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Bug 162111
ebuild: games-fps/doom1-data
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license for ebuild
LICENSE.DOC (text/plain), 8.81 KB, created by
Brandon Captain
on 2007-01-16 03:10:31 UTC
license for ebuild
MIME Type:
Brandon Captain
2007-01-16 03:10:31 UTC
8.81 KB
> LIMITED USE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT > > This Limited Use Software License Agreement (the "Agreement") is a legal >agreement between you, the end-user, and Id Software, Inc. ("ID"). By >continuing the installation of this game program, by loading or running the >game, or by placing or copying the game program onto your computer hard >drive, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you >do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, promptly return the game program >and the accompanying items (including all written materials), along with your >receipt to the place from where you obtained them for a full refund. > >ID SOFTWARE LICENSE > > 1. Grant of License. ID grants to you the right to use one (1) copy >of the enclosed Id Software game program (the "Software") on a single >computer. For purposes of this section, "use" means loading the Software >into RAM, as well as installation on a hard disk or other storage device. You >shall not: rent, lease, sell, distribute for money or other consideration, modify, >translate, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, or create derivative works >based upon the Software. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may create a map >editor, modify maps and make your own maps (collectively referenced as the >"Permitted Derivative Works") for the Software. You may not sell or distribute >any Permitted Derivative Works but you may exchange the Permitted Derivative >Works at no charge amongst other end-users. In order to commercially distribute >any such map editor or data utility you must first sign ID's Data Utility License >and ID reserves the right to deny authorization to commercial distribute the any >such map editor or data utility. You may request a copy of the Data Editor License >from ID. The Software, together with any archive copy thereof, shall be either >returned to ID or destroyed when no longer used in accordance with this Agreement, > or when the right to use the Software is terminated. You agree that the Software >will not be shipped, transferred or exported into any country in violation of the >U.S. Export Administration Act (or any other law governing such matters) and that >you will not utilize, in any other manner, the Software in violation of any applicable law. > > 2. Commercial Use is Prohibited: Under no circumstances shall you, the end >user, be permitted, allowed or authorized to commercially exploit the Software, any >data comprising the Software (whether modified by you or otherwise) or any maps you >make regarding the Software (collectively referred to as the "Materials"). Neither you >nor anyone at your direction shall do the following acts with regard to the Materials: > >a. Rent the Materials; > >b. Sell the Materials; > >c. Lease the Materials; > >d. Offer the Materials on a pay-per-play basis; > >e. Distribute the Materials for money or other consideration; or > >f. In any manner and through any medium whatsoever commercially exploit the > Materials or use the Materials for any commercial purpose. > > 3. Copyright. The Software is owned by ID and is protected by United >States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You must treat >the Software like any other copyrighted material, except that you may either >(a) make one copy of the Software solely for back-up or archival purposes, or >(b) transfer the Software to a single hard disk provided you keep the >original solely for back-up or archival purposes. You may not otherwise >reproduce, copy or disclose to others, in whole or in any part, the Software. >You may not copy the written materials accompanying the Software. The >same restrictions and prohibitions regarding your use of the Materials as >provided in paragraph 2 herein apply to your use of the written materials >accompanying the Software. The written materials are owned by ID and are >protected by the United States copyright laws and International treaties. You >agree to use your best efforts to see that any user of the Software licensed >hereunder complies with this Agreement. > > 4. Limited Warranty. ID warrants that if properly installed and >operated on a computer for which it is designed, the Software will perform >substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials for a >period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt. ID's entire liability >and your exclusive remedy shall be, at ID's option, either (a) return of the >price paid or (b) repair or replacement of the Software that does not meet >ID's Limited Warranty. To make a warranty claim, return the Software to the >point of purchase, accompanied by proof of purchase, your name, your address, >and a statement of defect, or return the Software with the above information >to ID. This Limited Warranty is void if failure of the Software has resulted >in whole or in part from accident, abuse, misapplication or violation of this >Agreement. Any replacement Software will be warranted for the remainder of >the original warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer. This >warranty allocates risks of product failure between Licensee and ID. ID's >product pricing reflects this allocation of risk and the limitations of >liability contained in this warranty. > > 5. NO OTHER WARRANTIES. ID DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER >EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF >MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE >SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY >GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY HAVE OTHERS WHICH VARY FROM >JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. ID DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF >THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, ERROR FREE OR MEET LICENSEE'S SPECIFIC >REQUIREMENTS. THE WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS >WARRANTIES WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN. THE AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, DISTRIBUTORS, >AND DEALERS OF ID ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO MAKE MODIFICATIONS TO THIS >WARRANTY, OR ADDITIONAL WARRANTIES ON BEHALF OF ID. ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS >SUCH AS DEALER ADVERTISING OR PRESENTATIONS, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, DO >NOT CONSTITUTE WARRANTIES BY ID AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON. > > 6. Exclusive Remedies. You agree that your exclusive remedy against >ID, its affiliates, contractors, suppliers, and agents for loss or damage >caused by any defect or failure in the Software regardless of the form of >action, whether in contract, tort, including negligence, strict liability or >otherwise, shall be the return of the purchase price paid or replacement of >the Software. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and >governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Copyright and other proprietary >matters will be governed by United States laws and international treaties. >IN ANY CASE, ID SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF PROFITS, LOST >SAVINGS, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT OR OTHER SIMILAR >DAMAGES ARISING FROM BREACH OF WARRANTY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, >OR OTHER LEGAL THEORY EVEN IF ID OR ITS AGENT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE >POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. Some >jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or >consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply >to you. > > 7. General Provisions. Neither this Agreement nor any part or portion >hereof shall be assigned, sublicensed or otherwise transferred by you. >Should any provision of this Agreement be held to be void, invalid, >unenforceable or illegal by a court, the validity and enforceability of the >other provisions shall not be affected thereby. If any provision is >determined to be unenforceable, you agree to a modification of such provision >to provide for enforcement of the provision's intent, to the extent permitted >by applicable law. Failure of a party to enforce any provision of this >Agreement shall not constitute or be construed as a waiver of such provision >or of the right to enforce such provision. If you fail to comply with any >terms of this Agreement, YOUR LICENSE IS AUTOMATICALLY TERMINATED. > > YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THIS AGREEMENT, AND UNDERSTAND THAT BY CONTINUING THE >INSTALLATION OF THE SOFTWARE, BY LOADING OR RUNNING THE SOFTWARE, >OR BY PLACING OR COPYING THE SOFTWARE ONTO YOUR COMPUTER HARD >DRIVE, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THIS AGREEMENT'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS. >YOU FURTHER AGREE THAT, EXCEPT FOR WRITTEN SEPARATE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN >ID AND YOU, THIS AGREEMENT IS A COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE STATEMENT OF >THE RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES OF THE PARTIES. THIS AGREEMENT SUPERSEDES ALL >PRIOR ORAL AGREEMENTS, PROPOSALS OR UNDERSTANDINGS, AND ANY OTHER >COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN ID AND YOU RELATING TO THE SUBJECT >MATTER OF THIS AGREEMENT.
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bug 162111