/* Portions of this file are subject to the following copyright(s). See * the Net-SNMP's COPYING file for more details and other copyrights * that may apply: */ /* * Portions of this file are copyrighted by: * Copyright Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms specified in the COPYING file * distributed with the Net-SNMP package. */ #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_STRING_H #include #else #include #endif #if HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #if HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #if HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H #include #endif #if HAVE_NETINET_IN_H #include #endif #if HAVE_ARPA_INET_H #include #endif #if HAVE_NETDB_H #include #endif #if HAVE_SYS_UIO_H #include #endif #if HAVE_WINSOCK_H #include #include #endif #if HAVE_DMALLOC_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef INADDR_NONE #define INADDR_NONE -1 #endif static netsnmp_tdomain udpDomain; typedef struct netsnmp_udp_addr_pair_s { struct sockaddr_in remote_addr; struct in_addr local_addr; } netsnmp_udp_addr_pair; /* * not static, since snmpUDPIPv6Domain needs it, but not public, either. * (ie don't put it in a public header.) */ void _netsnmp_udp_sockopt_set(int fd, int server); int netsnmp_sockaddr_in2(struct sockaddr_in *addr, const char *inpeername, const char *default_target); /* * Return a string representing the address in data, or else the "far end" * address if data is NULL. */ static char * netsnmp_udp_fmtaddr(netsnmp_transport *t, void *data, int len) { netsnmp_udp_addr_pair *addr_pair = NULL; if (data != NULL && len == sizeof(netsnmp_udp_addr_pair)) { addr_pair = (netsnmp_udp_addr_pair *) data; } else if (t != NULL && t->data != NULL) { addr_pair = (netsnmp_udp_addr_pair *) t->data; } if (addr_pair == NULL) { return strdup("UDP: unknown"); } else { struct sockaddr_in *to = NULL; char tmp[64]; to = (struct sockaddr_in *) &(addr_pair->remote_addr); /* Using strdup on the output of inet_ntoa is important! */ /* "inet_ntoa" uses a statically allocated buffer to store its information. To use two in a row, the first needs to be saved somewhere else so that the second does not overwrite it. However, it is important to remember that all "strdup" calls MUST be freed. */ if (to == NULL) { sprintf(tmp, "UDP: [%s]->unknown", inet_ntoa(addr_pair->local_addr)); } else { /* This will store the first address from strdup so that the second call will not overwrite it. */ char* local_addr_copy = strdup( inet_ntoa(addr_pair->local_addr) ); sprintf(tmp, "UDP: [%s]->[%s]:%hu", local_addr_copy, inet_ntoa(to->sin_addr), ntohs(to->sin_port)); /* Remember, we must free our copy now. */ free( local_addr_copy ); } return strdup(tmp); } } #if defined(linux) && defined(IP_PKTINFO) # define netsnmp_dstaddr(x) (&(((struct in_pktinfo *)(CMSG_DATA(x)))->ipi_addr)) static int netsnmp_udp_recvfrom(int s, void *buf, int len, struct sockaddr *from, socklen_t *fromlen, struct in_addr *dstip) { int r; struct iovec iov[1]; char cmsg[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct in_pktinfo))]; struct cmsghdr *cmsgptr; struct msghdr msg; iov[0].iov_base = buf; iov[0].iov_len = len; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof msg); msg.msg_name = from; msg.msg_namelen = *fromlen; msg.msg_iov = iov; msg.msg_iovlen = 1; msg.msg_control = &cmsg; msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(cmsg); r = recvmsg(s, &msg, 0); if (r == -1) { return -1; } DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_udp", "got source addr: %s\n", inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *)from)->sin_addr))); for (cmsgptr = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); cmsgptr != NULL; cmsgptr = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsgptr)) { if (cmsgptr->cmsg_level == SOL_IP && cmsgptr->cmsg_type == IP_PKTINFO) { memcpy((void *) dstip, netsnmp_dstaddr(cmsgptr), sizeof(struct in_addr)); DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_udp", "got destination (local) addr %s\n", inet_ntoa(*dstip))); } } return r; } static int netsnmp_udp_sendto(int fd, struct in_addr *srcip, struct sockaddr *remote, void *data, int len) { struct iovec iov = { data, len }; struct { struct cmsghdr cm; struct in_pktinfo ipi; } cmsg; struct msghdr m; cmsg.cm.cmsg_len = sizeof(struct cmsghdr) + sizeof(struct in_pktinfo); cmsg.cm.cmsg_level = SOL_IP; cmsg.cm.cmsg_type = IP_PKTINFO; cmsg.ipi.ipi_ifindex = 0; cmsg.ipi.ipi_spec_dst.s_addr = (srcip ? srcip->s_addr : INADDR_ANY); m.msg_name = remote; m.msg_namelen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); m.msg_iov = &iov; m.msg_iovlen = 1; m.msg_control = &cmsg; m.msg_controllen = sizeof(cmsg); m.msg_flags = 0; return sendmsg(fd, &m, MSG_NOSIGNAL|MSG_DONTWAIT); } #endif /* linux && IP_PKTINFO */ /* * You can write something into opaque that will subsequently get passed back * to your send function if you like. For instance, you might want to * remember where a PDU came from, so that you can send a reply there... */ static int netsnmp_udp_recv(netsnmp_transport *t, void *buf, int size, void **opaque, int *olength) { int rc = -1; socklen_t fromlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); netsnmp_udp_addr_pair *addr_pair = NULL; struct sockaddr *from; if (t != NULL && t->sock >= 0) { addr_pair = (netsnmp_udp_addr_pair *) malloc(sizeof(netsnmp_udp_addr_pair)); if (addr_pair == NULL) { *opaque = NULL; *olength = 0; return -1; } else { memset(addr_pair, 0, sizeof(netsnmp_udp_addr_pair)); from = (struct sockaddr *) &(addr_pair->remote_addr); } while (rc < 0) { #if defined(linux) && defined(IP_PKTINFO) rc = netsnmp_udp_recvfrom(t->sock, buf, size, from, &fromlen, &(addr_pair->local_addr)); #else rc = recvfrom(t->sock, buf, size, 0, from, &fromlen); #endif /* linux && IP_PKTINFO */ if (rc < 0 && errno != EINTR) { break; } } if (rc >= 0) { char *str = netsnmp_udp_fmtaddr(NULL, addr_pair, sizeof(netsnmp_udp_addr_pair)); DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_udp", "recvfrom fd %d got %d bytes (from %s)\n", t->sock, rc, str)); free(str); } else { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_udp", "recvfrom fd %d err %d (\"%s\")\n", t->sock, errno, strerror(errno))); } *opaque = (void *)addr_pair; *olength = sizeof(netsnmp_udp_addr_pair); } return rc; } static int netsnmp_udp_send(netsnmp_transport *t, void *buf, int size, void **opaque, int *olength) { int rc = -1; netsnmp_udp_addr_pair *addr_pair = NULL; struct sockaddr *to = NULL; if (opaque != NULL && *opaque != NULL && *olength == sizeof(netsnmp_udp_addr_pair)) { addr_pair = (netsnmp_udp_addr_pair *) (*opaque); } else if (t != NULL && t->data != NULL && t->data_length == sizeof(netsnmp_udp_addr_pair)) { addr_pair = (netsnmp_udp_addr_pair *) (t->data); } to = (struct sockaddr *) &(addr_pair->remote_addr); if (to != NULL && t != NULL && t->sock >= 0) { char *str = netsnmp_udp_fmtaddr(NULL, (void *) addr_pair, sizeof(netsnmp_udp_addr_pair)); DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_udp", "send %d bytes from %p to %s on fd %d\n", size, buf, str, t->sock)); free(str); while (rc < 0) { #if defined(linux) && defined(IP_PKTINFO) rc = netsnmp_udp_sendto(t->sock, addr_pair ? &(addr_pair->local_addr) : NULL, to, buf, size); #else rc = sendto(t->sock, buf, size, 0, to, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); #endif /* linux && IP_PKTINFO */ if (rc < 0 && errno != EINTR) { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_udp", "sendto error, rc %d (errno %d)\n", rc, errno)); break; } } } return rc; } static int netsnmp_udp_close(netsnmp_transport *t) { int rc = -1; if (t->sock >= 0) { #ifndef HAVE_CLOSESOCKET rc = close(t->sock); #else rc = closesocket(t->sock); #endif t->sock = -1; } return rc; } /* * find largest possible buffer between current size and specified size. * * Try to maximize the current buffer of type "optname" * to the maximum allowable size by the OS (as close to * size as possible) */ static int _sock_buffer_maximize(int s, int optname, const char *buftype, int size) { int curbuf = 0; size_t curbuflen = sizeof(int); int lo, mid, hi; /* * First we need to determine our current buffer */ if ((getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, optname, (void *) &curbuf, &curbuflen) == 0) && (curbuflen == sizeof(int))) { DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:socket:buffer:max", "Current %s is %d\n", buftype, curbuf)); /* * Let's not be stupid ... if we were asked for less than what we * already have, then forget about it */ if (size <= curbuf) { DEBUGMSGTL(("verbose:socket:buffer:max", "Requested %s <= current buffer\n", buftype)); return curbuf; } /* * Do a binary search the optimal buffer within 1k of the point of * failure. This is rather bruteforce, but simple */ hi = size; lo = curbuf; while (hi - lo > 1024) { mid = (lo + hi) / 2; if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, optname, (void *) &mid, sizeof(int)) == 0) { lo = mid; /* Success: search between mid and hi */ } else { hi = mid; /* Failed: search between lo and mid */ } } /* * Now print if this optimization helped or not */ if (getsockopt(s,SOL_SOCKET, optname, (void *) &curbuf, &curbuflen) == 0) { DEBUGMSGTL(("socket:buffer:max", "Maximized %s: %d\n",buftype, curbuf)); } } else { /* * There is really not a lot we can do anymore. * If the OS doesn't give us the current buffer, then what's the * point in trying to make it better */ DEBUGMSGTL(("socket:buffer:max", "Get %s failed ... giving up!\n", buftype)); curbuf = -1; } return curbuf; } static const char * _sock_buf_type_get(int optname, int local) { if (optname == SO_SNDBUF) { if (local) return "server send buffer"; else return "client send buffer"; } else if (optname == SO_RCVBUF) { if (local) return "server receive buffer"; else return "client receive buffer"; } return "unknown buffer"; } /* * * Get the requested buffersize, based on * - sockettype : client (local = 0) or server (local = 1) * - buffertype : send (optname = SO_SNDBUF) or recv (SO_RCVBUF) * * In case a compile time buffer was specified, then use that one * if there was no runtime configuration override */ static int _sock_buffer_size_get(int optname, int local, const char **buftype) { int size; if (NULL != buftype) *buftype = _sock_buf_type_get(optname, local); if (optname == SO_SNDBUF) { if (local) { size = netsnmp_ds_get_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_SERVERSENDBUF); #ifdef NETSNMP_DEFAULT_SERVER_SEND_BUF if (size <= 0) size = NETSNMP_DEFAULT_SERVER_SEND_BUF; #endif } else { size = netsnmp_ds_get_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_CLIENTSENDBUF); #ifdef NETSNMP_DEFAULT_CLIENT_SEND_BUF if (size <= 0) size = NETSNMP_DEFAULT_CLIENT_SEND_BUF; #endif } } else if (optname == SO_RCVBUF) { if (local) { size = netsnmp_ds_get_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_SERVERRECVBUF); #ifdef NETSNMP_DEFAULT_SERVER_RECV_BUF if (size <= 0) size = NETSNMP_DEFAULT_SERVER_RECV_BUF; #endif } else { size = netsnmp_ds_get_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_CLIENTRECVBUF); #ifdef NETSNMP_DEFAULT_CLIENT_RECV_BUF if (size <= 0) size = NETSNMP_DEFAULT_CLIENT_RECV_BUF; #endif } } else { size = 0; } DEBUGMSGTL(("socket:buffer", "Requested %s is %d\n", (buftype) ? *buftype : "unknown buffer", size)); return(size); } /* * set socket buffer size * * @param ss : socket * @param optname: SO_SNDBUF or SO_RCVBUF * @param local : 1 for server, 0 for client * @param reqbuf : requested size, or 0 for default * * @retval -1 : error * @retval >0 : new buffer size */ int netsnmp_sock_buffer_set(int s, int optname, int local, int size) { #if ! defined(SO_SNDBUF) && ! defined(SO_RCVBUF) DEBUGMSGTL(("socket:buffer", "Changing socket buffer is not supported\n")); return -1; #else const char *buftype; int curbuf = 0; size_t curbuflen = sizeof(int); # ifndef SO_SNDBUF if (SO_SNDBUF == optname) { DEBUGMSGTL(("socket:buffer", "Changing socket send buffer is not supported\n")); return -1; } # endif /*SO_SNDBUF */ # ifndef SO_RCVBUF if (SO_RCVBUF == optname) { DEBUGMSGTL(("socket:buffer", "Changing socket receive buffer is not supported\n")); return -1; } # endif /*SO_RCVBUF */ /* * What is the requested buffer size ? */ if (0 == size) size = _sock_buffer_size_get(optname, local, &buftype); else { buftype = _sock_buf_type_get(optname, local); DEBUGMSGT(("verbose:socket:buffer", "Requested %s is %d\n", buftype, size)); } if ((getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, optname, (void *) &curbuf, &curbuflen) == 0) && (curbuflen == sizeof(int))) { DEBUGMSGT(("verbose:socket:buffer", "Original %s is %d\n", buftype, curbuf)); if (curbuf >= size) { DEBUGMSGT(("verbose:socket:buffer", "New %s size is smaller than original!\n", buftype)); } } /* * If the buffersize was not specified or it was a negative value * then don't change the OS buffers at all */ if (size <= 0) { DEBUGMSGT(("socket:buffer", "%s not valid or not specified; using OS default(%d)\n", buftype,curbuf)); return curbuf; } /* * Try to set the requested send buffer */ if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, optname, (void *) &size, sizeof(int)) == 0) { /* * Because some platforms lie about the actual buffer that has been * set (Linux will always say it worked ...), we print some * diagnostic output for debugging */ DEBUGIF("socket:buffer") { DEBUGMSGT(("socket:buffer", "Set %s to %d\n", buftype, size)); if ((getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, optname, (void *) &curbuf, &curbuflen) == 0) && (curbuflen == sizeof(int))) { DEBUGMSGT(("verbose:socket:buffer", "Now %s is %d\n", buftype, curbuf)); } } /* * If the new buffer is smaller than the size we requested, we will * try to increment the new buffer with 1k increments * (this will sometime allow us to reach a more optimal buffer.) * For example : On Solaris, if the max OS buffer is 100k and you * request 110k, you end up with the default 8k :-( */ if (curbuf < size) { curbuf = _sock_buffer_maximize(s, optname, buftype, size); if(-1 != curbuf) size = curbuf; } } else { /* * Obviously changing the buffer failed, most like like because we * requested a buffer greater than the OS limit. * Therefore we need to search for an optimal buffer that is close * enough to the point of failure. * This will allow us to reach a more optimal buffer. * For example : On Solaris, if the max OS buffer is 100k and you * request 110k, you end up with the default 8k :-( * After this quick seach we would get 1k close to 100k (the max) */ DEBUGMSGTL(("socket:buffer", "couldn't set %s to %d\n", buftype, size)); curbuf = _sock_buffer_maximize(s, optname, buftype, size); if(-1 != curbuf) size = curbuf; } return size; #endif } /* * Open a UDP-based transport for SNMP. Local is TRUE if addr is the local * address to bind to (i.e. this is a server-type session); otherwise addr is * the remote address to send things to. */ netsnmp_transport * netsnmp_udp_transport(struct sockaddr_in *addr, int local) { netsnmp_transport *t = NULL; int rc = 0; char *str = NULL; char *client_socket = NULL; netsnmp_udp_addr_pair addr_pair; if (addr == NULL || addr->sin_family != AF_INET) { return NULL; } memset(&addr_pair, 0, sizeof(netsnmp_udp_addr_pair)); memcpy(&(addr_pair.remote_addr), addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); t = (netsnmp_transport *) malloc(sizeof(netsnmp_transport)); if (t == NULL) { return NULL; } str = netsnmp_udp_fmtaddr(NULL, (void *)&addr_pair, sizeof(netsnmp_udp_addr_pair)); DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_udp", "open %s %s\n", local ? "local" : "remote", str)); free(str); memset(t, 0, sizeof(netsnmp_transport)); t->domain = netsnmpUDPDomain; t->domain_length = netsnmpUDPDomain_len; t->sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (t->sock < 0) { netsnmp_transport_free(t); return NULL; } _netsnmp_udp_sockopt_set(t->sock, local); if (local) { /* * This session is inteneded as a server, so we must bind on to the * given IP address, which may include an interface address, or could * be INADDR_ANY, but certainly includes a port number. */ t->local = (u_char *) malloc(6); if (t->local == NULL) { netsnmp_transport_free(t); return NULL; } memcpy(t->local, (u_char *) & (addr->sin_addr.s_addr), 4); t->local[4] = (htons(addr->sin_port) & 0xff00) >> 8; t->local[5] = (htons(addr->sin_port) & 0x00ff) >> 0; t->local_length = 6; #if defined(linux) && defined(IP_PKTINFO) { int sockopt = 1; if (setsockopt(t->sock, SOL_IP, IP_PKTINFO, &sockopt, sizeof sockopt) == -1) { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_udp", "couldn't set IP_PKTINFO: %s\n", strerror(errno))); return NULL; } DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_udp", "set IP_PKTINFO\n")); } #endif rc = bind(t->sock, (struct sockaddr *) addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if (rc != 0) { netsnmp_udp_close(t); netsnmp_transport_free(t); return NULL; } t->data = NULL; t->data_length = 0; } else { /* * This is a client session. If we've been given a * client address to send from, then bind to that. * Otherwise the send will use "something sensible". */ client_socket = netsnmp_ds_get_string(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_CLIENT_ADDR); if (client_socket) { struct sockaddr_in client_addr; int ret; netsnmp_sockaddr_in2(&client_addr, client_socket, NULL); addr_pair.local_addr = client_addr.sin_addr; client_addr.sin_port = 0; ret = bind(t->sock, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if(ret) DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_udp", "failed to bind for clientaddr: %d %s\n", errno,strerror(errno))); /* TODO: should we exit here? */ } str = netsnmp_udp_fmtaddr(NULL, (void *)&addr_pair, sizeof(netsnmp_udp_addr_pair)); DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_udp", "client open %s\n", str)); free(str); /* * Save the (remote) address in the * transport-specific data pointer for later use by netsnmp_udp_send. */ t->data = malloc(sizeof(netsnmp_udp_addr_pair)); t->remote = (u_char *)malloc(6); if (t->data == NULL || t->remote == NULL) { netsnmp_transport_free(t); return NULL; } memcpy(t->remote, (u_char *) & (addr->sin_addr.s_addr), 4); t->remote[4] = (htons(addr->sin_port) & 0xff00) >> 8; t->remote[5] = (htons(addr->sin_port) & 0x00ff) >> 0; t->remote_length = 6; memcpy(t->data, &addr_pair, sizeof(netsnmp_udp_addr_pair)); t->data_length = sizeof(netsnmp_udp_addr_pair); } /* * 16-bit length field, 8 byte UDP header, 20 byte IPv4 header */ t->msgMaxSize = 0xffff - 8 - 20; t->f_recv = netsnmp_udp_recv; t->f_send = netsnmp_udp_send; t->f_close = netsnmp_udp_close; t->f_accept = NULL; t->f_fmtaddr = netsnmp_udp_fmtaddr; return t; } void _netsnmp_udp_sockopt_set(int fd, int local) { #ifdef SO_BSDCOMPAT /* * Patch for Linux. Without this, UDP packets that fail get an ICMP * response. Linux turns the failed ICMP response into an error message * and return value, unlike all other OS's. */ if (0 == netsnmp_os_prematch("Linux","2.4")) { int one = 1; DEBUGMSGTL(("socket:option", "setting socket option SO_BSDCOMPAT\n")); setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BSDCOMPAT, (void *) &one, sizeof(one)); } #endif /*SO_BSDCOMPAT */ /* * SO_REUSEADDR will allow multiple apps to open the same port at * the same time. Only the last one to open the socket will get * data. Obviously, for an agent, this is a bad thing. There should * only be one listener. */ #ifdef ALLOW_PORT_HIJACKING #ifdef SO_REUSEADDR /* * Allow the same port to be specified multiple times without failing. * (useful for a listener) */ { int one = 1; DEBUGMSGTL(("socket:option", "setting socket option SO_REUSEADDR\n")); setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void *) &one, sizeof(one)); } #endif /*SO_REUSEADDR */ #endif /* * Try to set the send and receive buffers to a reasonably large value, so * that we can send and receive big PDUs (defaults to 8192 bytes (!) on * Solaris, for instance). Don't worry too much about errors -- just * plough on regardless. */ netsnmp_sock_buffer_set(fd, SO_SNDBUF, local, 0); netsnmp_sock_buffer_set(fd, SO_RCVBUF, local, 0); } int netsnmp_sockaddr_in2(struct sockaddr_in *addr, const char *inpeername, const char *default_target) { #if HAVE_GETADDRINFO struct addrinfo *addrs = NULL; struct addrinfo hint; int err; #elif HAVE_GETIPNODEBYNAME struct hostent *hp = NULL; int err; #elif HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME struct hostent *hp = NULL; #endif if (addr == NULL) { return 0; } DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_in", "addr %p, inpeername \"%s\", default_target \"%s\"\n", addr, inpeername ? inpeername : "[NIL]", default_target ? default_target : "[NIL]")); memset(addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); addr->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); addr->sin_family = AF_INET; addr->sin_port = htons((u_short)SNMP_PORT); { int port = netsnmp_ds_get_int(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_DEFAULT_PORT); if (port != 0) { addr->sin_port = htons((u_short)port); } else if (default_target != NULL) netsnmp_sockaddr_in2(addr, default_target, NULL); } if (inpeername != NULL && *inpeername != '\0') { const char *host, *port; char *peername = NULL; char *cp; /* * Duplicate the peername because we might want to mank around with * it. */ peername = strdup(inpeername); if (peername == NULL) { return 0; } /* * Try and extract an appended port number. */ cp = strchr(peername, ':'); if (cp != NULL) { *cp = '\0'; port = cp + 1; host = peername; } else { host = NULL; port = peername; } /* * Try to convert the user port specifier */ if (port && *port == '\0') port = NULL; if (port != NULL) { long int l; char* ep; DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_in", "check user service %s\n", port)); l = strtol(port, &ep, 10); if (ep != port && *ep == '\0' && 0 <= l && l <= 0x0ffff) addr->sin_port = htons((u_short)l); else { if (host == NULL) { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_in", "servname not numeric, " "check if it really is a destination)")); host = port; port = NULL; } else { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_in", "servname not numeric")); free(peername); return 0; } } } /* * Try to convert the user host specifier */ if (host && *host == '\0') host = NULL; if (host != NULL) { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_in", "check destination %s\n", host)); #if HAVE_GETADDRINFO memset(&hint, 0, sizeof hint); hint.ai_flags = 0; hint.ai_family = PF_INET; hint.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; hint.ai_protocol = 0; err = getaddrinfo(peername, NULL, &hint, &addrs); if (err != 0) { #if HAVE_GAI_STRERROR snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "getaddrinfo: %s %s\n", peername, gai_strerror(err)); #else snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "getaddrinfo: %s (error %d)\n", peername, err); #endif free(peername); return 0; } if (addrs != NULL) { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_in", "hostname (resolved okay)\n")); memcpy(&addr->sin_addr, &((struct sockaddr_in *) addrs->ai_addr)->sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)); freeaddrinfo(addrs); } else { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_in", "Failed to resolve IPv4 hostname\n")); } #elif HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME hp = gethostbyname(host); if (hp == NULL) { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_in", "hostname (couldn't resolve)\n")); free(peername); return 0; } else if (hp->h_addrtype != AF_INET) { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_in", "hostname (not AF_INET!)\n")); free(peername); return 0; } else { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_in", "hostname (resolved okay)\n")); memcpy(&addr->sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); } #elif HAVE_GETIPNODEBYNAME hp = getipnodebyname(peername, AF_INET, 0, &err); if (hp == NULL) { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_in", "hostname (couldn't resolve = %d)\n", err)); free(peername); return 0; } DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_in", "hostname (resolved okay)\n")); memcpy(&(addr->sin_addr), hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); #else /* HAVE_GETIPNODEBYNAME */ /* * There is no name resolving function available. */ DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_in", "no getaddrinfo()/getipnodebyname()/gethostbyname()\n")); free(peername); return 0; #endif /* HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME */ } free(peername); } /* * Finished */ DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_sockaddr_in", "return { AF_INET, %s:%hu }\n", inet_ntoa(addr->sin_addr), ntohs(addr->sin_port))); return 1; } int netsnmp_sockaddr_in(struct sockaddr_in *addr, const char *inpeername, int remote_port) { char buf[sizeof(int) * 3 + 2]; sprintf(buf, ":%u", remote_port); return netsnmp_sockaddr_in2(addr, inpeername, remote_port ? buf : NULL); } #if !defined(NETSNMP_DISABLE_SNMPV1) || !defined(NETSNMP_DISABLE_SNMPV2C) /* * The following functions provide the "com2sec" configuration token * functionality for compatibility. */ #define EXAMPLE_NETWORK "NETWORK" #define EXAMPLE_COMMUNITY "COMMUNITY" typedef struct _com2SecEntry { char community[COMMUNITY_MAX_LEN]; unsigned long network; unsigned long mask; char secName[VACMSTRINGLEN]; char contextName[VACMSTRINGLEN]; struct _com2SecEntry *next; } com2SecEntry; com2SecEntry *com2SecList = NULL, *com2SecListLast = NULL; void netsnmp_udp_parse_security(const char *token, char *param) { char secName[VACMSTRINGLEN]; char contextName[VACMSTRINGLEN]; char community[COMMUNITY_MAX_LEN]; char source[SNMP_MAXBUF_SMALL]; char *cp = NULL; const char *strmask = NULL; com2SecEntry *e = NULL; in_addr_t network = 0, mask = 0; /* * Get security, source address/netmask and community strings. */ cp = copy_nword( param, secName, sizeof(secName)); if (strcmp(secName, "-Cn") == 0) { if (!cp) { config_perror("missing CONTEXT_NAME parameter"); return; } cp = copy_nword( cp, contextName, sizeof(contextName)); cp = copy_nword( cp, secName, sizeof(secName)); } else { contextName[0] = '\0'; } if (secName[0] == '\0') { config_perror("missing NAME parameter"); return; } else if (strlen(secName) > (VACMSTRINGLEN - 1)) { config_perror("security name too long"); return; } cp = copy_nword( cp, source, sizeof(source)); if (source[0] == '\0') { config_perror("missing SOURCE parameter"); return; } else if (strncmp(source, EXAMPLE_NETWORK, strlen(EXAMPLE_NETWORK)) == 0) { config_perror("example config NETWORK not properly configured"); return; } cp = copy_nword( cp, community, sizeof(community)); if (community[0] == '\0') { config_perror("missing COMMUNITY parameter\n"); return; } else if (strncmp (community, EXAMPLE_COMMUNITY, strlen(EXAMPLE_COMMUNITY)) == 0) { config_perror("example config COMMUNITY not properly configured"); return; } else if (strlen(community) > (COMMUNITY_MAX_LEN - 1)) { config_perror("community name too long"); return; } /* * Process the source address/netmask string. */ cp = strchr(source, '/'); if (cp != NULL) { /* * Mask given. */ *cp = '\0'; strmask = cp + 1; } /* * Deal with the network part first. */ if ((strcmp(source, "default") == 0) || (strcmp(source, "") == 0)) { network = 0; strmask = ""; } else { /* * Try interpreting as a dotted quad. */ network = inet_addr(source); if (network == (in_addr_t) -1) { /* * Nope, wasn't a dotted quad. Must be a hostname. */ #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME struct hostent *hp = gethostbyname(source); if (hp == NULL) { config_perror("bad source address"); return; } else { if (hp->h_addrtype != AF_INET) { config_perror("no IP address for source hostname"); return; } network = *((in_addr_t *) hp->h_addr); } #else /*HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME */ /* * Oh dear. */ config_perror("cannot resolve source hostname"); return; #endif /*HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME */ } } /* * Now work out the mask. */ if (strmask == NULL || *strmask == '\0') { /* * No mask was given. Use */ mask = 0xffffffffL; } else { if (strchr(strmask, '.')) { /* * Try to interpret mask as a dotted quad. */ mask = inet_addr(strmask); if (mask == (in_addr_t) -1 && strncmp(strmask, "", 15) != 0) { config_perror("bad mask"); return; } } else { /* * Try to interpret mask as a "number of 1 bits". */ int maskLen = atoi(strmask), maskBit = 0x80000000L; if (maskLen <= 0 || maskLen > 32) { config_perror("bad mask length"); return; } while (maskLen--) { mask |= maskBit; maskBit >>= 1; } mask = htonl(mask); } } /* * Check that the network and mask are consistent. */ if (network & ~mask) { config_perror("source/mask mismatch"); return; } e = (com2SecEntry *) malloc(sizeof(com2SecEntry)); if (e == NULL) { config_perror("memory error"); return; } /* * Everything is okay. Copy the parameters to the structure allocated * above and add it to END of the list. */ DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_udp_parse_security", "<\"%s\", 0x%08x/0x%08x> => \"%s\"\n", community, network, mask, secName)); strcpy(e->contextName, contextName); strcpy(e->secName, secName); strcpy(e->community, community); e->network = network; e->mask = mask; e->next = NULL; if (com2SecListLast != NULL) { com2SecListLast->next = e; com2SecListLast = e; } else { com2SecListLast = com2SecList = e; } } void netsnmp_udp_com2SecList_free(void) { com2SecEntry *e = com2SecList; while (e != NULL) { com2SecEntry *tmp = e; e = e->next; free(tmp); } com2SecList = com2SecListLast = NULL; } #endif /* support for community based SNMP */ void netsnmp_udp_agent_config_tokens_register(void) { #if !defined(NETSNMP_DISABLE_SNMPV1) || !defined(NETSNMP_DISABLE_SNMPV2C) register_app_config_handler("com2sec", netsnmp_udp_parse_security, netsnmp_udp_com2SecList_free, "[-Cn CONTEXT] secName IPv4-network-address[/netmask] community"); #endif /* support for community based SNMP */ } /* * Return 0 if there are no com2sec entries, or return 1 if there ARE com2sec * entries. On return, if a com2sec entry matched the passed parameters, * then *secName points at the appropriate security name, or is NULL if the * parameters did not match any com2sec entry. */ #if !defined(NETSNMP_DISABLE_SNMPV1) || !defined(NETSNMP_DISABLE_SNMPV2C) int netsnmp_udp_getSecName(void *opaque, int olength, const char *community, size_t community_len, char **secName, char **contextName) { com2SecEntry *c; netsnmp_udp_addr_pair *addr_pair = (netsnmp_udp_addr_pair *) opaque; struct sockaddr_in *from = (struct sockaddr_in *) &(addr_pair->remote_addr); char *ztcommunity = NULL; if (secName != NULL) { *secName = NULL; /* Haven't found anything yet */ } /* * Special case if there are NO entries (as opposed to no MATCHING * entries). */ if (com2SecList == NULL) { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_udp_getSecName", "no com2sec entries\n")); return 0; } /* * If there is no IPv4 source address, then there can be no valid security * name. */ if (opaque == NULL || olength != sizeof(netsnmp_udp_addr_pair) || from->sin_family != AF_INET) { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_udp_getSecName", "no IPv4 source address in PDU?\n")); return 1; } DEBUGIF("netsnmp_udp_getSecName") { ztcommunity = (char *)malloc(community_len + 1); if (ztcommunity != NULL) { memcpy(ztcommunity, community, community_len); ztcommunity[community_len] = '\0'; } DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_udp_getSecName", "resolve <\"%s\", 0x%08x>\n", ztcommunity ? ztcommunity : "", from->sin_addr.s_addr)); } for (c = com2SecList; c != NULL; c = c->next) { DEBUGMSGTL(("netsnmp_udp_getSecName","compare <\"%s\", 0x%08x/0x%08x>", c->community, c->network, c->mask)); if ((community_len == strlen(c->community)) && (memcmp(community, c->community, community_len) == 0) && ((from->sin_addr.s_addr & c->mask) == c->network)) { DEBUGMSG(("netsnmp_udp_getSecName", "... SUCCESS\n")); if (secName != NULL) { *secName = c->secName; *contextName = c->contextName; } break; } DEBUGMSG(("netsnmp_udp_getSecName", "... nope\n")); } if (ztcommunity != NULL) { free(ztcommunity); } return 1; } #endif /* support for community based SNMP */ netsnmp_transport * netsnmp_udp_create_tstring(const char *str, int local, const char *default_target) { struct sockaddr_in addr; if (netsnmp_sockaddr_in2(&addr, str, default_target)) { return netsnmp_udp_transport(&addr, local); } else { return NULL; } } netsnmp_transport * netsnmp_udp_create_ostring(const u_char * o, size_t o_len, int local) { struct sockaddr_in addr; if (o_len == 6) { unsigned short porttmp = (o[4] << 8) + o[5]; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy((u_char *) & (addr.sin_addr.s_addr), o, 4); addr.sin_port = htons(porttmp); return netsnmp_udp_transport(&addr, local); } return NULL; } void netsnmp_udp_ctor(void) { udpDomain.name = netsnmpUDPDomain; udpDomain.name_length = netsnmpUDPDomain_len; udpDomain.prefix = (const char**)calloc(2, sizeof(char *)); udpDomain.prefix[0] = "udp"; udpDomain.f_create_from_tstring_new = netsnmp_udp_create_tstring; udpDomain.f_create_from_ostring = netsnmp_udp_create_ostring; netsnmp_tdomain_register(&udpDomain); }