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Gentoo's Bugzilla – Attachment 110530 Details for
Bug 115203
equery patch to query for which version of gcc has been used to compile an installed ebuild
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New patch for gentoolkit-0.2.3
gentoolkit-0.2.3-equery-gcc.patch (text/plain), 7.87 KB, created by
Stefano Varesi
on 2007-02-18 13:32:25 UTC
New patch for gentoolkit-0.2.3
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Stefano Varesi
2007-02-18 13:32:25 UTC
7.87 KB
>--- src/equery/equery.orig 2007-02-18 13:40:18.000000000 +0100 >+++ src/equery/equery 2007-02-18 13:41:46.000000000 +0100 >@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ > import time > import string > import types >+import bz2 > > # portage (output module) and gentoolkit need special path modifications > sys.path.insert(0, "/usr/lib/portage/pym") >@@ -1574,6 +1575,163 @@ > " " + pp.localoption("-p, --portage-tree") + " - also search in portage tree (" + gentoolkit.settings["PORTDIR"] + ")\n" + \ > " " + pp.localoption("-o, --overlay-tree") + " - also search in overlay tree (" + gentoolkit.settings["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"] + ")\n" > >+class CmdShowGccInfo(Command): >+ """Show informations about compiler and flags used to compile a package.""" >+ >+ __installedGccSlots = None >+ >+ def __init__(self): >+ self.default_opts = { >+ "allInstalledPackages": 0, >+ } >+ self.__installedGccSlots = [] >+ expr = re.compile("^gcc-[0-9]") >+ for n in os.listdir(os.path.join(portage.root, portage.VDB_PATH, "sys-devel")): >+ if expr.match(n): >+ self.__installedGccSlots.append(n) >+ self.__installedGccSlots.sort() >+ for n in range(len(self.__installedGccSlots)): >+ self.__installedGccSlots[n] = open(os.path.join(portage.root, portage.VDB_PATH, "sys-devel", self.__installedGccSlots[n], "SLOT"), "r").read() >+ if self.__installedGccSlots[n][-1] == "\n": >+ self.__installedGccSlots[n] = self.__installedGccSlots[n][:-1] >+ self.__installedGccSlots.sort() >+ >+ def shortHelp(self): >+ return pp.localoption("<local-opts>") + " - display the gcc version used to compile a package" >+ >+ def longHelp(self): >+ return "Display the gcc version used to compile a package\n" + \ >+ "\n" + \ >+ "Syntax:\n" + \ >+ " " + pp.command("gcc") + pp.localoption(" <local-opts> ") + "\n" + \ >+ " " + pp.command("gcc") + pp.pkgquery(" pkgspec") + "\n" + \ >+ pp.localoption("<local-opts>") + " is either of: \n" + \ >+ " " + pp.localoption("-A, --all") + " - scan all installed packages\n" >+ >+ def parseArgs(self, args): >+ >+ query = "" >+ need_help = 0 >+ opts = self.default_opts >+ skip = 0 >+ >+ if len(args) == 0: >+ need_help = 1 >+ >+ for i in xrange(len(args)): >+ >+ if skip: >+ skip -= 1 >+ continue >+ x = args[i] >+ >+ if x in ["-h","--help"]: >+ need_help = 1 >+ break >+ elif x in ["-A", "--all"]: >+ opts["allInstalledPackages"] = 1 >+ else: >+ query = x >+ >+ if need_help: >+ print_info(0, self.longHelp()) >+ sys.exit(-1) >+ >+ return (query, opts) >+ >+ def perform(self, args): >+ (query, opts) = self.parseArgs(args) >+ if opts["allInstalledPackages"]: >+ # search for information about ALL installed packages >+ print_info(0, "[ Searching for gcc used for " + pp.pkgquery("all packages") + "... ]") >+ result = self.__scanVDB() >+ print_info(0, " Last installed gcc slot: " + pp.number(self.__installedGccSlots[-1]) ) >+ print_info(0, " Packages installed: " + pp.number( str(result["NUM_COMPILED_WITH_LATEST_VERSION"] + len(result["COMPILED_WITH_OLD_VERSION"])) ) ) >+ print_info(0, " Packages compiled with a gcc of an old slot: " + portage.output.yellow( str(len( result["COMPILED_WITH_OLD_VERSION"])) ) ) >+ if len(result["COMPILED_WITH_OLD_VERSION"]) != 0: >+ print_info(0, string.rjust("[SLOT]", 13) + string.rjust("[VERSION]", 13)) >+ for p in result["COMPILED_WITH_OLD_VERSION"]: >+ print_info(0,string.rjust("[" + pp.number(p[p.keys()[0]]["SLOT"]) +"]", 32) + string.rjust("[" + pp.number(p[p.keys()[0]]["VERSION"]) + "]", 32) + ' ' + pp.cpv(p.keys()[0])) >+ else: >+ # search for the given package and print the result >+ print_info(0, "[ Searching for packages matching " + pp.pkgquery(query + " ") + "... ]") >+ gccVersion = self.__getGccVersion(query) >+ for pkg in gccVersion: >+ print_info(0, "") >+ print_info(0, pp.section("*") + " gcc version used for " + pp.cpv(pkg)) >+ sortedKeys = gccVersion[pkg].keys()[:] >+ sortedKeys.sort() >+ for k in sortedKeys: >+ print_info(0, string.rjust(k + " : ", 16) + pp.number(gccVersion[pkg][k])) >+ >+ # search for gcc compiler version and C/C++ flags used to compile the package given as parameter >+ def __getGccVersion(self, pkg): >+ pkg_split = gentoolkit.split_package_name(pkg) >+ if pkg_split[2] != "": # if a specific version is given >+ if pkg_split[0] != "": # if the category of the package is given >+ if pkg_split[0][0] != "=": # if the category is not preceded by an "=" >+ found = gentoolkit.find_installed_packages("=" + pkg) # add the "=" >+ else: >+ found = gentoolkit.find_installed_packages(pkg) >+ else: # the category is not given, so we check for the "=" on the package name >+ if pkg_split[1][0] != "=": # if the name is not preceded by an "=" >+ found = gentoolkit.find_installed_packages("=" + pkg) # add the "=" >+ else: >+ found = gentoolkit.find_installed_packages(pkg) >+ else: # search for all version for the given package >+ found = gentoolkit.find_installed_packages(pkg) >+ # exit if no package has been found >+ if len(found) == 0: >+ print_error("Package not found") >+ sys.exit(1) >+ else: >+ retval = {} >+ # search for compiler infos about every selected package >+ for p in gentoolkit.sort_package_list(found): >+ basePath = os.path.join( portage.root, portage.VDB_PATH, p.get_category(), p.get_name() + '-' + p.get_version() ) >+ # set the initial retval in case we can't find the compiler version used (probably this never happens...) >+ retval[p.get_cpv()] = { "VERSION" : portage.output.red("!!! ") + "unknown", "SLOT" : portage.output.red("!!! ") + "unknown" } >+ # match the line containing the PATH variable declaration >+ matchedString = re.search( "^PATH=\"?.*?\"?\n", bz2.BZ2File( os.path.join( basePath, "environment.bz2" )).read(), re.M ).group()[:] >+ # remove the \n character, if found >+ if matchedString[-1] == "\n": >+ matchedString = matchedString[:-1] >+ # match the compiler version in the string matched before >+ for x in matchedString.split(":"): >+ tmp = re.search("gcc-bin", x) >+ if tmp != None: >+ matchedString = tmp >+ # save the version >+ retval[p.get_cpv()]["VERSION"] = matchedString.string.split("gcc-bin")[1][1:] >+ tmp = retval[p.get_cpv()]["VERSION"].split(".") >+ # save the slot >+ retval[p.get_cpv()]["SLOT"] = tmp[0] + "." + tmp[1] >+ # save compiler flags, if stored in vdb >+ for f in [ "CHOST" , "CC", "CFLAGS", "CXX", "CXXFLAGS" ]: >+ if os.access( os.path.join( basePath, f ) , os.R_OK): >+ retval[p.get_cpv()][f] = open(os.path.join( basePath, f )).read() >+ if retval[p.get_cpv()][f][-1] == "\n": >+ retval[p.get_cpv()][f] = retval[p.get_cpv()][f][:-1] >+ return retval >+ >+ # scan vdb searching for gcc version about every installed package >+ def __scanVDB(self): >+ numCompiledWithLastVersion = 0 >+ compiledWithAnOldVersion = [] >+ categoriesList = os.listdir( os.path.join( portage.root, portage.VDB_PATH ) ) >+ categoriesList.sort() >+ for category in categoriesList: >+ packagesList = os.listdir( os.path.join( portage.root, portage.VDB_PATH, category ) ) >+ packagesList.sort() >+ for package in packagesList: >+ pkgGccVersion = self.__getGccVersion(os.path.join( category, package )) >+ if pkgGccVersion[os.path.join( category, package )]["SLOT"] == self.__installedGccSlots[-1]: >+ numCompiledWithLastVersion += 1 >+ else: >+ compiledWithAnOldVersion.append(pkgGccVersion) >+ return { "NUM_COMPILED_WITH_LATEST_VERSION" : numCompiledWithLastVersion, "COMPILED_WITH_OLD_VERSION" : compiledWithAnOldVersion } >+ >+ > # > # Command line tokens to commands mapping > # >@@ -1591,7 +1749,8 @@ > "check" : CmdCheckIntegrity(), > "stats" : CmdDisplayStatistics(), > "glsa" : CmdListGLSAs(), >- "which": CmdWhich() >+ "which": CmdWhich(), >+ "gcc" : CmdShowGccInfo() > } > > # Short command line tokens >@@ -1609,7 +1768,8 @@ > "s" : "size", > "t" : "stats", > "u" : "uses", >- "w" : "which" >+ "w" : "which", >+ "v" : "gcc" > } > > from gentoolkit import Config
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bug 115203
| 110530