# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # $Header$ S=${WORKDIR}/artwiz-aleczapka DESCRIPTION="Artwiz Fonts" SRC_URI="http://fluxbox.org/artwiz-aleczapka/artwiz-aleczapka.tar.bz2" HOMEPAGE="http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/docs/artwiz-fonts.php" SLOT=0 LICENSE="GPL-2" KEYWORDS="x86" DEPEND="virtual/x11 media-libs/fontconfig" src_compile() { cd ${S} gzip *.pcf sed 's,.pcf,.pcf.gz,g' fonts.dir > fonts.dir~ mv -f fonts.dir~ fonts.dir } src_install() { cd ${S} insopts -m0644 insinto /usr/share/fonts/artwiz/ doins *.pcf.gz dodoc README if [ -z "$(grep artwiz /etc/X11/fs/config)" ] then sed 's#^catalog.*$#&\n\t/usr/share/fonts/artwiz:unscaled,#g' \ /etc/X11/fs/config > ${S}/config insinto /etc/X11/fs doins config fi }