Hi! Python distutils (i.e. setup.py) appears to do extensive probing of the python installation when installing python modules. This results in many "apparent" sandbox (v0.2.2) violations when trying to merge a python module. This appears to be the case for all python modules that use distutils to install (although I have only confirmed for gnome-python, PyXML, and Numeric so far) and is true for a python-2.1.1 and python-2.2 installation. I haven't tested against python-2.0 I believe this is related to setup.py running automake to generate Makefile's and calling some python code in the aclocal.m4 and acinclude.m4 files located in the top directory of the modules source tree. Unfortunately, I can't offer a solution at this time. But I will attach a couple example sandbox.logs to illustrate the problem. tod
Created attachment 24 [details] sandbox-PyXML-0.6.6-12713.log
Created attachment 25 [details] sandbox-gnome-python-1.4.1-r3-4971.log
Created attachment 26 [details] sandbox-Numeric-20.3-5079.log
I might work to try this by setting the SANDBOX_PREDICT variable. This prevents write outside the allowed dirs, but doesn't make the sandbox to consider this as errors. I don't know however if this doesn't interfere with the correct workings of the python check. To make it easy, you can just use the 'addpredict' bach function in your ebuild. If you're sure that it doesn't 'cause any unwanted behaviour, I could add it to the default sandbox settings.
I added the SANDBOX_PREDICT var entries and it seems to work well. All packages compile and the few I tested ran well (XChat, 4Suite). Also integrating it into portage 1.8.5-r2