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premake.lua.patch (text/plain), 25.91 KB, created by
Michael Zanetta
on 2008-01-17 15:55:00 UTC
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Michael Zanetta
2008-01-17 15:55:00 UTC
25.91 KB
>diff -Naur wx.NET-0.7.2.orig/Src/wx-c/compat.lua wx.NET-0.7.2/Src/wx-c/compat.lua >--- wx.NET-0.7.2.orig/Src/wx-c/compat.lua 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 >+++ wx.NET-0.7.2/Src/wx-c/compat.lua 2006-09-20 03:12:00.000000000 +0000 >@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ >+------------------------------------------------------------------- >+-- Real globals >+-- _ALERT >+-- _ERRORMESSAGE >+-- _VERSION >+-- _G >+-- assert >+-- error >+-- metatable >+-- next >+-- print >+-- require >+-- tonumber >+-- tostring >+-- type >+-- unpack >+ >+------------------------------------------------------------------- >+-- collectgarbage >+-- gcinfo >+ >+-- globals >+ >+-- call -> protect(f, err) >+-- loadfile >+-- loadstring >+ >+-- rawget >+-- rawset >+ >+-- getargs = Main.getargs ?? >+ >+ >+function do_ (f, err) >+ if not f then print(err); return end >+ local a,b = pcall(f) >+ if not a then print(b); return nil >+ else return b or true >+ end >+end >+ >+function dostring(s) return do_(loadstring(s)) end >+-- function dofile(s) return do_(loadfile(s)) end >+ >+------------------------------------------------------------------- >+-- Table library >+local tab = table >+foreach = tab.foreach >+foreachi = tab.foreachi >+getn = tab.getn >+tinsert = tab.insert >+tremove = tab.remove >+sort = tab.sort >+ >+------------------------------------------------------------------- >+-- Commented out Debug library because it causes errors in wxnet lua build script >+-- Debug library >+-- local dbg = debug >+-- getinfo = dbg.getinfo >+-- getlocal = dbg.getlocal >+-- setcallhook = function () error"`setcallhook' is deprecated" end >+-- setlinehook = function () error"`setlinehook' is deprecated" end >+-- setlocal = dbg.setlocal >+ >+------------------------------------------------------------------- >+-- math library >+local math = math >+abs = math.abs >+acos = function (x) return math.deg(math.acos(x)) end >+asin = function (x) return math.deg(math.asin(x)) end >+atan = function (x) return math.deg(math.atan(x)) end >+atan2 = function (x,y) return math.deg(math.atan2(x,y)) end >+ceil = math.ceil >+cos = function (x) return math.cos(math.rad(x)) end >+deg = math.deg >+exp = math.exp >+floor = math.floor >+frexp = math.frexp >+ldexp = math.ldexp >+log = math.log >+log10 = math.log10 >+max = math.max >+min = math.min >+mod = math.mod >+PI = math.pi >+--??? pow = math.pow >+rad = math.rad >+random = math.random >+randomseed = math.randomseed >+sin = function (x) return math.sin(math.rad(x)) end >+sqrt = math.sqrt >+tan = function (x) return math.tan(math.rad(x)) end >+ >+------------------------------------------------------------------- >+-- string library >+local str = string >+strbyte = str.byte >+strchar = str.char >+strfind = str.find >+format = str.format >+gsub = str.gsub >+strlen = str.len >+strlower = str.lower >+strrep = str.rep >+strsub = str.sub >+strupper = str.upper >+ >+------------------------------------------------------------------- >+-- os library >+clock = os.clock >+date = os.date >+difftime = os.difftime >+execute = os.execute --? >+exit = os.exit >+getenv = os.getenv >+remove = os.remove >+rename = os.rename >+setlocale = os.setlocale >+time = os.time >+tmpname = os.tmpname >+ >+------------------------------------------------------------------- >+-- compatibility only >+getglobal = function (n) return _G[n] end >+setglobal = function (n,v) _G[n] = v end >+ >+------------------------------------------------------------------- >+ >+local io, tab = io, table >+ >+-- IO library (files) >+_STDIN = io.stdin >+_STDERR = io.stderr >+_STDOUT = io.stdout >+_INPUT = io.stdin >+_OUTPUT = io.stdout >+seek = io.stdin.seek -- sick ;-) >+tmpfile = io.tmpfile >+closefile = io.close >+openfile = io.open >+ >+function flush (f) >+ if f then f:flush() >+ else _OUTPUT:flush() >+ end >+end >+ >+function readfrom (name) >+ if name == nil then >+ local f, err, cod = io.close(_INPUT) >+ _INPUT = io.stdin >+ return f, err, cod >+ else >+ local f, err, cod = io.open(name, "r") >+ _INPUT = f or _INPUT >+ return f, err, cod >+ end >+end >+ >+function writeto (name) >+ if name == nil then >+ local f, err, cod = io.close(_OUTPUT) >+ _OUTPUT = io.stdout >+ return f, err, cod >+ else >+ local f, err, cod = io.open(name, "w") >+ _OUTPUT = f or _OUTPUT >+ return f, err, cod >+ end >+end >+ >+function appendto (name) >+ local f, err, cod = io.open(name, "a") >+ _OUTPUT = f or _OUTPUT >+ return f, err, cod >+end >+ >+function read (...) >+ local f = _INPUT >+ if type(arg[1]) == 'userdata' then >+ f = tab.remove(arg, 1) >+ end >+ return f:read(unpack(arg)) >+end >+ >+function write (...) >+ local f = _OUTPUT >+ if type(arg[1]) == 'userdata' then >+ f = tab.remove(arg, 1) >+ end >+ return f:write(unpack(arg)) >+end >+ >diff -Naur wx.NET-0.7.2.orig/Src/wx-c/premake-funcs.lua wx.NET-0.7.2/Src/wx-c/premake-funcs.lua >--- wx.NET-0.7.2.orig/Src/wx-c/premake-funcs.lua 2004-12-13 00:43:21.000000000 +0000 >+++ wx.NET-0.7.2/Src/wx-c/premake-funcs.lua 2006-12-22 20:15:37.000000000 +0000 >@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@ >------------------------------------------------------------------------- >--- $Id: premake-funcs.lua,v 1.9 2004/12/13 00:43:21 malenfant Exp $ >------------------------------------------------------------------------- >- >--- >--- Linker support functions >--- >- >--- Add a wxWidgets contributed library to the necessary build parameters. >-function add_contrib_link(contrib_name) >- if (win) then >- add_win_lib("Debug", "wxmsw" .. wx_concat_ver() .. >- wx_debug_flag .. "_" .. contrib_name) >- add_win_lib("Release", "wxmsw" .. wx_concat_ver() .. >- wx_release_flag .. "_" .. contrib_name) >- else >- add_unix_lib("Debug", wx_debug, contrib_name) >- add_unix_lib("Release", wx_release, contrib_name) >- end >-end >- >--- Add a UN*X library by using the wx-config-helper Perl script >--- to do the grunt work of figuring out whether to use >--- Unicode, Debug|Release, Static|Shared. >-function add_unix_lib(build_type, wx_buid, contrib_name) >- command = "../../Build/Common/wx-config-helper " .. >- wx_buid .. " " .. wxconfig .. " get-link-arg ".. >- wx_link_mode() .. " " .. contrib_name; >- tinsert(package.config[build_type].linkoptions, { "$(shell " .. command .. ")" }) >-end >- >--- Add a Windows library >-function add_win_lib(build_type, full_lib_name) >- tinsert(package.config[build_type].links, { full_lib_name }) >-end >- >--- Returns something like 25 for ver 2.5 >-function wx_concat_ver( ) >- return(gsub(WX_VERSION, "%.", "")) >-end >- >--- Returns shared or static depending on how wxWidgets should be >--- linked in >-function wx_link_mode() >- if (options["with-shared"]) then >- return "shared" >- else >- return "static" >- end >-end >- >+------------------------------------------------------------------------ >+-- $Id: premake-funcs.lua,v 1.9 2004/12/13 00:43:21 malenfant Exp $ >+------------------------------------------------------------------------ >+ >+-- >+-- Linker support functions >+-- >+ >+-- Add a wxWidgets contributed library to the necessary build parameters. >+function add_contrib_link(contrib_name) >+ if (win) then >+ add_win_lib("Debug", "wxmsw" .. wx_concat_ver() .. >+ wx_debug_flag .. "_" .. contrib_name) >+ add_win_lib("Release", "wxmsw" .. wx_concat_ver() .. >+ wx_release_flag .. "_" .. contrib_name) >+ else >+ add_unix_lib("Debug", wx_debug, contrib_name) >+ add_unix_lib("Release", wx_release, contrib_name) >+ end >+end >+ >+-- Add a UN*X library by using the wx-config-helper Perl script >+-- to do the grunt work of figuring out whether to use >+-- Unicode, Debug|Release, Static|Shared. >+function add_unix_lib(build_type, wx_buid, contrib_name) >+ command = "../../Build/Common/wx-config-helper " .. >+ wx_buid .. " " .. wxconfig .. " get-link-arg ".. >+ wx_link_mode() .. " " .. contrib_name; >+ tinsert(package.config[build_type].linkoptions, { "$(shell " .. command .. ")" }) >+end >+ >+-- Add a Windows library >+function add_win_lib(build_type, full_lib_name) >+ tinsert(package.config[build_type].links, { full_lib_name }) >+end >+ >+-- Returns something like 25 for ver 2.5 >+function wx_concat_ver( ) >+ return(gsub(WX_VERSION, "%.", "")) >+end >+ >+-- Returns shared or static depending on how wxWidgets should be >+-- linked in >+function wx_link_mode() >+ if (options["with-shared"]) then >+ return "shared" >+ else >+ return "static" >+ end >+end >+ >diff -Naur wx.NET-0.7.2.orig/Src/wx-c/premake.lua wx.NET-0.7.2/Src/wx-c/premake.lua >--- wx.NET-0.7.2.orig/Src/wx-c/premake.lua 2005-05-17 22:32:07.000000000 +0000 >+++ wx.NET-0.7.2/Src/wx-c/premake.lua 2007-08-17 20:01:24.000000000 +0000 >@@ -1,161 +1,237 @@ >--- Premake script for the wx.NET "wx-c" package. >--- See http://premake.sourceforge.net/ for more info about Premake. >- >-package.name = "wx-c" >-package.language = "c++" >-package.kind = "dll" >- >-option("with-shared", "Link wxWidgets as a shared library") >-option("with-display", "Builds wxDisplay class") >-option("wx-config", "Location of wx-config script (use PATH by default)") >- >-option("wx-build-type", "wxWidgets build type (Debug|Release) (default from wx-config)") >-option("wx-src-dir", "wxWidgets source directory (win32 only)") >- >-package.defines = { "WXMAKINGDLL" } >-package.buildflags = { "no-64bit-checks", "no-import-lib" } >- >--- The wxWidgets version we are building against; hard coded for now >-WX_VERSION = 2.6 >- >--- Define simple boolean variables for our platform >-linux = (OS == "linux") >-mac = (OS == "macosx") >-win = (OS == "windows") >- >--- Define the wxWidgets build type; necessary because WIN32 does not have >--- wx-config and the contrib packages are not supported by wx-config. But we >--- have the built-in support for different CONFIG types you say? But this >--- requires that the wxWidgets and wx.NET release types are in sync, which can >--- be a pain when you just want a Debug version of wx.NET and do not want to >--- compile a Debug version of wxWidgets. >-if (options["wx-build-type"]) then >- if (options["wx-build-type"][1] == "Debug") then >- wx_force_debug = 1 >- wx_debug_flag = "d" >- wx_release_flag = "d" >- wx_debug = "Debug" >- wx_release = "Debug" >- elseif (options["wx-build-type"][1] == "Release") then >- wx_force_release = 1 >- wx_debug_flag = "" >- wx_release_flag = "" >- wx_debug = "Release" >- wx_release = "Release" >- end >-else >- wx_debug_flag = "d" >- wx_release_flag = "" >- wx_debug = "Debug" >- wx_release = "Release" >-end >- >--- UN*X options >-if (linux or mac) then >- -- Use hard coded wx-config or use whatever is in PATH? >- if (options["wx-config"]) then >- wxconfig = options["wx-config"][1] >- else >- wxconfig = "wx-config" >- end >- >- if (options["with-shared"]) then >- buildoptions = "$(shell " .. wxconfig .. " --cxxflags)" >- linkoptions = "$(shell " .. wxconfig .. " --libs)" >- else >- buildoptions = "$(shell " .. wxconfig .. " --static --cxxflags)" >- linkoptions = "$(shell " .. wxconfig .. " --static --libs)" >- end >- >- buildoptions = buildoptions .. " -W -Wall -ansi" >- >- -- Mac options >- if (mac) then >- -- Premake 2.0 supports .dylib output now >- tinsert(package.buildflags, "dylib") >- linkoptions = linkoptions .. " -single_module" >- end >- >- package.buildoptions = { buildoptions } >- package.linkoptions = { linkoptions } >-end >- >--- WIN32 options >-if (win) then >- tinsert(package.defines, { "WIN32", "_WINDOWS", "WINVER=0x400", "_MT", >- "wxUSE_GUI=1" }) >- tinsert(package.links, { "kernel32", "user32", "gdi32", "shell32", >- "comdlg32", "advapi32", "ole32", "comctl32", >- "rpcrt4", "wsock32" }) >- >- package.config["Debug"].defines = { "_DEBUG", "__WXDEBUG", "WXDEBUG=1" } >- package.config["Release"].defines = { "NDEBUG" } >- >- if (options["with-shared"]) then >- tinsert(package.defines, "WXUSINGDLL") >- end >- >- if (options["wx-src-dir"]) then >- wx_src = options["wx-src-dir"][1] >- -- Include paths >- package.config["Debug"].includepaths = >- { wx_src .. "/include", wx_src .. "/contrib/include", >- wx_src .. "/lib/vc_lib/msw" .. wx_debug_flag } >- package.config["Release"].includepaths = >- { wx_src .. "/include", wx_src .. "/contrib/include", >- wx_src .. "/lib/vc_lib/msw" .. wx_release_flag } >- >- -- Linker paths >- package.libpaths = { wx_src .. "/lib/vc_lib" } >- >- -- TODO: add resource include path when supported by premake >- end >- >- wx_links_debug = { >- "wxbase26d", "wxbase26d_xml", "wxexpatd", "wxjpegd", "wxmsw26d_adv", >- "wxmsw26d_core", "wxmsw26d_html", "wxpngd", "wxregexd", "wxtiffd", >- "wxzlibd", "wxmsw26d_xrc" } >- wx_links_release = { >- "wxbase26", "wxbase26_xml", "wxexpat", "wxjpeg", "wxmsw26_adv", >- "wxmsw26_core", "wxmsw26_html", "wxpng", "wxregex", "wxtiff", "wxzlib", >- "wxmsw26_xrc" } >- >- if (wx_force_debug) then >- wx_links_release = wx_links_debug >- end >- if (wx_force_release) then >- wx_links_debug = wx_links_release >- end >- >- package.config["Release"].links = wx_links_release >- package.config["Debug"].links = wx_links_debug >-end >- >------------------------------------------------------------------------ >- >-package.files = { matchfiles("*.cxx") } >- >-if (win) then >- tinsert(package.files, "windows.rc") >-end >- >------------------------------------------------------------------------ >- >-if (options["with-display"]) then >- tinsert(package.defines, "WXNET_DISPLAY") >-end >- >--- This is brain dead; Lua has no concept of looking in the same directory that >--- the parent script is locatted when including another file; so because this >--- file is read from ../.. we hard code in the parent path. Uggg! Also call >--- from current directory just in case. >- >-dofile("Src/wx-c/premake-funcs.lua") >-dofile("premake-funcs.lua") >- >--- StyledTextControl (STC) >-if (options["enable-stc"]) then >- tinsert(package.defines, { "WXNET_STYLEDTEXTCTRL", "WXMAKINGDLL_STC" }) >- add_contrib_link("stc") >-end >- >+-- Premake script for the wx.NET "wx-c" package. >+-- See http://premake.sourceforge.net/ for more info about Premake. >+ >+package.name = "wx-c" >+package.language = "c++" >+package.kind = "dll" >+ >+addoption("with-shared", "Link wxWidgets as a shared library") >+addoption("with-display", "Builds wxDisplay class") >+addoption("wx-config", "Location of wx-config script (use PATH by default)") >+ >+addoption("wx-build-type", "wxWidgets build type (Debug|Release) (default from wx-config)") >+addoption("wx-src-dir", "wxWidgets source directory (win32 only)") >+ >+package.defines = { "WXMAKINGDLL" } >+package.buildflags = { "no-64bit-checks", "no-import-lib" } >+ >+-- The wxWidgets version we are building against; hard coded for now >+WX_VERSION = 2.8 >+-- alternative values. 2.5 2.6 2.8 >+ >+-- Define simple boolean variables for our platform >+linux = (OS == "linux") >+mac = (OS == "macosx") >+win = (OS == "windows") >+ >+-- Define simple boolean variables for our Lua version >+lua5_or_higher = (string) -- string is used by lua 5.x so check if it exists >+ >+-- This is brain dead; Lua has no concept of looking in the same directory that >+-- the parent script is locatted when including another file; so because this >+-- file is read from ../.. we hard code in the parent path. Uggg! Also call >+-- from current directory just in case. >+ >+print(_VERSION) -- used to help me debug >+ >+if lua5_or_higher then >+ -- the compat.lua is a file used to use some lua 4.x code under 5.x >+ local compatfile = loadfile ("Src/wx-c/compat.lua") >+ if not compatfile then >+ compatfile = assert(loadfile ("compat.lua")) >+ end >+ assert(compatfile) -- This should always be a valid value >+ compatfile () >+end >+ >+-- Define the wxWidgets build type; necessary because WIN32 does not have >+-- wx-config and the contrib packages are not supported by wx-config. But we >+-- have the built-in support for different CONFIG types you say? But this >+-- requires that the wxWidgets and wx.NET release types are in sync, which can >+-- be a pain when you just want a Debug version of wx.NET and do not want to >+-- compile a Debug version of wxWidgets. >+if (options["wx-build-type"]) then >+ if lua5_or_higher then >+ wx_build_type = options["wx-build-type"] >+ else >+ wx_build_type = options["wx-build-type"][1] >+ end >+ if (wx_build_type == "Debug") then >+ wx_force_debug = 1 >+ wx_debug_flag = "d" >+ wx_release_flag = "d" >+ wx_debug = "Debug" >+ wx_release = "Debug" >+ elseif (wx_build_type == "Release") then >+ wx_force_release = 1 >+ wx_debug_flag = "" >+ wx_release_flag = "" >+ wx_debug = "Release" >+ wx_release = "Release" >+ end >+else >+ wx_debug_flag = "d" >+ wx_release_flag = "" >+ wx_debug = "Debug" >+ wx_release = "Release" >+end >+ >+-- UN*X options >+if (linux or mac) then >+ -- Use hard coded wx-config or use whatever is in PATH? >+ if (options["wx-config"]) then >+ if lua5_or_higher then -- Lua 5.x or above >+ wxconfig = options["wx-config"] >+ else >+ wxconfig = options["wx-config"][1] >+ end >+ else >+ wxconfig = "wx-config" >+ end >+ >+ if (options["with-shared"]) then >+ buildoptions = "$(shell " .. wxconfig .. " --cxxflags)" >+ linkoptions = "$(shell " .. wxconfig .. " --libs)" >+ else >+ buildoptions = "$(shell " .. wxconfig .. " --static --cxxflags)" >+ linkoptions = "$(shell " .. wxconfig .. " --static --libs)" >+ end >+ >+ buildoptions = buildoptions .. " -W -Wall -ansi" >+ >+ -- Mac options >+ if (mac) then >+ -- Premake 2.0 supports .dylib output now >+ tinsert(package.buildflags, "dylib") >+ linkoptions = linkoptions .. " -single_module" >+ end >+ >+ package.buildoptions = { buildoptions } >+ package.linkoptions = { linkoptions } >+end >+ >+-- WIN32 options >+if (win) then >+ tinsert(package.defines, { "WIN32", "_WINDOWS", "WINVER=0x400", "_MT", >+ "wxUSE_GUI=1" }) >+ tinsert(package.links, { "kernel32", "user32", "gdi32", "shell32", >+ "comdlg32", "advapi32", "ole32", "comctl32", >+ "rpcrt4", "wsock32" }) >+ >+ package.config["Debug"].defines = { "_DEBUG", "__WXDEBUG", "WXDEBUG=1" } >+ package.config["Release"].defines = { "NDEBUG" } >+ >+ if (options["with-shared"]) then >+ tinsert(package.defines, "WXUSINGDLL") >+ end >+ >+ if (options["wx-src-dir"]) then >+ if lua5_or_higher then -- Lua 5.x or above >+ wx_src = options["wx-src-dir"] >+ else >+ wx_src = options["wx-src-dir"][1] >+ end >+ if (options["target"]) then >+ if lua5_or_higher then -- Lua 5.x or above >+ premake_target = options["target"] >+ else >+ premake_target = options["target"][1] >+ end >+ print(premake_target) >+ end >+ if (("cb-gcc" == premake_target) or ("gnu" == premake_target)) then >+ -- Include paths >+ package.config["Debug"].includepaths = >+ { wx_src .. "/include", wx_src .. "/contrib/include", >+ wx_src .. "/lib/gcc_lib/msw" .. wx_debug_flag } >+ package.config["Release"].includepaths = >+ { wx_src .. "/include", wx_src .. "/contrib/include", >+ wx_src .. "/lib/gcc_lib/msw" .. wx_release_flag } >+ >+ -- Linker paths >+ package.libpaths = { wx_src .. "/lib/gcc_lib" } >+ else -- default to visual studio settings >+ -- Include paths >+ package.config["Debug"].includepaths = >+ { wx_src .. "/include", wx_src .. "/contrib/include", >+ wx_src .. "/lib/vc_lib/msw" .. wx_debug_flag } >+ package.config["Release"].includepaths = >+ { wx_src .. "/include", wx_src .. "/contrib/include", >+ wx_src .. "/lib/vc_lib/msw" .. wx_release_flag } >+ >+ -- Linker paths >+ package.libpaths = { wx_src .. "/lib/vc_lib" } >+ end >+ >+ -- TODO: add resource include path when supported by premake >+ end >+ >+ -- HMaH: better use the functions here, but I never worked with LUA and PREBUILD. >+ if (WX_VERSION == 2.6) then >+ wx_links_debug = { >+ "wxbase26d", "wxbase26d_xml", "wxexpatd", "wxjpegd", "wxmsw26d_adv", >+ "wxmsw26d_core", "wxmsw26d_html", "wxpngd", "wxregexd", "wxtiffd", >+ "wxzlibd", "wxmsw26d_xrc" } >+ wx_links_release = { >+ "wxbase26", "wxbase26_xml", "wxexpat", "wxjpeg", "wxmsw26_adv", >+ "wxmsw26_core", "wxmsw26_html", "wxpng", "wxregex", "wxtiff", "wxzlib", >+ "wxmsw26_xrc" } >+ else -- assume (currently) version 2.8 by default >+ wx_links_debug = { >+ "wxbase28d", "wxbase28d_xml", "wxexpatd", "wxjpegd", "wxmsw28d_adv", >+ "wxmsw28d_core", "wxmsw28d_html", "wxpngd", "wxregexd", "wxtiffd", >+ "wxzlibd", "wxmsw28d_xrc" } >+ wx_links_release = { >+ "wxbase28u", "wxbase28u_xml", "wxexpat", "wxjpeg", "wxmsw28u_adv", >+ "wxmsw28u_core", "wxmsw28u_html", "wxpng", "wxregexu", "wxtiff", >+ "wxzlib", "wxmsw28_xrc" } >+ end >+ >+ if (wx_force_debug) then >+ wx_links_release = wx_links_debug >+ end >+ if (wx_force_release) then >+ wx_links_debug = wx_links_release >+ end >+ >+ package.config["Release"].links = wx_links_release >+ package.config["Debug"].links = wx_links_debug >+end >+ >+----------------------------------------------------------------------- >+ >+package.files = { matchfiles("*.cxx") } >+ >+if (win) then >+ tinsert(package.files, "windows.rc") >+end >+ >+----------------------------------------------------------------------- >+ >+if (options["with-display"]) then >+ tinsert(package.defines, "WXNET_DISPLAY") >+end >+ >+-- This is brain dead; Lua has no concept of looking in the same directory that >+-- the parent script is locatted when including another file; so because this >+-- file is read from ../.. we hard code in the parent path. Uggg! Also call >+-- from current directory just in case. >+ >+if lua5_or_higher then -- Lua 5.x or above >+ local premake_funcs = loadfile ("Src/wx-c/premake-funcs.lua") >+ if not premake_funcs then >+ premake_funcs = assert(loadfile ("premake-funcs.lua")) >+ end >+ assert(premake_funcs) -- This should always be a valid value >+ premake_funcs () >+else >+ dofile("Src/wx-c/premake-funcs.lua") >+ dofile("premake-funcs.lua") >+end >+ >+-- StyledTextControl (STC) >+if (options["enable-stc"]) then >+ tinsert(package.defines, { "WXNET_STYLEDTEXTCTRL", "WXMAKINGDLL_STC" }) >+ add_contrib_link("stc") >+end >+ >diff -Naur wx.NET-0.7.2.orig/Src/wx.NET/premake-funcs.lua wx.NET-0.7.2/Src/wx.NET/premake-funcs.lua >--- wx.NET-0.7.2.orig/Src/wx.NET/premake-funcs.lua 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 >+++ wx.NET-0.7.2/Src/wx.NET/premake-funcs.lua 2007-01-26 20:42:56.000000000 +0000 >@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ >+-- Returns something like 25 for ver 2.5 >+-- this is now also needed here and pasted from the wx-c diretory. >+function wx_concat_ver( ) >+ return(gsub(WX_VERSION, "%.", "")) >+end >diff -Naur wx.NET-0.7.2.orig/Src/wx.NET/premake.lua wx.NET-0.7.2/Src/wx.NET/premake.lua >--- wx.NET-0.7.2.orig/Src/wx.NET/premake.lua 2004-12-13 00:43:21.000000000 +0000 >+++ wx.NET-0.7.2/Src/wx.NET/premake.lua 2007-01-28 20:27:38.000000000 +0000 >@@ -1,25 +1,26 @@ >--- Premake script for the wx.NET package. >--- See http://premake.sourceforge.net/ for more info about Premake. >- >-package.name = "wx.NET" >-package.language = "c#" >-package.kind = "dll" >-package.links = { "System.Xml", "System", "System.Drawing", "System.Data" } >-package.files = { matchfiles("*.cs") } >- >-if (OS == "windows") then >- package.defines = { "__WXMSW__" } >-elseif (OS == "macosx") then >- package.defines = { "__WXMAC__" } >-end >- >------------------------------------------------------------------------ >- >-if (options["enable-stc"]) then >- tinsert(package.defines, { "WXNET_STYLEDTEXTCTRL" }) >-end >- >-if (options["with-display"]) then >- tinsert(package.defines, { "WXNET_DISPLAY" }) >-end >- >+-- Premake script for the wx.NET package. >+-- See http://premake.sourceforge.net/ for more info about Premake. >+ >+package.name = "wx.NET" >+package.language = "c#" >+package.kind = "dll" >+package.links = { "System.Xml", "System", "System.Drawing", "System.Data" } >+package.files = { matchfiles("*.cs") } >+package.dependency = "wx-c" >+ >+if (OS == "windows") then >+ package.defines = { "__WXMSW__" } >+elseif (OS == "macosx") then >+ package.defines = { "__WXMAC__" } >+end >+ >+----------------------------------------------------------------------- >+ >+if (options["enable-stc"]) then >+ tinsert(package.defines, { "WXNET_STYLEDTEXTCTRL" }) >+end >+ >+if (options["with-display"]) then >+ tinsert(package.defines, { "WXNET_DISPLAY" }) >+end >+ >diff -Naur wx.NET-0.7.2.orig/Utils/premake.lua wx.NET-0.7.2/Utils/premake.lua >--- wx.NET-0.7.2.orig/Utils/premake.lua 2004-06-03 19:32:57.000000000 +0000 >+++ wx.NET-0.7.2/Utils/premake.lua 2008-01-15 21:53:15.000000000 +0000 >@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ > project.name = "Utils" > project.bindir = "../Bin" > >-include("TowxNET/Src") >-include("TowxNET/Src/RJH.CommandLineHelper") >+dopackage("TowxNET/Src") >+dopackage("TowxNET/Src/RJH.CommandLineHelper") >diff -Naur wx.NET-0.7.2.orig/premake.lua wx.NET-0.7.2/premake.lua >--- wx.NET-0.7.2.orig/premake.lua 2004-12-13 00:43:20.000000000 +0000 >+++ wx.NET-0.7.2/premake.lua 2008-01-15 17:32:32.000000000 +0000 >@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ > ----------------------------------------------------------------------- > -- Additional packages > >-option("enable-stc", "Enable StyledTextCtrl (wxStyledTextCtrl)") >+addoption("enable-stc", "Enable StyledTextCtrl (wxStyledTextCtrl)") > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------- > >-include("Src/wx-c") >-include("Src/wx.NET") >+dopackage("Src/wx-c") >+dopackage("Src/wx.NET") >
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