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Bug 631788 (qt4-removal) - [TRACKER] Qt 4 removal
Summary: [TRACKER] Qt 4 removal
Alias: qt4-removal
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Qt Bug Alias
Whiteboard: scheduled for removal on 2018-07-26
Keywords: PMASKED, Tracker
: 640354 640356 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 247588 398487 464658 489190 525884 537002 539590 562610 563526 570814 585328 594570 595684 596714 596824 602042 602816 604822 609734 619058 619376 CVE-2017-10699, CVE-2017-9300, CVE-2017-9301 620474 qtwebkit4-removal 620702 621500 622026 623602 625110 626664 627380 kdelibs4-removal 629032 630476 630550 631524 631640 631790 631794 631796 631798 631800 631802 631804 631806 631808 631810 631814 631816 631884 631886 631888 631890 631892 631904 631906 631908 631910 631912 631914 631916 631918 631966 632886 633444 633746 634780 634952 634954 634956 634958 634960 634962 qscintilla-qt4-removal 634986 635798 636312 637014 637098 637106 637108 638026 638220 638260 638274 638688 638824 638826 639000 639242 639244 639246 639248 639252 639254 639256 639260 639332 639608 639612 639658 639846 639850 639852 639974 640006 640114 640138 640258 641220 641222 641850 641852 641922 641924 641932 641936 641938 641940 641942 641952 641956 641962 642182 642184 642188 poppler-qt4-removal 642448 642452 642530 642532 642538 642544 642550 642562 642950 643970 643976 643994 644312 644358 644360 644362 644364 644368 644370 644374 644376 644378 644380 644384 644386 644396 644398 644400 644402 644404 644410 644412 644416 644418 644422 644424 644428 644430 644432 644468 644478 644480 644482 644514 644516 644520 644522 644532 644534 644554 644558 644564 644566 644568 644606 644726 644728 644782 644898 645030 645140 645418 645420 645428 645430 645432 645434 645436 645504 645506 645628 645632 646182 648018 648706 649094 649098 649100 649104 649106 649110 649112 649116 649118 649122 649124 649346 649572 649576 649652 649656 650580 650692 653738 653986 654060 655382 655400 655416 656040 656046 656612 656704 656826
Blocks: 592536
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2017-09-23 01:48 UTC by Michael Palimaka (kensington)
Modified: 2025-01-27 09:20 UTC (History)
10 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Michael Palimaka (kensington) gentoo-dev 2017-09-23 01:48:43 UTC
The final Qt 4 release was over two years ago and nothing further is expected. Everyone should move to Qt 5.

Although the final cleanup obviously won't happen for quite some time, I'd like to start tracking the cleanup efforts.
Comment 1 Jeroen Roovers (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2017-12-09 11:22:23 UTC
*** Bug 640354 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 Jeroen Roovers (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2017-12-09 11:22:41 UTC
*** Bug 640356 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 far jump 2018-08-02 13:58:50 UTC

Can I ask if Qt4 will remain in portage (and masked) or will Qt4 be removed altogether?

Comment 4 Andreas Sturmlechner gentoo-dev 2018-08-04 23:17:45 UTC
See $whiteboard.
Comment 5 far jump 2018-08-04 23:41:39 UTC
I would like to request that Qt4 remain in portage. The is still being used by many programs.  My team supports about 500 Gentoo servers and workstation that use ruby, Qt4 and ruby bindings.

We would like very much to move to Qt5 - but no ruby-Qt5 bindings exist yet.  There does not see valuable removing a program for which there is no replacement. (ruby-QML is not anywhere near a Qt5 substitute)
Comment 6 Andreas Sturmlechner gentoo-dev 2018-08-04 23:54:08 UTC
Qt4 is dead for years upstream and no one is going to fix it downstream either.  Fetch the ebuilds from kde-sunset.git if you need it.
Comment 7 far jump 2018-08-05 00:29:04 UTC
(In reply to Andreas Sturmlechner from comment #6)
> Qt4 is dead for years upstream and no one is going to fix it downstream
> either.  Fetch the ebuilds from kde-sunset.git if you need it.

Yes, I am aware that development has stopped on Qt4. As far our usage goes nothing needs to be fixed downstream.  We have about 300 gentoo systems deployed that run 24/7; executing very complex applications that are driven by ruby,Qtbindings and Qt4.  We have no bug issues or problems.
Comment 8 Andreas Sturmlechner gentoo-dev 2018-08-07 07:41:36 UTC
(In reply to far jump from comment #7)
> We have no bug issues or problems.
You are making the best case for maintaining it in your own overlay then. However, Gentoo will not fix Qt4 for new versions of gcc, glibc, boost, cmake, ICU, etc.

There are no blockers left for removal now. If there are no further objections from Qt team I am going to clean up Qt4.
Comment 9 Davide Pesavento (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2018-08-07 15:04:23 UTC
(In reply to Andreas Sturmlechner from comment #8)
> There are no blockers left for removal now. If there are no further
> objections from Qt team I am going to clean up Qt4.
No objections, please go ahead. And thanks a lot for all your hard work!
Comment 10 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2018-08-07 17:38:07 UTC
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s):

commit 67bb098696b2cc4c0c4b826cebc53aca9ae624df
Author:     Andreas Sturmlechner <>
AuthorDate: 2018-07-01 17:14:40 +0000
Commit:     Andreas Sturmlechner <>
CommitDate: 2018-08-07 17:37:32 +0000

    dev-qt: Remove last-rited Qt4

 app-eselect/eselect-qtgraphicssystem/Manifest      |   1 -
 .../eselect-qtgraphicssystem-1.1.1.ebuild          |  21 ---
 app-eselect/eselect-qtgraphicssystem/metadata.xml  |  11 --
 dev-qt/assistant/Manifest                          |   1 -
 dev-qt/assistant/assistant-4.8.7.ebuild            |  53 -------
 .../assistant/files/assistant-4.8.2+gcc-4.7.patch  |  12 --
 dev-qt/assistant/files/disable-webkit.patch        |  26 ----
 dev-qt/assistant/metadata.xml                      |   4 -
 dev-qt/designer/Manifest                           |   1 -
 dev-qt/designer/designer-4.8.7.ebuild              |  56 -------
 dev-qt/designer/metadata.xml                       |   4 -
 dev-qt/linguist/Manifest                           |   1 -
 dev-qt/linguist/linguist-4.8.7.ebuild              |  39 -----
 dev-qt/linguist/metadata.xml                       |   4 -
 dev-qt/pixeltool/Manifest                          |   1 -
 dev-qt/pixeltool/metadata.xml                      |   4 -
 dev-qt/pixeltool/pixeltool-4.8.7.ebuild            |  32 ----
 dev-qt/qdbusviewer/Manifest                        |   1 -
 dev-qt/qdbusviewer/metadata.xml                    |   4 -
 dev-qt/qdbusviewer/qdbusviewer-4.8.7.ebuild        |  39 -----
 dev-qt/qt-meta/metadata.xml                        |  11 --
 dev-qt/qt-meta/qt-meta-4.8.6-r1.ebuild             |  37 -----
 dev-qt/qt3support/Manifest                         |   1 -
 dev-qt/qt3support/metadata.xml                     |  16 --
 dev-qt/qt3support/qt3support-4.8.7.ebuild          |  33 -----
 dev-qt/qtbearer/Manifest                           |   1 -
 dev-qt/qtbearer/metadata.xml                       |  16 --
 dev-qt/qtbearer/qtbearer-4.8.7.ebuild              |  43 ------
 dev-qt/qtcore/Manifest                             |   1 -
 ...ExcludeSocketNotifiers-in-glib-event-loop.patch |  81 -----------
 .../qtcore-4.8.5-qeventdispatcher-recursive.patch  |  94 ------------
 dev-qt/qtcore/files/qtcore-4.8.7-libressl.patch    |  52 -------
 dev-qt/qtcore/files/qtcore-4.8.7-moc.patch         |  17 ---
 dev-qt/qtcore/metadata.xml                         |   5 -
 dev-qt/qtcore/qtcore-4.8.7-r4.ebuild               |  92 ------------
 dev-qt/qtdbus/Manifest                             |   1 -
 .../qtdbus-4.7-qdbusintegrator-no-const.patch      |  11 --
 ...bus-4.8.4-qdbusconnection-silence-warning.patch |  14 --
 dev-qt/qtdbus/metadata.xml                         |   4 -
 dev-qt/qtdbus/qtdbus-4.8.7.ebuild                  |  40 -----
 dev-qt/qtdeclarative/Manifest                      |   1 -
 dev-qt/qtdeclarative/metadata.xml                  |   5 -
 dev-qt/qtdeclarative/qtdeclarative-4.8.7.ebuild    |  51 -------
 dev-qt/qtdemo/Manifest                             |   1 -
 dev-qt/qtdemo/files/qtdemo-4.6-plugandpaint.patch  |  13 --
 dev-qt/qtdemo/metadata.xml                         |  23 ---
 dev-qt/qtdemo/qtdemo-4.8.7.ebuild                  |  88 -----------
 dev-qt/qtgui/Manifest                              |   2 -
 dev-qt/qtgui/files/qtgui-4.7.3-cups.patch          |  84 -----------
 .../qtgui-4.8.5-disable-gtk-theme-check.patch      |  22 ---
 .../qtgui/files/qtgui-4.8.5-qclipboard-delay.patch |  33 -----
 dev-qt/qtgui/metadata.xml                          |   9 --
 dev-qt/qtgui/qtgui-4.8.7.ebuild                    | 162 ---------------------
 dev-qt/qthelp/Manifest                             |   3 -
 .../qthelp/files/qthelp-4.8.6-compat-install.patch |  35 -----
 .../qthelp/files/qthelp-4.8.6-compat-syncqt.patch  |  25 ----
 dev-qt/qthelp/metadata.xml                         |   6 -
 dev-qt/qthelp/qthelp-4.8.7.ebuild                  | 111 --------------
 dev-qt/qtmultimedia/Manifest                       |   1 -
 .../files/qtmultimedia-4.8.0-alsa.patch            |  25 ----
 ...4.8.6-Relax-ALSA-version-checks-for-1.1.x.patch | 155 --------------------
 dev-qt/qtmultimedia/metadata.xml                   |   2 -
 dev-qt/qtmultimedia/qtmultimedia-4.8.7.ebuild      |  44 ------
 dev-qt/qtopengl/Manifest                           |   1 -
 dev-qt/qtopengl/metadata.xml                       |   4 -
 dev-qt/qtopengl/qtopengl-4.8.7.ebuild              |  45 ------
 dev-qt/qtscript/Manifest                           |   1 -
 .../qtscript/files/4.8.6-javascriptcore-x32.patch  |  53 -------
 dev-qt/qtscript/metadata.xml                       |   2 -
 dev-qt/qtscript/qtscript-4.8.7.ebuild              |  38 -----
 dev-qt/qtsql/Manifest                              |   1 -
 dev-qt/qtsql/metadata.xml                          |   5 -
 dev-qt/qtsql/qtsql-4.8.7-r1.ebuild                 |  59 --------
 dev-qt/qtsvg/Manifest                              |   1 -
 dev-qt/qtsvg/metadata.xml                          |   4 -
 dev-qt/qtsvg/qtsvg-4.8.7.ebuild                    |  42 ------
 dev-qt/qttest/Manifest                             |   1 -
 dev-qt/qttest/metadata.xml                         |   4 -
 dev-qt/qttest/qttest-4.8.7.ebuild                  |  32 ----
 dev-qt/qttranslations/Manifest                     |   1 -
 dev-qt/qttranslations/qttranslations-4.8.7.ebuild  |  40 -----
 dev-qt/qtxmlpatterns/Manifest                      |   1 -
 dev-qt/qtxmlpatterns/qtxmlpatterns-4.8.7.ebuild    |  33 -----
 profiles/package.mask                              |  26 ----
 84 files changed, 2180 deletions(-)
Comment 11 Raymond Jennings 2018-08-07 18:46:59 UTC
What about the qt4 eclasses?