""" There are a few options, described at the top of rss2email.py. For convenience they are copied over here. If you want to change something, add it to ~/.rss2email/config.py. """ ### Vaguely Customizable Options ### # The email address messages are from by default: DEFAULT_FROM = "bozo@dev.null.invalid" # 1: Send text/html messages when possible. # 0: Convert HTML to plain text. HTML_MAIL = 0 # 1: Only use the DEFAULT_FROM address. # 0: Use the email address specified by the feed, when possible. FORCE_FROM = 0 # 1: Receive one email per post. # 0: Receive an email every time a post changes. TRUST_GUID = 1 # 1: Generate Date header based on item's date, when possible. # 0: Generate Date header based on time sent. DATE_HEADER = 0 # A tuple consisting of some combination of # ('issued', 'created', 'modified', 'expired') # expressing ordered list of preference in dates # to use for the Date header of the email. DATE_HEADER_ORDER = ('modified', 'issued', 'created') # 1: Apply Q-P conversion (required for some MUAs). # 0: Send message in 8-bits. # http://cr.yp.to/smtp/8bitmime.html QP_REQUIRED = 0 # 1: Name feeds as they're being processed. # 0: Keep quiet. VERBOSE = 0 # 1: Use the publisher's email if you can't find the author's. # 0: Just use the DEFAULT_FROM email instead. USE_PUBLISHER_EMAIL = 0 # 1: Use SMTP_SERVER to send mail. # 0: Call /usr/bin/sendmail to send mail. SMTP_SEND = 0 SMTP_SERVER = "smtp.yourisp.net:25" # Set this to add a bonus header to all emails (start with '\n'). BONUS_HEADER = '' # Example: BONUS_HEADER = '\nApproved: joe@bob.org' # Set this to override From addresses. Keys are feed URLs, values are new titles. OVERRIDE_FROM = {} # Note: You can also override the send function. def send(fr, to, message): if SMTP_SEND: smtpserver.sendmail(fr, [to], message) else: i, o = os.popen2(["/usr/sbin/sendmail", to]) i.write(message) i.close(); o.close() del i, o ## html2text options ## # Use Unicode characters instead of their ascii psuedo-replacements UNICODE_SNOB = 0 # Put the links after each paragraph instead of at the end. LINKS_EACH_PARAGRAPH = 0 # Wrap long lines at position. 0 for no wrapping. (Requires Python 2.3.) BODY_WIDTH = 0