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Bug 364503
<dev-perl/Test-Output-1.10.0 tests fail with Perl 5.14
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Test-Output build/test log.
dev-perl_Test-Output-0.16 (text/plain), 16.83 KB, created by
Kent Fredric (IRC: kent\n) (RETIRED)
on 2011-04-22 16:39:40 UTC
Test-Output build/test log.
MIME Type:
Kent Fredric (IRC: kent\n) (RETIRED)
2011-04-22 16:39:40 UTC
16.83 KB
>>>> Running ebuild phase killold as root:root... >>>> Starting builtin_killold >>>> Done builtin_killold >>>> Completed ebuild phase killold >>>> Running ebuild phases init saveenv as portage:portage... >>>> Starting builtin_init >>>> Done builtin_init >>>> Starting builtin_saveenv >>>> Done builtin_saveenv >>>> Completed ebuild phases init saveenv >>>> Running ebuild phases loadenv setup saveenv as root:root... >>>> Starting builtin_loadenv >>>> Done builtin_loadenv >>>> Starting pkg_setup >>>> Done pkg_setup >>>> Starting builtin_saveenv >>>> Done builtin_saveenv >>>> Completed ebuild phases loadenv setup saveenv >>>> Running ebuild phases loadenv unpack saveenv as portage:portage... >>>> Starting builtin_loadenv >>>> Done builtin_loadenv >>>> Starting src_unpack >>>> Unpacking Test-Output-0.16.tar.gz to /tmp/portage/dev-perl-Test-Output-0.16/work >tar zxf /usr/portage/distfiles/Test-Output-0.16.tar.gz --no-same-owner >>>> Done src_unpack >>>> Starting builtin_saveenv >>>> Done builtin_saveenv >>>> Completed ebuild phases loadenv unpack saveenv >>>> Running ebuild phases loadenv prepare saveenv as portage:portage... >>>> Starting builtin_loadenv >>>> Done builtin_loadenv >>>> Starting src_prepare >>>> Done src_prepare >>>> Starting builtin_saveenv >>>> Done builtin_saveenv >>>> Completed ebuild phases loadenv prepare saveenv >>>> Running ebuild phases loadenv configure saveenv as portage:portage... >>>> Starting builtin_loadenv >>>> Done builtin_loadenv >>>> Starting src_configure > * Using ExtUtils::MakeMaker > * perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/usr INSTALLDIRS=vendor INSTALLMAN3DIR=none DESTDIR=/tmp/portage/dev-perl-Test-Output-0.16/image/ >Checking if your kit is complete... >Looks good >Writing Makefile for Test::Output >Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>>> Done src_configure >>>> Starting builtin_saveenv >>>> Done builtin_saveenv >>>> Completed ebuild phases loadenv configure saveenv >>>> Running ebuild phases loadenv compile saveenv as portage:portage... >>>> Starting builtin_loadenv >>>> Done builtin_loadenv >>>> Starting src_compile > * emake OTHERLDFLAGS=-Wl,-O1g -Wl,-z,combreloc -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=both >make --jobs=3 OTHERLDFLAGS=-Wl,-O1g -Wl,-z,combreloc -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=both >cp lib/Test/Output/Tie.pm blib/lib/Test/Output/Tie.pm >cp lib/Test/Output.pm blib/lib/Test/Output.pm >>>> Done src_compile >>>> Starting builtin_saveenv >>>> Done builtin_saveenv >>>> Completed ebuild phases loadenv compile saveenv >>>> Running ebuild phases loadenv test saveenv as portage:portage... >>>> Starting builtin_loadenv >>>> Done builtin_loadenv >>>> Starting src_test >make --jobs=3 test TEST_VERBOSE=0 >PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl5.14.0 "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t >t/00.load.t .......... >t/00.load.t .......... 1/1 # Testing Test::Output 0.16 > > >t/00.load.t .......... ok >t/binmode.t .......... >t/binmode.t .......... 1/1 > >t/binmode.t .......... ok >t/carp-5.6.t ......... >t/carp-5.6.t ......... 1/3 > >t/carp-5.6.t ......... ok >t/combined_is.t ...... >t/combined_is.t ...... 1/98 > >t/combined_is.t ...... ok >t/combined_isnt.t .... >t/combined_isnt.t .... 1/98 > >t/combined_isnt.t .... ok >t/combined_like.t .... >t/combined_like.t .... 1/49 ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT' of 'STDOUT not matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/combined_like.t line 60. ># Got diag (61 bytes): ># 'STDOUT & STDERR:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'don't match:' ># '(?^:out)' ># 'as expected' ># Expected diag (65 bytes): ># 'STDOUT & STDERR:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'don't match:' ># '(?-xism:out)' ># 'as expected' > ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT' of 'STDOUT not matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/combined_like.t line 100. ># Got diag (61 bytes): ># 'STDOUT & STDERR:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'don't match:' ># '(?^:out)' ># 'as expected' ># Expected diag (65 bytes): ># 'STDOUT & STDERR:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'don't match:' ># '(?-xism:out)' ># 'as expected' ># Looks like you failed 2 tests of 49. > > >t/combined_like.t .... Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) >Failed 2/49 subtests >t/combined_unlike.t .. >t/combined_unlike.t .. 1/49 ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT' of 'STDOUT matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/combined_unlike.t line 60. ># Got diag (59 bytes): ># 'STDOUT & STDERR:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matching:' ># '(?^:OUT)' ># 'not expected' ># Expected diag (63 bytes): ># 'STDOUT & STDERR:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matching:' ># '(?-xism:OUT)' ># 'not expected' > ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT' of 'codeblock STDOUT matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/combined_unlike.t line 100. ># Got diag (59 bytes): ># 'STDOUT & STDERR:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matching:' ># '(?^:OUT)' ># 'not expected' ># Expected diag (63 bytes): ># 'STDOUT & STDERR:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matching:' ># '(?-xism:OUT)' ># 'not expected' ># Looks like you failed 2 tests of 49. > > >t/combined_unlike.t .. Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) >Failed 2/49 subtests >t/output_is.t ........ >t/output_is.t ........ 1/168 > >t/output_is.t ........ ok >t/output_isnt.t ...... >t/output_isnt.t ...... 1/168 > >t/output_isnt.t ...... ok >t/output_like.t ...... >t/output_like.t ...... 1/154 ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT and STDERR match' of 'STDOUT not matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/output_like.t line 116. ># Got diag (54 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?^:out)' ># 'as expected' ># Expected diag (58 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?-xism:out)' ># 'as expected' > ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT and STDERR match' of 'STDERR not matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/output_like.t line 132. ># Got diag (54 bytes): ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST ERR' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?^:err)' ># 'as expected' ># Expected diag (58 bytes): ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST ERR' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?-xism:err)' ># 'as expected' > ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT and STDERR match' of 'STDOUT & STDERR not matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/output_like.t line 148. ># Got diag (108 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?^:out)' ># 'as expected' ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST ERR' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?^:err)' ># 'as expected' ># Expected diag (116 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?-xism:out)' ># 'as expected' ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST ERR' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?-xism:err)' ># 'as expected' > ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT and STDERR match' of 'STDOUT not matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/output_like.t line 284. ># Got diag (54 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?^:out)' ># 'as expected' ># Expected diag (58 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?-xism:out)' ># 'as expected' > ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT and STDERR match' of 'STDERR not matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/output_like.t line 299. ># Got diag (54 bytes): ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST ERR' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?^:err)' ># 'as expected' ># Expected diag (58 bytes): ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST ERR' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?-xism:err)' ># 'as expected' > ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT and STDERR match' of 'STDOUT & STDERR not matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/output_like.t line 314. ># Got diag (108 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?^:out)' ># 'as expected' ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST ERR' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?^:err)' ># 'as expected' ># Expected diag (116 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?-xism:out)' ># 'as expected' ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST ERR' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?-xism:err)' ># 'as expected' ># Looks like you failed 6 tests of 154. > > >t/output_like.t ...... Dubious, test returned 6 (wstat 1536, 0x600) >Failed 6/154 subtests >t/output_unlike.t .... >t/output_unlike.t .... 1/112 ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT and STDERR match' of 'STDERR matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/output_unlike.t line 100. ># Got diag (50 bytes): ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST ERR' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?^i:ERR)' ># 'not expected' ># Expected diag (53 bytes): ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST ERR' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?i-xsm:ERR)' ># 'not expected' > ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT and STDERR match' of 'STDOUT matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/output_unlike.t line 116. ># Got diag (50 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?^i:out)' ># 'not expected' ># Expected diag (53 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?i-xsm:out)' ># 'not expected' > ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT and STDERR match' of 'STDERR matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/output_unlike.t line 132. ># Got diag (98 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?^:OUT)' ># 'not expected' ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST ERR' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?^:ERR)' ># 'not expected' ># Expected diag (106 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?-xism:OUT)' ># 'not expected' ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST ERR' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?-xism:ERR)' ># 'not expected' > ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT and STDERR match' of 'STDERR matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/output_unlike.t line 224. ># Got diag (50 bytes): ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST ERR' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?^i:ERR)' ># 'not expected' ># Expected diag (53 bytes): ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST ERR' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?i-xsm:ERR)' ># 'not expected' > ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT and STDERR match' of 'STDOUT matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/output_unlike.t line 239. ># Got diag (50 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?^i:out)' ># 'not expected' ># Expected diag (53 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?i-xsm:out)' ># 'not expected' > ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT and STDERR match' of 'STDERR matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/output_unlike.t line 254. ># Got diag (98 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?^:OUT)' ># 'not expected' ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST ERR' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?^:ERR)' ># 'not expected' ># Expected diag (106 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?-xism:OUT)' ># 'not expected' ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST ERR' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?-xism:ERR)' ># 'not expected' ># Looks like you failed 6 tests of 112. > > >t/output_unlike.t .... Dubious, test returned 6 (wstat 1536, 0x600) >Failed 6/112 subtests >t/pod-coverage.t ..... >t/pod-coverage.t ..... 1/2 > >t/pod-coverage.t ..... ok >t/pod.t .............. >t/pod.t .............. 1/2 > >t/pod.t .............. ok >t/stderr_is.t ........ >t/stderr_is.t ........ 1/28 > >t/stderr_is.t ........ ok >t/stderr_isnt.t ...... >t/stderr_isnt.t ...... 1/28 > >t/stderr_isnt.t ...... ok >t/stderr_like.t ...... >t/stderr_like.t ...... 1/42 ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDERR' of 'STDERR not matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/stderr_like.t line 45. ># Got diag (54 bytes): ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?^:out)' ># 'as expected' ># Expected diag (58 bytes): ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?-xism:out)' ># 'as expected' > ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDERR' of 'STDERR not matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/stderr_like.t line 85. ># Got diag (54 bytes): ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?^:out)' ># 'as expected' ># Expected diag (58 bytes): ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?-xism:out)' ># 'as expected' ># Looks like you failed 2 tests of 42. > > >t/stderr_like.t ...... Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) >Failed 2/42 subtests >t/stderr_unlike.t .... >t/stderr_unlike.t .... 1/42 ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDERR' of 'STDERR not matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/stderr_unlike.t line 45. ># Got diag (49 bytes): ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?^:OUT)' ># 'not expected' ># Expected diag (53 bytes): ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?-xism:OUT)' ># 'not expected' > ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDERR' of 'STDERR not matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/stderr_unlike.t line 85. ># Got diag (49 bytes): ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?^:OUT)' ># 'not expected' ># Expected diag (53 bytes): ># 'STDERR:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?-xism:OUT)' ># 'not expected' ># Looks like you failed 2 tests of 42. > > >t/stderr_unlike.t .... Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) >Failed 2/42 subtests >t/stdout_is.t ........ >t/stdout_is.t ........ 1/42 > >t/stdout_is.t ........ ok >t/stdout_isnt.t ...... >t/stdout_isnt.t ...... 1/42 > >t/stdout_isnt.t ...... ok >t/stdout_like.t ...... >t/stdout_like.t ...... 1/42 ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT' of 'STDOUT not matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/stdout_like.t line 45. ># Got diag (54 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?^:out)' ># 'as expected' ># Expected diag (58 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?-xism:out)' ># 'as expected' > ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT' of 'STDOUT not matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/stdout_like.t line 85. ># Got diag (54 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?^:out)' ># 'as expected' ># Expected diag (58 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'doesn't match:' ># '(?-xism:out)' ># 'as expected' ># Looks like you failed 2 tests of 42. > > >t/stdout_like.t ...... Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) >Failed 2/42 subtests >t/stdout_unlike.t .... >t/stdout_unlike.t .... 1/42 ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT' of 'STDOUT matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/stdout_unlike.t line 45. ># Got diag (49 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?^:OUT)' ># 'not expected' ># Expected diag (53 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?-xism:OUT)' ># 'not expected' > ># Failed test 'subtest 'Testing STDOUT' of 'STDOUT matching failure' compare diag' ># at t/stdout_unlike.t line 85. ># Got diag (49 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?^:OUT)' ># 'not expected' ># Expected diag (53 bytes): ># 'STDOUT:' ># 'TEST OUT' ># '' ># 'matches:' ># '(?-xism:OUT)' ># 'not expected' ># Looks like you failed 2 tests of 42. > > >t/stdout_unlike.t .... Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) >Failed 2/42 subtests > >Test Summary Report >------------------- >t/combined_like.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 49 Failed: 2) > Failed tests: 28, 49 > Non-zero exit status: 2 >t/combined_unlike.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 49 Failed: 2) > Failed tests: 28, 49 > Non-zero exit status: 2 >t/output_like.t (Wstat: 1536 Tests: 154 Failed: 6) > Failed tests: 49, 56, 63, 126, 133, 140 > Non-zero exit status: 6 >t/output_unlike.t (Wstat: 1536 Tests: 112 Failed: 6) > Failed tests: 42, 49, 56, 98, 105, 112 > Non-zero exit status: 6 >t/stderr_like.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 42 Failed: 2) > Failed tests: 21, 42 > Non-zero exit status: 2 >t/stderr_unlike.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 42 Failed: 2) > Failed tests: 21, 42 > Non-zero exit status: 2 >t/stdout_like.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 42 Failed: 2) > Failed tests: 21, 42 > Non-zero exit status: 2 >t/stdout_unlike.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 42 Failed: 2) > Failed tests: 21, 42 > Non-zero exit status: 2 >Files=21, Tests=1213, 4 wallclock secs ( 0.25 usr 0.05 sys + 1.48 cusr 0.24 csys = 2.02 CPU) >Result: FAIL >Failed 8/21 test programs. 24/1213 subtests failed. >make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2 >/usr/libexec/paludis/utils/emake: emake returned error 2 > >!!! ERROR in dev-perl/Test-Output-0.16::gentoo: >!!! In perl-module_src_test at line 3879 >!!! test failed > >!!! Call stack: >!!! * perl-module_src_test (/tmp/portage/dev-perl-Test-Output-0.16/temp/loadsaveenv:3879) >!!! * src_test (/tmp/portage/dev-perl-Test-Output-0.16/temp/loadsaveenv:4155) >!!! * ebuild_f_test (/usr/libexec/paludis/2/src_test.bash:74) >!!! * ebuild_main (/usr/libexec/paludis/ebuild.bash:646) >!!! * main (/usr/libexec/paludis/ebuild.bash:672) > > >!!! This package failed inside the test phase. You should read >!!! http://paludis.pioto.org/faq/stricter.html#testfailures >!!! for more information on packages with test phase failures. > > >diefunc: making ebuild PID 195494 exit with error >die trap: exiting with error.
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bug 364503
: 270889