# ChangeLog for media-tv/xmltv # Copyright 2000-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ *xmltv-0.5.10-r4 (18 Jun 2003) 18 Jun 2003; Max Kalika xmltv-0.5.10-r4.ebuild: Move to media-tv. *xmltv-0.5.10-r3 (16 Jun 2003) 16 Jun 2003; Max Kalika xmltv-0.5.10-r3.ebuild: Correctly fix the PREFIX issue. Just setting the PREFIX="${D}/usr" is insufficient because the resulting executable script contains incorrectly hard-coded paths to the SHARE_DIR (as pointed out by bug #10536 comment #66). This update also greatly simplifies the src_compile() routine by calling perl-module_src_compile() only and adds dependency on >= sed-4 because of inlined sed usage. *xmltv-0.5.10-r2 (15 Jun 2003) 13 Jun 2003; Tony Clark xmltv-0.5.10-r2.ebuild: Fixed minor bug with tv_grab_nl_wolf, had the last underscore missing. Had access denied when trying to install. Changed PREFIX back the the way it use to be. *xmltv-0.5.10-r1 (13 Jun 2003) 13 Jun 2003; Max Kalika xmltv-0.5.10-r1.ebuild: Drop all the local USE flag, use environment variable (XMLTV_OPTS) instead. Drop the apache/cgi stuff and install tv_pick_cgi into /usr/bin with a note on how to procede (until Gentoo has a standard place for web things -- being discussed on -dev currently). Force adding required dependencies for ALL grabbers until portage knows about custom variables in /etc/make.conf during the dependency checking stage. *xmltv-0.5.10 (28 Apr 2003) 28 Apr 2003; Max Kalika xmltv-0.5.10.ebuild: Initial import. Bump to 0.5.10. Add xmltvnonlwolf flag to support a new grabber. Install tv_pick_cgi file into ScriptAlias if the xmltvnocgi USE flag is unset.