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o db1link.ppi db1link.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf gwdb.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf db1link.ppi >/bin/rm -f db1link.ppi >/bin/rm -f gwdb.ppi >/bin/rm -f mutil.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o db2link.ppi db2link.mli >/bin/rm -f translate.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o consang.ppi consang.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf db2link.ppi >/bin/rm -f db2link.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf consang.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o consangAll.ppi consangAll.mli >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl calendar.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o checkItem.ppi checkItem.mli >/bin/rm -f consang.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o notesLinks.ppo notesLinks.ml >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf consangAll.ppi >/bin/rm -f consangAll.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o gutil.ppi gutil.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf checkItem.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf gutil.ppi >/bin/rm -f checkItem.ppi >/bin/rm -f gutil.ppi >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl notesLinks.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o date.ppi date.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o templ.ppi templ.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf date.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o util.ppi util.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf templ.ppi >/bin/rm -f date.ppi >/bin/rm -f templ.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf util.ppi >/bin/rm -f util.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o history.ppi history.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o update.ppi update.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf history.ppi >/bin/rm -f calendar.ppo >/bin/rm -f notesLinks.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o notes.ppi notes.mli >/bin/rm -f history.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf update.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf notes.ppi >/bin/rm -f update.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o wiznotes.ppi wiznotes.mli >/bin/rm -f notes.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o srcfile.ppi srcfile.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o dag.ppi dag.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf wiznotes.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o updateInd.ppi updateInd.mli >/bin/rm -f wiznotes.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o perso.ppi perso.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf srcfile.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o updateIndOk.ppi updateIndOk.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf dag.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf perso.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf updateInd.ppi >/bin/rm -f srcfile.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf updateIndOk.ppi >/bin/rm -f dag.ppi >/bin/rm -f perso.ppi >/bin/rm -f updateInd.ppi >/bin/rm -f updateIndOk.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o updateFam.ppi updateFam.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o merge.ppi merge.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o futil.ppo futil.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o db2disk.ppo db2disk.ml >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf merge.ppi >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf updateFam.ppi >/bin/rm -f merge.ppi >/bin/rm -f updateFam.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o relationLink.ppi relationLink.mli >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl futil.ppo >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf relationLink.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o gwcomp.ppo gwcomp.ml >/bin/rm -f relationLink.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o check.ppi check.mli >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o hutil.ppi hutil.mli >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf hutil.ppi >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl db2disk.ppo >/bin/rm -f futil.ppo >ocamlc.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -intf check.ppi >/bin/rm -f hutil.ppi >/bin/rm -f check.ppi >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o dutil.ppo dutil.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o db2out.ppo db2out.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl dutil.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl gwcomp.ppo >/bin/rm -f db2disk.ppo >/bin/rm -f dutil.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl db2out.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o outbase.ppo outbase.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o database.ppo database.ml >/bin/rm -f db2out.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl outbase.ppo >/bin/rm -f gwcomp.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl database.ppo >/bin/rm -f outbase.ppo >/bin/rm -f database.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o gwdb.ppo gwdb.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl gwdb.ppo >/bin/rm -f gwdb.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o consang.ppo consang.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o checkItem.ppo checkItem.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o update_nldb.ppo update_nldb.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl update_nldb.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl consang.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl checkItem.ppo >/bin/rm -f update_nldb.ppo >/bin/rm -f consang.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o consangAll.ppo consangAll.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl consangAll.ppo >/bin/rm -f checkItem.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o check.ppo check.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o gutil.ppo gutil.ml >/bin/rm -f consangAll.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl check.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl gutil.ppo >camlp5r ./pa_lock.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o mk_consang.ppo mk_consang.ml >/bin/rm -f gutil.ppo >ocamlopt.opt unix.cmxa -cclib -lunix secure.cmx buff.cmx name.cmx adef.cmx iovalue.cmx mutil.cmx btree.cmx futil.cmx dutil.cmx database.cmx db2.cmx db2disk.cmx diff.cmx gwdb.cmx checkItem.cmx gutil.cmx argl.cmx notesLinks.cmx progrBar.cmx update_nldb.cmx -o update_nldb.opt >/bin/rm -f check.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl mk_consang.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o select.ppo select.ml >camlp5r ./pa_lock.cmo ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o util.ppo util.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o db1link.ppo db1link.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl select.ppo >/bin/rm -f mk_consang.ppo >/bin/rm -f select.ppo >ocamlopt.opt unix.cmxa -cclib -lunix argl.cmx lock.cmx adef.cmx iovalue.cmx buff.cmx name.cmx mutil.cmx secure.cmx btree.cmx futil.cmx dutil.cmx progrBar.cmx database.cmx db2.cmx db2disk.cmx db2out.cmx diff.cmx outbase.cmx gwdb.cmx pqueue.cmx consang.cmx consangAll.cmx mk_consang.cmx -o consang.opt >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl db1link.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o db2link.ppo db2link.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o gwu.ppo gwu.ml >/bin/rm -f db1link.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl db2link.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o check_base.ppo check_base.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl util.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl check_base.ppo >/bin/rm -f check_base.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl gwu.ppo >ocamlopt.opt unix.cmxa -cclib -lunix buff.cmx name.cmx iovalue.cmx mutil.cmx adef.cmx futil.cmx diff.cmx secure.cmx dutil.cmx btree.cmx database.cmx db2.cmx db2disk.cmx gwdb.cmx progrBar.cmx checkItem.cmx consang.cmx check.cmx check_base.cmx -o check_base.opt >camlp5r ./pa_lock.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o gwc.ppo gwc.ml >/bin/rm -f db2link.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl gwc.ppo >/bin/rm -f gwc.ppo >ocamlopt.opt unix.cmxa argl.cmx lock.cmx adef.cmx iovalue.cmx buff.cmx name.cmx mutil.cmx secure.cmx btree.cmx futil.cmx dutil.cmx database.cmx db2.cmx db2disk.cmx diff.cmx outbase.cmx gwdb.cmx pqueue.cmx progrBar.cmx consang.cmx consangAll.cmx checkItem.cmx check.cmx calendar.cmx notesLinks.cmx gwcomp.cmx db1link.cmx gwc.cmx -cclib -lunix -o gwc1.opt >camlp5r ./pa_lock.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o gwc2.ppo gwc2.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl gwc2.ppo >/bin/rm -f gwc2.ppo >ocamlopt.opt unix.cmxa calendar.cmx adef.cmx iovalue.cmx buff.cmx name.cmx mutil.cmx gwcomp.cmx argl.cmx lock.cmx progrBar.cmx secure.cmx iochan.cmx futil.cmx db2.cmx db2out.cmx notesLinks.cmx db2disk.cmx dutil.cmx btree.cmx database.cmx gwdb.cmx consang.cmx consangAll.cmx checkItem.cmx check.cmx db2link.cmx gwc2.cmx -cclib -lunix -o gwc2.opt >/bin/rm -f gwu.ppo >ocamlopt.opt unix.cmxa -cclib -lunix argl.cmx adef.cmx iovalue.cmx buff.cmx name.cmx mutil.cmx secure.cmx btree.cmx futil.cmx dutil.cmx database.cmx db2.cmx db2disk.cmx diff.cmx gwdb.cmx checkItem.cmx gutil.cmx select.cmx calendar.cmx notesLinks.cmx progrBar.cmx gwu.cmx -o gwu.opt >/bin/rm -f util.ppo >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o templDate.ppo templDate.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl templDate.ppo >/bin/rm -f templDate.ppo >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o templ.ppo templ.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl templ.ppo >/bin/rm -f templ.ppo >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o hutil.ppo hutil.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl hutil.ppo >/bin/rm -f hutil.ppo >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o place.ppo place.ml >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o alln.ppo alln.ml >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o date.ppo date.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o image.ppo image.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl image.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl place.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl alln.ppo >/bin/rm -f image.ppo >/bin/rm -f place.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl date.ppo >/bin/rm -f alln.ppo >/bin/rm -f date.ppo >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o update.ppo update.ml >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o dag.ppo dag.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o history.ppo history.ml >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o merge.ppo merge.ml >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o birthday.ppo birthday.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl merge.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl history.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl update.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl birthday.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl dag.ppo >/bin/rm -f merge.ppo >/bin/rm -f history.ppo >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o some.ppo some.ml >/bin/rm -f birthday.ppo >camlp5r ./def_syn.cmo ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o birthDeath.ppo birthDeath.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl some.ppo >/bin/rm -f update.ppo >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o title.ppo title.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl birthDeath.ppo >/bin/rm -f dag.ppo >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o wiki.ppo wiki.ml >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o updateInd.ppo updateInd.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl title.ppo >/bin/rm -f some.ppo >/bin/rm -f birthDeath.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl updateInd.ppo >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o updateFam.ppo updateFam.ml >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o changeChildren.ppo changeChildren.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl wiki.ppo >/bin/rm -f title.ppo >/bin/rm -f updateInd.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl updateFam.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl changeChildren.ppo >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o advSearchOk.ppo advSearchOk.ml >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o relationLink.ppo relationLink.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl advSearchOk.ppo >/bin/rm -f changeChildren.ppo >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o sendImage.ppo sendImage.ml >/bin/rm -f updateFam.ppo >/bin/rm -f advSearchOk.ppo >/bin/rm -f wiki.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl sendImage.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl relationLink.ppo >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o notes.ppo notes.ml >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o doc.ppo doc.ml >/bin/rm -f sendImage.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl doc.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl notes.ppo >/bin/rm -f relationLink.ppo >/bin/rm -f doc.ppo >/bin/rm -f notes.ppo >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o updateFamOk.ppo updateFamOk.ml >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o updateIndOk.ppo updateIndOk.ml >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o wiznotes.ppo wiznotes.ml >camlp5r ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o forum.ppo forum.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl wiznotes.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl updateFamOk.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl updateIndOk.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl forum.ppo >/bin/rm -f wiznotes.ppo >camlp5r ./pa_lock.cmo ./pa_html.cmo pa_extend.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o srcfile.ppo srcfile.ml >/bin/rm -f forum.ppo >/bin/rm -f updateIndOk.ppo >/bin/rm -f updateFamOk.ppo >camlp5r ./pa_html.cmo ../wserver/pa_macro5.cmo -DUNIX -o mergeFamOk.ppo mergeFamOk.ml >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl srcfile.ppo >ocamlopt.opt -I ../wserver -I ../dag2html -I +camlp5 -c -impl mergeFamOk.ppo >File "srcfile.ml", line 195, characters 4-56: >Error: Unbound constructor Stdpp.Exc_located >make[1]: *** [srcfile.cmx] Error 2 >make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... >/bin/rm -f mergeFamOk.ppo >make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/work/geneweb-5.02/src' >make: *** [opt] Error 2 >emake failed > [31;01m*[0m ERROR: app-misc/geneweb-5.02 failed (compile phase): > [31;01m*[0m Compiling native code executables failed > [31;01m*[0m > [31;01m*[0m Call stack: > [31;01m*[0m ebuild.sh, line 85: Called src_compile > [31;01m*[0m environment, line 2104: Called die > [31;01m*[0m The specific snippet of code: > [31;01m*[0m emake || die "Compiling native code executables failed"; > [31;01m*[0m > [31;01m*[0m If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=app-misc/geneweb-5.02'`, > [31;01m*[0m the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=app-misc/geneweb-5.02'`. > [31;01m*[0m The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/temp/build.log'. > [31;01m*[0m The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/temp/environment'. > [31;01m*[0m Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/work/geneweb-5.02' > [31;01m*[0m S: '/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/geneweb-5.02/work/geneweb-5.02'
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