I think this is because --as-needed is now used. The fix was to add -lm to LIBS in src/Makefile.in. This is on X86, CFLAGS, etc are normal and not a factor. Thank you. Neil. Reproducible: Always
Please attach full build.log and emerge --info output
I can confirm the problem when ld.gold is used as the linker.
Thanks for reporting, fixed in cvs. Patch submitted upstream at https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3526340&group_id=80471&atid=559874 > 13 May 2012; Alexandre Rostovtsev <tetromino@gentoo.org> > galculator-1.3.4.ebuild, +files/galculator-1.3.4-libm.patch: > Add patch to explicitly link with -lm (bug #415717, thanks to ncahill_alt). > Add missing dependencies. Update to EAPI4.