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Bug 436556

Summary: x11-misc/slim-1.3.4 does not include patch 2690 - no kerberos ticket
Product: Gentoo Linux Reporter: Robert Sharp <bugzilla>
Component: New packagesAssignee: Ian Stakenvicius (RETIRED) <axs>
Severity: normal CC: antarus, desktop-misc
Priority: Normal    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: All   
OS: Linux   
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Description Robert Sharp 2012-09-29 08:06:43 UTC
slim-1.3.4 ebuild does provide a kerberos ticket for a new session. This was fixed with patch 2690 but got dropped somewhere and is reapplied with patch 3043. By adding patch 2690 to an overlay of the slim-1.3.4 ebuild, kerberos works as expected.
Comment 1 Ian Stakenvicius (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-10-01 16:53:39 UTC
This does seem to be a regression, but after googling I'm not sure that the patch is the proper solution for the issue (ie it may break other things).

Will continue to look into it.
Comment 2 Ian Stakenvicius (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-10-02 15:53:19 UTC
I need to confirm that the bug you have is unique to slim.  Could you please test with the latest x11-apps/xdm and confirm that kerberos authentication is working there?

If it isn't, then the issue is probably the way kerberos is set up.
Comment 3 Alec Warner (RETIRED) archtester gentoo-dev Security 2012-10-02 16:33:35 UTC
tl;dr, pam is really complicated.

I think the code in slim is not incorrect. We need your slim pam config (basically the context of /etc/pam.d/*, if possible) to know what modules you are using.
Comment 4 Robert Sharp 2012-10-03 12:35:25 UTC
OK, I have installed the latest xdm (1.1.11-r1) and reverted to the latest slim from portage (1.3.4) and when I have logged in I have no credentials (klist shows nothing). When I use my overlay with patch 2690 applied I have credentials (klist shows a list).

Just to be absolutely clear, I have applied patch 2690 and not 3043, which seems to contain a lot of other things unrelated to this particular issue.

Given that this patch works (I now have my tickets, I didn't before) do you still need to see what is in my pam slim files or not? I do not see why this would help, but I can attach if you want me to. Its just a lot of work cos there are several files involved.
Comment 5 Ian Stakenvicius (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-10-03 12:55:43 UTC
Yes please.

It's good to hear that xdm also fails.  Could you test (if it's not too much trouble) x11-misc/lightdm and see if that works with your kerberos setup?
Comment 6 Alec Warner (RETIRED) archtester gentoo-dev Security 2012-10-03 12:58:11 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> Yes please.
> It's good to hear that xdm also fails.  Could you test (if it's not too much
> trouble) x11-misc/lightdm and see if that works with your kerberos setup?

I'll test slim at work (where my kerb setup is) and see if it works. I'm still thinking this patch is wrong. Everything should work with ESTABLISH_CRED; it bugs me that it appears not to.

Robert, can you still include your pam config?

Comment 7 Robert Sharp 2012-10-03 13:01:58 UTC
Here are the pam files...

* pam.d/slim:

# File autogenerated by pamd_mimic in pam eclass

auth	include		system-local-login
account	include		system-local-login
session	include		system-local-login

* pam.d/system-local-login:

auth		include		system-login
account		include		system-login
password	include		system-login
session		include		system-login

* pam.d/system-login:

auth		required onerr=succeed
auth		required 
auth		required 
auth		include		system-auth
account		required 
account		required 
account		include		system-auth
account		required onerr=succeed 
password	include		system-auth
session         optional
session		required 
session		optional 
session		include		system-auth
session		optional nox11
session		optional motd=/etc/motd
session		optional

* pam.d/system-auth:

# Kerberised and Huddled
auth       required
auth	   sufficient minimum_uid=500
auth       sufficient try_first_pass likeauth nullok
auth       required

account    required minimum_uid=500
account    required

password   required difok=2 minlen=12 retry=3
password   sufficient try_first_pass use_authtok minimum_uid=500
password   sufficient try_first_pass use_authtok nullok md5 shadow
password   required

session    optional minimum_uid=500
session    required
session    required
Comment 8 Ian Stakenvicius (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-10-04 21:06:41 UTC
OK, so I have confirmed that the patch, although allowing the kerberos ticket to be accessible to the user, does so in a rather wrong way.

Testing with the code as-is (ie, pam_setcred(PAM_ESTABLISH_CRED) ), KRB5CCNAME is set to a proper cache file, ie /tmp/krb5cc_[uid]_[random] , but the file is not created.

Testing with the patch (ie, pam_setcred(PAM_REINITIALIZE_CRED) ), KRB5CCNAME is set to /tmp/krb5cc_0 and that file is populated appropriately.  The issue here being that it is obviously not a file linked to the user's [uid], and I could see that causing all sorts of issues.

Will continue to debug this...
Comment 9 Ian Stakenvicius (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-10-05 17:06:23 UTC
+*slim-1.3.4-r1 (05 Oct 2012)
+  05 Oct 2012; Ian Stakenvicius <> -files/slim-1.3.3-config.diff,
+  -slim-1.3.4.ebuild, +slim-1.3.4-r1.ebuild, +files/slim-1.3.4-config.diff,
+  +files/slim-1.3.4-pam-end.patch:
+  force default vt07 (bug 436620) and ensure pam session isn't erroneously
+  cleaned during child execution (cause for krb5 ticket cache not existing in
+  bug 436556)
Comment 10 Robert Sharp 2012-10-06 07:31:52 UTC
I tried this latest ebuild and I can confirm that I now get my credentials through and the cache file is correctly named.

Really big thank-you for sorting this out so quickly!

Now, if something could be done to just get rid of that horrible moment during logout when the console is visible...