# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ inherit eutils java-pkg DESCRIPTION="MSN and Jabber client in Java" HOMEPAGE="http://www.mercury.to/" SRC_URI="http://www.mercury.to/releases/${PV}_ManualUpdate.zip" LICENSE="" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~x86" DEPEND="app-arch/unzip" RDEPEND=">=virtual/jre-1.4 dev-java/jmf-bin" # dev-java/jdictrayapi-0.8.7" # =dev-java/jdom-1.0_beta6" IUSE="" src_unpack() { mkdir ${P} cd ${S} unpack ${A} #Clean the dllStuff.jar from things we dont need cd lib mkdir dllStuff cd dllStuff unzip ../dllStuff.jar rm -rf ../dllStuff.jar org/jdesktop x10gimli/platform # rm lib/XML.jar } src_install() { #rebuild the dllStuff.jar cd ${S}/lib/dllStuff jar cvf ../dllStuff.jar * cd ${S} rm -rf lib/dllStuff #Start installing stuff insinto /opt/${PN}/resources doins -r resources/* java-pkg_dojar lib/* insinto /opt/${PN}/ exeinto /opt/${PN}/ doins ${FILESDIR}/icon32.gif newexe ${FILESDIR}/mercury.sh mercury make_desktop_entry mercury "Mercury MSN client" /opt/${PN}/icon32.gif dodir /opt/bin dosym /opt/${PN}/mercury /opt/bin/mercury }