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Bug 34384
[code] Functions to help maintain GRP
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Updated versions of previously supplied functions. Bug fix and improvement.
binpkgmain.py (text/plain), 10.43 KB, created by
on 2003-11-26 19:34:34 UTC
Updated versions of previously supplied functions. Bug fix and improvement.
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2003-11-26 19:34:34 UTC
10.43 KB
># NOTE: this script is under CVS control. > ># binpkgmain - collection of functions for the maintenence of binary ># packages for use with emerge -G ># ># Baz - 12/11/03 > >import xpak,getbinpkg,sys,portage,cPickle,time,re >from output import * >from stat import * > ># Globals > ># location of the binary repository in the filesystem >BIN_PKG_DIR = "/diskless/gentoo-1.4-pxe-install/packages/All" >OLD_PKG_DIR = "/diskless/gentoo-1.4-pxe-install/packages/old-packages" > > >DEBUG = 0 > >def check_versions(move_red=0, show_upgrades=1, target_dir=BIN_PKG_DIR, red_pkg_dir=OLD_PKG_DIR): > """Looks in the directory specified and checks to see if any of the packages > contained therein are outdated in terms of the local current portage tree. Will > also advise if there are newer versions of packages available""" > > if not os.path.exists(target_dir): > print(red("Error "+target_dir+": no such directory")) > > idx_file = BIN_PKG_DIR+"/metadata.idx" > if not os.path.exists(idx_file): > print(green("No metadata file present, will generate one now...")) > gen_metadata(target_dir) > > # Check to see if the metadata file is up to date > dir_age = os.stat(target_dir)[ST_MTIME] > idx_age = os.stat(idx_file)[ST_MTIME] > > if ( dir_age > idx_age ): > print(green("Metadata file out of date, generating new one...")) > gen_metadata(target_dir) > > metadata_file = open(idx_file, "r") > print(blue("Loading metadata pickle, please wait...")) > metadata = cPickle.load(metadata_file) > metadata_file.close > > > if DEBUG: > print(green("Obtaining listing of "+target_dir)) > > rec_ver = {} > mask_ver = {} > old_ver = {} > > pkgs = os.listdir(target_dir) > > for x in pkgs: > > # first we need to split up the package name to get just the basename with no > # version info on the end. > > if x[-5:]!=".tbz2": > if DEBUG: > print(green(x+" doesn't look like a binary package, skipping")) > continue > > basename = portage.catpkgsplit(x[:-5]) > > if not basename[1]: > print(green("Can find basename for package "+x+", skipping")) > continue > > versions = portage.portdb.xmatch("match-visible", basename[1]) > > # find SLOT from metadata > slot = metadata[x]["SLOT"] > > # compile regexp > pkg_regexp = re.compile( "%s$"%( re.escape(x[:-5]) ) ) > > flag = 0 > for y in versions: > if pkg_regexp.search(y): > flag = 1 > if not rec_ver.has_key(basename[1]): > rec_ver[basename[1]] = {} > rec_ver[basename[1]][slot] = [ "%s-%s"%(basename[2],basename[3]) ] > else: > if not rec_ver[basename[1]].has_key(slot): > rec_ver[basename[1]][slot] = ["%s-%s"%(basename[2],basename[3])] > else: > rec_ver[basename[1]][slot].append("%s-%s"%(basename[2],basename[3])) > if DEBUG: > print(green(x[:-5]+" is in portage")) > > if flag: > continue > > flag = 0 > versions = portage.portdb.xmatch("match-all", basename[1]) > for y in versions: > if pkg_regexp.search(y): > flag = 1 > if not mask_ver.has_key(basename[1]): > mask_ver[basename[1]] = {} > mask_ver[basename[1]][slot] = [ "%s-%s"%(basename[2],basename[3]) ] > else: > if not mask_ver[basename[1]].has_key(slot): > mask_ver[basename[1]][slot] = ["%s-%s"%(basename[2],basename[3])] > else: > mask_ver[basename[1]][slot].append("%s-%s"%(basename[2],basename[3])) > # Let users know they've got masked packages > print(green(x[:-5]+" is MASKED in portage")) > > if flag == 1: > continue > > best_match = portage.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible", basename[1]) > print(red(x[:-5]+" is no longer in portage you should upgrade to "+best_match)) > if not old_ver.has_key(basename[1]): > old_ver[basename[1]] = {} > old_ver[basename[1]] = [ "%s-%s"%(basename[2],basename[3]) ] > else: > if not old_ver[basename[1]]: > old_ver[basename[1]] = ["%s-%s"%(basename[2],basename[3])] > else: > old_ver[basename[1]].append("%s-%s"%(basename[2],basename[3])) > > > # Now we have the dicts of the packages we need to sort through them > # First look through current packages and see if we've got 2 or more versions of > # a binary that is still current in portage. If so, we'll flag the older > # version(s) for removal (emerging with -GU will grab the most recent ones anyway > # so the older versions are redundant). > > red_ver = [] > > for q in rec_ver.keys(): > > if ( ( len(rec_ver[q].keys()) > 1 ) & DEBUG ): > print(green("Multiple SLOTs of %s detected, treating SLOTs individually"%(q))) > > for x in rec_ver[q].keys(): > > # Now use the portage.pkgcmp function to find the most recent of the versions > # in the list. > > i = 0 > best_ver = rec_ver[q][x][i] > for y in range( len(rec_ver[q][x])-1 ): > this_ver = rec_ver[q][x][y+1] > > # Really should be using the full portage package names here......this could > # cause pain later. > best_pkg = "%s-%s"%(q,best_ver) > this_pkg = "%s-%s"%(q,this_ver) > p1 = portage.catpkgsplit(best_pkg)[1:] > p2 = portage.catpkgsplit(this_pkg)[1:] > if DEBUG: > print(blue("%s vs %s"%(p1,p2))) > ret = portage.pkgcmp(p1,p2) > > if ( ret < 0 ): > red_ver.append(best_pkg) > best_ver = this_ver > i = y+1 > elif ( ret > 0 ): > red_ver.append(this_pkg) > else: > print(red("Warning, two instances of the version of "+x+" found!")) > > # If the best binary version present is not the most recent in portage, notify > # the user. > > if show_upgrades == 0: > continue > > latest_portage_pkg = portage.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible", q) > # If we have a packaged in the binary directory that is masked the above call > # will return nothing. If this occurs we assume the binary is a special case > # and skip over it. > if latest_portage_pkg == None: > continue > p2 = portage.catpkgsplit(latest_portage_pkg)[1:] > best_pkg = "%s-%s"%(q,best_ver) > p1 = portage.catpkgsplit(best_pkg)[1:] > ret = portage.pkgcmp(p1,p2) > if ( ret < 0 ): > print(blue("Upgrade for %s to %s available"%(best_pkg,latest_portage_pkg))) > > # Now we get rid of the redundant packages if required > > if move_red: > > # Need to add the old packages to the list of redundant packages. > for y in old_ver.keys(): > for z in range( len(old_ver[y]) ): > old_pkg = "%s-%s"%(y, old_ver[y][z] ) > > # we need to check that old packages do actually have a newer binary > # available before we move them or things will break. > > if ( rec_ver.has_key(y) or mask_ver.has_key(y) ): > red_ver.append(old_pkg) > else: > best_match = portage.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible", y) > print(red("Can't remove old package %s, no newer binary version present"%(old_pkg))) > > for y in red_ver: > # since catpkgsplit qualifies packages with -r0 suffix if there is only one > # version, we need to strip this off so our package names match the names of > # binaries. > if y[-3:] == "-r0": > y = y[:-3] > target_file = "%s/%s.tbz2"%(target_dir,y) > dest_file = "%s/%s.tbz2"%(red_pkg_dir,y) > if DEBUG: > print("Moving %s to %s"%(target_file,dest_file)) > print(blue("Redundant package %s moved"%(y))) > os.system("mv %s %s"%(target_file,dest_file)) > > if ( len(red_ver) > 0 ): > print(blue("Contents of binary directory changed, regenerating index")) > gen_metadata(target_dir) > > > return [ rec_ver, mask_ver, old_ver ] > > >def gen_metadata(target_dir=BIN_PKG_DIR, idx_file=BIN_PKG_DIR+"/metadata.idx"): > """Looks in the directory specified and generates a metadata.idx file > from all the XPAK segments of binaries in the target directory""" > > if os.path.exists(target_dir): > perms = os.stat(target_dir)[ST_MODE] > else: > print(red("Error "+target_dir+": no such directory")) > sys.exit(1) > if not perms & S_IRWXU: > print(red("Directory "+target_dir+" is not writeable, aborting")) > > # Create the base metadata structure > if DEBUG: > print(green("Creating base metadata structure")) > > metadata = {} > metadata["indexname"] = "" > metadata["timestamp"] = int(time.time()) > metadata["unmodified"] = 0 > metadata["data"] = {} > > if DEBUG: > print(green("Obtaining listing of "+target_dir)) > > pkgs = os.listdir(target_dir) > > for x in pkgs: > > # Find the size of of the XPAK segement and read it in from the end of the file > tbz_file = xpak.tbz2(BIN_PKG_DIR+"/"+x) > a = open(BIN_PKG_DIR+"/"+x) > a.seek(-tbz_file.xpaksize,2) > myxpak = a.read(tbz_file.xpaksize-8) > a.close > > myid = xpak.xsplit_mem(myxpak) > > if not myid: > print(red("No XPAK segment found in "+x+", skipping")) > continue > > # Add to metadata if its a valid segement > if myid[0]: > if DEBUG: > print(green("Found valid XPAK segement in "+x)) > metadata["data"][x] = getbinpkg.make_metadata_dict(myid) > else: > print(red("Error, corrupt XPAK segement in "+x)) > > # Now dump the metadata to file. I'll stick in some old file rotation here eventually > # but for now we'll just see if it works. > > try: > metadatafile = open(idx_file, "w") > cPickle.dump(metadata["data"],metadatafile) > metadatafile.close() > except Exception, e: > print("!!! Failed to write binary metadata to disk!") > print("!!! "+str(e)) > > return >
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