/etc/X11/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup... which: no keychain in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/4.3.3:/usr/games/bin) /etc/X11/gdm/Xsession: Setup done, will execute: /usr/bin/ssh-agent -- gnome-session GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET=/tmp/keyring-yH10YT/socket SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/keyring-yH10YT/socket.ssh Window manager warning: Failed to read saved session file /home/bowerad1/.config/metacity/sessions/10431f9687abbcd44b124446958490914000000139920016.ms: Failed to open file '/home/bowerad1/.config/metacity/sessions/10431f9687abbcd44b124446958490914000000139920016.ms': No such file or directory ** (gnome-settings-daemon:14025): WARNING **: Connection failed ** (gnome-volume-control-applet:14058): DEBUG: Disabling debugging 08/06/2009 09:59:45 AM Autoprobing TCP port in (all) network interface 08/06/2009 09:59:45 AM Listening IPv{4,6}://*:5900 08/06/2009 09:59:45 AM Autoprobing selected port 5900 08/06/2009 09:59:45 AM Advertising authentication type: 'VNC Authentication' (2) 08/06/2009 09:59:45 AM Advertising security type: 'VNC Authentication' (2) Starting gdesklets-daemon... Connecting to daemon [### ]Initializing nautilus-open-terminal extension ** Message: Initializing gksu extension... ** (gnome-power-manager:14054): WARNING **: DBUS error: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.ScreenSaver': no such name ** (gnome-power-manager:14054): DEBUG: proxy is NULL, maybe the daemon responsible for org.gnome.ScreenSaver is not running? ** (gnome-power-manager:14054): WARNING **: This machine is not identified as a laptop.system.formfactor is desktop. E: main.c: Daemon startup failed. ** (gnome-power-manager:14054): WARNING **: This machine is not identified as a laptop.system.formfactor is desktop. ** (gnome-power-manager:14054): DEBUG: This machine is not identified as a laptop.system.formfactor is desktop. ** (gnome-power-manager:14054): DEBUG: We are not a laptop, so not even trying Connecting to daemon [ ### ] (gnome-panel:14046): Gdk-WARNING **: gdkdrawable-x11.c:878 drawable is not a pixmap or window ** (gnome-volume-control-applet:14058): WARNING **: Connection failed Connecting to daemon [ ### ] (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. ** (nautilus:14049): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Not supported ** (nautilus:14049): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Not supported Connected to daemon in 205 milliseconds. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. PORTAGELIB: portage version = !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. Porthole: python version = 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Jun 4 2009, 15:30:11) [GCC 4.3.3] importing installed modules STARTUP: id initialized to 453271 inserting path to modules ['/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/porthole', '/usr/lib64/python26.zip', '/usr/lib64/python2.6', '/usr/lib64/python2.6/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib64/python2.6/lib-tk', '/usr/lib64/python2.6/lib-old', '/usr/lib64/python2.6/lib-dynload', '/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages', '/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/Numeric', '/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/gst-0.10', '/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/gtk-2.0', '/usr/lib64/portage/pym', '/usr/lib/portage/pym'] starting main() STARTUP: main(); importing config CONFIG: id initialized to 501387 CONFIGURATION: id initialized to 501493 STARTUP: config.id = 501387 STARTUP: main(); importing config.preferences PREFERENCES: id initialized to 507432 initializing utils.__init__.py DEBUG: id initialized to 507731 UTILS: mydebug.id = 507731 PREFERENCES: imported debug.id = 507731 STARTUP: main(); loading preferences STARTUP: main(); importing version STARTUP: main(); importing utils PORTHOLE: importing MainWindow MAINWINDOW: id initialized to 525303 BACKENDS: id initialized to 526448 BACKENDS: PORTAGE setting = portagelib PORTAGELIB: id initialized to 526780 STERMINAL: id initialized to 527929 VERSION_SORT: id initialized to 528862 PROPERTIES: id initialized to 529973 METADATA: id initialized to 530069 BACKENDS: portage_lib import complete : DATABASE: id initialized to 905147 PACKAGE: id initialized to 905336 DBREADER: import id initialized to 905452 UTILITIES: id initialized to 905791 USERCONFIGS: id initialized to 906075 DBREADER: DatabaseReader.id initialized to 907473 PLUGIN: id initialized to 908987 ADVEMERGE: id initialized to 912002 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/porthole/db/database.py", line 221, in desc_thread_update self.save() File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/porthole/db/database.py", line 107, in save cPickle.dump(_db, open(self._DBFile, "w")) IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/db/porthole/descriptions.db' !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. !!! pordbapi.getfetchlist() is deprecated, use getFetchMap() instead. DBREADER: DatabaseReader.id initialized to 702967 (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. Window manager warning: Received a _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE message for 0x2400003 (pak1-maps.); these messages lack timestamps and therefore suck. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. (gnome-panel:14046): GWeather-WARNING **: Failed to get METAR data: 407 Proxy Authentication Required.