WARNING: 'portageq envvar PORTDIR' is deprecated. Use any of 'get_repos, get_repo_path, repos_config' instead. WARNING: 'portageq envvar PORTDIR' is deprecated. Use any of 'get_repos, get_repo_path, repos_config' instead. WARNING: 'portageq envvar PORTDIR' is deprecated. Use any of 'get_repos, get_repo_path, repos_config' instead. global use flags (searching: natspec) ************************************************************ no matching entries found local use flags (searching: natspec) ************************************************************ [- ] natspec app-arch/unzip: Use dev-libs/libnatspec to correctly decode non-ascii file names archived in Windows. 5.52-r2 [gentoo] [- ] 6.0-r3 [gentoo] [- ] natspec app-arch/zip: Use dev-libs/libnatspec to correctly decode non-ascii file names archived in Windows. 2.32-r1 [gentoo] 3.0 [gentoo] [- ] 3.0-r1 [gentoo] [- ] 3.0-r2 [gentoo] [- ] 3.0-r3 [gentoo]