The "show" option of rc-update command from baselayout-1 has a very useful feature: it displays the list of entries alphabetically. This makes it easier to find the name of the service in the list, which may get to be pretty large. The new rc-update command has lost this feature: the list (which is even longer because baselayout-2 defines more services) shows up in a random order. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Enter the command "rc-update show" as root. Actual Results: killprocs | shutdown netmount | default consolefont | boot devfs | sysinit procfs | boot gpm | default hwclock | boot keymaps | boot dmesg | sysinit udev-postmount | default termencoding | boot local | default nonetwork urandom | boot modules | boot hostname | boot swap | boot mtab | boot bootmisc | boot udev | sysinit savecache | shutdown sysctl | boot localmount | boot net.lo | boot root | boot mount-ro | shutdown fsck | boot Expected Results: bootmisc | boot consolefont | boot devfs | sysinit dmesg | sysinit fsck | boot gpm | default hostname | boot hwclock | boot keymaps | boot killprocs | shutdown local | default nonetwork localmount | boot modules | boot mount-ro | shutdown mtab | boot net.lo | boot netmount | default procfs | boot root | boot savecache | shutdown swap | boot sysctl | boot termencoding | boot udev | sysinit udev-postmount | default urandom | boot Filtering through sort -b is a workaround, but, given the simplicity of the older version, is an annoyance.
When I had to look yesterday at a box that wasn't starting up after the migration, using a live-cd, I thought to myself I should report this. Mike, thanks for doing it.
baselayout-1 itself doesnt do sorting. it uses `ls` which happens to sort its output by default.;a=commitdiff;h=11d8b70d74b339777c7849dc3688244e85587501