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Gentoo's Bugzilla – Attachment 143485 Details for
Bug 210111
sys-libs/db-4.5.20_p2 failed to compile with gcc 4.1.2
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The output of "emerge -evp system"
emerge_epv_output.txt (text/plain), 7.44 KB, created by
Yuly B
on 2008-02-14 10:39:43 UTC
The output of "emerge -evp system"
MIME Type:
Yuly B
2008-02-14 10:39:43 UTC
7.44 KB
>emerge -epv system > >These are the packages that would be merged, in order: > >Calculating system dependencies - >!!! Ebuilds for the following packages are either all >!!! masked or don't exist: >virtual/dev-manager > ... done! >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/portage- USE="-build -doc -epydoc (-selinux)" LINGUAS="-pl" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] virtual/libintl-0 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-libs/zlib-1.2.3-r1 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-devel/gnuconfig-20070724 0 kB >[ebuild R ] dev-libs/expat-2.0.1 0 kB >[ebuild R ] app-misc/pax-utils-0.1.16 USE="-caps" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] virtual/libiconv-0 0 kB >[ebuild R ] dev-util/pkgconfig-0.22 USE="-hardened" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-devel/gcc-config-1.4.0-r4 0 kB >[ebuild R ] dev-libs/gmp-4.2.2 USE="-doc -nocxx" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-devel/automake-wrapper-3-r1 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-devel/autoconf-wrapper-4-r3 0 kB >[ebuild R ] app-admin/python-updater-0.2 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/sandbox- 0 kB >[ebuild R ] dev-util/unifdef-1.20 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-libs/timezone-data-2007k USE="nls" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6-r8 USE="ipv6" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-devel/patch-2.5.9 USE="-build -static" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] app-arch/bzip2-1.0.4-r1 USE="-static" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] app-arch/cpio-2.9-r1 USE="nls" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/hdparm-7.7 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.23-r3 0 kB >[ebuild R ] dev-libs/libpcre-7.6-r1 USE="cxx unicode zlib -bzip2 -doc" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] dev-libs/mpfr-2.3.0_p4 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/sysvinit-2.86-r10 USE="(-ibm) (-selinux) -static" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] net-misc/iputils-20070202 USE="ipv6 -doc -static" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] virtual/init-0 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/man-pages-2.76 USE="nls" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-devel/binutils-config-1.9-r4 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-devel/gettext-0.17 USE="nls openmp -acl -doc -emacs -nocxx" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-devel/binutils-2.18-r1 USE="nls -multislot -multitarget -test -vanilla" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-devel/m4-1.4.10 USE="nls -examples" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/sed-4.1.5 USE="nls -static" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-devel/flex-2.5.33-r3 USE="nls -static" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/diffutils-2.8.7-r2 USE="nls -static" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/findutils-4.3.11 USE="nls (-selinux) -static" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] dev-libs/popt-1.10.7 USE="nls" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/grep-2.5.1a-r1 USE="nls pcre -static" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] app-arch/gzip-1.3.12 USE="nls -pic -static" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/net-tools-1.60-r13 USE="nls -static" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/kbd-1.13-r1 USE="nls" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/gawk-3.1.5-r5 USE="nls" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] app-arch/tar-1.19-r1 USE="nls -static" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-devel/make-3.81 USE="nls -static" 0 kB >[ebuild N ] sys-libs/db-4.5.20_p2 USE="-bootstrap -doc -java -nocxx -tcl -test" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] net-misc/rsync-2.6.9-r5 USE="ipv6 -acl -static -xinetd" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-devel/bison-2.3 USE="nls -static" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.3-r3 USE="berkdb*" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-libs/ncurses-5.6-r2 USE="gpm unicode -bootstrap -build -debug -doc -minimal -nocxx -profile -trace" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/texinfo-4.8-r5 USE="nls -build -static" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] app-shells/bash-3.2_p17-r1 USE="nls -afs -bashlogger -plugins -vanilla" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-libs/gpm-1.20.1-r6 USE="(-selinux)" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] app-editors/nano-2.0.7 USE="ncurses nls unicode -debug -justify -minimal -slang -spell" 0 kB >[ebuild U ] sys-process/procps-3.2.7 [3.1.15] USE="(-n32)" 0 kB >[ebuild U ] sys-apps/less-418 [381] USE="unicode%*" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-libs/readline-5.2_p12-r1 0 kB >[ebuild N ] virtual/editor-0 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/which-2.16 0 kB >[ebuild U ] sys-devel/bc-1.06-r6 [1.06-r5] USE="readline -static%" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-libs/com_err-1.40.4 USE="nls" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-libs/ss-1.40.4 USE="nls" 0 kB >[ebuild N ] sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.40.4 USE="nls -static" 0 kB >[ebuild U ] sys-apps/util-linux-2.13-r2 [2.12-r4] USE="crypt nls -old-linux% (-selinux) (-pam%*) (-static%)" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-devel/libtool-1.5.24 USE="-vanilla" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] dev-lang/python-2.4.4-r6 USE="berkdb gdbm ipv6 ncurses readline ssl -bootstrap -build -doc -examples -nocxx -nothreads -tk -ucs2" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-libs/cracklib-2.8.12 USE="nls python" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.30-r1 USE="ipv6 python readline -bootstrap -build -debug -doc -test" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] dev-python/python-fchksum-1.7.1 0 kB >[ebuild R ] dev-python/pycrypto-2.0.1-r6 USE="-bindist -gmp -test" 0 kB >[ebuild U ] sys-apps/file-4.23 [4.06] USE="python%*" 0 kB >[ebuild N ] sys-apps/mktemp-1.5 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/debianutils-2.28.2 USE="-static" 0 kB >[ebuild N ] app-misc/ca-certificates-20070303-r1 0 kB >[ebuild U ] sys-libs/pam- [0.78-r3] USE="cracklib%* nls%* -audit% (-selinux) -test% -vim-syntax% (-berkdb%*) (-nis%) (-pam_chroot%) (-pam_console%) (-pam_timestamp%) (-pwdb%)" 0 kB >[ebuild N ] sys-apps/busybox-1.8.2 USE="pam -debug -make-symlinks -savedconfig (-selinux) -static" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-apps/coreutils-6.9-r1 USE="nls -acl (-selinux) -static -xattr" 0 kB >[ebuild U ] sys-apps/groff-1.19.2-r1 [1.18.1-r4] USE="-X -cjk" 0 kB >[ebuild U ] sys-apps/man-1.6f [1.5l-r6] USE="nls" 0 kB >[ebuild U ] sys-libs/glibc-2.6.1 [2.3.2-r9] USE="nls -debug% -gd% -glibc-omitfp% (-hardened) (-multilib) -profile% (-selinux) -vanilla% (-build%) (-nptl%) (-pic%)" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-devel/gcc-4.1.2 USE="fortran mudflap nls (-altivec) -bootstrap -build -d -doc -gcj -gtk (-hardened) -ip28 -ip32r10k (-multilib) -multislot (-n32) (-n64) -nocxx -objc -objc++ -objc-gc -test -vanilla" 0 kB >[ebuild U ] sys-apps/shadow- [4.0.3-r9] USE="cracklib%* nls pam -nousuid% (-selinux) -skey%" 0 kB >[ebuild N ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.8-r4 USE="berkdb gdbm -build -debug -doc -ithreads -perlsuid" 0 kB >[ebuild U ] perl-core/PodParser-1.35 [1.28] 0 kB >[ebuild N ] perl-core/Test-Harness-2.64 0 kB >[ebuild N ] app-admin/perl-cleaner-1.04.3 0 kB >[ebuild U ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.61-r1 [2.61] USE="-emacs" 0 kB >[ebuild U ] dev-libs/openssl-0.9.8g [0.9.7d] USE="zlib%* -bindist% -emacs -gmp% -kerberos% -sse2% -test%" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-devel/libperl-5.8.8-r1 USE="berkdb* gdbm -debug -ithreads" 0 kB >[ebuild N ] dev-perl/Locale-gettext-1.05 0 kB >[ebuild U ] sys-apps/help2man-1.36.4 [1.29] USE="nls%*" 0 kB >[ebuild U ] net-misc/wget-1.10.2 [1.9-r2] USE="ipv6* nls ssl -build% -debug -socks5 -static" 0 kB >[ebuild R ] sys-devel/automake-1.10 0 kB >[ebuild U ] sys-process/psmisc-22.6 [21.2-r4] USE="ipv6%* nls -X% (-selinux)" 0 kB >[ebuild U ] net-misc/openssh-4.7_p1-r3 [4.2_p1-r1] USE="pam tcpd -X% -X509* -chroot* -hpn -kerberos -ldap -libedit (-selinux) -skey* -smartcard -static (-ipv6%*) (-sftplogging%)" 0 kB >[ebuild U ] sys-apps/baselayout-1.12.10-r5 [1.8.12] USE="unicode%* -bootstrap* -build -static (-livecd%) (-selinux%)" 0 kB >[ebuild N ] sys-apps/module-init-tools-3.4 USE="-old-linux" 0 kB > >Total: 96 packages (18 upgrades, 11 new, 67 reinstalls), Size of downloads: 0 kB
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bug 210111
| 143485