# Config file for /etc/init.d/slimserver # Preference file. SLIMSERVER_CFG="/etc/slimserver.conf" # Log file. SLIMSERVER_LOG="/var/log/slimserver" # Startup options SLIMSERVER_OPTS="--daemon --prefsfile=$SLIMSERVER_CFG --logfile=$SLIMSERVER_LOG" # --help => Show this usage information. # --audiodir => The path to a directory of your MP3 files. # --cachedir => Directory for SlimServer to save cached music and web data # --diag => Use diagnostics, shows more verbose errors. Also slows # down library processing considerably # --logfile => Specify a file for error logging. # --daemon => Run the server in the background. # This may only work on Unix-like systems. # --stdio => Use standard in and out as a command line interface # to the server # --user => Specify the user that server should run as. # Only usable if server is started as root. # This may only work on Unix-like systems. # --group => Specify the group that server should run as. # Only usable if server is started as root. # This may only work on Unix-like systems. # --httpport => Activate the web interface on the specified port. # Set to 0 in order disable the web server. # --httpaddr => Activate the web interface on the specified IP address. # --cliport => Activate the command line interface TCP/IP interface # on the specified port. Set to 0 in order disable the # command line interface server. # --cliaddr => Activate the command line interface TCP/IP # interface on the specified IP address. # --prefsfile => Specify the path of the the preferences file # --pidfile => Specify where a process ID file should be stored # --quiet => Minimize the amount of text output # --playeraddr => Specify the _server's_ IP address to use to connect # to Slim players # --priority => set process priority from -20 (high) to 20 (low) # no effect on non-Unix platforms # --streamaddr => Specify the _server's_ IP address to use to connect # to streaming audio sources # --nosetup => Disable setup via http. # --noserver => Disable web access server settings, but leave player # settings accessible. Settings changes arenot preserved.