This week I tried the new -r15.iso to test the added preliminary PCI device autodetection and the USB-HID support. My laptop (Sony VAIO PCG-Z600TEK, running Gentoo-1.0-rc6-r14) has an internal memorystick-slot (i.e. a device to put a memorystick/flashcard in). Internally this memorystick slot is usb-connected and recognised as a scsi (??) storage-device. When booting from the new (-r15.iso) CD, all the hardware is correctly recognised, but when the kernel tries to boot the memorystick it freezes. The kernel tries to mount the device (just like any other harddisks) but since there is no memorystick in the slot, there is nothing to be mounted. That's where it goes wrong, the kernel freezes. I had this same problem with -r14, not when booting from cd, but later, on the first reboot after finishing the base install en compiling the kernel. Then I solved this problem by adding the following line to my /etc/fstab: /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb-ms auto noauto,user,sync,exec 0 0 which prevents the device from mounting at boot time. I don't really think this is a bug, but I can't use the new iso for this reason. Hope this can be fixed on the next iso.
Don't know what I did wrong, but when I tried to boot with the -r15.iso cd again it didn't freeze: However, dmesg gives an error about missing an active driver for my memorystick-slot. [snip] usb.c: USB device 4 (vend/prod 0x54c/0x32) is not claimed by any active driver. [snip] I assume that it was me that made some mistake, apparantly this bug doesn't even exist! :) Apologies for that. Arnold de Bruijn