Gentoo Linux Bugzilla Before going on...

Now choose the product on which to enter the bug.

Gentoo Linux:  The Gentoo Linux Distribution - Ebuilds and System related issues.
If you're unsure where your bugs go, then file them here.
Portage Development:  Code, tools, and documentation. Applications that support the Portage tree. (ebuilds and their bugs do not got here)
Gentoo LiveCD (all flavors):  If any LiveCD is giving you trouble, then your bug belongs here! (this includes install and game cds)
Docs-user:  User oriented documentation.
Docs-developer:  Developer oriented documentation and Tools. This includes portage.
GRP:  Gentoo Reference Platform. Bugs that deal with the binary packages that are distributed as part of the GRP.
Gentoo GLSA:  User Contributed And Pending Security Announcements.
Gentoo Hosted Projects:  All Gentoo Hosted Project bug reports.

Bugzilla Version 2.18rc2

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