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Gentoo's Bugzilla – Attachment 112182 Details for
Bug 169470
app-emulation/xcpc-20070122 - Amstrad CPC Emulator
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xcpc-20070122.ebuild (text/plain), 7.18 KB, created by
Olivier Poncet
on 2007-03-05 16:42:03 UTC
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Olivier Poncet
2007-03-05 16:42:03 UTC
7.18 KB
># Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation ># Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 ># $Header: $ > ># NOTE: The comments in this file are for instruction and documentation. ># They're not meant to appear with your final, production ebuild. Please ># remember to remove them before submitting or committing your ebuild. That ># doesn't mean you can't add your own comments though. > ># The 'Header' on the third line should just be left alone. When your ebuild ># will be committed to cvs, the details on that line will be automatically ># generated to contain the correct data. > ># inherit lists eclasses to inherit functions from. Almost all ebuilds should ># inherit eutils, as a large amount of important functionality has been ># moved there. For example, the $(get_libdir) mentioned below wont work ># without the following line: >inherit eutils ># A well-used example of an eclass function that needs eutils is epatch. If ># your source needs patches applied, it's suggested to put your patch in the ># 'files' directory and use: ># ># epatch ${FILESDIR}/patch-name-here ># ># eclasses tend to list descriptions of how to use their functions properly. ># take a look at /usr/portage/eclasses/ for more examples. > ># Short one-line description of this package. >DESCRIPTION="Xcpc - Amstrad CPC Emulator" > ># Homepage, not used by Portage directly but handy for developer reference >HOMEPAGE="http://xcpc.emuunlim.com/" > ># Point to any required sources; these will be automatically downloaded by ># Portage. >SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/xcpc/${P}.tar.gz" > ># License of the package. This must match the name of file(s) in ># /usr/portage/licenses/. For complex license combination see the developer ># docs on gentoo.org for details. >LICENSE="" > ># The SLOT variable is used to tell Portage if it's OK to keep multiple ># versions of the same package installed at the same time. For example, ># if we have a libfoo-1.2.2 and libfoo-1.3.2 (which is not compatible ># with 1.2.2), it would be optimal to instruct Portage to not remove ># libfoo-1.2.2 if we decide to upgrade to libfoo-1.3.2. To do this, ># we specify SLOT="1.2" in libfoo-1.2.2 and SLOT="1.3" in libfoo-1.3.2. ># emerge clean understands SLOTs, and will keep the most recent version ># of each SLOT and remove everything else. ># Note that normal applications should use SLOT="0" if possible, since ># there should only be exactly one version installed at a time. ># DO NOT USE SLOT=""! This tells Portage to disable SLOTs for this package. >SLOT="0" > ># Using KEYWORDS, we can record masking information *inside* an ebuild ># instead of relying on an external package.mask file. Right now, you should ># set the KEYWORDS variable for every ebuild so that it contains the names of ># all the architectures with which the ebuild works. All of the official ># architectures can be found in the keywords.desc file which is in ># /usr/portage/profiles/. Usually you should just set this to "~x86". The ~ ># in front of the architecture indicates that the package is new and should be ># considered unstable until testing proves its stability. So, if you've ># confirmed that your ebuild works on x86 and ppc, you'd specify: ># KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc" ># Once packages go stable, the ~ prefix is removed. ># For binary packages, use -* and then list the archs the bin package ># exists for. If the package was for an x86 binary package, then ># KEYWORDS would be set like this: KEYWORDS="-* x86" ># DO NOT USE KEYWORDS="*". This is deprecated and only for backward ># compatibility reasons. >KEYWORDS="x86" > ># Comprehensive list of any and all USE flags leveraged in the ebuild, ># with the exception of any ARCH specific flags, i.e. "ppc", "sparc", ># "x86" and "alpha". This is a required variable. If the ebuild doesn't ># use any USE flags, set to "". >IUSE="motif" > ># A space delimited list of portage features to restrict. man 5 ebuild ># for details. Usually not needed. >#RESTRICT="strip" > ># Build-time dependencies, such as ># ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6b ) ># >=dev-lang/perl-5.6.1-r1 ># It is advisable to use the >= syntax show above, to reflect what you ># had installed on your system when you tested the package. Then ># other users hopefully won't be caught without the right version of ># a dependency. >DEPEND="x11-libs/libX11 motif? ( virtual/motif ) !motif? ( x11-libs/libXaw ) >=dev-libs/glib-2.6.0 >=app-emulation/libdsk-1.1.5" > ># Run-time dependencies, same as DEPEND if RDEPEND isn't defined: >#RDEPEND="" > ># Source directory; the dir where the sources can be found (automatically ># unpacked) inside ${WORKDIR}. The default value for S is ${WORKDIR}/${P} ># If you don't need to change it, leave the S= line out of the ebuild ># to keep it tidy. >S=${WORKDIR}/${P} > >src_compile() { > # Most open-source packages use GNU autoconf for configuration. > # The quickest (and preferred) way of running configure is: > use motif && my_toolkit="--with-motif1=yes --with-athena=no" > use motif || my_toolkit="--with-athena=yes --with-motif1=no" > econf ${my_toolkit} || die "econf failed" > # > # You could use something similar to the following lines to > # configure your package before compilation. The "|| die" portion > # at the end will stop the build process if the command fails. > # You should use this at the end of critical commands in the build > # process. (Hint: Most commands are critical, that is, the build > # process should abort if they aren't successful.) > #./configure \ > # --host=${CHOST} \ > # --prefix=/usr \ > # --infodir=/usr/share/info \ > # --mandir=/usr/share/man || die "./configure failed" > # Note the use of --infodir and --mandir, above. This is to make > # this package FHS 2.2-compliant. For more information, see > # http://www.pathname.com/fhs/ > > # emake (previously known as pmake) is a script that calls the > # standard GNU make with parallel building options for speedier > # builds (especially on SMP systems). Try emake first. It might > # not work for some packages, because some makefiles have bugs > # related to parallelism, in these cases, use emake -j1 to limit > # make to a single process. The -j1 is a visual clue to others > # that the makefiles have bugs that have been worked around. > emake || die "emake failed" >} > >src_install() { > # You must *personally verify* that this trick doesn't install > # anything outside of DESTDIR; do this by reading and > # understanding the install part of the Makefiles. > # This is the preferred way to install. > emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed" > > # When you hit a failure with emake, do not just use make. It is > # better to fix the Makefiles to allow proper parallelization. > # If you fail with that, use "emake -j1", it's still better than make. > > # For Makefiles that don't make proper use of DESTDIR, setting > # prefix is often an alternative. However if you do this, then > # you also need to specify mandir and infodir, since they were > # passed to ./configure as absolute paths (overriding the prefix > # setting). > #emake \ > # prefix="${D}"/usr \ > # mandir="${D}"/usr/share/man \ > # infodir="${D}"/usr/share/info \ > # libdir="${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir) \ > # install || die "emake install failed" > # Again, verify the Makefiles! We don't want anything falling > # outside of ${D}. > > # The portage shortcut to the above command is simply: > # > #einstall || die "einstall failed" >}
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bug 169470
: 112182