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Bug 18933

Summary: next generation gcc-config
Product: Gentoo Linux Reporter: Zach Welch (RETIRED) <zwelch>
Component: [OLD] DevelopmentAssignee: Please assign to toolchain <gcc-porting>
Severity: enhancement CC: iggy, karltk, lisa, prices
Priority: High    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: All   
OS: Linux   
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---
Bug Depends on:    
Bug Blocks: 18024, 18034, 18936, 19395, 23171, 26757, 27817, 29558, 29950    
Attachments: wrapper-1.4.2.c

Description Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-07 18:11:35 UTC
I have been working with Aiken to produce a next-generation gcc-config that
provides cross-compiling integration and support.  The latest script has been
added to portage, though several bugs have been found that resulted in 
the version at this URL actually working:

Related to this bug is Aiken's cross-gcc, which takes a slightly different
approach by cloning a set of arch-blank ebuilds instead of using
the main ebuilds as proposed here.  It can be found in bug 18789.

Part of the reason for opening this bug is to discuss the possible solutions
for multiple versions of cross-compilers being installed.  In other words,
to allow the user to switch between gcc2 and gcc3 in parallel to the native 
toolchain.  This would mean a set of CURRENT-$CCHOST files in /etc/env.d/gcc
and suitable modifications to the script to deal with it.

There are a couple of other issues, but I want to get these initial thoughts
down while I'm feeling verbose.
Comment 1 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-08 15:12:48 UTC
I dont like this.  Rather push Nick (carpaski) to enable portage to support
multiple SLOT's per version.  This is the whole idea behind the CHOST in
the SLOT if its a cross-compile.
Comment 2 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-08 17:07:49 UTC
Martin, Regarding your SLOT comments, the current arch-* category trick to 
allow multiple arch installs is sub-standard, and I agree that Portage should 
be expanded to allow multiple instances of cross-compilable package to be 
installed in parallel.  While I am not entirely convinced that SLOT is just
the right mechanism, I will try to talk Nick into supporting a similar feature. 
In the meantime, this implementation has the advantage of providing a working 
foundation that doesn't require additional Portage changes.

However, the problem I mention above relates to the run-time switching between 
two versions and does not involve Portage at all.  Just like with the native 
compiler, sometimes you may want $CHOST-gcc to point to gcc-2.95 and sometimes 
gcc-3.2.2, but this should be settable independently of the native toolchain or 
other cross-compilers.

In this regard, this discussion has direct bearing on your latest suggestion 
in bug 18034.  I think the right solution is to extend gcc-config's C wrapper 
to handle the /usr/bin/$CCHOST-gcc targets and pass them through to the proper  
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/$CCHOST/$CCVERS/gcc binary, based on my above suggestion for 
CURRENT-$CCHOST files. [[ /usr/bin/gcc should always point to a native 
compiler, as we have found it conclusively problematic to use gcc-config to 
switch the wrappers to use cross-compilers. ]]
Given this condition, I'm blocking that bug with this one.  I am looking 
forward to code up the required C solution upon getting your design approval. 
I hope that the ideas here are not to unrealistic or irrational, and they have 
only been presented here after quite a bit of heated discussion in IRC.

Also, this also brings up (in my mind) the notion of storing the settings for 
a gcc-config environment on a per-user basis, but that's probably for 
gcc-config-2.0 and not 1.4.x.  See for 
an overview of that particular method of madness.
Comment 3 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-08 17:49:06 UTC
Uhm, so lets get this right:

1)  /usr/bin/{gcc,whatever_without_CHOST,whatever_with_CHOST_but_non_CCHOST}
    keeps on functioning like it does currently.   We may just add some or
    other ENV variable that override search order of PATH, so that it is
    easier for the user (non sys admin) to choose the version of gcc he
    wants to use.

2)  Add /usr/bin/{CCHOST-*} wrappers that can select the right version compiler
    via some or other env var.

This it ?  Could work if I did not misunderstand.

But first, what is the main issues with cross compilers and current setup ?
Comment 4 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-08 20:31:20 UTC
I think you have the basic idea.  /usr/bin/gcc will work as it does now,
but we will add new /usr/bin/$CCHOST-{gcc,g++,etc.} wrappers.  These will
look in the appropriate /etc/env.d/gcc/CURRENT-$CCHOST file to determine the 
correct /usr/lib/gcc-lib/$CCHOST/$CCVERS/{gcc,g++,etc.} target PATH, 
libraries, and other fun stuff.  These things can all be accomplished through 
simple extensions to gcc-config's existing script and wrapper.c files.

That said, your first comment has left both Aiken and I scratching our heads.
I remember pointing you at these pages a while back, but perhaps it's time I
do so again; please let me know what I can do to improve the accuracy of the 
information contained herein:
Also, you might look at the use of CBUILD, CHOST, and CCHOST in the CVS
version of crosscompile.eclass to see how we're using them.

The problems with the current system stem from the simple notion that it 
doesn't support this functionality. ;D  Seriously though, the current 
gcc-config switching makes it far to easy for a user to switch 'gcc' to
point to a cross-compiler, forget to set ROOT, and blow up their native
packages.  True, we've got safeguards in crosscompile.eclass, but even so....
Comment 5 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-09 15:56:27 UTC
Understood.  I tried to create a basis that should support multi-version/cross
compiling, but as I had limited cross compiling knowledge, and at the time
nobody really stepped forward, it is what it was before you started.

In general sounds good.  I still just think we should get Nick to fix portage,
rather than having a magnitude of diff packages.
Comment 6 James Boddington (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-09 20:36:52 UTC
I use -O2 in my CFLAGS. My main system is an athlon. The following was very easy 
to do. I did it as an example. 
build/install sparc cross compiler 
gcc-config sparc-unknown-linux-gnu-3.2.2 
. /etc/profile (pretend I forget I have done this) 
emerge patch 
decide to update bash with emerg bash 
 * Failed Patch: bash-2.05b-gentoo.diff.bz2! 
 * Include in your bugreport the contents of: 
 *   /var/tmp/portage/bash-2.05b-r3/temp/bash-2.05b-gentoo.diff.bz2-14629.out 
Apart from trying to emerge bash with the wrong gcc,  path is also broken. 
I now have a sparc patch on my system instead of a x86 patch and have broken any 
ebuild that uses patch. In this case if patch had needed patch I would not have been 
able to rebuild a x86 version. This was an easy example to recover from. I used 
gcc-config to change back to the native compiler and re-emerge patch. 
Is there any reason the wrappers have to be binary executables and not bash 
scripts? This a function I am trying in gcc-config-1.4.2 
        ebegin Setting up the cross compiler wrappers for ${CC_COMP} 
        source ${ROOT}etc/env.d/gcc/${CC_COMP} 
        ARCH=`echo ${CC_COMP} | /usr/bin/awk -F'-' '{print $1}'` 
        if [ -d ${PATH} ] 
                cd ${PATH} 
                for x in ${ARCH}-* 
                        echo "#!/bin/bash" > /usr/bin/${x} 
                        echo "${PATH}/${x} \$@" >> /usr/bin/${x} 
                        /usr/bin/chmod +x /usr/bin/${x} 
Called as 
gcc-config --set-crosscompiler sparc-unknown-linux-gnu-3.2.2 
it produces a set of wrappers in /usr/bin/ simillar to the following  
fred bin # cat sparc-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc 
/usr/sparc-unknown-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/3.2/sparc-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc $@ 
bug 8132 keeps getting mentioned so I tried cross compiling a 2.4.20 kernel. With this 
wrapper the compiler had no problem finding it's headers files and compiling the 
kernel. It does fail without the wrapper. So far this wrapper is working for me. 
Comment 7 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-12 16:42:02 UTC
Created attachment 10573 [details]

Because it is too slow ...

Here is an update to the C wrapper script.  You basically compile it for cross
compilers like so:

  gcc -DCC_PROFILE=\"sparc-unknown-linux-gnu-3.2.2\" wrapper-1.4.1.c -o gcc-tmp

and then you can copy gcc-tmp (or whatever .. its just a tmp file) in your
set_crosscompiler() to /usr/bin/sparc-unknown-linux-gnu-{gcc,g++,etc}

Comments ?
Comment 8 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-12 17:25:26 UTC
Also, we could get gcc-config to automatically set the cross compiler if
the CHOST do not match that in make.conf ... should be much easier to at the
end if the day ...
Comment 9 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-12 17:37:14 UTC
I like this idea.  I am working on a version of gcc-config that integrates
all of the changes that have gone into gcc-config-1.3.2 and 1.3.3, as well
as the new wrapper changes you've got listed.  I should have everything 
put back together in a few hours, and I'll post the latest bits here.
Comment 10 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-20 02:31:53 UTC
Here is a new version of the C wrapper, which has gone so much surgery it will
hardly be recognizable.  There are a few comments in-line that need review, so 
an overview of what I have done is absolutely required:

- massive re-factoring, cleanup, and commentification.  Diff is useless.
   For the existing native compilers, the new C wrapper should be fully 
   backward compatible.  It's a drop in replacement with new features
   that don't get in the way of the old behavior.

- now detects whether its name includes CHOST (e.g. CHOST-gcc) and dispatches
   in parallel for each installed CHOST toolchain.  Each target toolchain can
   be selected indepedently from the rest.  As such, /etc/env.d/gcc/ may be
   populated with config-CHOST and CHOST-VERS files, containing CURRENT and
   PATH, LDPATH, etc. respectively.

- I have added support for a new GCCC_PROFILES env var, which holds a colon 
   delimited list of the CURRENT settings from all the config files. If set, 
   it would be used in preference to gcc/config-* files, thus providing a
   stable fix for multi-session support -- a long standing bug in gcc-config.
   When gcc-config is called from console A while amake job on console B 
   (with PATH missing gcc-bin dir) is running, the build will be switch
   tools immediately and be completed with the new profile.  This bug is
   still present in version 1.3.3 as it reads the generated env.d file. 

   By setting GCCC_PROFILES in 05gcc or .bash_profile, the system and user can
   set the active set of tools for new sessions.  In fact, having this
   set eliminates the need to open the config file, making it faster too.

- I also went ahead with adding per-user configuration support as well.  If
   GCCC_PROFILES is not been set, the wrapper will look in a user specific
   directory ($HOME/.gcc-config) for the config-* files.  This set of files
   can be used to construct a per-user GCCC_PROFILES, though the user would
   need to add something like:  `gcc-config --export-user-profiles`  in
   their .bash_profile to automatically over-ride the system defaults when 
   they log in.

- With the above changes, gcc-config's new wrapper now uses the following
   algorithm for finding the target binaries for a given invocation:

   1) always use PATH first!! -- skip remaining steps if not found
   2) get CHOST from argv[0], and find the appropriate CHOST-VERS file:
       2a) look in GCCC_PROFILES (in env) for a CHOST-* profile
       2b) if not found, get CURRENT from config or config-CHOST file:
            i) look for $HOME/.gcc-config/<config-CHOST>
            ii) if not found, look in /etc/env.d/gcc/<config-CHOST>
   3) with the profile discovered in step 2:
       1) open /etc/env.d/gcc/<profile>
       2) read PATH and LDPATH and prepend to respective env vars (**)

- path modifying code refactored and cleaned up.  I understand the goal
   of that function is to stuff the target bin path to the front of PATH.
   Please correct me if I mistook the intent, as that's what it seemed to do.

- (**) In that capacity, I also have the wrapper do the same env var 
   prepending with the LDPATH var, as the libs may need to be moved up 
   as well, yes?  This new code can be trivally regressed, for now.

- Given these {LD}PATH setup support (and adding cross-compiling to the mix), 
   I think the 05gcc env.d file should no longer set PATH and LDPATH there.
   This should _drastically_ simplify the gcc-config profile switching.

I have updated the bash script to accomodate most of these changes;
here are the additions I have made to the gcc-config user script:

- allow 'gcc-config CCHOST-VERS' to switch the config-CHOST profile
   instead of the native config profile (${REAL_CHOST} != ${CC_COMP%-*})
   This includes settings the appropriate 'config-CHOST' files.  In
   updating this, I removed the need to 'source' any files.

- add per-user support.  When a user runs gcc-config, the script will now
   check the ~/.gcc-config directory when appropriate, and switch_profile
   will write its config-CHOST files there.  If a requested config-CHOST
   file does not exist there, the default system specification is used
   for that CHOST instead, so users may only override those settings.

- add support for GCCC_PROFILES in 05gcc.  Add --export-user-profiles to
   generate it from their ~/.gcc-config/config* files.  Remove PATH and
   LDPATH settings from env as now set by wrappers.

- extended get_current_profile to accept a bare CHOST in order to query to
   CURRENT setting in a non-native config file.

- moved wrapper creation out of the ebuild into install_wrappers function;
   the install_toolchain and switch_profile function then uses this for 
   CHOST-* wrapper (re)generation.  Added a reciprocal remove_wrappers 
   function. These will go undocumented.

- These {install,remove}_wrappers functions also have been given the ability 
   to transitively install distcc and ccache wrappers, if each respective
   package's new {distcc,ccache}-config is found.  distcc-config already
   has the required support, which needs to adapted into to ccache-config.

So some thoughts and questions for further changes:

- given this lot of improvements, i think the popen code is now utterly 
   useless.  What will it do that the C wrapper is not now doing itself?
   I have ifdef'd it out for now, as it just slows down legitimate failures.

- all of these changes begs for a small testsuite, if only to verify that
   the features I claim I've implemented actually exist.  Configurability is
   the bane of all testing, so it'd be good to run some automated tests.
Comment 11 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-20 02:32:57 UTC
Created attachment 10898 [details]

New gcc-config script
Comment 12 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-20 02:33:46 UTC
Created attachment 10899 [details]

New C wrapper
Comment 13 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-20 02:35:02 UTC
Created attachment 10900 [details]

New gcc-config ebuild
Comment 14 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-21 16:38:13 UTC
Havent had a chance to really look it over, but you should at least set LDPATH
to the system gcc's libpath, else all c++ stuff is going to bork.  If I over
looked something that fixes this ... like I said, just quickly looked over
Comment 15 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-21 19:35:39 UTC
Yeah, right someone pointed me at that; I should have posted a small disclaimer
about new, alpha level software:

I've got the fix for that in 1.4.4, but I need to make some other related fixes
that I haven't quite tracked down.  Please anyone that wants to try this needs 
to be careful. :)  I've been using it for everything here, but I really know 
its bugs too.
Comment 16 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-22 16:10:33 UTC
Uhm, as setting the cross compiler do not touch /etc/env.d/05gcc .. I say
it should be sufficient to just set LDPATH as I had it if we not setting
the system compiler (non Cross ...).  For cross it will be senseless (or
really not likely) to have to have the lib path in /etc/

Above again IMHO due to still not really having looked this over :P
Comment 17 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-22 17:45:57 UTC
ah, but you've hit on the key point : the script *shouldn't* touch
/etc/env.d/05gcc for cross-compilers, but it currently does... sorry, still
haven't finished working on it yet, but you just gave me the inspiration i need
to polish it off.
Comment 18 Zach Welch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-27 21:50:30 UTC
Is there any reason that gcc-config can't add the LDPATHs for all installed versions of gcc?  I just upgrade my profile on my TiBook from the old gcc-2.95.3 profile to the new gcc-3.2.2 profile.  This broke a lot of things that I was too lazy to fix, so I just added the 2.95.3 LDPATH after the 3.2.2 and everything came back to life.  I am wondering why gcc-config shouldn't just do this by default.
Comment 19 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-27 22:01:49 UTC
It does:

nosferatu root # gcc-config 2
 * Switching to i686-pc-linux-gnu-3.2.3 compiler...
c^Hgrep LDPATH /etc/env.d/05	  [ ok ]nosferatu root # grep LDPATH /etc/env.d/05gcc 
nosferatu root # 

Problem though is latest changes to use portageq ... I did check if it
have a symlink in /usr/bin for stable portage.  Spider only today notified
me of that.  I will add a fix in the next hour or so.
Comment 20 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-27 22:22:16 UTC
Should be fixed in gcc-config-1.3.3-r1.
Comment 21 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-05-02 16:35:03 UTC
> - With the above changes, gcc-config's new wrapper now uses the following
>   algorithm for finding the target binaries for a given invocation:
>   1) always use PATH first!! -- skip remaining steps if not found

I am assuming you mean:  always use PATH first!! -- skip remaining steps IF      

>   2) get CHOST from argv[0], and find the appropriate CHOST-VERS file:
>       2a) look in GCCC_PROFILES (in env) for a CHOST-* profile

I *think* this should be more generic.  We should move gcc-config to
cc-config anyhow, as it might be used to switch to icc/ccc ... thoughts?
If unclear, I was talking about GCCC_PROFILES.  If it is deemed needed to
support more than gcc, it should rather be CCC_PROFILES or such.

>       2b) if not found, get CURRENT from config or config-CHOST file:
>            i) look for $HOME/.gcc-config/<config-CHOST>
>            ii) if not found, look in /etc/env.d/gcc/<config-CHOST>
>   3) with the profile discovered in step 2:
>       1) open /etc/env.d/gcc/<profile>
>       2) read PATH and LDPATH and prepend to respective env vars (**)>>
>- path modifying code refactored and cleaned up.  I understand the goal
>   of that function is to stuff the target bin path to the front of PATH.
>   Please correct me if I mistook the intent, as that's what it seemed to do.>

Yes, for cutting out the wrapper, and trying to increase speed if possible.

>- (**) In that capacity, I also have the wrapper do the same env var 
>   prepending with the LDPATH var, as the libs may need to be moved up 
>   as well, yes?  This new code can be trivally regressed, for now.>

Err, I do not think this is such an good idea, although I might have the
wrong impression of what you want to do ... see next point.

>- Given these {LD}PATH setup support (and adding cross-compiling to the mix), 
>   I think the 05gcc env.d file should no longer set PATH and LDPATH there.
>   This should _drastically_ simplify the gcc-config profile switching.

This is not good at all.  It should be helpful/needed to drop PATH, but
LDPATH should *not* be touched.  This is because you want LDPATH to alway
contain the libs dirs of all compilers that the SYSTEM use.  Cross compilers
will prob be a different story.

Also, if you do drop PATH, it will be needed to wrap gcj, gcj-jar, etc as

>So some thoughts and questions for further changes:
>- given this lot of improvements, i think the popen code is now utterly 
>   useless.  What will it do that the C wrapper is not now doing itself?
>   I have ifdef'd it out for now, as it just slows down legitimate failures.

Right.  I have not done proper C coding in the last 5 years, so it was easier
at the time.

>- all of these changes begs for a small testsuite, if only to verify that
>   the features I claim I've implemented actually exist.  Configurability is
>   the bane of all testing, so it'd be good to run some automated tests.

Right, although I am guessing it will need more hacks to change the location
of the 'system' the testsuite runs in ...
Comment 22 Scott Price 2003-08-06 19:50:33 UTC
Is this still going?  Where can I get the ebuilds? rejects any connect attempts via http.

Scott  =)
Comment 23 Martin Holzer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-08-13 06:28:41 UTC
Comment 24 Joshua Kinard gentoo-dev 2003-10-01 21:09:31 UTC
Resolving as CANTFIX as zwelch is no longer a gentoo developer, and any newer
gcc-config code is seemingly non-existant now.  Likely, it will all have
to be re-written sometime in the future.

As for the attached gcc-config-1.4.3 program, wrapper, and ebuild, maybe
this can be cleaned up and reviewed in another bug and added to Portage with
a keyword mask.