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Bug 243236
media-gfx/hugin-0.7.0-r1 segfault on "Align images"
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hugin console output
hugin-console (text/plain), 8.76 KB, created by
Jiří Vyskočil
on 2008-10-22 16:12:26 UTC
hugin console output
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Jiří Vyskočil
2008-10-22 16:12:26 UTC
8.76 KB
>strazce@thor ~ $ hugin >MainFrame::RestoreLayoutOnNextResize() >exp time: 0.0066357 f-stop: 4.5 >exif.CCDHeight 0 exif.CCDWidth 0 >exp time: 0.00457038 f-stop: 5.6 >exif.CCDHeight 0 exif.CCDWidth 0 >exp time: 0.0066357 f-stop: 4.5 >exif.CCDHeight 0 exif.CCDWidth 0 >Image: /home/strazce/work/hvm/fotky/test/dscn1445.jpg >CacheEntry: 2last access: 1 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1 >Image: /home/strazce/work/hvm/fotky/test/dscn1445.jpg >CacheEntry: 3last access: 2 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1 >Image: /home/strazce/work/hvm/fotky/test/dscn1445.jpg >CacheEntry: 3last access: 2 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1 >Image: /home/strazce/work/hvm/fotky/test/dscn1445.jpg >CacheEntry: 3last access: 2 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1 >Image: /home/strazce/work/hvm/fotky/test/dscn1445.jpg >CacheEntry: 3last access: 2 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1 >Image: /home/strazce/work/hvm/fotky/test/dscn1445.jpg >CacheEntry: 3last access: 2 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1 >Image: /home/strazce/work/hvm/fotky/test/dscn1445.jpg >CacheEntry: 3last access: 2 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1 >Image: /home/strazce/work/hvm/fotky/test/dscn1445.jpg >CacheEntry: 3last access: 2 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1 >Image: /home/strazce/work/hvm/fotky/test/dscn1445.jpg >CacheEntry: 3last access: 2 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1 >Determining placement of the images: 20% >Number of images 2 >Optimizing Variables >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 0 iteration(s): 1165.70394688227 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 1 iteration(s): 1146.09768163519 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 2 iteration(s): 1125.06110788936 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 3 iteration(s): 1100.69061259155 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 4 iteration(s): 1054.67703038808 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 5 iteration(s): 1001.65067882863 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 6 iteration(s): 873.583551529821 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 7 iteration(s): 664.824848267929 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 8 iteration(s): 461.809572246676 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 9 iteration(s): 233.728417845648 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 10 iteration(s): 183.330965944679 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 11 iteration(s): 110.323086188259 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 12 iteration(s): 57.1395804145011 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 13 iteration(s): 7.68584481360563 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 14 iteration(s): 4.24815308818205 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 15 iteration(s): 3.12672467975291 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 16 iteration(s): 3.09015632806158 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 17 iteration(s): 3.03432206804513 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 18 iteration(s): 3.01975178217803 units > >Optimizing Variables >Strategy 2 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 0 iteration(s): 2.74165795051661 units >Strategy 2 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 1 iteration(s): 2.65257394699324 units >Strategy 2 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 2 iteration(s): 2.6494216540808 units >Strategy 2 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 3 iteration(s): 2.64938969914532 units >Strategy 2 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 4 iteration(s): 2.64938904687841 units > >Number of images 2 >Optimizing Variables >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 0 iteration(s): 3.03430566768545 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 1 iteration(s): 3.02289024044284 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 2 iteration(s): 2.99264639611007 units > >Optimizing Variables >Strategy 2 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 0 iteration(s): 2.6856513611847 units >Strategy 2 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 1 iteration(s): 2.65065734462179 units >Strategy 2 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 2 iteration(s): 2.64942352790229 units >Strategy 2 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 3 iteration(s): 2.64939034893097 units >Strategy 2 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 4 iteration(s): 2.64938908651305 units > >Number of images 2 >Optimizing Variables >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 0 iteration(s): 3.03556384566367 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 1 iteration(s): 2.48529820866359 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 2 iteration(s): 2.14837384745761 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 3 iteration(s): 2.06712836974198 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 4 iteration(s): 1.99805334994143 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 5 iteration(s): 1.96117990758349 units >Strategy 1 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 6 iteration(s): 1.95211376849265 units > >Optimizing Variables >Strategy 2 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 0 iteration(s): 1.92756134835033 units >Strategy 2 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 1 iteration(s): 1.92349576373184 units >Strategy 2 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 2 iteration(s): 1.92341428480089 units >Strategy 2 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 3 iteration(s): 1.923411809987 units >Strategy 2 >Average (rms) distance between Controlpoints >after 4 iteration(s): 1.92341172738552 units > >Leveling the panorama: 40% >exp time: 0.0066357 f-stop: 4.5 >exif.CCDHeight 0 exif.CCDWidth 0 >exp time: 0.00457038 f-stop: 5.6 >exif.CCDHeight 0 exif.CCDWidth 0 >Loading images: 60% >Image: /home/strazce/work/hvm/fotky/test/dscn1445.jpg >CacheEntry: 3last access: 2 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1 >Image: /home/strazce/work/hvm/fotky/test/dscn1445.jpg >CacheEntry: 3last access: 4 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1 >Image: /home/strazce/work/hvm/fotky/test/dscn1445.jpg:small >CacheEntry: 1last access: 4 8bit: 1 16bit: 1 float: 1 mask: 1 >Vignetting and exposure correction: 80% >Parameters before optimisation: 12.74432 >Iter: 0, estimate: 12.7443225 -- errors 1.17797685 1.4679468 >Levenberg-Marquardt returned 9 in 9 iter, reason 2 >Solution: 12.68691 > >Minimization info: >1.46795 1.39842 0.0026936 6.00781e-09 4.79309e-08 9 2 11 1 >Parameters before optimisation: 0 0 0 12.68691 >Iter: 0, estimate: 0 0 0 12.686909 -- errors 1.37097293 1.39841762 >Iter: 10, estimate: -0.236992679 0.0161926338 0.00250030319 12.6724548 -- errors 0.00416098536 1.04398216 >Iter: 20, estimate: -0.227465891 -0.0278741345 0.0377779052 12.6720027 -- errors 0.00490267575 1.04354288 >Levenberg-Marquardt returned 25 in 25 iter, reason 1 >Solution: -0.2291857 -0.02594816 0.03624608 12.67189 > >Minimization info: >1.39842 1.04352 9.22917e-06 0 0.0618669 25 1 42 4 >Parameters before optimisation: 0 0 0 0 0 -0.2291857 -0.02594816 0.03624608 12.67189 >Iter: 0, estimate: 0 0 0 0 0 -0.229185749 -0.0259481646 0.0362460811 12.6718914 -- errors 0.672783237 1.04352128 >Iter: 10, estimate: 0.074067472 -0.180098976 -0.00618305837 0.351806188 0.124987999 -0.259817644 -0.0127641624 0.0136054674 12.8476659 -- errors 0.356810571 0.61156824 >Iter: 20, estimate: 0.976731893 -0.66846415 0.196606764 0.207345159 0.137525214 -0.143632058 -0.270492054 0.156452267 12.9136804 -- errors 0.042740086 0.583244949 >Iter: 30, estimate: 1.84525485 -1.26988439 0.523926056 -0.0176874838 0.223997579 -0.277852268 -0.0200376428 -0.00845095199 13.0206311 -- errors 0.0207636823 0.576773464 >Iter: 40, estimate: 1.75227355 -1.19424778 0.486343788 0.0120135969 0.215029924 -0.513835653 0.473015756 -0.308924258 13.0047932 -- errors 0.00549844259 0.57622404 >Iter: 50, estimate: 1.80970647 -1.19333991 0.498562798 0.0124686797 0.212302439 -0.519651544 0.480383601 -0.309914878 13.0010251 -- errors 7.03288537e-05 0.576141547 >Iter: 60, estimate: 1.82711617 -1.21129891 0.507584536 0.00401274048 0.215942138 -0.515457554 0.470866985 -0.30438316 13.0044577 -- errors 0.000266484061 0.576133721 >Segmentation fault >
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