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Bug 834 - gaim-0.52.ebuild (Update)
Summary: gaim-0.52.ebuild (Update)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Bruce A. Locke (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-02-23 18:49 UTC by Chuck Haines
Modified: 2003-02-04 19:42 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Chuck Haines 2002-02-23 18:49:52 UTC
Attached is the updated ebuild for gaim-0.5.2.  I have tested it as well as
various other people.  If you have any problems with it please contact me and I
will do my best to help resolve all issues.

Updates in this include a fix for yahoo that allows you to actually use the
protocol (whereas before I could never seem to log in).  Also includes a fic for
MSN so that you can use the protocol.  It is kind of slow logging in but works
just fine.  Also with this version you shouldn't have any problem connecting to
aim (like some older trillian users are seeing).

Put this in net-im/gaim.

Comment 1 Chuck Haines 2002-02-23 21:37:41 UTC
the attach function won't work for me so here is the source for the ebuild

//Start Copying here
# Copyright 1999-2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later
# Author Joe Bormolini <>, Bruce A. Locke <>
# /space/gentoo/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-im/gaim/gaim-0.52.ebuild,v 1.2 2002/02/09

DESCRIPTION="Gtk AOL Instant Messenger client"
        nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
        gnome? ( >=gnome-base/gnome-core-1.4 )
        perl? ( >=sys-devel/perl-5.6.1 )
        nas? ( >=media-libs/nas-1.4.1-r1 )
        esd? ( >=media-sound/esound-0.2.22-r2 )
        arts? ( >=kde-base/kdelibs-2.2 )"

src_compile() {

    local myopts gnomeopts

    use esd ||  myopts="--disable-esd"
    use nas ||  myopts="$myopts --disable-nas"
    use perl || myopts="$myopts --disable-perl"

    use arts || myopts="$myopts --disable-arts"
    use arts && KDEDIR=/usr/kde/2

    use nls || myopts="$myopts --disable-nls"


    # if gnome support is disabled, do not build standalone with pixbuf
    use gnome || myopts="${myopts} --disable-pixbuf"

    # always build standalone gaim program
    ./configure --host=${CHOST} --disable-gnome --prefix=/usr ${myopts} || die
    emake || die

    # if gnome support is enabled, also build gaim_applet
    if [ "`use gnome`" ]
        # if gnome support is enabled, then build gaim_applet
        gnomeopts="${gnomeopts} --with-gnome=${GNOME_PATH} --enable-panel"

        ./configure --host=${CHOST} --prefix=/usr ${gnomeopts} || die
        emake || die


src_install () {

    try make DESTDIR=${D} install

    # if gnome enabled, make sure to install standalone version also
    use gnome && dobin src/gaim

    dodoc ChangeLog README README.plugins
//Stop Compying here

You know the deal, copy the text into a file name gaim-0.52.ebuild and put it in
/usr/portage/net-im/gaim/.  Hope everyone enjoys.
Comment 2 Bruce A. Locke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-02-27 19:04:55 UTC
Didn't see a difference in the ebuilds so I just copied a pervious versions
ebuild over.

Thanks for the bug report.