chromium-14.0.835.15 suddenty RDEPENDs on media-sound/pulseaudio: x4 ~ # USE="-gnome" emerge -pv www-client/chromium These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild N ] net-libs/libasyncns-0.8-r1 USE="-debug -doc" 334 kB [ebuild N ] dev-libs/json-c-0.9 333 kB [ebuild N ] gnome-extra/gnome-audio-2.22.2 USE="-debug" 1,703 kB [ebuild N #] media-sound/pulseaudio-9999 USE="X alsa asyncns caps dbus glib orc tcpd udev -avahi -bluetooth -doc -equalizer -gnome -ipv6 -jack -libsamplerate -lirc (-oss) -realtime (-system-wide) -test" 0 kB [ebuild U #] www-client/chromium-14.0.835.15 [14.0.825.0-r1] USE="cups -gnome* -gnome-keyring -kerberos -test" LINGUAS="-am -ar -bg -bn -ca -cs -da -de -el -en_GB -es -es_LA -et -fa -fi -fil -fr -gu -he -hi -hr -hu -id -it -ja -kn -ko -lt -lv -ml -mr -nb -nl -pl -pt_BR -pt_PT -ro -ru -sk -sl -sr -sv -sw -ta -te -th -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW" 156,280 kB Total: 5 packages (1 upgrade, 4 new), Size of downloads: 158,649 kB The following keyword changes are necessary to proceed: #required by www-client/chromium-14.0.835.15, required by www-client/chromium (argument) >=media-sound/pulseaudio-9999 ** The following mask changes are necessary to proceed: #required by www-client/chromium-14.0.835.15, required by www-client/chromium (argument) # /etc/portage/package.mask: >=media-sound/pulseaudio-9999 Please drop this dependency, because I don't need nor do I want pulseaudio on my machine. Thanks.
Ah, it's the freshly integrated webrtc component that causes this dependency. Can we introduce a new "webrtc" USEFLAG? Then just add the following to RDEPEND: webrtc? ( media-sound/pulseaudio ) and the following to src_configure(): $(gyp_use webrtc enable_webrtc) Thanks.
Updating summary.
Created attachment 282231 [details, diff] Ebuild patch to make WebRTC support optional
Created attachment 282233 [details] chromium ebuild with patch applied I've tested the fix suggested by octoploid in comment 1 and it works for me, thank you! Here is the ebuild I used and a diff against the existing ebuild.
webrtc is a new thing. Before adding a USE flag, let's wait for a few more releases and see what happens. We're still in the hard masked area. But I'm generally fine with adding that USE flag, I can obviously understand the pulseaudio problems.
Upstream bug:
Thanks, fixed in >=www-client/chromium-15.0.861.0