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Bug 65 - Ruby update to 1.6.6
Summary: Ruby update to 1.6.6
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Development (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Geert Bevin
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-01-07 01:23 UTC by Mikael Hallendal (hallski) (RETIRED)
Modified: 2003-02-04 19:42 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Mikael Hallendal (hallski) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-01-07 01:23:14 UTC
Changed the script name and ftp address for the tar.gz.
Created new digest file.
That's it! Compile and install were fine. (at least for me)

1. Change name:
ruby-1.6.4-r1.ebuild to ruby-1.6.6.ebuild

2. Apply diff:
< SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
> SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"

3. Create a new digest-ruby-1.6.6 file with contents:
MD5 4448a497bde57028be6469f5d5ddf5cf ruby-1.6.6.tar.gz 976606
Comment 1 Mikael Hallendal (hallski) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-01-23 03:30:41 UTC
reassigning to gbevin since he's responsible for development component
Comment 2 Geert Bevin 2002-01-23 17:17:21 UTC
Added to portage and removed ruby 1.6.4-r1. All packages in portage that depends
on ruby compile without errors with 1.6.6. The ones I've checked are :
app-editors/vim dev-lang/swig dev-ruby/optparse dev-ruby/rdtool dev-ruby/strscan
dev-ruby/amstd dev-ruby/racc dev-ruby/ruby-gconf dev-ruby/ruby-gdkimlib
dev-ruby/ruby-gdkpixbuf dev-ruby/ruby-gnome dev-ruby/ruby-gtk