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Gentoo's Bugzilla – Attachment 160524 Details for
Bug 231929
[java-overlay] JBoss Application server 4.2.2 ebuild
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stub file of jboss server config file for conf.d directory
jboss_conf.d (text/plain), 5.84 KB, created by
on 2008-07-16 06:36:59 UTC
stub file of jboss server config file for conf.d directory
MIME Type:
2008-07-16 06:36:59 UTC
5.84 KB
>############################################## ># JBOSS Server Configuration File # ># Author: Ge@@ru, geaaru@gmail.com # ># Created: July 9, 2008 # >############################################## ># NOTE: It is advised use of absolute paths and not ># relative paths. > ># The base directory of the jboss distribution (default) >jboss_home_dir="/var/jboss" > ># The base url of the jboss distribution ># jboss_home_url="" > ># The url where the kernel jars exist ># (Default = ${jboss_home_url}/lib) ># jboss_lib_url="" > ># A directory where patch jars exit ># jboss_patch_url="" > ># The configuration name of the server (default || minimal || all) >jboss_server_name="default" > ># The directory where server configurations exist ># (Default = ${jboss_home_dir}/server) ># jboss_server_base_dir="" > ># The url where server configurations exist ># (Default = ${jboss_home_url}/server) ># jboss_server_base_url="" > ># The directory for the current configuration ># (Default = ${jboss_server_base_dir}/${jboss_server_name}) ># jboss_server_home_dir="" > ># The url for the current configuration ># (Default = ${jboss_server_base_url}/${jboss_server_name}) ># jboss_server_home_url="" > ># The directory for temporary files ># (Default = ${jboss_server_home_dir}/tmp) ># jboss_server_temp_dir="" > ># The directory for data files ># (Default = ${jboss_server_home_dir}/data) ># jboss_server_data_dir="" > ># The url for configuration files ># (Default = ${jboss_server_home_url}/conf) ># jboss_server_config_url="" > ># The url for static jar files ># (Default = ${jboss_server_home_url}/lib) ># jboss_server_lib_url="" > ># The directory where the server logs are written ># (Default = ${jboss_server_home_dir}/log) >jboss_server_log_dir="/var/log/jboss" > ># The host name or ip addrss for jboss services to bind to ># (Default = ># jboss_bind_address="" > > >######################################################### ># Advance configuration # >#------------------------------------------------------ # ># Set these variables if you known what you do. # >######################################################### > ># The cluster partition ># (Default = DefaultPartition) ># jboss_partition_name="" > ># The udp group ># jboss_partition_udpGroup="" > ># Whether JBoss should do System.exit() on a shutdown. ># (Default = true) ># jboss_server_exitonshutdown="true" > ># Whether JBoss should do shutdown synchronously (true) or ># asynchrounously (false) ># (Default = false) ># jboss_server_blockingshutdown="false" > ># When true an error is thrown if the jboss stream handlers ># could not be installed ># (Default = true) ># jboss_server_requirejbossurlstreamhandler="true" > ># Whether to override the main java temporary directory ># (java.io.tmpdir) to the server temporary directory. ># (Default = false) ># jboss_server_temp_dir_overridejavatmpdir="false" > ># Force a Runtime.getRuntime().halt() at the end of the ># jboss shutdown hook ># (Default = true) ># jboss_shutdown_forceHalt="true" > ># Whether to load the native libraries unpacked from ># deployments. ># (Default = false) ># jboss_native_load="false" > ># Location to unpack native libraries in deployments ># (Default = tmp/native) ># jboss_native_dir="" > ># The fully qualified class name of the ># org.jboss.system.server.Server implementation ># (Default = org.jboss.system.server.ServerImpl) ># jboss_server_type="" > ># The file to deploy at the end of the end of the ># bootstrap, relative to the config url ># (Default = jboss-service.xml) ># jboss_server_root_deployment_filename="" > ># The basic jars used to bootstrap the kernel, there ># are other jars used. ># (Default = log4j-boot.jar, jboss-common.jar, jboss-system.jar) ># jboss_boot_library_list="" > ># (Not JBoss properties)---------------------- > ># Override the location of the log4j bootstrap configuration ># log4j_configuration="" > ># Define maximun file descriptors ># Default = (maximum) TO COMPLETE ># max_fd="maximum" > ># (JVM Options)------------------------------- > ># Define other java options for jboss server jvm ># java_options="" > ># Specify location of the Java home directory. ># (Default = script use java-config --jre-home to recover data) ># java_home_dir="" > ># specify the exact Java VM executable to use ># (Default = ${java_home_dir}/bin/java ># java_vm="java" > ># Specifies the initial size of the memory allocation pool. ># This value must be a multiple of 1024 greater than 1 MB. ># Append the letter k or K to indicate kilobytes or the ># letter m or M to indicate megabytes. ># (Default = 128m) >java_xms_opt="128m" > ># Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of the memory ># allocation pool. This value must be a multiple of 1024 ># greater than 2 MB. Append the letter k or K to indicate ># kilobytes or the letter m or M to indicate megabytes. ># (Default = 512m) >java_xmx_opt="254m" > ># Configure RMI garbage collection --------------- ># client.gcInterval: When it is necessary to ensure that ># DGC clean calls for unreachable remote references are ># delivered in a timely fashion, the value of this property ># represents the maximum interval (in milliseconds) that the ># RMI runtime will allow between garbage collections of the ># local heap. ># (Default = 3600000) ># java_dgc_client_gcInterval="60000" ># server.gcInterval: When it is necessary to ensure that ># unreachable remote objects are unexported and garbage ># collected in a timely fashion, the value of this property ># represents the maximum interval (in milliseconds) that the ># RMI runtime will allow between garbage collections of the ># local heap. ># (Default = 3600000) ># java_dgc_server_gcInterval="60000" > ># Forse IPv4 since IPv6 doesn't work correctly with jdk5 and ># lower. ># (Default = true) ># java_force_ipv4="true" > ># Java endorsed library dirs. ># (Default = ${jboss_home_dir}/lib/endorsed ># java_endorsed_dirs="" > > ># (Management data) ----------------------- > ># User used to start JBoss Server >jboss_user="jboss" > ># Group used to start JBoss Server >jboss_group="jboss" >
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bug 231929
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