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Hungarian translation of the alsa-guide
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Hungarian translation of alsa-guide.xml
alsa-guide.xml (text/plain), 14.38 KB, created by
Thomas Ferencz (RETIRED)
on 2003-10-01 12:18:51 UTC
Hungarian translation of alsa-guide.xml
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Thomas Ferencz (RETIRED)
2003-10-01 12:18:51 UTC
14.38 KB
><?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8"?> ><!DOCTYPE guide SYSTEM "/dtd/guide.dtd"> > ><guide link = "/doc/en/alsa-guide.xml"> ><title>Gentoo Linux ALSA Guide</title> ><author title="Author"><mail link="zu@pandora.be"> > Vincent Verleye</mail> ></author> > ><author title="Editor"><mail link="zhen@gentoo.org"> > John P. Davis</mail> ></author> > ><author title="Hungarian Translator"><mail link="drstrange@mailbox.hu"> > Thomas Ferencz</mail> ></author> > ><abstract> >EbbÄżËl az ÄżËtmutatÄżËbÄżËl megtudhatod, hogyan ÄżËllÄżËthatod be az Advanced Linux Sound Architecture-t (ALSA) a Gentoo Linuxon. >A Gentoo Linux Desktop BeÄżËllÄżËtÄżËsi ÄżËtmutatÄżËban leÄżËrtaknÄżËl rÄżËszletesebb informÄżËciÄżËkhoz juthatsz itt. </abstract> ><license/> ><date>8 May 2003</date> > ><chapter> ><title>BevezetÄżËs</title> ><section> > <title>Mi az ALSA?</title> ><body> ><p> >Az Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) projekt cÄżËlja a Linux hangrendszerÄżËnek fejlesztÄżËse - az eredeti hangrendszer jelentÄżËs rÄżËszÄżËnek ÄżËtÄżËrÄżËsÄżËval. >Az ALSA be fog kerÄżËlni a 2.6.x-es verziÄżËjÄÅ¼Ë (vagy a 3.x.x -- amelyiket elÄżËbb kiadjÄżËk) kernelbe (mÄżËr a 2.5.x fejleztÄżËi sorozatban is benne van, ÄżËs hasznÄżËlhatÄżË). ></p> > ><p> >Az ALSA hang- ÄżËs MIDI szolgÄżËltatÄżËst biztosÄżËt a Linux rÄżËszÄżËre. ></p> > ><p> >Amint azt az <uri>http://www.alsa-project.org</uri>-on ÄżËrjÄżËk, az ALSA a kÄżËvetkezÄżËket tudja: ><ul><li> HatÄżËkony tÄżËmogatÄżËs valamennyi tÄżËpusÄÅ¼Ë audio interfÄżËszhez, kommersz hangkÄżËrtyÄżËktÄżËl a profi tÄżËbbcsatornÄżËs eszkÄżËzÄżËkig.</li> > <li> Teljesen modularizÄżËlt hangkÄżËrtya-meghajtÄżËk.</li> > <li> SMP ÄżËs elÄżËgazÄżËs-biztos felÄżËpÄżËtÄżËs.</li> > <li> User space kÄżËnyvtÄżËr (alsa-lib) a programozÄżËs megkÄżËnnyÄżËtÄżËsÄżËre ÄżËs magasabb szintÄÅ¼Ë funkcionalitÄżËs ÄżËrdekÄżËben.</li> > <li> A rÄżËgebbi OSS API tÄżËmogatÄżËsa, binÄżËris kompatibilitÄżËs a legtÄżËbb OSS programmal.</li> ></ul> >Az ALSA azonban ennÄżËl mÄżËg sokkal tÄżËbbet is tud, pÄżËldÄżËul tÄżËmogatja a Full Duplex lejÄżËtszÄżËst ÄżËs felvÄżËtelt, egyszerre tÄżËbb hangkÄżËrtya kezelÄżËsÄżËt, >hardveres adatfolyam-mixelÄżËst, kiterjedt mixelÄżËsi lehetÄżËsÄżËgekkel rendelkezik (az ÄżËj hangkÄżËrtyÄżËk elÄżËrehaladott kÄżËpessÄżËgeit tÄżËmogatandÄżË), ... ></p> ></body> ></section> ><section> > <title>MiÄżËrt az ALSÄżË-t hasznÄżËljam?</title> ><body> ><p> >Ha a hangkÄżËrtyÄżËdat tÄżËmogatja a Linux kernelbe ÄżËpÄżËtett hangrendszer, vagy a kereskedelmi OSS/4Front meghajtÄżËrendszer, >mely elÄżËbbi valamennyi 2.4-es kernelben benne foglaltatik, akÄżËr azokat is hasznÄżËlhatod. >Ha ezt szeretnÄżËd, csak olvasd el a <uri link="http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Sound-HOWTO/index.html">Linux Sound HOWTO</uri>-t. ></p> ><p> >MindazonÄżËltal azoknak az OSS/4Front meghajtÄżËknak vannak korÄżËtaik -- tÄżËbbek kÄżËzt az, hogy fizetÄżËsek. >Az ALSA kÄżËsÄżËrlet arra, hogy ezeket a korlÄżËtokat meg lehessen haladni, mÄżËghozzÄÅ¼Ë nyÄżËlt forrÄżËsÄÅ¼Ë rendszerben. >Az ALSA teljes egÄżËszÄżËben GPL ÄżËs LGPL licensz alÄÅ¼Ë esik, ÄżËs professzionÄżËlis minÄżËsÄżËget nyÄżËjt lejÄżËtszÄżËsban, felvÄżËtelben, MIDI szekvenÄżËlÄżËsban egyarÄżËnt. ></p> ></body> ></section> ><section> > <title>Milyen kÄżËrtyÄżËkat tÄżËmogat az ALSA?</title> ><body> ><p> >Az ALSA annyi (ÄżËj) kÄżËrtyÄżËt tÄżËmogat nyÄżËlt forrÄżËsÄÅ¼Ë meghajtÄżËkkal, amennyit csak lehet. >MindazonÄżËltal elÄżËfordulhat, hogy egyes gyÄżËrtÄżËk csak binÄżËris ÄżËllomÄżËnyokat adnak ki. ></p> ><p>Hogy megtudhasd, tÄżËmogatott-e a hangkÄżËrtyÄżËd, rendelkezÄżËsedre ÄżËll egy mÄżËtrix az alÄżËbbi cÄżËmen: ><uri>http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/</uri>. ></p> ></body> ></section> ></chapter> > ><chapter> ><title>TelepÄżËtÄżËs</title> ><section> > <title>Kernelmodulok</title> ><body> ><p> >Since we're still using 2.4.x kernel sources, we'll have to compile kernel modules and ALSA modules separately. People who are using a 2.5.x kernel can do this from within their kernel configuration, since the ALSA modules are included in the kernel sources and should be built there. ></p> ><p> >First we'll make sure that our kernel configuration is ready for use with ALSA. >All you need in your kernel configuration is having Sound Card Support set to be built as a module (M). >This will build <c>soundcore.o</c>. ></p> ><p> ><note> >Possibly, this will also work when you built Sound Card Support in the kernel (Y) instead of building it as a module (M). >However, the official ALSA documentation suggests building it as a module, since ALSA will try loading it. ></note> ></p> ><p>If you already have a working kernel configuration, make sure you remove all sound drivers (except for Sound Card Support). >If you wish to do this without having to reboot, you could do like this: ></p> ><pre> ># <c>cd /usr/src/linux</c> ># <c>cp .config ~/</c> ># <c>make mrproper</c> ># <c>cp ~/.config .</c> ># <c>make menuconfig</c> ></pre> ><p> >Now select <e>Sound Card Support</e> as Module (M) and deselect all other sound drivers. >Exit and say Y to save your kernel configuration. >After that, build the modules: ></p> ><pre> ># <c>make dep clean</c> ># <c>make modules modules_install</c> ></pre> ><p> >Before installing your new modules, this last line will delete all your previous modules, >even the ones from a previous ALSA installation. ></p> ><p> ><impo> >This means, whenever you recompile your kernel later on, you MUST recompile <c>alsa-driver</c>. ></impo> ></p> ><p> ><note>However, there's no need to reinstall <c>nvidia-kernel</c>, the Nvidia drivers are in a separate directory >in <path>/lib/modules/*/video</path> and won't get deleted by a <c>make modules modules_install</c> ></note> ></p> ></body> ></section> > ><section> > <title>ALSA modules</title> ><body> > ><p> >Now it's time to install the ALSA drivers for your soundcard(s). If your soundcard is PCI, you can find out the name >and type of your soundcard by looking at the output of /proc/pci ><pre># <c>grep audio /proc/pci</c></pre> ></p> > ><p> ><warn> >If you had a previous sound setup and there are still non-ALSA sound modules loaded, unload them <e>now</e>. >Check with <c>lsmod</c> and use <c>rmmod</c> to unload all sound-related modules on your system. ></warn> ></p> > ><p> >We could simply do an <c>emerge alsa-driver</c> now, this would compile and install <e>all</e> ALSA sound drivers. ></p> ><p> >However, to save some time, lookup the <e>Module Name</e> of your soundcard(s) on the ><uri link="http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc">ALSA Soundcard Matrix</uri> by following the <e>Details</e> link in the <e>Driver and Docs</e> column in the row of the chipset of your soundcard. >Mine is <c>snd-emu10k1</c>, since I have an SBlive! soundcard, with the <e>EMU10K1</e> chipset. >We'll set ALSA_CARDS environment to the value of the module name before emerging (but without the snd prefix), so emerge will only compile the drivers we need. ></p> > ><p> ><pre> ># <c>env ALSA_CARDS='emu10k1' emerge alsa-driver</c> ></pre> ></p> ><p> ><note> >You can also add this value in <path>/etc/make.conf</path>, so when you have to emerge the alsa-driver later on you can just run <c>emerge alsa-driver</c>. >For example, like this: <c>echo 'ALSA_CARDS="emu10k1"' >> /etc/make.conf</c> ></note> > ><note> >When you want to install ALSA drivers for more than one soundcard, you could set ALSA_CARDS to a space-separated list >of drivers; like this: <c>env ALSA_CARDS='emu10k1 intel8x0 ens1370' emerge alsa-driver</c> ></note> > ><note>If you want to have OSS compatibility, make sure to emerge <i>alsa-oss</i>, it is the ALSA/OSS compatibility >wrapper. </note> > ></p> ><p> >After this, the ALSA modules should be installed on your system. ></p> ></body> ></section> ><section> > <title>Configuration of ALSA</title> ><body> ><p> >Let's start configuring now to get ALSA working properly. >We'll need to edit some files, to let our system know about the freshly installed ALSA modules. ></p> ><p> >First file to edit is <path>/etc/modules.d/alsa</path>. ></p> ><warn> >There is no need to edit <path>/etc/modules.conf</path>. Instead, always edit files in <path>/etc/modules.d</path>. ></warn> ><p> >Check the ALSA portion <e>at the bottom of the file</e>. >By tweaking this line you can specify the max number of soundcards you have (generally, just one). ></p> ><p> ><pre caption="At the bottom of /etc/modules.d/alsa"> ># Set this to the correct number of cards. ><c>options snd cards_limit=1</c> ></pre> ></p> ><p> >Now we'll specify the sounddriver(s) ALSA should use. In the same file, edit like this: ><pre caption="In /etc/modules.d/alsa"> >## and then run `update-modules' command. >## Read alsa-driver's INSTALL file in /usr/share/doc for more info. >## >## ALSA portion ><c>alias snd-card-0 snd-emu10k1</c> ><c>## If you have more than one, add: >## alias snd-card-1 snd-intel8x0 >## alias snd-card-2 snd-ens1370</c> >## OSS/Free portion >## alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0 >## alias sound-slot-1 snd-card-1 >## ></pre> ></p> ><p> ><note> >If you have more than one soundcard, adjust the <c>cards_limit</c> value and add more snd-card aliases to the file. >I don't have experience with this, but you can find examples for configurations with two or more soundcards in ><uri link="http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/alsa-howto/c1660.htm">Chapter 6</uri> >of the <uri link="http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/alsa-howto/alsa-howto.html">ALSA Howto</uri>. ></note> ></p> ><p> >Last thing to do in this file, almost at the end, check if these lines are there and uncommented: ><pre caption="Near the end of /etc/modules.d/alsa"> >alias /dev/mixer snd-mixer-oss >alias /dev/dsp snd-pcm-oss >alias /dev/midi snd-seq-oss ></pre> ></p> ><p> >Now double-check the file <path>/etc/modules.d/alsa</path> and when you're sure everyting is ok, run <c>update-modules</c>. ><pre> ># <c>update-modules</c> ></pre> ></p> ><note> >Running <c>update-modules</c> here will insert the data from <path>/etc/modules.d/alsa</path> into <path>/etc/modules.conf</path> ></note> ><p> >You should also verify that /etc/devfsd.conf has the alsa devices and permissions correctly registered. ></p> ><pre caption="/etc/devfsd.conf"> ># ALSA/OSS stuff ># Comment/change these if you want to change the permissions on ># the audio devices >LOOKUP snd MODLOAD ACTION snd >LOOKUP dsp MODLOAD >LOOKUP mixer MODLOAD >LOOKUP midi MODLOAD >REGISTER sound/.* PERMISSIONS root.audio 660 >REGISTER snd/.* PERMISSIONS root.audio 660 ></pre> ><note> >Notice that devfsd.conf sets /dev/sound permissions to be root.audio. Thus, for non-root users to use audio they will have to be part of the audio group. ></note> ></body> ></section> ></chapter> ><chapter> ><title>Starting ALSA</title> ><section> > <title>Adding alsasound to a runlevel</title> ><body> ><p> >First thing to do now, is to make ALSA startup at boottime. Like this: ><pre> ># <c>rc-update add alsasound boot</c> ></pre> ></p> ><p> ><warn>Note that the alsasound script should be added to the "boot" runlevel, not the "default" runlevel.</warn> ></p> ></body> ></section> ><section> > <title>Running and unmuting</title> ><body> ><p> >Since we're Linux users, we don't want to reboot. So we'll start the alsasound script manually. ></p> ><pre> ># <c>/etc/init.d/alsasound start</c> ></pre> ><p> >ALSA is running now. If everything is ok, you should be able to see the ALSA modules loaded when running <c>lsmod</c>. >However, sound won't work yet, because the channels are still muted. We need <c>alsa-utils</c> for this. ></p> ><pre> ># <c>emerge alsa-utils</c> ># <c>amixer</c> ></pre> ><p> ><warn> >You shouldn't get this, but <e>if</e> you get an error about "amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such file or directory", you should manually insmod ><c>snd-mixer-oss</c> and <c>snd-pcm-oss</c> once. After that run amixer again. ></warn> ></p> ><pre caption="only if you get an error when running amixer"> ># <c>insmod snd-mixer-oss</c> ># <c>insmod snd-pcm-oss</c> ># <c>amixer</c> ></pre> ><p> >If you got this far, now unmute both Master and PCM channels. ></p> ><p> ><pre> ># <c>amixer set Master 100 unmute</c> ># <c>amixer set PCM 100 unmute</c> ># <c>aplay $KDEDIR/share/sounds/pop.wav</c> <codenote>(pop.wav is part of KDE)</codenote> ></pre> ></p> >We check to see if sound is working by using the aplay (alsa play) command. If you hear a pop, then sound is indeed working. >Then, adjust the volume settings to your liking; the ncurses-based <c>alsamixer</c> is a great way to get them "just so". ><p> >You may want to emerge <c>alsa-xmms</c> as that will provide ALSA support for XMMS. ></p> >When you reboot your system, the <e>alsasound</e> init script will properly save and restore your volume settings. ></body> ></section> ></chapter> ><chapter> ><title>Final Notes</title> ><section> > <title>After kernel-upgrades..</title> ><body> ><p>When you ever rebuild your kernel, or upgrade to another kernel, you'll have to rebuild the ALSA modules.</p> ><p>Although you might have installed <c>alsa-driver</c>, <c>alsa-libs</c> and <c>alsa-utils</c>, only the first will >have to be installed again, since it will put the alsa modules in ><path>/lib/modules/*/kernel/sound/pci/</path>.</p> ><pre caption="needed after each kernel compile"> ># <c>emerge alsa-driver</c> ></pre> ></body> ></section> ><section> > <title>/etc/modules.autoload</title> ><body> ><p>You won't have to edit this file for use with ALSA. After our <c>rc-update add alsasound boot</c>, our system will >load the correct modules at startup.</p> ><p>It's not necessary to add <c>snd-pcm-oss</c> or <c>snd-mixer-oss</c> in this file. >Check the <uri link="http://www.djcj.org/LAU/guide/alsbook/faq1.html">this FAQ</uri> for more info.</p> ></body> ></section> ><section> > <title>More links..</title> ><body> ><p> >You could check these for additional info: ></p> ><p> ><ul> ><li><uri link="http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/desktop.xml">The Gentoo Linux Desktop Configuration Guide</uri></li> ><li><uri link="http://www.alsa-project.org">ALSA Project Homepage</uri></li> ><li><uri link="http://www.alsa-project.org/documentation.php3">ALSA Users Documentation</uri></li> ><li><uri link="http://www.djcj.org">ALSA Howto's and FAQ's</uri></li> ><li><uri link="http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Sound-HOWTO/index.html">Linux Sound HOWTO</uri></li> ><li><uri link="http://linux-sound.org/">Sound and MIDI Software For Linux</uri></li> ></ul> ></p> ></body> ></section> ></chapter> ></guide>
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