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Bug 367467 - sys-apps/iproute2-2.6.35-r2 does not automatically set link to up when adding addresses on s390
Summary: sys-apps/iproute2-2.6.35-r2 does not automatically set link to up when adding...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Core system (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo's Team for Core System packages
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Blocks: 295613 373251 374183
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Reported: 2011-05-16 05:08 UTC by SpanKY
Modified: 2011-07-06 01:59 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description SpanKY gentoo-dev 2011-05-16 05:08:13 UTC
on s390 systems, simply adding an ip address to a device does not automatically set the link to "up".  this causes problems when using openrc as the interface is configured but never actually brought up (the module does not explicitly call _up after adding an address).

workaround for module:
--- a/net/
+++ b/net/
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ _add_address()
    veinfo ip addr add "$@" dev "${IFACE}"
    ip addr add "$@" dev "${IFACE}"
+   _up

but i'm not sure if this is a bug in iproute2, a bug in an s390 driver, or a feature we simply rely on that is provided by most systems, but isnt actually guaranteed across all ...
Comment 1 William Hubbs gentoo-dev 2011-05-20 18:12:35 UTC
(In reply to comment #0)
> but i'm not sure if this is a bug in iproute2, a bug in an s390 driver, or a
> feature we simply rely on that is provided by most systems, but isnt actually
> guaranteed across all ...

Do you have any more info on this? Should I commit the workaround so that we can get this stable on s390?
Comment 2 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2011-05-28 15:38:39 UTC
research needs to be done to find out where the difference is arising from, and then we can figure out what the correct fix is.  if it's a bug in the s390 net driver, we should fix the driver.  if it's a bug in iproute2 that only manifests on s390, then we should fix iproute2.  if this is expected behavior of driver/iproute2 and things just happen to work in most places, then we should make the proposed change to openrc.

in other words, we shouldnt commit anything at this point.
Comment 3 William Hubbs gentoo-dev 2011-06-06 12:32:46 UTC
Do you have any results for this bug? I would like to make openrc/baselayout-2 stable everywhere so that we can deprecate baselayout-1, but this bug is blocking that.


Comment 4 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2011-06-28 04:09:39 UTC
playing a bit more, ip does not automatically bring things up.  seems openrc itself calls _up() in start() before it loads any modules.  but this doesnt work on qeth links as it's done too early -- before ccwgroup gets a chance to configure.

i've committed a fix for this and added it to 0.8.3;a=commitdiff;h=c427d3c1fec89f6a9281dccdc123bad73af80804