I am not sure why this is, but fish suddenly stopped working properly when I rebuild world a few days ago. If I use kate or another KDE app to edit a remote file, instead of allowing me to and integrating nicely like it used to, it deletes the temporary file from the disk straight away. Here is an example of an error kate gives me (prompted by clicking out of the window - but the file is deleted before then). Using alternate programs that are not integrated with KDE like nedit allow me to edit the file as it doesn't check for changes until the program is exited. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Open remote ssh file via Konquerer in Kate for editing 2. 3. Expected Results: Allow editing of remote files and integration with KDE apps so saving from KDE apps is possible and also so saving without exiting the KDE application is possible. USE="x86 3dnow 3dnowext X aac aalib alsa apache2 apm arts avi berkdb bitmap-fonts cdparanoia cdr crypt cups curl dba directfb dv dvb dvd dvdr dvdread emacs emboss encode esd fam ffmpeg flac flatfile font-server foomaticdb fortran gd gdbm ggi gif glut gnome gnutls gpm gtk gtk2 hal imagemagick imlib innodb ipv6 jack java jpeg junit kde kdeenablefinal kdexdeltas kdexdltas libcaca libg++ libwww mad matroska mcal mikmod mmx motif mp3 mpeg mpm-prefork mysql nas ncurses nls nptl nptlonly offensive oggvorbis opengl oss pam pdflib perl php png python qt quicktime readline ruby sdl silc spell sqllite sse sse2 ssl subversion svg svga tcltk tcpd tetex theora tidy tiff truetype truetype-fonts type1-fonts v4l vhosts xine xml xml2 xmms xosd xprint xslt xv xvid zlib"
Created attachment 55004 [details] Screenshot of Kate breaking
Kate works great here editing remove files over fish, 3.4.0. Maybe you've got an ssl/ssh problem?
haven't heard of any other problems with this - seems like a local issue.
Yes it "WORKSFORME" too now I use a stable well designed distribution like Arch Linux. I even sent you screenshots. I would be insulted at that response if I'd expected any better. Thanks Caleb you really know what you're talking about.