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Bug 395947 - incorrect revdep-rebuild order for
Summary: incorrect revdep-rebuild order for
Alias: None
Product: Portage Development
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Third-Party Tools (show other bugs)
Hardware: AMD64 Linux
: Normal minor (vote)
Assignee: Portage Tools Team
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Reported: 2011-12-24 23:36 UTC by Alex HeadHunter Pyattaev
Modified: 2014-08-27 16:23 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

emerge --info (emerge-info.tar.gz,6.29 KB, application/x-gzip)
2011-12-24 23:39 UTC, Alex HeadHunter Pyattaev

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Description Alex HeadHunter Pyattaev 2011-12-24 23:36:55 UTC
Revdep-rebuild after updates to libx264 incorrectly assumes that the following rebuild order should be taken:
[ebuild   R    ] media-video/transcode-1.1.7 
[ebuild   R    ] media-video/ffmpeg-0.9 
[ebuild   R    ] media-video/mplayer-1.0_rc4_p20111215 
While transcode itself depends on ffmpeg's libavcodec (at least in buildtime), therefore the whole thing fails 
""" x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/lib/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)"""

Obviously, rebuilding ffmpeg manually solves the problem. Also, rebuilding transcode and mplayer is in fact not needed at all, as they only link directly to ffmpeg. Yet the bug is still there. AFAIK it was the same situation with previous libx264 updates.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Downgrade libx264 to something ancient
2. Build ffmpeg against it
3. upgrade libx264 back to last ver
4. run revdep-rebuild, enjoy it failing

Expected Results:  
I'd expect the revdep-rebuild to be a bit smarter and not try to rebuild stuff that does not directly depend on libx264 even if it is broken (since it might be that the other stuff that does directly depend on that lib is the only stuff really broken)

It's an old problem in fact and I know it is not local to ffmpeg, but maybe some workaround could be made for the common cases like libx264, libpng and such?
Comment 1 Alex HeadHunter Pyattaev 2011-12-24 23:39:56 UTC
Created attachment 296891 [details]
emerge --info

The emerge --info from my host in case anyone is interested.
Comment 2 Zac Medico gentoo-dev 2011-12-27 00:13:59 UTC
What version of app-portage/gentoolkit do you have installed?