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Bug 32528 - rdiff-backup update should be in the tree :)
Summary: rdiff-backup update should be in the tree :)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Martin Holzer (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-11-02 03:21 UTC by klavs klavsen
Modified: 2003-11-02 05:55 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description klavs klavsen 2003-11-02 03:21:22 UTC
Just changed the 0.12.5-r1 to 0.12.6 and it works just fine. it's the stable
release, so I see no reason to not bump 0.12.6 to stable.

I'd like to help, with the packages that I maintain through -
unfortunately, Stuart has been busy, so he hasn't added the updates that I've
emailed him about (for turck-mmcache etc.). 

IMHO it's too bad Gentoo hasn't gotten the developer base broad enough, so any
small contribution can be added (like these small update info's :) - we need the
latest and greatest you know :)

New in v0.12.6 (2003/11/02)

Yet another unreadable file non-root regress bug fix.  Sorry about

Added --list-increment-sizes option from the development branch.
Previously this option was in the man page but was omitted in the code
(thanks to Michael Schwendt for report).

Regressing and restoring should now take less memory when processing
large directories (noticed by Luke Mewburn and others).

When regressing, remove mirror_metadata and similar increments first.
This will hopefully help regressing a backup that failed because disk
was full (reported by Erik Forsberg).

Fixed rather important quoting problem: quoting directives like
--windows-mode were simply ignored when rdiff-backup was running
remotely!  I'm surprised no one noticed this.  Are none of you using
--windows-mode or similar?

Fixed handling of (lack of) daylight savings time.  Earlier bug would
cause some files to be marked an hour later.  Thanks to Troels Arvin
and Farkas Levente for bug report.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 klavs klavsen 2003-11-02 03:24:47 UTC
I forgot to note, that you no longer need unreadable-files patch in the ebuild.
Comment 2 Martin Holzer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-11-02 05:55:29 UTC
in cvs