#!/usr/bin/python import getopt,sys import binpkgmain help=''' binpkgmain: wrapper script to access functions in binpkgmain.py that are used to maintain a repository of binary gentoo packages. Compares the packages to the contents of the current portage tree and indicates packages that have dropped out of portage and need upgrading. Can optionally move redundant packages to another directory and/or advise if there is a newer version of a package in portage. Can also be used to explicitly generate a new metadata.idx file in the binary repository. Useage: binpkgmain [-m | -u | -g | -h ] -m, --move-redundant : move redundant packages -u, --show-upgrades : show packages for which there is a newer version -g, --gen-metadata : regenerate metadata.idx file -h, --help : show this help ''' # # Globals # # Default options move_red = 0 show_upg = 0 gen_met = False # # Main # try: opt, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "mugh", [ "move-redundant", "show-upgrades", "gen-metadata", "help" ] ) except getopt.GetoptError: print help sys.exit(1) for o,a in opt: if o in ( "-h", "--help"): print help sys.exit() if o in ( "-m", "--move-redundant" ): move_red = 1 if o in ( "-u", "--show-upgrades" ): show_upg = 1 if o in ( "-g", "--gen-metadata" ): out = binpkgmain.gen_metadata() # Invoke check_versions function from binpkgmain with user supplied options. out = binpkgmain.check_versions( move_red, show_upg )